USMLE Neurology
USMLE Neurology
USMLE Neurology
■ Beta → Awake (eyes open) ■ Alpha → Awake (eyes closed) ■ Theta → Stage 1, light sleep ■ Sleep
Spindles and K complexes → Stage 2, deeper ■ Delta → Deepest non-REM sleep; delta waves have
lowest frequency, highest amplitude ■ Beta → During REM ● REM○ REM sleep is like sex → Increase
pulse rate, penis/clitoris get hard (tumescence), decreases with age ● Narcolepsy ○ HypnaGOgic
hallucatinations → While GOing to bed ○ HypnopoMpic → Just before awakening in the Morning
● t-test checks difference between the means of 2 groups → Mr. T is mean ● ANOVA checks difference
between the means of 3 or more groups → ANOVA is ANalysis Of VAriance of 3 or more groups ● Chi2
symbol looks like a percentage sign (%); thus chi squared is used to compare percentages/proportions
Pygmalion effect → Researcher’s belief in efficacy of Tx changes the outcome of the treatment
● Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Grieving, Acceptance → Death Arrives Bringing Grave Adjustments
● HeteroChromatin = Highly Condensed ● H1 is the linker region between histone octamer balls (beads
on a string) → The 1 is like the little piece of string connecting them
DNA replication
● Prokaryotes ○ DNA pol I (one) → One (me, number 1, looking out for number 1) → “I always have to
do all of the bullshit, like fixing the mess of RNA created by primase” ● Eukaryotes ○ DNA polymerase
gamma replicates mitochondrial DNA; beta and epsilon repair DNA ■ Gamma (grandma) might
(mitochondria) beat-off (beta) elderly (epsilon) repairmen (repair)
Strong Slippery Bloody BM ○ Type I collagen → Strong (Bone, skin, tendon, dentin) ○ Type II collagen →
Slippery (Cartilage, nucleus pulposus) ○ Type III collagen → Bloody (highly vascular tissue like
granulation tissue, blood vessels, uterus (which bleeds), fetal tissue) ○ Type IV collagen → Basement
membrane (BM) (or basal lamina)
HeteroPLASMy → Presence of both normal and mutated mitochondrial DNA, resulting in variable
expression in mitochondrial inherited disease → Can associate with mitochondrial DNA because it is
circular like a PLASMid
Tender Loving Care For Nancy" ● Thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP) ● Lipoic acid ● Coenxyme A