Washboard Abs For The Average Joe
Washboard Abs For The Average Joe
Washboard Abs For The Average Joe
#1 Healthy Diet
The most important factor in acquiring washboard abs is eating a healthy diet. Here is a list of recommended healthy
ways to help you lose a few inches:
Diets like the Atkins and other high protein diets may help at first but to get rid of that last 10-15 pounds, it is
recommended to lower calories to a range of 1500-2000 calories a day BUT you must exercise rigorously both with
core or abdominal exercises and cardio work. See TRX for an awesome Core trainer
NOTE: week #3 is non-impact due to high number of injuries that occur to legs (knees, shins, feet, hips) during the
third week of beginning a walking or running program.
Below are some beginning, intermediate and advanced abdominal exercises taken from some of the eBook sold on the
StewSmith.com Fitness eBook Store. Sample ab exercises are the following:
Hanging knee-ups Bring your knees as high as you can as you hang from a pullup bar.
Advanced Crunch - (Legs up) - Lie on your back with your feet straight in the air. Keep your legs straight up in the air
for the advanced crunches. Cross your hands over your chest and bring your elbows to your knees by flexing your
stomach. (Do not do if you have previous lower back injury place feet on the floor instead)
Reverse Crunch - In the same position as the regular crunch, lift your knees and butt toward your elbows. Leave your
head and upper body flat on the ground. Only move your legs and butt. (Do not do if you have previous lower back
Double Crunch Add the regular and reverse crunch together in one motion. You will feel this one twice as fast
Right Elbow to Left Knee - Cross your left leg over your right leg. Flex your stomach and twist to bring your right
elbow to your left knee.
Left Elbow to Right Knee Same as above just switch sides. Cross your right leg over your leg. Flex your stomach
and twist to bring your left elbow to your right knee.
Hip rollers This exercise will help you build your abs, back and hips to help with long ocean swims and balance out
the hip flexors exercises. Twist to both sides keeping your shoulders on the floor and stay in the bent knee position
when rotating left and right.
NOTE: Anytime you work your abs, you should also exercise your lower back to build balance in your torso.
Lower Back Exercise - Lie on your stomach with your arms extended over your head. Lift your right arm and your left
leg off the ground at the same time and repeat for specified number of repetitions. Switch arms/legs and repeat.
Lower Back Exercise - Swimmers - Lie on your stomach and lift your feet and knees off the floor by flutter kicking
repeatedly as if you were swimming freestyle.
Situps - Lie on your back with your arms crossed over your chest, keeping your knees slightly bent. Raise your upper
body off the floor by contracting your abdominal muscles. Touch your elbows to your thighs and repeat.
Half Situps- With your hands on your hips, lift your torso off the ground higher than a crunch but not as high as a full
situp. Your middle/lower back will be on the floor still at the up position.
Flutterkicks - Place your hands under your hips. Lift your legs 6 inches off the floor and begin walking, raising each
leg approximately 36 inches off the ground. Keep your legs straight and moving. This is a four count exercise.
Leg levers - Lift your feet 6 inches off the floor. Raising both legs approximately 36 inches off the ground, keep your
legs straight and off the floor until specified number of repetitions are complete.
Scissors Lay on your back. Lift your feet 6 inches off the floor. Open and close both legs approximately 36 inches
apart, keep your legs straight and off the floor until specified number of repetitions are complete.
Atomic situps - Lift your feet 6 inches off the floor as if you were doing a leg lever. Pull your knees toward your chest
while simultaneously lifting your upper body off the floor. This is a mix between the situp and the leg lever.