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Chapter 1

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Chapter I


Depression is a major source of the burden of disease throughout the world. In much of the

developing world, however, depression is largely unexplored as a research topic. A social mapping

disorder has been recognized as a research priority, only a sparse number of relevant studies have

been carried out in low- and middle-income countries. Roughly 60% of these countries have

contributed fewer than five articles to the international mental health indexed literature. Strategic

evidence is needed in order to prevent the occurrence of depression. Including its pernicious effects

and prohibitive treatment cost.

Prevention of depression, particularly among university students in developing countries,

is urgent. With their large student populations and the developmental propensity of students for

depression, the burden of the mental disorder is heavy on this demographic sector. Preventive

efforts in the developing world, however, are rare. Consistent with observations elsewhere,

depression is widely perceived in this part of the world as innocuous and as a part and parcel of

normal adolescent development. Students with the mental disorder are not only suffering in silence

but are also placing their academic and future life goals in peril. Depression can be averted if
students with depressive symptoms, comprising not only physical but also non-physical conditions

(e.g., cognition-emotion and motivation), are promptly and properly identified and helped.

Depression (major depressive disorder) is a common and serious medical illness that

negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act. Fortunately, it is also treatable.

Depression causes feelings of sadness and/or a loss of interest in activities once enjoyed. It can

lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems and can decrease a person’s ability to function

at work and at home.

Depression is a common mental disorder. Globally, more than 264 million people of all

ages suffer from depression. Depression is a leading cause of disability worldwide and global

burden of disease. More woman are affected by depression than men. It can lead to suicide. There

are effective psychological and pharmacological treatments for moderate and severe depression.

Here in Philippines, 3.3 million pinoy suffer from depression. The Philippines has one of

the highest cases of depression in Southest Asia, affecting more than three million Filipinos.

Here in Agdangan, there are some people that are having a depression in Elias A. Salvador

National Highschool. To help the people having a depression, the researchers will conduct the

analysis of depression and it’s impacts on human behavior on selected students of EASNHS.
Background of the Study
We choose this topic because, we want to know the reason, cause and effects. To the people

who experience the anxiety or depression. We choose Elias A. Salvador National Highschool,

Agdangan, Quezon because some of students here is experienced depression. Some of the students

commit a suicide while suffering from the problem. We hear a lot about experiencing of

depression. And we want to know how to avoid it, and how to overcome that situation.

Some of who experiencing the depression is students or teenagers, and the depression has

no choice even if you are old or not, because of different reason like love life, family problem,

friends, school works, and being bullied. Some of the teenagers even if the problem is small they

too emotional and went to anxiety to depress. And the nearest reason for that is lack of attention

of the parents.

Most young people are suffering from depression and this often comes from our own home,

one of the reasons is that being away from their family in this situation is more likely than us to

address the problem instead of telling them and because of it we can think of things along the way

that make up our minds and they are maybe the source of depression.

We want to know how to say that a person is depressed and what their symptoms are and

how they can immediately resolve this problem suffering before reaching to the critical situation

and that is taking a life of their own.

In our opinion, compared to men, women are much more subjected to fluctuating common

level which are associated with an increased risk of developing depression.

Objectives of the Study

This study will be focusing on perspective about the students who suffering from


Specially, it aims to answer the following objectives:

1. What are the causes of depression on selected students in EASNHS?

2. What are the experiences and encountering of selected students in terms of:

1.1 being bullied

1.2 being abuse

1.3 being stress in school works

3. What are the possible solution to prevent depression?

4. How long they are suffering in depression?

Significance of the Study

The researchers will be conducting this study to Analyze the status of the students who is

suffering in depression in EASNHS. Findings of this following:


This study benefits the family. They can have the knowledge how to prevent from getting

a depression.


This study benefits the respondent. They can have the knowledge to prevent and to solve

their problem about depression.


The researchers will gonna have a knowledge about depression. It can helps to avoid a

situation like this.

Future Researchers

The result of this study serves as a future reference to adapt a more developed research. It

serves as the reference in making the study. This research gives feedbacks and cues to achieve,

develop and improve the future researchers own studies.

Scope and Limitation

This research only focused on the analysis of depression and it’s impact on human behavior

on selected students on EASNHS. It was conducted during the 2nd semester of the Academic Year

2019-2020 and it was limited to grade 9 and grade 12 students of Elias A. Salvador National High

School, Agdangan, Quezon. We plan to reach out to each students for a personal interview and

every answer they give will be the answer we will put to our objectives.

Definition of Terms:


Is a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you

think and how you act.

Mental disorder

Usually defined by a combination of how a person behaves, feels, perceives, or thinks.

Pharmacological treatments

This therapy type can involve the use of one or multiple medicines and is studied in

university by medical and biomedical students.

Psychological treatments

May be used alone or in combination with physical treatments. They provide some of the

most powerful means of treating many types of mental illness.


A physical or mental condition that limits a person’s movement, senses, or activities.


Not harmful or offensive

Chapter II
This chapter presents literature and studies that are related to the study. The related

literature and studies gather guided the researchers and would help the readers undertaking the

whole study.

According to Valerie A. Stander, Cynthia J Thomsen, Robn M. Highfill-McRoy,

Posttraumatic stress disorder is often diagnosed with other mental health problems, particularly

depression. Although PTSD comorbidity has been associated with more severe and chronic

symptomology, relationships among commonly co-occurring disorders are not well understood.

The purpose of this study was to review the literature regarding the development of depression

comorbid with combat-related PTSD among military personnel. We summarize results of

commonly tested hypotheses about the etiology of PTSD and depression comorbidity, including

(1) causal hypotheses, (2) common factor hypotheses, and (3) potential confounds. Evidence

suggests that PTSD may be a causal risk factor for subsequent depression; however, associations

are likely complex, involving bidirectional causality, common risk factors, and common

vulnerabilities. The unique nature of PTSD–depression comorbidity in the context of military

deployment and combat exposure is emphasized. Implications of our results for clinical practice

and future research are discussed.

Investigators examined relationships among levels of depression and parentification in

undergraduate university students. Instrument scores were used to identify participants as (a) adult

children with alcoholic parents, (b) adult children with workaholic parents, (c) adult children with

at least one parent who was both alcoholic and workaholic, and (d) a comparison group composed

of adult children who met none of the other group criteria. Children of workaholics scored

significantly higher on measures of depression and parentification, and they reported parents

worked more hours than did parents of children of alcoholics and the comparison group. Children

of alcoholics scored significantly higher than the comparison group on the measure of

parentification. Children with parents who met both descriptions scored significantly higher than

children of alcoholics and the comparison group on the three dimensions described and on

combined number of hours both parents worked

The National Institute of Mental Health recommends that interventions be designed to

prevent the onset of clinical depression in at-risk groups. College students are included in those

groups identified as at risk. This article reports on 16 U.S. clinical trials, conducted with samples

of college-aged students between 1987 and 2011, to identify effective depression-prevention

strategies. Recommendations from the review of these studies include additional research to
determine prevention strategies for the college student population and the use of evidence-based

prevention strategies in nursing practice to improve the quality of life for this at-risk population..

Self-in-relation theory (Jordan, Kaplan, Miller, Stiver, & Surrey, 1991) proposes that a lack

of mutuality in women's relationships predisposes them to depression and inhibits their ability to

acknowledge and address effectively emotions such as anger. Research linking anger to depression

has not examined women's emotional expressivity within the context of their partner relationships.

Women's depression as a function of both their level of anger suppression or inappropriate anger

expression and the level of perceived relationship mutuality was studied in a sample of 223 college

women, aged 18 to 54. Lower levels of mutuality and higher levels of suppressed or

inappropriately expressed anger were associated with depression. Moreover, mutuality made

contributions to predicting depression beyond that explained by anger. Lower mutuality was also

related to higher anger suppression, but unrelated to inappropriately expressed anger.

In this article we review the role of depression and other related psychological factors in

heart disease. The prevalence of heart disease in patients with depression is high, and

epidemiological links between depression and heart disease are evident in studies of community

samples, psychiatric patients, and heart disease patients. We also describe the links between heart
disease and related psychological factors—including vital exhaustion, Type A behavior pattern,

anger and hostility, and Type D personality—and summarize proposed mechanisms that may link

negative affects with heart disease. Finally, we review treatment of depression in heart disease,

including evidence from several large clinical trials.

Conceptual Framework

This research will be conducted to analyze the depression and it’s impact on human

behavior on selected students in EASNHS. Through the use of survey questionnaire, it will be

answer by the selected respondents in Elias A. Salvador National High School. With the help of

survey questionnaire, the researchers gather the data and to analyze the Depression and it’s impact

on human behavior on selected students in Elias A. Salvador National High School.

Research Paradigm


The Analyzed the

 Construction
Analysis of of survey Depression
Depression Questionnaire and it’s Impact
 Administratio on Human
and it’s n of survey
Impact on questionnaire
Behavior on
to be Selected
respondents Students of
Behavior on  Record the
Elias A.
 Analysis of the Salvador
Student of data gathered National High

Figure 1: The Input-Process Output (IPO) Model for the Analysis of Depression and
it’s Impact on Human Behavior on Selected Students of Elias A. Salvador National High
The paradigm illustrated how the researchers conceptualized the study, It shows the

Analysis of Depression and it’s Impact on Human Behavior on Selected Students of Elias A.

Salvador National High School.

The process involved te construction of Survey-Questionnaire, administration of survey-

questionnaire to the respondents, record the data, use statistical treatment, analysis of data

gathered. The input involved the title of the research which is Analysis of Depression and it’s

Impact on Human Behavior on Selected of Elias A. Salvador National High School. The ouput

involved the result of Analysis of Depresson and it’s Impact on Human Behavior on Selected

Student of Elias A. Salvador National High School.

Chapter III
Research Methodology
This chapter shown the methods utilized by the researchers, in conducting the study

which includes the locate of the study, research design, population and sampling research. It also

includes the research instrumentation and data gathering procedure.

Locale of the Study

This study will be conducting in Agdangan, Quezon in the second semester S.Y

2019-2020. The reason why the researchers chose this place because the respondents are studying

in Elias A. Salvador National High School.

Research Design

This study will be using a Qualitative research design because this research will

study personal perspective of selected respondents Elias A. Salvador National High School. The

researchers will be using Qualitative research because it is one of the examples of non-

experimental research design and the researchers will be using survey questionnaire to easily

gather data.

Population and Sampling

The researchers gather the data to the selected respondents of Elias A. Salvador

National High School. The respondents were selected. The researchers have chosen 3 respondents.

Research Intrumentation

This Survey Questionnaire was used to get the primary data. The questions are

focuses on the Comparative Study of the Analysis of Depression and it’s Impact on Human

Behavior on Selected Students of Elias A. Salvador National High School.

Data Gathering Procedure

In gathering the data, the researchers will ask the principa of Elias A. Salvador

National High School for the approval in conducting this study. The researchers also created a

questionnaire that serves as the material to gather primary data. Then the researchers will select

the respondents in grade 10 and grade 12 in Elias A. Salvador National High School. The

researchers will spent more than one week in gathering the Analysis of Depression on Human

Behavior on Selected Students on Elias A. Salvador National High School.

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