0.3 Pre Course Test
0.3 Pre Course Test
0.3 Pre Course Test
1. This quiz has to be attempted on a hard copy and brought to the training venue on the Day 1
2. Before you attempt the test, please complete the following:
2.1 Thoroughly read the pre-course reading material including the extracts of ISO 9001:2015 standard
2.2 Complete the Pre- course assignments.
3. Attempt this test on your own (The test will be evaluated during the training course)
A. State whether the following statements are ‘TRUE’ or ‘FALSE’ - 1 mark each
May’18 CQI-IRCA Certified PR 328: QMS ISO 9001:2015 Lead Auditor Training Course (17929) Page 1 of 5
Pre course hand-out
Pre-course self assessment test on ISO 9001:2015 Bureau Veritas Certification
B.3 State the difference between ‘documents’ and ‘ records’ as part of Documented Information
B.5 State at least 2 clauses of the standard that requires records to be maintained.
B.6 ISO 9001:2015 does not address exclusion of any requirement . Please state “true” or “false”. Justify
your decision
B.7 Responsibilities and Authorities need to be documented. State “true” or “false” and justify your decision
May’18 CQI-IRCA Certified PR 328: QMS ISO 9001:2015 Lead Auditor Training Course (17929) Page 2 of 5
Pre course hand-out
Pre-course self assessment test on ISO 9001:2015 Bureau Veritas Certification
B.8 All records need to be maintained in Hard copy – state “true” or “false” and justify your decision
B.9. Process Environment must include those required for human comfort of the personnel working in the
process . State true or false and justify.
B.10 State the difference between ‘Corrective action’ and ‘Preventive Action’.
May’18 CQI-IRCA Certified PR 328: QMS ISO 9001:2015 Lead Auditor Training Course (17929) Page 3 of 5
Pre course hand-out
Pre-course self assessment test on ISO 9001:2015 Bureau Veritas Certification
B.13 List down the Quality Management Principles on which ISO 9001:2015 standard is based.
B.14 List two ISO 9001 clauses (number and title) that support the quality management principle,
‘Evidence based decision making’.
C. Match the associated term/ terminology with the definition given below – 1 mark each
May’18 CQI-IRCA Certified PR 328: QMS ISO 9001:2015 Lead Auditor Training Course (17929) Page 4 of 5
Pre course hand-out
Pre-course self assessment test on ISO 9001:2015 Bureau Veritas Certification
********End of Quiz******
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