(Applied Optimization 42) Helmut Neunzert, Abul Hasan Siddiqi (Auth.) - Topics in Industrial Mathematics - Case Studies and Related Mathematical Methods-Springer US (2000)
(Applied Optimization 42) Helmut Neunzert, Abul Hasan Siddiqi (Auth.) - Topics in Industrial Mathematics - Case Studies and Related Mathematical Methods-Springer US (2000)
(Applied Optimization 42) Helmut Neunzert, Abul Hasan Siddiqi (Auth.) - Topics in Industrial Mathematics - Case Studies and Related Mathematical Methods-Springer US (2000)
Applied Optimization
Volume 42
Series Editors :
Panos M. Pardalos
Universi ty 0/ Florida, U.SA
Donald Hearn
Unive rsity 0/ Florida, U.SA
The titles pub lished in this series are listed at the end 0/ this volume.
Topics in Industrial
Case Studies and Related Mathematical Methods
Helmut Neunzert
Kaiserslautern, Gennany
Abul Hasan Siddiqi
Aligaht; lndia
and Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
Springer-Science+Business Media, B.V.
A C.I.P. Catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress.
without whose patience and cooperation this work would not have been possible .
Preface xi
1 esse Studies at Kaiserslautern 1
1.1 Molecular alignment 2
1.1.1 The problem . 2
1.1.2 The model .. 2
1.1.3 The evaluation 6
1.1.4 The interpretation of the results 6
1.2 Acoustic identification of vehicles 7
1.2.1 The problem . 7
1.2.2 The model 7
1.2.3 The evaluation . . . . . . 9
1.2.4 The interpretation of the results 16
1.3 The Airbag-sensor . . . . . . 17
1.3.1 The objective . . . . . . 17
1.3.2 The modelling project . 17
1.3.3 The algorithmic project 18
1.3.4 The modelling of Safing sensor 18
1.3.5 The advanced model . . . . . . 22
1.4 How to judge the quality of a nonwoven fabric . 27
1.4.1 The problem . . . . . . . . . . 27
1.4.2 The models: A first approach . 28
1.4.3 Evaluation of our first model 35
1.4.4 The second model 36
1.5 Fatigue lifetime . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
1.5.1 Introduction 42
1.5.2 Physical situation, modelling, rate independence, and rainßow
counting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
1.5.3 Damage estimation using rainßow counted data . . . . . . . . 50
7 Appendix 287
7.1 Introduction to mathematical models. 287
7.2 Fractal image compression 295
7.3 Some basic results . . . . . . . . . . . 304
7.4 Results from Sobolev spaces . . . . . . 315
7.5 Numerical solutions of linear systems . 326
Abul Hasan Siddiqi would like to thank King Fahd University of Petroleum and
Minerals, Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia for providing excellent facilities during the
preparation of the final manuscript.
Case Studies at
Figure 1.1.1
To compare the shapes of molecules and to define the similarity, the molecules
must be translated and rotated. Since the structure is rigid, translating a molecule
by a vector g and rotating it by a rotation A means to translate and rotate any atom
by g and A, respectively; i.e.
for given MI, M 2 should be. Similarity would then mean "small distance" . But
then the distance would depend on the relative positions of the molecules. To define
similarity, we would have to move one of the molecules until it best fits the other.
Similarity should therefore be measured by
To find the best possible position for MI, i.e., to find the optimal g and A is called
alignment. It is clear that this alignment depends on d, the distance between
the molecules we choose. We want to remind that the main purpose of the entire
investigation is to substitute one key MI by another key M 2 • The similarity should
be a similarity of keys with respect to one lock! We speak about distances, but we
do not expect to get distances in the sense of a (mathematically correct) metric.
d must be a functional on pairs of molecules with d (MI, M 2 ) = 0 if and only if
MI = M 2 • We do not insist on having a tri angle inequality-it is easily obtained,
and not even required. As mentioned before, one has to take geometrical aspects
into consideration as weIl as the electrostatic situation.
Typical attempts in the past (see, for example, the so-called SEAL-metric, de-
veloped by Kearsley and Smith [1990]) defined d (MI , M 2 ) for
d(MI,M2 ) := C - LLwije-allzi-v;1I2,
i=1 j=1
where wij = wEqjrÜ +WsrfrfJ. Gis chosen such that d(Ml,Ml) = O. Clearly G
depends on M l . The sum measures the overlap of the two molecules and is maximal
and equal to C if both molecules are the same.
There are several free parameters in the game: o, WE, Ws and ßj they were found
by fitting to experiments. One may also do some geometrie considerations: if we
have two balls of the same radius R, the volume of the intersection of the 2 balls
having a distance r, V(r), is 0 for r > 2Rj for 0 :S r :S 2R, we compute by elementary
which is maximal for r = 0: V(O) = ~1l' R3. We shall now choose Ws and o, ß such
V(r) = w s R 2 ß e- a r
fits optimally to V(r). Again, "optimal" is not defined and one may think of V(O) =
ws R2ß = ~ R 3 , i.e, Ws = t and ß = ~ . Then o may be chosen such that
V1(O) = V1(0), i.e, +a = + 4~' Ot her ideas are possible.
Let us now try to do the modelling differently. The domain "fitted" by the
molecule M = {;!Zl' ..., ~Nj rl, ..., r s: ql, ..., qN} is, of course,
Hence, the "surface" of M is an. It is quite a complex structure. The atoms carry
the charges q which define an electrostatie Coulomb potential
This is repulsive. We may think of taking the distance between the potentials of two
molecules, rPl and rP2' on the surfaces of both molecules, i.e., on an l and an 2 and
may try to define
(J J
(dw is the surface measure on an). This would lead to asymmetrie d, but practieally
it would be enough to consider only one integral.
Experimental validation, however, shows that what counts is the electrie field
and not the potential; i.e.,
E = -"V rP·
Moreover, it is neither the flux (E, rY nor the electric energy at the surface; i.e.,
J IIEII 2 dJ..J, whieh plays the most important role, but rather the direction
~= II EII'
which determines similarity.
The electrostatic component of our d may, therefore, be modelled by
! 1I~1 - ~2112 dJ..J.
What remains is the geometrieal part. The most natural choiee from the point of
view of a mathematician would be the Hausdorff distance
8 (0 1 , ( 2) = Xe
max min IIx -
{ (1 - e-ßr4 (x ) ) dJ..J(x),
Jeo t
(it is almost ß Ild211~2(eot)' at least, if d2 is small -and it is more flexible).
Here we are, at the moment
d(Ol, ( 2) =a
eO t
! 1I~1 - ~2112 ! (1 -
dJ..J + e- ß d2 (X)2) dJ..J,
and we may play with o, ß controlling the weight of the electrostatie and the geo-
metrie aspects,
Let us stop here with modelling; one is never at the end of a modelling task.
There is no "the model" - it is either better or worse. To know how good a model
is, it must be evaluated, d must be computed, alignment performed, and comparisons
with experiments done .
is the trajectory of the ship, where we do not know ß and 1l.. What we observe is the
angle between the position of the ship and (say) the z-axis. We call it a(t) and we
measure aj = a( tj) at times tl, ..., tk.
Moreover, we measure the intensity of the incoming signal, d(t). Since it is
inversely proportional to IIx(t)1I 2 , we get
d(t) - ------,,-2
- Ilx(t)1I '
where 8 denotes the unknown intensity of the sound emitted from the observed
vehicle. It is not sufficient to measure aj and dj and dj = d(tj) in order to determine
ß,1l. and 8, even if we are very diligent and do it quite often. A more distant, but
faster and noisier vehicle, may create the same signals at the origin and may not be
distinguishable from the nearer but slower and more silent vehicle. We need more
information in order to determine 8 and motion (ß, 1l.), and we may pose different
problems depending on the information available.
Problem 1. We know the speed IIvll = a (probably since there is a maximal speed
which ships normally use) and we measure only aj, j = 1, ..., k, We want to know
the motion ß and 1l..
Problem 3 does not assume that we know (J, but measures 8 and is again interested
in the motion. All measurements carry an element of error.
Figure 1.2.1
We know that
Since we do not know r(tj), we express the fact that flLj points in the direction
. a]
by saymg that
( smaj
W o=
sin oj )
-] ( - cosaj
is orthogonal to flLj
(x .,W.) = o.
-] -]
Sinee we did not get the information about the instrument measuring the angles,
we ehoose these two functionals for our further investigation; they are quite good
to handle. It is an "eeonomics" principle in modelling (formulated by the Aus-
trian philosopher Ernst Mach during the last eentury) to choose the simplest model
eoinciding with the given information.
For Problems 2 and 3, where dj is used, we need another regression and, most
likely, the functional to be minimized should be
grada rP1 = 22: ((~, '1!d.j) + tj ('Y.., '1!d.j) ) ws-
j= l
= • 2 a!
sm •
- smaj
cosaj ) .
( - cos aj sm aj cos aj
With this notation we easily get
for which the condition Ilvli = o is only a normalization of the eigenvector. (We
mention that a general treatment of "normal system of equations" , which originate
from regression, are treated in Ciarlet and Lions [1991]) .
Sinee W(i) are symmetrie matriees, the matrix of our eigenvalue problem is again
symmetrie and we get 2 real eigenvalues and 2 orthogonal real eigenvectors. The
length of the eigenvectors is a and therefore we get by using a = - W(O)-l W(I)~,
the following 4 solutions
with eigenvalues "'1' J.L2. It is not diffieult to decide which sign is the eorrect one;
but which eigenvalue, "'1 "'2'
or should we ehoose? This may lead to a maximum
instead of aminimum, or to no extremal value of F at all!
To proeeed further, we eonsider the Hessian of F with respect to (Q,~)
W (O) W(1) )
Hp. := 2 ( W(I) W(2) + J.LE2 .
It is easy to see that Ho is positive definite. If we use the following four k-dimensional
s.(4) =
Gramians are always positive definite, if the veetors Sj form a linear independent
set, sinee
with equality only if L ~iS.i = O.
But even in this ease, Ho is semidefinite. We search for solutions of
2" grad(a.v)F = 0,
and see that this means solutions of
Since Ho is positive semidefinite, both eigenvalues, JL1 and JL2' are non-positive if
since W(O) is the Gramian of 8.1 and 8.2 and, as we assumed, regular. We see
that HJ.l.l cannot be definite and therefore F(g" Q, JL1) cannot have a local extremum.
Therefore, JL = JL1 can be excluded. The only chance is JL = JL2; and HJ.l.2 positive
definite or at least semidefinite! Certainly not definite, since
The proof that D is semidefinite for "generic" measurements is still not available - it
should not be too hard. The numerical results point to the fact that JL2 is a good
What remains is the question of orientation: Is +Q2 or -Q2 the correct motion,
g,2 or -g,2 to starting point?
The angle between x(O) and the other directions
(C?S a
) should be between
.... .... I
.... .... I
.... .... I
........ I
---..... ..... -....... --
'" I
---- I
----- --
Figure 1.2.2
Eliminating 8, we get
E(u) = 0,
where we include in F the component 1IY..11 2 - 0'2. This nonlinear system is solved by
a several-dimensional Newton method, choosing a starting value ~, linearizing F
at :i! to get
(It is not really necessary to compute DF(y/)-lj it is enough to solve this equation
for a given right hand side).
In our case the J acobian D F has a special structure
Problem 3 is a bit simpler since there is no constraint; 8 is given and we start with
Again, we may write the regression as a nonlinear equation for (~) , which we
try to solve by a Newton method. We are not completely in command of the
domain of convergence. Although, practically, everything looks fine yet, in reality,
since we do not require that II.~II = a ; we get a new critical point Q = Q = Q and we
cannot exclude that our method just converges to this trivial solution. To explain
the situation, we study a similar one-dimensional problem with x E IR instead of
(~); G consists of a quadratic and a fourth order term
G(x) = o:x2 + ß(x2 - 8)2, 0:, ß, 8 > O.
If 0: ~ 2ß8, 9 has only one minimum: the trivial one x = 0;
if 0: < 2ß8, 9 has a maximum at x = 0 and two minima at
x=±J8- ~
a ~ 2ßo
Figure 1.2.3
We are int erest ed in the second situation only; the one-dimensional example
suggests that we get an interesting solution if at g = :!l. = 0 the function G has a
maximum. To see when this is the case, let us consider the Hessian of G at g = :!l. = O.
We get
The last matrix is again a Gramian of the two vectors (.,fd;, ..., J'dk) T and (.,fd;t1, . ..,
..J(lktk)T and therefore positive definite. For sufficiently small A, the matrix DG(Q, Q)
is therefore negative definite, so that we are in the (hopefully) interesting situation.
Therefore we try.
Remark. Until now, we have only used 4>1' Let us at least look at the simplest
problem 1 with 4>2 instead of 4>1 . We want to see how sensitive the solution is with
respect to the chosen functional. Moreover, we try another method of solution.
We want to minimize 4>2(g,:!l.) = ~ <~~.~~> with the constraint 11:!l.1I 2 = a 2 • We
]=1 J
v= a(coscp)
- sincp '
Figure 1.2.4
and writing cP2 as a function of g and ip: cP2 (g, <p) . The price we pay is the shape
of the normal equations. grada<p is a rational function of (al, a2) and has many
zeros. ~ oscillates near the origin and at infinity. Newton's method cannot be
used for that reason - t he domain of convergence is very sm all. We need other
optimization methods to approach the problem, but we did not find methods which
were absolutely reliable. In 95% of all practical problems they work - but clients in
industry want software which never fails. To many exceptions, to interactivity with
the user means to need perturbations. We therefore abandoned these ideas ,
following estimates for g and ~, which are correctly ( ;:g) and ( ~6) :
Problem 1 takes less computing time, Problems 2 and 3 are solved more slowly,
but with approximately equal effort, Problem 3 delivers elearly the best solution.
Our results show that the functional rP2 cannot compute-it is slower and less precise.
Of course the computation is done on-line-one uses the data at hand at a certain
time. Each newly incoming measurements improve the result ; the "old" result is used
as starting value for the Newton iteration. In that way, this iteration needs fewer
In the beginning, the results are less encouraging, especially if the course of the
ship is directly pointed at the observer. However, they soon get better if the path
does not go exactly through the origin.
The dient accepted the results but soon asked for higher computational speed.
A problem for industry is never solved: it is like in a German fairy tale of a little
boy with the strange name Häwelmann. He was never content with what he got ; he
always shouted "more, more" .
9 mm
19 mrn
Figure 1.3.1
In this project, we deal with the Safing sensor only. It consists of a conical
magnet in a cylinder. Around this cylinder, there is a metallic ring with mass m
that can move along the cylinder. Initially, the ring must be at one side as shown in
Figure 1.3.1. If it hits one side with a certain velocity v, then it bounces back with
a velocity c- v, where c is the elasticity coefficient (in our models c = 0.3).
Whenever there are forces on the car, there is also an acceleration of the ring in
relation to the cylinder. So the ring starts moving. If it moves over a certain point,
say A, the electronical circuit closes. However, this should only happen if the forces
on the car are very large, i.e., if there is a crash. If these forces are only small, for
example, if one brakes, the circuit should not elose. In that case, the ring should
not move over the point A. Further, after the braking, the ring must move back to
its initial position. All this can be accomplished by the magnet and its magnetic
field and force. This force causes the ring not to move too far if there is only a small
force on the car.
In the project, we wanted to determine the movement of the ring. The main
problem was the calculation of the magnetic field and the magnetic force. First, we
assumed the magnetic force to be a constant or a linear function of x, where x is
the direction of the movement. Then, we worked out the real magnetic field and the
magnetic force theoretically and found a numerical solution for this case.
It is important to get an estimation for the accelerations of the ring in case of a
crash and in case of braking only. Then, the required magnetic force and, thus, the
magnetic field can be determined. When all forces are known, the movement of the
ring can be modelIed as a function of time .
In this section, realistic values for the acceleration of the car (and the ring in the
sensor) will be determined for the crash case and the braking case. We will consider
only a little crash and very strong braking. H the ring moves a suitable distance in
these cases, then it will also move for a strong crash or little braking.
Suppose a car crashes a wall at a speed of 36 km/h; i.e., 10 m/s, and suppose the
crash lasts 100 minutes. Then the acceleration is (a = v/t)100 m/s2 ~ lOg where g
is the earth acceleration. This is not very accurate, but from experiments it follows
that this value is realistic, although it is very small,
Suppose a car that is driving at a speed of 36 km/h brakes suddenly and stands
still after half a second (this is very fast). Then, the mean acceleration is 20 m/l ~
2g. This value is also realistic although it is very large.
From this, the magnitude of the magnetic force can be determined such that
the circuit eloses if the car crashes and does not elose if the car only brakes. The
acceleration of the ring due to the magnetic force should be within 20 m/s2 and
100 m/s 2 and acting against the crash and braking force.
Governing equations
The physics of our problem can be described by Newton's second law:
Choosing the positive x-direction towards the right of the initial position of the ring,
we obtain
• Fcar is the force which is exerted on the ear. It can either be the crash force
Fcrash or the brake force Fbrake.
• Ffrie is the friction force between the ring and the cylinder. It always acts
against the movement; i.e.,
-JLmRg for x(t) > 0, i.e, the ring moves }
Fi. = towards the position x-direction
{ JLmRg for x(t) < 0, i.e., the ring moves '
towards the negative z-direction
where mR = 0.002 kg is the mass of the ring, JL = 0.5 is the friction coefficient
and 9 = 9.81 m/s 2 is the earth acceleration.
• F mag is the magnetic force on the ring.
• Find is the induced induction force.
From now on, we consider only the different kinds of accelerations on the ring
which can be obtained from the corresponding forces divided by the mass of the
ring . Then,
x(t) = aear(t) + arrie(X(t)) - amag(t,x(t)) - ai nd (x(t))
holds. This equation is a non-linear ordinary differential equation which can be
solved by numerical methods only. As an integration method, we used the trape-
zoidal rule which is applied twice to get the velocity x(t) and then the movement of
the ring x(t).
First model
In the first model, the magnetic force which is exerted on the ring is assumed
to be constant in time and independent of the position of the ring. The acceleration
of the ring due to this magnetic force is a mag = const. Furtherrnore, the acceleration
due to the force on the car is taken as
t ) _ { (1 - cosw t) · a c for t ~ T
a ear ( - 0 for t > T,
where ac is the amplitude of the acceleration, w = ~, and T is the time that the
force lasts, This eosine function appears to be a rather good approximation of the
real acceleration if there is a crash or a brake force. The acceleration due to the
friction between the ring and the cylinder is as described above. To approximate the
movement of the ring in case of a real crash with this model, the following values
are used:
ac = 100 m/s
a meg = 20 m/s2
arrie = 5 m/s 2
T = 25 ms.
To approximate the movement in case of braking, the same values are used except
for a e which is taken as 40 m/s2 •
Second model
In the second model, the acceleration due to the magnetic force and the friction
force is the same as in the first model, but the acceleration due to the force which
is exerted on the car is taken from a real crash data. A picture of these values is
shown in Figure 1.3.2.
Again a m ag = 20m/s2 and llfric = 5m/s2 • The crash time T is approximately
90 ms whch can be easily calculated.
With these values, it appears that the ring stays a longer time at the right hand
side of the cylinder than in the previous model. This is because the crash lasts a
longer time. Therefore, the closing time of the electronical circuit is longer (about
90ms) . (The closing time is the time during which the ring is beyond point A, i.e.,
the time between two passings of points A).
Figure 1.3.2
Third model
In the third model, again the acceleration due to the forces on the car is taken
from a real crash, and the friction force is the same as in the two previous models.
In this model, the magnet in the cylinder is replaced by aspring which gives the
following linear acceleration of the ring as a function of its position:
aspring(X) = Cspring • X + Co ,
where Cspring is the spring constant and Co is the spring force on the ring, if it is in
its initial position divided by the mass of the ring.
Cspring and CO are chosen 2000s- 2 and 5m/il, respectively. The acceleration
CO is introduced to make sure that the ring moves back to its initial position after
braking. The closing time with the approximation is 95 ms,
div B = 0,
div H = -div M .
If we could determine H, we would get
B = JLoH + JLoM .
B now generates the magnetization of the ring and
M R = JLR -1 . B j R = JLBjR.
and finally
M~) = /LB(1) .
One can hope that B(l) and M~) are sufficiently accurate and the following iterations
do not yield a big change. In any case, we shall try to do this without having
estimated the error so far.
How does one solve (*)? The first problem only appears because M K is not
differentiable. It jumps at the surface aK and is otherwise constant. This problem
is, like several others in the field of differential equations, self-fabricated. Really, the
equation is as follows:
The flux of B(1) through an arbitrary surface of a bounded smooth body is always
zero ; that is,
l (B(l), n.)dw = 0,
for all closed surfaces S; of course, the Gauss theorem changes this into div B = 0
as :
r divB(l)d~= Jr
for all sets V with sufficiently smooth boundary and from this it directly follows
div B(l) = 0 .
But, of course, the theorem is valid for differentiable B(l) only- and this is not the
case here, at least not on 8K. Away from 8K, we have div M K = 0; l.e., div
H(l) = 0; on 8K, and it follows from !s (B(l) .,!!)dw = 0, that
(B(l), WOK+ = (B(l) ,'!!)OK_,
where '!! is the outer normal vector on 8K and 8K+ denotes the boundary limit
when we approach the 8K from the interior, where 8K_ is the exterior limit. This
can be seen from Figure 1.3.3.
Figure 1.3.3.
BI = JLO(H(I) + M K)'
which implies that
the j is equal to zero, i.e., H(l) = O. These are the integrability conditions for H(l )
and in view of the Poincare Lemma, we can suppose a potential r/J of H
This gives us
~r/J = 0,
One observes how the special conical form of the magnet comes into play.
If the magnet were of cylindrical form, we would have nl = 0 on the surface of the
cylinder and there would be no jump in the normal derivative; the field only appears
at the side face. Now, we utilize our knowledge of the solution of Laplace equation
and jumps of the solution. One needs the well-known theory of "single layer" which
together with "double layers" is the main tool for the boundary integral method.
We describe quickly all the relevant material.
Let N(x, y) = 411"11;-1111 be the kernel of the Laplace equation, then we have, for
given m E CO(BK): The function
r/J(~ = r
N('f., y)m('!l)dw('!l)
satisfying the Laplace equation outside the BK is continuous in the whole space and
its normal derivative ~ has a singularity of order m.
r/J('f.) = r
N('f., 1j)(M, 71)dw.
The conical surface consisting of side, top and bottom must be parametrized and
integrated. It goes straight since Mi is constant and ni (y) is fixed on any one of the
three sub-surfaces.
Now it is nearly done: we have the magnetization of the ring from which we
can calculate the force K on R . In principle, this is done again with the underlying
micro-currents and associated Lorenz force j x B . There are currents inside R and
on the surface. We have -
By the identity ~ x (Q x ~) = Üh~Q - < ~,Q > ~ and the relation div B = 0 we get
Force = r (MR,rr}Bdw .
We are again interested in the component of the force in the direction of the axes of
the cylinder, that is, Bi' This means the evaluation of another surface integral over
the surface of the ring which has 4 parts: the inner and outer cylinders, and both
frontal sides. This is also simple, although M R in R is not constant in R.
The movement of the ring under this magnetic force can be seen in Figure 1.3.4.
This is what has been done up to now. However, there is still much to do, for
Clarify whether the iteration of H(i) can really be terminated. Estimate how
the electromotive forces influence the behaviour. Incorporate the switching into the
investigation. It looks as if the third point will lead to a continuation of the project.
But if we want to have simulation results which are really accurate, we have to look
at many points in a more precise manner.
The fundamental equations (MaxweIl's equations) are completely reliable, classi-
cal electrodynamics is quite a mature theory. Moreover, the material constants are
weIl known. What needs to be examined here are the simplifications and neglec-
tions : problems which are clearly formulated mathematically but may sometimes be
difficult to solve. This is a very rewarding area of research where, surprisingly, few
mathematicians are working!
In Chapter 3, the fundamental results concerning Maxwell's equations are pre-
sented indicating the current techniques and methodology for their solutions.
Figure 1.3.4. Movement of the ring with the real magnetie force.
more", shouts little Hävelmann!). With respect to cloudiness, it seems that we got
a saturation and there is now even a software product judging the cloudiness in a
proper way. Ships are still under consideration.
The long history has led to a long list of contributors: Dr. Brian Wetton, Dr . H.
G. Stark (both are meanwhile professors, in Canada and in Germany respectively),
Dr. P. Hackh, Dr. R. Rösch, Dr. J. Weiekert (and one of us). We shall describe
some attempts in detail; others just by mentioning them.
1) Since JL is given by an N-tuple, i.e., JL E jRN, we may use any distance known
in jRN, for example
· . !. .I
-k ··-t-·
·: -_·__ ·_··--_·_····--I. ---L-J·----·.t --+---·-b------i-----
: i
: r-----l
: :
~ 11 1
dark cloud light cloud
Figure 1.4.1
Now assume that we have a fabric with a large hole oflength, say, 110N in the
middle. The corresponding J.t could be
N! 1
eh (J.tosc' jJ.) = 3N = 3VN .
The distance of J.thole to uniformity is
Both fabrics-the oscillating one and the one with the big dark hole-have the
same d2-distance, but certainly not the same quality.
dp-distances have the property that they are invariant against index permuta-
tions; since /J, does not change under index permutation we have
( ttN( /-tz(i) - N
1) p) ~ =
(N (
~ /-ti - N
1) p) ~
By index permutation, many small holes may be transformed into one big
hole, and both would have the same d p distance. This contradicts the idea of
2) A physicist has a natural measure for the distance to uniformity: the entropy.
Since we compare with /J" we speak of relative entropy - the entropy in com-
parison to jJ.. It is defined by
But what was true for dp -and what is an advantage of entropy in statistical
physics-is true for dent and therefore unsuitable for our purpose: invariant
against index permutations, a big hole would count as many small ones.
3) We should take the idea of a hole more seriously. A hole is an index domain
(a set of neighbouring pixels) n, in which /-tij - 1:1 has one sign . It is larger
or smaller than 1i
everywhere in n. The size of the hole is given by the size
of n and by the deviations of the grey values from average. We call it "hole
volume" and define it as
If we pass over a boundary, J-Lj - ~ changes its sign and the volume defined as
above becomes smaller.
Therefore we keep the idea of the largest hole in distance (but may change
the values of the distance a bit), when we omit the restriction, t hat o,ß are
boundaries of holes and define
ß 1
D(II. ;,.) = max ",",,(11. . - -)
rrr r: 1~0I$.ß~N ~,.., N '
or, again, in two dimensions
D(J-L, jL) =
L (J-Lij - NI) .
D(J-L,jL) = max { L
(J-Lij - ~) ,R = {(i,j): 01 s i:::; e..
02:::; j sß 2 }} .
u - m i <_1_ l<n<N .
lr: n nN' - -
One may observe that there are always integers m, n, such that the fraction
~ approximates J-L with an error less than ~. It is a nice game: Try it!
The same distance also occurs in statistics: for densities p" v , one defines the
Kolmogorov-Smirnov distance as
D(II. v) = max ,",(11.)0 - v)o)
,.., I '.S.a'.S.ß'.S.N .L..J r:
4) But before we try more mathematical ideas: p, are probability densities and in
spaces of prob ability measures, we may find more concepts of distances. For
example, there is a Lipschitz distance which , if p, is interpreted as a measure,
is defined as
p(p" v) := sup {lI tpdp, - 1 tpdvl ,tp E ab and Itp(x) - tp(y)1 s Ilx - YII} .
Here, abis the space of bounded continuous functions on a domain in RN - the
concept has to be transferred to our situation with finite domain
Figure 1.4.2
1 N i
p(JL, v) := N L L(JLj - Vj)
i=l j=l
(we get it by Abel's "partial summation", the discrete analogue ofpartial integration
Putting Yo = !PN+l = 0 and denoting L: Yi = lJ, we get
LYj!Pj = LlJ (!pj -!PHI)'
j=l j=l
special !P, which we construct: We denote ßj = sign lJ, such that IlJl = ßjlJ and
N N N j
1 N N
N L IlJl = LcPiYi .
j=l i=l
Figure 1.4.3
It is not any more symmetrie in (Xl, X2), not even in 2 dimensions. In two
dimensions, the definition (or better representation ) of pis: Let
i i
Yii = L L(jtkl - Vk,) for 1 s i,j s N,
p(jt, v) = N2 L IYiil·
pis, as a model for quality as good as D. Now, we need fast algorithms to eompute
D and p.
= l$a$ß$N
max IYß - Ya-11 = O$a,ß$N
max IYß - Yal
(please realize that we have substituted)
Q ::; ß by Q,ß)
= max Yß - min Ya .
O$ß$N O$a$N
This is also very easy: one has to eompute the partial sums, their maxima and their
minima and the differenee. But there is no such formula in two dimensions. It is
easier to use an equivalent formulation (equivalent with respeet to the modelling
to care for the orthonormality of the basis. Decomposition is then Fourier - or now:
wavelet analysis, since wavelets form orthonormal bases with scale separation.
It should be clear that we first tried to describe clouds and ships with the help
of a wavelet analysis; see Stark [1990]. In fact , we started to apply wavelets to
industrial problems in 1987 as one of the first outside of France.
The results were not bad but not so impressive either to justify the application of
these advanced tools. In 1995, J . Weickert proposed a simpler but similar concept,
the so-called "techniques of pyramids" known since long in image processing,
which is somehow a prototype of multiscale analysis .
We shall present this approach here - it is, as we said, an easy introduction to a
modern mathematical concept. It will be applied to the problem of cloudiness and
only for 1d images (but here, the extension to 2d is straight-forward).
The process of moving away from an image is modelled by "melting together"
any pair of adjacent pixels: magnification, i.e., moving towards the image means
the splitting of one pixel into two. How do we do this splitting and pasting? It is
clear from the above that dimensions N, which are powers of 2, playaspecial role.
Hence, we start with
We should see J.L as a representation of the complete image, containing all details
even on the finest scale. Larger scales mean less information and the image at larger
scales will be represented by elements in lR2 ' +1 with 1 ~ j ~ k - 1. Processes
of magnification, the transition from larger to finer scales, must consist in putting
new information into it and are mappings from lR2' +1 to lR2 ' H + 1; we call them
interpolation or prolongation operators. Since we restriet our considerations to lin-
ear transformations, these operators may be represented by (2i H + 1) x (2 i + 1)
matrices. One idea to prolongate is simply to insert the average of two neighbouring
grey values:
Figure 1.4.4.
1 0 .,.
1 1
2 2 0
o1 0
Ij = o 0 21 21 0
0 1 0
o 1
For j = 0, we put
J.Lo J.La-----ER2;+1+1
We see that at the boundary, we melt J.L m, J.Lm+l and J.Lm+2 together to one new
e Iemen t "4J.Lm
l + 2J.L
1 1 • " ith a mas k (1l' 2'"4
m +l + "4J.L m+2; i.e., we convo u e J.L Wl
I t " 1 1) 4 . B u t
we "sample" only every second element: tJ.Ll + ~J.L2 + tJ.La, tJ.La + ~J.L4 + "4J.Ls, ••• At the
left boundary, we convolute with (}'!) at the right correspondingly with (k, }).
We get the following matrices:
f4" 1 1
2 I"4
Rj= 0 0 1
"4 "" "j
o ...
0 .i' 'i'
Moreover, we put
R 0-- (3
l l3l3) ·
Again, the sums of row elements are one. We want to make a side remark which
connects our consideration with a different approach. To convolute with a sequence
(t ~ t ) looks like a very rough discretization of the convolution with a Gaussian;
i.e., of
with a variance a to be determined. Now we know that Ji,(t,x) solves the diffusion
equation Ji,t = Ji,zz with initial value Ji,(O, x) = fJ.(x) . If our reduction is a discrete
approximation of a continuous convolution, it should be a discrete approximation
of the diffusion equation. In fact, if we discretize x with a step size Dox such that
fJ.k (t) = Ji,k(t, kDox) , k E Z and if we discretize t with Dot to get
with :;2 h= we get the above mentioned mask. One step in magnification means
therefore one timestep of diffusion. In diffusion processes, perturbations of high
frequency disappear quickly; meanwhile, the "long waves" remain. That is exactly
what our reduction does, too. Why do we mention this diffusion aspect? The theory
of diffusion offers plenty of additional knowledge like maximum principle, monotony,
decease of variation. It is rewarding to study diffusion filters in image processing as
quite some people have done.
Now we return to our reduction operators for an iterative magnification process.
The basis is the complete image fJ. = v k E lR2k+l and we partition it step by step.
We get
R, / /lVIV1~\ Va
Figure 1.4.6.
In each of these steps, the high-frequency effects are reduced: each step is a low-
pass filter and this pyramid, called "Gaussian pyrarnid", may be interpreted as a
sequence of low-pass filtered versions of u,
In each step, information is thrown away. What are these losses? If we want to
compare vi with vi+ 1 , we face the fact that these vectors belong to different spaces.
J 1
First, we have to "lift" vi to lR.2 + +1 in order to be able to compare. This lifted
version should have the same information as vi. Therefore the lifting is done by our
interpolation. Iivi is in lR?,+l +1 and we are now able to compare
wi+I contains the information lost by the reduction vi+ 1 -+ vi ; i.e, by Ri ' To
give a simple example: if VI = (Vl ,V.2,Va), then vO = ROv l = l(VI + V2 + va) = 'iJ
and lovo = (v, v,v). Therefore, w 1 = (VI - v, V.2 - v, Va - v) contains the deviation
from the average . In general, w i contains all features belonging to the jth scale.
The computation of wi is comparable with a band pass filter, where the width of
the band corresponds to one step in our size scaling. If we write formally wO = vO,
we may write w k , •••, WO in the form of a pyramid; and we call this pyramid the
"Laplace pyramid",
Given the last reduction VO = WO and the losses w k , •••, w 1 , it is easy to reconstruct
the whole image recursively
VI = w 1 +lovo
= w.2 + l1 V 1
Figure 1.4.7
Storing w k, •••, WO means storing the whole Image, Of course, wk , •••, wO contains
more bits than J.I. - it contains redundant information, but it is still very useful. For
example, we may reduce the amount of data by reduction of the kind of information
we are not interested in. If we are not interested in details on scales up to order
j < k, we are content with vi instead of J.I. and need only WO , ••• , wi . This set contains
1 + 3 + ...+ (2i + 1) = (j + 1) + 2i +l data which is less than 2k+1 + 1 data in the
original image.
We will now use our Laplace pyramid to judge the cloudiness. We look at
fluctuations at the jth scale; the larger the L 2-norm of wi , the more this scale
contributes to the nonuniformity. We normalize this L 2-norm and consider
which is (since the average of w i is zero) the "variance" of w i . Now, what is a cloud?
First, not an objective concept: it is defined by the judgment ofan expert who looks
at the fabric. Weickert has done experiments with 18 experts and found out that all
of them weighted irregularities on a middle scale more. If we try to weigh the scales
q(f.L) := :~::>jul(f.L),
Final remarks.
Pyramids have many features in common with wavelets (which correspond to
w j ) . They are not as elegant, orthogonal and wo, ..., w k therefore contain redundant
information. But the price wavelets pay for orthonormality is some inflexibility
which often creates problems, especially at the boundary. Pyramids contain a bit
of concepts in wavelet and multigrid in a quite simple way. They are able to teach
more than just how to handle a problem of quality control.
of production; on the other hand its parts have to be strong enough to withstand
the bumps when travelling over the roads for years. Here the analysis is particularly
difficult since, as everybody knows, these bumps are rather irregular.
Although, of course, engineers have done most of the research and development
in this area, it has turned out that mathematics contributes new insights and new
algorithms for computing estimates of the amount of damage. This is not just
speculation; for example, near Kaiserslautern, Germany, a company run by mathe-
maticians, computer scientists and engineers alike, which has had its origin in the
group of industrial mathematics headed by Neunzert of Kaiserslautern University,
provides software used by the majority of German car producers.
The research group at Kaiserslautern started a systematic study of fatigue anal-
ysis since 1984 and have made significant contributions (see, e.g., Dressler and
Hack[1996], Dressler, Hack and Krüger [1997] and Brokate and Sprekels [1996])
by establishing a relationship between the phenomenon of hysteresis and fatigue
lifetime and developing methods particularly useful for data of long drives or for
extrapolated data.
The estimation of the lifetime of a component in the automotive industry like
car, aircraft, railways must be carried out to verify the durability of the machine as
a whole or a part of it prior to its actual manufacturing. A specific part of a car
is usually not destroyed by one large load, but by the growth of very small cracks
during many, typical several million, hysteresis loops. At ambient temperatures, the
frequency of the osciIlation is not taken into account. The damage induced by the
individual loops is accumulated according to the famous Palmgren-Miner-rule, ac-
cording to which experimental results for a given work-piece are usually condensed
into an S-N-diagram depicting the Wähler line, a plot of the (scalar) stress am-
plitude S versus the number N of cycles (oscillations between two amplitudes; for
example, 0 and S) until destruction occurs. For a sequence of cycles of varying am-
plitude, the Palmgren-Miner-rule of linear damage accumulation evaluates the
total accumulated damage as the sum of the contributions l/N from the individual
oscillations. The damage induced by these loops is used to estimate the lifetime.
The process of finding duration in which a specific part or the whole machine will
be destroyed is called the fatigue analysis. The duration is called fatigue life.
Components under consideration may be of different size and shape; so we require a
local evaluation of the damage depending on material parameters only. Very often
no information about the local value is available. Hence, to get reallocal values, one
has to build a specimen, put into the vehicle and drive it on the test track.
It may be observed that the motivation for data reduction schemes in fatigue
analysis is not just the reduction of data (in the sense of storage saving) as sug-
gested by the direct meaning of the word. The main point is to focus attention on
the relevant information by intelligent filtering, that is, by omitting the immense
mass of data having no effect on damage accumulation. This permits both an ef-
fective modular use of modern numerical damage evaluation techniques and the
reorganization of test-drive data for test stand experiments. From the point of view
of damage analysis, it is weIl accepted that the rainßow method is the optimal
rate-independent data reduction scheme for one-dimension load histories. There are
stronger points in favour of rainflow reconstruction algorithm from practical point
of view and it has no disadvantage against the Markov simulation, e.g., performance
and reliability. It is mathematically exact in the sense that there are no approxi-
mative or heuristic arguments used . The main goal of this section is to introduce
briefly a very effective on-line counting, the so-called "4-point counting" by Krüger
[1985], and present fatigue lifetime estimate based on rainflow counted data using
the local strain approach.
- - - - - -.....
.:::..~~,,;;:: ( ) " .L.__ .":::~
------- ------.-.-------.:. :..-..~-- . . . -. .------..l ......,
. - . ---j..
I ~·!
_----- .
... I
----------------_'":~~ ..
~ ~l~ ~ ... 6.1~
Thus the global stress and strain are one-dimensional and take their local values
at the crack. The breaking will eventually occur at a point when the total accumu-
lated damage exceeds a certain value.
L Force
Stress = (7 = - = -------
A Cross section Area
. 6,1 Extension
Stram = € = -1 = 0 ngm
. . al Length '
trajectory (u(t), €(t)) ofthe history of the sample will follow a so-called hysteresis
loop as in Figure 1.5.2.
Nonlinear plasti
A ~ B rv expansion
B ~ A rv compression
Now, we note that the units of area in the stress-strain plane are energy per
unit volume. Thus, each time the trajectory completes a hysteresis loop energy is
dissipated, a function of the size of the loop, which it is assumed to permanently
damage the structure.
There are two types of curves that make up the time history of the straining
of the structure, and they are related by a simple formula. These are called cyclic
curve and doubled curve. Initially, the trajectory follows the cyclic curve until its
first turning point (corresponding to a change of direction of the force applied). At
this point, the trajectory changes its direction to follow the doubled curve because
it first must undo what has previously been done before creating strain in the other
direction. The formula for the doubled curve, when the cyclic curve is given by
€(t) = g(u(t)), is
e(t) = ±29(ü;:)),
where e(t) = €(t) - €(tn ) , ü(t) = u(t) - u(t n ) and t« is the last time at which there
is a turning point. This is known as the Masing law and, in order to describe the
trajectory completely, we must add to it the so-called Memory laws. These refer to
Figure 1.5.3.
Stress a
Strain €
,f Cyclic curve
.... ~ ....
( Trajectory
(i) After closing a hysteresis loop on the cyclic curve, the trajectory follows the
cyclic curve again.
(ii) After closing a hysteresis loop on a basis branch, the trajectory follows this
branch again.
(iii) If a branch of the trajectory that started on the cyclic curve ever meets it
again, then the trajectory slope changes and it follows the cyclic curve away
from the origin.
The first two of these laws can be explained by noting that completing a hysteresis
loop wipes this loop from the memory of the trajectory, so it continues along the
original track. The third law describes a similar loss of memory of the trajectory
when it intersects with the cyclic curve . This is due to the fact that this point could
also have been reached by simply traversing the cyclic curve from the origin (the
only difference being the accumulated damage).
Load-time graph for a short duration of an experimentally observed data is given
in Figure 1.5.4.
Load L
The rainfiow matrix and the residual graph. We start with a short time series
L(t) . First, we discretize the load into n intervals of equallength
AL = maxiLI,
where n is a given integer, and we denote by Li the load corresponding to interval
i counting in the positive direction. The rainflow matrix A is then defined by
aij, being the number of hysteresis cycles whose closing parts start at L j and end
at Li. So, if i < j, the loop is "sitting" and if i > i. the loop is "hanging" .
Furthermore, the loops contained in only one load interval are not counted, i.e.,
aii = 0 for i = 1, 2, . . . ,n. If we delete all hysteresis loops from the time series,
then whatever is left is called the residual graph or residue. Let tl, ta , t3,t4 be 4
successive residual turning points in Figure 1.5.4 and
Then we delete ti+l and ti+2 from the time series, which is called the Madelung
deletion. Since there is no hysteresis loop in the residual graph, the load values are
Stress (T
.'" ""
Boundary curve / ••••
Strain e
r Trajectory
of increasing modulus until a possible tailing at the end which may be considered as
a nesting of unfinished hysteresis loops. The concept of residual graph is illustrated
in Figure 1.5.6.
which are piecewise monotone functions v defined on [0, T] into R, where T is a
fixed number . This means that there exists a sub division = to < tl < ... t n = T
such that the restriction of v on any interval [ti, ti+l] is monotone. In this case,
we call (to, tl, ' . . ,tn ) a monotonicity division of [0, T]. Let Mpm(O, T) be the space
of all piecewise monotone functions on [O ,T]. For v E Mpm(O,T) and for a mini-
Load L
Time t
- Residual graph
Figure 1.5.6.
mal monotonicity division (to,tl"" ,tn) of [O,T], (v(to),v(td,' " ,v(t n)) is called
the string of turning points of v. A transformation if> on [0, Tl into itself is called
monotonicity-preserving if if> is increasing, if>(0) = 0, and if>(T) = T. A functional
V on Mpm(O, T) is called rate-independent if for any v E Mpm(O, T) and any
monotonicity-preserving if>, V(v) = V(voif» for v E Mpm(O, T), and matehing mono-
tonicity division of [0, T]. It can be verified that V(v) = V( v) for any v E M pm (0, T)
with v( 4) = v( ti) for all i = 0, 1,2, ... ,n and (to, tl ' ... ,t~) a monotonicity division
of V. This implies that we can define any rate-independent functional as a
functional on the set of turning points. This concept gives us the first part of
data reduction. We just need the string of turning points.
Prom an algorithmic point of view, a very effective on-line counting is the so-called
"4-point" counting given by Krüger et al. [1985] whose refinement and didactical
reorganizations are presented in Dressler, Hack and Krüger [1997]. A mathematical
description can hp. seen in Brokate and Sprekels [p.76, 1996]. Having the loop stream,
damage is evaluated using material properties, experimental data and a damage
parameter. This damage parameter induces a functional V, that maps the stream
of hysteresis loop into its damage value indicating how much the stream of loops has
damaged the part. Usually a value of zero means not damaged at all, and the value
one indicates that the part is broken. Schematically, we get:
Lu ----------
Figure 1.5.7.
(i) The load can be rainflow counted on-line, that is, during the drive on the
test track to reduce the data such that much longer drives and much finer
measurement can be applied.
(H) There exist mathematical tools to manipulate the rainflow count, that is, to
extrapolate the data in such a way that the resulting rainflow count has the
(iii) One can manipulate the rainflow matrix to simulate special situations.
It may be observed that all information on the original order with respect to
time of the hysteresis loop (in the plan load v is load strain) is lost when the data
is rainflow counted. We get a set of loops instead of a stream, The problem is
that the counting is done on the loading stream and therefore we ean only get
information on the loeation of the loops with respect to the loading. We can not
read the exact location of the local strains from the rainflow count. For each dass
of hysteresis loops, we can get the upper and lower loading value Lu, L o. By using
the geometrical and material properties, one can calculate the amplitude of strain
€a (for detail we refer to Neuber [1961]). By the transformation from hysteresis
loops in the loading-strain-plane into such in the stress-strain-plane, one also loses
the information on the exact location in the stress-strain-plane and one only has the
amplitude (aa and €a) .
But most of the damage parameters also depend on the location of the hysteresis
loops in the stress-strain-plane. The reason is that the damage induced by a
hysteresis loop of a given stress and strain amplitude is larger under tension than
under compression. The crucial value hereby is the mean stress (am). Hence one
can not speak of the damage of a rainflow count with respect to such a mean stress-
dependent damage parameter. However, it is possible to proceed from a rainflow
count to a stream of turning points.
A rainflow count consists of the tuple (RF M, RES), where RFM denotes the
rainflow matrix with entries RFM(i,j) giving the number of hysteresis loops from
the level i to the level j and RES is the residual of the count.
We consider the set of streams of loading turning points which load to the given
rainflow count (RFM, RES). If RC denotes the rainflow count operator, we write
.c = RC-(RFM,RES) .
For each stream we can calculate the damage 1J(H(L)) . Hence we can canonically
define the damage of.c and for (RFM, RES) by the expectation value ofthe damage
of the stream of turning points in .c, where we assume that every stream has the same
probability. This assumption makes sense if we do not have any further information
on the loading. Thus
= l.cl L 1J(H(L)) .
Ifthe stream ofturning point consists ofthe hysteresis loops {hrlr = 1" " ,T}, the
total damage is evaluated as
V tot = L: d(h r ) ,
where d(hr ) denotes the change induced by the hysteresis loop hr . For details and
implementation of this technique, we refer to Dressler and Hack [1996] where they
have also shown the application of this method included in the Fatigue Analysis Tool
F ALANCSTM to real data.
It may be remarked that the contents of this section as weIl as those of Chapter
6 are going to be the essential tools for computational work in material sciences such
as in the study of elasticity, plasticity, elasto-plasticity with strain hardening and
Chapter 2
2.1 Introduction
The traces of optimization can be found in the development of calculus. As far
back as 1629, Pierre de Fermat showed that the necessary condition for an extremum
(minima or maxima) for a real-valued function of one variable is that the derivative
must be zero . A class of extremum problem, that has been the favourite of giants
like Jean Bernoulli, Leonhar Euler, Andrien Legendre and Carl Gustav Jacobi since
the end of the eighteenth century and the beginning of nineteenth century, is known
as the calculus of variation.
The calculus of variation is an infinite-dimensional problem of unconstrained op-
timization in which the functional to be minimized is defined by an integral. In the
second half of the nineteenth century, Karl Weierstrass posed the crucial question
of existence of a solution of minima and maxima and answered it for a fairly gen-
eral situation. In 1939, Nobel Laureate Leonid Vitalevieh Kantorovich formulated
many problems of Economics in the form of optimization problem for linear func-
tionals known as the mathematical method of production of planning and
optimization and made extensive study of such problems. Basically, these results
constituted the main ideas of the linear programming (See, for example, Kantorovich
[1975]). Without having any knowledge ofthis work, in 1942, George B. Dantzig en-
countered similar problems of minimizing linear functionals under linear constraints
while studying applications of mathematics to industrial problems. Around 1950,
David Gale, Harold Willion Kuhn and Albert William Tucker contributed much to
this field and also extended this theory for non-linear functionals under constraints.
Around 1957, L.S. Pontryagin, V.G. Boltyanskij, R.V. Gamkrelidze and Richard E.
Bellman studied the optimal control problem, a special type of optimization problem
and a generalization of the calculus of variations where one looks for the solution of
a system of differential equations which minimizes or maximizes (extremizes) a func-
tional. In the 1960s, A.Ya-Dubovsky and A. Milyutin, as weH as B.N. Pshenichnyj,
Luden W. Neustadt, Hubert Halkin, Jack Warga et al, developed general tech-
niques for obtaining extremum conditions for abstract optimization problems with
constraints so as to include the Kuhn-Tucker theorem and the maximum principle
obtained earlier. Convex analysis has played a vital role in the study of abstract ex-
tremum problem . Richard Terry Rockafellar and his co-workers have made valuable
contributions in this area. A fairly general theorem for existence of a unique solution
of optimization problem in the setting of reflexive Banach spaces, in partieular for
Hilbert spaces, has been proved by I. Ekeland and R. Temam in 1974. As a corollary,
one obtains from this theorem that the solution of optimization problem for the en-
ergy functional has a unique solution under fairly general conditions. Generalization
of variational problem (variational equation) in the form of variational inequalities,
was introduced by Guido Stampacchia, Jacques-Louis Lions and G. Fichera in 1970s
and it has been extensively studied by Alain Bensoussan, C.Baiocchi, G. Duvaut,
R. Glowinski, F . Giannessi, G. Isac, N. Kikuchi, D. Kinderlehrer, U. Mosco, P.D.
Panagiotopoulos et al. An interesting part of this theory is that a large dass of
optimization problems induding the programming problems (linear and non-linear)
are special cases of the variational inequality problems. Shape optimization prob-
lems are of vital importance in the design and construction of industrial structures
like cars, aircraft, space crafts (Sokolowski and Zolesio [1992]). For a comprehensive
account ofthe above development, we refer to Polyak [1987] and Siddiqi [1986,1994].
A comprehensive algorithm for unconstrained optimization is presented by Goldfarb
Since the main objective of this chapter is to present those results of optimization
which are frequently used in industrial applications, we confine ourselves to optimiza-
tion algorithms like Newton, Gradient, Conjugate gradient, and quasi-Newton, espe-
cially DFP (David-Fletcher-Powell) and BFGS (Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno).
It may be recalled that the iterative methods, where one constructs sequences
which converge to a solution of optimization problems, are known as the optimization
algorithms. It may be also observed that a field of more recent developments known
as the automatie (or computational) differentiation could influence the developments
of optimization algorithms. The algorithmie differentiation is a process for evaluating
derivatives whieh depends only on an algorithmie specification of the function to be
differentiated. In actual practiee the specification of the function is all or part of
a computer programme, and the derivative values are produced by the execution
of the program derived from the program of the original function, hence the term
"automatie" (Raff) . We refer to Griewank and Corliss [1991] and Berz, Bishof,
Corliss and Griewank [1996] for a detailed account of this elegant study.
Arecent book by Outrata, Koövara and Zowe [1998] contains valuable contribu-
tions in the field of algorithmie non-smooth optimization.
F(u) = vEK
inf F(v) (P) ,
where u is called a minima and the value F(u) is called the minimum value. Finding
the maxima of Fis equivalent to finding the minima of -F. Sometimes this problem
is called the eonstraint optimization problem. If K = X, then (P) is often
known as the uneonstraint optimization problem. If K is a neighbourhood of
u, that is, minima exists in a neighbourhood of u, then it is called a relative minima
or loeal minima. If u is a minima or maxima, then it is called an extrema. A
minimum or maximum value of F is called extremum value. If X = R, the set
of real number, and K = [a, b] ~ R and F is a continuous function on R into itself,
then F has a minima on [a, b].
For a topological space X, K, a compact subset of X and F continuous, (P) has a
solution. The optimization problem for a Banach space X where K is not compact,
for example, K is a unit ball of the Banach space namely K = {x E X/I x I:::; I}
and F a continuous functional had been an open problem for a long time . This was
resolved in 1974 in the context of a reflexive Banach space where K is closed, convex
and non-empty subject of X and F bounded continuous and convex functional (see,
for example, Siddiqi [1986, p. 233]) . The solution is unique if F is also strictly
convex. If X is a normed linear space and the derivative of a functional F exists at
a point u E X and u is an extrema of F, then F' (u) = O. This is an extension of a
famous result of Fermat that if u is a minima of F(x) on Rn and F is differentiable
at u, then 'VF(u) = O. These results can be extended for an open sub set of X in
the following manner.
Remark 2.1.
(i) The condition U to be open subset is essential as the theorem cannot hold for
X = R, U = [0,1] and F : [0,1] -+ R defined by F(x) = x.
Theorem 2.2. Let U be an open subset 0/ Rn, let rPi : U ~ R, 1 :::; i :::; m be a
sequence 0/ continuous functions whose first derivatives exist and is continuous, and
let u be a point 0/ the set M,
at which the derivatives ifJ:(u),1 :::; i :::; m, are linearly independent elements 0/ the
vector space 0/ all bounded linear functionals on Rn into R.
Suppose that F : U ~ R is differentiable at u and F has an extremum ualue at
u over U, then there exist m numbers f..ti(u), 1:::; i :::; m, uniquely defined such that
The numbers f..ti,1 :::; i :::; m, obtained in this theorem are called the Lagrange
multipliers associated with the extremum u und er the constraints (2.3).
Remark 2.2. In order to solve a problem posed in the form of Theorem 2.2, we
need to find the m+n unknown Ui, 1 :::; i :::; n, and f..tj' 1 :::; j :::; m, which are solutions
of the system of m + n equations (u = (Ul' U2, •• • u n ) )
+ H
8I/>,(u) + ... + H
= o.
Theorem 2.4. If, in addition to the hypotheses of Theorem 2.1, K is a contJex subset
of U, then
p' (u)(v - u) ::; 0 for etJery v in a K and U E K. (2.8)
or equivalently,
(Au, v - u) ~ (y, v - u) for every v E K
J(u) $ J(v) for all v E K if and only if a(u, v) = F(v) for all v E K,
(Au, v} = (y,v) or Au = y.
Similarly, if K is a non-empty, convex and closed subset, then there exists a unique
u E K such that
J(u) $ J(v) for all v E K if and only if a(u,v - u) ~ F(v - u) for all v E K,
(Au, v - u) ~ (YjV - u) .
For details of the above mentioned results, we refer to Ciarlet [1989] and Siddiqi
(i) Let U = {v s
E X/r/>i(V) s s
0,1 i m',ifJi(v) = O,m' + 1 i m} s s
where ifJi : X ~ R, 1 ~ i ~ m. For F : U C X ~ R, X a normed linear
space, (P) is called a non-linear programming problem with inequality
constraints if m' = m and with equality constraints if m' = o.
F(x(t}) = l b
l(x(t), x' (t), t)dt,
then PM(w) = u.
The element PM(W) is called the projection of an element W E X on M and
PM : X ~ M, the operator PM on X onto the set M is called the projector
operator. The projector operator is non-expansive , that is, it satisfies the condition
and suppose that for all u E U, equation (2.16) has a unique solution xE c' (0, Ti Rn) .
We call x(t) the trajectory corresponding to the control u(t) . We suppose that the
terminal time T is fixed and x(t) satisfies
G(x(T)) = C, (2.17)
J(u) = l T
l(x,u)dt, (2.18)
Fn(u) = 0,
where Fi : Rn -t R, i = 1,2,·· . n . A single iteration of the Newton method eonsists
in solving the linear system
F' (Uk) L::..uk = -F(Uk) with matrices
= (2.21)
{ F' (Uk) (8Fi(Uk))
8x)· ..
It may be observed that if Fis an affine function, that is, F(x) = A(x)+b, A = (aii)
is a square matrix of size n, that is, A E An(R) and b ERn, then the iteration
described above reduces to the solution of the linear system AUk = b. In this case,
the method converges in a single iteration.
We now look for:
(i) sufficient conditions which guarantee the existence of a zero of the function F,
(ii) an algorithm for approximating such an element u, that is, for constructing a
sequence {Uk} of points of U such that
lim Uk
= u.
We state below two theorems concerning the existence of a unique zero of F and
state their corollaries for the existence of the unique zero of "V F. The extrema of F
will exist at the zero of "V F.
is bijective.
-ß' and'Y < 1 .
sup sup 11 F (x) - Ak(x ) IIBL(X,Y) ~
k~O x' ES.. (vo)
is entirely contained within the ball and converges to a zero U 0/ F in Sa(UO) which
is imique. Furthermore
Ilul - uoll "{ k .
11 Uk - U1I <
_ 1
Then there exists a closed ball, Sr(u), with centre U and radius r such that [or every
point Uo E Sr(u) , the sequence {Uk} dejined by
is contained in Sr(u), and converges to a point u, which is the only zero 0/ F in the
ball Sr(u), Furthermore. there ezisis a number rs such that
sup sup
k2:0 vES.. (uo)
II Akl (v) IIBL(X* ,X ) s ß
" , "{
IIF -ß' and
sup sup (v) - Ak(v )IIBL(X,X*) ~
k2:0 v ,v' ES.. (uo)
, 0:
"{ < 1, IIJ (uo)llx* ~ 13(1 - "{) .
is contained in the ball Sa(UO) and converges to a zero 0/ F', say u, which is the
only zero in this ball. Furthermore.
Corollary 2.2 Let U be an open subsei 01a Banach space X and let F : n c X -+ R
be a function which is twice diJJerentiable in U . Moreooer, let U be a point 01U such
and x < "2'
Then there ezists a closed ball Sr (u) with centre U and radius r > 0 such that, [or
every point Uo E Sr(u), the sequence {Uk} dejined by Uk+l = Uk - A;;l F' (Uk), is
contained in Sr(u) and converges to the point u , which is the only zero 01F' in the
ball. Furthermore, Uk+l = Uk - A;;l(Uk)F' (Uk) converges geometrically, namely,
there esist« a'Y such that'Y < 1 and lIuk - ull ~ 'liluo - ulI, k ~ O.
Remark 2.3.
(i) Let X = Rn, the generalized Newton method of Corollary 2.1 take the form
where Ak(Uk) are invertible matrices of order n, VF(Uk) denotes the gradient
vector of the function F at the point Uk; (Rn)* is identified with Rn). In
particular, the original Newton method corresponds to
General definition of gradient method. Every iterative method for which the
point Uk+l is of the form
Theorem 2.10. Let X = Rn and the functional F : X -)- R be elliptic, that is,
there is a positive constant 0' such that F(x) ~ 0'IIxl1 2 for all x E X. Then the
gradient method with optimal parameter cotwerqes.
Remark 2.4.
(i) The following properties of elliptic functionals are quite useful (For details we
refer to Ciarlet [1989]) :
(a) Let F: X --t R (X is a Hilbert space, in particular X = Rn) be strictly
convex and coercive, then it satisfies the inequality
This implies that cp(Uk) = (A WJJ
where Wk = AUk - Y = V'J(Uk)'
A single iteration of the method then takes the following form :
(i) Calculate the vector Wk = AUk - y.
(ii) Calculate the number CP(Uk) = w k
ll ) •
Then the gradient method with variable parameter converges and the convergence is
geometric in the sense that there exists a constomt » depending on a, ß, a, b such that
"( < 1 and Iluk - ull ~ "(klluo - ull.
Remark 2.5.
(i) If F is twice differentiable, then eondition (i) ean also be written in the form
sup IIV2 F(u)11 e.
(ii) In the ease of an elliptic quadratic functional F(v) = !(Av , v) - (y, v), one
iteration of the method takes the form
and it follows from Theorem 2.11 that the method is eonvergent if 0 < a ~
CPk ~ b ~ 2>'1 / >.~, where >'1 and >'n are the least and the largest eigenvalues of
the symmetrie positive definite matrix A.
Proof of Theorem 2.8. First of all, we prove that for dvery integer k ~ 1,
We apply the method of the finite induetion for the proof. Let us show that the
results are true for k = 1; that is,
which implies that lIul - uoll ~ ßIIF(uo)1I ~ 0'(1 - 1') ~ 0' by the hypotheses of the
theorem. Further, from (2.31), we can write
F(Ul) = F(Ul) - F(uo) - A O(UO)(UI - uo).
By the Mean Value Theorem applied to the function U -t F(u) - Ao(uo)u, we have
This implies that
and the last relation is established for n. Hence these three relations are true for all
integral values of k ,
We now prove the existence of a zero of the functional F in the ball Sa(UO).
IIUk+rn - ukll s lI uk+i+l - uk+ill
rn-I k
s 'Y k L 'Yillui - uoll ~ 1 ~ lI ul - uoll -t 0 as k -t 00,
i=O l'
where {Uk} is a Cauchy sequenee of points in the ball Sa(UO) which is a closed
subspace of a eomplete metric space X (X, a Banach space). This implies that
there exists a point U E Sa(uo) such that
lim Uk = U.
IIF(u)1I = lim
IIF(uk)1I ~ ß2 k-too
lim Iluk - uk-lll = 0,
which, in turn, implies F(u) = 0 by the first axiom of the norm. By taking the
limit m ~ 00 in (2.32), we find that lIuk - ull ~ ~lIul - uoll is the desired result
For every integer k, we ean write A k = A(1 + A-l(Ak - A)) with IIA-l(Ak -
A)II ~ >. < 1 in view of a eondition ofthe theorem. Thus, A k are isomorphisms
from X onto Y and moreover,
IIA;;lll = II(A(1 + A-l(Ak - A))-lll
s 11(1 + A -l(Ak _ A)-lIlIlA-lli ~ I~A~~I .
This implies that
111 - A;;l All = IIA;;l A k - A;;l All ~ IIA;;lll IIAk - All
>. 1
s !I A k
!lilA-111 für>. <2
IIA- lil >.
~ 1->' IIA-lll'
-1 >.
111 - A k All ~ 1 _ >. = ß < 1.
Let 8 be such that ß' < ß' + 8 = ß < 1. This implies that
From here, (2.33) and (2.34) follow immediately keeping in mind the continuity
ofthe derivative F' and the fact that A = F'(u).
(ii) Let Uo be any point of the ball Sa(u) and {Uk} be the sequence defined by
Uk+l = Uk _A;l F(Uk); each ofthese elements lies in Sa(u), This implies that
{Uk} is weIl defined. Since F(u) = 0, we have
By the Mean Value Theorem applied to the function, x -4 x- A;l F(x) shows
(iii) The zero of F, point U is unique. For this let v be another point such that
F( v) = O. The sequence {Uk} corresponding to Uo = V is a stationary sequence,
since U1 = Uo - AQ1 F(uo) = Uo and; on the other hand, it converges to the
point U by the above discussion. This implies U = v.
For the proof of Theorem 2.10 we refer to Ciarlet [19g9,pp.300 - 301] and we
prove here Theorem 2.11.
where 'Y < 1 which depends on 0, a, b and ß. This also implies the congence of {Uk} .
Algorithm 2.1:
Data. Uo ERn
StepO. Set k = 0
Step 1. Compute the Newton search direction
hk = -H(Uk)-lY'F(Uk)
Here H (u) is the Hessian Matrix of F
Step 2. Set Uk+l = Uk + hk
replace k by k + 1 and go to step 1.
J(V) = 2(Av, V} - (b, V),
where A is the n x n matrix. Starting with an initial arbitrary vector uo, we set
da = 'VJ(uo). If 'VJ(uo) = 0, the algorithm terminates. Otherwise, we define the
('V J( uo), do)
ro = (Ado,do) ,
Assuming that the vectors Ul, d 1 , ... ,Uk-l, dk-l, Uk have been constructed which
assumes that the gradient vectors 'VJ (Ul), 0 :$ I :$ k - 1 are all non-zero, one
of two situations will prevail: either 'VJ(Uk) = 0 and the process terminates, or
'VJ (Uk) #- 0, in which case we define the vector
rk = (Adk,dk) ,
This elegant algorithm was developed by Hestenes and Stiefel in 1952. This
method converges in at most n iterations (For proof, see Polyak [1987, p.69]). For
a computer programme for implementation of these algorithms, we refer to Press et
al, [1992].
The study of the conjugate gradient method for non-quadratic function on Rn
into R began in sixties. Details of these methods and their comparative merits in
different cases can be found in Powel[1986], Gilbert and Nocedal [1992] and Polak
[1997] . However, we present here the essential ingredients of two of these best
methods, namely, Fletcher-Reeves(FR) and Polak-Ribiere (PR) .
Let F : Rn ~ R, we look for inf F(v) where F is twice differentiable. The
point at which inf F(v) is attained will be denoted by arginf(x). Starting with an
arbitrary vector uo, one assumes the vectors Ul, U2, " . Uk to have been constructed,
which means that the gradient vectors 'V F(Ui), 0:$ i :$ n -1, are non-zero. In such
situations, either 'VF(u n ) = 0 and the algorithm terminates, or 'VF(u n ) #- 0, in
which case, vectors UnH is defined (if it exists and is unique) by the relations
do = V J(uo)
d. - r7F( .) (VF(Ui), VF(U i) - VF(Ui_1)} d.
, - V U, + IIV F(Ui_1)1I 2 ,-1,
(VF(Ui), VF(Ui) - VF(Ui-d}
ri = IIVF(ui_1)1I 2 '
is called the Polak-Ribiere formula and in this case the conjugate gradient method
is called the Polak-Ribiäre conjugate gradient method and one denotes ri by
The case
is called the Fletcher-Reeves formula and the corresponding method is called the
Fletcher-Reeves conjugate gradient method. Such ri is denoted by r[R . It
may be observed that the Polak-Ribiere conjugate gradient method is more efficient
in practice.
8 2F 2
C = F(u),b = -V'F(x),A = (ai,j) = 8 8 = V' F(x) ,
Xi Xj
X = (X1,X2" ·xn) ERn.
In approximation, the gradient of F at u, that is, V'F (u) = (Au, u) - (b, u), b E
Rn ,x E Rn where (., .) denotes the inner product. u is an extrema of F if V' F(u) =
o or(Au, u) = (b, u)or Au = b. Thus, finding the extrema of F is approximately
equivalent to solving the matrix equation Au = b, that is, equivalent to finding A - 1.
Newton's method can be employed for this task.
The matrix A whose components are the second partial derivatives ofthe function
is called the Hessian matrix of the function at the given point. The basic idea of
the variable metric method is to build up, iteratively, a good approximation to the
inverse Hessian matrix A -1, that is, to construct a sequence of matrices H, with the
limHi = A - 1 • (2.36)
i -+ oo
It is much better if the limit is achieved after n iterations instead of 00 . Consider
finding a minimum by using Newton's method to search for a zero of the gradient
of the function. Near the current point Xi, we have the second order approximation
F(x) = F(Xi) + ((x - Xi), V'F(Xi» + ~(A(x - xd, (X - Xi»; so
V'F (x) = V' F(Xi) + A(x - Xi)' (2.37)
The left hand side in (2.38) is the finite step which is required for exact minima; the
right hand side is known if we have an accurate H ~ A -1 .
The "quasi" in quasi-Newton is because we do not use the actual Hessian metric
of F but instead use an approximation of it. Now, consider the descent direction of
F at Xi. This is the direction p along which F decreases: (\7F(u) .,p) < O.
For the Newton direction (2.38) to be adescent direction, we must have
where \7Fi == \7 F(Xi)' We require that the new approximation H i+! satisfies equa-
ti on (2.40); that is,
Xi+! - Xi = H i+! (\7F i+! - \7Fi ) ;
i.e., the updating formula should be of the form Hi+1 = H, + correction. The DFP
(Davidon-Fletcher-Powell) updating formula is
Si = (\7Fi+1 - \7Fi)
Yi = (Xi+! - Xi)'
The BFGS (Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno) formula is the same but with
one additional term; i.e., .. . + [sr Hisi]u u T where
All these methods are invariant under linear transformation of the variables and
converge to a strict local minimizer.
For a computer programme, see Press et al. [1992] . For details concerning
algorithms and convergence of these formulae, we refer to Polak [1997].
2.7 Problems
Problem 2.1. Let m ~ n > 0 and A = (aij), i = 1,2, · ·· ,m,j = 1,2,···,n and
y E Rm. Then write down the solution of optimization problem for the function
F(x} = IIAx - yll over Rn.
Problem 2.3. (a) Discuss the application of the Newton method for finding a
minimizer of f(x} = sin z.
(b) Under what conditions for a real-valued function f defined on [a,b],
f(x} = 0 has a solution? Justify your answer.
Problem 2.4. Explain the concept of Fibonacci search and the golden section
Problem 2.6. Explain the concept of the steepest descent and apply it to study
the optimization of the functional F defined on a Hilbert space H as folIows:
Problem 2.7. Show that the Polak-Ribiere conjugate gradient algorithm converges
under appropriate conditions.
What are the essential needs of modern life? One can say without any hesita-
tion, electric lighting, heating and cooling, telephones, electric motors and genera-
tors, radio, television, X-ray machine, ECG machine, radars and weather forecasting
system equipment, etc. In fact , the invention of electromagnetism embracing elec-
tricity and magnetism completely revolutionized our way of life. Every day, some
new tools, techniques and equipment are being developed based on the concepts of
the electromagnetism theory. The backbone of modern electromagnetism is a system
or a set of four equations established by the Scottish Scientist James Clark Maxwell,
a professor at the University of Cambridge, around 1872. This system is now known
as the system of Maxwell's equations. In the last three decades , two powernd meth-
ods, namely, the finite element and the boundary element, have been invented to
find out solutions of physical phenomena represented by differential equations.
The main object of this chapter is to give abrief introduction to this elegant
system of mathematical models along with these two methods. In Section 3.1.1, we
give abrief historical note along with the physicallaws which led to the derivation of
Maxwell 's equations. Consequences of Maxwell's equations are presented in Section
3.1.2 while variational (weak) formulation of Maxwell's equations are discussed in
Section 3.1.3. Sections 3.2.1 to 3.2.4 are devoted to the various aspects of the finite
element method. The boundary element method is introduced in Section 3.3, and
problems are presented in Section 3.4.
F = Force between two point charges ql and q2 j
r = Distance between qi and qz j
k = Proportionality constant.
where f is the unit vector pointing in the direction of line joining the charges.
Electric field intensity E is defined as the force per unit charge
E= F =f_q_l _ , (3.2)
q2 411"€or2
where qz is the positive test charge.
The electric field intensity is a vector having the same direction as the force F
but differing in dimension and numerical magnitude. The (average) electric charge
density ep is equal to the total charge q in a volume V divided by the volume. Thus,
ep = ~ . The SI unit of charge density is Coulomb per cubic meter (cmr"), sp can
be defined as
. t::.q
ep = b.1V-tO
im "V'
and hence ep can be treated as a point function. It is often called the volume charge
density to distinguish it from the surface charge density and the linear charge density.
The electric potential is a measure of energy for some kind of unit quantity. The
work or energy per unit charge required to transport the test charge from a point
Xl to point X2 is called the difference in the electric potential of the points X2 and
Xl . Potential is a scalar quantity, that is, it has magnitude but no direction. The
total electric potential at a point is the algebraic sum of the individual component
potentials at the point. The gradient of the potential at a point is defined as the
potential rise 6.v across an element of length 6.1 along a field line divided by 6.1,
with the limit of the ratio taken as 6.1 approaches zero. Thus, if V is the electric
potential, then
Gradient of V = lim ~V = dV •
al-tO L-1 l dl
The gradient of V = -E, as a potential rise occurs when moving against the electric
field, the direction of the gradient is opposite to that of the field. The usual notation
for the gradient of V is grad V or 'ilV.
Gradient of V = grad V = 'ilV = -E.
In reetangular coordinates
( A8V 8V
E = - 't"7V
v = - x 8x + Y 8y ) = xAE:z: + YAE 1/'
8V 8V
E:z:=-, E1/=-'
8x 8y
The combination of two point charges q of opposite sign separated by a small distance
l is called an electric dipole, and the product ql is called the electric dipole
A dimension defines some physical characteristic like length, mass, time, veloc-
ity, force.
oe Infinite plane
Figure 3.1. Electric field between two point charges of opposite sign with flux
tubes joining them. The tube follows the electric field lines . Each tube has a
constant amount of flux.
If in Figure 3.1, each tube represents a constant amount of charge or electric flux
t/J then, at any point, there is a flux density D, proportional to E, as given by ~,
where A is the cross-sectional area of the tube. Thus, the electric flux for a tube is
given by
1/J = DA, D = average flux density/cm- 2 •
It can be seen that
D = €oE (See Kraus, [1992]). (3.3)
Gauss' law of eleetrie field. The total electric flux through any closed surface
equals the charge enclosed. The equivalent form of this law is
i D . dS = Iv epdV = q, (3.4)
where i denotes the double or surface integral over closed surface and Iv denotes
the tripie or volume integral throughout the region enclosed.
Ir we replace ep by \l . D, then we get
i D . ds = Iv \l . DdV .
This result is known as the divergenee theorem or the Gauss theorem. This
relation holds not only for D but for any vector function. In other words, the
divergence theorem states that the integral of the normal component of a vector
function over a closed surface S equals the integral of the divergence of that vector
throughout the volume V enclosed by the surface S.
A conductor can conduct or convey electric charge . In statie situations, a conduc-
tor may be treated as a medium in which the electric field is always zero. A medium is
homogeneous if its physical characteristics like mass, density, and molecular struc-
ture do not vary from point to point. Ir the medium is not homogeneous , it is called
non-homogeneous, or inhomogeneous or heterogeneous. A medium is called
linear with respect to an electrostatic field if the flux density D is proportional to
the electrie field intensity E. This is the case in free space where D = €oE (€o is per-
mittivity constant) . In material media, permittivity constant may not be constant.
Such material is called non-linear. A material is called isotropie if its properties are
independent of direction. Crystalline media or certain plasma may have direction
characteristies and such materials are called non-isotropie or anisotropie. Here,
we shall confine ourselves to isotropie, linear and homogeneous media.
Eleetrie eurrent J is a vector of R3 that measures a flux of electric charge. It
is also called the current density vector. The flux of electric charges across a surface
element dS in the sense of unit normal n to dS = J . ndS. The Ohms law states
that the potential difference or voltage V between the ends of a conductor is equal
to the product of its resistance R and the current I. The Ohms law at a point is
given by the relation
J=oB, (3.5)
J = current density,
E = Field intensity,
a = conductivity of the material.
Gauss' law for magnetic fields. A moving charge constitutes an electric current
and possesses a magnetic field. If acharge q moving with a velocity V experiences
a force F, there must be a magnetic field B = ~, the force being perpendicular
to both the field and the direction of motion of the charge. The magnetic field is a
vector quantity and it is also regarded as a magnetic flux density and is given by
B = 'l/JA' 'l/Jm = IBI Acos Cl: where
'l/Jm=! ! n.e« .
Gauss' law for magnetic fields states that the magnetic flux through closed Gaus-
i» .
sian surface is zero; that is,
dS=O . (3.6)
H = magnetic field, A rn-I
dl = infinite small element of path length, m
I = current enclosed, A.
B (decreasing)
Figure 3.2{a). Relation between decreasing flux density B and induced current I
in loop.
According to the Faraday's law, "the total electromotive force (emf) induced in
a closed circuit is equal to the time rate of decrease of the total magnetic ßux linking
the circuit". In mathematical language, it means that
V = _ dt/J m
dt '
V = total emf
t/J m = total flux
t = time
V = _ r 8B
Js 8t
. dS
B (decreasing) B (increasing)
(b) (c)
Figure 3.2(b) and 3.2(c). Induced currents for decreasing and increasing flux
density B.
--+curl H
=J (3.11)(i)
div D =p (3.11)(ii)
7it+curl E =0 (3.11)(iii)
div B = 0, (3.11)(iv)
E = (Ei,~, E g), X = (Xi,X2,Xg)
div E = "L..J 8Ei
curl E = (8Eg _ 8~, 8Ei _ 8Eg, 8E2 _ 8Ei ).
8X2 8xg 8xg 8Xi 8xt 8X2
E , B, p, J are called respectively the electric field, magnetic induction, charge
density and current density. Dis called the electric conduction or electrical
displacement or fiux density while H is known as the magnetic field.
Remark 3.1. (i) (a) Since (3.11)(i) is derived from the Ampere's law, it is often
called the Maxwell-Ampere's law.
(i) (b) (3.11)(ii) is a consequence ofthe Gauss ' electric law and so it is known as
the Maxwell-Gauss electric law.
(i) (c) (3.11)(iii) is a consequence of Faraday's law and therefore it is called the
Maxwell-Faraday law.
(i) (d) Similarly, (3.11)(iv) is nothing but the Gauss' magnetic law.
(ii)(a) Relation (3.9) can also be written as
as the current I enclosed by the path is given by the integral of the normal component
of J over the surface A. Or,
(ii) (c) Replacing V in (3.10) by the Une integral of E around the circuit, we get
Remark 3.2. (i) We have employed here the systems unit called natural in which
the speed of light in vacuo , C = 1 and the permeability of the vacuum, JLo = 1.
(ii) If, in equations (3.11), P = 0 and M = 0, then these take the form
curl B =j (3.16)(i)
div E = <p (3.16)(ii)
[jt+ curl E =0 (3.16)(iii)
div B = O. (3.16)(iv)
The system of the four equations of (3.16) is called the system of Maxwell's mi-
croscopic equations or Maxwell's equations in vacuo.
Remark 3.4. Since D = €E and E = - V'V, we have D = -€V'V and putting this
value in (3.11)(ii), we get
'V2 V = O. (3.19)
In reetangular coordinates,
2 8 2v 8 2V 8 2V
'V V = 8x2 + 8 y2 + 8z 2 =0 .
The static potential distribution for any conductor configuration can be determined
by solving Laplace's equation under appropriate boundary conditions.
curiH = J (3.20)(i)
div D = sp (3.20)(ii)
curl E = 0 (3.20)(iii)
div B = O. (3.20)(iv)
curl H = J (3.21)(i)
div B = O. (3.21)(ii)
Remark 3.6. Derivation of the wave equation. Let us assume that <p = O,j = O.
By differentiating (3.16)(i) with respect to the time and by keeping in view the
curl curl E = -6.E + grad div E,
we find that E satisfies the wave equation
8 2E 8 2E
8t2 = 6.E = 8x 2 .
8 2B 8 2B
8t 2 = 8x2 •
Remark 3.7. Relation between charge density and current density. Differentiating
(3.16)(ii) with respect to t and by taking the divergence on both sides of (3.16)(i),
we get the equation
8t + diIV J. = 0 , (3.22)
Remark 3.8. The vector field P and M are called, respectively, the polarization
and the magnetization vector .
Remark 3.9. Maxwell's equations and the Lorentz condition. In equations (3.16),
we consider the functions
(x,t) -t A(x,t) E R 3 , and
{ (x, t) -t cjJ(x, t) ER,
which are called the potential vector and the scalar potential, respectively.
A( ·, .) and cjJ(., .) are related to E and B by the relation
B = curl A (3.23)(i)
E = - grad cjJ - - . (3.23)(ii)
On substituting the values of Band E in equations (3.16)(i) and (3.16)(ii), we obtain
the inhomogeneous linear systems
It can be noted that A and cjJ are not defined in a unique manner by (3.23) starting
from E and B . Ir A and cjJ satisfy (3.23), then for each arbitrary function F of x
and t, AI and cjJl defined by
AI = A+ grad F (3.25)(i)
A..I = A.._ 8F (3.25)(ii)
'I' 'I' 8t'
also satisfy (3.23).
The transformation (A, cjJ) -t (AI, cjJl) given by (3.25) is called a gauge trans-
By (3.25), we have
8cjJI . 8cjJ 82 F
div AI + 7ft = div A+ 8t +6F- 8t 2 • (3.26)
and assuming A and r/> known, we find that a pair (AL, r/>L) can be chosen such that
diIV A L + 7ft °
8r/>L = . (3.28)
It may be observed that the pair (AI" r/>L) is not unique when j and sp are known.
Rernark 3.10. Maxwell's equations and the wave equation. Ir ep and A are
chosen such that ~: + div A = 0, then keeping in view (3.29) and (3.24), Maxwell's
equations in vacuum (equation (3.16)) can be written as the wave equation in the
absence of charge and current (ep = O,j = 0). That is, we have
8t2 = t::.A, x E R3, t ~ °;
A(x, 0) = AO(x),x E R3; (3.30)
{ 8A
-at(x,O) = A'(x),x E R3 ,
8t 2 = t::.r/>, x E R3 ;
r/>(x,O) = r/>°(x), x E R3 ; (3.31)
{ 8r/>( °-
8t x, ) _ r/>'(z)
x ,x ER, 3
where A and r/> are, respectively, the vector potential and scalar potential.
Each component of the potential vector is the solution of the wave problem;
~:~ = t::.u, x ERn, t > 0;
u(x,O) = uO(x); (3.32)
~~(x,O) = u'(x) ,
where uO and u' are given functions or distributions with a velocity of propagation
which is the speed of light in the vacuum, taken equal to 1 in the natural system of
We put u l =u,u2 = 8t' then
FM = (EI ,BI) = (curl curlfzu") , curl(xu 2 »
FE = (E 2,B2 ) = (-curl(xu 2 ) , curl curl(xu l »
can be shown to be the solutions of Maxwell's equations (3.16) where sp = O,j = 0.
This can be obtained by using the identity curl curl curl (x4J) = - curl(x.64J).
FM is called the transverse magnetic wave while FE is called the transverse
electric wave. U = (U I.U2) is called the Debye potential. For further details, we
refer to Dautry and Lions [1990] and Schulenberger [1978].
Remark 3.11. The Coulomb condition. In place of (3.28), we can impose the
condition div A = 0, then (3.24) (ii) implies that .64J = -ep, that is, 4J satisfies the
Poisson equation in R~ where 4J and ip possibly depend on the time. In general, we
can choose for the solution 4J
, 1 I'ep(x,
4J(x , t ) = R3 X -
, 3
x ER, t ER. (3.33)
but in electromagnetism this 4J is called the Coulomb potential and the condition
div A = is called the Coulomb condition.
~~ +curl(€ D) = G2 in 0, (3.34)(ii)
(J1. and e are as in equation (3.17)) . € and jL are strictly positive and remain bounded
which may depend on x , in particular, may be pieeewise eonstant.
n 1\ D = O. (3.35)(iii)
It is a Hilbert spaee with respeet to the inner produet which induees the norm
It has been shown [Duvaut-Lions 1972] that D(A) is dense in 1l and A is closed and
which defines
M E L:,(1i,1i) . (3.40)(ii)
Find U = {D, B} such that
U E LOO(O, T, 1i) (3.40)(iii)
l T
[-(U, ~~)1i - (U,A«p)1i + (MU, «P)1i] dt
= l T
(G, «p)1i dt + (Uo, «p(0))1i V«P E tc , (3.40) (iv)
«P E L 2 (0,T jV (A ))
{ a«p/at E L 2 (0, T, 1i), «p(T) = 0, (3.40)(v)
Theorem 4.1 [Duvaut-Lions, 72, p. 347]. The system of equations (3.40)(i) - (vi)
has a unique solution.
div B = 0 in R 3 (3.41)(i)
curl B = 0 in R 3 \ 0 = 0' (3.41)(ii)
such that
W = 2
dx +2
dx < 00, BE (L 2(R 3 )) 3 , 0 c tr. (3.42)
We consider the case where the surface current Jt: on I' boundary of 0 is given,
that is, we find B E (L 2(R3))3 satisfying
div B = 0 in R 3 (3.43)(i)
(PI) c~l B = 0 in 0 and 0' (3.43)(ii)
{ [ : 1\ n] r = Jr, Jt: given with div Jr =0 (3.43)(iii)
where [:::ii A nJ r
denotes the jump in the quantity -B /\
n with n normal to r
oriented to the exterior of 0 across r, that is, on denoting by Bo' and Bo, the
restriction of B to 0' and 0, [1} An] r (Br;yr -
= n.
B~/r) A
v = H(div 0, R = {B E (L 3))3/div jj = o}
) 2(R and
W = {A E (H = o}.
By the Poincare lemma for each B E V, there exists unique A E W such that
B = curl A. By applying the }echniqu~s of the Fourier transform, it can be verified
that the mapping A E W ~ B = curl A E V is an isometry of the Beppo-Levi space
on the space V .
a(B , B ) = 2 { B.Bdx+], ( B·Bdx, VB,BEV
/1}o 2/1 }q' (3.44)
{ ao(A,A) = a(curl A, curl A), VA,A E W,
where a( ·, ·) and aoL ') are continuous and coercive on V and W, respectively. In
fact, for /1m = inf {/1, /1'}, /1 M = sup {/1, /1'}, we have,
-2 (
/1 M } Ra
IBI 2 da; s a(B,B) ~ -/112 }{Ra IBI 2
dx VB E V . (3.45)
It can be observed that each element A E W admits a trace A/r E (Hl/2 (r))3.
Theorem 3.1. For each given surface current Js: such that Jr E (H-~(r))3,
Jt: . n = 0, almost every where on r, and div Jr = 0, then the problem (Pd is
equivalent to the variational problem:
Find B E V (respectively A E W, B = curl A) such that
~ 1 { ~ ~ ~
a(B,B)=ao(A,A)+'2}rJr ·A/rdr, VB= curlAEV, (3.46)
Remark 3.12. Finding the solution of the variational problem (3.46) is equivalent
to solving the optimization problem: Find B E V (or A E W, B = eurl A) such that
In this subsection, we brießy int roduce some of these methods. A detailed ac-
count of the finite element method is presented in the following subsections while
a comprehensive account of the boundary element method is given in Section 3.3.
The wavelet method is introduced in Chapter 5 along with the updated references.
The particle methods are introduced in Chapter 4. The finite difference, the finite
element and the boundary element methods have been the main competitor of each
other. Lucid accounts of their advantages and disadvantages can be found in Dautry
and Lions [1990, vol. 4, pp. 168-170 and 369-370], Hammond [1986], Brebbia et al,
[1985], and Reddy [1985]. However, this area is rapidly growing and in recent years
methods like the multigrid finite element, wavelet-based adaptive finite element are
attracting more attention due to their superior performance in many areas . See, for
example, Hackbusch [1985, 1994, 1995], Bramble [1993] , Brenner and Scott [1994] ,
Hoppe and Wohlmuth [1997] Canuto and Cravero [1997] and references therein.
In cases of complicated geometrie regions, the finite element methods andfor their
combination with boundary element and multigrid methods have an edge over the
other methods in general. Some sort of weak formulation (variational formulation)
of given models is required in all methods. The theory of distributions developed
by the French mathematician Laurent Schwartz during 1945-1950 and the Sobolev
spaces studied by the Russian physicist, S.L.Sobolev in the years 1937-38 have wide
applications in the weak-formulation of initial and boundary value problems . The
finite element methods can be treated as approximation methods in the Sobolev
spaces. However, we shall not follow this approach here and we refer to Ciarlet
[1978], and Ciarlet and Lions [1991] for t his type of study. This approach is also
where n c Rn (in particular n = 1,2,3), I' is the boundary of n, T and S are dif-
ferential operators, f and g are elements of an appropriate function space, especially
a Sobolev space X. For example,
(i) T="V, 8=1,g=0
In most of the methods, we are required to write (3.49) in the variational form
(weak form) : Find u E X such that
where a(-, .) is a bilinear continuous form on the space X and F is a bounded linear
functional on X into R. We know that if a( ·,·) is also symmetrie, then finding the
solution u of (3.50) is equivalent to finding u E X such that
(i) Rayleigh-Ritz method. The Rayleigh-Ritz method deals with the approxi-
mate solution of (3.50) in the form of a finite series
Um = I: CjrPj + rPo , (3.52)
where the coefficients Cj, called the Rayleigh-Ritz coefficients, are chosen such that
equation (3.50) holds for v = rPi, i = 1,2· .. mj that is,
Ac= b, (3.55)
is a matrix
(ii) The Galerkin method. Let R = T(u) - b '# 0 where b = T(uo) in 0 such
(R,w) = Rwdf] = O. (3.57)
where w = L,ßiePi'
For linear T, (3.57) gives a linear system of algebraie equations from which ß/s
ean be determined. In the linear ease, the Rayleigh-Ritz and Galerkin methods are
identical. It is a eommon praetice to ehoose w as a variation of Uj that is,
where I5O:i = ßi for all i. Thus the Galerkin method seeks an approximate solution
to (3.50) in the form of w = L, ßiePi' and determines the eoefficients ßi from the
eondition that the residual R is orthogonal to w.
(iii) The weighted residual method, T in (3.49) ean be chosen as any one of
the following operators:
d du
Tu = - dx(a dx) (3.59)(i)
d?- d?-w
Tw = dx 2 (b dx 2 ) (3.59)(ii)
d du
Tu = - dx (u dx) (3.59)(iii)
8 8u 8 8u ]
Tu = - [8x (k", 8x) + 8y (k y 8y) (3.59)(iv)
8u 8u 8 2u 8 8u 8v
T(u,v) = u 8x +v 8y + 8x2 + 8y(8y + 8x)·
In this method also, the solution u of (3.49) is approximated by expression of the
where cPo must satisfy all boundary eonditions, say cPo = 0, if all the specified bound-
ary eonditions are homogeneous and cPj must satisfy all conditions as mentioned in
the Rayleigh-Ritz method as wen as eontinuity. However, eontinuity ean be relaxed
if weak formulation is possible for the given problem.
E = T( um) - f i- 0, (3.61)
in general, is ealled a residual or error in the equation. Onee cPo and cP1 are seleeted,
E is simply a function of the independent variables and the parameters Cj. In the
weighted residual method, the parameters are determined by setting the integral
of a weighted residual of the approximation to zero, that is, setting the eondition
where 'l/Ji are weight functions which are linearly independent. It may be remarked
that if 'l/Ji = rPi for all i, then we get the Galerkin method as a special ease of the
weighted residual method. The ease 'l/J i =I- rPi is sometimes referred to as the Petrov-
Galerkin method.
Tij = In rPiT(rPj)dxdy. (3.64)
It is clear that the matrix [T] = (Tij) is not symmetrie as Tij =I- T ji. The details of
this method ean be found in Finlayson [1972].
(iv) The collocation method. In this method we look for an approximate solution
Um of (3.49) of the form (3.60) by requiring the residual in the equation to be
identically zero at tn seleeted points Xi = (Xi,Yi),i = 1,2,3' ··rn in the domain f2j
that is,
The selection of the points xi is vital for obtaining an aceurate solution, The collo-
eation method ls a special ease of the residual method when 'l/J i = 6(x - xi), where
6(x) is the Dirac delta function charaeterized by the equation
For more details, we refer to Douglas and Dupont [1973], Prenter and Russel [1976]
and wheeler [1978].
(v) The least squares method. This is a special case of the weighted residual
method where 'l/Ji = aa , when we are looking for a solution, as in (3.62). We shall
determine the parameter Ci from the condition
rE 2(x,y,Cj)dxdy=0,
aaCi in (3.67)
which is the necessary condition for the integral of the square of the residual (3.63)
to be minimum. On differentiation, (3.67) takes the form
-8 Edxdy=O. (3.68)
o Ci
t (inr
) =1
T(t/>i)T(t/>j)dXdY) Cj = rT(t/>i) [f - T(t/>o)] dxdy .
We refer to Bramble-Nitsche [1973], Prenter and Russel [1976], and Locker and
Prenter [1978] for more details.
(vi) Finite difference method. In the finite difference method, we replace dif-
ferential operators in (3.49) by a difference quotient. Suppose Tu = -6.u and
Su = u/r,g = 0, n = {(x,y)/O < x< 1,0 < Y < 1} in (3.49) , that is, we want to
solve the Dirichlet problem
-6.u =! in n
{ u/r = O. (3.70)
· Iy).)
-6.u(x S =~
h 2 [4 u · . -
I ,) U·+1
1 ,). - U·
1- 1 ,) . - U·I ,)·+1 - U·1,).- 1]
{ + ~~ [~(Xi+(Jih'Yi)+~(Xi'Yi+(Jjh)] ,
with Uij = U(Xi,Yj) and IBil ~ 1 i,j = 1,2,3· ··N where the 4-th order derivative
of U exists and is continuous.
The two main points of this method are :
(1) neglecting the rest of the expansion in which the coefficient ~~ is small; and
(2) requiring that equation (3.70) is satisfied at all the points (Xi, Yj),
j = 1,2,3, ... ,N ofthe mesh, the quantity -6.U(Xi,Yj) being approximated,
in conformity with (1) by the difference quotient
-h2 [4u I)·· - U·+1
1 ,). - U·
1- 1 ,) . - U·
I,)·+ 1 - U· · - 1] ·
1, )
The boundary condition Ujr = 0 is taken into account in equation (3.71) by requiring
UO,j=UN+l,j=Ui ,O=Ui,N+l = 0, i,j = 1,2,3· ··N. (3.73)
The system of equations (3.72) and (3.73) is then written in the form of matrix
equation as
AU=F. (3.74)
(vii) Multi-grid method. We shall see in the next two subsections that ap-
plications of the finite and the boundary element methods reduce the continuous
problems, namely, ordinary and partial differential equations to matrix equations.
In recent years, several robust and adaptive algorithms have been developed to solve
these equations known as the multi-grid methods which we do not present here due
to the limitation of space. In full multi-grid methods for elliptic partial differential
equations, one works on a sequence of meshes where a number of pre- andfor post-
smoothing steps are performed on each level. Interested readers in acquiring a good
knowledge of this new development may go through Hackbusch [1985, 1989, 1994],
Bramble [1993], Brenner and Scott [1994] and references therein.
(viii) Finite volume method. In the finite volume method, integral form of the
equations representing laws of fluid dynamics are discretized. The flow field domain
is subdivided into a set of non-overlapping cells that cover the whole domain on
which the conservation laws are applied. In the finite volume method, the term cell
is used for element. On each cell conservation laws which are the basic laws of fluid
dynamics are applied to determine the flow field variables in some discrete points
of the cells, called nodes. Cells can be triangular, quadrilateral, etc. They can be
elements of a structured grid or non-structured grid. In this method a function space
for the solution need not be defined and nodes can be chosen in a way that does not
imply an interpolation structure. Since the computational grid is not necessarily
orthogonal and equally spaced, the definition of derivative by Taylor's expansion
is impossible. Furthermore, there is no mechanism like a weak formulation and
therefore this method is best suited for flow problems in primitive variables where
the viscous terms are absent (Euler equations) or not very important (high Reynolds
number Navier Stokes equations) . For a lucid descr iption of this method, we refer
to Kroner [1997] and Wendt [1991].
where eri and ß j are real numbers i, j = 1,2,3· .. ,N(h). The choiee of the basis
{wih of Hh' i = 1,2··· N(h), is of vital importance, namely, choose a basis of Hi;
which makes Aasparse matrix so that the computing time is reasonably small. In
the terminology of structural engineers, A and L( Wj) are called the stiffness matrix
and the load vector, respectively.
If a(',') is symmetrie, then finding the solution of (3.75) is equivalent to finding
the optimization problem
J(U) = inf J(v), (3.78)
where J(v) = ~a(v,v) - F(v) is called the energy functional.
In this case, the finite element method is nothing but the Rayleigh-llitz-
Galerkin method. It is quite clear that (3.76) and the approximate problem for
(3.78), namely,
J(Uh) = inf J(Vh), (3.79)
° °
tively, is known as the error estimation. The problem Uh -t U as h -t 0, that is,
lIuh - ull -t as h -t or N = k-t 00 is known as the convergence problem.
Error estimation.
Theorem 3.3 [First Strang Lemma]. Let H be a Hilbert space and Hh(-) be
its finite-dimensional subspcce. Further, let a(·, .) be abilinear bounded and elliptic
form on Hand F E H*. Assume that Uh is the solution 0/ the /ollowing approximate
problern. Find Uh E H h such that
ah(uh, Vh) = Fh(Vh) for all Vh E H h, (3.81)
where ah( ',') is abilinear form defined on H h and FhO is a linear functional defined
on u.: Then
provided ah(',') is uniformly Hh-elliptic, that is, 3 ß > 0 such that ah(vh,vh) ~
ßllvhll2 for all Vh E H h and all h ,
Note: It may be observed that (i) ah(-, ') and FhO are not defined for all the elements
of H, and (ii) equation (3.81) has a unique solution under the given conditions.
where H = HJ (0).
We prove here Theorems 3.2 and 3.3 while the proof of Theorem 3.4 is along
similar lines (See Ciarlet, 1991, pp . 212-213, for proof and more information about
results in this direction).
Proof of Theorem 3.2. By (3.75) and (3.76), we get a(u, v) - a(uh' Vh) = F(v) -
F(vh) and this gives a(u, Vh) - a(uh' Vh) = 0, for v = Vh. By bilinearity of a(·, .), we
a(u - Uh, Vh) = 0 V Vh E Hh :::} a(u - Uh, Vh - Uh) = 0 (3.83)
by replacing Vh by vt. - Uh .
Since a(·, ·) is elliptic,
[a(u - Uh, U- Vh) + a(u - Uh,Vh - Uh)] ~ lIu - uhll2.
Using (3.83), this becomes
By continuity of the bilinear form a(·, '), (3.84) takes the form
ßlluh - vhll2 ~ a(u - Vh,Uh - Vh) + {a(vh ' Uh - Vh) - ah(vh, Uh - Vh)}
+ {Fh(Uh - Vh) - F(Uh - Vh)} ,
Remark 3.13. (i) Theorem 3.3 is a generalization of Cea's lemma as ah(-,·) = a(·,·)
and Fh(.) = F( ·) in the case of conformal finite element method (the case when
H h eH).
(ii) The problem (3.75) can be written in the form
Au=/, (3.75)'
(i) If {vhh is such that Vh E Kh for all h and {Vhh is bounded in H, then the
weak cluster points of {vhh belong to K.
(i) The union of the triangles with boundaries is equal to the polygonal domain,
that is
(ii) Two members, say, K l and K 2 of Th are either equal or disjoint, that is, for
any two distinct members K; and K 2 of T h , their intersection is either empty,
or a vertex common to Tl and T2 , or an edge common to them.
Wi = 1 at i-th node
= 0 at other nodes ,
form a basis of H h and so Hh is an N(h)-dimensional subspace of HI(O) .
Remark 3.14. (i) It is clear that m linear functionals 'l/Ji are linearly independent
and, in particular, there exist m functions Wi E P(K), 1 $ i $ m, that satisfy
1 s i s m,
and we have
W = L'l/Ji(W)Wi for all W E PK.
(ii) L is often called a set of m degrees of freedom, that is, of m linear func-
tionals, 4Ji,l $ i ~ m and 4Ji are called the degrees of freedom of the finite
element. The functions Wi, 1 ~ i ~ m, are called the basis functions of the finite
element. The basis functions are also called the shape functions in the literature
of engineering and technology.
(iii) Very often simply K is called the finite element, especially in the engineering
literature (See remark Ciarlet p. 94[1991]). H h is called the space of finite elements.
(iv) If K is an n-simplex, (K, PK , I:K) is called the simplitial finite element.
Finite elements are called triangular and rectangular as K is triangular and
reetangular, respectively, in R 2 • In R3, a finite element is called tetrahedral if K
is tetrahedral.
(v) In practice, L in R 2 is the set of values of w E PK at the vertices and middle
points of the triangle or rectangle, as the case may be. PK is a set of polynomial of
degree less than or equal to 1.
(vi) Derivation of discretized equations for all typical elements in the mesh, that
is, equations of the form
where an arbitrary element u = :~=>~iWi .
It may be remarked that this boundary value problem models the following phys-
ical phenomena.
(i) In electrostatics, it models electrostatic potential u between two parallel plates,
one located at x = 0 with u = 0 and the other located at x = a with a value
depending on A where a(x) and A are die-electric constants and electric flux,
(ii) Transverse deflection of a cable, u = transverse deflection, a(x) = tension in
cable, f = distributed transverse load, A = axial force.
(in) Axial deformation of a bar, u = longitudinal displacement, a(x) = EA (where
E = modulus and A = area of cross-section), f = friction or contact force on
surface of bar, A = axial force.
(iv) Heat transfer, u = temperature, a(x) = thermal conductivity, f = heat gen-
eration, A = heat flux,
(v) Flow through porous media, u = fluid head, A(X) = coefficient of permeability,
f = fluid flux, A = flow (seepage).
Jro dv du [ du ] a
adxdxdx+ v(-a dx) 0 = Jro vf dx
a( u, v) = 0 a dx dx dx (3.88)'(i)
Element number
@ ®
~ •••
-r • •3 •e • • •• •••
• • •
2 e+l N N+l
Node number
~--------:~- i
X=X e x = X e+1
(3.88)' (ii)
'Y = (-VD: dU )
dx x=o
Discretization of the domain, meshes, nodes etc. Figures 3.3(i) to 3.3(iv) give
n °
geometrical meaning of finite elements, meshes, nodes . Here nodes are points of the
interval [0, a] (0 = (0, a), = [0, a], boundary oH1 consists of points and a) which
is subdivided into a set of subintervals or line elements called the finite element
mesh or triangulation. The mesh in Figure (3.3)(i) is a non-uniform mesh as the
elements are not of equal length. The intersection of any two elements is called the
inter-element boundary. The number of elements used in a problem depends mainly
on the element type and accuracy desired. et h elements and et h nodes are shown
in Figure (3.3) (ii). A typical element oe = (XA,XB), a line element, is called et h
element. Xe will denote the coordinate of et h element (see Figure 3.3(i». In Figure
3.3(iv), the boundary conditions of an element on the typical element are shown.
where D:j are the parameters to be determined and tPj(x) are the approximation
functions or the basis functions to be constructed. Substituting ue(x) for U and
·1-- he
I--.e 0
v = rPj over the et h element, namely, (XA, XB) into (3.88)', we get
,I,(e) _
'1'1 -
X ,I,(e) _ X - Xe
Xe+l -
, '1'2 -
< <
,Xe _ X _ Xe+l • (3.95)
Xe+l - Xe Xe+l - Xe
Expression (3.94) satisfies the essential boundary conditions of the element, and {rPi}
are continuous, linearly independent, and complete over the element. Comparing
(3.89) with (3.94), we find that m = 2 and ale) = U]e).
Since the approximation functions are derived from (3.91) in such a way that
u(x) is equal to u~e) at node l(xA = xe) and to u~e) at node 2(XB = xe+d, that
is interpolated, they are known as the Lagrange family of interpolation functions.
The interpolation functions have the following properties besides rP~e) = 0 outside
the element oe = (0, a):
a dx
drPi drPj
dx dx (3.97)(ii)
Equations (3.97) are known as the finite element model of the given
boundary value problem (3.88) or equivalently (3.88)' over an element.
A local coordinate system (a coordinate system in the element) proves more con-
venient in the derivation of the basis functions. If x denotes the local coordinate
whose origin is at node 1 of an element, then the local coordinate is related to the
global coordinate (coordinate used in the earlier formulation) by linear transforma-
x =x+xe •
Putting this value of x in (3.91) and (3.92), we get
= Cl + C2 X
= u(O) = Cl
u = tU)e)fjJ)e)(x)
{ fjJ~e)(x) = ~=~ ~ ,fjJ~e)(x) = ~, 0 ~ x ~ he;
(3.97)(ii) and (3.97)(iii) take the following form in the local coordinate:
K~~) =
Ci dfjJi dfjJj dX
dX dX
Fi(e) r:
= Ja fjJi fdX + >.~e) , (3.100)(ii)
Ci = evaluated at (xe + x) = a(x e + x) (3.100) (iii)
f = f(x e +x). (3.100) (iv)
When the linear interpolation functions are used to approximate the dependent
variable of the present problem, we obtain
a1 1 -100]
1 00 {U1U2 }= fth 1 {I}
1 + {AP)}
A~l) .
h1 [ 0 0 0 0 U3 2 0 0
o 0 00 U4 0 0
Element 2.
Element 3.
a3[~ ~ ~ ~] {~~
h3 0 0 1 -1 U3
} = hh2 3 {~} + {~AP)
1 } . (3.103)(iii)
o 0 -1 1 U4 1 A~3)
a1 a1 U1 fth 1
0 0
h1 h1
a1 a1 a2 -a2
- +- 0 U2 1 fth 1+hh2 A~l) +A~2)
h1 h1 h2 h2
a2 a2 a3 a3 =2 +
+h- h3 U3 hh2+hh3 A2(2) +A1(3)
a3 a3
0 0
h3 h3 U4 hh3 A~3) .
(u ,v) =l uvd n
(u,v)r =l uvd r
(Tu,v) = l T(u)vd n.
Various examples of T are discussed earlier.
Applying integration by parts repeatedly, one can get the relationship of the type
(Tu,w) = l T(u) w d n
(i) Let
T(u) cPu - ) .2 u, n = (
= dx )
0,1 .
r = {O,l}, S(u) = dx' L(u) = u,
and the relation (3.106) takes the form
1 1
T(u)wdx = 1 1
T(w)udx + [L(w)S(u)]~ - [L(u)S(w)]~.
(ii) Let
T(u) - dx2 ' n= (0,1),
then (3.106) takes the form
1 o
T(u)wdx = 1
T(w)udx + [LI (W)SI (u) -
+ [S2(w)L2(u) - Sdw)L 1(u)]o,
Let a particle of unit mass subject to the force of a specified field F be moved
from a point x to a point y in space. Then the work done on the particle by the
force, denoted by W, is given by the expression
W= l Y
Fdr, (3.107)
where F is the force field vector and dr is the differential motion of the particle on
the path from x to y.
If x is a fixed point while y varies, the integral (3.107) represents a function of y
alone. This scalar function
u(y) = Fdr, (3.108)
u(x) = z
Gmlm2 Y'( -)
= Gmlm2 -r1 + constant, (3.109)
where G is the gravitational constant and r is the distance between x and Y; that is,
r(x, y) = IIx - Yll = d(x, y) = [(Xl - Yl)2 + (X2 - Y2)2 + (X3 - Y3)2] 2", (3.110)
at point y.
This potential is also a continuous function of Y and infinitely differentiable at
all points except those coinciding with en'
If we consider a continuous distribution
of simple sources of volume density sp throughout the domain 0, then the potential
associated with this force field is a volume potential
The integrand has a singularity when the field point x lies inside the domain O. It
can be easily seen that u(x) exists at all x E 0 and is differentiable provided cP is
bounded. If sp satisfies the Lipschitz condition of order 0: > 0, that is, Icp(x) -cp(y)1 ~
MII X - YIl a, M >, 8 x2 exists;
0 t h en 8 . t hat
at iis,
8u(x) { 8 ( 1 )
8Xi = Jn cp(y) 8Xi IIx _ yll dO(y)
{ 1 ( 8cp(y) 1
= - Jr cp(y) IIx - Yll ni (y)dI'(y) + Jn 8Xi(Y) IIx - JlII dO(y).
V2U(X) = l
~(x) an~y) IIx ~ ylld r(y)
{ 2 raa ra 1
V u(X) = ~(x) ire an(y) IIx _yll d r(y) + ~(x) i r an(x) Ilx _ yll dI'(y) ,
where reis the boundary of the sphere surrounding x and I' is the boundary of n.
We have
r a 1 1
Jr. an(y) IIx _ ylI d r(y) = - 102 Jr• d I' = -471".
Sinee there are no sourees in the domain between r e, and I', therefore there is
no flux out of the region and, eonsequently,
where r = Ilx - ylI and the normal is outward on I', but inward on r e. Therefore
where J.L is the limit of a(h) as h -t 0 and a -t 00, is ealled a double layer
potential. The function J.L is known as the surfaee density or the double integral. It
ean be verified (see, for example, Brebbia, TeIles and Wrobel [1984]) that the value
of double layer potential given by (3.120) is equal to
+ [X3(X) - X3(y)]2}! ,
and Xi(X) and Xi(Y) are coordinates of the points x and y, respectively. The single-
layer potential for two-dimensional problems is given by
Then the double layer potential for two-dimensional problems is of the form
\72u(X) = -271"cp(x).
Equation (3.121) in two-dimensional problems takes the form
u*(x, Y) = !Ix: yll' is the Newtonian potential.
In this equation, a(·) is the only unknown. Equation (3.126) is a Fredholm equation
of the first kind. While using a double-layer potential for u(x), one can write the
Dirichlet boundary problem in the form of a Fredholm equation of the second kind,
but experts prefer a single-layer treatment as it is more convenient mathematically
and more illuminating physically.
If we represent the solution of the Neumann boundary problem in three dimen-
sions by a single-layer potential with unknown density zr; namely,
we get
q(x) = 8n(x)
r Bu"
= -a7J"a(x) + Jr a(y) 8n(x) (x, y)dI'(y) , (3.128)
q(x) df(x) = O. (3.129)
The solution is unique only within an arbitrary additive constant. See results in this
direction in Dautry and Lions [pp. 130-136, vol. 4, 1990].
{ - .r
Jr 1
[u(x) - u(x)) q*(x,y) df(x) ,
8u*(x y)
8 .( ' ) d!1(x)
=- r1
- - Jrr2
q(x)u*(x,y)dI'(x) (3.133)
where i = 1,2,3 and Einstein's summation eonvention is followed for repeated in-
dices. Using integration by parts onee more, we get
l 2u*(x,y)u(x)dn(x)
=- Ir
V q(u)u*(x,y) d r(x)
Considering the point y to be on the boundary and accounting for the jump of the
left hand, (3.137) yields the integral equation on the boundary of the given domain
n (boundary integral equation)
c(y)u(y) + Ir u(x) q*(x,y)dI'(x) = Ir q(x)u*(x,y)dI'(x) . (3.138)
Remark 3.15. (i) If we are looking for a solution of the Neumann boundary
problem, then the right hand side of (3.138) is known and for the desired solution
and we have to solve a Fredholm equation of the seeond kind .
(i) Conversion of the problem into the boundary integral equation (as indicated
in Subsection 3.3.2).
(ii) Discretization of the boundary I' into aseries of elements over which the poten-
tial and its normal derivatives are supposed to vary according to interpolation
functions. These elements could be straight lines, circular areas, parabolas,
etc .
(iv) Evaluation of the integrals over each element by normally using a numerical
quadrature scheme.
(v) To derive a system oflinear algebraic equations imposing the prescribed bound-
ary conditions and to find its solution by direct or iterative methods.
Remark 3.16. (i) The values of u(x) at any internal point of the domain are
determined by equation (3.137).
(ii) The values of derivatives of u, at any internal point Y with Cartesian coordi-
nates Xi(Y), i = 1,2,3 can be determined from the equation
=_1_{ Jrr q(X)8u*(x,
2a7l" 8Xi(Y)
y) dI'(x)- r u(x)8q*(x,y) dr(X)}.
Jr 8Xi(Y)
We illustrate now the above mentioned steps through concrete examples over
finite regions of homogeneous isotropie media with Neumann, Dirichlet and Cauchy
boundary conditions. Non-homogeneous regions may be divided into homogeneous
subregions with different physical properties and the method can be applied to a
system of equations for each subregion introducing compatibility of potentials and
equilibrium conditions in terms of normal derivatives. The method can also be ex-
tended for infinite regions. The integral equation given in (3.138) can be discretized
into a large number of elements. For the sake of simplicity, we consider a two-
dimensional case in which the boundary is divided into segments of constant and
linear forms as shown in Figure 3.5.
For the constant element case, the boundary is discretized into N elements . Let
NI belong to r l and N 2 to r 2 , where the values of u and q are taken to be constant
on each element and equal to the value at the midnode of the element. We observe
that in each element the value of one of the two variables u or q is known. Equation
(3.138) can be written in the form
CiUi +L
1 r;
uq" d r =L
1 r;
u*q d r. (3.141)
Figure 3.5(ii). Linear boundary elements.
For a constant element, the boundary element is always smooth; hence the Ci coeffi-
cient is identically equal to ~rj, denote the length of element j . (3.141) represents
in discrete form the relations hip between node i at which the fundamental solution
is applied and all the j elements, including the case i = i. on the boundary. The
values of U and q inside the integrals in equation (3.141) are constant at one element
and, consequently, we have
1 o., = 1r j u* d r .
H ij = q* d r, and (3.143)
1 N N
2Ui + 'LHijUj = L Gij qj. (3.144)
j=l j=l
Here, the integrals in (3.141) are simple and can be evaluated analytically but, in
general, numerical techniques will be employed .
Let us define
Hij if i # j
H ij = (3.145)
{ - 1
H '3··+- ifi=j,2
then (3.144) can be written as
'L,HijUj = 'L, G i j qj,
j=l j=l
Ui = Ir qu * dr - Ir q * U dr . (3.147)
Equation (3.147) represents the integral relationship between an internal point, the
boundary values of U and q and its discretized form is
Ui = 'L,qjGij - 'L,UiHij . (3.148)
j=l j=l
The values of internal fluxes can be determined by differentiating (3.147) (See equa-
tion (3.139}) which gives us
e«= -
11r r
8 Xl
where x, are the coordinates, I = 1,2 are in two dimensions and I = 1,2,3 are in
three dimensions.
Remark 3.17. (i) Hij and G i j can be evaluated by simple Gauss quadrature values
for all elements (except one node under consideration) as folIows:
H ij = l-
r q* dr = i 'L,q~wk'
I n
rj k=l
where lj is the element length and Wie is the weight associated with the numerical
integration point k,
(ii) For the integrals corresponding to singular elements, one may use the integral
formulae discussed in Brebbia et al, [1984].
(iii) For the constant elements, as the present case,
eu + f q = d on r, (3.150)
often known as Robin type conditions, can be considered where d, e, f are functions
of the positions. If f = 0, it reduces to the Dirichlet cond ition and for e = 0, we get
the Neumann condition. For e =I 0, and f =I 0, it can include impedance boundary
conditions of electromagnetic problems and the convection boundary conditions of
heat conduction problems. By applying this boundary condition at all boundary
nodes, we may get the matrix equation
AX=F. (3.151)
(v) If we use the indirect formulation for boundary value problems, equations
(3.128) and (3.130) can be discretized as above and we get a matrix equation
AlT = F ,
Ui = lr1
au" d r
qi =- 2Ui + J/
q* d I'
Ui = LUj
1 N
qi = -2Ui + LujHij
- - 1
H ii = H ii -
2 N
Ui = LUi a.; qi = LujHij
j=i j=i
Ui = Ui at Ni points at I' 1
qi = 7li at N 2 points at r 2 •
Ir Ir
CiUi + U q* d r = qu* d r ,
or in discretized form
CiUi + L
j=i r,
uq* d r = L
j=i r,
q u* d r.
l (3.152)
The values of U and q at any point of the element can be defined in terms of their
nodal values and two linear interpolation functions 1/Ji and 1/J2' functions of homo-
geneous coordinate TJ, such that
gfj = f 'l/Jl u* d r
Ir 'l/J2
glj = u* d r.
Putting these values, (3.152) can be written in terms of a matrix equation
AX = F . For details, we refer to Brebbia et al. [1984] .
Oe R 3 ,H2 (0 ) = {f E L 2 (0 )/ D a fE L 2 (0 ), a = (al,a2,a3),lal
= al + a2 + a3 ~ 2}
(f,q) = L (D af,D a g)L 2 (O),
IlfIIH2(Q) = L IID
Consider the Dirichlet problem
Vu(x) = O,X E 0
{ uIr = 0, I' is boundary of O.
This is called the interior Dirichlet problem, while the following problem is called
the exterior Dirichlet problem :
1 ( q(y)
411" J Ilx _ Ylld')'(x) = uo(x) ,x Er, (3.159)
where d')' is the element 0/ sur/ace r o = n, be a boundary integral with unknown
q( .). (3.159) has a unique solution in the space H-L This problem has the varia-
tional /ormulation
, , , l(r)
a(q,q) = F(q) [or all q E H-2 , (3.160)
a(q,q') = .2.. { ( q(y)q' (y) d ')'(x) d ')'(y) (3.161)
411" Jr Jr Ilx - yll
H:; 'i,
a( ', .) is coercive on that is, 3 a > 0 such that
The solutions of the interior and exterior Dirichlet boundary value problems (3.157)
and (3.158) exist and are given by
1 ( q(u) 3
u(x) = 411" J Ilx _ y11d ')'(y) , for all x ER , (3.163)
where q(.) is the solution of (3.159).
Note : Analogous results can be proved for the Neumann boundary prob-
lems, and the Helmholtz equation with the Dirichlet and Neumann
boundary conditions (See Dautry-Lions, Vo1.4, Chapter-XI).
Remark 3.18. (i) In the simplest case, Vh will consist offunctions that are constant
on each element of the mesh Th. Here we can construct Vh by a finite element method
using a polynomial of degree k , We can use finite elements of Co dass whenever
k > 1. Here the space Vh will be aspace of continuous functions whose restriction
to each triangle is a polynomial of degree k,
(ii) If Vh is the space of functions constant on the elements of the mesh, the
number of unknowns are equal to the number of these elements. The coefficients of
the matrix of the linear system to be solved are
The matrix is symmetrie and positive definite by virtue of the coercivity of the bilin-
ear form a(q, q') . If h = maximum diameter of the elements in the mesh Th, then the
error between the solution qh of the discretized equation (3.164) and q , the solution
of (3.160), is given by the foIlowing theorem.
Theorem 3.6. Let q be the solution 0/ (3.160) and qh be the solution 0/ (3.164),
IIq - qhIlH-~([') :S Ch k +! IIqllHHl [I') , (3.166)
(k = 1 i/ elements are from Hl(O) or k = 2 i/ elements belong to H2(O)).
Let Uh be given by
Results analogaus to Theorem 3.6 are possible for many other classes of boundary
value problems like the Helmholtz equation with Diriehlet and Neumann boundary
conditions and problems of linear elasticity and Stokes system (See Dautry-Lions
[Vol. 4, 1990)).
3.4 Problems
Problem 3.1 (i) What do you understand by wave propagation in uniform guides?
(ii) Write down a mathematieal equation which models wave propagation in
uniform guides.
(iii) Write down the variational (weak) formulation of the mathematical model.
Problem 3.2 (i) Write down the Helmholtz equation in the three-dimensional space
with the Diriehlet and the Neumann boundary conditions.
(ii) What kind of physical phenomena are represented by the Helmholtz equation
with weIl known boundary conditions?
Problem 3.3. Discuss the numerieal solution of the Helmholtz equation with
Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions by
3.4. PROBLEMS 139
Problem 3.4. Discuss the solution of the Helmholtz equation with hysteresis.
Problem 3.7. Write down the mathematical equation modelling the radio antennas.
Find its finite element solution.
Problem 3.8. What is the physical meaning of the Sommerfeld's radiation condi-
tion? Write down its mathematical formulation.
Problem 3.11. Discuss the error between the exact and the finite element solution
of the following differential equation
- dx 2 = 2, 0 <x <1
u(O) = u(l) = o.
Problem 3.12. Consider the one-dimensional heat transfer in an insulated rod
of cross-section area A, Length L, conductivity k, convection coefficient ß, and
surrounding media (ambient) temperature Too• Write down the differential equation
modelling this phenomenon and solve it by the finite element method.
Problem 3.13. Write down the discrete form of the differential equation
dx 2
~u) + f(x)
( p(x) bdx = 0, 0< x < L,
_V'2 u = 1
Problem 3.16. Diseuss the finite element solution of the nonlinear equation
V' x (vV' x A) = J,
where v = JL is the material permeability, A is a veetor potential, whose curl gives
the magnetie flux density B (V' x A = B).
Problem 3.17. Solve Poisson's equation V'2 U = b in a square with sides of length
2 and homogeneous boundary eonditions u = 0, at x = ±1, and y = ±1, by the
boundary element method.
Problem 3.18. Diseuss the solution of the transient sealar wave equation by the
boundary elment method.
Problem 3.19. Write down an essay on the finite element method in less than 1000
words introducing the topic without writing mathematical formula.
u(O,y) = y2,U(X,0) = x 2
8u (1, y ) = 2 - 2y - y,
8x 2 8u()
8y x,l =2- x - x2 .
3.4. PROBLEMS 141
Solve the boundary value problems using trial functions of the form:
Ul(X,y) = x 2 + y2 + axy
U2(X,y) =
x 2 + y2 + bxy(x + y).
Problem 3.23. State the main steps involved in solving the Poisson equation by
applying triangular finite elements.
Problem 3.25. Discuss the finite element solution of the following boundary value
- d,x2 + u(x) = f(x) , x E (0,1)
u(o) = u(l) = 0.
Problem 3.26. Find the llitz-Galerkin solution of the following boundary value
Problem 3.1. (i) The behaviour of wave guides is derived from the property of a
hollow tube with a highly reflecting inside surface that channelizes electromagnetic
wave energy from one end to the other. A simple example is that of shining light
through a tube with a mirror interior surface. Because of the possibility of launehing
two alternative, independent plane waves distinct by virtue of possessing orthogonal
polarization, one may get two independent sets of waves or modes in the guide,
known as transverse magnetic and transverse electric waves. This phenomenon is
known as the wave propagation in uniform guides.
(ii) Let us consider a cylindrical waveguide of arbitrary cross-section and with
its axis aligned along the z-direction. In order that a coherent wave propagate at
frequency w, we must have
+ ~sasy = -~"wf.J.
Hz (iii)
-~ve ez - z
-8E =
-~" Hz
wf.J. (iv)
8Ey _ 8Ez = -i w f.J. Hz (v)
8x 8y
+ ~i B H.y = ~. W e E z (vi)
"ßHz -
= ~• W €
Ey (vii)
8Hy _ 8Hz _ " E (viii)
8x 8y - ~ W € z·
By solving (iii) and (vii) für Hz and Ey and (iv) and (vi) for H y and E z, we get
E z -- . (ß -8Ez
-~ + w f.J. -8H z) /(k 2 -p2) (xi)
8x 8y
-" ( ß 8Ez
E y-~--+Wf.J.-8Hz ) /(k 2 -ß2)
, (xii)
8y 8y
If f.J. and e are constants, then, by choosing k 2 = w2 f.J. e, it can be shown that
\12 E+ k 2 E = 0 (xiii)
\12H + k 2 H = O. (xiv)
See also Remark 3.10. Observing the exp( -ißz) dependence of the fields, the z-
component equations of the above is given as
\1}Ez + (k2 - ß2) E; = 0 (xv)
\1}Hz + (k 2 - ß2) = 0, (xvi)
3.4. PROBLEMS 143
82 82
where '\7~ = 8 x 2 + 8 y2 is the transverse Laplacian operatot.
E z and the transverse E-field components determined by it from equations (ix)
to (xii) may exist separately from Hz and its corresponding transverse components.
Thus, the two separate modes, transverse electric (TE) where E z = 0, H f 0 and
transverse magnetic (TM) when Hz = 0, E z f 0 are identified. Equations (xvi)
and (xvii) are crucial as all other field quantities will follow from these two. It may
be observed that these two equations are special cases of the well-known Helmholtz
Problem 3.2.
n e R 3 , '\7u(x) + k2 u (x ) = 0, xE n
u(x) = 0 on 8 n = r (Dirichlet Boundary) (i)
{ 8u(x) = 0 on 8 n = r
8n '
where k is a positive real constant.
Homogeneous Helmholtz equation with Dirichlet and Neumann boundary condi-
tions in three dimensions
82w 2
- 2 - '\7 w + 9
=0 on n x R, n c R 3 • (iii)
d2u 2
d x
2 u=o (iv) ,
V2 _ ~8 u (vi)
U - c8 t2 '
where c = 'Yuo/lfJo with lfJo the static density of the air and 'Y its ratio of specific heats
at constant pressure and volume. The disturbance velocity of the air v is related to
the incremental pressure u through a linearized equation of motion
Vu = -ep 8t . (vii)
(vi) and (vii) may be cast into complex phase form to the Helmholtz equation
V2 u + k 2 u = 0
Vu = -iwlfJov
where k2 = w2 /c2 .
The study of electrical heating by electromagnetic induction will also require the
study of Helmholtz equation. Standing waves on a bounded shallow body of water
are modelIed by the Helmholtz equation with the Neumann boundary condition
Problem 3.3.
Finite element method. We consider here Helmholtz equation with the Dirichlet
boundary condition. The Neumann boundary problem can be solved on similar lines
keeping in mind that the integral on the boundary will be zero.
Let n c R3 be divided into m elements of r nodes each. We may express the
behaviour of the unknown function u(x) within each element as
u U) = ~ ai Ui = [al {u}U) , (i)
where Ui is the value of u(·) at i-thth node . Here, we are considering nodal values of
u as degrees of freedom; however, values of derivatives could also be used as degrees
of freedom without changing the procedure to be followed. The quantity Ui may be
thought of as a general nodal parameter. The functional
3.4. PROBLEMS 145
8 = O'
,t= 1, 2, "'r, (iii)
will be satisfied.
Since the functional 1(·) contains only the first order derivative, ai must be
chosen to preserve at least continuity of U at element interfaces. If the approximating
functions guarantee continuity, we must focus attention on one element because the
integral I(u) can be represented as the sum of integrals over all elements; that is,
I(u) = LI(u(j»). (iv)
The discretized form of the functional for one element is obtained by substituting
equation (i) into (ii). Then (iii) takes t he form
8I(u(j») .
= 0, t = 1, 2, ... , r . (v)
By (i), we get
8 u(j)
} (j) -
- (vi)
where the coefficients ofthe matrices [K)(j) , and {Si}(j) are given by the equations
ki "
{ 8ij =
= {
(8 ai 8aj
B » 8x
+ 8 ai
8 aj
+ 8 ai
8 a j) d
ai aj d n(j),i = 1,2,3 ·· ·r,j = 1,2,3 · ··r .
{u} is the column vector of nodal values of u. Equations in (viii) are a set of, say
n, linear homogeneous algebraic equations in nodal values of u. The problem which
we have solved here is known as the eigenvalue or characteristic value problem; the
values of A are termed eigenvalues or characteristic values . For each different value of
Ai, there is a different column vector [u], that satisfies (viii). The vector {uh that
corresponds to a particular value of Ai is called an eigenvector or a characteristic
vector. We know that {u} =I- {O}, that is, (viii) has a non-trivial solution if and only
if the characteristie determinant is zero; that is,
This equation is used to find the eigenvalues. We get the following n-th order
polynomial by expanding
By the fundamental theorem of algebra, this polynomial has n roots Ai. Substituting
these values of Ai in (viii), we solve n sets of equations for the n eigenvectors {4> h . [K]
and [H] are symmetrie and definite positive and so eigenvalues are distinct and real
and u/s are linearly independent. The usual procedure for solution is to assign an
3.4. PROBLEMS 147
arbitrary value to one component of the vector {u} and then solve the remaining
(n - 1) equations for the other components. The consequence of this fact is that
the natural eigenvectors {4J} i of the wave motion are known only in relation to one
another, not in absolute terms. Iterative numerical methods are also known to find
the solution of (viii) (See Ciarlet [1989]).
(ii) See Dautry-Lions [1990, Vol. 4 pp. 143-145], Brebbia [1984, pp. 121-123 and
416-417] and Balder and Zerger [1996].
Problem 3.5.
1 E. dl = _ f aB . dS
Je Js at
i H . dl = l(J+~~) ' dS
1 D·dS = 1 cpdO
JSi fl
B·dS = 0,
where the integrals are taken over an open surface S or its boundary contour C or
over a closed surface SI .
Problem 3.8. The Sommerfeld condition expresses the fact that the energy flux
across every sphere of radius R very large, in the sense of lxi increasing, is positive
for the reflected electromagnetic wave satisfying the condition; namely,
Problem 3.15. See Silvester and R.L. Ferrari [1983, Chapter 4].
Two-dimension case.
(V 8A)
+ ~ (V 8A) = -J .
8y 8y
Corresponding energy functional is
F(U) = In W(U)d n- In JU d o,
W(U) = f H· d B
B = V x U and H = f-LB
U = ~::::'>~i(X,y)Ui .
J = r
Jak d n(e)
S = (Sij), Sij =
n<e) 1 ( X X
8 ai 8 aj
+- 8 -8
The matrix equation can be solved by the iterative method. For further details, one
d n.
Problem 3.20. In the finite-element method, the functions used to represent be-
haviour of a field variable within an element are called interpolation, shape and
approximation functions. In mathematical terminology these are the basis elements
of the approximating subspace Hi, of the Hilbert space over which the continuous
problem is defined. Many types of functions could serve as interpolation functions,
but mainly polynomials have been widely used in practical applications. However,
well known orthonormal systems and recently invented wavelets could also be used
as interpolation functions. Let us consider the two-dimensional field variable ifJ(x, y).
The nodal values of ifJ can uniquely and continuously define c/>(x, y) throughout the
domain of interest in the x-y plane. Suppose the domain of ifJ( x, y) is divided into
triangles. Then the plane passing through the three nodal values of ifJ associated
with element n(e) is described by the equation
ifJ(e)(x,y) = a~e) + a~e) x + a~e)y ;
ifJ~e) = a~e) + a~e) Xi + a~e)Yi ;
",(e) _ aCe)
'l'j -
+ aCe)
1 2
x . + a(e)y . .
J 3 J'
",(e) _ aCe) + aCe) Xk + a(e)Yk
'l'k - i 2 3'
3.4. PROBLEMS 149
Problem 3.24. An electric current induced within the body ofthe conductor, when
the conductor either moves through a non-uniform magnetic field or is in a region
where there is a change in magnetic flux, is known as the eddy current. Since iron is
a conductor, there will be an eddy current induced in it, when the flux is changed.
Because of ohmic resistance, the eddy current causes a loss of energy. Hysteresis
and eddy current loss form the two components of iron loss. For a long time, these
currents were considered harmful but new technologies have recently arisen which
make use of eddy currents for production of heat or forces like
(i) the linear induction motor, in which eddy currents are produced in areaction
rail to create a propulsive force;
(ii) in electrodynamic systems, where eddy currents provide the lift force, although
create also a drag force; and
(iii) electrical heating by electro-induction, where one deals with the generation of
a given eddy current distribution.
Problem 3.25. We present here a finite element solution of the following boundary
value problem [Datta, 1995).
- dx 2 + u(x) = f(x), far x E (0,1) , (i)
1 1
(-u"(x) +u(x))v(x)dx = 1 1
f(x)v(x)dx ,
that is,
1 1
(u'v' + uv)dx = 11
f(x)v(x)dx. (ii)
a(u,v) = 1 1
(u'v' + uv)dx and (F,v) = 1 1
f(x)v(x)dx .
(Notice that the form a(·,·) is symmetrie (that is, a(v,u) = a(u,v)) and bilinear.)
It can be shown that u is a solution of equations (ii) if and only if u is a solution
of (i)
The discrete problem. We now discretise the problem in (ii). We start by con-
structing a finite-dimensional subspace H n of the space H.
Here, we consider only the simple case where H n consists of continuous piecewise
linear functions. For this purpose, let 0 = Xo < Xl < X2 < .. . < X n < X n+1 = 1
be a partition of the interval [0,1) into subintervals I j = [X j-1 , Xj] of length hj =
[Xj - Xj-1], j = 1,2, . . . ,n + 1.
With this partition, we associate the set H n with the set of all functions v(x) that
are continuous on the interval [0,1], linear in each subinterval Ij,j = 1,2, . . . , n + 1,
and satisfy the boundary conditions v(O) = v(l) = O.
We now introduce the basis functions {4>1 ' 4>2 "" ,4>nh of H n. We define 4>j(x)
3.4. PROBLEMS 151
o 1
Because cPl' . . . , cPn, are the basis functions, any function v E H n can be written
v(x) =L VicPi(X), where Vi = V(Xi).
We easily see that H n C H. The discrete analogous of (ii) then reads: Find U n E Hi;
such that
a(un,v n) = (F,v n) for evrey Vn E H n . (iii)
Now, if we let Un = L:~1 CicPi(x) and notice that equation (iii) is true, particularly
for every function cPix), j = 1,. . . ,n, we get n equations; namely,
where (Fn)i = (F, ifJj) and A = (aij) is a symmetrie matrix given by aij = aji =
a(ifJi' ifJj) and c = (Cl, ,, , ,cn)T.
The entries of the matrix A ean be eomputed explicitly. We first notice that aij
= aji = a(ifJi' ifJj) = 0 if li - il ~ 2. (This is due to the loeal support of the function
ifJi(X)), A direet eomputation now leads to
~. 0]
2 -1 ", 0
The written history of the Monte Carlo methods began in 1949 after the paper
of Metropolis and Ulm [1949], but at that time the method had already been used for
several years in secret defense projects ofthe United States of America for simulating
the behaviour of nuclear reactors. It was definitely known to J. Von Neumann, N.
Metropolis, S.M. Ulm, H. Kahn and their coworkers at the Los Alamos Scientific
Laboratory much before its publication. The name "Monte Carlo" comes from the
random or chance character of the method and the famous casino in Monaco (South
of France). It may be observed that finding random numbers is a crucial step of
the Monte Carlo methods, The numbers which are generated at the roulette table
in Monte Carlo are truly random, but the numbers which are actually utilized in
Monte Carlo methods are generated on the computer using deterministic formulae
which are called pseudo-random numbers or quasi-random numbers. A fundamental
difficulty of the Monte Carlo method stems from the requirement that the nodes
be independent random samples, The problem arises for generating independent
random samples concretely. The users ofMonte Carlo methods avoid this problem by
using pseudo-random numbers in place of truly random samples . The first paper with
the term quasi-Monte Carlo came to light by the Tech-report in 1951 by Richtmyer.
This method can be described in a simple wayas the deterministic version of a Monte
Carlo method in the sense that the random samples in the Monte Carlo method are
replaced by well-selected deterministic points. An excellent exposition of the quasi-
Monte Carlo method can be found in Niederreiter [1992,1978] and Halton [1970] .
Application-oriented treatment can be found in other references especially Koonin
et al, [1990] , Press et al. [1992] and Bratley, Fox and Niederreiter [1994] . For
an updated account of the Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo methods, we refer
to Caflish [1998]. The particle methods which are used to simulate rarefied gas
flows now-a-days have a lot in common with the original work of Metropolis and
Ulm, see, for example, Neunzert and Struckmeier [1997]. The general idea of the
particle methods is the approximation of densities by discrete measure. An elegant
description of the particle method along with applications is presented in Neunzert
(H) Traffic flowsimulation models used for the implementation in a traffic guidance
systems on highways.
(iil) Glass: Investigations on the influence of radiation on the glass melting process.
The main goal of this chapter is to give abrief introduction of Monte Carlo, quasi-
Monte Carlo, and Particle methods along with their typical applications. Section
4.1 is devoted to the Monte Carlo method while Section 4.2 deals with the quasi-
Monte Carlo method. The particle methods are introduced in Section 4.3. A current
study of the particle methods is mentioned in Section 4.4. Problems are mentioned
in Section 4.5. Applications of the quasi-Morite Carlo method to the pricing of
derivatives are discussed by Ninomiya and Tezuka [1996], Papageorgiou and Traub
[1996], Paskov and Traub [1995], Tezuka [1998] and Wilmott [Chapter 49,1998]. An
introduction to the Black-Scholes financial world is presented in Appendix 7.6.
f :R -t Rand I = l b
f(x)dx .
Divide the interval [a, b] into n equal subintervals by the points a = Xo =:; Xl =:; X2 =:;
. . . . •. =:; X n = b such that if the length is 'b - a', then each subinterval is of length
h = b~a and Xi = a + ih , i = 0,1,2· .. ,n and Xi+! - Xi = h, i = 0, 1,2 · .. ,n. Let
Yi = f(Xi), i = 0,1,2· . . ,n.
To find I is equivalent to finding the area enclosed by the graph of the function
between 'a' and 'b' which is approximately equal to L hf(Xi) denoted by IR ' We
have the error between I and IR denoted by Ef .
b (b - a) n-l
I - IR = f(x)dx - --Lf(Xi)' (4.1)
a n i=0
b - a,,",
Ef = I - -L.)(Xi) . (4.2)
n i=0
It can be easily checked that the error Ef is proportional to ~(b - a)!'("1) for some
"1 E (a, b). In view of this Ef is exact; that is, Ef = 0 if f is a constant function.
Further, the error is inversely proportional to n and so, for a given function t, the
error will decrease as the number of subintervals will inerease, that is, n will increase.
Yi = f(Xi)
Xi+l - Xi = h
Xi 's are as in the previous case,
(iii) Quadrature rules. A common feature of the above two rules is that the
intervals (a, b) are subdivided in such a way that the Xk 's, k = 0,1,2, '" ,n are
equally spaced. Such a choice is not always possible, for example, the integrand
could be singular; that is, f(x) could behave as (x - b)Q near x = b, with a > -1.
A more refined approach is to try and find the values of Xk for which the error is
minimized. Methods based on this approach are called the quadrature rules. Let
1= l b
f(x)dx = l b
w(x)g(x)dx, (4.5)
where w(x) is a non-negative integrable function, called weight function and g(x) =
w(x) .
We approximate the right hand side integral of (4.5) by LWi g(Xi) where the
weight Wi and the abscissae can be found from standard literature. It can be seen
that Xi'S are zeros of the (n + l)-th degree polynomial which is orthogonal to all
polynomials of a lower degree with respect to the weight w(x) over [a, b]. The error
involved, that is, I - LWi g(Xi), is proportional to the (2n + 2)-th derivative of
g(x) . The method is exact, that is, the error is zero for all polynomials of degree
Remark 4.1. (i) Untillate forties, the above methods were known for finding ap-
proximate values of integrals. The quadrature rules provided fairly good approxima-
tions for integrals in lower dimensions, that is, for functions of one or two variables,
but in higher dimensions, the error was high and this motivated the invention of a
new technique for evaluating integrals numerically.
(ii) Suppose, for evaluating an integral with a quadrature rule requires n points,
that is, to obtain sufficient accuracy we need to consider a quadrature approxi-
mation based on some n-th degree orthogonal polynomial. Then the analogous
rn-dimensional integral would require n points in each dimension, that is, we would
need n m points in total. In view of this, the quadrature rules are not appropriate
for evaluating integrals numerically as it will involve large points.
(iii) The order of approximation for the rn-dimensional quadrature rules is
where f : Rm -+ R, and E(f) is the expected value ofthe random variable f. The
problem of numerical integration is nothing but finding approximate value of ex-
pected value of a random variable. This concept can be developed in a more general
setting, namely, an arbitrary probability space (A, A, >.). The Monte Carlo estimate
for the expected value E(f) is obtained by taking N independent >.-distributed ran-
dom samples al, a2, ... ,an E A and letting
L f(ak) .
E(f) ~ - (4.7)
n k=l
The strong law of large numbers guarantees that this procedure converges almost
certainly in the sense that
where >.00 is the product measure of denumerable many copies of >.. The variance
of f is denoted by 0'2(f) = (f - E(f))2d >..
(4.7) and (4.9) state that E(f) - ~L.f(an) is on an average a(f)n- t , where
a(f) = (a 2(f)) t is the standard deviation of f . The probabilistic information
about the error is obtained from the Central Limit Theorem, which states that if
o < (T(f) < 00, then
P rob (cla(f) 1
-r,;;- ~ 11:
f(ai) - E(f) ~ C2
= _1_j dt,
2 e- t 2 / 2
V2ir Cl
for any constants Cl < C2, where Probf-) is the ..\CX>-measure of the set of all se-
quences al , a2 ... ,an of elements of A that have the property indicated between the
By (4.6) and (4.8), we obtain the Monte Carlo estimate
where Xl, X2 • • • ,Xn are n independent ..\-distributed random samples from B and
Remark 4.3. (i) In view of (4.11) or, on the basis of the Central Limit Theorem,
the Monte Carlo method for numerical integration yields a probabilistic error bound
of the form O(n- t ) in terms of the number n of nodes. The most important fact is
that this order of magnitude does not depend on the dimension (number of variables
of the function). In view of this, it is preferable over quadrature rules in higher
dimensions, especially in dimension ~ 5.
(ii) If the domain of integration B is so complicated that we cannot calculate
jL(B), then by change of variables, it suffices to consider the situation where B is
contained in the unit cube r.
Then we can write
1 n
f(x)dx ~ nLf(Xk), Xk E B, (4.13)
B k=l
where Xl, X2 ... ,X n are n independent random samples from the uniform distribu-
tion on r: The error estimation will be of the order n -! as in the above case,
As discussed above, the Monte Carlo method comprises the following basic ele-
(i) The statistical modelling of the given numerical problem in terms of the ran-
dom variable which is nothing but writing the integral in terms of the expected
value of a random variable.
(H) The analysis of random variables of the model with regard to the statistical
properties, such as law of distribution, statistical dependence or independence.
(iii) The generation of random samples reflecting the above mentioned statistical
As mentioned earlier, the Monte Carlo Methods have been used in fairly large
number of real-world problems in such fields as semi-conductor devices, transport
theory, structural mechanics, reliability theory, system theory. However, in view of
certain deficiencies ofthe method mentioned earlier, the 'quasi-Monte Carlo method'
in which the points Xl, X2 . . . ,X n are deterministic has been investigated systemat-
ically in the last two decades. For advantages of the new method, we refer to Mo-
rokoff and Caflisch [1995, 1993] and Sarkar and Prasad [1987]. It has been shown,
for example, that there is a significant improvement in both magnitude of error and
convergence rate over Monte Carlo simulation for certain lew-dimensional problems.
In 1988, an improved Monte Carlo scheme has been developed by the group headed
by Neunzert which reduces fluctuations and is often referred to as the Kaiserslautern
Monte Carlo (KMC) scheme . A fully deterministic method for solving the Boltz-
mann equation is proposed in Lecot [1991] . Some recent advances in this area can
be found in Neunzert et al. [1995, 1996] and some of these results are mentioned in
Sections (4.3) and (4.4).
in Scientific American, Science and SIAM News in the last couple of years. This
method is also an excellent example of merging disciplines. Hardy and Ramanu-
jan would have never imagined that the techniques of Number Theory would be
real tools to solve real-world problems via the quasi-Monte Carlo method. In all
important cases, the selection criterion for deterministic points leads to the con-
cepts of uniformly distributed sequence and discrepancy. We introduce here
a quasi-Monte Carlo method and discuss the role of the discrepancy in this method
indicating deterministic bounds for the integration error in terms of discrepancy.
For the sake of convenience and better understanding, we consider = [0, l]m =r:
rn-products of [0,1], the closed rn-dimensional unit cube as the domain of integration.
We consider the following quasi-Monte Carlo approximation for the integral
r f(x)dxj that is,
where Xl, X2,' " ,Zn EI .
We are interested in those points of r for which the quasi-Morite Carlo approx-
imation is convergent; that is,
f(x)dx = lim - f(Xk) . (4.15)
/,I'" n-+oo n k=l
Lemma 4.1.
Remark 4.4. It is clear from the above lemma that the discrepancy and the star
discrepancyare quantifications of the concept of distributed sequences in Im . For a
domain of integration more general than r , the interested reader may find details
in Niederreiter [1992 and 1978] and references therein.
We prove here two theorems on the error bounds for the quasi-Monte Carlo
approximation in one dimension and state the extension of these results in higher
dimensions without proofs which are nicely presented in Niederreiter [1992] .
Theorem 4.1. Let I be a function 01 bounded variation with the total variation
V(f) on [0,1]; then, [or any Xl, X2, '" , Xn E [0,1], we have
By (4.24), (4.25) and definition of the total variation, we get the desired result.
k/ n
1 h 1 n
f(x)dx =L f(x)dx = - Lf(tk)'
k=l (k-l)/n n k=l
1 n
1 1
1 n
f(x)dx = n L(f(Xk) - f(tk)) . (4.26)
k=l ° k=l
By (4.20) , IXk - tkl ~ D~(Xl,X2'··· ,xn ) for 1 ~ k ~ n and the result follows from
The variation of I on r in the sense of Vitali is defined by
11 11\
V B(!) =
au l 8u 2 . . . aU m
Idul,·· · ,du m , (4.28)
Theorem 4.4. For any Xl, X2 , ... ,X n E rand any e > 0, there exists a function
I E COO(r) with V(f) = 1 and
Remark 4.5. The error estimates given in the theorems mentioned above indicate
that the point sets with small star discrepancy guarantee smaU errors in the quasi-
Monte Carlo integration over ym.
n = I:>j(n)lJi (4.33)
in base b, where aj(n) E Zp for all j ~ 0 and aj(n) = 0 for all sufficiently large j,
that is, the sum in (4.33) is actually finite.
For an integer b ~ 2, the radical inverse function 4>b in base b is defined by
= I: aj(n)b- j- l
van der Corput sequence in base b, For an integer b ~ 2, the van der Corput
sequence in base b is the sequence XO,Xl, .. . with Xn = r/Jb(n) for all n ~ 0. A
sequence Xo , Xl, X2 . . . is called the generalized van der Corput sequence in
base b, if X n 's are given by
L a(aj(n))b- j-
Xn = for all n ~ 0, (4.35)
for k = 0, 1, . . . ,n - 1.
(D (S)
n n 2 -
n) _ + - - .
log 8
log 3
log 8
(ii) Let 8 be the Halton sequence in the pairwise relatively prime bases bs, bz, . . . ,b m ,
D n(8) < n + nIIk
= 1
(bk - 1
2 log bk log n
+ -1)
+ -bi2 for all n;:::: 1 . (4.40)
(iii) For any dimension m ;:::: 1, there exists an infinite sequence of points in T"
such that
Dn = O(n- 1 (log n)?') . (4.41)
Furthermore, for every n ;:::: 2, there exists a finite sequence of n points in Im
such that
D n=O(n- 1(logn)m-1) . (4.42)
(iv) For the Hammersley sequence containing n terms, we have
D *n (8)
n < nm + n1 IIm-1 ( 2 bi-1
1 bi+l )
log bi og n + -2- .
Remark 4.6. Relation (4.41) is very important in the sense that it guarantees that
for any dimension, there exist quasi-Monte Carlo techniques that perform substan-
tially better than the Monte Carlo method.
where the ai's are integers taken from the base p expansion of n - 1, [n-1]p =
a mam-1 . . . a2 a1 ao, with 0 :$ ai < p. For example, if p = 3, the first 12 terms of
the sequence (n = 1,2, .. . ,12) are
I 2 1 4 7 2 5 8 1 10 19}
{ 0, 3' 3' 9' 9' 9' 9' 9' 9' 27' 27 ' 27 .
iR4Jdw = 1
21r 1r
(1 4J (R sin 0 cos 4J, R sin 0 sin 4J, R cos 0) R sin OdO) d4J
= 21r2R211 14J1
(Rsin 1rO' cos 21r4J', Rsin 1rO' sin 21r4J', Rcos 1rO')
One has to consider a uniform distribution with respect to the variables (()', ql)
in [0, 1]2, where the integrand is the following:
2rr2R 2 r/>( . . . ) sin rr()' .
One can also say that it is given a distribution with t he corresponding density
and put
Pi = (R sin rr()~ cos 2rrr/>~, R sin rr()~ sin 2rrr/>~, R cos rr()D ,
such that
2rr2 R 2 N
~ Lsinrr()~r/>(Pi)
Remark. One must check if, for a given point pJi), the following is true:
II Pj ' - ~II ~ t» ,
for all k = 1" " ,M. Ifthe above inequality is true, the point belongs to aU~l Ku;
otherwise, not.
So, one gets a point set which consists of maximal NM points (Ti,pl i ) ) , i E
{1, .. · ,M}, I E {1, ... ,N}. We sum
2 2 2
7r Ti . ()(i)'A.(n(i))
N sm 7r I 'I' rl '
Figure 4.2
where p and q are appropriate constants. The first element of the sequence must be
given by the user. The numbers Ti of the sequence in equation (4.43) are obtained
with a precise mathematical algorithm and therefore they are not at all random;
in reality, given the first element called seed, all other terms are easily predictable.
However, for a good choice of the constants p and q, the sequences of Ti behave ran-
domly in the sense that they pass a large number of statistical tests of randomness.
Numbers T of such a type are called pseudo-random numbers and sequences of
such numbers are called pseudo-random sequences. These numbers have the
advantage over truly random numbers of being generated in a fast way and of being
reproducible when desired for program debugging.
Relations (4.43) and (4.44) are called congruential methods of generating pseudo-
random numbers; in particular (4.43) is called multiplicative congruential method.
For more details, one may see Hammersley and Handscomb [1967] and Press, Teukol-
sky [1992]. van der Corput, Faure, Halton and Hammersley sequences discussed in
the preceding sections are examples of quasi-random sequence. The current research
papers of Morokoff and Calflish (see, for example, paper of 1995) and references
therein may provide important clues for generating quasi-random sequences.
where u(x,O) = uo(x) is known as the hyperbolic equation (in conservation form).
There are important partial differential equations which belong to this dass,
some of which are:
1. The Boltzmann equation for dilute gases
It + v\l xl + F\l vi = -QU) .
where t :::: is the time variable, x E n c R3 the space coordinate, and v E R3
the velocity, F = F(t, x) denotes an external force (gravity) or is related to a
self-consistent potential <P such that F = \l <P.
2. Euler equations
c::: + div(pu) = °
. (PUi U ) =
+ div 8P
-8 ,i = 1,2,3,
t Xi
In analogy to the methods like finite element, finite difference, the particle meth-
ods are also known as the point-set methods. These methods can be studied from:
(a) measure-theoretic approach,
(b) number-theoretic approach,
(c) functional analytic techniques, and
(d) statistical methods.
The Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo are, respectively, essentially statistical
and number-theoretic approaches of the particle methods discussed in the previous
sections. In Subsection 4.3.2, we introduce the measure-theoretic approach while in
Subsection 4.3.3, the functional analytic method is presented. Our presentation here
is mainly based on Neunzert and Struckmeier [1995], and Raviart [1983].
Often, p iN are taken from a sequence of PI, P2 .•• , that is, more and more particles
are brought into the game. Then
L af r/l(pf) = Jfr/ldvdx,
for all rP E Cb(R3 X R3). This means that the discrete measure OwNN weak" converges
to fdvdx, where Cb is a set of all continuous and bounded functions. One may
interpret this as an integration rule where we integrate the function rP with respect
to the measure fdvdx. We would like to measure the distance between w~ and f.
This might be done by any distance in measure spaces such as the Prohorov metrie or
bounded Lipschitz distance, but also since the limit fdvdx is absolutely continuous
with respect to the Lebesgue measure, with the help of the discrepancy. A pertinent
result in this direction is by Neunzert and Wiek (see, for example, Babovsky and
Illner [1989])
OwNN - t f Hf D(w~,f) - t O.
It may be recalled that the bounded Lipschitz distance dL(jL, v) between two mea-
sures JL and u is defined as
where LiP1 denotes the set of Lipschitz continuous functions with Lipschitz constant
1, whereas the discrepancy between two measures JL and v is defined by
D(JL, v) = sup IJL(A) - v(A)I .
8Uh ~ 8
8t + L..J -8. (aiuh) + aOUh = 0;
i=1 XJ
Uh("O) = u~ .
By a well-known result of Raviart 11983J, (4.47) has a unique solution
U~ = LOj()(x - Xj),
with time. The trend towards a Maxwellian distribution in the space homogeneous
case is expressed by Boltzmann's H -theorem. This indicates that this particular
distribution is a good candidate to describe a gas in a (statistical) equilibrium state.
The parameters, density p, mean velocity u and the temperature T of a Maxwellian
distribution may depend on the time and space variables. In this case, a Maxwellian
distribution is called a local Maxwellian distribution or a local equilibrium
Finding a criterion of local equilibrium is one of the fundamental tasks for cou-
pling of the Boltzmann and hydrodynamics equations. A typical application of
coupling of these equations arises in the re-entry of the space shuttle in the atmo-
sphere. In this region, the Boltzmann equation also gives the correct description of
the flow but, in the numerical solution, the computational effort is very high. In
fact, the mean free path between the molecules is very small and, in any numerical
code of the Boltzmann equation like the finite point set method (FPM), the mesh
size should be smaller than the mean free path. On the other hand, in this region,
the Boltzmann equation can be replaced by the Euler equations if the partiele distri-
bution function is a Maxwellian distribution or elose to it . But the Euler equations
are not valid everywhere, especially in the shock region or on the solid boundary.
Therefore, in those regions where Euler equations are not valid, one must solve the
Boltzmann equation.
In order to determine the domain of validity of these equations, we need a crite-
rion to determine whether a partiele system is near enough to a Maxwellian distribu-
tion or not. This means that one needs a distance between a Maxwellian distribution
and a partiele system.
The most widely used method for simulation of the evolution of a rarefied gas is
the particle method. As indicated earlier, the Euler equations can also be solved by
the partiele method, see Tiwari and Rjasanow [1997].
As mentioned in the previous subsection, the particle methods are applied to
evolution equations for densities f(t ,x,v), (x,v) E n, of particle number, mass,
charge, momentum in the phase space n, which is normally the position-velocity
space. In other words, particle methods are applied to appropriate conservation
laws for quantities given by measure JL, describing the partiele number, defined by
the relation
JL(A) = i fdxdv,
H'-oorax as a distanee between a particle system and the density function should
be used. Tiwari and Rjasanow [1997] have effectively implemented his ideas, It
was proved in a Ph.D. thesis written under the supervision of Prof. Neunzert (see
Schreiner [1994]) that the weak* eonvergenee of Ow N to J1. is equivalent to
as long as 8 < -d/2, where d is the dimension of the velocity space which is equal
to three in our case, Therefore, we ehoose 8 = -2 for our eomputation. We present
below a summary of the results of Tiwari and Rjasanow [1997].
The Dirac measure 8a = o(x - a), at a ERd belongs to HB(Rd), if 8< -d/2.
For 8 = mE N, the space HB(Rd) eoincides with the Sobolev spaee W m,2(R d),
wm,p(Rd) := {u E V(R d) : ir« E V(R d),
{ for Cl: ~ m, 1 ~ p < 00 , m ~ O}.
We are interested in caleulating the distanee (Sobolev norm of the differenee)
between the loeal Maxwellian distribution IM[p, U, T](v) , which we denote by IM,
and a given particle distribution, which ean be interpreted by the diserete measure
The loeal Maxwellian distribution function is defined by
P _lyu l2
IM [P,U,T] (v) = (21fRT)3/2 e RT (4.53)
where p is the density, U the mean velocity, T the temperature and R the gas
constant and p, U, T depend on time t and position z.
We normalize the Maxwellian distribution by defining the new velocities by
w=-- (4.54)
such that the new temperature is equal to 1 and the new mean velocity is equal to
O. Then the Maxwellian distribution (4.53) is given by
p -~
iM(W) = (2rr)3/2 e 2
We normalize iM and OWN to 1, that is, we divide iM and OWN by the density p.
We have to compute the HB-nor m for 8 < -3/2 for the normalized Maxwellian
_ 1 _~
iM(W) - (2rr)3/2 e , (4.56)
Since OWN belongs to HB(Rd) if 8 < -~, it is also true that iM belongs to HB(R d)
for all 8 < -~. As we have already mentioned that we are looking for a distance in
the three-dimensional velocity space, a simple choice für 8 is -2.
We define the distance between iM and OWN by
2 r li~(e)12 r e-I~12
lIiMIIH-2 = JR 3 (1 + leI2)2~ = JR 3 (1 + leI 2)2 de .
IlfMllt-2 = 21r 3 [1 00
~dr - 2
1 +r
1 0
e- dr
+e Iv,_I(1 + -)Erfc(
1 I+lvJol]) (4.63)
lVii V2
2 N N
11 &WN 112H-2 -- ~
N2 ""e-lv;
L..J L..J
-v,1 ' (4.64)
i=l 1=1
where IlfMllt-2' {fM'&WN)H-2, and lI&wN Ilt-2 are given by (4.62), (4.63) and (4.64),
Table 1 shows that the norm decreases if the number of particles increases.
The norm is approximately of order 2j.JN. If we compute the distance between
the Maxwellian distribution and non-Maxwellian distributed particles, the distance
should be larger than the distance between the Maxwellian distribution and its dis-
tributed data. Therefore, we have generated the particles according to the sum of
two Maxwellians
f(v) -- 2(271"RT)3/2
p (-~
e + e-~) ,
and then computed the distance between f(v) and the Maxwellian distribution ac-
cording to such a particle system with the help of H- 2 -norm. As in the previous
case, we have computed for different numbers of particles.
Table 2 shows that the distance between the particle system, generated according
to the sum of two Maxwellian distributions and the Maxwellian distribution with
parameters given by the particle system, is bigger compared with that in Table 1.
In this case also, the norm decreases if the particles number increases but at a very
slow rate and is bounded from below.
J(f, I) =
r Jl'/ES~
r Iv - ula(lv - u], TJ){f(t, v')f(t, w')
- f(t,v)f(t,w)}dJ.JJ(TJ)dw
v' = v - (v - w, TJ}TJ
w' = w - (w - v, TJ}TJ .
We solve equation (4.66) with the following initial condition:
p ( _ !v_ UI _ 'v+U !2 )
f(O, v) = 2(21r RT)3/2 e 2RT +e 2RT (4.67)
4.5 Problems
Problem 4.1. Compute I = 11
xdx by the Monte Carlo method.
Problem 4.3. Let Q be the root of polynomial of degree n that has integer coeffi-
cients and is irreducible over the rationals. Then show that there exists a constant
4.5. PROBLEMS 179
Problem 4.4. Let f(u) be periodic in [0,1] and be of dass C3[0,1] so that we have
f(O) = f(I), / (0) = / (1), / ' (0) = t" (1). Let 0 be a quadratic irrational number,
then prove that
L f ((nO» - f(x)d xl s ~.
n=l 0
0 .8
0 .4
o 20 40 60 80
Figure 4 .3 H-2 . Norm for 100 particles.
Problem 4.5. Compute 10 eZtZ2ZaZ4 dXldx2dx3dX4 using a uniforrnly
distributed sequence of points.
Problem 4.6. (i) Show that D~ (Xl , X2 • •• X n ) 2:: 2 n ' in general, and
D *n (Xl, X2, • •• ,Xn
) = -2
1 .if Xk = 2k- < k-
2 n .rror 1 - <n ,
in particular.
(ii) D n ( X l , X2 " "2:: 2 n if Xk = 2 2k~1 for 1 s k ~ n.
,Xn )
Problem 4.7. Show that the sequence Wn = (xf,x~, · ·· ,x~) is uniformly dis-
tributed if and only if
L nt/J(x~) = 1t/J(x)dx,
n~oo i=O 0
The image processing and signal analysis whose ingredients are modelling,
transforms, smoothing and sharpening, restoration, encoding (image data compres-
sion , image transmission, feature extraction) , decoding , segmentation, representa-
tion, archiving and descr iption, have played a vital role in understanding the intri-
cacies of nature, for providing comforts, luxur ies and pleasure to all of us, and even
probing mission of a space-craft. Image processing is used in telecommunications
(telephone and television), photocopying machine, video camera, fax machine, trans-
mission and analysis of satellite images, medical imaging (echography, tomography
and nuclear magnetic resonance), warfare, artificial vision, climatology, meteorology
and film industry for imagery scenes. In short, it is one of the most important disci-
plines for industrial development and unveils the secrets of nature. Different kinds of
techniques and tools like Fourier series, Fourier transform, Walsh-Fourier transform,
Haar-Fourier transform, Hotelling transform, Hadamard transform, entropyencod-
ing and, more recently, wavelets , wavelet packets , and fractal methodology have been
used to tackle the problems of this field, It is difficult to say authoritatively which
method is superior to the other in a particular situation. However, a combination of
the wavelets and fractal methods promises for a great future. This chapter comprises
five sections, namely, image model and methods of image processing, classi-
cal Fourier analysis, wavelet techniques in image processing, Fractal image
processing and problems. Several subsections of Section 5.1 are devoted to image
modelling, image enhancement, image smoothing, image restoration, degradation
and image analysis. In Section 5.2, basic results concerning Fourier series, Fourier
coefficients and Fourier transform, fast Fourier algorithm, and sampling theorems-
the backbone of digital image processing via Fourier techniques - are discussed . The
celebrated theory of wavelet analysis, developed in the last decade, along with its
applications to the digital image processing is presented in Seetion 5.3.
The main objective of this chapter is to familiari ze the readers with the mathe-
matical models and mathematical methods for studying modem techniques of image
processing. Our treatment is mainly based on the work of Weaver [1989], Gonzalez
and Woods [1993], Maaß and Strark [1994], Wickerhauser [1994], Barnsley and Hurd
[1993], Lu [1997], and Fisher [1995].
digital array are called image elements, picture elements, pixels or pels, with the
last two names being commonly used abbreviations of 'picture elements'. There are
several advantages of selecting sequence arrays with sizes and number of grey levels
that are integer powers of 2. A typical size comparable in quality to a monochrome
TV image is a 512 x 512 array with 128 grey levels. Elements of digitized f(x,y) or
digital images are given in equation (5.2).
The quality of an image will vary along with variation of N and m. At some point
in the acquisition of a digital image, a spatial resolution (pixel width and length)
and a number of values (pixel depth) are imposed on the image. The resolution,
that is, the degree of discernible detail of an image is strongly dependent on both
N and m. The more these parameters are increased, the closer the digitized array
will approximate the original image. However, relation (5.3) clearly indicates that
storage and consequently processing requirements increase rapidly as a function of
N and m. The effect of variation of N and m on the quality of the image has been
studied but no conclusive result is available.
Frequency domain methods. The frequency domain methods are based on the
convolution theorem discussed in the next section, Let g(x,y) be an image formed
by the convolution of an image f(x, y) and a position invariant operator h(x, y); that
g(x,y) = h(x,y) * f(x,y). (5.4)
Spatial domain methods. The term spatial domain refers to the aggregate of
pixels eomposing an image, and spatial domain methods are proeedures that operate
directly on these pixels. Image proeessing functions are the spatial funetions in the
spatial domain and may be expressed by
where fex, y) is an input image, g(x, y) is the proeessed image and T is an operator
operating on f, defined over a neighbourhood of (x,y), or T may be eonsidered as
defined on a set of input images, such as performing the pixel-by-pixel sum of K
images for noise reduction.
Let us eonsider a neighbourhood about (x, y) as shown in Figure 5.1, a square
eentred at (x, y).
Reetangles and circles may be used to deseribe neighbourhoods but reetangles are
more appropriate from implementation point of view. The eentre of the subimage is
moved from pixel to pixel starting, say, at the top eorner, and applying the operator
at each loeation (x,y) to yield the value of 9 at that loeation.
If the neighbourhood is a square of the unit length, then T is of its simplest
form and 9 depends only on the value of f at (x, y) and T beeomes a grey-Ievel
transformation action or mapping of the form
8 = T(r), (5.8)
where rand 8 denote the grey level of fex, y) and g(x, y) at any point. If T(r) has
the form as shown in Figure 5.2, the effeet of this transformation is to produee an
image of higher eontrast than the original by darkening the levels below a value m
and brightening the levels above m in the original pixel spectrum. In this teehnique,
known as contrast stretching (different foundation), the levels of r below mare
eompressed by the transform into a narrow range of 8 towards the dark end of the
speetrum. The opposite effeet takes place for values of r above m.
In the limiting case shown in Figure 5.3, T(r) produees a two-level (binary)
(x , y)
s = T(r)
We present here the lew-pass filtering technique for image smoothing and we
refer to the bibliography for other methods.
Low-pass filtering. Edges and other transitions such as noise in the grey levels
of an image contribute heavily to the high frequency content of its Fourier trans-
form. It therefore follows that blurring can be achieved via the frequency domain
by attenuating a specified range of high-frequency components in the transform of
a given image. By (5.5), we have
G(u,v) = H(u, v)F(u, v) ,
where F(·, .) is the Fourier transform of the image f (., .) which we want to smooth.
The problem is to select a function H(·, ·) that yields G(·, ·) by attenuating the high-
frequency components of F(·, .). The inverse Fourier transform of G( ·,·) will then
yield the desired smoothed image g(., .). Since high-frequency components are 'fil-
tered out' and information in the low-frequency range is passed without attenuation,
this process is known as low-pass filtering. H(·,·) in this reference is referred as
the filter transfer function. An ideallow-pass filter (ILPF) in two-dimensional
space is defined by the relation
H( )-
u, v -
{1 iff D(u,v)
0i D
D o;
(u, v) > o , D
where D o is a specified nonnegative quantity and D(u,v) is the distance from point
(u, v) to the origin of the frequency plane; that is,
D(u ,v) = (U 2+V2)1/2. (5.10)
s = T(r)
The concept of the blurring and ringing can be explained with the help of the
convolution theorem. Since
Z(u, v) = J(u , v) + R(u, v), (5.12)
where Z(u,v), I(u,v) and R(u,v) are the Fourier transform of Z(x,y), log i(x,y)
and log r( x, y), respectively. If we process Z (u, v) by means of a filter function
H(u, v), it follows from equation (5.5) that
where S(u, v) is the Fourier transform of the result [compare with Equations (5.4)
and (5.5)]. In the spatial domain, we have the relation
By letting
l(x,y) = .r-1 {H (u , v )I (u , v )} , (5.15)
r' (x,y) = .r-1 {H (u , v)R(u, v)} . (5.16)
Equation (5.14) can be written in the form
Figure 5.4.
A relatively recent and potentially powerful area of image processing is the use
of pseudo-colour for image display and enhancement. Fast Fourier transforms and
different kinds of filters have been successfully used in this area; see, for example,
Gonzalez and Woods [1993] .
models which will employ Fourier transform and convolution theory of Section 3,
techniques of the minimum norm problem, and the method of Lagrange multipliers.
'1(- ,11)
f(x, y) ---+ [J[] ---+ E9 ---+ g(x,y)
Figure 5.5. A model of the image degradation process .
H is an operator on an input image f(x ,y) to produce a degraded image g(x ,y)
minus noise term represented by 71(X, V). If 71(X, y) = 0, that is, there is no noise, the
operator maps images to g(x,y) . If H is linear , then the system is called a linear
system. An operator having input-output relationship g(x,y) = Hf(x,y) is said to
be position (space) invariant if
Thus, (5.25) can be written as
g(x,y) = f(x,y) * h(x,y).
In the presence ofthe noise factor TJ(x,y), we have
9 = Hf + TJ· (5.29)
Thus, image degradation problem is to find out the ideal image f(x,y), given
g(x, y) and having a knowledge of h(x, y) and TJ(x, y) , that is, estimate f while g, H
and TJ are given. The fast Fourier transform algorithm can be used to solve it .
TJ=g-Hf ·
In the absence of any knowledge about TJ, a meaningful criterion function is to
find ] such that IITJI1 2 = IIg - H ]11 2 is minimum where IITJII 2 = TJTJ', Iig - H ]11 2 =
(g - H])' (g - H]) or, equivalently, we want to minimize J(]) = IIg - H]1I2 • For
this, the necessary condition is
8J , ~
____ =0=- 2H (g - H 1).
The relation holds if
into other numerical data which might again be a pixel matrix or values Pi(f) of
some (non)linear functional Pi on the image data. The functional Pi'S are called
The purpose of a low-level transformation is to create numerical data which is
better suited for the classification or scene interpretation task done by a human
observer or a high-level procedure. The compression techniques aim at reducing
storage requirements for pictorial data and at speeding up read or write operations
to or from disk. A good example of low-level procedures is multiscale analysis
which looks at the image f through a microscope whose resolution gets coarser and
coarser; thus it associates to f a sequence of smoothed version r, labelled by a scale
parameter a which increases from some minimal value.
The capability of compressing images is essential for fast transmission of digitized
images or their efficient storage. Both applications require a representation of the
image matrix Ai' i = 1,2, · · . ,n, j = 1,2, ... ,n, with fewer parameters affecting
the picture quality visibly. A typical algorithm proceeds in three steps:
Step 1: Compute the coefficients (fT) (u, v) = (T f) (u, v), where T is a lin-
ear, invertible transformation.
Step 2: A standard procedure for quantization of the coefficients consist in
specifying a quantization matrix Q and computing
Step 3: The most commonly used coding methods are entropy coders which
aim at storing frequency appearing values as few possible bits, The
compressed image is denoted by fe.
Figure 5.6(a).
Symbol Inverse
decoder mapper j(x , y)
Source decoder
Figure 5.6(c).
Input Compressed
image image
(N xN)
Figure 5.6(d).
Compressed Symbol Inverse Decompressed
image decoder transform image
subima es
Figure 5.6(e).
2. The mean square error, eros, between f(x ,y) and g(x,y) is the squared
error averaged over the M x N array, or,
1 M -IN-l 2
ems = MN L L [f(x,y) - g(x,y)]
z=o y=o
The root mean square error (e rms) is the square root of ems; i.e.,
erms = ..;eIDS .
The root mean-square signal-to-noise ratio, SN R.rms, is simply the square root
of SNR m s ; i.e.,
Y = Ax , (5.31)
[~J [~J y=
a2l a22
["" "12
a2n ]
anl a n2 a nn
1 0 0 0 0 0
1 -1 0 0 0 0
0 1 -1 0 0 0
A= 0 0 1 -1 0 0
0 0 0 1 -1 0
0 0 0 0 1 -1
in equation (5.31). The first element of Y is Y1 = Xl and all subsequent coefficients
are given by Yi = Xi-l - Xi . If the grey levels of the adjacent pixels are similar, then
the differences Y i = Xi-l - Xi will, on the average, be smaller than the grey levels so
that it should require fewer bits to code them. This mappin/1 is invertible. I
Yk = L a kixi, (5.34)
for k = 1,2,3, .. . ,n.
Similarly, byequation (5.33), each pixel Xi is a linear combination of all the pixels
Xi = LbikYk, (5.35)
n n
X = LLYkIBkl, (5.38)
bkl11 bkl12 bkll n ]
B~ ~ ::~I: :<:~~
[ (5.39)
with the Ykl for k, 1= 1,2,· . " n being the coefficients (weights) of the expansion.
Hence, (5.39) gives the image X as a weighted sum ofthe basis Bkl. The coefficients
of the expansion are given by (5.36) which may be written in the form
where A kl is formed in the same manner as Bkl except that the forward kernel is
used .
The quantizer. , Let us consider the number of all possible values of the coefficients
Yiin equation (5.31) where
Yi = LaijXj.
If each element Xj can have any 2 different values, then each aijXj term can also
have any of 2m different values and the sum of n such terms could have any of
(2m ) n = 2m n different values. Therefore, a natural binary representation would
require mn bit code words to assign a unique word to each of the possible 2m n
values of Yi . Since only mbit words would be required to code any Xj, and our
objective is to use fewer bits to code the Yh we must round off the Yi to a fewer
number of allowed levels.
Aquantizer is a device whose output can have only a limited number of possible
values. Each input is forced to one of the permissible output values. For more details,
we refer to Gonzales and Woods [1993].
The coder. As shown in Figure 5.6, the input to the coder are the n elements of
the vector
v ~ [tJ
Let us suppose that each Vi, i = 1,2, · · ·, n takes one of M values (levels)
For each input Vi, the coder outputs a binary word whose value
WI, W2, • • • , W M.
depends on the value Wk of the input. The coder Input-output relationship is one-to-
one in that a unique code word CI< is assigned to each possible input value wk" This
process is reversible and error-free. If the coder is required to handle M possible
input values, then designing the coder amounts to choosing M unique binary code
words and assigning one of them to each input.
An equal-Iength code is a set of code words each of which has the same number
of bits, along with a rule for assigning code words to quantizer output levels. One
example of an equal-Iength code is the natural binary code. One possible assignment
rule for the natural code is to order the code words according to their binary values.
For example, suppose that there are eight possible coder input values (quantizer
output levels) ordered WI, W2 · ·· , ws; then the natural code is Cl = 000, C2 =
011, . . . , Cs = 111, as illustrated in Table 5.1. There are 8! possible assignments
of the eight-code words to the eight inputs. The reflected binary or grey code,
illustrated in Table 5.1, has the property that any two adjacent code words in the
set differ in only one bit position.
Table 5.1 Some typical codes
Input Natural Code Grey Code
YI 000 111
Y2 001 110
yg 010 100
Y4 011 101
Ys 100 001
Y6 101 000
Y7 110 010
Ys 111 011
deals with the complex interaction between regions and edges (or boundaries) in
an Image , Segmentation of a digital image means search of homogeneous regions
and edges by a numerical algorithm. The homogeneous regions are assumed to cor-
respond to meaningful parts of objects in the real-life problem, and edges to their
apparent contours. It is interesting to note that in most of the segmentation al-
gorithms, one tries to minimize segmentation energy. Segmentation energy is the
measure of smoothness of the region and tells us how faithful the analyzed image to
the original image and the obtained edges to the image discontinuities are. A fairly
general segmentation energy model is discussed in Morel and Solimini [1995, Chapter
4]. However, we briefly mention here the Mwnford-Shah segmentation energy
model. This model defines the segmentation problem as a joint smoothingjedge
detection problem, namely, "Given an image g(u), one seeks simultaneously a piece-
wise smooth image u(x) with a set K of abrupt discontinuities, the edges of g" . The
best segmentation of a given image is obtained by minimizing the functional
8/~~, t) = /:).I(x, t)
l(x,O) = lo(x) .
The solution of this equation for an initial datum with bounded quadratic norm is
I(x,t) = Gt(*)/o, where
3. continuous and discrete Fourier transforms and their convolution and fast
Fourier transform algorithrn; and
4. Fourier analysis via computer.
Our presentation here is based mainly on Weaver [1983, 1989].
From a physical or intuitive point of view, the higher (larger) frequeney terms
help to make up the finer details of the function while the lower (smaller) ones
eontribute more to the overall or basic shape of the funetion. The frequency
content ofthe function f(t), given by (5.43), is a measure of all frequencies IJ.k' k =
1,2,3, ... ,n, used in the summation, in which mode they are used and how much
of each is used. To be more precise, it is the set of triplex (A k, Bk, J..tk)'
A k and Bk are ealled pure eosine and pure sine frequeney contents of J..tk' re-
speetively. The most eomfortable way to know the frequeney eontent of a function
is to eonstruct graphs of A k and Bk versus IJ.k ' These graphs are ealled frequeney
domain plots . The graph of A k versus IJ.k is called pure eosine frequeney plot while
the graph Bk versus IJ.k is ealled pure sine frequeney plot.
trigonometrie series
1 00
Ak = T2jT/2 f(t}cos
T dt , k = 1,2,3, ... (5.45)
Ao = T f(t}dt
2jT/2 21rkt
Bk = T f(t} sin ----;y-dt, k = 1,2,3, . . . , (5.46)
and we write it as
1 00
L c; e2Trint/T,
Cn = An +2 iBn , n < 0
Co = Ao
An -iBn 0
Cn = 2 ,n>
Wn = T,n = -2,-1,0,1,2.
T = 21r, andSn(f}(x} = L Cke i kz
1 n
= 2Ao + L(Ak coskx + Bksinkx}
1 n sin(n + ~)x
Dn(x) = -2 + Lcoskx = 2' z (5.49)
k=l sm 2"
is the "Dirichlet kernel" • and
111 - Sn (f) IIL2(-1I" 11")
= O.
Then the Fourier series 011 converges '1milormly to I,. that is,
111 - Sn (t) IILoo (-11" 11")
= O.
11w(f,1J) = O(1Ja), then the condition 01 the theorem holds.
I(x+) = h-tO+
lim I(x + h)
I(x-) = h-tO-
lim I(x - h)
I(x + 2rrk)
converges everywhere.
converges everywhere.
form of f(x) denoted by:F(f) is defined by the following equation:
Equations (5.54) and (5.55) are called the Fourier transform pair. If F(t) is also
continuous , then (5.55) always exists. The Fourier transform of F(t) of a real variable
function f(x) is generally a complex-valued function, say
The magnitude function lF(t)1 is called the Fourier spectrum of f(x), and 4J(t) its
phase angle. P(t) = IF(tW is called the power spectrum or spectral density of
f(x) . The variable t appearing in the Fourier transform may be called frequency
variable. The name arises from the fact that, when using Euler's formula, the
exponential term exp[-i27rtx] ean be written as
is ealled the Fourier transform frequency content. It can be verified that
Example 5.1. Let Pa(x) = I , lxi< a,. a > 0 } . PaO is known as the pulse
{ 0 , 0 th-
function. Its Fourier transform is
-1/2a 1/2a
1 a - 27l"it
F(t) = a + 27l"it a 2 + 47l"2W2 .
The space of the set of points (J.t, F(J.t)) is called the frequency domain and the
space ofthe set ofthe points (t, f(t)) is called the temporal or time domain when
t represents time, where
Theorem 5.7 (Linearity). I/ F(JI.) and G(JI.) are Fourier trans/orms 0/ /(t) and
g(t), respectively, then a F(JI.) + bG(JI.) is the Fourier transform 0/ h(t) = a/(t) +
bg(t) ; a and b are scalars.
Theorem 5.8 (First shift theorem). I/ the function /(t) has a Fourier transform
given by F(JI.), then the Fourier transform 0/ /(t - a) is given by F(JI.)e- 21ri /Ja .
Theorem 5.8 (Second shift theorem). I/ F(JI.) is the Fourier trans/orm 0/ the
/unction /(t), then F(JI. - a) is the Fourier transform 0/ the function f(t)e 2 -.ri at .
Theorem 5.9 (Scale change). I/ the Fourier trans/orm 0/ /(t) is F(JI.), then the
Fourier transform 0/ /(at) is given by fa"rF(!i-), where ais any real number not equal
to O.
Theorem 5.9 tells us that if F(JI.) is the Fourier transform of /(t), then F( -Jl.) is
the Fourier transform of /( -t).
If a = 1r , then we find that it is that function whose Fourier transform is the function
Example 5.3. The Fourier transform of the Dirae delta function o(x) is 1.
o(x) = 0 if x
~ 0
Definition 5.1. The convolution of two continuous functions /(x) and g(x) is
defined by the equation
The concept of convolution is inherent in almost every field of the physical sci-
ences and engineering. For example, in mechanics, it is known as the superposition
or Duhamel integral. In system theory, it ·phl.ys a crucial role as the lmpulseresponse
int egral and, in optics, as the point spread or smearing function. It has applications
of vital importance in image processing.
The convolution of two equal impulse functions is given by
= t;
dy = x+2a, - 2a:S x :s 0,
h(x) = r
dy = 2a - x, 0 :s x :s a,
The fundamental properties of the convolution are summarized in the form of the
following theorems.
is given by
F(u, v) = f(x, y)e- 21ri(UZ+UY)dxdy (5.58)
1 (U V)
lallbl F ~'b .
If f(x, y) = h(x)g(y), then F(u, v) = H(u)G(v) where F(u, v) is the Fourier trans-
form of f(x, y) and H(u) and G(v) are the Fourier transforms of h(x) and g(y). The
is called the convolution offunctions of two variables f(x, y) and g(x, y).
Example 5.4. (i) The convolution of a function f(x) with the Dirac delta function
(unit impulse function) is the function f(x) itself; that is,
= 1-0+
8(a)f(x - a)da
= f(x) 1- 0+
= f(x).
Discrete Fourier transform. We have seen in the previous section that images
are transmitted through the Fourier transform and very often we face problems
in evaluating the integrals involved. In such a situation, digital computers can
come to our rescue provided integrals can be converted into a form amenable to
computer analysis, We know that the computer recognizes sequences of numbers
that represent functions. Therefore we discretize an arbitrary function to obtain a
sequence of numbers that can be handled by a computer.
A discrete Fourier transform is an operation that maps a sequence {f(k) }&,-l
or {fk} to another sequence {F(j)}&,-l} or {Fj} which is defined by the equation
F(j) = ~ L f(k)e- 21rikj/N, j E [0, N - 1]. (5.60)
is called the inverse discrete Fourier transform. {F, t} is called the discrete
Fourier transform pair.
If we write WN = e21ri / N , called weighting kernel, then (5.60) and (5.61) take
the form
F(j) =~ L f(k)eW-kj (5.62)
f(k) = ~ L F(j)Wkj. (5.63)
N j=O
All theorems for the continuous Fourier transform have their counterparts in the
discrete case; for example, the First Shift Theorem and the Transform of a Transform
take the following form.
Theorem (5.12) (First Shift Theorem). Let {F(j)}~-l be the discrete Fourier
transform of {f(k) }~-l, then the discrete Fourier transform of the shifted sequence
{f(k - n)}~-l is equal to {F(j)WNjn}~-l .
F2(j) = ~ L h(k)WM
It can be verified that both F 1 (j) and F 2 (j) are periodic with period M; that is,
F 1 (j + M) = F 1 (j)
F2(j + M) = Fdj).
Now we shall show that the discrete Fourier transform of {f (k)} ~=Ol, namely,
F(j) = 11 L-~=Ol f(k)W;Vk i can be expressed as the sum of the two Fourier trans-
forms, one of even order and the other of odd order
M-l M-l
F(j) = ~ L f(2k)W;V2k i +~ L f(2k + 1)W;V(2k+lH.
k=O k=O
1 W-i
L L h(k)WMki , j = 0""
M-l M-l
F(j) =N ft(k)WMki + ; ,N-1
k=O k=O
= ~Fl(j) + ~W,vl F2(j), j = 0,'" ,N-1.
When we use (5.66) to find F(j) from Fl(j) and F2U), we need N + 2(N2/4) com-
plex operations. In other words, we first require 2(N2/4) operations to calculate the
two Fourier transforms {FlU)} and {F2 (j )} , and then we require the N additional
operations prescribed by equation (5.66) . Thus, we have reduced the number of
operations from N 2 to N + ~2. Let us assume that N is divisible by 4 or M = !f is
divisible by 2. Then the subsequences {iI (k)} and {h(k)} can be further subdivided
into four ~ order sequences as per equation (5.64) as folIows:
9dk) = iI (2k)
92(k) = iI (2k + 1)
hdk) = h(2k), k = 0, 1, ... , 2 - 1
h2(k) = h(2k + 1) .
Thus, we can use (5.66) to obtain the discrete Fourier transforms {FlU)} and
{F2 (j )} with only M + ~2 complex operations and then use these results to obtain
{FU)} which requires N + 2(M + ~2) = 2N + ~2 operations. Thus, when we
subdivide a sequence twice (N > 4 and N divisible by 4), we reduce the number of
operations from N 2 to 2N + ~2 . The 2N term is the result of applying equation
(5.66) (twice) whereas the ~2 term is the result of transforming the four reduced
sequences. For the case N = 4, we completely reduce the sequence to four first
order sequences that are their own transforms and, therefore, we do not require the
additional N 2/4 transform operations. The formula then becomes 2N. Continu-
ing this process, we can show that if N is divisible by 2P (p is a positive integer),
then the number of operations required to compute the discrete Fourier transform
of {f(k)}~-l, the N-th order sequence by repeated subdivision is
pN+ 2P .
Again, for complete reduction (l.e., N = 2P ) , the ~: term is not required and we
obtain pN for the number of operations required. This results in a reduction factor
Thus, the essence of the Cooley-Tukey algorithm (fast Fourier transform algo-
rithm) is to choose sequences with N = 2P and go to complete reduction. Although
most sequences do not have such a convenient number of terms, we can always arti-
ficially add zeros to the end of the sequence to reach such a value. The extra number
of terms in the sequence is more than compensated for by the tremendous saving
of time due to the use of Cooley-Tukey algorithm. For example, a direct imple-
mentation of the transform for N = 8192 requires approximately 45 minutes on an
IBM7094 machine while the same job can be done in 5 seconds by the same machine
using the FFT algorithm (Cooley-Thkey algorithm) . For details like implementation
and the inverse FFT, we refer to Gonzalez and Woods [1993] and Press et al. [1990].
N-1 N-1
f(x ,y) = L L T(u ,v)h(x,y,u,v).
u=O v=O
continuous Fourier transform carries one function to another. The discrete Fourier
transform is a transform from one sequence space into another sequence space. The
Fourier series and the continuous Fourier transform both require the evaluation of
integrals which may be very tedious and sometimes quite time-consuming and cum-
bersome. The discrete Fourier transform deals with bounded sequences and requires
only straight-forward addition and multiplication of terms and, furthermore, by ap-
plying the FFT algorithm, it can be computed very rapidly and efficiently through
the computer. We discuss here the methods through which the FFT algorithm can
be used to calculate the Fourier transform and Fourier coefficients of a function.
In the first place, one can convert, with the help of the sampling theorems, the
function into a sequence and then calculate the discrete Fourier transform of this
sequence, and from this we obtain the Fourier series or Fourier transform of the
original function.
theorem also supplies us with an interpolation formula with which to recover the
function from its Nyquist samples, For more explanation and discussion on the
merits and demerits of the theorem, one may consult Weaver [83]. A function f(x)
is said to have bounded support if f(x) = 0, lxi ~ b, where b is some positive
In Fourier analysis, such a function is called time-limited or space-limited.
f(x) is called almost time-limited if and only if, given any ~T > 0, there exists a
positive real number b, called time-limit, such that
there exists a positive real number a, called the band limit, such that
The Gaussian function f(x) = e- a z 2 is both almost time-limited and almost band-
limited. The band and time limits are determined, to a large extent, by the res-
olution, sensitivity, and/or dynamic range of the detection instruments. A more
realistic theorem is as folIows:
Theorem 5.15 [Real World Sampling Theorem]. Ifthe /unction f(x) is almost
band-limited with bandwidth 2a, and almost time-limited, with time width 2b, then
f(x) can be recovered from its sampled sequetice to any desired accuracy. That is,
given ~ > 0, we can always choose band a such that
IAI;(x)1 < ~
M t::.x > b
t::.x < lOa .
1. If necessary (C:f:. 0), form the new function g(x) by shifting f(x) to the right
by an amount Cj that is
g(x) = f(x - c).
2. Sampie the function g(x) with the sampling rate t::.x l~a. and choose the
number of sampies N such that
N t::.x > 10(b + c).
3. Calculate the discrete Fourier transform of this sampled sequence and multiply
the resulting sequence by N t::.x to obtain the sequence {G(jt::.w)} .
4. By the relations
F(-j) = F(N - j), jE [O ,N -1]
F(-k) = f(N - k) , k E [O,N -1],
we obtain values for the negative indices j that represent values for the negative
frequencies -jt::.w(t::.w = N1:1)'
5. Recover G(w) from {G(jt::.w)} as per the real-world sampling theorem or by
simply constructing a smooth curve between the sampled values.
6. If necessary (C:f:. 0), recover F(w) from G(w) as per the formula
F(w) = G(w)e2 11"i cw .
It is clear that if c = 0, then F = G.
The methods in the previous section can be employed for sampling the function
and then Fourier coefficients can be obtained from the terms of the discrete Fourier
transform of the sampled sequence. Let g(x) be a periodic function over (-T,T)
with period 271" and be Lebesgue integrable over (-T, T). Define a function f(x) as
f(t) = g(t) ,t E [-t, t]
f(t) = 0 , Itl > t·
It can be seen that [Weaver 1983] if Ck is k-th complex Fourier coefficient of g(t),
then Ck = ~F(f), where F(w) is the continuous Fourier transform of f(t). Thus,
we see that the Fourier coefficients of a function may be obtained from the Fourier
transform of that function at equally spaced increments w = f.
lllustrative examples can be found in Weaver [1983]. For current developments
concerning Shannon's sampling theory, we refer to Zayed [1993]. For a comprehensive
discussion of the material presented in this section, we refer to Nievergelt [Chapters
A typical problem is the analysis of the sound which we hear when we blow
a flute. We can observe that this sound consists of high-frequency parts as well as
low-frequency parts. If we use the normal Fourier analysis, we would need extremely
high frequencies to represent this jump from high to low frequencies. We can avoid
this jump if we look not at the whole time interval but just at an interval where
we find mainly frequencies of the same order. This means that we introduce 'time
windows'. We achieve such a time window technically by introducing a window
function g. The usual approach is to introduce time-dependency in the Fourier anal-
ysis while preserving linearity. The idea is to introduce 'local frequency' parameter
(local in time) so that the 'local' Fourier transform looks at the signal through a
window over which the signal is approximately stationary.
The deficiency of the formula of the Fourier transform in time-frequency anal-
ysis was already observed by D. Gabor who, in his 1946 paper, introduced a time-
localization 'window function' g(t - b), where the parameter b is used to translate
the window in order to cover the whole time-domain for extracting loeal information
of the Fourier transform of the signal. In fact, Gabor used a Gaussian function for
the window function g. Since the Fourier transform of a Gaussian function is again
a Gaussian, the inverse Fourier transform is localized simultaneously. It is observed
that the time-frequency window of any Gabor transform is rigid and, hence, is not
very effective for detecting signals with high frequencies and investigating signals
with low frequencies. This motivates the introduction of wavelet transform which
windows the function (signal) and its Fourier transform directly. It allows room for
a dilation (or scale) parameter that narrows and widens the time-frequency window
according to high and low frequencies. In other words, the wavelet transform is
a tool that cuts up data or function into different frequency components and then
studies each component with aresolution matched to its scale.
The wavelet theory provides a unified framework for a number of techniques
which had been developed independently for various signal processing applications.
For example, multiresolution signal processing, used in computer vision; subband
coding, developed for speech and image compression; and wavelet series expansions,
developed in applied mathematics, have been recently recognized as different views
of a single theory.
We present here some basic results of the wavelet theory, a fast-developing field,
which have brought about tremendous improvements in computing time while solv-
ing models of real-life problerns; compression ratio, and noise reduction in image
processing. For a deeper insight, we refer to original sources like Beylkin, Coif-
man and Rokhlin [1991] , Glowinski, et al. [1990], Daubechies [1992], Amartunga
and Williams [1993], Walker [1997], Siddiqi [1998], Siddiqi and Ahmad [1998], and
Kobayashi [1998].
where j and k are arbitrary integers, is an orthonormal basis in the Hilbert space
L 2(R).
The series
Remark 5.3.2. (i) For a given wavelet 'l/J(t), a scaled and translated version is
obtained by
'l/Ja,b(t) = ..;a'l/J (t - b)
-a- , a"l- 0, s « R. (5.71)
The parameter a corresponds to the scale while b is the translation parameter. The
wavelet 'l/Jl,O(t) = 'l/J(t) is called the basic wavelet or mother wavelet.
(ii) Since 'l/Jj,k(t) oscillates more quickly, therefore it is more suitedfor represent-
ing finer details in the signal 'l/Jj,k(t) which is localized about the point t = 2- jk .
The wavelet coefficient Cj,k measures the amount offluctuation in the function about
the point t = 2- jk with the frequency determined by the dilation index j.
(iii) (a) Given areal number h we define the translation operator Th acting
on functions defined on R by the formula
0< C
= 271" r It/J(w) I dw <
J Iwl
A 2
where -if;(w) is the Fourier transform of t/J. Very often, this property is taken as
the definition of wavelet, that is, a function t/J in L 2(R) satisfying (5.72) is called a
Definition 5.3.3. Let t/J be a wavelet. Then the wavelet transform «t « ~(R)
is defined as
T",/(a, b) = Vä r
1 JR f(t)t/J -a- dt (t - b) = (I, t/Ja,b(t)) . (5.73)
I(t) = C;l
/00 T,pf(a, b)t/Ja.b(t)db,
J »:
that is, the truncated integral
(vi) There exists a function cp E Vo, called the scaling function, such that the system
{cp(x - m)}mEZ is an orthonormal basis in Vo.
It may be observed that a scaling function cp determines the multiresolution
completely. It induces a wavelet, often referred to as the father wavelet. The
scaling equation and its equivalent forms will be discussed in the next section along
with decomposition and reconstruction algorithms.
In the remaining part of this section, we would like to answer the following
natural questions:
Q4. Are there any advantages of wavelet transforms and wavelet series over such
concepts in Fourier analysis?
Q5. What is the convergence theory of the wavelet series?
Q6. What are the applications of concepts introduced above in real-life problems,
in particular, industrial problems?
Q7. Is it possible to extend Definitions 5.3.1 and 5.3.4 to L 2{Rn), where n is any
natural number?
Ql General problem. Let f{t) be a function defined for tE R . Let us imagine that
this function describes some real-life phenomenon. To make things mathematically
simple, let us suppose that f E L 2{R). Our object is to transmit/store/analyze this
function using some finite device. For example, f represents a voice signal and we
want to transmit it over the telephone lines or put it on a compact disk, If we can
find an orthonormal basis {If'n} in L 2{R), then we can write
where the series converges in L 2{R), and the coefficients cn are uniquely determined
by the formulas
Cn = (f, If'n) for n E N. (5.78)
Thus, instead of transmitting the function t, it suffices to transmit the sequence
of coefficients {Cn}nEN and let the recipient sum the series hirnself. It is not a
finite procedure. To make it finite, we have to choose a finite set A c N such that
L cnlf'n will be very elose to L
cnlf'n. This means that the recipient is really
forming the sum L c
Cnlf'n' where n and c n are almost equal, that is, the distance
between them could be ignored. This is a very general theme and there have been
many ways to deal with various special instances of different aspects of this arch-type
problem. Wavelets are one of the new tools to tackle this type of problem effectively
and efficiently.
rf>(r) = 0 if r $ 0 or 3 $ r, (5.80)
rf> does not admit any algebraic formula in terms of elementary mathematical func-
tions. Starting from the initial values
ho = rf>(O) =0
h1 = rf>(1) = 1 + J3
h2 = rf>(2) = 1 - J3
h3 = rf>(3) = O.
4 - j =4, k = 13
j = 3, k =2
2 -
j = 0, k = 0
o I
-2 -
-4 - -
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Figure 5.8b. Haar wavelet examples at different scales Ho,o(t), H 3,2(t), H4,3(t).
It is dear that cp(O) + cp(1) + cp(2) + cp(3) = 1. This recurrence relation takes the
form of an inner product with (ho, h 1 , ha, h3 ) :
Shannon wavelet. If cp(x) is equal to the Shannon sampling function Si~:z, then
the corresponding wavelet is the Shannon wavelet which is given by the expression
Figure 5.9. Ingrid Daubechies' basic building block tp,
(iii) The Fourier transform provides information only in the frequency domain, but
none in the time domain .
The main disadvantage of the Fourier transform in signal processing is its missing
localization property, namely, if a signal changes at a specific time, its transform
changes everywhere and a simple inspection ofthe transformed signal does not reveal
the alteration. The main reason for this is the periodic behaviour of the trigonometrie
functions. In order to remove this deficiency of the Fourier method, we use small
waves or wavelets and, in this case, translation and scaling allows for a frequency
resolution at arbitrary positions. The Fourier transform considers phenomena in
an infinite interval, and this conflicts from everyday point of view. It decomposes
signals in plane waves (trigonometrie functions), whieh oscillate infinitely with the
same period, and these have no loeal character. The wavelet t ran sform allows more
flexibility; the wavelet whieh can be almost any chosen function can be shifted
and dilated to analyze signals. Wavelets may be thought of as generalization of
oscillations, abstractly expressed in a zero mean value.
If f in Definition 5.3.3 shows a big change in a neighbourhood N(b) ofthe point b,
it has a high frequency spectrum there. Since the set {1{J((. -b)fafa E R\ {O}}zooms
into b for sufficiently small a, the eorresponding values of the wavelet transform
eharacterize the high frequeney parts of f in N(b). The wavelet transform Tt/Jf can
be interpreted as
(i) a phase-space representation of I,
(ii) an approximation of a derivative of i, and
(iii) the splitting up of f into different frequeney bands.
The first interpretation gives loealization properties of the wavelet transform yielding
a generalized uneertainty principle. The interpretation as the approximation of a
derivative of f leads to finding jumps in derivatives, a erucial property for pattern
As we have seen wavelets are intrinsically eonneeted to the notion of multireso-
lution analysis, by which objeets like signals, functions, data ean be examined using
widely varying levels of foeus. As a simple analogy, eonsider observing a ear show-
room. The observation ean be made from a greater distanee, at which the viewer
ean diseern only the basic shape of the strueture. As the observer moves near, var-
ious other details of the ear show-room ean be observed like the number of ears
parked there. Moving further closer, the observer may notice the models of ears and
other objects in the room. Continuing still further, it is possible to observe the de-
tails of paintings in the room. The basic framework of all these views is essentially
applieation of the wavelet methods. This eapability of multiresolution analysis is
known as "zoom-in, zoom-out" property. Thus, wavelet analysis is an exeeHent tool
to examine features of the signal of any size adjusting a sealing parameter in the
Signals are typically eontaminated by random noise and a major part of signal
proeessing is aeeounting for this noise. A special emphasis is on denoising, that is,
extracting the true (pure) signal from the noisy version aetually observed . Wavelets
have performed admirably weH in this field and are superior to any other tools . The
wavelet method is weH suited for denoising signals not only those with smooth, weH
behaved natures, but also those signals with abrupt jumps, sharp spikes, and other
irregularities. If signal proeessing is to be done in real time, that is, if the signals are
treated as they are observed, it is important that fast algorithms are implemented.
One of the key advantages that wavelets have in signal proeessing is the associated
fast algorithms which are faster than the fast Fourier transform. The wavelet com-
pression technique is far superior to Fourier methods, say DCT for signals and image
eompression with minimum loss of originality or with maximum aceuracy. This new
technique has done aremarkable job in eompression of 30 million sets of finger prints
eoHected by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in less than 30
kilobytes of storage space for an adequate representation of the digital data achiev-
ing eompression ratio of 20:1. Reeently Walker [1997] has demonstrated with the
specifie examples and, using Haar and Daubechie wavelets, that a eompression ratio
of 25:1 eould be achieved with permissible distortions. Siddiqi and Ahmad [1998]
have investigated the eompression ratio of images available at the "Brag-zone site"
of the university of Waterloo applying Fourier method (JPEG), fractal method and
wavelet method. It has been observed that the performance of wavelet method is
superior to the JPEG in all cases and only similar to fractal method in few cases.
Details are presented in Section 5.3.4.
The detail function gi-1 (residual between two approximations P j (I) - Pj - 1 (I)) can
be written in terms of tPj,k(X) as follows:
Pj(l) = Pjo(l) + L L(f,tPl,k}1jJl,k' (5.87)
l=jo k
where ffi represents the orthogonal sum of two subspaces of ~(R) (Wj-1J.. Vi-d .
It is also clear that
Equations (5.86) and (5.88) tell us the basic property 0/ wavelet, namely, it is pos-
sible to construct approximations at increasing leuels 0/ resolution that are linear
combinations 0/ dilations and combinations 0/ a scaling function 11', the difJerences
in approximations being expressed as linear combinations 0/ dilations and transla-
tions 0/ a wavelet function tP. Furthermore, the scaling function 11' and the wavelet
tP (their dilates and translates) are orthogonal. The ideas of the MRA with de-
tail spaces between successive levels of approximation are expressed in Figure 5.11,
where arrows denote composition, namely, Vi is composed of Vi-1 and Wj-1, etc.
From conditions (i) and (vi) of the MRA (Definition 5.3.4), we find that the
scaling function 11' is in V1. By condition (iv) of Definition 5.3.4, cp(x/2) belongs to
Va and applying condition (vi) again, we get
or equivalently
(Here, <p denotes the Fourier transform of the scaling function <p) .
Since 1I<p(xj2)1I = .../2, we see that
L lanl 2 = 2, (5.99)
exist two sequences {Pk} and {qk} in 12 (Z), where 12 is aspace of square summable
sequences over Z ( {an} E 12 (Z) if L
lan 12 < 00) such that
tt'(x) = 1 if xE [0,1]
=0 if xlt[O,l].
Then it may be verified that for each jE Z, Vj = {cpj,k,k E Z} is an MRA with the
scaling function cp(x) with each Vj having ONB. In this case
k = 0,1
Pk = ..;2' (5.104)
0, otherwise .
Equations (5.102) and (5.103) take the form
1 1
tt'(x) = ..;2tt'I,O(X) + ..;2tt'I,1 (x) (5.105)
1 1
t/J(x) = tntt'1 o(x) - tntt'1 1 (x). (5.106)
v2 ' v2 '
The decomposition algorithm Let {Cj,k},j,k E Z and {dj ,k},j,k E Z represent
the wavelet and scaling function coefficients of a function j E L 2(R)j that is,
Cj,k = :~:) -1 )lp-t+2k+l dj+l ,l' (5.110)
Thus, given scaling coefficients at any level m, all lower-level scaling function coef-
ficients for j < m can be computed recursively applying (5.105) and all lower-level
wavelet coefficients (j < m) can be computed from the scaling function coefficients
using (5.110). This decomposition algorithm is represented schematically in Figure
5.12. In Figure 5.12, arrows represent the decomposition computations, namely,
The reconstruction algorithm. Let us begin with the MRA {Vj,j E Z} with
{'Pj,k ,k E Z} and {tPj,k,k E Z} forming orthonormal bases for Vj and Wj, respec-
tively. Since 'Pl,O E ~ and Vi. = VoffiWo, 'Pl,O can be written as a linear combination
of the 'Po ,k 's (basis of va) and the tPo ,k 's (basis of Wo). Let for k E Z,
a2k = ('Pl,O' 'PO,k) and a2k-l = «1'1 ,1' 'Po,k)
~k = ('Pl,O' tPO,k) and b2k-l = (lfJl ,l' tPO,k) '
'Pl,O(X) = z)a2kIfJO,k(X) + b2ktPo,k(X)) (5.111)
IfJl,l(X) = I)a2k-l'PO,k(X) + ~k-ltPO,k(X)) , (5.112)
By using (5.111) and (5.112), we can write a similar expression for anY<PI,k' Let k
be even. Then
= i:
~k-l = (<PI ,I' 1/JO,k}
V2<p(2x - (1 - 2k)}1/J(x)dx
= L(-l)~_l+l (<PI,I-2k,<PI,l)
= -P2k ·
Similarly it can be seen that
Cm ,. Cm+ 1, . ----------------------- Cm +n ,.
The scaling function coefficients at any level can be computed from only one set
of low-level scaling function coefficients and all the intermediate wavelet coefficients
by applying (5.115) or (5.116) recursively. This concept is shown schematically in
Figure 5.13.
The filter representation. The decomposition and reconstruction algorithms
can be treated as examples of signal processing filters. As we know in every-day life,
filter is used to purify certain things; for example, in a laboratory it is used to purify
a liquid from solid impurities or to remove asolid from solid impurities. A filter
in the signal processing may attempt either to isolate the pure signal from its noise
contamination or to extract the noise, depending on which (signal or noise) is of
primary consideration. A discrete signal f is represented by a sequence {ik hEZ E
l2(Z), A filter may also be represented by a sequence {akhEz E l2(Z), and is
denoted by A . Applying a filter to a signal yields another signal. The filtering
process comprises a discrete convolution of the filter sequence with the signal. By
applying the filter A to the signal f, we get
Let {dj ,klkEZ, scaling function coefficients at a particular level, be a signal. The
scaling function coefficient at the next lower level signal is obtained by applying the
filter H to the signal dj,. = {dj,khEZ :
dj - 1 ,. = Hdj, . , (5.119)
The scaling function coefficients at any level can be obtained by repeatedly ap-
plying the filter H :
The fast wavelet transform. We have seen in Section 5.2 that the Cooley
and Tukey fast Fourier transform (algorithm) of data has a reduced computational
cost of only O(nlogn), a very significant achievement. The main idea is to reduce
the number of computations made by recursively computing the discrete Fourier
transform of subsets of the data. This is achieved by reordering the data subsets so
as to take advantage of some redundancies in the usual discrete Fourier transform
algorithm. Along similar lines, we could take approximate wavelet transforms by
replacing the function f in the definition of a wavelet coefficient by an estimate such
= 0, otherwise . (5.128)
This idea could be used to estimate the foHowing scaling function coefficients as weH:
~ L XN'j,k(f.) . (5.129)
Let us start with a set of high-level scaling function coefficients, and assume that
we have only a finite number of coefficients. This assumption is reasonable, as
any signal f E L 2 (R) must have rapid decay in both directions, so dj,k can be
neglected for large Ikl. Rescale the original function, if necessary, so that the scaling
function coefficients at level m are dm,o, ... ,dm,n-l' Computing scaling function and
wavelet coefficients at level m -1 is accomplished via equations (5.109) and (5.110).
As observed earlier, the {Pk} sequence used in these calculations has only finite
number of non-zero values if the wavelets are compactly supported; otherwise Pk
values decay exponentially; so it can be approximated by finitely number of terms.
In either case, let K denote the number of non-zero terms used in the sequence,
possibly truncated. Computing a single coefficient at level m - 1 according to either
(5.109) or (5.110) would take at most K operations. If scaling function coefficients
dm,k for k f/. {O, .. . , n - 1} are set to zero, giving exactly n non-zero coefficients
where [x] denotes the greatest integer function of z. If M is even large, the number
of non-zero wavelet coefficients is no more than the number in (5.130). Therefore,
the total number of non-zero scaling function coefficients at level m - 1 is approxi-
mately ~, and the total number of operations required to compute the one-level-down
wavelet and scaling function coefficients is approximately 2K· ~.
Let nl be the number of non-zero scaling function coefficients at level m - l.
Applying the decomposition again requires no more than
operations to compute the wavelet coefficients and the same number of operations
for the scaling function coefficients. There will be approximately T ~ !f- non-
zero scaling function coefficients at level m - 2, and the computation will require
approximately 2K . T ~ 2K . ~ operations.
Continuing this process, the total number of operations required for all decom-
positions is approximately
2K ( -n + -n + -n + ...) = 0 (n) .
2 4 8
If we do the similar computation using the fast Fourier transform, the requ ired
number operations is of the O(nlogn). Therefore the fast wavelet transform is
faster than the fast Fourier transform.
L 2(R2 ) and the fast wavelet transform for image compression, encoding and decoding
in fractal method along with compression results.
Description of a set of test images. Most of our test images have come from
'BragZone site" of the University of Waterloo. This site provides diverse set of
test images for research purposes. The aim of providing such images is to bring
uniformity to the image processing community as far as test images are concerned.
The images of selected compression ratios for various compression algorithms are
also available on this site.
We explain the details of these images. The size of the image and number of bits
required to store one pixel is mentioned in the bracket.
• Bridge [256x256x8]: This is the smaller version ofthe classieal512x 512 bridge
image. Being originally derived from a 6-bit spanning process, it exhibits low
resolution and contrast, as evident in the regions of foliage.
• Circles [256X 256 x 8]: A set of nested circles with the outside circle darkest and
the innermost circle lightest. This image tests edges at various orientations.
Also, the frame truncates the larger circles, creating two horns that narrow to
a point.
• Crosses [256 x 256 x 8]: A pattern of diagonal and horizontal lines. The lines
are narrow, varying from one to three pixels wide. Fine lines are essential to
architectural drawings, flow charts, graphie designs, etc. Yet, many coders
have great trouble with this type of content, especially along the diagonals.
• Lena [512x 512 x 8]: The image contains a niee mixture of details, Hat regions,
shading and texture that do a good job of testing various image processing
• Peppers [512x 512 x 8]: The absence of fine detail makes it comparatively easy
to compress.
• Squares [256x 256 x 8]: Aseries of concentric squares of decreasing width from
the outside in, and of increasing luminance. The plateaus are completely Hat
with grey level values of 50, 100, 150 and 200. This image tests the preservation
of Hat regions and step edges. The reetangular boundaries are at even pixel
locations, helping to make this image the easiest to compress the entire site,
• Wood [512 x 512 x 8]: The wood image is taken from ITWM, University of
Kaiserslautern, Germany. Due to the presence of enough fine details in image,
it is often difficult for the coders to compress it .
• Zelda [512 x 512 x 8): From the USC database. Like Lena, the absence of
much fine detail makes it comparatively easy to compress . However, humans
are very sensitive to faces. In some places, such as around the eyes and mouth,
slight mathematical distortions can be perceptually disconcerting.
for w = 0
C(w) = {~ otherwise .
large number of zero values. If the first non-zero AC value is separated from the DC
value with a (one) zero, then it is called a run of length of 1 zero.
The DC value and AC coefficients in the I-D sequence are encoded using separate
Huffman code tables. At the receiver, the sequence is decoded using the Huffman
decoding table and then denormalized. The denormalized block is then inverse
transformed using the inverse 2-D DCT.
Although the JPEG image standard has been widely used but it has some draw-
back. The error caused due to the quantization process is isolated in each local block.
At the high compression ratio, the block effect becomes obvious . The second, energy
compactness is only achieved within each local block and as a result, redundancy
between blocks can not be utilized.
is an orthonormal basis in ®X j • It can also be verified that
® ~(R) = L 2
2(R ) .
From the above results it is quite clear that (i) if.,pl and .,p2 are two wavelets in
L 2(R), then .,p(Xl,X2) = .,pl(xd.,p2(X2) is a wavelet in L 2(R2);
(ii) if {Vj} and {"Ci} are two multiresolution analyses in L 2(R), then Vj ® Vi is
a multiresolution analysis in L 2(R2).
Mallat transform. We now describe the fast wavelet transform of Mallat [1989]
for two-dimension signals, such as images.
Wi is defined as the orthogonal complement of "Ci into "Ci+l ' Thus we have the
foUowing orthogonal bases:
This approximation is thus characterized by the sequence stn,n = 2i (f, rJJm,n)' The
sequence Si = (stn,n)m,nEZ is called discrete approximation of f at the resolution
2i . The additional details from the scale 2i to 2i +l are given by its orthogonal
projection onto Wi '
These sequences
Dj = (D~~n)m,nEZ' d = 1,2,3,
are called details of the resolution 2i +l .
The bidimensional filter h is the tensor product of the same 1-D low-pass filter h
defined as, h(m, n) = h( -m)h( -n) with h(n) = 2- l / 2 (r/JÜl , r/J~} .
Similarly, Dj, d = 1,2,3, can be computed from Si+! by the action of high-pass
filter 9d (9d is the tensor product of 1-D high- and low-pass filters 9 and h) followed
by the same decimation.
D im,n
,d -- '"'
LJ sr: - (2m -
k ,t gd k , 2n - <.0) ,
where 9dm, n) = h(-m)g( -n) , 92(m, n) = g( -m)h( -n), 93(m, n) = g( -m)g( -n)
and g(n) = 2- 1 / 2 ('ljJü l ,'IjJ~}.
The filters H = {h(n) : n E Z} and G = {g(n) : n E Z} are called quadrature
mirror filters (QMF). H and G correspond to a low- and high-pass filters, respec-
tively. The rows of the image are filtered by computing their correlation with the
low- and high-pass filters H and G followed by 2:1 decimation. The same procedure
is then applied to columns. Thus we get a four-channel orthogonal subband decom-
position using separable QMF. That is, from the discretized image Si, we get the
four-channel decomposition Si-I, DJ-l' DJ-l and DJ-l' The same is repeated on
channel Si-l and so on. Figures 5.14 and 5.15 represent a general scheme of wavelet
decomposition. The transformed wavelet coefficients are then quantized followed
by entropy encoding.
C olu m ns
8j _ 1
is minimized.
Example. Let us start with a 512 x 512 pixel image with 256 grey levels. We
partition the image recursively until the image size is d x d (a typical consideration
is 32 x 32) and call these square blocks Bi range blocks. For each range block of the
image, we find an overlapping domain block Ai, twice the size of the range block,
so that when we apply a suitable transformation Wi to Ai, we get some thing very
elose (in the sense of the root mean square metric) to the part of the image over Bi,
i.e., we seek to minimize the expression
The pixels in a domain block are arranged in groups of four so that the domain
is reduced to the size of range. Let al, a2, . . . ,an and bl, b2 , . . . ,b n be the pixel
intensities of the blocks Ai and Bi, respectively. We want to determine 8 and
o (contrast and brightness adjustments, respectively) such that we minimize the
8j-2 1
D J- 2
J- 1
J- 2 D1-2
D~ D~J- 1
J- 1
Figure 5.16 Top : Original image of Zelda and Holz8, Bottom: Compressed
images with wavelet, CR 16:1 and 20:1, respectively.
In the present study and in case of Peppers image (true in general for the images
of Class A), we observe that up to CR 40:1, all the distortion measures behave alike
(all match human perception) but if we increase CR above 40:1, only Sobolev or
TVE match human perception. MSE fails to measure it. The performance of the
fractal method is better than wavelet and JPEG, in case of Peppers image for CR
above 40:1, as dearly seen from the plot of Sobolev or TVE. A similar observation
is made in case of other images of this dass at high compression ratios. Therefore,
we conclude that for a particular type images and for higher CRs, Sobolev or TVE
are better measures than MSE. For the rest of the images, Sobolev and TVE are as
good as MSE.
Our computational results for different distortion measures are given in the fol-
lowing table:
Figure 5.17 Top: Compressed images with FIC, CR 16:1 and 20:1, respectively.
Bottom: Compressed images with JPEG, CR 16:1 and 20:1, respectively.
Figure 5.18 Top left: Original image of peppers. Top right: Compressed image
with wavelet , CR 32:1. Below left: Compressed image with FIC, CR 32:1. Below
right: Compressed image with JPEG, CR 32:1.
m-l 2;-1
?: L
1=0 k=O
('l/Jj,k'I/Jj' ,k' + 'l/Jj,k'I/Jj' ,k')dx =
I'l/Jj' ,k,dx, (5.104)
, .' ,
for k = 0" " ,21 - 1 and j = 0"" ,m - 1 or, more precisely,
LA = f.
Sobpeppera Wconst.d&t
20 Bebpeppers Frectel.det
Sobpeppe ra JPEG."at
20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Ccm pression Ratio
16 r----,.----r--..,----,r---r--.,.----,
TVEpepper Wenn"'..... - /
15 TVEpeppers Fr"':tal..... - /
TVEpeppeea J PEG .""t
.~ 12
~ :~ /-------
20 25 30 35 40 50
Compresaion Rat io
MSEpeppers Woonst.dat -
160 MSEpeppeni Frectal.dat
MSEpeppe.. JPEG.""t - -
C<l 12U
e& IUU
:;; 8U
Let us work out the details for the boundary value problem considered in Chapter 3
= ! on (0,1), u(O) = u(l) = 0 .
The standard weak formulation
(U',v') = (I,v),v E HJ([O, 1]). (5.105)
Let hj be a finite-dimensional subspace of HÖ ([0,1]) . The simplest conforming choice
of the trial space Hh are the spans of scaled test functions
I +x -1 S x < 0,
4>(x) = 01 - x 0 S x < 1, (5.107)
{ otherwise.
Choosing the 4>j,k as a basis function for H h , the Galerkin condition
are simply spanned by the tent functions on new grid points on the next higher scale
Note that neither the r/lj,k nor the 'ljJj,k is orthogonal but it is not hard to show that
they satisfy the stability condition
for some constants Cl, C2 independent of the sequence {Ck H~o' Keeping this in mind,
we now consider stiffness matrices relative to the hierarchieal bases composed of the
collections Wj and note that
d d
dx'IjJj,k(X) = dXr/lj+l,2k+l(X) = 2j+~2'IjJj,k(X),
Hence A h is, up to a 2 x 2 upper left block stemming from the coarse grid space Ho,
a diagonal matrix, which is trivially preconditioned by symmetrie diagonal scalings.
Now, one has to be somewhat careful when extrapolating from this observation.
The fact that the hierarchical basis functions 'ljJj,k are actually orthogonal to the
energy inner product is an artifact. In two dimensions, this is no longer the case
but it turns out that the hierarchical stiffness matrices can still be preconditioned
by diagonal scaling to efficiently reduce the growth of the condition numbers to
logarithmie behaviour. Moreover, it has suggested similar strategies involving other
multiscale bases which do even better. For interested readers, we refer Canuto and
Cravero [1997] and Dahmaen [1997].
the shortest possible time (in minimum space on hard disk or CD-ROM) and re-
trieval with permissible distortion. Tools and techniques of the Fourier analysis
like Fourier transform, convolution, Shannon sampling theorems and Walsh-Fourier
methods have been successfully used for a long time. Matrix transform, optimization
and variational techniques were also employed to study image and data compression.
Wavelet theory entered in this area in the late eighties and started replacing the role
of DCT (JPEG) which was dominating the scene until that time in view of its high
compression ratio and the quality of information after retrieval.
The concept of a fractal and the discipline of fractal geometry was introduced by
Benölt Mandelbrot in the early eighties to study irregular shapes like coastallines,
mountains, elouds or rain fall. Fractals are complicated looking sets like Cantor set,
Sierpinski gasket, Sierpinski carpet, von-Koch curve, Julia set, but they arise out of
simple algorithms. By now it is a well-established discipline and a comprehensive
and updated bibliography can be found in Barnsley [1988], Barnsley and Hurd [1993],
Fisher [1995], Saupe [1996], Lu [1997] and references therein.
Barnsley [1988,1996] established a elose connection between functional analysis,
fractals and multimedia by demonstrating that fractals can be defined in terms of
fixed points of mappings defined on an appropriate metric space into itself and image
compression can be studied through this methodology achieving marvelous results.
He has already commercialized his achievements in the form of the top-selling mul-
timedia encyelopedia Encarta, published by the Microsoft Corporation ineluding,
on one CD-ROM, seven thousand colour photographs which may be viewed inter-
actively on a computer screen. There are diverse images like those of buildings,
musical instruments, people's faces, baseball bats, ferns. This development is known
as the IFS theory (Iterated Function System theory) for image compression. Stewart
[1995] has explained in a simple language the far-reaching consequences of this theory
which will drastically reduce the expenses on communication through fax machines
manufactured using this technique and methodology. It has been established that
for a fairly large dass of images, the IFS theory provides a better compression ratio
and quality of images after retrieval (see, for example, Fisher, Lu and recent papers
on web resources) compared to the most popular method until now, DCT(JPEG).
It ia also expected that a combination of fractal and wavelet techniques may still
yield better results. This is a fast-growing field in which, besides mathematicians,
computer and information scientists, physicists, chemists and engineers are actively
Wi ( Y = (aiCi bi) (x)
di Y +( fi ) ' t. = 1, 2,". n .
for i = 1,2, . . . nj the symbol ~ means "approximately equal to" . The numbers Pi's
can be interpreted as probabilities for finding the attractor of an IFS using the Chaos
Game Algorithm. An image can be treated as a closed bounded (compact) subset
of R 2 • The following result, known as the Collage Theorem, is very important for
designing IFS whose attractors or fractals are elose to a given image. Let (X, d) be
a complete metric space and S be a given image, that is, S E H(X) and let € ~ 0
be also given. Choose an IFS {X, d,Wi}, i = 1,2,··, n, with contractivity factors
(Xi, i = 1,2,·· . n, such that
and A is the attractor of the IFS . This theorem precisely tells us that if we can find
an IFS code so that the Hausdorff distance between S and W(S) is very small, the
attractor of W will be very elose to the target image S. There are algorithms for
finding attractors of the given IFS like the Chaos Game Algorithm, the Photocopy
Machine Algorithm (see Barnsley and Hurd [1993] and Lu [1993]).
The basic technique of image compression through IFS is to find out appropriate
affine contraction mappings Wl, W2, ... Wn such that the condition of the Collage
Theorem is satisfied, namely, S is very elose to W(S) and so, instead of communi-
cating/storing the image, we can communicate/store the fractal or attractor of IFS,
that is, coefficients in the IFS code. For details of this method, we refer to Barnsley
[1988], Barnsley and Hurd [1993], Lu [1993], Jacquin [1993], Fisher [1995], and Ning
Lu [1997].
where Wi : X ---t X are contraction maps, <P = {rPl, rP2," . rPn} and t/>/si= 1,2,·· . n
are mappings of [0,1] into itself (rPi : [0,1] ---t [0,1]), each of which being (a) non-
decreasing, (b) right continuous, (c) rPi(O) = 0 for all i, and (d) for at least one
i,rPi(l) = 1, is called the iterated fuzzy set system (IFZS).
1. Furthermore, let ß(X) denote the u-algebra of
Borel subsets of X and M(X) denote the set of all probability measures on ß(X) .
(M(X), wi,T), where T is defined by the relation
(Tv)(S) = (Mv)(S) = LPi(V(wi1(S))),
for avE M(X) and each S E H(X) is called the iterated funetion system with
probabilities (IFSP) . M(X) is a metric space with respect to the metric
dH(JL, v) = fELipl(X)
Jx I
f fdJL - f fdvl'
where ~ = {r/>l' r/>2"" r/>n} with r/>i : R ~ R, known as the grey level maps, is called
the iterated funetion system with grey level maps (IFSM).
The prime (I) signifies that the sum operates on all those terms for which wi 1(x)
is defined. If wi 1(x) = 0 for all i = 1,2,'" ,n then (Tu)(x) = O. For X C Rn, let
m(n) E M(X) denote the Lebesgue measure on ß(X). The indicator function of a
subset A of X denoted by IA(X) is defined by
I (x) = { 1, x E A
A 0, otherwise
Lip(R) = {r/>: R ~ R Ilr/>(td - r/>(t2)1 ~ ßlt1 - t21},
V tl, t2 ER and for some ß E [0,00). It can be verified that for any u E Lp(X,JL), 1 ~
p< 00, and r/> E Lip(R), 1 ~ i ~ n , T is a mapping on Lp(X, JL) into itself. In fact , T
becomes a contraction mapping under certain assumptions and hence has a unique
fixed point as Lp(X, JL) is a complete metric space .
Affine IFSM on Lp(X,JL) is that IFSM on Lp(X,JL) where rPi are given by rPi(t) =
(Xit+ ßi , tE R, i = 1,2"" n . Let X = [0,1] and JL = m(l) with Wi(X) = Six+ai
and (Xi = ISil < 1, 1 ~ i ~ n. If T is contractive with fuced point ü, then
For each i* ~ 1, the set of maps {Wi. i» j = 1,2" " ,2i'} provides a set of
2- i • contractions of [0,1] which tile [0,1]. In 1995, Forte and Vrscay obtained the
following result which provided the solution of the inverse problem:
(Tnv)(x) =L cPi(u(wi1(x))) .
This theorem has been studied for local IFSM and special cases like p = 2 and
cPi 's affine maps. Forte and Vrscay have also carried out an approximation of the
target image "Lena", a 512 x 512-pixel grey scale image, with each fixed pixel having
256 possible values (8 bits, with values from 0 to 255, which are rescaled to values
in [0,1)). This type of approximation has been studied by Siddiqi et al, [1997]
for singer and bride. The correspondence between fractal-wavelet transforms and
iterated function systems with grey-Ievel maps has been systematically studied by
Mendivil and Vrscay [1997] . A wavelet-based solution to the inverse problem for
fractal interpolation functions has been investigated by Berkner [1997]. Manchanda,
Mukheimer and Siddiqi [1998] have extended Theorem A to the Besov space.
The wavelet technique is slightly better in terms of the visual quality of images af-
ter compression followed by fractal and JPEG. The following references also provide
interesting information about wavelets and their applications to image processing;
Bertoluzza [1992], Daubechies et al. [1992], Daubechies [1992], DeVore et al. [1992],
Kaiser [1994], Kelly, Kon and Raphael [1994], Mallat [1989, 1996], Strang [1989,
1993], Sweldons [1994] and Walter [1992, 1995].
5.5 Problems
Problem 5.1. Consider a linear position invariant image degradation system with
impulse response h(x - a . y - ß) = e[(:z:-n)2+(I/-ß)21. Suppose that the input to
the system is an image consisting of a line infinitesimal width located at x = a,
and modelled by f(x, y) = 8(x - a). Assuming no noise, what is the output image
Problem 5.2. (i) Show that the discrete Fourier transform and its inverse are
periodic functions, (ii) obtain the Fourier transforms of: (a) dfd(x) , and (b) f(x, y) +
x x
Problem 5.3. Discuss the variational formulation of the Perona and Malik model.
C = ( 1~I(w)1 dw < 00
t/J JR Iwl '
'IjJ(x) = dx'
Problem 5.7. State and prove the Parseval's identity for wavelet transforms.
Problem 5.9. Write a short note introducing the silent features of wavelets.
Problem 5.11. Discuss the relationship between the fractal wavelet transform and
the iterated function systems with grey-level maps.
Problem 5.12. How can one apply the scaling properties of continuous wavelet
transforms to find a solution to the inverse problem for fractal interpolation func-
Problem 5.14. The set of wavelets \]! = {t/J E L 2(R) such that t/J satisfies (5.72n
is adense subset in L 2(R) .
Problem 5.15. Let H(t) be the Haar funct ion. Show that {Hi,k(t)} = {2i/ 2 H(2 it-
kn is an orthonormal basis in L 2(R) .
Solution of Problem 5.13. We know that I.,f,(w) I = Iwl k lep(w)1 by the properties
5.5. PROBLEMS 263
Iwl 2k 1~(wW
C", = 211" J Iwl dw
(Hi,k' Hm,n) = i: 2
H(t)H(2 8t - r)dt,
[k2- i, (k + 1) 2-i] . Consequently, the integral is 0 or supp H(2 8 t - r ) g supp H(t).
But in this case H(t) is constant on supp H(2 8 t - r ) , so the integral is also 0 because
H(t)dt = O.
In order to show that {2 i/ 2 H(2 it - k)}iEZ,kEZ is an orthonormal basis in L 2(R),
it is sufficient to show that
Sn = span{Hi,kh<n,kEZ
= Ln = {I E L 2(R)j 1 is constant on [kT n , (k + 1)2- n] , for k E Z} .
{Sn} and {Ln} have the following properties:
j/ 2Hj,o
= L2 jH(2jt) .
j<O j<O
Since 112j H(2 jt) 112 = 2j/ 2 and j < 0, this series is absolutely convergent in L 2 (R ).
It is dear from the definition of the Haar function H(t) that
L...J 2 /2 H 3,. 0
"" = 0 for t <- 0 ,
j/ 2
L 2 Hj,o(t) =L 2j = 1 for 0 < t < 1,
j<O j<O
j/ 2 j
L 2 Hj,o(t) = _T r - l
+ 2- = O.
j<O j=r+2
This implies that So = L o which, in turn, implies that L( = S( for all i E Z .
Flux meter
One can observe the relationship between the magnetic field strength H applied to
the iron and the resultant flux density B in the iron. By carrying out an experiment,
it has been found that the change in B associated with particular change in H
depends not only on the values of H but also on the magnetic history of the iron .
The curve shown in Figure 6.2 gives a relationship between Band H .
If the field applied to a specimen is increased to saturation and then decreased,
the ßux density B decreases but not as rapidly as it increased along the initial
magnetization curve. Thus, there is a residual flux density or reminiscence, B r , as
shown in the figure even when H = O. In order to reduce B to zero, a negative
field <H; is required. This can be created by reversing the battery polarity. This
force is called coercive force and is marked on the curve by H c • The phenomenon
which causes B to lag behind H so that the magnetization curve for increasing and
decreasing fields is not the same is called hysteresis and the loop traced out by
the magnetization curve is called a hysteresis loop. In soft (easily magnetized)
materials, the hysteresis loop is thin, with a small area encIosed . For hard magnetic
materials, the area enclosed by the loop is larger. In calculations on soft magnetic
materials, it is often possible to neglect the width of the hysteresis loop, although
the energy loss due to hysteresis is still taken into account. In such cases, engineers
use the curve shown in Figure 6.3 which is called a magnetic reversal curve or
magnetic saturation curve.
The saturation curve is quite helpful in predicting the flux resulting from a certain
applied magnetizing current.
Materials such as iron , nickel, cobalt which exh ibit a strong magnetic effect, are
called ferromagnetic. The permeability of these materials is not constant but is a
function of the applied field and the previous magnetic history of the speclmen.
Hysteresis can be defined as a rate independent of memory effect. This is a
property of some constitutive laws which relate an input variable u and output
variable w. Here, memory means that at any instant t, w(t) is determined by the
previous evolution of u, and not just by u(t), while rate-independence means that
the curve described in R 2 by the pair (u, w) , namely, loops are invariant for changes
Flux density
~ ~i===1~-r:'-"-~;:-------
Hysteresis loop
of the input rate, for example, the frequency. As indicated in Chapter 1 (see Dressler
and Hack [1996], Dressler, Hack and Krüger [1997]), the rainflow counting method
is a well-established method for fatigue analysis and damage estimation.
W = 1 7'
where e is the e.m.f, induced by the change of flux in the iron . Thus
= N dilJ = _N S dB
e dt dt'
where S is the cross-section area of the ring and N the number of turns of the
binding. By the circuit law, we have
f Hdl = Hl = NI .
W = 0 SIH dt
dB = SI HdB. (6.1)(a)
where the integral is taken around complete magnetic cycle. This integral is the area
of the hysteresis loop. Equation (6.1)(a) states that the hysteresis loss per cycle is
given by the volume of iron multiplied by the area of the hysteresis loop. The energy
is supplied by the source of the current and reappears as heat in the iron. The energy
loss per cycle is constant, so the totalloss depends on the number of cycles. The loss
of energy due to hysteresis is therefore proportional to frequency. It is also important
to know how the loss is related to the change of the maximum flux, The study of
hysteresis operators provides mathematical modelling of the hysteresis loops and
loss of energy which was not available earlier (see Remark on page 149 [Hammond
[1986])and Section 6.3 for current research concerning dissipation of energy. In
Section 2, we introduce hysteresis operators while rainflow counting method will be
discussed in Section 3. Section 4 will be devoted to relations between the rainflow
counting method, hysteresis operators of different kinds (Prandtl, Ishlinskii, Preisach
mh-hystrons, moving model etc.) and the dissipated energy indicating the techniques
for fatigue analysis. This chapter is mainly based on Brokate's work (See Brokate
[1994], Brokate et al. [1996]).
such that (v(t), w(t)) moves along the loop in the diagram. In the sequel, Maps[O, T),
Cpm[0, T], and Cpc[0, T] denote, respectively, the set of functions, the set of piecewise
monotone functions and the set of piecewise continuous functions , on [0,T] into R.
An operator H on Cpm[O, T) into M ap[O, 1'] is called a hysteresis operator if it is
rate-independent and has the Volterra property; namely,
Remark 6.1. (i) The rate-independenee implies that only the locally extremal
values of v (Ioeal minima or local maxima) can have an influenee on the memory of
the proeess; we may replace input functions v by input strings (vo,VI, V2 ... vn ) , Vi E
R. Let us assume that
S = {(Vo, VI,V2'" vn)ln E No, Vi ER, 0::; i ::; n},No = NU {O} (6.2)
is the set of all finite strings and
er(v) = min {r, max {-r, v}}. (6.11)
We take W-I = 0 unless otherwise stated, and we write tr[v] instead of t'r[v, 0] .
Remark 6.2. (i) Let r ~ 0, we define F; [" w-d for the initial value W-I (W-I
represents the internal state before v(O) is applied at time t = 0)
fr(v,w) = max{v - r,min{v + r,w}}. (6.13)
In case the choice of initial value is not mentioned explicitly, we assume it to be zero,
Accordingly, we write Fr(v) instead of Fr[V;0]. FrL ') is called the play operator.
(ii) Let Rz,v be defined as, for x < y
R z•v is called relay with thresholds x < y . The final value mapping Rz,v with
thresholds x< y and the initial value W-I (x, y) denoted by Rz,v,f has the following
I ' Vn ~ y
-I,vn < x
R x,v. f (VO" VI V2'" , Vn) -- R - v . .. v _ ) x < v < y n > 1
(v (6.15)
{ x,v,f 0, 1 n 1 , n ,_
W_I(X,y),x < Vn < y,n = O.
In case the choice of initial value is not stated explicitly, we assume that W-I (x, y) =
1 if x + y ~ 0 and W-I(X,y) = -1 otherwise.
(iii) The play operator Fr incorporates the memory of all relays R x •v with Ix-yl =
Lermna 6.1. [Brokate 94]. (i) For each r > 0 and each 8 E R, we have
where p(.) is related to the stabilized zr-e-curve for initial loading that is starting
from 0' = e = 0, as weIl as the shape of the hysteresis loops .
In 1935, Preisach developed a model for describing the hysteresis loops traced
out by magnetic field and magnetization in ferromagnetic materials (see F igure 6.2).
The operator form of the Preisach model is as follows:
where w(·,·) denotes some density function analogous to p(.) in (6.17) and Rx ,y
denotes the relay function with thresholds, x < y .
Remark 6.3. (i) By putting the values of Rs-r,B+r in (6.18), we can write the
Preisach model in terms of the play operator as
H[v](t) = 1 00
qoo = 100 ([°00 w(r,O')da -100 w(r ,O')d 0') dr. (6.21)
H[v](t) = 100 OO
(iv) It may be observed that the values (Fr[v](t)), r ~ 0 playa crucial role in
determining the output H[v](t) for all hysteresis operators discussed here. In fact,
these values contain the entire memory information at time t, required to determine
the future, that is, to determine H[VJrt,T] from [vJrt,T] '
for some mapping Q : <11 0 ~ R, called the output mapping and some initial
condition t/J- 1 E <11 0 .
Equation (6.26) can also be written as
H[v](t) = Q(t/J(t)), t/J(t)(r) = Fr [Vi 1/J-l (r)] (t), tE [0, T), r ~ O. (6.27)
Remark 6.4 (i) The Prandtl model is a Preisach type operator where
Q(r/» = Por/>(O)-l
p(r)r/>(r)dr,Po = 1 00
p(r)dr. (6.28)
(ii) The Preisach model is also the Preisach type operator where
Q(r/» = 100
q(r, s) = 21 8
(iii) It may be remarked that the dass of Prandtl (Preisach) operators is not
quite unique, as we have to specify the dass of allowed density function p(.) and
w(-, .). However, no such ambiguity is involved in the definition of aPo-operator.
of the rainflow method to fatigue analysis has been discussed in detail in Krüger et al.
[1985] and Dreßler et al. [1996,1997]. In this section, we briefly present the descrip-
ti on of (i) the accumulated damage equating the variation of the output of a certain
Preisach hysteresis operator, (ii) the accumulated damage depending continuously
on the input, (iii) the relation between the rainflow method and the hysteresis mem-
ory operator, and (iv) hysteretie constitutive laws, dissipation formulas and rainflow
count formulas for nonlinear rate-independent rheological models and derivation of
the accumulated damage as the output of a certain Preisach operator. For more
details, we refer to Brokate et al. [1996].
Astring sES is called irreducible if neither deletion rule (monotone or Madelung)
applies to it. We introduce a partial ordering on S by saying that s' ~ S for s, SES,
if s' can be obtained from S by a finite sequence of (arbitrary mixed) monotone and
Madelung deletions. For any such finite sequence of deletions, we define its unsym-
metrie rainflow count as a function a u : R x R -t No, where au(x,y) specifies how
often the pair (x, y) is removed by a Madelung deletion. If we ignore the order within
each pair, we obtain the symmetrie rainflow count a(x,y) = au(x,y) + au(y, x). It
is clear that a u (x, x) = a(x, x) = 0 for all x E R and that au(x,y) =j:. 0 for a finite
number of pairs only. In actual applications, the input values are classified in a
preprocessing step, so that afterwards only finitely many, say, K different values
Xl < ... < XK can occur. In this case, the rainflow count reduces to the K x K
rainflow matrix Au with au,jl = au(xilxl). Accordingly, A = Au + Ar, defines the
symmetrie rainflow matrix. In practiee, one keeps both the rainflow counts and the
residual, since the latter includes information on the order of the original sequence
which has been found relevant for purposes of reconstruction and extrapolation of
loading sequences from rainflow matriees. However, if we are interested in a com-
plete cycle count, we need to count the residual, too. For any sES, there is a
unique irreducible string SR E S with SR ~ s. This irreducible string is called the
rainflow residual of s. The symmetrie rainflow count of (SR, SR) appears as the
natural way to count the residual SR (See Brokate et al [Lemma 2.5, 1996]). Since
this means that we have to compare counts of different strings, we will write a(s)
and aB(x,y) instead of a and a(x, y) to specify the string whose count is obtained.
For any SES, its periodie rainflow count aper(s) : R X R -t No is defined as
wraPi(s) = (Vii ' " ,vn ,VO,Vl, ... Vi-d · (6.31)
The count of a single cycle of maximum amplitude is denoted by
For x,y E R with x < y,W-I E {0,1}, the relay hysteresis operator Rz ,y : S ~ S is
defined by
l , Vi 2: Y
Wi = -l,Vi ~ X (6.34)
Wi-I, X < Vi < Y .
The removal of a Madelung pair (x, y) from astring deereases its variation by the
amount 21y - z], whereas monotone deletions do not change the variation; so
represents the eontribution of the single cycle (x, y) to the damage of the strueture.
The total damage D(s) due to an input string sES is then estimated as
W-I (x,y)-_{I,O,x+y
x+ 0;O. Y~
~ (6.42)
Under these assumptions, the Preisach operator H : S --t Stakes the form
H(s) = r
<p(x,y)Rx,1I(s)dx dy, ip E LI (P), (6.43)
Hper(s) = 1 cp(x,y)R~~;(s)dx
dy. (6.44)
Theorem 6.1. Let H : S --t S be a Preisach operator for some given density
function <p E LI (P). Then [or each s = (vo, VI' " ,Vn ) E S with Vo = Vn we haue
Corollary 6.1. Let t::. E H 2(P), o, t::.(x, y), 811t::.(x, y) ~ 0 and o, t::. (x, y) s 0 [or all
(x,y) E = 8xt::.(x, x) = 811 t::.(x, x) = 0 for each x E R . Furthermore,
P and t::.(x, x)
let the density function 0/ the Preisach operator be <p(x,y) = -~8x1lt::.(x,y) . Then
[or each string s = (vo,VI, • •• ,vn ) E S with Ilslloo ~ M and Vo = V n , the total
damage D(s) associated to s can be represented as
Remark 6.5. (i) It may be remarked that the corollary indicates that the mathe-
matical theory developed for the Preisach operator can be used for the analysis of
the darnage functional D arising from the combination of rainflow counting and the
(ii) It has been shown that the total damage depends continuously on the input
(See Theorem 3.1 [Brokate et al. 1996]) or [Brokate et al. 1996 , Section 2.6]) and,
as a consequence, the total damage is stable with respect to small variations of
the input and, in particular, with respect to range discretization in data reduction
= r
<p(x,y) [(R~~;(S))i+! - (R~~;(S))i] (6.48)
x (sign (Vi+!) - sign (Vi)) dx dy .
Since H(s,s) = (H(s), Hper(s)), therefore
(Hper(s))i+l - (Hper(s))i = (H(s, S))n+i+2 - (H(s, s))n+i+l , (6.49)
and the same formula holds true if we replace H by Rx,y. From the piecewise mono-
tonicity of Hand of Rx,y, it follows that if we sum over i in (6.48), then
Var(Hper(s)) = r
<p(x,y)Var (R~~;(s)) dx dy. (6.50)
We obtain (6.45) by integrating (6.39) with the density function sp over the domain
where x < y and keeping in mind the relation
Proof of Corollary 6.1. The assertion will follow from the theorem if we show that
H with conditions given in the corollary is piecewise monotone. Let s = (vo,. . . ,vn )
with Vn > Vn-l and Vn ;f Vj for all j < n. For the Preisach operator (6.43), there
8nH(vo , '" , vn) = 2 J
r· <p(vn - 2r, vn)dr, (6.52)
where r* > 0 is a certain number depending on (vo, Vl , .. . ,vn ) and 8nH (vo, Vl, .. . ,
v n ) denotes the partial derivatives of the last component of the output string with
respect to the last input value. From (6.46) and the assumptions on 6, we get
The function 'ljJ1; represents the memory after VI; has been processed. For a systematic
study of various properties of the hysteresis memory operator which maps input
strings to memory curves, we refer to Brokate and Visintin [1989] and Visintin [1994].
We indicate here how it is applied to calculate the partial derivative 8vnH(vo,'" ,vn )
in the damage analysis.
By (6.24), we have
We call the function 'ljJn or, more precisely, its graph {(r, 'ljJn (r)) Ir ~ O} the hys-
teresis memory curve belonging to the string 8 = (Vo, Vl,. .. ,Vn ) and denote it
If 8 is alternating and satisfies
Ivol > IV11, IVi+l - vii< lVi - Vi-tl, 0< i < n, (6.58)
then its hysteresis memory curve 'ljJn consists of n + 1 pieces of straight lines of the
slope ± 1 starting at (0, vn ) and ending at (ro, 0) = (Ivol,O) with corners (ri' 'ljJn (ri)) ,
The connection to the rainflow method is as folIows: Let Vn tend to V n-2, then
r n tends to rn-l' When V n becomes equal to V n-2, the corner (rn,'ljJn(rn)) merges
with (rn-l, 'lfJn(rn-l)) and both vanish. At that moment, the rainflow method counts
and deletes the Madelung pair (Vn-l' v n) and, in the input-output plane, a hysteresis
loop is closed. For an arbitrary string 8, one may check that
where we obtain the so-called backward residual SBR from the residual SR =
(v~, v~ , .. . , v~) by deleting successively v~, v~ ... until the remaining string satisfies
Let S = (Vo, VI, •. . , Vn ) be alternating and furthermore assume that (6.58) holds.
Consider the case Vn > Vn-I, or the case n = 0 and Vo > O. From Figure 6.6, we see
8 nFr (vO, VI , ' " , v n ) = 8vn c} r (v O, Vl, ' " ,vn) = {ol,r >< rn , (6.61)
,r r n
as weH as
21 2r, vn)dr,
8nH (vo, . . . , v n) = cp( V n - (6.64)
with a certain number r" > O. Similarly, we deduce that in case Vn < Vn-I'
Basic rheological elements. (i) & denotes the linear elastic element with the
constitutive equation and internal energy
with the fracture stress h > O. Here, 1I . II[o,tl denote the sup norm over the time
interval [0, tJ .
For the elements P and B, the internal energy U is set to 0 to express the fact
that no reversible power can be stored by these elements.
The definition B via (6.69) makes sense if IO'(t)1 < h for all t ~ O. The material
remains rigid as long as IO'(t)1 stays bounded away from the value h; as soon as
IO'(t-)1 = h, the material breaks, 0' jumps to zero and we lose any control on e.
Condition (6.70) can be equivalently written in terms of the Heaviside function H ,
defined as H(x) = 1 if x> 0, and H(x) = 0 otherwise, as
€(t)H(h -I\O'I\[O,tl) = O,O'(t) (1- H(h -I\O'II[o,tl) = O. (6.71)
From the two given rheological elements R 1 and R 2 , we may form a new element R
as the
(a) series combination R = R1 - R 2 or R = L ~,setting
i f{l ,2}
Here e, 0', and U are treated as functions of time t within the interval [0, t]. According
to the second law of thermodynamics, the dissipation rate q(t) given by
q=i:O'-U (6.74)
has to satisfy
q(t) ~ O. (6.75)
A weak formulation of (6.75) which we consider here is as follows:
q(t2) - q(tr)
= [c(t)O'(t) - U(t)]~~ -
1: 2
c(t)Ö"(t)dt ~0 (6.76)
We observe that both E/ P and E-P are governed by an evolution variational in-
equality; namely
(E€ - ü)(a - ä) ~ 0 Y ä E [-T,T], (6.79)
for E-P, and
(ü - üP)(aP - ä) ~ 0 Y ä E [- T, T], (6.80)
for E/ P. In (6.79), a is determined from the strain f, whereas in (6.80), the plastic
stress a P , and hence e = ~(a - a P ) are determined from the stress a, Both varia-
tional inequalities have the same form, i.e., for a given function v : [0, Tl ~ R, we
look for w : [0, T] ~ R such that
(iJ(t)-tb(t))(w(t) - x) ~O a.e, in (0, T) for all x E [-T, T] (6.81)(i)
w(t) E [-r, r] a.e. in [0, Tl, w(O) =wo. (6.81)(ii)
It is well known in the theory of variational inequalities (see, e.g., Duvaut-Lions
[1976] and Brezis[1973]) that (6.81) has a unique solution w E BI (0, T). The cor-
respondence v ~ w defines a hysteresis operator Sr, called the stop operator by
Krasnoselskii and Pokrovskii [1989] which, for the initial value
Wo = min {T, max {-T, v(O)}},
is related to the play operator Fr by the relation (6.16(b)).
We can rewrite the constitutive relations for the two elastoplastic elements in
terms of the operator Fr and Sr as
f = fO + 1
e = g(O,a) + 1 00
U = G(O,a) + 1 00
Let us assume that g(r, 0) = 0 for all r and that the partial derivative in the second
argument 8eg(x,~) is non-negative, measurable and sufficiently regular. Brokate-
Sprekels [1996b] have shown that
q = Idt
.c 0 rg(r, Fr [a])drl,
(H- [88tz]) = 88z'
U (6.98)
z(x, t) = l t
a(x, r)d r + zO(x),
{ zO(x) = -1° 1
For a solution of (6.95) with appropriate boundary conditions, see Brokate [Th 7.2,
6.6 Problems.
Problem 6.1. (i) Show that the play operator is Lipschitz continuous on Wll (0, T) =
(ii) Show that the hysteresis operator is Lipschitz continuous on W ll (0, T) =
Problem 6.3. Show that the composition of the two Prandtl operators is also a
Prandtloperator. What can you say about the inverse of a Prandtl operator?
Problem 6.4. Write down Maxwell's equations with hysteresis and discuss their
Problem 6.5. Discuss the accumulated damage in the Safing sensor's process.
Problem 6.6. Discuss the solutions of the Helmholtz equation with hysteresis.
Problem 6.7. Discuss a weak solution of the wave equation with hysteresis . Under
what conditions, the solution is unique?
Examples of models.
4. A physical object like an electronic circuit, airfoil used in the wind tunnel
testing of a new aircraft design.
5. A system of equations and logical expressions (mathematical model or com-
puter simulation) like the mass and energy balance equations that predict the
end-product of a chemical reaction, or a computer program that simulates the
flight of aspace vehicle.
Models are built and developed to help hypothesize, define, explore, understand,
simulate, predict, design and communicate some aspect of the original entity for
which the model is a substitute. Models provide principal support for the study of
every scientific field and new areas of technology and industrial development also use
models extensively. Study of a system, physical situation and phenomenon through
its models is more economical. Changes in the structure of a model are easier to im-
plement, and changes in the behaviour are easier to isolate, understand and commu-
nicate to others. A model can be used to achieve a thorough and deep understanding
when direct experimentation with an actual system is very dangerous, disruptive or
demanding. A model can be used to study those properties of a system that have not
been observed or built or cannot be built or observed with the present technologies.
The discrete algebraic forms are often called the simulation model which, when
expressed as a sequence of computer instructions, provides the computer simulation
program. The evaluation of the physical phenomenon with the help of a program and
computer is known as computer experiments. Vast literature exists on the three
steps mentioned above which are known as the mathematical modelling, algorithms
and programming, and computer simulation, respectively see, for example, Hockney
and Eastwood [1981], Gaylord and Wellin [1994], Wolfram [1990] , Crandall [1991] ,
Bahder [1995] , Ross [1995], Vvendensky[1994], Eriksson [1995] and Heath [1997].
Software like MATLAB, Mathematica, Femlab are now-a-days quite popular
for scientific computations.
A 2 Mathematical models.
The description of a physical situation (phenomenon) can be termed as a model.
Modelling is an attempt to describe a phenomenon in a logical way. In this pro-
cess, we identify generalizable principles and processes and frame a mathematical
structure (equations - algebraic , difference, differential, partial differential, stochastic
differential, integro-differential, matrix, operator; inequalities -variational inequal-
ity, boundary and initial value problems , iterative formulae, etc.) which is used to
investigate and simulate new possibilities leading to the understanding of the intri-
cacies of nature and solutions of problems in different disciplines of the emerging
technologies and related industrial development. Models may also consist of stories,
fables and analogies or computer programmes in which they also permit the simula-
tion of dynamic behaviour. As simulation games , they comprise a set of rules guiding
behaviour, gaming simulations for tackling new and unusual situations. The exam-
ples of models may range from cars, rail engines, bridges, aircraft, robots, epidemics,
electronic equipment, economic equilibrium, pharmaceutical compounds, chemical
reactors, economic growth, trafflc control, paper, glass and steel industries, social
process, urban development, population explosion, wars, and environmental pollu-
tion to global climate change. Models can be very useful for scientific understanding
of phenomenon, systematic development of technologies, management and planning.
It may be understood clearly that a good model is the best possible representation
of a given physical situation or phenomenon; however its solution may reproduce
a limited set of behaviour of the original due to certain unavoidable factors. A
phenomenon may have different models and objectives according to the purpose of
the modelling. Olassical sdence emphasizes observation and description while the
model developers stress the understanding of the processes and their changing be-
haviour. The validity of a model and its logical admissibility (well-posedness) must
be carefully examined. The validity of a model can be categorized into four cat-
egories: behavioral validity, structural validity, empirical validity and application
validity. While modelling a phenomenon of a specific technology or industry, a fairly
good understanding of that process and physical situation must be acquired. The
objectives of the model must be specified in the first place as the mathematical struc-
tures and variables involved will depend upon the objectives. The determination of
physical laws and identification of parameters may not be an easy task; therefore,
multi-disciplinary discussion becomes essential. The existing information may be
very useful in developing a model. The conservation laws of mass, energy, motion,
electricity are quite useful for modelling technological and industrial problems. An-
alytical solutions of models in emerging areas of technologies are rarely possible .
Therefore, the model must be discretized for numerical solution which may lead
to error. The minimization of error, that is, controlling the process of discretiza-
tion such that the error is minimum, is a vital question in the modelling processes.
Model-building in areas of biomedical sciences, biotechnology, chemical and phar-
maceutical industries is a fairly difficult task and the solution of such models may
require the knowledge of new mathematical techniques to be invented in future. A
material such as silicon, germinimum, gallium arsenide whose electrical conductivity
increases with temperature and lies between metals like silver, copper and insulators
like glass and fused quartz is known as semiconduetor. The phenomenon is due
to the thermal generation of equal numbers of negative charge carriers, known as
electrons and positive charge carrier called holes. Semiconductors of different con-
ductivity like n-type, p-type can be brought together to form a variety of junctions
which are the basis of semiconductor devices used as electronic components. The
term semiconductor is often used for the devices themselves . Advances in the elec-
tronic and computer industry are closely related to the semiconductor technology.
A systematic study of mathematical modelling of semiconductor devices has been
started in the late seventies keeping in view the rapidly growing demand of this field
(see, for example, Markowich [1986], Bank et al. [1990] and Bhattacharya [1994]).
Mathematical modelling is essential for appropriate analysis and simulation. A
model is called behaviourally valid if it produces the same behaviour as the orig-
inal physical phenomenon under similar conditions. If the numerical solution of an
original situation coincides with the numerical solution of the corresponding model,
then it is called empirically valid. For application validity, we must check that
the model delivers correct results in a specific situation set by the model builder
(developer). For a comprehensive study of mathematical models, we refer to Taylor
[1986], Kapur [1987] and Bellomo and Preziosi [1995].
(i) The finite numbers of instructions be such that there must not be any ambi-
guity concerning the order in which the instructions are to be carried out.
(H) For n-tuple x E pn after a finite number of steps, the calculation must termi-
nate and output fex) and n-tuple not in pn must not output a value .
A 3 Program.
A program (computer program) is a set of statements that can be submitted as
a unit to some computer system and used to direct the behaviour of the system.
A procedural program gives a precise definition of the procedure to be followed by
the computer system in order to obtain the required results. By contrast, a non-
procedural program specifies constraints that must be satisfied by the results that
are produced hut does not specify the procedure by which these results should be
obtained. Such a procedure must be determined by the computer system itself.
A programming language is a notation for the precise description of computer pro-
grammes or algorithms. Programming languages are artificiallanguages in which the
syntax and semantics are strictly defined. They serve their purpose but do not have
the freedom of expression that is characteristic of a naturallanguage. Some impor-
tant programming languages are Fortran (latest Fortran-90), C, C+, C++ Turbo
(Turbo basic, Turbo C, Turbo Pascal and Turbo Prolog) Algol, Pascal, Pascal",
Basic and Wordstar. For details, see Press et al [1990], Cargill [1992] and Dowd
A 4 Software.
This term stands for those components of a computer system that are intangible
rather than physical. It is generally used to refer to the programmes executed by a
computer system as distinct from the physical hardware of that computer system,
and to encompass both symbolic and executable forms for such programmes. Soft-
ware library, the same as program library, is a collection of programmes and packages
that are made available for common use within similar situations. A typical soft-
ware library may contain compilers, utility programmes, packages for mathematical
operations, etc . Before citing some specific sources of good mathematical software,
we give below the desirable characteristics that such software should possess.
• Robustness: usually works for hard problems, but fails gracefully and infor-
matively when it does faiI.
• netlib: A collection of free software from diverse sources available over the
Internet. See URL http://www.netlib.org, or send email containing the
request "send index" to netlibornl.gov, or ftp to one of several websites, such
as neülib.bell-labs.com or netlib2.cs.utk.edu.
languages were made possible through this language. In "Mathematica for the Sei-
ences", programmes in the mathematical language carry the main message, with
words, diagrams and formula providing support. A traditional scientific formula
might give the solution to a particular kind of equation, but cannot describe the
process by which such a solution is found . In a Mathematica formulation, however,
one can describe the complete computational process that is required. To reproduce
computations, we are only required to execute the Mathematica programmes on a
computer directly to the problems under consideration. The writing of a program in
Mathematica requires a small fraction of the time required to write the correspond-
ing program in other classical scientific languages like Fortran and G. Mathematica
has symbolic computation capabilities that are lacking in Fortran and G. However,
Mathematica is more time-consuming than these programmes in certain situations
and this shortcoming can be overcome with a bridge known as Math-Link. The
Math-Link system of communication is a general scheme where two running pro-
grammes can exchange data. Math-Link can be used to call Mathematica functions
from inside a Fortran or C program. Since most of Mathematica's functions are
capable of taking complex arguments, it may be convenient to use Mathematica as
a function library by a Fortran or G program. Math-Link can also be used to call a
Fortran subroutine or C function can be instalIed into Mathematica and made to be-
have as if it were a built-in Mathematica function. There are at least two situations
where communication between Mathematica, Fortran and G will be appropriate: (i)
when a complex program is written in a scientific language like Fortran or G and it
works efficiently and is of high quality, and (ii) when Mathematica takes more time.
The Mathematica system of communication enables us to exchange data. Compu-
tations can be carried out in Fortran or C and shipped back to Mathematica via
Math-Link, For a solution ofthe Maxwell equation, Schröding equation, KdV equa-
ti on L-G tank, heat and wave equations, we refer to Bahder [1995] and Crandall
MATLAB is a proprietary commercial product of The MathWorks, Inc. (see
URL http:j jwww.mathwork.com). MATLAB, which stands for Matrix Lab-
oratory, is an interactive system that integrates extensive mathematical capabilities,
especially in linear algebra, with powerful scientific visualization, a high-level pro-
gramming language, and a variety of optional "toolboxes" that provide specialized
capabilities in particular applications, such as signal processing, image processing,
control, system identification, optimization, and statistics. There is also a MAT-
LAB interface for the NAG mathematical software library. MATLAB is available
for a wide variety of personal computers, workstations, and supercomputers, and
comes in both professional and inexpensive student editions. If MATLAB is not
available on your computer system, there are similar, though less powerful, packages
that are available by ftp, including octave (ftp.che.utexas.edujpubjoctave)
and RLaB (evans.ee.adfa.oz.aujpubjRLab) . Other similar commercial prod-
ucts include GAUSS,HiQ,IDL,Mathcad, and PV-WAVE. Users program will be
much shorter. The environment often has built-in functions for many of the prob-
lems we may encounter, which greatly simplifies the interface with such routines
because much of the necessary information (array sizes, etc.) is passed implicitly by
the environment. An additional bonus is built-in graphics, which avoids having to
do this separately in a post-processing phase. Even if one intends to use a standard
language such as C or Fortran in the long run, one may still find it beneficial to
learn a package such as MATLAB for its usefulness as a rapid prototyping envi-
ronment in which new algorithms can be tried out quickly and later recorded in a
standard language, if necessary, for greater effidency or compatibility. For acquiring
a good knowledge ofMATLAB, we refer to Acton [1996], Biran and Breiner [1995],
Nakamura [1996], Part-Enander[1996J, Redfen and Cambell [1996] .
A7 Simulation.
The general meaning of simulation is imitation of some existing system or systems
to be manufactured or created. It may be applied in areas like communication net-
work designing, designing of sophisticated equipment, exploration of traffic pattern
and prediction of weather forecasting . It has major applications in the fast-growing
computer industry. The simulation can be classified into two categories: (i) dis-
crete simulation, and (ii) continuous simulation. For a discrete-event simulation,
one considers all significant changes to the state of the system as distinct events
that occur at specific points in time; the simulation then achieves the desired be-
haviour by modelling a sequence of such events treating each event individually. In
the continuous case, changes occur gradually over aperiod of time and the progress
of changes is tracked. Simulation is nothing but examination of problem without
experimentation. The simulation of a device is usually taken to be the process of
representing the characteristics of the device of examining the operation of analo-
gous systems or processes. Therefore, by providing a description of the device and
its operating conditions, a simulation can predict how the actual device would be-
have. The discrete algebraic equations describe the simulation model which, when
expressed as a sequence of computer instructions, provides the computer simula-
tion program. Computer simulation may be regarded as the theoretical exercise of
numerically solving a boundary value problem. Simulation can be used to predict
accurately the working of complex devices in order to have many variations to be
evaluated before expensive technology is employed in manufacturing or constructing
the optimal choice. It can also be used to obtain information not available at hand,
for example, the study of galaxies and submicron electronic devices . Steps involved
in simulation (computer simulation) are:
1. Mathematical modelling of the physical situation or phenomenon.
2. Discretization of the model.
3. Computer programming.
4. Implementation of the program on an appropriate computer (PC's/Work-
station/Laptop etc) .
Cantor set: The Cantor set C is a subset of the metric space X = [0, 1], which is
obtained by successive deletions of middle third open subintervals, as follows:
I o = [0,1],
t] [t, j]
I 1 = [0, u
I 2 = [0, -] u [-, -] U [l!, 1] U [~,~]
91 9 2 9 3 9 96 7 9 9 8 9 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27
13 = [0, 27] U [27' 27] U [27' 27] U [27' 27] U [27 ' 27] U [27' 27] U [27' 27] U [27 ' 27]
I 4 = 13 minus the middle open third of each interval in I 3
A= = = = = = =G
In Figure BI, Xb~,Zl are middle points ofthe side AB,BG and AG, respec-
tively. Remove the tri angle with vertices X1,Y1 and Zl.
Xf',xt, Y{ are middle points of the triangle AX1Z1 and so on. Remove the
central triangles of three left-over triangles of EI'
Continue this process. Whatever is left is called the Sierpinski gasket or Sierpinski
triangle. For an interesting account of the Sierpinski gasket, we refer to Stewart [95].
It may be observed that there is a elose connection between Chaos and fractals.
TOo(x) =X
T01(x) = T(x), T0 2(x) = T(T(x» = T(T01(x»
T 03(x) = T(ro 2(x) . .. , T On(x ) = T(TO ln - (x)
) .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Eo
Definition BI. Let (X, d) be a complete metric space. X together with a finite
set 0/ contraction mappings W n , n = 1,2 ... ,N with contractivity [actors Sn, n =
1,2" .. ,N is called an "iterated function system" abbreviated as IFS, where
S = max sa.
where h(.,.) is metric on H(X) , (H(X), h) is a complete metric space, and h(.,.) is
called the Hausdorff metric.
, , , , , , ,
, , , ,
N aN bN CN dN eN IN bN
Pi ~ laidi - biCil1 L laidi - biCil·
This table is known as the IFS code table. It can be seen that for IFS of fern
and is given by
A = lim WOn(B) for any B E H(X) .
Definition B2. The fiaed point A E H(X) described in the IFS theorem is called the
attractor of the IFS. The attractor is also called deterministic fractal or fractal .
Let W : R 2 --t R 2 be a contraction map, then A and W(A) are shown in Figure
Lemma B3. Let (X, d) be a metric space and {Wn , n = 1,2,3, S, ' " ,N} be an IFS.
Let the contractivity factor for W n be Sn ' Define W : H(X) ~ H(X} by
W(B) =W1(B)UW2(B)U"'UWN(B) = UWn(B)
[or each B E H(X). Then W is a contraction mapping with contractivity [actor
s = max{sn: n = ,N} .
W2 = (1621~2) , (i~:)
b2 =
Remark BI.
(i) Theorem B2 (Iterated Function Theorem) tells us that each IFS defines a
unique fractal image (attractor). This also says that the attractor of the IFS
is exactly the same as the union of the transformations of the attractor.
(H) Small (affine) deformed copies ofthe target are arranged so that they cover up
the target as exactly as possible. This Collage of deformed eopies determines
an IFS (Theorem B2). Theorem B3 tells us that the better the Collage, as
measured by the Hausdorff distance, the eloser will be the attractor of the IFS
to the target.
(iii) An interesting consequence of the Collage Theorem is that if the matrix entries
in two codes are elose, thus attractors of the codes are also elose. In other
words, small errors in codes lead t o small errors in images.
Methods for flnding IFS for an Image, Let S be an image and we want to find
an IFS for S. We can split the whole image into non-overlapping segments whose
union covers the whole image. Each segment is similar to the whole image and can
be obtained by a transformation of the whole image. If we can find transformations
for each segment, the combination of these transformations is the IFS encoding of
the original image . In other words, to encode the image into IFS is to find a set of
contractive affine transformations W 1 , W 2 • • • , W N, so that the original image S is
the union of N subimages:
The IFS for the Sierpinski triangle can be found as folIows: The Sierpinski
(x;, y;)
(X3, Y3)
Figure B4a.
triangle is the union of three small triangles. Each small triangle is a transformation
of the original Sierpinski triangle. The IFS of the Sierpinski triangle is the collection
of these three transformations. The general form of the transformation representing
the triangles is:
(1, 1)
Figure B4b.
aX2 + by2 + e = x~
aX3 + bY3 + e = x~
CXl + dYl + f = y~
CX2+ dY2 + e = y~
CX3 + dY3 + e = y; .
Putting the values of the coordinates of Figure B4b and solving this system of
equation, we get a = 0.5, b = 0, c = 0, d = 0.5, e = 0.5, e = 0.5 and f = 0.5. In a
similar manner, we can find values ofthe six variables for the bottom right triangles.
Thus, the IFS of the Sierpinski gasket of Figure B4b is {R 2 , Wn,n = 1,2,3.}
W1(X) [;] = [Oö 0~5] [;] + [~:~]
W2 (x) [;] = [Oö
0~5] [;] + [~].
It may be observed that the IFS of an image is not unique. There may be many
IFSs for an image. However, an IFS has a unique attractor (fractal)
Table B2.
W a b C d e f p=b
WI 0.5 00 0.5 0.5 0.5 PI
W2 0.5 00 0.5 0 0 P2
W3 0.5 00 0.5 1 0 P3
Pi ~ laidi - biCil/ L laidi - biCil ·
are virtually elose, while N is as small as possible. The mathematical indicator of the
eloseness of S and S~ is the Hausdorff distance between them, h(S, S~). By 'virtually
dose', we mean that "h(S,S~)" is smalL The coefficients of the transformations
{WI, W2 , W3 , • •• , WN} thus determined are stored. The Collage Theorem assures
us that the attractor A of this IFS will also be virtually close to S. Moreover, if
then A = S. There are several interesting algorithms for computing the attractor of
IFS like:
(i) Photocopy machine Algorithm, (See [Barnsley and Hurd 1993, pp. 98-99]).
(ii) Chaotic game algorithm (See Lu [1993]).
(iii) For more details, we also refer to Fisher [1994].
(vii) The set L p of all measurable functions such that I/IP, 1 ~ p < 00, is Lebesgue
integrable is a vector space.
A set of n linearly independent vectors, {ei} ~=l is called the basis of a vector
space X if every element x E X can be written as x = Laiei.
The number of
vectors in the basis of X is called the dimension of X. X is called a finite-dimensional
vector space of dimension n if the number of elements in the basis is finite, say n.
The vector
X = L aiei EX
will always be represented by
in the matrix notation. It is called the column vector. x T = (al, a2 .. . ,an) is
known as the row vector. The row vector x T is the transpose ofthe column vector.
Let X be a vector space of finite dimension over R . The function (" .) : X x X -*
R, (x, y) = xyT = xT Y =L caß, is called the Euclidean scalar product. Two
vectors x and y of X are orthogonal denoted by xl..y if < x, y >= O. A vector x of X
is called orthogonal to a subset Y of X denoted by x-LY if xl..y for all y E Y. A
set {Xl, X2,' " x n } of vectors in Xis called orthogonal if (Xi, Xj) = 8i j, 1 ~ i,j ~ k,
where 8i j is the Kronecker delta: 8ij = 1 if i = i. 8ij = 0 if i =F j .
Let X and Y be two vector spaces equipped with the bases (ej)j=l and (Ii)~l '
respectively. Relative to these bases, a linear operator A : X -+ Y is represented by
the matrix having m rows and n columns:
an a12 al n
a2l a22 a2n
amI a m2 . . . amn
the elements aij of the matrix A being defined uniquely by the relations
alj )
. ,
of the matrix A represents the vector Aej relative to the basis (Ii)~l' We call
A=(aij) i=1,···m,j=1,2···n;
where the first subscript i always denotes the row and the second subscript j denotes
the column. Amn(R) denotes the space of all mx n matrices aij ER. The transpose
of the matrix A = (aij), i· .. ,1·· · m, j = 1,2· - - n is the matrix AT = (aji); equiv-
alently (Ax,Y)m = (X,AT y). If A = (aij) and B = (bkj) are matrices of (m,l) and
(l, n)-type, respectively, then their product AB is the matrix of type (m, n) defined
AB = L aik bkj.
It can be seen that (AB)T = B T AT. A = aij i = 1,2-· ·m,j = 1,2 ···n is
called a square matrix of order n if m = n. Ann(R) is a ring which is called the
ring of square matrices of order n. Elements au of a square matrix A = (aij), i =
1,2, ... n, j = 1,2,'" n are called diagonal elements and the elements aij, i =f:. j,
are called the off-diagonal elements. 1= (<5 ij ), i, j = 1,2· .. n is called the identity
matrix. A square matrix A = (aij) is called invertible matrix and its inverse is
denoted by A-l if AA-l = A-l A = I, otherwise A is called singular. If A and B
are invertible matrices, then
Ais called
(i) symmetrie if aij = aji, that is, A = AT,
(ii) orthogonal if AAT = AT A = I,
(iii) normal if AAT = AT A, and
Assurne that a matrix Band a vector c can be found such that (1 - B) is invertible
and the unique solution of the linear system
U = Bu+c
is also the solution ofAx = b. The form of the system u = Bu + c invokes the
definition of an iterative method for Ax = b. Choosing an arbitrary initial vector
uo, the sequence of vectors {Uk} is defined by
Uk = U,
for very choice of uo.
The iteration method is convergent if and only if IIBII < 1. The matrix B is
constructed from the matrix A. There are many methods for constructing B from
A, for example, Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel and relaxation methods. For details of these
methods, we refer to Ciarlet [1989], Datta [1995], Goulub and van Loan [1996] and
Press Teukolsky et al. [1992].
The set of all bounded real sequences, denoted by m, is a metric space with respect
belonging to m.
(0,1] is a metric space with respect to d(x,y) = Ix - yl. Every metric space is a
Hausdorff topological space,
Let X be a vector space over a field of real numbers R. A function defined on X
into R, denoted by 11 . 11 is called a norm if it satisfies the following conditions:
(i) IIxll ~ 0, IIxll = 0 if x = 0,
(H) lIaxll = [o], 11xII, a E R,x E X, and
(iii) IIx + yll $ IIxll + lIylI, x, y E X.
(X,II . 11) is called areal normed linear space or simply normed space. One can
define normed linear space over a field of complex numbers and most of the results
mentioned here may be true for such spaces. However, here we confine ourselves to
the real case. Every normed space is a metric space but the converse may not be
true. R, Rn, C[a, b], lp, 1 $ p < 00, m, L p, 1 $ p < 00 are normed spaces. A normed
linear space, in which every Cauchy sequence is convergent; that is
IIxll = m~
C[a, b] is a Banach space with respect to the norm
~, but it
C[a, b] is a normed space with respect to the norm 11111 = II(X) 12dx)
is not a Banach space,
lp, 1 $ p < 00 is a Banach space with respect to the norm
(l If(x)IPdX) ;; ,
11/11 =
(T+S)(x) = Tx+Sx
(o:T)(x) = o:T(x).
BL[X, Y] is a Banach space if Y is a Banach space. Thus the set of all bounded
linear functionals is a Banach space. It is denoted by X * or X' or X" and is known
as the dual or adjoint or conjugate space of X . We say that X and Y are algebraic
and topologically equivalent denoted by X = Y or X ~ Y if there exists a mapping
T : X --+ Y such that
(i) T(x + y) = Tx + Ty,
(ii) T(o:x) = «r»,
(iii) IITxll = IIxll,
(iv) T is 1 - 1, and
(v) T is onto.
It can be proved that
A list of dual spaces of a fairly large number of normed spaces can be found in
Siddiqi [1986, Table 1.1, 34-35]. An operator mapping, a continuous function on [a, b]
to its integral on [a, b], is linear and bounded functional, that is, T : C[a, b] ~ R
defined by T f = l b
f(t)dt is linear and bounded.
Differential equations, integral equations and systems of algebraic equations can
be written in the form of operator equation T» = y where T is a linear operator on
a normed linear space into itself or into another normed linear space . For example,
a system of n linear equations:
ll b b
IK(x, yWdx dy < 00,
and g(x) E L 2(a, b). Then the integral equation can be written in the form T f = h
where T : L 2 (a, b) ~ L 2 (a, b) is a linear operator.
The set of n x n matrices, n finite, is a Banach space; in fact, a Banach algebra
then u = Pw.
The function P : H ~ K defined in this manner satisfies the relation
H=MEBMJ., (C2.6)
uihere M 1. = {y E H (x, y) = 0 for all x E M}, that is, H is the direct sum of M
and MJ. .
Theorem C3. For each F E H* (dual space of H), there exists a unique element
y E H such that
Remark Cl .
Ilall = 8UP
11 x 11 11 Y11 ;
x Y
= %#08UP
x 11' -1
1)1 j (C2 .7)
Theorem C4. Let T be a bounded linear operator on a Hilbert space H into itself.
Then a bounded bilinear form a(·,·) can be defined by the relation
and Ilall = IITII· Conversely let a(., .) be a bounded bilinear form on H x H into R ,
then a bounded linear operator T on H into itself can be defined by the relation
(x,Ty) = a(x,y)
such that lIall = IITII.
Theorem C5 (Lax-Milgram Lemma). Ifa(·,·) is a bounded bilinear and coercive
form on a Hilbert spaee H, then the functionaljoperator equation
(ii) Let
functions was introduced by the Russian physicist S.L.Sobolev around 1936 which
has been found very useful in many areas of current interest, and is now known as
the Sobolev space. The results related to this space have provided asound foun-
dation for modem theory of ord inary and partial differential equations - analytical
as weIl as numerical methods. Some important results of these two topics are men-
tioned here along with important references. For appreciating and understanding
the results of different chapters, especially Chapter 3, these results have been very
a! = al
!·· ·an!
cȧ -_ (a) _ a!
ß - ß !(a - ß)!
xer = XflX~2 .. ·x~n where x = (Xl,X2,'" ,xn ) ERn.
We are familiar with the concept of the classical partial derivative for a function
of n variables I = I(x),x = (Xl,X2,'" ,xn ) . Laurent Schwartz introduced the
concept of multi-index and a new notation of derivatives given below. In the new
terminology, Der will denote the expression a er 1 a . D (er )I will be called a
X ••• x~n
1, a2
= 1, a ~2: = Der f. This is nothing but the partial derivative of the function
of two variables I(Xl,X2) which is denoted by aa21 . We also have D(l ,l) I =
2 2 Xl X2
aI o (al) wh'lC h llS equal to a a aI = -a o (al)
aX2 aXl = -a X2 -a -aX2 . n istri ution
I di ib . al
Xl Xl X2 Xl
2: 2;
derivative t o be defined later, we shall not distinguish between aa and aa
Xl X2 X2 Xl
integrable on n. 2
L (n ) is a Hilbert space with respect to 11/11 = (lI/12 d X) 2 or
lie in 0 ,
(iii) points (x~, x~) satisfying
n- l
} ~
Pr(Yr) - ar(Xr~ ::; M ~ (Yi - xi)
Vx r, Yr E Er> r = 1,2, . .. m .
It can be easily seen that Clf'(O) is a vector space with respect to usual opera-
A sequence {if>n} in Clf' is said to converge to an element if> in Clf'(O)j namely,
if>n -t if>, if (i) there is a fixed compact set K c 0 such that supp if>n C K for all n,
(ii) if>n and all its derivatives converge uniformly to if>(x) and its derivatives; that is,
Dcxif>n -t Dcxif> for all Q uniformly.
Clf'(O) equipped with the topology induced through the convergence is called
the space of test funetions and is often denoted by D(O). A continuous linear
functional defined on D(O) is called a distribution or Schwartz distribution (A
functional F on D(O) is continuous if if>n -t if> =? Fif>n -t Fif».
The space of distributions is nothing but the dual space of D(O) and is often
denoted by n' (0). If 0 = Rn, we write simply o',
The distributional derivative or the derivative of a distribution is a continuous
linear functional defined as:
For F E D' (0), (DCXP,if» = (-1)lcx 1(F,n cxif»'v'if> E D(O) .
(ii) Let F(rjJ) = l(x)rjJ(x)dx, I is a locally integrable function. Fis linear and
continuous on D(O) and therefore it is a distribution.
(iii) Let F(rjJ) = l b
IrjJ(x)1 2 dx , F is continuous on D(O) but not linear and,
therefore, F is not a distribution.
(iv) The Dirac delta distribution is defined as
0, x< °
H(x) ={ ~,x = °
1, x >0.
H1(x) = {O,x s°
1,x> 0 .
H and H 1 generate the same distribution and such functions are identified identically
in distribution theory.
Two distributions F and G are equal if (F, c/J) = (G, c/J) for all c/J E D(O) such
that supp(c/J) C (a,b).
For a comprehensive account of one-dimensional theory, see Griffel [1987]. The
distributional derivative of lxi is sgn(x) defined as
1 r(~)
f(S)dS =
1 E~
f( Xl(r) 'X 2(r) • ••
(r) (r) (r) (r) »dS
Xn- l, ar Xl 'X 2 , '" Xn-l .
It may be observed that values of the function ar(x~r) , x~r), . . . X~2l) characterize
the part r(r) of the boundary above the cube Er> where the integral on the right is
taken in the Lebesgue sense. If ( j2(S)dS exists, we say that f(S) E ~(r(r».
If j2(S) is integrable over r(r) for every r = 1,2 · ·· ,m, we say that f(S) E L 2 (r) .
The integral Ir f(S)dS can be defined with the aid of a partition of unity as
where the functions c/Jr(x) exist with compact supports in the system of neighbour-
hoods defined earlier such that
Lc/Jr(x) = 1 for each X E r.
Llr(S) = I(S) on r.
r= l
(J,g) = hl(S)g(S)dS, SE r,
The induced norm and metric are given as
(J,g)wn{O) = L (DO'I,DO'g)L2{O)'
(J,g)H2{O) = lall: (D l, Q
DOgh2 (O ),
10'1 9
Sobolev space with a real index. HS(0),8 E R+. For 0 < o < 1, we define
HO'(O) to be the closure of COO(O) with respect to the norm
2 rrlu(t) - u(rW
IIull9 = JoJo Iit _ rlln +29 dtdr ,
and n is the dimension of the domain O.
For 8 > 0 not integer, write 8 = k + o where k = [8], that is k is integer (k = [8]
and a = 8 - k) and define
rr(Da I(x) - Dal(y))(Dag(x) - Dag(y)) d d }
+JoJo IIx - Ylln + 2u X y .
1 1
Note: H;(O), H;(O), H;m(o), p + q = 1,1 ::; p < 00 can be defined
replacing L 2(0) by Lp(O).
The dual of H&(O) is denoted by H-S(O) . HS(r),H-S(r) can also be defined
keeping in mind the definition of Hm(r) and HS(r) , see Dautry and Lions [1990,
Chapter III] for more details about HS(r) . HS(r) is also a Hilbert space for 8 E R.
It can be observed that every element of u: (a, b) is absolutely continuous and
hence continuous.
Green's formula for integration by parts.
(i) In v.6.udx + In grad ugrad vdx = v : :dS
l b
u" (x)v(x)dx = u' (b)v(b) - u' (a)v(a) - l b
U' (x)v' (x)dx.
The above two inequalities hold for elements of L 2 (!l). For fEHl (!l) such that
Inf(x)dx = 0
Thus divergence, written in brief div., is an operator on D' (!l) into V' (!l)n, usually
from application point of view n = 2 or 3.
which defines the differential operator, denoted by eurl in V' (0)3. Sometimes, it is
also denoted by \7/\ or "rot" (rotation).
In case n = 2, we put
the eurl operator defined on D(0)2 into D(O). A eur1 or eurl on D' (0)2 into itse1f
ean be defined as folIows:
(iii) (div v, ljJ) = (v, - grad cp) for all V E V(0)3, 4> E V(O), that is, div is the
transpose of - grad.
(iv) (eurlv, ljJ) = (v, curle) for all v E V' (0)3, ljJ E V(03) .
such that
with the hope that under certain mild conditions, the sequence {x(k)} converges to
the solution as k -t 00.
To solve the linear system Ax = b iteratively using the idea, we therefore need
to know
1. How to write the system Ax = b in the form of (EI) .
2. How x(1) should be chosen so that iteration (E2) converges to the limit with
any arbitrary choice of x(1) .
Stopping Criterion 1
Stop iteration (E2) if
11 x(k+ 1) - x(k) 11
11 x(k) 11 <e
for a prescribed small positive number e (€ should be chosen according to
the accuracy desired) or if the number of iterations exceeds a predetermined
Stoping Criterion 2
Stop iteration (E2) if
Xn = -(b n - anlXI - •. • - an,n-Ixn-d ·
In matrix notation,
o _!!n
o -~
an-l ,n-l
X= Bx+d.
If we write the matrix A in the form
o 0 0 0
a21 0 0 0
anl ann- l 0
D = diag(au, ... , a nn ), and
o al2 al3 . • • al n
o0 a23 . . . a2n
0 ... 0
B = _D- 1 (L + U) = (I - D- 1 A)
d = D- 1b.
the Jacobi iteration matrix and denote it by B j • Similarly, we shall denote the
vector D- 1b by bj, which we call the Jacobi vector
The Jacobi Iteration Matrix and the Jacobi Vector
Let A = L + D + U. Then
Bj = -D-1(L + U)
bj = D- 1b
With the Jacobi iteration matrix and the Jacobi vector as defined, iteration (E2)
becomes the following.
The J acobi iteration
We thus have the following iterative procedure, called the J acobi method.
x n(1)
Step 2: For k = 1,2, . .. , do until a stopping criterion is satisfied.
X•~k+l) -
• -
(b·. _ Ln a'IJ.x(k»)
1 ',
j #- i, i = 1, . .. , n. (E4)
U j=l
The idea is to use each new component, as soon as it is available, in the compu-
tation of the next component.
The iteration (E5) is known as the Gauss-Seidel iteration, and the iterative
method based on this iteration is called the Gauss-Seidel method.
In the notation used earlier, the Gauss-Seidel iteration is
(Note that the matrix D + L is a lower triangular matrix with au, ... , an n on the
diagonal; because we have assumed that these entries are nonzero, the matrix (D+L)
is nonsingular).
We call the matrix
the Gauss-Seidel Matrix and denote it by Bas. Similarly, the Gauss-Seidel vector
(D + L)-lb is denoted by bas.
Let A = L + D + U . Then
Bas = -(D + L)-lU
bas = (D + L) -lb.
ALGORlTHM 2. The Gauss-Seidel method.
Step 1: Choose an initial approximation X(l).
Step 2: For k = 1,2, . .. , do until a stopping criterion is satisfied.
L aijX)k+ l) - Ln )
X~k+l) = ~ bi - aijx)k) ,i = 1,2, . . . ,n. (E7)
an j=l j=i+l
XCk+l) = BxCk) + c
converges to a limit with an arbitrary choice of the initial approximation XCl) if and
only if the matrix BCk) ~ 0 as k ~ 00; that is, B is a eonvergent matrix.
This result can be applied to identify classes of matrices for which the Jacobian
andfor Gauss-Seidel methods converge for any choice of initial approximation x Cl ) .
Theorem E2. Let A be e symmetrie positive definite matrix. Then the Geuse-Seide!
method eonverges for any arbitrary ehoiee of the initial approximation of x(1).
the Jacobi and the Gauss-Seidel methods converge for an arbitrary X(l) . The ques-
tion naturally arises whether this is true for some other matrices as weIl. Also, when
both methods converge, another question arises: which one converges faster?
If A is a matrix having diagonal entries positive and off-diagonal entries negative,
1. Either one or both the Jacobi and the Gauss-Seidel methods converge or di-
verge .
2. When both the methods converge, the Gauss-Seidel method converges faster
than the Jacobi method.
} (ES)
(Note that because aii i:- 0, i = 1, ... , n, the matrix (D + wL) is nonsingular.)
The matrix (D +WL)-l[(l-w)D - wU] is called the SOR matrix and is denoted by
BSOR. Similarly, the vector (D +WL)-lb is denoted by bSOR.
THEOREM: Kahan. The SOR iteration cannot converge for an arbitrary initial
approximation if w lies outside the interval (0,2).
security, known as the underlying, based on a small set of assumptions on the price
behaviour of that underlying. Fisher Black had died in 1995. Black-Scholes pricing
is considered as one of the modern financial theory's biggest successes in terms of
both approach and applicability. Before publication of their work in 1973, pricing of
a derivative was rather a mysterious task owing to their often complex dependencies
on the underlying, and they were traded mainly over the counter rather than in
large markets, generally with high transaction costs . Opening of the Chicago Board
of Trade nearly coincided with the publication of the Black-Scholes model and since
then trading in derivatives has become a regular feature. The Chicago Board Options
Exchange (CBOE) first created standardized, listed options. Initially, there were just
options call on 16 stocks. Put options were introduced in 1977. In the US options
are traded on CBOE options, the American Stock Exchange, the Pacific Stock Ex-
change and the Philadelphia Stock Exchange. Worldwide, there are more than 50
exchanges on which options are traded. Extensive use of the Black-Scholes model
has significantly influenced the market. This feedback effect has been incorporated
in the model by Sircar and Papanicolaou [1998] where we get a nonlinear parabolic
partial differential equation. Some generalized forms of the Black-Scholes model are
discussed by Wilmott [1998]. Basic theory of derivatives comprising production and
markets, derivatives, the random behaviour of assets, elementary stochastic calcu-
lus, the Black-Scholes equation and its generalizations and their sensitivity analysis,
American options, and multi-aaset options is known as the Block-Scholes World 01
Option Pricing. Options are certain kinds of contracts, many of which have been
named as European, American , Asian and Russian but they have nothing to do with
the context of the origin; rather they refer to a technicality in the option contract.
For general financial news, one may visit www.bloomberg.com, www.cnnfn.com,
ww.wsj.com, www.ft.com, www.fow.com, www.cbot.com. For information about
training programms, one may visit www.wilmott.com.
of contracts: cts : The right to the holder (owner) and an obligation to the seIler
(writer) of a contract either to buy or to seIl an underlying asset at a fixed price for
a premium. In call options the holder has the right but not the obligation to buy
the underlying asset at the strike price. Options in which the right to seIl for the
holder and the obligation to buy for the writer at a strike price E for the payment
of a premium is guaranteed, are called put options. Strike price or Exercise price
is the price at which the underlying asset is bought in options . Rlsk management
is the process of establishing the type and magnitude of risk in a business enterprise
and using derivatives to control and shape that risk to maximize the business objec-
tive. Volatility is a measure of the standard deviations of returns. In practice it is
understood as the average daily range ofthe last few weeks or average absolute value
of the daily net change of the last few weeks. Dividends are lump sum payments
disbursed every quarter or every six months to the holder of the stock. Commodi-
ties are usually raw products such as precious metals, oil, food products, etc, Prices
of these products may depend on seasonal ßuctuations, scarcity of the product and
are difficult to predict. Most trading is done on the futures market, making deal to
buy or sell the commodity sometime in the future. The exchange rate is the rate
at which one currency can be exchanged for another. This is the world of foreign
exchange (FX). Although ßuctuations in exchange rates are unpredictable, there is
a link between exchange rates and the interest rate of two countries.
F3. Modelling of European options.
A European call option is a contract with the following conditions: At a
prescribed time in the future, known as the expiry date, the owner of the option
may purchase a prescribed aaset, called underlying asset, for a prescribed amount
(strike price or exercise price) . Similarly, a European put option is a contract in
which at a prescribed time in the future the owner (holder) of the option may seIl
an asset for a prescribed amount.
Let V(8, t) denote the value of an option which is the function of the underlying
asset 8 ant time t. Black and Scholes [1973] proved that V is a solution of the
parabolic partial differential equation:
8V 1 2 282v 8V ( )
7ft + 20' 8 882 + -s 88 - rV = 0, F1
where 0' and r are volatility and interest rate, respectively.
Let C(8, t) and P(8, t) denote the value of V(8, t), respectively, when it is a call
option and put option. It has been shown (see, for instance, Wilmott, et al. [1993]
that a European call option C(8, t) is a solution of the following boundary value
8C 1 2 282C BC
-Bt + -O':.s - - TC = 0
-882 + r 8ss (F2)
C(8, T) = max(8 - E, 0) (F3)
C(O, t) = 0 (F4)
C(8, t) --t 8 as 8 --t 00 (F5)
where 8,0', r are as above, and E and T are the exercise price and expiry time,
On the other hand, a European put option P(8, t) is a solution of the following
boundary value problem:
8P 1 2 282p 8P
7ft + 20' 8 88 2 +r8 88 -rP = 0 (F6)
P(8,T) = max(E - 8,0) (F7)
P(O, t) = Ee-r(T-t) (F8)
if r is independent of time
P(O, t) = e«: ft r(T)dT
if r is time dependent.
As 8 -t 00, the option is unlikely to be exercised and so
P(8, t) -t 0 as 8 -t 00. (F9)
u(x, 0) = max(e~(k+l):Z: - eHk-1):Z:, 0), (Fl1)
by putting 8 = Ee",t = T - T/~O'2 and
Currency options are modelled by the following modified form of the Black-Scholes
where r f denotes interest at the foreign rate of interest. If we want to model com-
modity options, then the relevant feature of commodities, requiring that they have
a cost of carry, must be taken into account in the Black-Sholes equation. This is
just like having a negative dividend and so we get
where q = -D denotes the fraction of the value of a commodity that goes towards
paying the cost of carry. For details about the models mentioned above see Wilmott
[1998]. The following feedback pricing model for European call option has been
studied by Sircar and Papanicolaou [1998]:
8C 1 [ (l-p~) ]2 2 2
82C (8C ) _
m+2 I-p~ -pS~ a S 8S 2 +r S 8S -C -0,
t <T - e (FI5)
C(S,T - e) = CBs(S,T - s) (FI6)
C(O,t) = 0 (FI7)
lim !C(S, t) - (x -
Ke-r(T-t)) = 0 (FI8)
for T - e :::; t :::; T, where C BS denotes the Black-Scholes price and the last condition
means that C is equal to CBS in some small interval of time.
The generalized Black-Scholes model incorporating feedback is the following non-
linear parabolic equation
methods of variational inequalities (see Chapters 2 and 3). Wilmott, Dewynne and
Howison [1993] have shown that American call option and American put option can
be formulated as the following boundary value problems and equivalent variational
American call option is modelled by the following boundary value problem
8u _ 8
>0 (F21)
8r 8x2 -
u(x, r) - g(x, r) ~ 0 (F22)
K T := {v E H1(a, b) I v(a) = g(a, r), v(b) = g(b, r}, v(x) ~ g(x, r)}
and (·, ·h denotes the inner product on L2(a, b). With
K. := {vi v E W(O, ~a2T), v T E K T for a.e. TE [0, ~a2T] }
[1993] or Glowinski [1984]. At each time step we need to solve a linear complemen-
tarity problem (LCP) :
Find u m +1 E ]Rn such that
Cu m+! ~ bm , um+! ~ gm+l
(um+! _ gm+!)T(Cu m+! - bm ) = O. (F37)
1 +0: -~o: 0 0
-20: 1 +0: -20:
C= 0 -~o: 0
1 +0: _10:
1 2
0 0 -20: 1 +0:
with 0: = (ti)2' or and ox being the time and space discretization parameters,
respeetively. Vectors um+! and gm+! are the discrete counterparts of u(x, r) and
g(x, r) from (F21)-(F26) at a time step (m + l)dr and bm is a "right-hand side"
vector containing information from the previous time step mdr.
Note that the matrix C is large and sparse and that the problem (F37) has to
be solved repeatedly in each time step. Thus we need a fast LCP solver (in this
application, literally, time is money). Several algorithms were proposed for LCPs
with large sparse symmetrie positive definite matrix. These algorithms are either
based on methods for solving linear systems, like the suecessive overrelaxation (SOR)
method or the preeonditioned eonjugate gradient (PCG) method, or on optimization
methods for eonvex quadratic programs, like the gradient projection method or
interior-point methods.
Recently, a two-step algorithm has been proposed by Koövara and Zowe [1994].
This algorithm, based on ideas of multigrid methods, combines the effidency of the
PCG method for solving linear systems with the ability of SOR to smooth down the
solution error. The smoothing property of a variant of SOR with a projection on a
feasible set, called SORP, enables to detect fast the active set
I(u) := {i I Ui = gd·
In the above definition and in the rest of this section we skip the time step index
and write (F37) as
Find u E jRn sueh that
Cu ~ b, u~g
(u - g)T(Cu - b) = O.
Instead, we will use the upper index to denote the successive iterate; i.e., u k will
be the kt h iterate of a particular method. By u· we denote the (unique) solution to
The two-step algorithm mentioned above proved to be very efficient for large
LCPs. The examples in Koevara and Zowe [1994] even indicate that the algorithm,
based on PCG, is asymptotically as fast as PCG for linear systems. It is our strong
belief that the algorithm fits naturally to our LCP and significantly improves the
efficieney of the overall time stepping proeedure. In the following text we deseribe
the algorithm in detail.
We first reeall the definition of SORP:
Choose xO E JRn and put for k = 0,1,2, ...
We will work with a symmetrie version of SORP, called SSORPj one SSORP
step consists of one forward and one backward SORP step:
-k+l -_ max {k
Ui 1
Ui - W"lJ77
( LJ
C -k+l
iiUi "C
+ LJ
iiUik - b) }
i ,gi ,
i = 1,2, . .. ,n
Let M be a symmetrie positive definite matrix (the preconditioner) .
Choose xO E jRn and e > O.
Set rO = b - Axo,po = zO = M-IrO and do for k = 0, 1,2, .. . :
ak = {rk,zk}/{Ji,Apk}
x k+1 = x k + akpk
rk+l = r k - akApk
zk+l = M-Ir k+1
if {zHI, r H I } ~ e, then if IIrH I Ii ~ e, continue
ß k = {rHl,zk+l}/{rk,zk}
pHI = zHI + ßkpk
We denote by PCGB(U ; A, b} the point whieh we reach in s PCG steps starting from
We are now going to explain the new approach. Assurne that we have an ap-
proximation u of the solution u* to (F38) . We again denote by I(u} the active set
with respect to the constraint u ~ g, i.e.,
I(u} := {i I Ui = gi} .
Let p(u} be the cardinality of I(u) and PI(u) : jRn ~ jRn-p(u) the operator which
assigns a vector v E jRn the reduced vector in jRn-p(u) obtained by omitting the
components of v with indices from I (u). We skip u in this notation if this does not
lead to confusion. Further we write J* for I(u*).
The basic idea ofthe new method is the following: We try to identify the active set
by a few steps of SSORP; we get an approximation of J*. With this approximation,
we perform several steps of PCG. Then, again some steps of SSORP to improve the
approximation of J*, and so on. Therefore we call the method SSORP-PCG. One
iteration of the SSORP-PCG algorithm consists of two steps:
Choose uO E jRn ,m E N,sEN and do for k = 0,1,2, . .. :
Step 1: Perform m SSORP steps (F40) and put
r k = b - CU k +l/ 2.
It was proved in Koevara and Zowe [1994] that the sequenee of iterates {ukhEN
produeed by SSORP-PCG eonverges to the solution x· of LCP (F38).
Just as for multigrid methods, the number of SSORP steps (parameter m in
Step 1) can be chosen small; already for m = 2 we obtained good results. The
number of PCG steps (parameter 8 in Step 2) is more problem-dependent. Generally
speaking, 8 should grow with the eondition number ofthe matrix C . We reeommend
to take 8 = 5 for weIl-eonditioned problems and 8 = 10 otherwise.
Coneerning the preeonditioner, it is weIl known that effident preeonditioning
matrices for elliptic problems are those based on ineomplete factorization. We im-
plemented the M IC(O)· algorithm.
Below we will eompare SSORP-PCG with SORP. Ta guarantee equal eonditions,
we have chosen the foHowing stopping eriteria:
• The SORP method with relaxation parameter w = 1.9 was stopped when
lIuk+l - uklh beeame less than 10- 9 the first time.
• The stopping eriterion in SSORP-PCG guarantees an aceuracy eomparable
to the one in the SORP implementation: if we applied SORP after stopping
SSORP-PCG, then we typically had Iluk+l - ukll2 ~ 10- 9 •
N umerical Results
In this section we present results of an example eomputed by the new algorithm
and, for eomparison, also by the plain SORP method. We would like to emphasize
that the data shown below should not be evaluated from the viewpoint of overall
efficiency; the example is academic, the choice of time and space diseretization pa-
rameters, as weH as the parameter Q, ean be far from being optimal. Our goal is
to demonstrate the effideney of the SSORP-PCG algorithm for solving a particular
subproblem (LCP) which, no doubt, is large and has to be solved repeatedly many
We have solved an example from Wilmott et al, [1995] in order to get eomparable
results. This is a problem of eomputing American put option with interest rate
r = 0.10, volatility a = 0.4 and exercise price E = 10. The caleulation is earried
out with Q = 1 and with the expiry time of t hree months. The space interval [a, b]
is chosen as [-0.5,0.5]. We earried out the eomputation for three different space
diseretization steps: 8x = 0.01, 8x = 0.001 and 8x = 0.0001.
Table 1
6x 67 n N
0.01 10 4 99 200
0.001 10-6 999 20000
0.0001 10-8 9999 2000000
Table 1 shows the corresponding values of the time step 67, the size n of the
n x n matrix G and the number of time steps N saying how many LCPs we have to
These three problems were solved using the two-step algorithm SSORP-PCG.
Table 2 shows the overall CPU time needed to solve the problem, as well as the time
needed to solve one LCP. These times are compared with the solution times of the
plain SORP method. Table 2 also shows the (average) number of active constraints.
Note that for large number of active constraints (compared to the problem size n)
the SORP methods becomes very efficient. This is observed on the number of SORP
iterations, shown in the last column of Table 2; with increasing number of variables,
the number of iteration decreases. This is very untypical behaviour caused by the
particular data of the problem.
Table 2
one step overall one step overall #active #SORP
6x CPU CPU CPU CPU constr. iter.
0.01 0.0021 0.38 0.0089 1.45 20 75
0.001 0.016 390.4 0.041 783.9 400 32
0.0001 0.44 * 1.05 * 8500 28
The second factor which influences the behaviour of the algorithms is that in
both, SORP and SSORP-PCG, the solution from the previous time step was taken
as an initial approximation for the current time step. This technique, in fact, favours
the SORP algorithm. This is clearly seen from Table 3 which shows the CPU times
obtained with the initial approximation for each time step taken as zero vector. In
this situation, SSORP-PCG is a clear winner.
Table 3
one step overall one step overall #SORP
6x CPU CPU CPU CPU iter.
0.01 0.0023 0.43 0.013 2.39 109
0.001 0.016 486.3 0.11 2221.1 87
0.0001 0.44 * 2.89 * 74
Our results show that the new algorithm certainly outperforms the SORP method,
even though the problem data favour the latter.
All numerical experiments were carried out on a Sun Ultra1 m140 computer
running the operating system Solaris 2.6. The CPU times are in seconds. Study of
American options with feedback is an interesting open problem.
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-+ arrows of mapping
=> implication sign
V for all
-<===} if and only if
N, Z, R denote the sets of natural numbers, integers and real numbers
4> the empty set
Rn Euclidean space of dimension n
c subset
inf A the infinimum of A c R
sup A the supremum of A c R
diam A the diameter of A c Rn
d(A,B) the distance between A,B C Rn
[a,b] ={xERla~x~b}
(a, b) = [z E R I a < X < b}
(a,b] ={xERla<x~b}
[a, b) = {x E R I a ~ X < b}
R+ = (0,00)
R+ = [0,00)
11·11 norm
support of / = closure of {x E 0 I /(x) =f:. O}
C8"(u) = D(O) the space of all infinitely differentiable functions with compact
D ' (0) the space of all Distributions = the space of all bounded linear functionals
defined on D(O).
Hm(o) = {f E L 2(0) IDOl E L 2(0), I a I~ m}, m is any positive integer, Sobolev
space of order m.
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