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WARNING: This eBook is for your personal use

only. You may NOT Give Away, Share Or Resell
This Intellectual Property In Any Way

All Rights Reserved

Copyright © 2013 – Complex Conditioning. All rights are reserved. You may not
distribute this report in any way. You may not sell it, or reprint any part of it
without written consent from the author, except for the inclusion of brief
quotations in a

You must get your physician’s approval before beginning this exercise program.
These recommendations are not medical guidelines but are for educational
purposes only. You must consult your physician prior to starting this program or if
you have any medical condition or injury that contraindicates physical activity.
This program is designed for healthy individuals 18 years and older only. The
information in this report is not meant to supplement, nor replace, proper
exercise training. All forms of exercise pose some inherent risks. The editors and
publishers advise readers to take full responsibility for their safety and
know their limits. Before practicing the exercises in this book, be sure that your
equipment is well-maintained, and do not take risks beyond your level of
experience, aptitude, training and fitness. The exercises and dietary programs in
this book are not intended as a substitute for any exercise routine or treatment or
dietary regimen that may have been prescribed by your physician.

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Donʼt lift heavy weights if you are alone, inexperienced, injured, or fatigued. Always ask
for instruction and assistance when lifting. Donʼt perform any exercise without proper
instruction. See your physician before starting any exercise or nutrition program. If you
are taking any medications, you must talk to your physician before starting any exercise
program, including Complex Conditioning. If you experience any lightheadedness,
dizziness, or shortness of breath while exercising, stop the movement and consult a
physician. You must have a complete physical examination if you are sedentary, if you
have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes, if you are overweight, or if you
are over 30 years old. Please discuss all nutritional changes with your physician or a
registered dietician. This publication is intended for informational use only. Callie
Durbrow, Complex Conditioning and Durbrow Performance Training, Inc. will not
assume any liability or be held responsible for any form of injury, personal
loss or illness caused by the utilization of this information.

Table of Contents:
• Module 1: Introduction to Complexes
• Module 2: Warm-Up and Mobility
• Module 3: Done-for-You Complexes Manual
• General Conditioning Complexes
• Advanced Complexes
• Power Complexes
• Density Complexes
• AMRAP Complexes
• Module 4: How to Use Complexes in Your Training
• Module 5: Nutrition for Complexes
• Module 6: Bonus- Kettlebell Complexes

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Introduction to Complexes

What are your clients looking for when it comes to their physique?

Do they want a lean and tight look with nice rounded shoulders, cut looking arms and
some definition on their legs?

Are they ready to see their abs pop and get rid of that stubborn lower belly?

Are you committed to getting them those exact results?

Iʼm pretty sure that you are, or you wouldnʼt be here reading this training manual.

The problem that many trainers and gym owners stumble into when they are working so
hard to build their business, attract clients and keep all the systems flowing is that they
just donʼt have time to program really quality workouts.

With Complex Conditioning you can literally grab these workouts and plug them right
into your existing training plans. This will save you tons of time, get your clients killer
results and allow them to brag to their friends about your training methods which will get
you even more clients. Pretty awesome.

Boom. Letʼs go.

I want to keep this introduction short and talk to you briefly about my philosophy
because that will help you understand the origin of this book.

Iʼm not going to sit here and talk to you about getting toned or skinny. I hate those words
with a passion. I donʼt discriminate training men from women because regardless of
gender, we all want to look awesome and certain principles have to be in place for that
awesomeness to occur.

Iʼm Callie Durbrow. Iʼve been a personal trainer for 9 years at the time of this writing, Iʼm
a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and I love to train hard. I grew up with a
brother and tons of cousins, always playing sports and just getting down and dirty.

My philosophy carried over into the gym years later. Iʼm all about keeping things simple,
getting people serious results in less time and getting away from all the “tricks” in the
fitness industry. Ryan Lee gave me the nickname the “No B.S. Trainer” and that just
about sums it up.

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So how does all of this help you?

Simple, because Iʼve done all the leg-work, all the testing and tweaking and Iʼve come
up with something that you can just implement immediately with your clients, rock it out

• Start enjoying the benefits of faster results

• More referrals
• Quality clients (because they come directly from friends)
• Less time spent on programming training sessions
• More time to spend building your business or enjoying your new lifestyle

With over 10,000 hours of training clients, studying and training myself personally, Iʼve
gotten to the heart of what really gets people results. Itʼs simple but itʼs not easy. They
have to put in the work, but if you can give them the tools for success and motivate
them past what they currently believe for themselves, they will see amazing results.

1. Strength Training
2. Conditioning
3. Nutrition
4. *Bonus- Yoga*

Thatʼs it. Focus on those three aspects, put them together into a nice symmetry of a
lifestyle for your clients and get them to keep that lifestyle going. Thatʼs how you keep
clients for life and get them to refer their friends.

Sound good?

Good. Letʼs go.

What is a Barbell Complex?

The simple and easy-to-use answer is that a complex is a collection of exercises that
are done in sequence. Usually this sequence is done without putting the weight down
and the movements are ones that move seamlessly from one to the next.

This type of training is different from a circuit where the movements are completely
different and you may even use a different implement from one to the next (body weight,
Kettlebell, Dumbbell, Barbell).

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Complexes also combine strength, power and conditioning into one training session,
making it an efficient way to train.

Why would we use complexes over any other training method?

The politically correct answer to this is that there is no “right” way to train and thatʼs the
honest truth. Can you get results from circuits, body building style training, exclusively
kettlebell workouts or body weight sessions?


But is it going to be as fun, efficient, effective or will it get your clients the full package of
strength, power, confidence and a bad-ass body?


Why are Barbell Complexes so awesome?

• Strengthen the cardiovascular system (without doing boring, steady cardio)

• Develop serious work capacity
• Use every large and major muscle group in the body which require more work and a
higher caloric output
• Cranks up the metabolic rate and creates a great EPOC (exercise post oxygen
• Burns calories at that extremely high level for up to 36 hours post-workout. This is
awesome for those clients trying to lose fat
• Improves fat and carbohydrate oxidation in the skeletal muscles
• Challenges the fast twitch muscle fibers (essential for strength and power)
• Overall work rate, calorie burn and EPOC create a great environment for overall fat
loss and muscle development
• Ideal for both men and women
• They can be modified for beginners or more advanced clients using variables such as
load on the bar, work to rest ratio and increasing the total number of sets

Important Notes about Barbell Complexes:

• Not recommended for clients with chronic injuries. Instead use modified body weight
movements to improve strength and mobility
• Barbell complexes can be modified using a training bar (18 or 25 pounds) up to an
empty Olympic bar (45 pounds) and then progress from there
• The weakest exercise in the chain limits the amount of weight you can use
• Focus on moving the bar quickly and increasing the heart rate. Some complexes can
call for higher loads on the bar but in general you want to think about a high rate of
speed on the bar

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• Keep perfect technique on these movements. We are not trying to murder our clients
and crush them into the group with these types of training sessions. The complexes
are taxing and the work rate is high, but form should remain 100%
• If clients are losing form, drop the weight

Enter the complex.

This style of training is going to rock your clients into amazing shape and they will even
have some fun doing it. Hereʼs how itʼs going to go down. Use these complexes as
dedicated training days for your clients. If they train 3 days per week with you, use two
strength days and one complex day. Have them do one complex day on their own. If
they train with you two days you can do one strength day and one complex day and
have them focus on a complex day and a sprint day on their own time.

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Warm Ups and Mobility for Complex

-Start with a full body mobility session before any training session, complexes or

-Begin with soft tissue work using a foam roller. I also recommend a tennis ball or
lacrosse ball for the glutes, hips and piraformis

-Foam rolling should be done at minimum on the:

• IT Bands
• Quads and Hip Flexors
• Hamstrings
• Lower Back
• Mid Back and Thoracic Spine

-Use the tennis ball or lacrosse ball for:

• Shoulder capsule
• Glutes
• Piraformis
• Calves
• Bottoms of the feet

-Perform 15-20 rolls in each area, moving the roller or ball around to work through the
knots. Go slow and find the style that works for each individual

-After the rolling session, move on to 5-10 minutes of dynamic movement. This
does a few things:

• Elevates the core temperature

• Prepares the muscles and connective tissue for training
• Improves the blood flow
• Prepares the body for training
• Prepares the mind for training
• Improves proprioception and overall motor control

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-Use these simple mobility movements to get your clients prepped for the barbell
complex session:

• Lateral Lunges x10/side

• Inchworm x10
• Walking Quad Pull x10/side
• Jump Squats (light) x10
• Overhead Band Rotations x10
• Band Pull Aparts x20

Hereʼs a video of the warm up:


-If clients have any specific nagging injuries or problem areas, address those with more
specific stretches or movements

Now weʼre ready to rock with the Barbell Complex Training!

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-The 5x5
-Perform 5 repetitions of each movement. 5 Rounds.

A1). RDL
A2). Row
A3). Hang Clean
A4). Push Press
A5). Front Squat
A6). Front Squat Racked Lunges


-The Bear
-Perform 6 repetitions of each movement. 4-5 Rounds.

A1). Power Clean

A2). Front Squat
A3). Push Press
A4). Back Squat
A5). Push Press


Perform 8 repetitions of each movement. 5 Rounds.

A1). Thruster
A2). Back Squat
A3). Military Press
A4). Bent Over Row


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-Full Court Press

Perform 8 repetitions of each movement. 4 Rounds.

A1). RDL
A2). High Pull
A3). Front Squat
A4). Military Press
A5). Push Press
A6). Thruster


-It Takes Two

Perform 6 repetitions of each movement. 8 rounds.

A1). Hang Clean

A2). Thruster


-Smokinʼ Legs
Perform 6 repetitions of each movement. 5 Rounds.

A1). Hang Clean

A2). Thruster
A3). Front Squat
A4). Split Jerk
A5). Racked Reverse Lunges


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-Crazy 8ʼs
Perform 8 repetitions of each movement. Repeat for 8 rounds.

A1). Hang Clean

A2). Front Squat Racked Reverse Lunge (alternate- 8/leg)
A3). Thruster


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-The Pyramid
Perform 10 repetitions in Round 1, 8 repetitions in Round 2, 6 repetitions in
Round 3 and 4 repetitions in round 4. Add weight to the bar for each round.

A1). Hang Clean

A2). Thruster
A3). Front Squat
A4). Bent Over Row


-Beast Mode
Perform 5 repetitions of each movement. 3 Rounds.

A1). Dead Lift

A2). RDL
A3). Hang Clean
A4). Reverse Lunge
A5). Back Squat
A6). Good Mornings
A7). Bent Over Row
A8). Push Press
A9). Cheat Curls


-Smokinʼ Legs Part 2

Perform 6 repetitions of each movement. 8 Rounds.

A1). Hang Clean

A2). Thruster
A3). Front Squat

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A4). Split Jerk

A5). Racked Reverse Lunges


-Bring the Noise

Perform 6 repetitions of each movement. 5 Rounds.

A1). Hang Clean

A2). Military Press
A3). Front Squat
A4). Hang Clean
A5). Bent Over Row
A6). RDL


-Strictly Business
Perform 5 reps of each exercise. 6 Rounds.

A1). 5 Push Press

A2). 5 Hang Clean
A3). 5 Bent Over Row


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-The Javorek
Perform 6 repetitions of each movement.

A1). High Pull

A2). Hang Clean
A3). Thruster
A4). Row
A5). Hang Clean


-Might As Well Jump

Perform 5 repetitions of each movement.

A1). Front Squat

A2). Push Press
A3). Back Squat
A4). Split Jerk (5/leg)
A5). Jump Squats


-Fight the Power

Perform 5 repetitions of each movement. 5 Rounds.

A1). Hang Clean

A2). Push Press
A3). Front Squat
A4). Push Jerk (5/leg)


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-It Takes Two

Perform 6 repetitions of each movement. 8 rounds.

A1). Hang Clean

A2). Thruster

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-5 Minutes of Fun
Alternate between the two exercises, completing as many rounds as possible in 5
minutes. Rest 2 minutes and move to station 2. Rest another 2 minutes and move
to station 3. One total circuit.

Station #1-
A1). Barbell Back Squat x10
A2). Push Ups x10

Station #2-
B1). Single Leg BB RDL x8/side
B2). Chin Ups x sub-max

Station #3-
C1). BB Thruster x5
C2). BB Bent Over Row x5

-Slippery Slope
Start at 20 reps and work your way down to 5 reps of each movement. Rest when
needed between rounds and record your total time.

A1). Push Press

A2). Back Squat
A3). Bent Over Row

-The 10x5
Complete 10,5,10,5 reps. Rest 2 minutes. 4 Rounds.

A1). 10 RDL
A2). 5 Chin Ups
A3). 10 Front Squat
A4). 5 Push Press

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-Chutes (um, Cleans) and Ladders

Start at 6 repetitions and work down to 1. Burpees are double (12 reps down to 2).
For example when you do 6 hang cleans you do 12 burpees. Then do 5 hang
cleans and 10 burpees. 4 hang cleans, 8 burpees and so on....

A1). Hang Clean

A2). Burpees

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-Squat is King
15 Minutes, AMRAP (as many rounds as possible). Rest when needed between
rounds and record your total time.

A1). Hang Clean x5

A2). Back Squat x5
A3). Chin Ups x5

-2-4-6-8, Who Do We Appreciate?

20 Minutes, AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)

A1). 2 Chin Ups

A2). 4 BB Hang Clean
A3). 6 BB Thruster

-Descending Barbell Ladder

Perform 10 repetitions of A1 followed by 10 repetitions of A2 and work your way
down the ladder (9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1) adding weight to the bar every time you can.
Record your weights and time. Perform 1 round, 2 if youʼre feelinʼ crazy.

A1). Thruster
A2). Bent Over Row

-99 Problems But a Barbell Aʼint One

5 Rounds AFAP (as fast as possible)

A1). Power Clean x5

A2). Military Press x5
A3). Bent Over Row x5
A4). Front Squat x5

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How to Program Your Training Week

Using barbell complexes is a great training tool but itʼs crucial that you remember to
focus on proper program design. Weʼre not in the business of crushing clients every
single training session. They should leave your gym or training center feeling better than
when they walked in.

The easiest way to program barbell complexes into your training system is to use them
as dedicated conditioning sessions. This will reduce boredom for your clients, avoid
them doing steady-state cardio and overall will provide incredible results for those
looking to lose fat and maintain or gain muscle weight.

If you see a client three days per week you can use two strength days and one complex
conditioning day, then recommend they perform a complex day on their own time.

If you see a client twice a week you can use one strength day and one complex
conditioning day. Recommend a complex day and a sprint day for them on their own

Complexes are incredible for training groups. You can set up each person with their own
bar if you have the space. They can simply rest for the required 1-2 minutes after they
finish the set and just stay in their own area. If you have a larger group or not as many
bars, simply set up 2-3 people per bar. Put clients together that would use a similar load
and just have them alternate. While one works the other rests and then they switch.

You can also program complexes in as part of a circuit. I donʼt recommend using a lot of
exercises here but one thing we do often is have the Barbell Complex station and once
they complete that theyʼll move to a set of Battling Ropes or Prowler pushes and then

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Nutrition for Barbell Complex Training

-Nutrition is a key component to any successful training program. If you are not doing
any sort of nutrition consultation or programming, I highly suggest you start now

-No matter how hard your clients train in the gym, if they donʼt eat to support their fat
loss and muscle development goals, they wonʼt see results

-The Complex Conditioning Nutrition Plan is simple to follow:

• Drink 1/2 your body weight (in ounces) each day. Ex: if you weigh 140 pounds, drink at
least 70 ounces
• Consume lean protein with every meal and snack
• Get green, leafy vegetables with every meal
• Take in your carbohydrates in the 1-2 hour window post-workout
• Delay your breakfast 2-3 hours to elicit a higher growth hormone, lower cortisol
response which will help with fat loss and hormone regulation
• Take in healthy fats with every meal

-Here is a sample training day (morning training):

• 6am 1 cup of black coffee

• 7am training session
• 8:30 am Post-workout shake and Athletic Greens (*see resources section for the best
• 12pm Lunch
• 4pm Snack
• 7pm Dinner

-Here is a 5 day detox you can use with your clients to jump start their
metabolism, improve hormone function and cut cravings:

Fix Your Broken Metabolism

Take your temperature in the morning with a digital thermometer for 4 days straight.
If you’re around 98.6 you’re doing fine, if you’re in the 97’s your metabolism has been
dropped between 10-20%. If you’re below 97 that means your metabolism is pretty
messed up and may be reduced anywhere from 30-50%.

Metabolism = body’s ability to burn calories at rest, not during workouts

You need to increase your calories by 250 each day to increase and rev up your

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metabolism. This may seem like an odd thing to do if you’re trying to lose fat and you
may be freaking out about calories. That’s why you’re in the position you are in now.
Calories are not your enemy when it comes to your metabolism. Think of your body as a
car and the food is the fuel (gasoline). You need a certain amount to run efficiently and
effectively. If not then you’ll be stalled out on the side of the road.

Macro-Nutrients (what your body needs)

There are three basic macro nutrients that your body needs to survive and function
efficiently. Here is a very quick overview of why they are important. There’s a lot more
science to all of these, but this is really all you need to know to make your nutrition plan

Carbohydrates- your body’s main source of energy

Protein- the building blocks of your muscles
Fats- help regulate hormone and brain function


• Protein = 1 gram of protein per pound of Lean Body Mass.

• Carbohydrates = If you are between 11-15% body fat you’ll want .7-.8 grams per
pound of lean body mass and 1 gram per pound on training days

• If you are above 15% body fat (which will be the majority of people) your carbs should
come from fruit, veggies, sweet potatoes and yams, brown rice, oats and quinoa

• Fats= Despite the common thought that fat makes you fat, this is only partially true.
Fat is used an an energy source just like carbohydrates but if too much fat is
consumed in combination with other macronutrients it can lead to increased body fat.
Basically you want to stay away from a lot of fat consumed with carbohydrates
because the body will first use carbs as fuel and then whatever is left over will be
stored. It’s essential to choose the right kinds of fats for supporting immune function,
decreasing the risk for heart disease and some types of cancer and supporting healthy
hormone levels.

Most Americans get too much saturated fat in their diet from processed and fast foods.
To optimize fat loss and overall performance focus on fat from sources like raw unsalted
nuts, avocado, greek yogurt, nut butters, oils (coconut, canola, olive)
Hormone Regulation (and why you NEED it)

One reason for failed fat loss is that your hormones are out of wack. Hormones control
many functions in your body and if things are not working correctly, you won’t see

Here are some common issues.

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-Low testosterone levels:

(obviously this applies mostly to men): Testosterone is the male sex hormone and it
helps to build muscle and eventually burn fat.

Ways to increase testosterone naturally:

1. Avoid processed and boxed foods

2. Eat organic foods
3. Take in adequate amounts of fats like grass fed beef and coconut oil
4. Lift weights
5. Perform high intensity interval workouts instead of slow, steady cardio
6. Get 7-9 hours of sleep each night

-High Estrogen Levels:

Estrogen is the female sex hormone. Men want this to be low and women want an
adqeuate amount but unfortunately many women are dealing with elevated levels. If you
have too much estrogen, you will not burn fat. Period.

How to regulate estrogen levels naturally:

1. Eat organic meat, organic fruits/veggies and wild caught fish

2. Detox your liver. All estrogen compounds pass through the liver and if your liver is
messed up from too much booze you will always have an excess. Limit your alcohol
3. Avoid soy products

-High Cortisol Levels:

Cortisol is a stress hormone that increases body fat storage and can also effect your
cognitive abilities, leaving you in a bit of a brain fog. Cortisol levels are extremely high in
today’s society with our stress and high-paced life.

How to Decrease High Cortisol Levels:

1. Train 45-60 minutes each session, no more

2. Avoid excessive amounts of aerobic exercise (aka slow cardio)
3. Avoid stress. Give yourself 10 minutes per day to just relax and think. No phones,
computers or anything electronic

-Poor Insulin Sensitivity:

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This means your body’s ability to tolerate carbs in impaired. This is a common issue for
many people and can lead to excess fat gain.

How to fix poor insulin sensitivity:

1. Lower your body fat

2. Get most of your carbs from fruit, veggies, sweet potatoes, oats
3. Keep your carbs low for a few days per week

-Adrenal Fatigue:

This is simply being overworked, overtired and stressed. This is most people today.
There are some easy fixes for this but they require serious work.

How to fix adrenal fatigue:

1. Get to sleep by 10:30pm every night

2. Get 7-9 hours of sleep each night
3. Never train your body to failure
4. Cut out excess caffeine. 1-2 cups of coffee per day is okay.
5. Lower your stress

-Toxic Liver:

Your liver is the processing source for foods and beverages. Even in a healthy diet plan
there are toxins. If your liver is constantly being overworked it will lower your ability to
burn fat and will not be able to function at it’s highest level.

How to detoxify the liver:

1. Drink less alcohol

2. Eat organic foods
3. Include intermittent fasting to give the liver a break
4. Eat green, crunchy vegetables
5. Eat citrus fruits


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Diet is a huge cause of inflammation. Eliminating many of these foods can greatly
reduce inflammation in your body (specifically your joints). This will improve your energy
levels and overall workout performance (better workouts = better fat loss).

How to reduce severe inflammation:

1. Eliminate grains, sugars, soy and legumes from your diet

2. Intermittent fasting to give your digestive system a break
3. Get 7-9 hours of sleep each night
4. Reduce stress

-Poor Digestion:

If you have poor gut health, your entire body will never function at 100%. This means
you won’t lose fat, you’ll feel sluggish and you won’t develop toned, lean muscle as fast
as you should.

How to fix poor digestion:

1. Intermittent fasting for 16 hours to give your digestive system a break
2. Avoid 6 meals per day, every day
3. Use probiotics
4. Drink plenty of water
5. Don’t drink water while eating, wait until after
6. Chew your food and eat slowly

Basically I want you to focus on improving all of these things. Many people suffer from
these issues and don’t even know it. A lot of the remedies are similar so just start eating
more organic, sleep more, lift weights and follow our workout plans and you’ll see
noticeable changes in just a few weeks.

-Phase 1- Detox (5 days)

Detox Phase:
This phase is difficult. You will feel deprived but remember, we are priming your body,
liver, hormones and your mind for optimal fat loss. In this phase you will eliminate
grains, legumes, dairy, alcohol, caffeine and basically all sugars except those found in
fruits and veggies. It’s a difficult shift and extreme but you can do it for 5 days.
After that you’re back to normal eating and you’ll feel energized, focused and ready to
melt that body fat. No more struggling due to unregulated hormones or a toxic liver.

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Do NOT skip this phase. This is crucial for laying the groundwork.

Here are the rules:

• No grains, beans, starches or fruit

• Drink 70-80 ounces of water each day
• Coffee or tea is allowed (1-2 cups) black is ideal
• No alcohol
• Focus on lean proteins and veggies with some fats (olive oil, nuts, avocado, eggs)

Get ready to rock it!

5 Day Detox Menu:

-Meal 1- (8am):
3 scrambled eggs with spinach, kale and asparagus
Small bowl of berries


1 cup unsweetened almond milk blended with 1 scoop chocolate protein, ice and 1
tablespoon all-natural nut butter, baby spinach

-Meal 2- Lunch (12pm):

Huge greens salad (any veggies are allowed except carrots)

Protein source on top (chicken, turkey, fish or steak)
Olive oil and vinegar dressing

-Meal 3- Afternoon Snack (3pm):

4-5 ounces beef jerky
Sliced veggies


Handful of raw nuts

Sliced veggies

-Meal 4- Dinner (6-7pm):

4-5 ounces of lean protein- any source (chicken, fish, turkey, steak, grass fed ground
Huge mixed greens salad with olive oil/vinegar dressing
Side of green veggies- broccoli, asparagus, green beans are all allowed

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-Meal 5- Optional Snack:

1 serving of protein powder mixed with water (protein shake)

-Once the Detox phase has been completed, you will keep the same structure of
meal timing and then just start adding in the carbs post-workout. Here is the
nutrition plan that we follow, you can use this with your clients:

The major sticking point for many people is their nutrition. I was just talking to a client
the other night about how sometimes it takes people a while to realize they actually do
have to get their nutrition under control even though they might feel at first that they can
just work out and do “okay” with eating.

That’s not the case. I’m not saying you have to diet, I actually hate that word, but you do
have to make smart choices.

This month it’s all about keeping it simple. The focus is going to be on the timing of your
meals, high protein intake and drinking plenty of water. These things will be instrumental
in your success and even though they seem easy, they will work if you put the
consistent effort in with each one.

You’ll have two types of eating days. One day will be your training day. That will be
anytime that you train with us at the gym and are strength training. The other days will
be your off or cardio days. If you don’t train at all or you do some type of conditioning/
cardio, you will follow that day’s plan.

I also want you to experiment a bit with intermittent fasting. Before you get a little
freaked about that word, read a little about it below.

What is intermittent fasting?

The simplest definition is this: alternating periods of not eating (your fasting period) with
periods of eating (feeding period).

The windows of each can vary depending on the plan that works best for you and also
depending on the day. Generally speaking 16-36 hour fasts are going to work best but
I’m going to give you in depth strategies on all of these in later chapters.
That seems pretty simple, right? Just don’t eat for a specific amount of time and then
eat and enjoy your food during the feeding window. Yes, it’s cool. So why does it work?
Why intermittent fasting works.

Intermittent fasting is a lifestyle. It has some very important characteristics that relate to
long-term weight loss (specifically fat loss)

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1. Fasting allows your body to operate in the it’s most efficient state and will in turn
stimulate fat burning hormones and suppress any fat gaining hormones.

2. Fasting is a lifestyle, not a short-term diet. You can adjust the fasting periods
depending on the day, the week, the time that you work out, if you have an important
family event or dinner coming up, no matter what the situation intermittent fasting can
work. As long as you hit your macronutrients for the day or for the week, you’re all

During the fasting periods some major hormone players are being manipulated. When
you want to lose fat you must regulate your hormones accordingly. Most people don’t
know how to do this and that’s why they only see results up to a point. That’s not your
fault though, this is pretty high level stuff but I’m going to make it simple and allow you
to manipulate your hormones (the good and bad ones) every single day to make your
body a fat burning machine.

During the fasting period growth hormone, glucagon, insulin and cortisol are all
manipulated and will achieve optimum balance. All of these combined will help you
reach your metabolic potential and allow for faster fat loss and a better feeling body.
Some benefits of hormone manipulation in the fasting phase are:

1. Burning fat- during the fasting phase growth hormone and glucagon are elevated.
This combined with the decline of the hormone insulin will help your body burn fat at a
faster rate.

2. Anti-aging- you’ll experience an elevation of growth hormone, removal of toxins and

an increase in sex hormones that can not only help you feel better but will promote

3. Improved ability to resist fatigue and stress- cortisol is controlled during a fasted state
and the body will become more resistant to fatigue and stress

4. A more energetic state- brain neurotransmitters are boosted through blood circulation
and increased production of cellular proteins. This promotes energy, alertness and

-10 Benefits of Intermittent Fasting:

1. Reduce cravings- with most diet plans you have trained your body to eat at certain
times. You have probably also trained your body to eat certain types of foods. Some
starchy food at dinner, a piece of chocolate after dinner because you “need”
something sweet. With intermittent fasting cravings can be virtually eliminated. When
you go through periods of fasting you are letting go of your obsession with food,
eliminating the feeling of having to eat every 2-3 hours. Over time you continue to
make smart food choices during your feeding windows and cravings for sweets, salty

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foods, whatever your triggers are, will be gone. You’ll also see later in this book how
you can seemlessly tie in any cravings that you still have right into the meal plan and
still lose fat.

2. Less feeling tied to food- As I mentioned in the above section, you have probably
tried the standard eating every 2-3 hours because that’s what keeps your metabolism
up. This is a very old school way of thinking and yes, eating every 2-3 hours can work
but to what detriment? Did you feel tied to food? Chained down by the clock, making
sure you eat at the right time because all of a sudden you’re totally starving? I’ve
been there, done that. It’s awful and even though I did lose fat when I ate like that, it
wasn’t a great way of life for me and I know it’s probably not for you either. With IF
you don’t have to pack a cooler full of food to bring to work, you don’t have to time
your lunch out perfectly if you’re going out with co-workers, and you don’t have to
rush home after the gym to start cooking that last meal of the day. Flexibility is a huge
benefit to IF and as you’ll see in the applied section of this book, you will learn to
enjoy food again.

3. Improved production of growth hormone- Losing fat and weight all comes down to
eating less calories, right? Yes and no. That’s really only half the battle. The other half
is the hard part that most women struggle with and they don’t even know it. This is
the battle of the hormones. In order to really lose fat and keep it off, you must
manage your hormones and stimulate the ones that burn fat. The big ticket here is
growth hormone. GH has been shown to be the best fat burning, anti-aging and
muscle building hormone that your body produces. Recent research suggests that
you can boost GH production up to 6 times more than average with some short term
fasting. Growth hormone helps your body burn fat and ensures that fat cells don’t
even form, it helps you build muscle and also helps you look younger.

4. Allows you to control your appetite- How many times have you heard that you
need to eat breakfast first thing in the morning, that it’s the most important meal of the
day? So you start eating breakfast and over time your body starts to feel hungry at
that exact time. Then you start getting hungry right before your 10am snack. Weird,
huh? Not so much. Hunger is not so much a physical response but often times a
cognitive one that’s developed by environmental factors (you). You are training your
body to be hungry and you’re manipulating the ghrelin in your body. What is ghrelin,
you ask? Just another hormone that needs to be controlled (luckily, we can do that).
Ghrelin is a hormone that’s produced in the hypothalamus, kidneys and pituitary
gland and synthesized in and released by the stomach. It precedes, predicts your
mealtimes and induces hunger. The ghrelin schedule in your body follows your eating
schedule almost to a T so after a few days of fasting you will change the ghrelin
response thus reducing the “hunger feeling” every few hours and allowing you to
control your appetite.

5. Easy way to reduce calories and overeating- With IF you’re going to be eating 2-3
times each day. With all the factors listed above and your brand new appetite control,
you’ll be taking in less calories. The other cool thing is that you can manipulate your

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fasting windows to give you a bit of wiggle room if you went over your daily
requirements the previous day.

6. Improve productivity- There are a couple of cool factors at play here. The first is
that you are not tied down to food, trying to plan your eating schedule to get in your 6
meals every 2 hours. You can focus on the important daily tasks at hand and you’ll
get more done. The other factor is that you won’t experience the food coma. How
often have you gone out for a lunch or even just after your normal meal and you feel
sleepy and unproductive? It happens to all of us. With this plan you’ll eliminate any
mid-day crashes and again, you’ll get more done. At first people fear that they will be
lethargic and they won’t be able to function if they haven’t eaten. The exact opposite
is true and in my experience and the experience of my clients, during the fasting
phase, productivity, creativity and overall focus is at it’s highest.

7. Reduce your sugar levels- In order to efficiently and permanently lose fat you need
to improve your insulin sensitivity and lower your blood sugar. Eating 5-6 times per
day does the exact opposite. It decreases insulin sensitivity and increases blood
sugar. With IF you are lowering your blood sugar, eliminating insulin spikes from
frequent meals and improving your ability to process sugars. This allows for more
efficient fat burning potential.

8. Improves fat oxidation- Fat oxidation is your body’s ability to use stored fats to
produce energy. With IF you are increasing your body’s potential to do just that. This
means that when you’re burning calories they are coming directly from fat. Cool, huh?
When you’re fasting you are not adding extra insulin (sugars) to your body like you do
with frequent meals. So it gives your body no other choice but to dip into the fat
stores for energy.

9. Lowers inflammation and helps you to look younger- Metabolic inflammation is

the inappropriate activation of the immune system which can disrupt many of your
body’s systems and can have severe effects on weight gain. Most Americans suffer
from high levels of inflammation and they don’t even know it. IF drastically reduces
inflammation in the body and helps turn your body into an efficient state, able to burn
fat and improve immune system functioning.

10.You don’t actually feel hungry anymore- I mentioned ghrelin in the sections
above. Everytime ghrelin is secreted it creates a hunger response. The more you
delay this hunger response through IF, you train your body to handle the hunger
inducing effects of ghrelin. Combine this with the increased levels of growth hormone
and you’ve got a fat burning furnace of a body ready and waiting.

All I want you to do for your intermittent fasting is push your breakfast out a few hours. If
you normally eat at 7, try eating at 10. Don’t worry about the exact hours right away, just
get used to the timing of everything.

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It feels weird at first but just have a cup of coffee (black or with just a little cream) to
blunt the hunger.

Then after that you’ll just start your normal day of eating.

Each day you’ll eat four times. One of those will be a post-workout shake on your
training days. The focus is going to be on either protein and carbs as a meal or protein
and fat as a meal. As a general rule you don’t want to combine carbs and fat in high
quantities in a meal together. Obviously you can’t have something that’s “no carbs” at
all, so the idea is that if you’re eating a protein + fat meal you should keep your carbs
below 10 grams. If you’re eating a protein + carb meal keep your fats below 10 grams.

P+C stands for protein + carbs

P+F stands for protein + fats

-Sample Training Day Meal Plan (morning training):

9am- Post Workout Shake (P+C)

1pm- Lunch P+C
4pm- Snack P+F
7pm- Dinner P+F

-Sample Training Day Meal Plan (evening training):

10am- Breakfast P+F

1pm- Lunch P+F
4pm- Snack P+F
7pm- Post Workout Shake P+C

-Sample Non-Training or Cardio Day:

10am- Breakfast P+C

1pm- Lunch P+F
4pm- Snack P+F
7pm- Dinner P+F

-Here’s an example of what your day training day would look like:

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10am- Post workout shake (http://calliedurbrow.getprograde.com/pre-and-post-


1pm Lunch- A huge salad with tons of veggies and a protein on top (chicken, steak,
turkey) and a piece of fruit

4pm Snack- 2 hard boiled eggs, sliced veggies

7pm Dinner- any protein source (chicken, steak, turkey, fish) with a huge salad and
veggies on top, sliced avocado on the side

-Here’s an example of an off or cardio day:

10am- Breakfast, the easiest thing here is a shake that you can blend at home and
bring to work for later.
• 1 cup unsweetened almond milk
• 1 scoop chocolate or vanilla whey protein
• 1 cup of frozen berries (your choice)
• 1 tablespoon of cacao powder (get this at Whole Foods)
• handful of baby spinach
• 2-3 ice cubes
• Blend and stick it in a shaker bottle until you’re ready to drink

1pm Lunch- a huge salad with lots of veggies and a protein on top, handful of almonds

4pm Snack- 1 cup of cottage cheese blended with tablespoon of chocolate protein
powder and 1 tablespoon of peanut butter (sounds weird but it’s good!)

7pm Dinner- any protein source, a huge salad or veggies, avocado sliced on the side

Other notes:

• Try to eat 30 grams of protein with every meal and snack

• Drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water each day (if you weigh 140 you should
drink 70 ounces)
• Don’t worry about exact calories right now, instead focus on smart food choices and
the calories will naturally fall into place as you get the right food combinations
• If you don’t have the Prograde post-workout drink that I recommended above, you can
order that or blend your own (1 cup unsweetened almond milk, 1 scoop vanilla protein,
1 cup of frozen fruit)

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Kettlebells are another great tool that you can utilize when training your clients with
complexes. Barbells are by far my favorite, but I wanted to share with you a couple of
bonus workouts you can use with kettlebells. Program these in the same fashion as
your barbell sessions.


-Double it Up
Perform 6 repetitions of each movement in sequence. Rest 2 minutes. Repeat for
4-5 rounds.

A1). Double Swing

A2). Double Clean & Press
A3). Double Front Squat
A4). Double Push Press

-Crazy 8ʼs the Kettlebell Edition

Perform 8 repetitions of each movement. Rest for 2 minutes. Repeat for 6 rounds.

A1). Double Clean

A2). Double Racked Reverse Lunge (8/leg)
A3). Double Swing

-Rough Rider
Perform 5 repetitions of each movement on the right then move to the left with a
quick transition. Do not put the bell down until completion. Rest 2 minutes.
Repeat 3-4 rounds.

A1). 1-Arm Snatch Right

A2). 1-Arm Front Squat Right
A3). 1-Arm Push Press Right
B1). 1-Arm Snatch Left
B2). 1-Arm Front Squat Right
B3). 1-Arm Push Press Left

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About the Author

Callie Durbrow is a personal trainer, strength coach and self-proclaimed fitness geek.
She is the owner of Durbrow Performance Training in Somerville, MA and the creator of
Complex Conditioning.

She has trained over 900 clients and athletes since 2004 using her simple and efficient
style of training to get results. The focus is losing fat, gaining muscle weight and
boosting energy. Clients get lean and ripped and can finally stop worrying about the
number on the scale.

Callie has been nicknamed the “No B.S. Trainer” by fitness marketing guru Ryan Lee
and has honed her training and business craft with mentors including Zach Even-Esh,
Elliot Hulse, AJ Roberts, Chris McCombs, 7 Figure Sam and Ryan Lee himself.

She is a regular contributer to Fitness RX Women magazine and also writes for
EliteFTS, Personal Fitness Professional, strengthcoach.com and is the Amazon Best-
Selling Author of The Fad Free Fitness Formula.

To connect with Callie:



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Prograde is the company that I recommend for clients, friends and myself. They have
amazing and 100% pure products. You can set this up automatically on an auto-ship
and get your supplements every month with no hassle. You can certainly use other
brands but this is the highest quality and the easiest to purchase. Check it out.

Post Workout Shake


Protein Powder

Athletic Greens
Purely awesome stuff.


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