The document describes a hands-on guide for functional programming with Scala located at It introduces concepts of functional programming like pure functions, avoiding side effects and shared state, immutability, and declarative programming. It also covers Scala-specific features like higher order functions, pattern matching, and implicit conversions that are useful for functional programming.
The document describes a hands-on guide for functional programming with Scala located at It introduces concepts of functional programming like pure functions, avoiding side effects and shared state, immutability, and declarative programming. It also covers Scala-specific features like higher order functions, pattern matching, and implicit conversions that are useful for functional programming.
The document describes a hands-on guide for functional programming with Scala located at It introduces concepts of functional programming like pure functions, avoiding side effects and shared state, immutability, and declarative programming. It also covers Scala-specific features like higher order functions, pattern matching, and implicit conversions that are useful for functional programming.
The document describes a hands-on guide for functional programming with Scala located at It introduces concepts of functional programming like pure functions, avoiding side effects and shared state, immutability, and declarative programming. It also covers Scala-specific features like higher order functions, pattern matching, and implicit conversions that are useful for functional programming.
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Functional Programming with Scala 1
Functional Programming with Scala VINH DANG Data Engineer
FPT Telecom - 2019.11.02
Functional Programming with Scala 2
Functional Programming
The process of building software by composing pure functions,
avoiding shared state, mutable data, and side-effects declarative rather than imperative
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Function ● A function is a collection of statements that perform a certain task ● Function is a object which can be stored in a variable ● Method always belongs to a class which has a name, signature bytecode
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Pure functions ● Given the same inputs, always returns the same output ● Has no side-effects
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Side Effects ● Any application state change that is observable outside the called function other than its return value ○ Modifying any external variable or object property ○ Writing to the screen/console ○ Triggering any external process
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Shared state ● Shared state is any variable, object, or memory space that exists in a shared scope ● Or as the property of an object being passed between scopes ● A shared scope can include global scope or closure scopes
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Immutability ● An immutable object is an object that can’t be modified after it’s created ● In concurrent situation: access a mutable object required locking -> reduces throughput, more difficult to maintain
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Declarative vs Imperative ● Imperative programs spend lines of code describing the specific steps used to achieve the desired results — the flow control: How to do things ● Declarative programs abstract the flow control process, and instead spend lines of code describing the data flow: What to do. The how gets abstracted away
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Why scala? ● Multi-Paradigm Language: OOP, FP ● Interoperability with Java: be able to use all Java libraries ● Expressiveness: you can write beautiful and clean code ● Statically Typed: compile time error
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Higher Order Functions ● Take other functions as parameters ● Or result is a function ● Tends to reuse a common set of functional utilities to process data
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Higher Order Functions ● Map applies a function on all elements of a collection
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Higher Order Functions ● Filter creates a list of elements for which a function returns true
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Higher Order Functions ● Return a function
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Pattern Matching ● More powerful version of switch statement in Java
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Pattern Matching ● Matching on types
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Pattern Matching ● More powerful case
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Pattern Matching ● The most powerful case: matching on case classes
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Implicit Conversion ● Set of methods that are apply when an object of wrong type is used ● Compiler to automatically convert of one type to another
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Implicit Conversion ● Implicit conversions are applied in two conditions ○ First, if an expression of type A and S does not match to the expected expression type B ○ Second, in a selection e.m of expression e of type A, if the selector m does not represent a member of A