Aktu Syllabus Mba 4th Sem
Aktu Syllabus Mba 4th Sem
Aktu Syllabus Mba 4th Sem
Evaluation Scheme
S. Subject Periods
No. Code Course Title Sessional ESE Total Credit
L T P CT TA Total
Corporate Governance :
1 RMB401 4 0 0 20 10 30 70 100 4
Values and Ethics
2 RMB402 4 0 0 20 10 30 70 100 4
TOTAL 800 27
For major specialization, student will select all two (02) elective subjects from that group and for
minor specialization, student will select any one (01) elective subjects from that group.
Course Objectives:
To introduce the concept and importance of corporate governance
To introduce the concept and importance of business ethics
To know the facets of ethics management
To know the ethical values and Indian ethos in Management.
Unit I (6 hours)
Issues, need of corporate governance code, Code of Corporate Practices, Social Responsibility
of Corporates, Corporate Social Reporting, Corporate Governance and the Role of Board(BOD),
Corporate Governance System Worldwide, Corporate Disclosure and Investor Protection in
Unit 2 (8 hours)
Code of Corporate Governance, Audit Committee, Corporate Excellence, Role of Independent
Directors, and Protection of Stakeholders, Changing Roles of Corporate Boards with changing
times, Corporate Social Responsibility.
Unit 3 (8 hours)
Moral Values and Ethics: Values – Concepts, Types and Formation of Values, Values of Indian
Managers; Managerial Excellence through Human Values; Spiritual Values. Modern Business
Ethics and Dilemmas, Conflict between personal values and organizational goals
Unit 4 (8 hours)
Business Ethics: Meaning, Definition, Nature, Importance.
Ethical Dilemma – Ethical Decision Making, Ethical Reasoning, Ethical issues, Ethics
Management – Key roles and responsibilities, Benefits of Managing Ethics in Work Place, Code
of ethics, Guidelines for developing code of ethics
Historical Perspective of Ethics – Plato, Aristotle, Benedict Spinoza, Immanuel Kant, Bhagwat Gita,
Buddhism, Sufism, Capitalism, Marxism, Socialism, Utilitarianism
Unit 5 (8 hours)
Institutionalizing of Ethics, Traditional view, Contractual theory, Stake-holders’ theory, The
Regulatory and voluntary actions. Ethics and HRM, Ethics and Marketing, Ethics in Finance
and Accounting, Ethical implications of Technology. Ethics and Information Technology.
Reference Books:
1) S.S. Iyer - Managing for Value (New Age International Publishers, 2002)
2) Laura P Hartman Abha Chatterjee - Business Ethics (Tata McGraw Hill, 2007)
3) Mohapatra, Sreejesh- Case Studies in Business Ethics & Corporate Governance, 1e,
Websites: www.clearias.com/corporategovernance/
Course Outcome:
After going through this course the studet will be able to:
Have an insights into various concepts & cases related to Corporate
Gain a deeper understanding of the various aspects, factors related to role of ethics
in Business.
Course Objectives:
Unit 1 (8 Hours)
Introduction: Meaning, definition and concept of entrepreneur, entrepreneurship
entrepreneurship development. Factors affecting entrepreneurship, characteristics and skills of an
entrepreneur, entrepreneur v/s manager. Evolution of entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship, concepts of
intrapreneurship, types of entrepreneurs, functions of entrepreneur, advantages of becoming an
entrepreneur, entrepreneurial decision-process, challenges faced by entrepreneurs,common
mistakes in entrepreneurship, and changing role of entrepreneur.Women enterprises, social, and
rural entrepreneurship.
Role of central government and state government in promoting entrepreneurship with various
incentives, subsidies, grants, export oriented units – fiscal & tax concessions, other government
initiatives and inclusive entrepreneurial growth.Financing of small scale industries in developing
countries.Overview of MSME policy of government in India.
Role of agencies assisting entrepreneurship: DICs, SSIs, NSICs, EDII NIESBUD, NEDB,
Entrepreneurship Development Institute (EDI). New initiatives taken by government to promote
entrepreneurship in India at larger scale.
Unit 3 (8 hours)
Developing Entrepreneurial Mind-set:Idea generation- sources and methods, identification and
classification of ideas. Individual creativity: roles and process; idea to business opportunity.
Entrepreneurial motivation, meaning of entrepreneurial competencies, major entrepreneurial
competencies, developing entrepreneurial competencies. Opportunity assessment,business
opportunities in various sectors, challenges of new venture start-up, reasons for failure; how to begin
with low investment.
Unit 5 (5 hours)
Launching a New Venture: Steps involved in launching a business (Process charts), Various
Forms of business ownership, Registration of business units; start-up to going IPO; revival, exit
and end to a venture.
Text Books
Reference Books
Course Outcome:
Code: RMB HR 01
Unit 3 (7 hrs)
Employee Engagement: Preparing recruitment plan, E-recruitment (using various job portals),
searching & downloading applicant profile by using job portals, selecting recruitment source,
preparing recruitment budget, employer branding, formulating a recruitment strategy (specifically
for Managerial/Executive jobs),Selection process, Use of assessment centres, selection errors &
minimising selection errors, Reliability & Validity tests, Choosing the types of interviews.
Unit 4 ( 8 hrs)
Employee Retention: Comprehensive approach to Retaining employees, Managing Voluntary
Turnover, dealing with Job Withdrawal, Strategic Compensation plan for Talent Engagement,
Defining the Elements of Total Rewards, Integrated Rewards Philosophy, Designing Integrated
Rewards, Sustainable Talent Management and Reward Model.
Unit 5. ( 7 hrs)
Emerging Trends in HR: Human Resource Audits, Human Resource Information System
(HRIS), Human Resource Accounting (HRA), Contemporary development, and Cultural
development, Business Process Re-engineering, Contemporary Talent Management Issues and
Text Books:
Dessler Gary, A Framework for Human Resource Management, Pearson Publication, 7
Dessler Gary, Varkkey Biju, Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, Pearson
Publication,14 Edition
Articulate the benefits of using a performance development plan and the consequences
of not having one in place.
Distinguish the elements of an effective, integrated performance development system.
Devise “SMART” annual performance objectives (e.g., objectives that are specific,
measurable, attainable, relevant and track able).
To familiarize the students with the concept of competency mapping and understanding
its role in career development.
To familiarize students with various aspects of compensation system in India and make
them understand various issues linked with the process of fixing salary dearness
allowance, bonus, incentive scheme and benefits.
Unit1: (7 hours)
Introduction to Performance Management System
Meaning, Uses and purpose of performance management, how it differs from performance
appraisal, Performance management and its challenges in current scenario, Performance
management as a system and process, Establishing performance criterion of developing an
effective appraisal system, Criteria (KRA, KSA VS KPI), why performance appraisal,
Unit2: (6 hours)
Managing Performance Methods of managing performance of all the levels of
management- 360 degree performance appraisal, MBO and, Performance analysis for
Individual and organizational development,
Unit3: (6 hours)
Contemporary Issues Potential appraisal, competency mapping & its linkage with career
development and succession planning, Balance score card- advantages and applications.
Unit 4: (7 hours)
Reward System Compensation- Definition, Function, significance. Job evaluation, methods of
job evaluation, inputs to job evaluation, its practical implication for technical/non technical and
executive/managerial positions, and significance of wage differentials.
Unit 5: (7 Hours)
Compensation: Method of pay and Allowances Pay structure: Basic Pay, DA, HRA,
Gross Pay, Take home pay etc. Methods of payments- Time and piece rate. Fringe benefits
& other allowances- overtime, city compensatory, travelling etc. Overview of minimum
wages Act- 1948 and Equal Remuneration Act-1976. Regulatory compliance including
wage and pay commissions, incentive scheme-individual, group, profit sharing- co-
partnership- stock option: ESOP, welfare Measures- Statutory & non- Statutory, social
security schemes- ESIS, PF, Pension, Insurance, Gratuity and Maternity Benefits.
Unit 6: (7 Hours)
Practical: Preparation of pay roll on excel sheet for executive and managerial position. New
practices of compensating employees. (Eg flexi wage system) (3 hours)
Employability skills
Reference Books:
1. Michael, Armstrong (1999). Performance Management. Kogan Page.
Text Book:
1. Performance Management and Appraisal Systems: HR Tools for Global Competitiveness by
T.V. Rao. New Delhi, Response Books, 2007.
ICFAI Journals
Business Manager Websites:
People Matters www.shrm.org
Code: RMB HR 03
Course Credits: 3 Teaching Hours: 36 Hrs
Course Objectives:
Unit 1:
Introduction: Concept, objectives, functions, significance & aspects of Industrial Relations
Emerging challenges of IR in India, Linking Industrial Relations with economic growth of a
country, Trade Unionism: Development of trade unionism, functions, type and structure, problems
& suggestive remedial measures of trade unions, The Trade Unions Act 1926- objectives,
recognition and registration, Industrial Democracy & Participative Management
Collective Bargaining: Significance, types & Procedure of collective bargaining Discipline: The
Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act 1961, Misconduct, Disciplinary Action, Types of
punishments, Code of Discipline, Domestic Enquiry, Grievance Function in IR: Grievance
Settlement Procedure, Industrial Disputes: Preventive & Settlement Machinery in India
Unit 3
The Factories Act, 1948 & The shop & Establishment Act 1948
The Payment of Wages Act, 1923
The Workmen’s compensation Act, 1972
The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947
Unit 4
The Payment of Minimum wages act 1936
The Contract Labor (Abolition & regulative) act
The ESI Act, 1948
The Trade unions act, 1926
Unit 5
The payment of Bonus Act, 1965 The payment
of Gratuity Cat, 1972 The Maternity Benefit
Act, 1961
Employee’s Provident fund & Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952
Text Books:
3. Mamoria CB, Mamoria, Gankar - Dynamics of Industrial Relations
(Himalayan Publications, 15th Ed.)
4. Singh B.D. - Industrial Relations & Labour Laws (Excel, 1st Ed.)
Reference Books:
1. Srivastava SC - Industrial Relations and Labour Laws (Vikas, 2000, 4th Ed.)
2. Venkata Ratnam – Industrial Relations (Oxford, 2006, 2nd Ed.)
3. Monappa Arun, Industrial Relations
Code: RMB HR 04
Course Objective: The course aims at exposing the learner to the Concept and practice of
training and development in the modern organisational setting through the pedagogy of case
discussions and recent experiences. The design of the course aims to provide an experimental,
skill- based exposure to the process of planning, organizing and implementing a training system.
Unit I (6 Hours)
Introduction: Concepts and Rationale of Training and Development; Difference between
Training, Development & Education, overview of training and development systems; organizing
training department; training and development policies; linking training and development to
company’s strategy; Requisites of Effective Training ;
Role of External agencies in Training and Development.
Unit II (6 Hours)
Training Needs Assessment (TNA): Meaning of TNA, Purpose and Methods of TNA, TNA at
different levels, the Need Assessment Process – Organizational Analysis, Person Analysis, Task
Analysis, Output of TNA.
Unit IV (8 Hours)
Designing, Conducting & Evaluation of Training Program: Areas of training, Types of
training, System’s Approach to Training, Training Methods, Make or Buy Decision, Designing a
training program, contents & scheduling, study material, selecting a trainer, deciding method of
training, Costing & Training Budget, Types of Teaching Aids in Training, Training Evaluation &
Methods of Training Evaluation, Training Effectiveness Models - Kirkpatrick Model of Training
Effectiveness, CIRO Model.
Unit V (8 Hours)
Executive Development: Importance of Executive Development, Steps in the organization
of a management Development Program/ Executive Development Program, Methods/
Techniques of Management Development Program, Training & Development in Indian
Industry, Special Issues in Training & Development – Legal Issues, Cross Cultural
Preparation, Managing Workforce Diversity, Sensitivity Training, Succession Planning.
Course Outcomes:
1. Noe, Raymond A., and Amitabh Deo Kodwani, Employee Training and
Development, Tata McGraw Hill, 5th Edition, 2012.
2. Rao VSP, Human Resourse Management, Excel Books Publication, 3
Edition. 2013.
3. Rolf, P., and Udai Pareek, Training for Development, Sage Publications Pvt. Ltd.
4. Blanchard, P. Nick, James W. Thacker and V. Anand Ram, Effective Training:
Systems, Strategies, and Practices, Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd.
5. Jack J. Phillips, Hand book of Training Evaluation and Measurement
Methods, Routledge.
6. Dayal, Ishwar, Management Training in Organisations, Prentice Hall.
Code: RMB HR 05
Course Objective: To familiarize the learners with the dynamics of collective bargaining in the
industrial relations environment in the country and to impart them relevant skills in effective
negotiations so as to help in managing unions effectively. .
Unit I (8 Hours)
Conflict: Meaning and Source of Conflict, Types of conflict, patterns, levels, and; traditional and
modern approaches to conflict; Functional and dysfunctional conflicts; Conflict Process,
Management of conflict – Resolution & Stimulation Techniques, Dual Concern Model of Conflict
Unit II (6 Hours)
Dealing with Conflict: Four myths about conflict, Team Conflict, Understanding individual styles
for handling Inter Personal Conflict, Cross – Cultural differences in Approaches to Conflict,
Importance of Emotional Intelligence.
Unit III (8 Hours)
The Negotiation Process – Gaining leverage through power & persuasion:
Elements of Negotiation, Multiparty Negotiations, Stages of Negotiation Process; Levels of
Negotiation; Issues for Negotiation; Preparation for Negotiations, Types, strategies and tactics in
negotiation. Bargaining & Negotiation: Differences and similarities. BATNA, Context of
Mediation, Conciliation, Arbitration; Principles of persuasion; Persuasion Strategy and its
Unit IV (8 Hours) Negotiation Skills for Effectiveness: Need for developing Negotiation skills,
Breakdown of
Negotiation: Causes and Consequences; Third Party Intervention, Impasse and Alternative Dispute
Resolution (ADR), What causes Impasse and Intractable Negotiations, characteristics that make a
Negotiation more intractable, Effective Negotiation: Mutual Trust and Understanding; Challenges
for effective negotiators..
Unit V (6 Hours)
The influence of culture and gender on negotiations: Understanding cultural differences in
negotiation; Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions, GLOBE study on cultural dimensions, Gender issues
in negotiations; role of cross-cultural differences in Negotiations; Seven pillars to negotiational
wisdom. International Negotiations, Best practices in negotiations.
Course Outcome:
1. Carrell. R. Michael & Heavrin Christina Heavrin, Negotiating Essentials: Theory, Skills, and
Practices, Pearson Education New Delhi, 2008
2. Lewicki J. Roy, Saunders M. David, Berry Bruce, Negotiation, Mc Graw Hill, 5 Edition,
3. Cohen, S. Negotiating Skills for Managers. McGraw Hill Professional
4. Bray M, Deery.S, Walsh.J, and Waring P, Industrial Relations: A Contemporary Approach,
Tata Mc Graw Hill.
5. Udai Pareek: Understanding Organizational Behaviour, Oxford Press
Code: RMB MK 01
Course Credits: 3 Teaching Hours: 36 Hrs
To build knowledge, understanding, and skills in Sales and Distribution management.
Enable development and implementation of Sales and Channel management strategies.
Help analyze decision alternatives and criteria in the context of realistic problem situations in
Sales and Channel management.
UNIT 1: (5 Hours)
Introduction to Sales Role of selling in marketing, Personal selling, Salesmanship and sales
manager, Types of sales personnel, Characteristics of a successful salesman, Theories of selling,
Process of effective selling.
UNIT 2: (5 Hours)
Building Sales Organization Types of sales organizations and their structure, Functions and
responsibilities of sales person, filling sales positions, Recruitment, Selection, Training and
UNIT 3: (9 Hours)
Leading Sales Organization Sales force motivation, Sales force compensation, Designing
incentives and contests, Sales forecasting, Sales budget, Sales quota, Sales territory, Building sales
reporting mechanism and monitoring, Sales force productivity, Sales force appraisal.
UNIT 4: (9 Hours)
Channel Planning Marketing channels, Structure and functions, Marketing channel design, Service
output, Supply side channel analysis, Channel flow and efficiency analysis, Channel structure and
intensity analysis, Forward and reverse logistics, Gap analysis.
UNIT 5: (8 Hours)
Managing the Marketing Channels Channel incentives and margins, Channel power, Managing
channel conflict, Motivating channel members, Channel coordination, Strategic alliances, Vertical
integration, Overview of retailing, Wholesaling and franchising.
Text Books
1. Spiro, R.L., Stanton, W.J.and Rich, G.A.; Management of Sales Force; McGraw-Hill Education
2. Havaldar, K.K., and Cavale, V.M.; Sales and Distribution Management; McGraw-Hill
Reference Books
1. Still, R.R., Cundiff, E.W. and Govani, N.A.P.; Sales Management; Pearson Education
2. Coughlan, A. T., Anderson, E., Stern, L. W. and El-Ansary, A. I.; Marketing Channels;
Pearson Education
3. Panda, T.K., and Sahdev, S.; Sales and Distribution Management; Oxford University Press
4. Futrell, C.M.; Sales Management; Cengage Learning
5. Rosenbloom, B.; Marketing Channels; Cengage Learning
Types of decision making & involvement. Information search pattern & marketing strategy. Types of choice
models – multi attribute, conjunctive, disjunctive, lexicographic & elimination by aspects. Modeling
consumer decision making – Howard Sheth model, Nicosia model and Engel Blackwell Miniard model.
Text Books:
1. Consumer Behavior, Schiffman, L. G. and Kanuk, L. L., Pearson.
Reference Books
1. Consumer Behavior, Hawkins et al., McGraw Hill.
2. Consumer Behavior, Blackwell et al., Thomson.
3. Consumer Behavior, Solomon, Prentice Hall.
4. Consumer Behavior, Concepts & Applications; Loudon, David / Bitta, Albert Della, Tata Mc
Graw Hill.
Understand the three major influences on customer choice: the process of human decision making
in a marketing context; the individual customers make up; the environment in which the customer
is embedded;
Develop the cognitive skills to enable the application of the above knowledge to marketing
decision making and activities
Code: RMB MK 03
Course Objectives:
To help students understand digital marketing practices, inclination of digital consumers androle
of content marketing.
To provide understanding of the concept of E-commerce and developing marketing strategies in
the virtual world.
To impart learning on various digital channels and how to acquire and engage consumers online.
To provide insights on building organizational competency by way of digital marketing practices
and cost considerations.
To develop understanding of the latest digital practices for marketing and promotion.
Unit 1 6 hours
Introduction to Digital Marketing: The new digital world - trends that are driving shifts from
traditional marketing practices to digital marketing practices, the modern digital consumer and new
consumer’s digital journey. Marketing strategies for the digital world - latest practices.
Unit 2 9 hours
E-Commerce and Internet Marketing: Introduction to E-marketing, online marketing-mix, online
consumer, customer relationship management in the virtual world, online branding, traffic building
and E-commerce, Managing content in a digital age – content planning and writing. Consumer
buying behaviour in the digital-age, and factors affecting consumer behaviour.
Unit 3 8 hours
Acquiring & Engaging Users through Digital Channels: Understanding the relationship between
content and branding and its impact on sales, search marketing, mobile marketing, video marketing,
and social-media marketing. Online campaign management; using marketing analytic tools to
segment, target and position; overview of search engine optimization (SEO).
Unit 4 7 hours
Designing Organization for Digital Success: Digital transformation, digital leadership principles,
online P.R. and reputation management. ROI of digital strategies, how digital marketing is adding
value to business, and evaluating cost effectiveness of digital strategies
Text Books
1. Vandana, Ahuja; Digital Marketing, Oxford University Press India (November, 2015).
2. Eric Greenberg, and Kates, Alexander; Strategic Digital Marketing: Top Digital Experts
Share the Formula for Tangible Returns on Your Marketing Investment; McGraw-Hill
Professional (October, 2013).
3. David Whiteley; E-Commerce: Strategy, Technologies and Applications, Mcgraw Hill
Reference Books
1. Menon, Arpita; Media Planning and Buying; McGraw Hill (1 Edition, 2010)
2. Arnold, George; Media Writer's Handbook: A Guide to Common Writing and Editing
Problems; McGraw-Hill Education; (5 edition, 2008)
3. Ryan, Damian; Understanding Digital Marketing: marketing strategies for engaging the
digital generation; Kogan Page (3 Edition, 2014).
Expected Course Outcomes:
It will develop proficiency in interpreting marketing strategies in the digital age and provide
fundamental knowledge for working in an online team.
It will enable them to develop various online marketing strategies for various marketing-mix
It will guide them to use various digital marketing channels for consumer acquisition and
It will help in evaluating the productivity of digital marketing channels for business success.
It will prepare candidates for global exposure of digital marketing practicesto make them
employable in a high growth industry.
Code: RMB MK 04
Course Credits: 3 Teaching Hours: 36 Hrs
To develop an understanding of the basic concepts and issues in service marketing.
To build a working service marketing vocabulary so as to understand and discuss marketing concepts
in business settings.
To learn about key characteristics of service and service processes, customer service experiences, the
role of internal stakeholders in service delivery, and organizational challenges of managing service.
To strengthen the ability to justify and support decisions through information acquisition and
To provide an understanding of how service customers determine value in a service exchange and how
this translates into a satisfied customer base.
1. Services Marketing, Zeithaml Valerie and Mary Jo Bitner, Gremler & Pandit, Tata McGraw Hill.
Reference Books
1. Services Marketing, Lovelock, Christopher. PrenticeHall.
2. Services Marketing, Nargundkar, Rajendra. Tata McGraw Hill.
3. The Essence of Services Marketing, Adrian Payne. PHI.
4. Services Marketing, Ravi Shankar. Excel Publishing
COURSE Outcome
Discuss key linkages between marketing and other business functions in the context of
designing and operating an effective service system.
UNIT 1 (5 hours)
Marketing Communication: Objectives of Marketing Communication, Functional areas of marketing
communication. Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC): concepts and process , Factors
contributing to IMC, Role of IMC in branding, IMC Partners, Promotion Mix, Integrating IMC in
Marketing Mix ,Challenges in IMC,.
UNIT 2 (9 Hours)
Advertising Management: Meaning, Nature and Scope of Advertising, Classification of advertising,
Process of Advertising, STP Strategies for Advertising , Communication Model with reference to
Advertising, AIDA. Advertising campaigns , Fundamentals of Advertising Campaigns, The Creative
Brief ,Big Idea, Getting Creative to find the Big Idea, , Advertising Appeal. Advertising Agencies –
their role, functions, organization, Compensation, client agency relationship, Management of
Advertising Agencies.
UNIT 3 (8 Hours)
Ad Budget , Ad Appropriation .Methods of Budgeting .Measuring Effectiveness of Advertisement ,
Legal and Ethical concepts and issues in Advertising, Advertising Research. Message Design-The
Creative concept development; the creative processes of the different forms of IMC; Source of the
message, Message integration
UNIT 4 (8 Hours)
International advertising and promotion: global vs local advertising, decision areas in international
advertising, role of promotional mix elements in international marketing Media Planning and
Strategy - Media Types and their characteristics; Setting Media objectives; Steps involved in media
planning, ; Media Strategy; Cross media concept; and media research.
UNIT 5 (6 Hours)
Emerging Concepts and Issues in Marketing Communications: Programmatic, native advertsing,
video, mobile, digital , Sponsorship, Role of E -Commerce in Marketing Communication. Corporate
advertising , Advertorials and Infomercials. Public Relations – Types & Tools of PR, Sales
Promotion – Different types of Sales Promotion, Publicity – Types of Publicity, Personal Selling,
Direct marketing, Event Management, Unconventional Promotional methods
1. Kruti Shah & Alan D’ Souza :Advertsing & promotions an IMC perspective- Mc Graw Hill
2. George E Belch & Michael A Blelch : Advertising and promotion- An integrated Marketing
Communication Perspective-Mc Graw Hill Education
3. Siraj M Joseph & Rahtz Don R : Integrated Marketing Communication – A Strategic Approach,
engage Learning
4. Kenneth Clow & Donald Baack : Integrated Advertising, Promotion, and Marketing
Communications, Pearson Education, Limited
5. Borden & Marshall : Advertising Management; MV Taraporevala Sons’ Co Pvt. Ltd, Richard D
Irwin Inc. Homewood, Illinois
1. Chunawala & Sethia : Foundations of Advertising Theory & Practice; Himalaya Publishing House
2. Copley Paul : Marketing Communications Management Concepts & theories, Cases and Practices;
Butterworth Heinemann Publication
3. Duncon : Integrated Marketing Communications, Tata McGraw Hills
Code: RMB FM 01
Course Credits: 3 Teaching Hours: 36 Hrs
This course will emphasize an understanding of the economic forces that influence the pricing of
financial assets.
Understanding of investment theory will be stressed and tied in with discussion of applicable
techniques such as portfolio selection.
The course material will cover formulae that can be applied in different business situations
regarding active portfolio management.
To expose the students to the concepts, tools and techniques applicable in the field of security
analysis and portfolio management.
To provide a theoretical and practical background in the field of investments.
Unit IV (08 Hrs) Bond, Equity and Derivative Analysis : Valuation of Equity Discounted Cash-flow
techniques: Balance sheet valuation, Dividend discount models, Intrinsic value and market price,
earnings multiplier approach, P/E ratio, Price/Book value, Price/sales ratio, Economic value added
(EVA). Valuation of Debentures/Bonds : nature of bonds, valuation, Bond theorem, Term structure of
interest rates.
Reference Books
1. William F. Sharpe, Gordon J.Alexander and Jeffery V.Bailey: Investments, (Prentice Hall, 6 Ed).
2. Donald Eth.Fischer and Ronald J.Jordan: Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, (Pearson Education,
6 Ed)
3. Charles P. Jones, Investments Analysis and Management, (John Wiley & Sons,
13 Ed) ..
4. Edwin J. Elton, Martin J. Gruber: Modern Portfolio Theory and Investment Analysis, 9/e, John
Wiley & Sons, 2001.
5. Sidney Cottle, Roger F. Murray, Frank E. Block, Graham and Dodd: Security Analysis, 5/e, Tata
McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2002.
Course Outcome:
After completing this course , one is able to know how to:
Mandate to have basic knowledge about NSE and Glossary at BSE & NSE
BSE Site
Mandate to have some analytical ability to analyze various portfolios
Exercise +Cases
Mandate to have various mock exercises
Code: RMB FM 02
Course Credits: 3 Teaching Hours: 40 Hrs
The present course aims at familiarizing the participants with the principles, problems and
structure of different types of business taxes in Indian
Acquaint about the relevance of direct and indirect taxes in taking business decisions.
A broad understanding or role of taxation in economic and industrial development of an
economy A student of taxation will have to make a detailed study of tax policy and tax in India.
Text Books :
1. Dr. Vinod K. Singhania& Dr. Monica Singhania Students Guide to Income Tax (Taxmann
Publication ,Latest Edition according to assessment year)
Course Outcome:
After completing this course , the scope of tax planning concerning various business and
managerial and strategic activities can be explored
Understand and critically evaluate their Tax and Tax planning
Understand how Excise and Custom tax can be calculated.
Measure Corporate Tax and Taxation in case of business restructuring
Have knowledge about various Tax Dates, Rates and Forms.
Mandate to know about current income tax Income tax Rapidex, Current tax
Rules Reporter Jodhpur
Mandate to know about calculation of Cases + Exercise
Income tax & various heads of Income
Mandate to know about calculation of Exercise + Central Excise Tariff Act-
custom and excise rates 1985 +Custom Tariff Act -1975
Code: RMB FM 03
Course Credits: 3 Teaching Hours: 36 Hrs
Course Objective:
To impart knowledge of the financial system of India, the role of important financial institutions,
financial markets and financial instruments.
Familiarizing the students with the Indian Capital market, its operations, instruments
regulations etc.
Helping students in acquiring analytical skills in the market analysis in the in the context of
raising medium and long term funds
Familiarising the students with the operations of secondary market mechanism
Developing an appreciation among the students for the Banking services and products.
Banking role and structure of banking in India, Products and services: Credit card ,Debit card Smart
card ,Internet banking , mobile banking, Demand and time deposits, Types of collateral Savings
account ,current account(CASA), Third party products :Life Insurance ,Mutual fund, Equity
,General Insurance
Course Outcomes
The student will able to know about the functioning and working of various financial
institutions in India thus in turn connecting it to the working of Indian economy.
Student will be able to gain knowledge about the working of various financial instruments in
the primary and secondary market in India as well as foreign market.
Student will be able to gain knowledge about the banking industry and working of its
various products.
Code: RMB FM 04
Course Credits: 3 Teaching Hours: 36 Hrs
Course Objectives:
To have a basic understanding of the concept and importance of sound working capital
strategies of a firm.
To have an understanding of the impact of working capital policies relating to Cash
management, inventory and receivables management on firm’s profitability.
To gain an insight into the sources of working capital financing.
Course outcome:
Evaluate comparative working capital management policies and their impact on the
firm's profitability, liquidity, risk and operating flexibility.
Evaluate the importance of effective working capital management and its role in
meeting the firm's strategic objectives and its impact in value creation.
Investigate funds flow cycles and their impact on working capital management
Compare and contrast the relative merits of alternative working capital policies and
the likely short-term and long-term impact on the firm.
Formulate appropriate working capital management policies to achieve corporate
Apply corporate cash management, accounts receivable management, bank relations,
and inventory management techniques to maximize the share holders' value.
Write a plan for a balanced integration of cash, credit and other short-term topics and
Formulate and integrate an extended treatment on international working capital topics.
Code: RMB FM 05
Course Credits: 3 Teaching Hours: 36 Hrs
Course Objective:
To make students aware of different types of Derivatives
To develop an understanding amongst students of financial derivatives and associated
regulatory framework
To have an understanding of the derivative tools such as options, futures and their
application to hedging.
Unit – 1
Introduction to derivatives market; Definition, Evolution and features of Derivatives, Types of
Derivatives, Forward , futures and options market, Forward market transactions , Forward
contracts , Forward market in India , Hedging with forwards.
Unit – 2
Forwards and Futures: Forward Contract, features of forward contracts Futures contract , types ,
functions , distinction between futures and forward , pricing of futures contract, Currency Futures
, Hedging in Currency Futures , Speculation and Arbitrage in Currency Futures , Pricing of
Futures, Cost of Carry Model , Application of Market Index , Index Futures in the Stock Market ,
Indian Derivatives Market.
Unit – 3
Introduction to Options , Hedging with Currency Options , Speculation and Arbitrage with Options
,Pricing Options , General Principles of Pricing , Black Scholes option pricing Model Index
Options , Hedging with Index Options, Speculation and Arbitrage with Index Options, Index
Options Market in Indian Stock Market , Use of different option strategies to mitigate the risk
Unit – 4
Financial Swaps, Managing Interest Rate Exposure, Interest Rate Swaps, Currency Swaps Interest Rate
Futures, Forward Rate Agreement
Employable skills :
Case study
Derivatives & Develop a understanding of financial
derivatives and associated regulatory Framework.
understanding of the derivative tools such as options, Quiz
futures and their application to hedging.
1. www.bseindia.com
2. www.nseindia.com
3. www.sebi.com
4. www.careratings.com
5. www.crisil.com
6. www.icraindia.com
7. www.capitalmarket.com
Course Outcome:
UNIT 1 (6 Hours)
Introduction, Importance and Challenges – Nature, Importance and scope of International
Marketing, Domestic marketing vs. International marketing, International marketing management
process , EPRG framework an overview: influence of physical, economic, socio-cultural, political
and legal environments on International marketing information, scanning and monitoring global
marketing environment;
UNIT 2 (8 Hours)
International Marketing Research Introduction, Concept of Marketing Research, Need for Marketing
Research, Approach to Marketing Research, Scope of International Marketing Research,
International Marketing Research Process, market surveys, marketing information
systemInternational market segmentation, International positioning strategies, International
marketing strategies International Market Entry Strategies Introduction, Different Entry Modes and
Market Entry Strategies, joint Ventures, Strategic Alliances, Direct Investment, Manufacturing and
UNIT 3 (8 Hours) International Product Policy and Planning Introduction, Product Planning in
Markets,Packaging and Labelling, International Product Life Cycle, Branding decisions in
international markets: standardization vs Adaptation , Protecting brand names
Unit 4 (8 Hours)
International Pricing Policy: Introduction, Price and Non-Price Factors, Methods of Pricing,
International Pricing Strategies, Dumping and Price Distortion, Counter Trade Legal and Ethical
Unit 5 (6 Hours)
International Promotional Strategies Introduction, Communications Process, principles of
communication, Status of Promotion, Promotion Appeals, Media Selection, Personal Selling, Public
Relations and Publicity, Sales Promotion, advertising, e-marketing International e-tailing, concept
and types, benefits, segmentation, pricing and promotional strategies in etailing.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon completion of this course, students will be able to complete the
following key tasks
1. Nargundkar- InternationalMarketing (Excel Books)
2. Czinkota - International Marketing (Thompson, 8th Ed.)
3. Kotabe helson- International Marketing( Wiley, 6 Ed.)
4. Cateora Graham - International Marketing (TMH, 10th Ed.)
5. Siddiqui- InternationalMarketing (Wiley Dreamtech)
6. Cherunilam F - International Trade and Export Management (Himalaya, 2007)
7. Varshney R.L, Bhattacharya B - International Marketing Management (Sultan Chand &
Sons, 9th Ed.)
1. Jain S. – International Marketing (Thomson)
Skills Measuring tool
Prepare an international marketing plan
Analyzing the social, political, legal, and economic forces that affect
the business performance of international marketing
Workshop+ case study
Develop a global marketing communication plan to promote the Brand
Unit 5 (6 Hours)
Information and communication technology in logistics management, Reverse Logistics:
Application area and activities involved. Internationalization of SCM. Integrated SCM: Concept,
span and process of integrated SCM, Supply Chain performance measurement
To view logistics as more than an operational function that passively executes a plan, but as a
strategic function that creates value and competitive advantage
Develop in the right way the process of organizing and conducting the proceedings relating
to the transport and shipping .
Able to carry basic assesssment of freight and ports work enviornemnt.
the use and impact of e-commerce in logistics
Dr. Sudalaimuthu and S. Anthony Raj, Logistics for International Business: Text and cases,
Prentice Hall India, New Delhi.
Bowersox, Donal J. and David Closs, Logistical Management, 5th ed., McGraw-Hill
Johnson J, Wood D- Contemporary Logistics.
Reji Ismail- Logistic Management (ExcelBooks)
Dornier- Global Operation & Logistic Management (John Wiley)
Khanna K K - Physical Distribution Management : Logistical Approach (Himalaya, 2007)
Code: RMB IB 03
Course Credits: 3 Teaching Hours: 36 Hrs
Corse Objectives:
The basic objective of this course is to provide to the country a steady stream of competent
young men & women with the necessary knowledge, skills and foundations for acquiring a
wide range of rewarding careers into the rapidly expanding world of Import & Export
To promote basic understanding on the concepts of export and import
documentations to enable them to realize the impact of documentations.
Unit 1 - (8 Hours)
Introduction to exports, Registration process, Selection of products and market Payment terms,
Export costing and pricing , Preliminaries for exports. Registration – IEC, RCMC, EPC, Central
Excise. ( BCMC changed to RCMC) Categories of Export, Physical – Direct & Indirect, Deemed
Exports Merchant & Manufacturer Exports
Unit 2 (8 Hours)
Shipment procedures, Role of clearing and forwarding agent, Cargo management Containerization,
Shipping documents and terms used in shipping, Export Procedures Excise clearance for exports,
Marine insurance of Export cargo Shipment goods, Quality and Pre Shipment inspection, EGC
Services, GSP rules of origin
Unit 3 (8 Hours)
Meaning and importance of letter of credit, Documentation papers of L/C
EXPORT incentives, risk and insurance, Benefits of Exports, xcise clearance Benefit / Rebate,
Income Tax Benefit , (IPRS is discountiued), Shipment & Transport – Sea, Air, Rail, Road, Pipeline,
Role of overseas agent & remittance of commission.
Unit 4 – (12 Hours)
The organization of exports –imports firms and business planning, Planning of export/import
operations. Import procedures Overview of various export promotion schemes Duty Drawback-
Advance License, (Replenishment Licenses, Special Interest License is discontinued), Remission
Scheme, DEPB Scheme
Unit 5 ( 4 Hours)
Export Promotion Capital Goods Scheme. Diamond & Jewelry, Agricultural & Pharmaceutical
product exports promotion, scheme. Export of Principal Commodities in India, SEZ, EHTP,STP &
EOU’s, Types of Export Houses.
(Free trade zones have been changed to SEZ)
Books Recommended:
Code: RMB IB 04
Course Credits: 3 Teaching Hours: 36 Hrs
Course Objectives:
Unit 2
Flow of foreign trade and trade relations, India balance payment, Theory of balance of payment,
balance of trade, Performance of India’s external sector and recent trade reforms , sectoral analysis
of India’s foreign trade and India’s trade basket, trade liberalization in transition economies, India’s
trade agreement with SAARC , European Unions (EU), US, ASEAN and China, BRICS, OPEC.
India’s with common wealth countries.
Unit 3
Institutionalization of international trade, Pre GATT scenario, Establishment of WTO, summit of
WTO,Regional blocks NAFTA, SAFTA ASEAN etc. Concepts, Objectives ,TRIPs ,Law and
procedure ,Trade marks ,Copy rights
Unit 4
Settlement of disputes under WTO, India’s Trade relationship with major Trade Blocs in the world
India’s Trade agreements with various blocks.
Unit –5
Foreign investment policy – policy framework for FDI in India. FDI trend of FII and FDI in India.
4. Demonstrate an understanding of the forces that shape the international trades and blocks
5. Explain why business ethics is an integral part of every international trade.
6. Understand the business and related factors; and business’s dependency on the interactions
with different international groups .
Reference Books:
Journals / Magazines
1. Francis Cherrunilam, International Trade and Export Management, Himalya Publications, 2009.
2. Bhagvati J (ed), International Trade , Penguin Books , 2007.
3. India’s Trade statistics, published by CMIE and DGCIS.
4. RBI Annual Reports,
5. Annual Reports of Ministry of Commerce
Code: RMB IB 05
Course Credits: 3 Teaching Hours: 36 Hrs
To consider the nature of intercultural communication
To learn to think across cultural differences
To experiment with different ways of acting in cross-cultural situations
To reflect on the cultural foundations of economic systems and of organizational practices
Unit I: Introduction
Understanding culture: Values, world views and socio-cultural systems What is culture and why is it
important? How do people react to cultural differences?
Can we measure or graph cultural differences? Is it possible to change a culture? If so, how? What
does culture have to do with business? Ways of describing cultural differences Going International,
(Assignment):Come to class with an idea for discussion
Course Objective:
To impart knowledge about enterprise resource planning, related technologies and its
Critically reflect upon theoretical approaches and analyse their application to achieve use of
enterprise systems to support operations and management practice.
Unit I: (4 Hours)
Introduction Concept of ERP, Advantages of ERP, Growth of ERP.
Text Books
1. Leon, Alexis; ERP Demystified; McGraw-Hill Education.
2. Joseph, A. Brady, Ellen, F. Monk and Wangner, Bret J.; Concepts in Enterprise Resource
Planning; Thomson Learning.
Reference Books
1. Garg, V.K. and Venkitakrishnan, N.K.; Enterprise Resource Planning: Concepts and Planning;
PHI Learning
The student should be able to have a clear and relevant understanding of the definitions,
importance, potential business values and relevant technologies of ERP Systems.
The students should be able to analyze important issues in implementing an ERP system in an
Course Objective
Unit IV (5 Hours)
Online Payment System and Security Working of Electronic payment systems, Online banking,
Advantages and limitations, Mobile commerce, Mobile banking, concept of Digital cash and plastic
money, Debit and Credit cards, Security threats in online environment, Elements of good E-
commerce security, Protecting internet Communication, E-commerce security plan.
Unit V (8 Hours)
Web Page Designing: Introduction to HTML ,Web Publishing :-Contents – Blocks, Text, Form
Elements,Links – To a page, Within Page, To a Site, Links And Images – Image Mapping- Server
Side, Client Side, Layout – List (OL, UL, DL) - Tables- Frames (Nested, I Frame) Head Elements –
Base Font, Meta Tags, Scripts, Introduction to Joomla (open Source)
Text Book
1.Laudon, Kenneth C, and Traver Carol G; E-Commerce – Business. Technology Society, Pearson
2. The Complete Reference to HTML - Thomas Powell 3.AvinashKaushik ,Web analytics ; wiley
1. Turban, Efraim, Lee Jae, King David and Chung Michael; “Electronic Commerce – A
Managerial Perspective”, AddisonWesley
2. Kalakota R; “Electronic Commerce – Frontiers of E – Commerce”, Pearson
3. Education
Course outcomes
Student will develop an understanding of and sensitivity to, the range o professional issues
involved in managing the adoption and development o IS projects in the E-Business
environment. The subject matter will exclud highly technical definitions of systems and analysis
techniques. The subjec material will cover generalizable lessons concerning the adoption an
development of E commerce
Code: RMB IT 03
Course Credits: 3 Teaching Hours: 36 Hrs
Course Objective
Unit I (5 Hours)
Introduction Evolution of cloud computing, Models for cloud computing (IaAS, PaAS, SaAS etc.),
Cloud computing vendors, Cloud computing threats, Cloud reference model, Security for cloud
computing, Introduction to cloud computing market (vendors and solutions).
UnitII (6 Hours)
Governance and Enterprise Risk Management Information security governance processes,
Enterprise risk management in cloud computing, Enterprise risk management recommendations,
Information risk management.
Application Security Web Application, Attack methods, what is web application security,
Application security layer, Vulnerability distribution, Security solutions, Applications in cloud
environments security. Virtualization: Hardware virtualization, Software virtualization, Memory
virtualization, Storage virtualization, Data virtualization, Network virtualization, Virtualization
security and recommendations.
Text Books
1. Mulholland, Andy, Pyke, Jon, and Finger, Peter; Enterprise Cloud Computing: a strategy guide
for business and technology leaders; Meghan Kiffer Press
2. Linthicum, David S.; Cloud Computing and SOA Convergence in your Enterprise: A Step-by-
Step Guide; Addison Wesley Information Technology Series
Course outcomes
The student will be able to assess various cloud characteristics and service attributes, for
compliance with enterprise objectives
The student will be able to recognize security threat exposure within a cloud computing
Student will be able identify various cloud services.
Code: RMB IT 04
Course Credits: 3 Teaching Hours: 36 Hrs
Course Objective:
The course has been designed to introduce the students with the applications of systems
designed to manage the data resources of organizations.
The course gives an insight to students about the concept of data mining and warehousing.
The course familiarizes the student with requirement and working of database administrator.
Course Outcomes
The student will be able explain about the various types of database Models
The student gains knowledge about the working of relational model with the help of various
SQL queries
The conceptual knowledge of remote data access, data warehousing and mining helps the
student understand more about working pattern of Industries.
Unit I (8 Hours)
Introduction to Database : Organization of Database; Components of Database Management
Systems; Data Models; Entity-Relationship Model; Network Data Model; Hierarchy Data Model;
Relational Data Model; Semantic Data Model; Advantages of DBMS.
Unit II (6 Hours)
Relational Database Design Integrity Constraints; Functional Dependencies; Normalisation;
PhysicalDatabase Design; Decomposition of Relation Schemes;
Unit IV (6 Hours)
Introduction to data mining & Data Warehousing; Knowledge Extraction through Data Mining.
Unit V (6 Hours)
Database Utilities; Security, Object/Basic Database Administration/ Remote Data
Text Books
1. Navathe E - Fundamentals of Database Systems (Pearson Education, 3rd Ed.)
2. Majumdar and Bhattacharya - Database Management System (Tata McGraw Hill, 1996)
Reference Books
1. Chakrabarti- Advance Database Management System (Wiley Dreamtech)
2. Beynon -Davies P- Database Systems (Palgrave, 2003)
3. KarthikeyanUnderstanding Database Management System (Acme Learning)
4. Hoffer - Modern Database Management (Pearson Education, 6th edition)
Code: RMB IT 05
Course Credits: 3 Teaching Hours: 36 Hrs
Course Objective
This course aims at acquainting these students with tools techniques of planning, analyzing,
designing, implementing and maintaining Information system.
The student able to gain insight into the various types of threat which an information system is
UNIT-I (8 Hours)
Systems Concept; Characteristics of a System; Elements of System; Types of Systems; Decision
SupportSystem; System Development Life Cycle, Investigation, Analysis, Design, Implementation,
PostImplementation Review and Maintenance.
UNIT-II (6 Hours)
Systems Planning and Investigation: Basis for Planning in Systems Analysis - Dimensions of
Planning, InitialInvestigation, Needs Identification,
UNIT-III (6 Hours)
Determining the User's Information Requirements, Feasibility Study, Feasibility Considerations
inFeasibility Analysis - Feasibility Report.
UNIT-IV (8 Hours)
Tools of Structured Analysis : Data Flow Diagram (DFD), Entity Relationship Diagrams, Data
Dictionary,Process Modeling : Structured English, Decision Tree & Decision Table, Object Oriented
Analysis (OOA) andObject Oriented Design (OOD).
UNIT-V (8 Hours)
Basics of Information Security, Types of Attacks, Viruses, Virus Control, Hackers, Overview of
Risks associated with Internet, Intrusion Detection Risk Management , Disaster Recovery Plan,
Cryptography and authentication, Managing Risk, Information Security Policy, Creating a secure
environment, Internet Security Standards
Reference Books
1. Shah-Software Engineering &SAD(Wiley Dreamtech)
3. Grienstein and Feinman- E-commerce –Security, Risk Management and Control (TMH, 2nd Ed.)
4. AnkitFadia -Encryption-Protecting your Data (Vikas Publication, 1st Ed.)
5. Singh B –Network Security (PHI Publication, 1st Ed.)
Course Outcomes
The student will be able to know the various phases of making of information systems and to take
various steps to protect the system from threats which can cause serious damage.
The objectives of this course are to provide the student with:
An understanding of the componenets and processes of supply chain management and the main
performance drivers of supply chain.
An understanding of the inventory management methodologies and modes of transportation
. An understanding of concept of procurement and outsourcing decision.
To provide basic understanding of warehousing and perfromance management tools.
An understanding of information systems to support collaboration and concept of global supply
UNIT 1 (6 Hours)
Understanding of Supply Chain: Objectives of a supply chains, decision phases, stages of supply
chain, supply chain process , cycle view of supply chain process, key issues in SCM, logistics & SCM
, Supply chain drivers and obstacles/drivers of supply chain- inventory, transportation, facilities and
information, supply chain strategies, strategic fit, Best practices in SCM,.
UNIT 2 (8 Hours)
Inventory Management: Functions of inventory, inventory costs, ABC analysis, Material Requirement
Planning, JIT , Kanban , Vendor Managed Inventory Transportation: Role , key role players, factors
that influence transport decisions, transportation modes, containerization, cross docking
UNIT 3 (8 Hours)
Procurement : nature and concept, procurement and value chain, strategic procurement model,
Bullwhip effect and reduction Outsourcing: nature and concept , strategic decision to outsourcing,
third party logistics(3PL), fourth party logistics(4PL)
Unit 4 (8 Hours)
Warehousing: concept and types, warehousing strategy, warehouse design Performance measurement:
dimension, tools of performance measurement, SCOR Model.Demand chain management, green
supply chain management, reverse logistics
Unit 5 (6 Hours)
Supply Chain and CRM- Linkage, IT infrastructure used for Supply Chain and CRM, Functional
components for CRM solution.
Global Supply chain – challenges in establishing global supply chain, Factors that influences
designing global chain network.
Course Objectives:
Code: RMB OP 03
Course Credits: 3 Teaching Hours: 36 Hrs
Course Objectives:
To understand the various fundamentals and functions of production planning and control.
To impart learning on work study procedures and practices.
To generate understanding on the essentials of product/ process planning and useful tools to
accomplish both.
To develop knowledge and ability to undertake production scheduling procedures.
To know the recent trends in production planning and control such as manufacturing
requirement Planning (MRP II) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and global practices.
UNIT 1 (8 hours)
Introduction: Meaning and objective of Production Planning & Control, functions, roles &
responsibilities of PPC manager. Forecasting – different techniques of production forecast.
UNIT 2 (7 hours)
Process of Production Planning and Control – Routing, scheduling and controlling. PPC: Job,
batch, Mass (assembly) and continuous, and Master Production Schedule.
UNIT 3 (7 hours)
Aggregate Planning – Meaning, Strategies and Cost, concept of aggregate planning; capital-
intensive, labour-intensive, and fashion industries.
UNIT 4 (7 hours) Waste management, value and waste, types of waste; 5S techniques of
eliminating wastes.
UNIT 5 (7 hours)
Control Systems: Product control systems, Gantt Charts, Bar Charts.
Text Books
It will help in understanding the fundamentals of production planning and profit considerations. It
will provide quantitative knowledge and capability to use various product/process planning tools. It
will enable them to devise appropriate strategies concerning aggregate panning and cost.
It help in resolving complex scheduling issues by way of implementing standard scheduling
It will enhance exposure to recent trends in production planning and control and increase adaptability
with latest global-production practices.
Code: RMB OP 04
Course Credits: 3 Teaching Hours: 36 Hrs
Course Objectives:
Unit 1
Information Age and Global CompetitivenessThe Emergence of Information Age; Competition
and Business Challenge; Operating Environment; Globalization and International Business; Global
Competitiveness and Manufacturing Excellence; World Class Manufacturing and Information Age
Competition; Manufacturing Challenges, Problems in Manufacturing Industry
Unit 2
Cutting Edge Technology&Philosophy of World Class Manufacturing :
Value Added Engineer in - Hall’s Framework; Schonberger’s Framework of WCM; Gunn’s Model;
Maskell’sModelEvolution of WCM; Ohno’s View on WCM; Principles and Practices; Quality in
WCM; Deming’s & Shingo’s Approach to Quality Management; Culmination of WCM, Generic
Manufacturing Strategies for Information Age; Planning Methodology and Issues in Strategic
Planning of WCM; Performance Measurement - PO-P System, TOPP System and Ambite System.
Unit 3:
System and Tools for World Class Manufacturing The Integration Imperative; Overview of
Systems and Tools; Information Management Tools - Product and Process Design Tools, Bar Code
Systems, Kanban: A Lean Production Tool, Statistical Quality Control (SQC), Material Processing
and Handling Tools; Assessment of Manufacturing Systems and Tools.
Unit 4
Competitive Indian Manufacturing Manufacturing Performance and Competitiveness - Indian
Firms: Manufacturing Objectives and Strategy; Usage of Management Tools and Technologies;
Manufacturing Management Practices; IT Infrastructure and Practices; Strategic Intent Framework;
Breadth and Integration of IT Infrastructure.
Unit 5
Function of maintenance management, dynamics of maintenance organization/ departments, types of
maintenance system, maintenance planning and scheduling, universal maintenance practices, total
productivity maintenance, emergencies and breakdown processes, Machine life depreciations,
maintenance documentations & MIS
Case Studies Accelerated Fermentation Process – Using World Class Enzymes; Birla Cellulosic
1. World Class Manufacturing- A Strategic Perspective by BS Sahay, KBS Saxena& Ashish Kumar,
Publisher: Rajiv Beri for Macmillan India Ltd.
2. Making Common Sense Common Practice – Models for Manufacturing Excellence by Ron
Moore, Publisher: Butter Worth Heinemann
3. The Toyota Way by Jeffrey K.Liker, Publisher: Tata McGraw Hill
5. World Class Manufacturing - The Lesson of Simplicity by Richard J Schonberger, Publisher: Free
Press - A Division of Simon and Schuster
Course Outcomes
Awareness about various models which intern help organization to bring excellence in their
manufacturing systems
Understanding of different tools used for enhancing excellence in manufacturing
Understanding significance of IT in world class manufacturing practices
Understanding different quality imperatives
Code: RMB OP 05
Course Credits: 3 Teaching Hours: 36 Hrs
To develop basic concepts and theories of project management and feasibility study of projects.
To develop conceptual skills, understanding and application of tools and techniques of Project
management (CPM, PERT)in business practices.
To familiarize about the design and implementation issues related to Project Life cycle.
To familiarize about the various contracts associated with Project Management
Unit 1:
Introduction, objectives make and buy decisions, factors affecting contracting, law of contract in
brief, Contract management process cycle, Types of contracts
Unit 2:
Understanding the project contract, D-B-B(Design, Bid, Build), D-B(Design, Build), B-O-T(Build,
Operate, Transfer), Types of Constructions Contract, Cost plus fixed fee contract, Cost plus
incentive fee, Cost plus award fee contract , Fixed price level contracts, Procurement processes in
contract management
Unit 3:
Awarding works contracts, Contract management skills, Contract performance management,
Incentives and penalties, Procedures for amendment in contracts, Contract and Project audit
Unit 4:
Defining Project Management, Project Cycle, Project Processes, Project Management Principles,
Responsibilities of the Project manager, Project Evaluation and selection criteria, Different players
in Project Management, their roles and responsibilities, Project Planning: Scoping, Work break
down structure(WBS), Project Process Flows, Project customization
Unit 5:
Phases of project implementation, Project monitoring and control, Change in Project management
process, Tools for changing processes, Project closure, Understanding risk project, Identify risk in
project , Key project management process(PMBOK), Monitoring and controlling risk
Suggested Readings:
1. Chandra, Prasanna; Project Management; McGraw-Hill Education
2. Gopalakrishnan, P.; Project Management ; Macmillan
3. Cleland, David I.; Project Management; McGraw-Hill Education
4. Chawla, Rajni; Project Management; Wiley India
5. Lock, Denis; Project Management; Gower Publishing
6. Gray, C.F. and Larson, F.W.; Project Management; McGraw-Hill Education
7. Maylor, Harry; Project Management; Pearson Education.