Hivos Salary Regulations
Hivos Salary Regulations
Hivos Salary Regulations
Description: The monthly salary is based on the job classification (Appendix 1) and the
related salary scale. This salary grading system can be found on the Hivos
intranet. The employer follows the BBRA (Civil Servants’ Salary Decree) for salary
indexation. The year-end bonuses, on the other hand, are based on the employment
conditions negotiations between the employer and the Staff Council. The monthly
salary of the employees is determined by the employer. The actual monthly salary
(M) is the product of the hourly wage (HW) and the official working week (W),
converted to a monthly figure as follows: M = HW x W x 52/12.
Application: On appointment, the employee’s position is graded according to the salary scale on
the basis of relevant professional experience. If the employee has already qualified
for this job previously, a number of increments will be awarded equal to the number
of relevant years of professional experience. This is at the employer’s discretion.
Starting scale: If the employee does not (yet) satisfy the experience requirements considered
relevant for the job, the employer may decide to place the employee in the starting
scale. This will apply until the employee meets the experience requirements relevant
to the job. The employee’s performance will be assessed according to the
“Performance and Assessment” procedure. The Board of Directors will grade the
employee’s position according to the applicable salary scale based on the results of
this assessment.
Performance: A decision as mentioned above should be based on the report of a formal
assessment or performance interview. This is on the understanding that if the
assessment is negative, the employer may decide to refuse an increment. The
procedures for this are explained in Hivos’s performance and assessment system,
which can be found on the Hivos intranet. One year after employment and
subsequently once every 2 years, the employee’s immediate supervisor holds an
assessment interview with the employee. After discussing the assessment with the
employee concerned it is adopted by the employer.
Bonus The employer may decide, at the immediate supervisor’s recommendation, to give a
one-off bonus to the employee based on extraordinary performance. The amount of
the bonus is half a month’s salary and is based on the month before the bonus is
Subject : IR 08 Salary
Status : Final
Date : March 2009
Author : IZ
The job to be performed by the employee is classified in one of the following job categories, Each job title in the
job category is assigned a job grade based on the weight and content of the job. The listed job titles reflect the
situation on January 2009. The grade listed with the job title is the job grade. Job titles that are temporary in
nature are indicated with a (T).
Group l:
Positions that involve a specific set of tasks at the basic level for which some professional knowledge and
experience are required. These tasks are geared to general, facilitatory and administrative work. The employee
has a certain degree of autonomy and works according to a prescribed method.
Group II:
Positions that involve a multiple set of tasks at all-round and professional levels for which specific professional
knowledge and experience are required. These tasks pertain to the actual work or are geared to technical,
administrative or organisational support of policy implementation. The employee has a large degree of
autonomy in determining the required method within the assigned tasks.
Positions at the professional and generalist level that require extensive and specialised expertise and/or
experience to work in a team with a high degree of autonomy and responsibility. Tasks at this level are aimed at
preparing, developing and implementing the policy of a department in the organisation, or involve positions with
high requirements in the general policy area.
Subject : IR 08 Salary
Status : Final
Date : March 2009
Author : IZ
Job titles: Secretary to the Board S10
Web Editor S10
L&N/ C/ F&M/ Campaign Officer S10
Netherlands Projects Officer S10
Webmaster S10
HR Consultant S10
KS Officer S 11 (T)
Project Manager L 11
TEC Policy Officer S 11
Financial Inspector S 11
C/L&N/F&M/SKA Coordinator L 11
Group lV:
Positions where the employee, in addition to the Group IV description, has a supervisory position in a
department, or coordinates the activities in a specific policy area at the generalist level. Tasks at this level
involve participating in the preparation and implementation of general Hivos policy, or involve positions with
explicit requirements in the general policy area.
Management, and Board of Directors. Employment contracts for these positions only partly fall under the Hivos
Legal Status Regulations, as they are mainly subject to the Hivos Company By-Laws and the Hivos Regulations
on Appointing and Dismissing Board Members. The salary scale for these positions is in line with the BBRA
(Civil Servants’ Salary Decree).
Subject : IR 08 Salary
Status : Final
Date : March 2009
Author : IZ