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1 a). Determine the linear convolution for the two sequences x(n)={3,2,1,2},h(n)= {1,2,1,2} [L1][CO1][7M]
b). Explain the power signal and Energy signal [L2][CO1][5M]

2) Find the forced response of the system described by the difference equation: [L4][CO1][12M]
y(n)+ 2y(n-1)+y(n-2)=x(n)+x(n-1) for input x(n) =(-1)n u(n)
3 a). Find impulse response of the system described by the difference equation [L4][CO1][6M]
y(n)+ y(n-1)-2y(n-2)= x(n-1)+2x(n-2).
b). Find 4-point DFT of the sequence x(n)={1,6,4,3} [L3][CO1][6M]

4) State and prove following properties of DFT [L2][CO1][12M]

i) Linearity ii) Circular time shifting iii) Circular frequency shifting iv) Time reversal v) Complex conjugate.

5 a). Determine the circular convolution for the two sequences x1(n)={1,2,3,4}, x2(n)= {1,5,1,3} using concentric
circles method. [L3][CO1][7M]
b). Explain the classification of discrete-time signals [L1][CO1][5M]

6 a). Find the natural response of the system described by the difference equation:
y(n)+ 2y(n-1)+y(n-2)=x(n)+x(n-1) with initial conditions y(-1)=y(-2)=1. [L4][CO1][8M]
b) Justify how DFT can used as a linear Transform. [L2][CO1][4M]

7) Find the output y(n) of a filter whose impulse response is h(n)=[1,-1] and input x(n)= [1,-2,2,-1,3,- 4,4,-3]
using i) overlap add method ii)overlap-save method [L3][CO1][12M]
8) For each of the following systems, determine whether or not the system is static/dynamic, linear/non-linear, time
variant/invariant, causal/ non-causal, stable/unstable. [L2][CO1][12M]
i) y(n)=cos[x(n)] ii) y(n)= x(-n+2)

9a). Explain frequency analysis of discrete-time systems. [L4][CO1][6M]

b). Determine magnitude and phase response for the system described by the difference equation:
1 1
y(n)= x(n)+x(n-1)+ x(n-2) [L4][CO1][6M]
2 2
10a). Find 8 point DFT of the sequence x(n)=[1,2,1,0,2,3,0,1] [L3][CO1][7M]
b). Describe the relation between i) DFT to Z- transform ii) DFT to Fourier Series. [L2][CO1][5M]
Fast Fourier Transform Algorithm
1) Compute 8-point DFT of the sequence x(n)= {1,2,3,4,4,3,2,1} using radix-2 DIT-FFT
Algorithm. [L3][CO2][12M]

2a). Construct Radix-4 DIF FFT algorithm with neat sketch. [L2][CO2][7M]
b). Compare DFT and FFT algorithms. [L2][CO2][5M]

3) Compute 8-point DFT of the sequence x(n)= {1,2,1,2,1,2,2,1} using radix-2 DIF-FFT
Algorithm. [L3][CO2][12M]

4 a). Construct the decimation in time FFT algorithm with butterfly diagram. [L3][CO2][7M]
b). Explain use of FFT in linear filtering and correlation. [L2][CO2][5M]

5 a). Explain decimation in frequency FFT algorithm. [L2][CO2][7M]

b). Compare radix-2 DIT-FFT and DIF-FFT algorithms. [L2][CO2][5M]

6) Compute IDFT of the sequence x(n)= { 7,-0.707-j0.707,-j, 0.707-j0.707,1, 0.707+j0.707,j,

-0.707+j0.707}. [L3][CO2][12M]

7) Formulate the DFT by divide and conquer approach [L2][CO2][12M]

8) How do you compute DFT using [L3][CO2][12M]

a) The Goertzel Algorithm b) The chrip-z Transform

9 a). Explain Radix-4 FFT algorithm in decimation in time domain. [L2][CO2][7M]

b). Describe Quantization errors in the direct computation of DFT. [L2][CO2][5M]

10 a). With a neat sketch find 4 point DFT of the sequence x(n)=[1,6,7,4] using radix2 DIT-FFT algorithm.
b). Interpret the applications of FFT algorithm. [L2][CO2][4M]


Implementation of Discrete-Time Systems

1 (a). Discuss frequency sampling structure for FIR filter. [L1][CO3][6M]

(b). Realize FIR filter with system function in cascade form [L4][CO3][6M]
H (z) = 1 + z-1+2z-2+2z-3
2. Consider the system y (n) = y(n - 1) + 2y(n - 2) + x(n)+3x(n-1) [L4][CO3][12M]
(i) Find H(z) (ii) Realize using direct form-I and direct form-II.

3 (a). Obtain direct form-I,direct form-II,cascade,parallel form realization of following system:

y(n) = 0.75y(n-1)-0.125y(n-2)+3x(n)+7x(n-1)+x(n-2) [L3][CO3][12M]

4Z 2
4. A system is represented by a transfer function H(Z) =3+ - [L2][CO3][12M]
1 1
Z Z
2 4
i) Does this system function H(Z) represent FIR or IIR.Justify?
ii) Give a difference equation for direct form-I structure.
iii) Draw the block diagram for direct form-II and give equations for implementation.

5 (a). Differentiate the different structures for IIR systems [L3][CO3][5M]

(b) Realize following system with difference equation in cascade form [L4][CO3][7M]
y(n)= y (n - 1) + 2y (n - 2) + x(n)-x(n-1)

6 (a). Explain lattice & lattice-ladder structure for IIR digital filter. [L2][CO3][6M]
(b). Discuss transposed structures. [L1][CO3][6M]

1  Z 1
7. The transfer function of a discrete causal system is given as H(Z)= [L3][CO3][12M]
1  0.2Z 1  0.15Z 2
i) Find difference equation ii) Draw cascade & parallel realizations
iii)Calculate impulse response of the system.
8. Realize system with following difference equation [L4][CO3][12M]
y(n) = (3/4) y(n-1) – (1/8) y(n-2) + x(n) + (1/3) x(n-1).
a) Cascade form
b) Parallel form

9. a). Illustrate the realization of the IIR filter in cascade form [L2][CO3][6M]
(b). Explain representation of structures using signal flow graphs. [L2][CO3][6M]
10 (a). Explain conversion from lattice structure to direct form. [L4][CO3][6M]
(b). Determine the direct form realization of FIR with system function [L3][CO3][6M]
H(Z)= 1+2Z-1-3Z-2-4Z-3+5Z-4

Design of IIR Filters

1. (a).The analog transfer function H(s)= 2/(s+1)(s+2) Determine H(z) using impulse invariance method
(b) Compare FIR and IIR filters. [L2][CO4][5M]

2. (a) Explain the features of Chebyshev approximation. [L1][CO4][6M]

(b) Discuss the location of poles for Chebyshev filter. [L1][CO4][6M]

3. (a) Discuss the characterization of IIR filter.. [L1][CO4][5M]

(b) Given specifications αp=1 dB; αs= 30dB; Ωp= 200rad/sec; Ωs=600 rad/sec.
Determine the order the filter. [L3][CO4][7M]

4. (a) Compare features of different windowing functions. [L2][CO4][5M]

(b) Determine the order and the pole of the low pass filter that has 3-dB attenuation at 500 Hz and an attenuation of
40 dB at 1000 Hz. [L3][CO4][7M]

5. Describe the IIR filter design approximation using Bilinear Transformation method. [L4][CO4][12M]
Also sketch the s-plane to z-plane mapping. State its merits and demerits.

6. Using the bilinear transform, design a high pass filter, monotonic in pass band with cut off frequency of 100Hz
and down 10dB at 350 H. the sampling frequency is 5000Hz. [L4][CO4][12M]

7. a). Discuss the frequency selective filters with plot. [L2][CO4][6M]

b). Give the advantages and disadvantages of the digital filters [L1][CO4][6M]

8. Design a Chebyshev filter for the following specifications using [L4][CO4][12M]

a) Bilinear transformation b) Impulse invariant method

0.8≤│H(ejw)≤1 0≤w≤0.2π
│H(ejw)≤0.2 0.6π≤w≤π
9. Describe the frequency transformation in digital filters [L2][CO4][12M]

10. a). Explain the frequency transformation in analog filters [L2][CO4][8M]

b). Distinguish the Butterworth and Chebyshev filters [L2][CO4][4M]

Design of FIR Filters

1.Design an ideal HPF with desired frequency response Hd(ejw)= 1, п/4 ≤|w|≤п [L4][CO5][12M]
0, |w|≤ п/4
Find the values of h(n) for N=11 and also find H(Z) using Hanning window technique.

2. a). Determine the frequency response of the FIR filter defined by y(n)= 0.25x(n)+ x(n-1) +
0.25x(n-2). [L4][CO5][6M]
b). Explain about the Rectangular window of the FIR filter. [L2][CO5][6M]

3. Design a ideal band pass filter with a frequency response Hd(ejw)=1, п/4 ≤|w|≤3п/4
= 0 otherwise
Find the values of h(n)=11 and plot frequency response [L4][CO5][12M]

4 a) Design FIR filter using symmetric filter [L4][CO5][6M]

b) Design a linear phase FIR filter using frequency sampling method. [L4][CO5][6M]

5. Design a filter with Hd(ej)= e-j3 -π/4≤≤π/4 [L4][CO5][12M]

=0 π/4≤≤π
Using Hamming window with N = 7

6. a) Discuss about characteristics linear phase FIR filters [L2][CO5][6M]

b) What are the effects of windowing? [L1][CO5][6M]
7.(a) Discuss about characteristics FIR filters. [L2][CO5][5M]
(b) What are the effects of windowing. [L1][CO5][7M]

8. Design a FIR low pass filter satisfying the following specifications αp≤0.1 dB; αs≥44.0 dB;
p= 20rad/sec;s=600 rad/sec and sf=100rad /sec. [L4][CO5][12M]

9. A band pass FIR filter of length 7 is require. It is to have lower and upper cut off frequencies of 3kHz and is
intended to be used with a sampling frequency of 24kHz. Determine the filter coefficients using hamming window.
Consider the filter to be causal. [L3][CO5][12M]

10. Illustrates the followings

a) Rectangular window [L2][CO5][4M]
b) Hamming window [L2][CO5][4M]
c) Hanning window [L2][CO5][4M]


Siddharth Nagar, Narayanavanam Road – 517583


Subject with Code : Digital Signal Processing(16EC422 ) Course & Branch: B.Tech - EEE
Year & Sem: IV-B.Tech & I-Sem Regulation: R16

1) Sequence steps for converting analog signal to digital signal ________________________
2) Analog signal given to the sampler then the output is __________________
3) ‘A signal that varies continually with time’ then the signal is ________________
4) ‘A signal that has values at particular instant of time’ then the signal is ________________
5) If X(n) is a signal and X(n+N)=X(n) then X(n) is said to be _________________
6) If X(n) is a signal and X(n+N)≠X(n) then X(n) is said to be _________________
7) If X(n) is a periodic signal and X(n+N)=X(n) then N is said to be ______________
8) If X(n) is a signal and fallow the property X(-n)=X(n) then X(n) is said to be _______________
9) If X(n) is a signal and fallow the property X(-n)= -X(n) then X(n) is said to be ______________
10) A signal is defined as X(n)= 1 for n=0; and X(n)= 0 for n≠0; then X(n) is said to be ____________
11) A signal is defined as X(n)= 1 for n≥0; and X(n)= 0 for n<0; then X(n) is said to be ____________
12) A signal is defined as X(n)= n for n>0; and X(n)= 0 for n<0; then X(n) is said to be ____________
13) If the energy of a signal X(n) is finite value then power of that signal is ____________
14) If the energy of a signal X(n) is infinite then power of that signal is _____________
15) If the system output depends only on present and past inputs,the system is said to be ___________
16) If the system output depends on present, past and future inputs, the system is said to be __________
17) If a system satisfies the superposition theorem then system is said to be ______________ system
18) If a relaxed system doesn’t satisfy the superposition theorem then system is said to be __________
19) A LTI system is said to be stable if __________________
20) ________ is example for linear signal
21) _______________ is alternate Method for processing analog signals
22) The Sequence of steps for converting analog signal to digital signal _______________
23) _______________ is Operation on Independent Variable
24) _______________ is Operation on dependent Variable
25) If x(n) is given signal then x(2n) Indicates _______________
26) If x(n) is given signal then x(n/2) Indicates _______________
27) _____________ is definition for unit sample sequence
28) _____________ is definition for unit step sequence
29) _____________ is the relation δ (n) in terms u(n)
30) _____________ is definition for Energy Signal
31) _____________ is definition for Power Signal
32) A signal is periodic signal with period ‘N’ if x(n) = ___________
33) ________ is fundamental period of x(n) = cos (nπ/2)
34) A signal is said to be even signal if _____________
35) A signal is said to be odd signal if ______________
36) If x(n) is given signal then even part of x(n) is ___________
37) If x(n) is given signal then odd part of x(n) is ___________
38) A signal is said to be causal signal if _____________
39) A System is said to be causal system if present output depends _____________
40) DFS is a mathematical tool used to analyze _____________

1) In N-Point DITFFT, number of butterflies per stage is ____________
2) In 16-Point DITFFT, each sample represented by ___________ digits
3) In N-Point DIT-FFT input sequence order is ____________
4) In N-Point DIT-FFT, number of stages in the flow graph is _________
5) In N-Point DITFFT, output sequence order is ____________
6) Direct DFT requires__________ number of complex multiplications
7) FFT algorithms requires __________ number of complex multiplications
8) In DITFFT, Inputs/outputs for each butterfly in stage ‘m’ separated by ___________
9) In direct computation of DFT the number of real multiplications are ____________
10) In direct computation of DFT the number of real additions are ____________
11) In direct computation of DFT the number of complex additions are ___________
12) In direct computation of DFT the number of complex multiplications are ____________
13) In radix 2 FFT, the no of complex multiplications for ‘m’ stages is _____________
14) In radix 2 FFT, the no of complex additions for ‘m’ stages is ______________
15) For a 32 point DFT using direct method, no of complex additions are _____________
16) For a 16 point DFT using direct method, no of complex multiplications are __________
17) In 128 point FFT, the number of complex additions are ____________
18) In 64 point FFT, the number of complex multiplications are _________
19) The value of the twiddle factor at N=4 and n*k=3 is __________
20) Complex multiplication takes place before add/sub operations in ___________
21) Complex multiplication takes place after add/sub operations in ____________
22) If X(k) consist of N- no of frequency samples, then its discrete frequency locations are given by the _______
23) Twiddle factor WN given by __________
24) Symmetry property of twiddle factor is _________
25) Periodicity property of twiddle factor is _________
26) By using twiddle factor computational complexicity reduced from N2 to _____________
27) The number of butterflies per stage is _____________ for N-point DFT
28) Bit reversal order for I/P of DITFFT algorithm is _____________
29) Bit reversal order for O/P of DIFFFT algorithm is ____________
30) The I/Ps and O/Ps for each butterfly in the stage ‘m’ is separated by _____________
31) Computational complexity will__________by using twiddle factors in FFT calculation
32) How many twiddle factors are required for computing 8-point FFT ___________
33) How many twiddle factors are required for computing 16-point FFT __________
34) How many twiddle factors are required for computing 32-point FFT __________
35) W80 value is __________
36) W81 value is __________
37) W82 value is __________
38) W83 value is __________
39) In 16 point DITFFT algorithm number of butterflies per stage is ____________
40) In 8 point DITFFT algorithm number of butterflies per stage is _____________
41) In 32 point DITFFT algorithm number of butterflies per stage is ____________
42) In 4 point DITFFT algorithm number of butterflies per stage is _____________

Implementation of discrete Time Systems
1) The three factors that influence structures are computation complexity, memory and _____________
2) The unit sample response of FIR system is identical to _____________
3) The length of FIR filter is ____________
4) The direct form structure is equivalent to ______________
5) The number of memory locations needed to realize direct form structure is _____________
6) The number of additions per output point needed to realize direct form structure is __________
7) The number of multiplications per output point in direct form structure is ___________
8) The tapped delay line filter is also called as ______________
9) The condition for FIR system to have linear phase is _____________
10) For a linear phase FIR system if M=even the no of multiplications is ________________
11) For a linear phase FIR system if M=odd the no of multiplications is ________________
12) In frequency sampling structure the value used to characterize the filter is _____________
13) The most efficient form of realization is _______________
14) The structure that is mostly used in digital speech processing is _______________
15) IIR filter’s Direct form is obtained by cascading all zero system with ___________
16) In IIR direct form I the number of additions is ________
17) The no of memory locations needed to realize IIR direct form I is ________
18) In IIR direct form I the number of multiplications is __________
19) The no of multiplications required to realize IIR direct form II is _______
20) The Direct form structure is also called as _________
21) The no of additions required to realize IIR direct form II is _______
22) The structure obtained by changing all branch direction and input & output is _____________
23) The structure that needs lesser memory location is __________
24) The Parallel form realization of IIR system is obtained by __________
25) The Lattice coefficients are also called as ___________
26) The Polar form of Z can be expressed as ____________
27) Z transform of sequence x(n)={1,0,3} is ____________
28) Z transform of sequence x(n)={1,1,3}is ____________ ( take origin at second sample)
29) ROC for Left hand finite sequence is _____________
30) ROC for Right hand finite duration sequence is _____________
31) ROC for Left hand infinite duration sequence is _____________
32) ROC for Right hand infinite duration sequence is ____________
33) The range of values of Z for which z-Transform converges called as ____________
34) ROC for Two sided finite duration sequence is ________________
35) Z-transform of unit sample sequence is _____________
36) Z-transform of δ (n-m) is ____________
37) Z-transform of unit step sequence is __________
38) Z-transform of an u(n) is ___________
39) ROC for unit sample sequence is _______________
40) ROC for unit step sequence is _______________

Design of IIR Digital Filters
1. IIR Filters are ___________ type.
2. In the Impulse Invariance Transformation, relationship between Ω and ω is _______________
3. Non-linearity in the relationship between Ω and ω is known as ______________
4. In the Bilinear Transformation, the Relationship between Ω and ω is ____________
5. Butterworth filters have ________________
6. Chebyshev filters have _________________
7. Type-1 Chebyshev filters contains ___________________
8. Type-2 Chebyshev filter is also called __________________
9. The physically realizable IIR filters do not have _____________ phase
10. In ----------------------transformation, the impulse response of digital filter is the sampled version of the impulse of
analog filter.
11. Aliasing occurs only in ___________ transformation.
12. In ______________ approximation, the magnitude response is equiripple in the Passband and monotonic in the
13. In _____________ approximation, the magnitude response is monotonic in the Passband and equiripple in the
14. In ____________ approximation, the magnitude response is maximally flat at the origin and monotonically
decreases with increasing frequency
15. At the cutoff frequency, the magnitude of the Butterworth filter is ___________times the maximum value
16. The ideal filters are ___________
17. In fourier series method to get transfer function of realizable filter, H(z) is to be multiplied by ________
18. The abrupt truncation of Fourier series results in oscillations in __________
19. The frequency of a digital filter is ____________
20. For rectangular window, the main lobe width is equal to ____________
21. For Hanning window, the main lobe width is equal to ______________
22. For Hamming window, the main lobe width is equal to _____________
23. For Blackman window, the main lobe width is equal to ______________
24. For Kaiser Window, the main lobe width is equal to ________________
25. For Rectangular window, the peak side lobe magnitude in dB is ____________
26. For Hanning window, the peak side lobe magnitude in dB is ____________
27. For Hamming window, the peak side lobe magnitude in dB is ____________
28. For Blackman window, the peak side lobe magnitude in dB is ____________
29. For a linear phase filter the delay is _____________
30. In FIR filters, ____________ is a linear function of ω
31. In ____________ window spectrum the higher side lobe attenuation is achieved at the expense of increased main
lobe width
32. In ____________ window spectrum the increase in side lobe attenuation is achieved at expense of constant
attenuation at high frequencies
33. In ____________ window spectrum has the highest attenuation for side lobes
34. In ____________ window spectrum, the side lobe magnitude is variable
35. In ____________ window spectrum, the width of the main lobe is triple that of Rectangular window for same
value of N.
36. In ____________ window spectrum, the width of the main lobe is double that of Rectangular window for same
value of N.
37. The __________ response of the filter is Fourier transform of impulse response of the filter.
38. The ideal filters are ___________, and hence physically unrealizable
39. In FIR filters with constant phase delay, the impulse response is ___________
40. The generation of oscillations due to slow convergence of the Fourier series near the points of discontinuity is
called __________ phenomenon

Design of FIR filters
1.The number of additions per output point needed to realize direct form structure is ____________
2.The number of multiplications per output point in direct form structure is ___________
3.The tapped delay line filter is also called as _____________
4.The condition for FIR system to have linear phase is ____________
5.For a linear phase FIR system if M=even the no of multiplications is ____________
6.For Hanning window ,windowing function is equal to _____________
7.For Hamming window ,windowing function is equal to ____________
8. __________ is the Z-transform for x(n-3)
9.For rectangular window ,the windowing function is equal to _____________
10.For Hamming window , the value of α __________
11.In FIR filters , ___________ is a linear function of ω
12. __________ is the Z-transform of y(n-3)
13.For Butterworth filters the poles are located at ____________
14.The range of values of Z for which z-Transform converges called as ________________
15. Z-transform of δ (n-m) is ______________
16.FIR system is a ___________
17. __________ type of system is called all pole system
18. For the given specification αs=6db, maximum allowable stop band(λ) ___________
19.Warping effect is present in ______________ method
20.The phase of symmetric impulse response with odd length is given by ______________
21. ____________ is a condition for asymmetric linear phase FIR filter with odd length
22. For a stable filters all poles lies in_________ of s-plane
23. _________________ is another name for triangular windowing technique
24. _________________ methods are used for designing LPF and HPF
25. The _______________ response of the filter is fourier transform of impulse response.
26.The ideal IIR filters are ____________, and hence physically unrealizable
27.In FIR filters with constant phase delay, the impulse response is _____________
28.The generation of oscillations due to slow convergence of the Fourier series near the Points of discontinuity is
called __________ phenomenon
29.The FIR filters are ___________,and hence physically realizable
30. ____________________ is the difference equation of the FIR filter of length M, input x(n) and output y(n).
31. The lower and upper limits on the convolution sum reflect________ and __________ characteristics of the filter.
32. __________condition should the unit sample response of a FIR filter satisfy to have a linear phase.
33. The roots of the polynomial H(z) are identical to the roots of the polynomial__________.
34. The roots of the equation H(z) must occur in ________________ pairs.
35. If the unit sample response h(n) of the filter is real, complex valued roots occur in _________ pairs.
36. _________ is the value of h(M-1/2) if the unit sample response is anti-symmetric.
37. ___________ is the number of filter coefficients that specify the frequency response for h(n) symmetric.
38. ________is the number of filter coefficients that specify the frequency response for h(n) anti-symmetric.
39. The anti-symmetric condition with M even is not used in the design of ___________linear-phase FIR filter.
40. The ______________ condition is not used in the design of low pass linear phase FIR filter.

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