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No. Insp. 23(19)/ /2019.

District Court, Thane.

Date : .10.2019
From :
N. R. Borkar
Principal District & Sessions Judge,
The Registrar (Inspection-I),
High Court, Appellate Side,
Bombay-400 032.

Subject : Inspection Report of the Court of the 2nd Jt. Civil Judge, J.D.
& J.M.F.C., Vashi, recorded during the period from 23.09.2019 to
05.10.2019 covering the period from 01.03.2016 to 31.08.2019.
Submitting the report in connection with ...


With reference to the subject noted above, I have to state that the Court of the 2nd Jt. Civil
Judge, J.D. & J.M.F.C., Vashi is inspected during the period from 23.09.2019 to 05.10.2019. The
covering period of inspection is from 01.03.2016 to 31.08.2019.
The report of inspection is submitted as under :
1. Date of Inspection : 23.09.2019

2. Period of inspection (i.e. The period covered by the present

the general record of : inspection is from 01.03.2016 to
accounts examined from 31.08.2019.
the date of last inspection
to the present inspection
or other wise.
3. Previous inspection (i.e. the : The previous inspection of this
date of last inspection) Court was recorded during the
period from 07.03.2016 to
4. Compliance with Previous No previous Inspection Note is
inspection note. pending for compliance in this
5. Presiding Officer at the time of inspection.
(i) Name : Smt. Dipti Deepak Kolapkar
(ii)Educational Qualification : B.Com., LL.B.
(iii) Date of first : 07.06.2010
appointment in
(iv)Date of appointment of : ---
(if applicable )
(v) Since when working at : 04.06.2018
present station.
(vi)Summary powers. : Yes
(vii) Small Cause Powers : Yes
(viii) Training at JOTI/Uttan : Yes at Uttan
(ix) Special Jurisdiction if : ----
(x) Special Remarks if any : ----

6. Name of the Present : Smt. Dipti Deepak Kolapkar

Presiding Officer.

7. Presiding Officers who : During the period covered under

presided over this Court. inspection following 02 Presiding
Officers have presided over this

Sr.No. Name of the Presiding Officer From To.

1 Smt. V. R. Hangargekar 01.03.2016 03.06.2018

2 Smt. S.S. Jadhav 04.06.2018 Onwards.

8. If certain registers are not : The required registers are

maintained or certain maintained by this Court. However,
statements are not the Register of Daily Court Fee,
prepared and submitted, Register of F.I.R., Register of Under
the name and designation Trial Prisoners & Register of
of the staff members who Movement of Cases are not
is/are responsible for non maintained properly.
maintenance of the
registers or not preparation Necessary directions are issued to
of statements etc. should the concerned Clerks in that
be given. behalf.
9. If any Civil matter is found : This is purely Criminal Court.
unregistered or unattended Hence, question does not arise.
to for a long period, state
the date on which it is filed
and other details, if any and
name and designation of
the officer who is
responsible for the delay or
the omission.
10. If in ordinate delay is noticed : This is purely Criminal Court.
in framing of issues, state Hence, question does not arise.
total number of suits with its
break-up and the name of
the Judge who is
responsible for not framing
of issues.

11. If old suits or proceedings : No proceedings are found pending

are found pending for a for a long period for want of any
long period for want of valid reason. However, In all 1750
any valid reason, state Criminal matters Pre-2016 are
total number of pending on various stages in this
proceedings with their Court. The chart showing the
year-wise break-up and detailed information of the cases is
the name of the Judge enclosed herewith & marked as 'A'
who is responsible for The directions are issued to the
their pendency. Presiding Officer to dispose of the
cases pending on the stage of
Judgment, hearing of argument
and Part Heard as early as
She is also directed to give priority
by taking positive-steps in
remaining old matters pending in
this Court and to dispose of the
same at the earliest and reduce the
pendency of old matters.
12. As regards Q.16A to 16AD : The Judgments in the matters
in respect of Judgments, disposed of during the period of
answer them with last six months for the period from
necessary in short details 01.03.2019 to 31.08.2019 are
and give name of the checked and verified and it is
Presiding Judge, if any
serious omission is noticed that, the Judgments are
noticed so as to enable delivered within time.
the High Court to consider
it, with all respect.
3. If any instance in which the : This Court is attached to the Court
payment is made without of Civil Judge, J.D. & J.M.F.C., Vashi
taking his signature or for the purpose of Accounts.
thumb impression or less
credit of amount is noticed,
quote the figure and date of
payment with name of the
parties with other details,
14. If it is found that the copies : This Court is attached to the Court
are not furnished within of Civil Judge, J.D. & J.M.F.C., Vashi
time, total number of for the purpose of Copying Section.
pending applications with
their duration and other
details are necessary.
15. As regards the dormant file, : As on the day of Inspection no case
give total number of cases is pending on the Dormant file in this
kept on dormant file with Court. Hence, question does not
their year-wise break-up and arise.
state what action is taken to
reduce the file.
16. It is noticed that the certain : This Court is attached to the Court
copies are lying of Civil Judge, J.D. & J.M.F.C.,
undelivered, give total Vashi for the purpose of Copying
number, their duration and Section.
other details, if any.
17. If it is noticed that certain : At the time of physical verification in
proceedings are not all 02 Civil & 425 Criminal
forthcoming, state the total proceedings are not found
number of suits or forthcoming for physical verification
proceedings are not
. The details are as under:-
forthcoming & who is
responsible for the loss and
action taken in the matter. At
what stage the said
proceedings were pending.


Regular Civil Suit 01

Misc. Civil Appln. 01

Total 02

Domestic Violence 04

M.A. 125 of Cr.P.C. 01

Criminal M.A. 12

R.C.C. 70

Other Regular 01

R.C.C. Other 122

I.P.C. Summary 90

Bom. Prohibition 06

Other Summary 06

Summary Cases 06

Summary Other 38

Other Misc. Appln. 69

Total 425

Directions are issued to the Bench

Clerk to trace out above said
missing proceeding immediately.
Direction are issued to Assistant
Superintendent to get traced out the
above said missing proceedings
from the Bench Clerk.

Direction are also issued to the

Presiding Officer to get traced out
the above said missing proceeding
from the concerned Clerk and if they
are not traced out, then to fix the
responsibility against concerned
defaulter/s and submit the report
with her remarks to the District
Court for further necessary action.
She is further directed to
reconstruct the aforesaid missing
matters, if not traced out by taking
necessary steps.
If library books are found
18. missing. This Court is attached to the Court
(i) State type and kind of of Civil Judge, J.D.& J.M.F.C., Vashi
missing books. for the purpose of library books.
(ii)Total number of
missing books with value
and since when they are
missing and action taken in
the matter.
19. If it is noticed that the : As on the day of inspection, 04
writs are not promptly High Court writs are pending for
disposed of, writs compliance in this Court.
pending as on the day Directions are issued to the
of inspection. Why concerned Clerk to comply the
delay? Who is aforesaid writs immediately.
responsible for the
delay with other details, Directions are also issued to the
if any . Presiding Officer to get complied
the aforesaid writs from the
concerned Clerk immediately.
20. As regards fine amount : This Court is attached to the
state what was the Court of Civil Judge, J.D. &
outstanding fine amount J.M.F.C., Vashi for the purpose
at the time of inspection of fine and fine recovery.
and if large amount was
noticed, why steps were
not taken to reduce the
21. Furnish total number of : This Court is attached to the
muddemal properties Court of Civil Judge, J.D. &
awaiting for disposal J.M.F.C., Vashi for the purpose
with their year-wise of Muddemal properties.
22. Number of
proceedings examined.
Pending Decided
1. R.C.C.NO. 152/2015 1. R.C.C.NO. 994/2018
2. R.C.C.NO. 1137/2017 2. R.C.C.NO. 233/2018
3. S.C.C.NO. 6403/2014 3. R.C.C.NO. 650/2015
4. M.A.NO. 03/2017 4. S.C.C.NO. 174/2017
5.Other.Misc.Appln. No. 421/2017 5.Other.Misc.Appln. No. 432/2019
23. State of file The state of file of Criminal
Cases pending as on the day of
started functioning of this Court,
as on the day of corresponding
year and as on the day of
inspection are attached herewith
separately at Annexures - B, B-1, B-2.
24. Remarks of the Judicial : To ascertain as to whether the
Officer. disposal claimed by the Presiding
Officer, is adequate or not?, the
disposal for the last 12 months i.e.
for the period from 01.09.2018 to
31.08.2019 were checked and
verified with reference to the
monthly returns and it was found
that, the Present Presiding Judge,
Smt. D.D.Kolapkar has presided
over this Court during the aforesaid
period for 216 working days and
put the total disposal for 485.35
days. Thus it is found 'EXCELLENT'
(224.69%) .
25. List of compliances : The compliance of minor
secured during the course objections are got complied on the
of inspection. spot, however the inspection
period being short, the compliance
of major points could not be
secured and settled.
26. Important point to be : The work of day to day up-dation of
brought to the notice of the roznama and history of the case is
High Court, if any. not done in C.I.S. System.
Necessary directions are issued to
all the concerned Clerks in this

The questionnaire of this Court is attached herewith separately.

Yours faithfully,

( N. R. Borkar)
Principal District & Sessions Judge,

Encl. : As above.

Replies to the Questionnaire upon the Inspection of the Court of the 2nd Jt. Civil Judge, J.D. & J.M.F.C.,
Vashi (Smt. D.D.Kolapkar) made by the Principal District and Sessions Judge, Thane (Shri N. R. Borkar)
during the period from 23.09.2019 to 05.10.2019, covering the period from 01.03.2016 to 31.08.2019.

1. : Whether the Judicial Magistrate begins her work punctually at the prescribed hours
and whether she observes regular hours of working ?
Ans. : Yes.

2. : Whether any complaint was received regarding attendance and/or sitting in Court of
the Judicial Magistrate ?

Ans : No such complaint is received during the course of inspection.

3. : If so, whether any enquiry was made in that complaint ?

Ans. : Does not arise.

4. : Whether the Judicial Magistrate was properly dressed ?

Ans. : Yes.

5. : Whether the Judicial Magistrate conducts herself satisfactorily while hearing cases ?
Ans. : Yes.

6. : Whether the Judicial Magistrate fixes the dates personally in an open Court or she
leaves this work to the Bench Clerk ?

Ans. : The Judicial Magistrate fixes the date personally in an open Court.

7. : Whether the Judicial Magistrate arranges the daily boards properly ?

Ans. : Yes.

8. : Whether the Judicial Magistrate physically verifies all the pending Cases with
reference to the balance sheet at the end of each month before submitting the monthly return

: 2 :
Ans. : Balance sheet is not prepared regularly and no endorsement to that effect is
finds place on the balance sheet which is produced for inspection. Necessary directions are
issued to the Presiding Officer in this behalf.

9. : Whether the Judicial Magistrate maintains balance sheets of all categories of

Criminal proceedings ?

Ans. : No. Necessary directions are issued to the concerned Bench Clerk and Presiding
Officer in this behalf.


10. : Whether the Court rooms and other rooms in the Court building and compound of
the Court are maintained in clean and tidy condition ?
Ans. : This Court is attached to the Court of C.J.J.D. & J.M.F.C., Vashi for the purpose
of Court Building. However, the rooms provided to this Court are found clean and tidy in


11. : The number of criminal cases pending below 06 months over 09 months and over 12
months as on the first day of the month in which inspection of the Court is under taken ?

Ans. : Answer of this question is given in the High Court Report of this Court at point
no. 23.

12. : The number of criminal cases pending below 06 months over 09 months and over 12
months as on the corresponding day of previous year ?

Ans : Answer of this question is given in the High Court Report of this Court at point no.

13(a): Whether there is large number of ineffective Cases ?

Ans. : Yes. The proportion of ineffective cases to the total pendency is 'LARGE'

13(b): If yes, what are your suggestions ?

: 3 :
Ans. : Directions are issued to the Presiding Officer to take necessary steps and make
more Cases as effective and minimize the pendency of in-effective Cases.

14. : Whether there has been reduction in the file during the period of one year and if not
reasons for the same ?

Ans. : Yes.

15. : Whether the disposals of the Judicial Magistrate are adequate ?

(The disposal for one year before the inspection should be examined )

Ans. : Answer to this question is given in point no. 24 in High Court report of this
inspection note.


16. : Whether summonses or warrants were promptly issued soon after the cases are
registered ?
Ans. : Generally Yes.

17. : Whether the Judicial Magistrate hears the Cases from day to day as far as possible
and examines as many as witnesses as she can out of those who are present on the day ?
Ans. : Yes.

18. : Whether there are too may hearings in the Cases and whether adjournments are
granted on insufficient and inadequate grounds ?
Ans. : The adjournments are granted on adequate grounds.

19. : Whether the arguments are heard soon after the evidence is recorded and judgments
are delivered within a reasonable time thereafter ?

Ans. : Yes.

20. : Whether the priority is given to the Cases in which accused persons are in custody ?

Ans. : Yes.

: 4 :

21. : Whether the priority is usually given to the Cases pending over six months ?

Ans. : Generally Yes.

22. : Whether the Judicial Magistrates makes a proper use of summary powers ?

Ans. : The Present Presiding Officer is not vested with summary powers.

23. : Whether any unwholesome practice in the conduct of the proceedings, such as use
of typed or cyclostyled judgments or use of rubber stamps for recording pleas, was noticed ?

Ans. : No such instance is noticed.

24. : Whether bail bonds were obtained properly and whether solvency of otherwise of
sureties offered by the accused persons was properly determined by the Nazir or the Senior
Clerk and endorsed by the Judicial Magistrate ?

Ans. : Yes.

25. : Whether any corrupt practice was noticed in accepting sureties?

Ans. : No.

26. : Whether it is noticed that same persons often stood sureties in various Cases ?

Ans. : No such instance is noticed.

27. : If yes, what remedies do you suggest to stop such practice ?

Ans. : Does not arise.

28. : Whether roznama is maintained properly and contains faithful history of the Cases ?

Ans. : Generally Yes.

: 5 :
29. : Whether the papers and documents filed in the Cases were classified as A B C D and
the markings of their classification was noted against each paper or document in the margin
of the roznama ?
Ans. : No. Necessary directions are issued to the concerned Clerk in this behalf.

30. : Whether the documents admitted and exhibited in the evidence are referred to in the
body of the evidence recorded in the Case ?

Ans. : Yes.

31. : Whether proper endorsement is made on the documents admitted and exhibited in
the evidence ?

Ans. : No. Necessary directions are issued to the Bench Clerk in this behalf.

32. : Whether the necessary endorsement is made below the statement of accused
recorded under Section 313 of Cr.P.C. ?
Ans. : Yes.

33. : Whether proper endorsement is made below the deposition of the Medical Officer as
required by the Criminal Manual ?
Ans. : Yes.

34. : Whether papers of each Case are properly arranged and kept in separate files as laid
down in the Criminal Manual ?

Ans. : No. Necessary directions are issued to the Bench Clerk in this behalf.

35. : Whether the record of decided Cases is properly arranged or classified as required
and whether it is maintained properly ?

Ans. : Generally Yes. Necessary directions are given to the concerned clerk in this


36. : Whether Cases are kept on dormant file in accordance with the provisions laid down
in Para 83 of Chapter VI of the Criminal Manual ?

: 06 :
Ans. : As on the day of Inspection, no case is pending on Dormant File in this court.

37. : Whether Cases kept on dormant file are entered in the Dormant File Register and the
Dormant File Register is maintained properly and regularly ?

Ans. : Does not arise.

38. : Whether warrants, summonses etc. were issued to the absconding accused persons
repeatedly as per provisions of Para 39 of Chapter II of Criminal Manual ?

Ans. : Does not arise.

39. : Whether steps as required by Section 82 and 83 of the Criminal Procedure Code
were taken against the absconding accused persons ?
Ans. : Does not arise.

40. : Whether all the registers prescribed by the High Court Circulars and the Criminal
Manual are properly maintained or not ?

Ans. Yes. The detail answer to this question is given in point No.8 in High Court
Report of this Inspection Note.

41. : Whether all the account registers are maintained properly ?

Ans. : This Court is attached to the Court of C.J.J.D. & J.M.F.C., Vashi for the purpose
of Accounts.

42. : Whether any discrepancies in the accounts of the Court particularly between the
Cash Book and the Treasury Pass Book were noticed ?

Ans. : As above.

: 7 :
43. : Whether any fraud, misappropriation or falsification of account was suspected in the
maintenance of accounts ?
Ans. : As above.

44. : Whether any erasures and interpolations of corrections were noticed in the Cash
Book or C,D,G,and E Register or Daily
Fee Book ? If yes, whether any fraud, misappropriation or ` falsification o
account was suspected ?
Ans. : As above.

45. : Whether the accounts, particularly Cash Book were written daily and placed before
Judicial Magistrate daily for her signature ?
Ans. : As above.

46. : Whether the remittances to the Treasury are made regularly and without delay ?

Ans. : As above.

47(a): Whether the Cash balance in the hands of the Nazir or Senior Clerk was verified
by the Judicial Magistrate regularly as required ?

Ans. : As above.

47(b): Whether the cash balance in the hands of the Nazir or Senior Clerk tallied with
other account books and, if not what are the reasons for the difference.
Ans. : As above.
47(c) : Whether any fraud, misappropriation or falsification of account was suspecte
thereby ?

Ans. : As above.

48(a): Whether the cash in hand of the Nazir or Senior Clerk exceeded the prescribed
limit and if so, on how many occasions ?

Ans. : As above.

48(b): Whether the excess cash was retained at hand with the permission of the
Judicial Magistrate ?

: 08 :
Ans. : As above.

48(c) : Whether it was suspected that the retention of excess cash in hand on any day
without permission was deliberate and for private use of the Government Servant ?

Ans. : As above.

49(a): Whether any instance was noticed in which the payment was made to a person
without taking his signature or thumb impression as the case may be ?

Ans. : As above.

49(b): If Yes, whether it was satisfied that the same was made to the proper person ?

Ans. : As above.

50. : Whether any instance was noticed of harassment caused to the litigants while
making payments to them ?

Ans. : As above.

51. : Whether any complaint was received from any quarter about the Clerk of the Court
and/or the Nazir (Senior Clerk) extracting money from litigants and/or advocates under one
pretext or another ?

Ans. : As above.

52. : Whether it was satisfied that the cash in the hands of the Nazir or Senior Clerk was
verified by the Judicial Magistrate at least once in a month without previous intimation ?

Ans. : As above.
53. : Whether diet and road money was paid to the witness in accordance with scales
prescribed in the Criminal Manual and whether proper vouchers are obtained whenever
necessary ?

Ans. : As above.

: 09 :
54. : Whether the fine register is maintained in the prescribed form and whether it was
properly filled in and initialed by the Judicial Magistrate ?

Ans. : As above.

55(a): Whether any receipt in the receipt book was found undelivered to the accused
person for payment of fine ?
Ans. : As above.

55(b): If Yes, whether the Nazir or Senior Clerk offers proper explanation in that respect

Ans. : As above.
56. : Whether it was satisfied that the fine realized was remitted to the treasury without
delay ?

Ans. : As above.

57(a): Whether any erasures, interpolations or corrections were noticed in the fine
register ?

Ans. : As above.

57(b): If yes, whether any fraud, misappropriation or falsification of account was

suspected in that behalf ?
Ans. : As above.

58. : Whether an intimation about the payment of fine received on behalf of the accused
person is promptly given to the jailer in the prescribed form ?
Ans. : As above.

59. : Whether a person paying a fine or compensation is given receipt in the prescribed
form and whether receipt is signed by the Magistrate ?
Ans. : As above.

60. : Whether the refund of fine ordered by the Appellate Court or Revision Court is
returned to the accused promptly ?

Ans. : As above.
: 10 :

61. : Whether the statement of the fine realised during the month is sent to the treasury in
treasury form No.66-e and whether the said statement is returned duly verified by the
Treasury Officer ?

Ans. : As above.

62. : Whether the balance of fine outstanding in the previous year or years is carried
forward to the new fine register opened for the current year ?

Ans. : As above.
63. : Whether proper steps were taken either to recover the outstanding fine amount or to
write off the same from the Fine Register ?

Ans. : As above.


64(a) : Whether copying charges are properly taxed and recovered ?

Ans. : This Court is attached to the Court of C.J.J.D. & J.M.F.C., Vashi for the purpose
of Copying Section.

64(b): Whether ordinary copies were furnished to the parties within the stipulated time
or not ?

Ans. : As above.

64(c) : If not, how often during the last six months and reasons thereof ?

Ans. : As above.

65. : Whether any delay was noticed in supplying urgent copy and if yes, duration of delay

Ans. : As above.

: 11 :
66. : Whether copies were supplied in a chronological order of the applications made for
them ? If not, what are the reasons ?

Ans. : As above.

67. : Whether corruption in the copying section was suspected ?

Ans. : As above.

68. : Whether excess copying charges were properly refunded to the parties concerned or
not ?

Ans. : As above.

69(a): Whether instructions contained in Para 561(2) of Civil Manual regarding

intimation of date for delivery of copy were followed and the copy was delivered on the date
of intimation to the applicant concerned ?

Ans. : As above.

69(b): If not, what are the reasons ?

Ans. : As above.
69(c) : Whether any corruption was suspected in this respect ?

Ans. : As above.

70(a): Whether any certified copy was found lying undelivered for a long time either on the
ground of refusal of V.P. parcel or any other ground ?

Ans. : As above.

70(b): If yes, whether the Magistrate took proper steps for the recovery of copying
charges ?

Ans. : As above.

71. : Whether the diary of the Section Writer was properly maintained ?

Ans. : As above.

: 12 :

72. : Whether the monthly account of copying fee is properly maintained and whether the
copying charges are credited to the Government regularly at the end of each month ?

Ans. : As above.


73. : Whether the process fee was properly taxed ?

Ans. : This Court is attached to the Court of C.J.J.D. & J.M.F.C., Vashi for the purpose
of Process & Process Fees.

74. : Whether the Process Fee Register was properly maintained and instructions
contained in the Criminal Manual are followed ?

Ans. : As above.



75(a): Whether the Muddemal Registers both general and valuable are maintained
properly ?

Ans. : This Court is attached to the Court of C.J.J.D. & J.M.F.C., Vashi for the purpose
of Muddemal Property.

75(b): Whether the balance sheets of Muddemal properties are regularly maintained
and whether they are up-to-date ?

Ans. : As above.

76. : Whether the Muddemal articles are labeled properly for the purpose of identification
Ans. : As above.

: 13 :

77. : Whether the Muddemal articles are arranged category-wise and year-wise and
precautions taken to prevent tampering with it or mixing up of the articles ?
Ans. : As above.

78. : Whether proper care for the safe custody of the valuable muddemal articles is taken

Ans. : As above.

79. : Whether the general and valuable muddemal property is periodically checked as per
provisions contained in Para 71, chapter VI of the Criminal Manual ?
Ans. : As above.

80. : Whether the orders regarding disposal of muddemal articles in decided cases are
noted down in the Muddemal Register regularly ?

Ans. : As above.

81. : Whether the steps are taken regularly to dispose of muddemal articles in decided
cases ?

Ans. : As above.

82(a): Whether any articles of muddemal property are found missing ?

Ans. : As above.

82(b) : If yes, any fraud of misappropriation was suspected or not ?

Ans. : As above.

82(c) : After the misappropriation is detected, what steps are taken in this behalf ?

Ans. : As above.

: 14 :


83(a): Whether moster of decided cases is sent to the Record officer regularly as
required by the High Court circulars ?
Ans. : No.

83(b): If not, how far the moster work is found in arrears ?

Ans. : Moster work is in arrears from January-2011 onwards.

Directions are issued to concerned clerk to prepare the arrears of moster work


84. : Whether any members of the staff was retained at the Head quarters or at any
Taluka places for usually long time without good and sufficient reasons ?

Ans. : This Court is attached to the Court of Civil Judge. J. D. & J.M.F.C., Vashi for the
purpose of Establishment.

85. : Whether the casual leave accounts of the members of the staff is verified and
whether the casual leave was granted strictly in accordance with the rules ?

Ans. : As above.

86. : Whether service books of the members of the staff are properly maintained and
necessary entries are made therein ?

Ans. : As above.

87. : Whether there was any occasion to hold department al inquiry against the members
of the staff and what action was taken ?
Ans. : As above.

88. : Whether quarterly inspection of account was taken regularly

by the judicial Magistrate and report regarding the same is sent to the
Sessions Judge ?

: 15 :
Ans. : This Court is attached to the Court of C.J.J.D. & J.M.F.C., Vashi for the purpose
of accounts.

89. : Whether the distribution of work assigned to the members of staff was proper or not

Ans. : Yes.

90. : Whether anything unfair, inadequate, irregular or unusual was noticed in the
management of the office affecting its efficiency ?

Ans. : No such instance is noticed.


91. : Whether the catalogs of library books in maintained properly ?

Ans. : This Court is attached to the Court of C.J.J.D. & J.M.F.C., Vashi for the purpose
of library.

92(a): Whether all the library books are forthcoming ?

Ans. : As above.

92(b): If not, what steps are taken for recovery of the missing books ?

Ans. : As above.

93. : Whether the library books were regularly verified by the library Clerk and a report to
that effect was sent to the Presiding Magistrate through the Clerk of the Court or Senior Clerk

Ans. : As above.

94. : Whether the library books are verified by the Magistrate at any time ?

Ans. : As above.

95. : Whether library books were properly labeled and classified ?

Ans. : As above.

: 16 :


96. : Whether the stationery articles were properly kept and whether their accounts is
properly maintained ?

Ans. : This Court is attached to the Court of C.J.J.D. & J.M.F.C., Vashi for the purpose
of stationary and forms.

97. : Whether all the stationery articles are forthcoming as per stationery accounts ?

Ans. : As above.

98. : Whether the blank forms are kept and arranged properly and proper account of from
is maintained ?

Ans. : As above.

99. : Whether service stamps account and private stamps account are properly
maintained ?

Ans. : This Court is attached to the Court of C.J.J.D. & J.M.F.C., Vashi for the purpose
of postage stamps and private stamps.

100. : Whether the files of Government Resolution etc. and files of Miscellaneous
papers were properly kept ?
Ans. : As above.

101. : Whether the furniture is in good condition and whether any furniture articles
need any repairs ?

Ans. : This Court is attached to the C.J.J.D. & J.M.F.C., Vashi for the purpose of Dead-
Stock Articles.

102. : Whether the dead-stock register is properly maintained or checked ?

Ans. : As above.

: 17 :

103. : Whether the muster rolls as well as the late muster roll are properly maintained ?

Ans. : The Staff members working in this Court are attached to the Court of C.J.J.D. &
J.M.F.C., Vashi for the purpose of Establishment.

104. : Whether separate register of writs as prescribed by High Court are maintained ?

Ans. : Yes.

105. : Whether the writs are promptly and properly complied with ?

Ans. : Generally Yes.

106. : Whether the summaries in decided cases are issued to the police regularly and
promptly ?

Ans. : Generally yes.

( N. R. Borkar)
Thane. Principal District and Sessions Judge,
Date : .10.2019 Thane.
Annexure - 'A'
Information in regard to stage-wise and year-wise break-up
of the pending Criminal proceeding Pre. - 2016

Year Arg. Part- 313 Hrg. E.B.C. Charge Plea R/s./N. R/w. Total
heard State.

1988 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 02 02

1989 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 03 03

1990 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 01 01

1991 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 01 01

1992 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 01 01

1993 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 01 01

1996 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 01 01

1997 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 04 04

1998 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 01 01

1999 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 02 02

2001 ---- 01 ---- 01 ---- ---- ---- 11 ---- 13

2002 ---- 01 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 09 ---- 10

2003 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 09 09

2004 ---- ---- ---- 01 ---- ---- ---- ---- 07 08

2005 01 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 14 ---- 15

2006 ---- ---- ---- 01 ---- ---- ---- ---- 16 17

2007 ---- 01 ---- 08 ---- ---- ---- 15 ---- 24

2008 ---- 02 ---- 04 ---- ---- ---- 83 34 123

2009 ---- 01 ---- 06 ---- ---- ---- 44 36 87

2010 ---- ---- ---- 05 ---- ---- ---- 293 70 368

Year Arg. Part- 313 Hrg. E.B.C. Charge Plea R/s./N. R/w. Total
heard State.

2011 01 02 ---- 02 ---- ---- ---- 110 170 285

2012 ---- 03 01 23 ---- ---- ---- 88 90 205

2013 ---- 04 ---- 16 ---- ---- ---- 227 62 309

2014 ---- ---- ---- 07 01 02 01 70 03 84

2015 01 01 ---- 17 ---- 11 01 133 12 176

Total 03 16 01 91 01 13 02 1097 526 1750

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