The document lists high-risk areas for piracy, war, terrorism and related perils as designated by the London market's joint war committee. It identifies specific areas in Africa, Asia, the Indian Ocean, the Middle East, and South America that pose increased risk. Members are advised to contact the club for more information on piracy risks in the listed regions.
The document lists high-risk areas for piracy, war, terrorism and related perils as designated by the London market's joint war committee. It identifies specific areas in Africa, Asia, the Indian Ocean, the Middle East, and South America that pose increased risk. Members are advised to contact the club for more information on piracy risks in the listed regions.
The document lists high-risk areas for piracy, war, terrorism and related perils as designated by the London market's joint war committee. It identifies specific areas in Africa, Asia, the Indian Ocean, the Middle East, and South America that pose increased risk. Members are advised to contact the club for more information on piracy risks in the listed regions.
The document lists high-risk areas for piracy, war, terrorism and related perils as designated by the London market's joint war committee. It identifies specific areas in Africa, Asia, the Indian Ocean, the Middle East, and South America that pose increased risk. Members are advised to contact the club for more information on piracy risks in the listed regions.
The London market’s joint war committee has listed the
following high-risk areas for war, piracy, terrorism and related perils.
Members should contact the club for further information
concerning piracy risks in these areas.
Sam Kendall-Marsden, Syndicate Director
+44 20 3320 8876
Africa –– Sulu Archipelago (including
–– Benin Jolo), defined as the area –– Eritrea (only south of 15° N) enclosed between: –– Gulf of Guinea (but only the waters • On the western side, a straight of the Togolese, Beninese and line between Tanjung Bidadari Nigerian Exclusive Economic (5° 49’6N, 118°21’0E) to Zones north of latitude 3° N) position 3°32’0N, 118°57’0E –– Libya • On the south-eastern side, –– Nigeria a straight line from there to –– Somalia position 5°50’0N, 122°31’0E –– Togo and thence northwards to position 7°06’6N, 122°31’0E John Reay, Claims Executive Indian Ocean/Arabian Sea/Gulf of • On the northern side, a straight +44 20 3320 8826 Aden/Gulf of Oman/Southern Red Sea line from there to Batorampon –– The waters enclosed by the Point Light (7°06’6N, 121°53’8E) following boundaries: • On the north-western side, • On the north-west, by the Red a straight line from there Sea, south of latitude 15° N back to Tanjung Bidadari • On the west of the Gulf of Oman by longitude 58° E Middle East • On the east, longitude 78° E –– Bahrain (excluding transit) • On the south, latitude 12° S –– Iran –– excepting coastal waters of –– Iraq (including all Iraqi offshore oil adjoining territories up to 12 nm terminals) offshore (unless otherwise provided) –– Israel –– Lebanon Asia –– Saudi Arabia (excluding transit) –– Pakistan –– Syria –– Yemen Indonesia/Malaysia/Philippines –– Borneo (but only the north-east South America coast between the ports of –– Venezuela (including all offshore Kudat and Tarakan inclusive) installations in the Venezuelan –– Jakarta port Exclusive Economic Zone)