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HECP Paper With ANS Key

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#SUBJECT#HECP *d) All of the above

6. The mode of transport of an infectous agent
@$#SINGLE# through the environment to a susceptible host
difficulty:MEDIUM is called a….
language:English a) carrier
1. Epidemiologists are interested in learning b) reservoir
c) vector
a) the causes of diseases and how to cure or
control them *d) vehicle
b)the frequency and geographic distribution of Exp: Vehicle: Transmission of pathogen
diseases vehicles such as water, food, air (environment)
c)the causal relationships between diseases 7. There is a community of 100,000 persons in
*d) all of the above
central India) During the year of the floods
2. Diseases that are always present in a (2008 there were 1,000 deaths from all causes.
community, usually at a low, more or less A study of all cases of tuberculosis found the
constant, frequency are classified as having an number of deaths at 300 (200 males and 100
____________ pattern females.During 2007, there were only 60 deaths
a) epidemic
*b) endemic from tuberculosis, 50 of them males. The crude
c) pandemic mortality rate for community in 2008 was:
b) All of these a) 300 per 100,000
Exp: b) 60 per 1,000
3. An epidemic that becomes unusually
*c) 10 per 1,000
widespread and even global in its reach is
referred to as a d) 100 per 11000
*a) pandemic Exp:
b) hyperendemic 8. Which index uses the WHO probe to calculate
c) Spanish flu scores?
d) All
a) Turesky
4. A disease vector is a(n) b) Eastman Interdental Bleeding Index
____________________ . c) Sulcus Bleeding Index
*a) organism that transmits a disease *d) Periodontal Screening and Recording Index
b) symptom of a disease Exp:
c) environmental condition associated with a
disease 9. Epidemiologists define disease occurrence in
d) None terms of:
Exp: Disease vectors are intermediate hosts or a) Agent
organisms that spread a disease. Mosquitoes, b) Host
fleas, lice, ticks, flies, and snails are vectors for
c) Environment
specific diseases that infect humans. They carry
the microorganisms that cause diseases such as *d) All of the above
the plague Exp: Interaction of these three factors is
5. Epidemiologists define disease occurrence in necessary to initiate the disease process (agent,
terms of: host & environment). These three factors are
a) Agent referred to as an epidemiological triad)
10. Virulence is the:
c) Environment
a) Ability to cause clinical disease d) An agent bearing substance that is eaten or
*b) Ability to cause severe disease drunk
c) The ability to evoke an immune response Exp:
d) All of the above 15. Which receptors are required for
Exp: Pathogenicity: refer to the ability of attachment of the HIV virion on to the target
microbial species to produce disease) cell?
Virulence: is the ability of strain of *a) CD4, CCR5
microorganisms to cause disease) M. b) CD4, CD8
Tuberclosis contain strain of a varying degree of c) CD4, CD28
virulence) Eg. vaccine contains avirulent strain. d) CD8, CCR5
11. An infectious disease agent may cause: e) CD8, CD28
a) No infection Exp:
b) Subclinical infection 16. Which components of the HIV virion attach
c) Clinical infection to the CD4 target cell initially?
*d) All of the above a) gp120, p24
Exp: *b) gp120, gp41
12. Septicemia is: c) p24, p17
*a) Acute illness caused by agents circulating in d) p51, gp41
the blood e) p51, p17
b) Infection in a previously healthy person Exp:
c) Caused by secondary infection 17. The genetic material of the HIV is:
d) An example of the carrier state a) DNA
Exp: *b) RNA
13. The incubation period is the interval c) Both DNA and RNA
between: d) Protein
a) The time of infection and death Exp:
b) Appearance of clinical symptoms and death 18. Surveillance systems usually use which of
*c) The time of infection and appearance of the following study designs?
clinical symptoms a) Cohort
d) Time of infection and appearance of b) Cross-sectional
antibodies *c) Serial cross-sectional
e) Time of infection and the appearance of IgM d) Case-control
agent specific immunoglobulins e) Mortality
Exp: Exp:
14. A “fomite” is: 19. The majority of TB is transmitted:
a) An agent conducting aerosol *a) By respiratory droplet
*b) A blanket, door handle or other inanimate b) Transplacentally
article on the surface of which c) Direct skin-to-skin contact
the agent resides d) By Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes
c) A vector between an arthropod and the Exp:
susceptible host 20. LTBI is defined by:
*a) A positive PPD, a negative x-ray, and no *a) Bat
symptoms b) Rabbit
b) A positive x-ray, a positive PPD, and no c) Ferret
symptoms d) Guinea pig
c) Physical symptoms, a negative X-ray, and a e) Pigs
positive PPD Exp: Ebola virus is animal-borne, with fruit bats
d) A positive PPD, positive x-ray, and symptoms being the most likely source) The bats carrying
Exp: the virus can transmit it to other animals, like
21. A TB patient is considered non-infectious apes, monkeys, duikers and humans. Ebola virus
when he/she has: spreads to people through direct contact with
a) A negative chest x-ray bodily fluids of a person who is sick with or has
*b) Three sequential negative sputum smears died from EVD) This can occur when a person
c) No physical symptoms touches the infected body fluids (or objects that
d) All of the above are contaminated with them), and the virus gets
Exp: in through broken skin or mucous membranes
22. A recently developed test for tuberculosis in the eyes, nose, or mouth. The virus can also
that has both a high sensitivity and a high spread to people through direct contact with
specificity is: the blood, body fluids and tissues of infected
*a) Gold QuantiFERON fruit bats or primates. People can get the virus
b) PPD through sexual contact as well.
c) Sputum 26. A emerging infectious disease are that
d) Serology a) have recently appeared within a
Exp: population
23. The most common cause of diarrhea b) those whose incidence or geographic
globally is: range is rapidly increasing
a) E) coli c)threatens to increase in the near future
b) Compylobacter d) or existing disease that has recently
*c) Rotavirus developed new clinical pattern or developed
d) V. cholerae resistance to existing therapy
e) Cyclospora cayetanensis *e) All of these
Exp: Rotaviruses are the most common cause of Exp: These are infections that have
severe diarrhoeal disease in young children recently appeared within a population or
throughout the world) those whose incidence or geographic
24. Treatment of acute diarrhea includes: range is rapidly increasing or threatens to
a) Oral rehydration and penicillin increase in the near future or existing
*b) Oral rehydration, zinc supplementation disease that has recently developed new
c) Intravenous saline and penicillin clinical pattern, or developed resistance to
d) Oral rehydration, energy-rich food, and zinc existing therapy. Emerging infections can
supplementation be caused by:
e) Energy-rich food and zinc supplementation  Previously undetected or unknown
Exp: infectious agents
25. The animal linked to Ebola virus is the:
 Known agents that have spread to o Virulence of a strain is not
new geographic locations or new constant and may undergo
populations variation
o Exaltation: enhancement of
 Previously known agents whose role
virulence of strain of mos
in specific diseases has previously
o Attenuation: reduction of
gone un-recognized)
virulence of strain
 Examples: 28. Iatragenic infection is a/an
o Severe acute respiratory a) subsequent infection with the same parasite in
syndrome (SARS) & MERS the same host
*b) Physician induced infection resulting from
o H1N1 (bird flu/avian drug therapy or an investigative procedure
influenza): positive in India c) when clinical symptoms of infection are not
was reported on May 2009, Apparent
from a passenger who d) initial infection
 Exp: Type of infection:
traveled from the USA
Primary infection: initial infection
arriving at Hyderabad
Reinfection: subsequent infection
airport. with the same parasite in the same
o H5N1 host
o chikungunya virus, Dengue, Secondary infection: when the
Zika virus, Nipah & Ebola body resistance is lower by
virus, Meningococcal disease preexisting infectious disease, a new
 Re-emerging infectious parasite set up an infection
secondary infection
diseases(EIDs): Re-emergence of
Cross infection: when a patient
agents whose incidence of disease
already suffering from a disease
had significantly declined in the
acquires a new infection from
past, but whose incidence of disease another host for another external
has reappeared) This class of source. Ex Nosocominal infection
diseases is known as re-emerging Iatrogenic infection: Physician
infectious diseases. induced infection resulting from
 Example: Chikungunya (2003 than drug therapy or an investigative
Re-emerge in 2007 after 3 years) procedure(infection like AIDS and
27. Exaltation is a……. Hepatitis B may sometimes
a) Reduction of virulence of strain of MOs transmitted during procedure such
species as injection, blood transfusion,
*b) Enhancement of virulence of strain of MOs dialysis and surgery)
species Subclinical infection: when
c) ability of MOs to produce disease clinical symptoms of infection are
d) None not Apparent
 Exp: Virulence: is the ability of strain
Latent infection: following infection, some
of microorganisms to cause disease. M. parasites may remain in a latent for hidden
Tuberclosis contain strain of a varying from in host tissue and they proliferate and
degree of virulence. Eg. Vaccine produce disease when the resistance of the host
contains avirulent strain. is lowered
29. Nosocominal infection is a/an
*a) infection acquired in Healthcare facility c) Tertiary prevention
including Hospital d) None of these
Physician induced infection resulting from Exp:
drug therapy or an investigative procedure 35. Scientific study of the human population is
c) when clinical symptoms of infection are not known as
a) Epidemiology
d) initial infection
Exp: A. infection acquired in Healthcare facility *b) Demography
including Hospital biomedical intervention are c) Facundity
called nosocomial infection or Healthcare d) Natality
associated infection (HAI) { acquired as clinical Exp:
setting} 36. Nikshay, web based program surveillance system
Example urinary tract infection &upper is design for monitoring of the disease
respiratory tract infection a) Leprosy
30. Diagnosis of TB under RNTCP is mainly *b) Tuberculosis
based on
c) Hepatitis
*a) Smear sputum test
b) Tuberculin test d) Swine flu
c) TB blood test Exp:
d) Heaf test 37. The oral contraceptive pill contains
Exp: a) Estrogen
31. Mode of transmission of HIV infection b) Progestogen
includes *c) Both a and b
a) Sexual contact d) Oxytocin
b) parenteral e) Testosterone
c) Perinatal
d) only a & c
*e) all of there 38. Minipill contains
Exp: Parenteral: via Injectable devices-blood a) Estrogen
transfusion, sharing contaminated syringes & *b) Progestogen
needle. Perinatal- from infected mother to her c) Both a and b
child d) Oxytocin
32. Arboviral disease is a/an e) Testosterone
a) Airborne bacterial disease Exp:
*b) Arthropod Borne viral disease 39. Mechanism of action of combined oral
c) Protozoa borne diseases contraceptive pills
d) None of these a) Induce ovulation
Exp: *b) Prevent ovulation
33. Traditional model for infectious disease is c) Spermicidal action
*a) Epidemiological triad d) None of these
b) Rothtmann's casual pies Exp:
c) Both of these 40. Second generation iuds contain
d) None of these a) Lippes loop
Exp: *b) Copper T
34. Action taken at the early stage of the disease c) Plastic device which release levonorgestrel
which halt the progression of disease is included in d) Condom
which level of prevention of disease Exp:
a) Primary prevention 41. Vasectomy is a method in which
*b) Secondary prevention *a) Permanent block/cut vas deferens tubes
b) Permanent block/cut fallopian tube a) tuberculosis
c) Coitus interruptus *b) leprosy
d) None of these c) Nigeria Gonorrhea
Exp: d) syphilis
42. Billing's method is a Exp:
*a) Contraceptive method 50. HIV attacks on the host
b) Building method used in a business *a) immune system
c) Prescription bill of schedule h drug b) endocrine system
d) None of these c) cardiovascular system
Exp: d) reproductive system
43.Eligible couple are those who Exp:
a) Have 2-3 living children 51. epidemiology is basically the study of
*b) Married couple, wife being in reproductive age a) women population
c) Unmarried women that are lesbian b) human population
d) None of these *c) disease
Exp: d) study of microorganisms
44. Daily requirement of iodine is Exp:
a) 10 to 15
*b) 100-200 microgram
c) 300 to 500 microgram
d) 5- 10 microgram
45. measles are caused by
a) vericella zoster virus
*b) rubella virus
c) H1 N1 virus
d) retrovirus
46. Malaria is transmitted by
a) Anopheles Mosquito female
b) infected needle
c) blood transfusion
*d) All of these
47. protozoal disease is
*a) amoebiasis
b) typhoid
c) cholera
d) plague
48. information of parotid gland are seen in
*a) mums
b) rabies
c) polio
d) diphtheria
49. Hansen disease is also known as

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