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IS 171 : 1993

( =i”cw
Indian Standard
( Fourth Revision )

UDC 677-Z 1.072-3

@ BIS 1993


NEW DELHI 110002

Price Groap 3
Cotton and Cotton Products Sectional Committee, TX 02

This Indian Standard ( Fourth Revision ) was adopted by the Bureau of lndian Standards, after the
draft finalized by the Cotton and Cotton Products Sectional Committee had been approved by the
Textile Division Council.
This standard first published in 1951 was subsequently revised in 1964, 1973 and 1985. This
standard has again been revised to upgrade the requirements for ring SPUYgrey cotton yarn
intended for use in weaving. While preparing this standard, the joint technological norms for-
mulated by the four textile research associations viz ATIRA, BTRA, ‘NITRA and SITRA were
taken into consideration.
In this revised version, the requirements of unevenness, imperfections and single yarn tenacity
have also been specified. Opportunity has also been taken to give information on yarn faults
based on ‘Classimat System’.
This standard covers the requirements for cotton yarns intended for use in powerlooms. The
requirements for cotton yarn for use in handlooms have been specified separately in this
This standard does not cover cotton yarn intended for use in high speed automatic/shuttleless
looms and yarn meant for export. Also this standard does not cover the requirements for cotton
yarns blended with regenerated cellulosic fibre.
Following are the other standards available on yarn:
1S 834 : 1993 Textiles - Ring spun grey cotton yarn for hosiery - Specification ( fourth
revision )
1s 7866 : 1993 Textiles -- Ring spun polyester blended grey yarn - Specification ( jirst revision )
IS 13683 : 1993 Textiles - Ring spun grey cotton yarn, superior type - Specification
IS 13684 : 1993 Textiles - Rotor spun grey COttOn yarn - Specification
IS 13719 : 1993 Textiles - Ring spun cotton regenerated cellulosic fibre blended grey yarn -
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with,
the final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis. shall be rounded
off in accordance with IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised )‘. I’he
number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the
specified value in this standard.

IS 171 : 1993

Indian Standard
( Fourth Revision )

1 SCOPE 3.6 Ring Spun Yarn

1.1 This standard specifies requirements of Yarn spun on a system employing flat top cards
ring spun ( single and doubled j grey cotton and roller drafting assemblies with or without
yarn for use in weaving. Cotton yarn intended aprons on drawing, roving and ring frames.
for use in handloom weaving has been classi-
fied separately. 3.7 Single Yarn Tenacity
Tensile stress of a single strand at rupture
1.2 This standard does not cover yarn produced expressed as force per unit linear density of
from blends of cotton with regenerated cellu- the unstrained specimen expressed usually as
losic fibres or any other fibre. cN/tex ( gf/tex ).
The standards listed in Annex A are necessary A number indicating the mass in grams of one
adjuncts to this standard. kilometre of yarn.
tex = We
3.0 For the purpose of this standard the
3.9 Two-Fold Yarn ( Doubled Yarn )
definitions given in 3.1 to 3.9 shall apply.
A yarn in which two single yarns are twisted
3.1 Cotton Count ( Ne ) together in one or t&‘o operations,
The number of hanks ( each measuring 768 m 4 REQUIREMEKTS
or 840 yd ) in 453.6 g ( or 1 lb ).
4.1 Single Yarn
3.2 Count Lea Strength Product ( CSP )
4.1.1 COW?? Of Yam
A number obtained by the following
relationship: The average count of yarn shall be as agreed
to betv,,een the buyer and seller. However: a
CSP = Breaking load of a lea in kg 2: tolerance of of 4 percent shall be permissible
Cotton count ( Ne ) x 2,204 6 on the count of yarn. The coefficient of variation of yarn
3.3 Grey Cotton Yarn count shall not exceed 4-S percent.
Yarn as it leaves the spinning frame without The count of yarn shall be determined
any bleaching, dyeing or finishing treatment by the method prescribed in IS 1315 : 1977.
and in case of open end yarn, waxed or not
waxed. 4.1.2 Lea Breaking Load
3.4 Lea The lea breaking load of yarn shall be deter-
mined b! the method prescribed in IS 1671 :
A continuous length of yarn measuring 109.73 m
( 120 yd ) in the form of a coil having 80 wraps 1977.
wound on a reel of I.37 m ( 1.5 yd ) girth. The coefficient of variation of lea
3.5 Lea Breaking Load breaking load shall not exceed 10.0 percent.

The breaking load of a lea determined on a The count lea strength product ( CSP )
pendulum type testing machine, the rate of of the varn shall conform to .the values speci-
traverse being 300 -+ 15 mm per minute. fied in ‘Table 1.
IS 171 : 1993

Table 1 CSP for Single Yarn 4.1.6 Evenness of Yarn

( Clause )
The unevenness percentage ( U percent ) ( see
Linear Density, Range CSP, ,Min also Note 1 ) and the imperfections per km of
the yarn on packages shall not exceed the
Carded Combed values given in Table 2 when tested at a speed
(K) (C) of 50 metres per minute and at sensitivity level
Coarser than 98 tex 1 100 -
(6sNe ) of 50 percent, 3 and 3 for thin places, thick
Above 37 tex ( 16s Ne ) 1 500 - places and neps respectively ( see Notes
up to 98 tex ( 6s Ne 1 2 and 3 ).
Above 18.5 tex ( 32s Ne ) 1 900 2 200
up to 37 tex ( 16s Ne ) NOTES
Above 12 tex ( 50s Ne ) 2000 2 300 1 The unevenness percent can be expressed as
up to 18.5 tex ( 32s Ne ) coefficient of variation of unevenness using the
Above 7.9 tex ( 75s Ne ) 2200 2 300 formula CV% = 1.25 x U %.
up to 12 tex ( 50s Ne ) 2 The speed and sensitivity -levels may be altered
7.9 tex ( 75s Ne) and finer 2 200 2 500 subject to the agreement between the buyer and the’
4.1.3 Single Yarn Breaking Tenacity 3 The speeds and sensitivity level are specified based
OII the most nopular instrument for determining
In case, the yarn on packages are tested for evenness by Zellweger Uster and other instruments
based on similar principle that are most commonly
yarn breaking tenacity in lieu of a lea breaking used in the testing for yarn.
load ( see 4.1.2 ), it shall be tested by the
method prescribed in IS 1670 : 1991. 4.1.7 Freedom from Defects The coefficient of variation of single The yarn shall be free from defects listed in
yarn breaking tenacity shall not exceed 14.0 Annex B.
NOTE - The yarn on packages may also be tested The minimum single yarn tenacity for classimat faults. For information the require-
expressed as cN/tex shall be 12.0 and 14.0 for meuts are given in Annex C that may be followed
for achieving good yarn quality.
carded yarn and combed yarn respectively.
NOTES 4.1.8 Moisture Regain
1 The reqmrements specified are applicable only for
counts 98 tex ( 6s Ne ) and finer. For counts coar- Unless otherwise agreed to between the buyer
ser than 98 tex ( 6s Ne ) this shall be as agreed to and the seller the moisture regain shall not
between the buyer and the seller. exceed 8.5 percent.
2 The values obtained as cN/tex is the breaking
length value in kilometres and is expressed as The moisture content shall be deter-
RKm . mined by the method prescribed in IS 199 :
4.1.4 Twist in Yarn 1989. The moisture content so determined
shall be converted to moisture regain using the
The twist in yarn shall be as agreed to between following formula:
the buyer and the seller and average twist
shall be within rtl0 percent of the specified M _ l!ox Mc
value. R - 100 - MC The twist in yarn shall be determined where
by the method prescribed in IS 832 : 1985.
MR = Moisture regain percent, and
4.1.5 Yarn Appearance /M, = Moisture content percent.
The average black board appearance ( 5 boards ) 4.2 Two-Fold Yarn ( Doubled Yarn )
shall be at least of grade C. In case of yarn
counts coarser than 98 tex ( 6s Ne ) this shall 4.2.1 The single yarn used for producing two-
be as agreed to between the buyer and the fold yarn shall satisfy the requirements speci-
seller. fied in 4.1.
NOTE - Indian Standard on determination of
appearance of cotton yarn using photographic 4.2.2 The average resultant count of the two-
standards is under preparation. Till the publication fold yarn shall be as agreed to between the
of this standard, ASTM-D,‘2255 Grading cotton buyer and the seller. However, a tolerance of
for appearance. issued by the American
%%tv for Testing and Materials, USA, shall be f 3 percent shall be permissible on the average
applicable. - resultant count.

IS 171 : 1993

Table 2 Unevenness of Yarn

( Clauxse4.1.6 )
Linear Density, Range Unevenness Imperfection/km
percent r---
Thin Thick Neps
Places Places
Coarser than 98 tex ( 6s Ne ) 16.0 300 600 900
Above 37 tex ( 16s Ne ) up to 98 tex ( 6s Ne ) 15.0 250 450 700
Above 18.5 tex ( 32s Ne > up to 37 tex ( 16s Ne 1 14.0 250 400 600
Above 12 tex ( 50s Ne ) up to 18.5 tey ( 32s Ne ) 15.0 300 700 1 100
Above 7.9 tex ( 75s Ne ) up to 12 tex ( 50s Ne ) 16.0 400 750 1 200
7.9 tex ( 75s Ne ) and finer 16.0 400 750 1 200
Coarser than 18.5 tex ( 32s Ne ) 13.5 50 300 400
Above 12 tex ( 50s Ne ) up to 18.5 tex ( 32s Ne ) 12.5 50 250 300
Above 7.9 tex ( 75s Ne ) up to 12 tex ( 50s Ne ) 13.5 75 250 300
7.9 tex ( 75s Ne ) and finer 13.5 100 300 350 The coefficient of variation of the 5 REQUIREMENTS FOR HANDLOOM

resultant count shall not exceed 3.5 percent. YARN The resultant count shall be determined 5.1 The yarn intended for use in handlooms,
as per the method prescribed in IS 1315 : 1977. if agreed to between the buyer and seller, shall
conform to the requirements given in 4.1 for
4.2.3 Lea Breaking Load single yarn and 4.2 for double yarn with the
modifications given in 5.1.1 to 5.1.3.
The lea breaking load of two-fold yarn shall be
determined by the method prescribed in 5.1.1 The CSP of single yarn shall conform to
IS 1671 : 1977. requirements given in Table 3. The coefficient of variation of lea 51.2 The minimum single yarn breaking tena-
breaking load shall not exceed 7-O percent. city expressed as cN/tex shall conform to the The count lea strength products ( CSP ) requirements as given below:
of two-fold yarn shall not be less than the value Type of Yarn cN/tex, Min
calculated by the following relationship:
Carded 10.8
CSP of two = CSP of corresponding single Combed 12.5
fold yarn yarn given in Table 1 x l-18
4.2.4 The ply twist in the two-fold yarn shall 1 The requirements specified are applicable only for
be as agreed to between the buyer and the counts 98 tex ( 6s Ne ) and finer. For counts
seller, and the average ply twist shall be coarser than 98 tex ( 6s Ne ) this shall be as agreed
within &-5 percent of the specified value. to between the buyer and the seller.
2 The values obtained as cN/tex is the breaking The twist shall be determined by length value in kilometres and is expressed as
method prescribed in IS 832 : 1985. RKm.
Table 3 CSP for Single Yarn
( Clause 51.1 )
Linear Density, Range CSP, Min
GZi Cornbe>
(K) ( C)
Coarser than 98 tex ( 6s Ne ) 1 000 -
Above 37 tex ( 16s Ne ) up to 98 tex ( 6s Ne ) 1 350 -
Above 18.5 tex ( 32s Ne ) up to 37 tex ( 16s Ne ) I 700 2000
Above 12 tex ( 50s Ne ) up to 18.5 tex ( 32s Ne ) I 800 2 050
Above 7.9 tex ( 75s Ne ) up to 12 tex ( 50s Ne ) 2 000 2 150
7.9 tex ( 75s Ne ) and finer 2000 2 250
IS 171 : 1993

5.1.3 The maximum permissible unevenness and 8 SAMPLING

imperfections in the yarn shall be as specified
in Table 4. 8.1 Lot

6 MARKING In any consignment the bales or cases contain-

ing yarn of the same quality and of the same
6.1 Each cone or cheese of yarn shall be nominal count shall constitute a lot.
marked with the following:
8.2 Samples shall be drawn from each lot to
a) Indication of the source of manufacture; determine its conformity with the requirements
of the standard.
b) Count of yarn;
Cl The words ‘carded’ or ‘combed’ alter- 8.3 Unless otherwise agreed to between the
natively initials ‘K’ for carded or ‘C’ for buyer and the seller the number of cases or
combed, as applicable; bales to be selected from a lot shall be in
4 The words ‘handloom yarn’ for yarns accordance with Table 5. The bales or cases
conforming to 5 if agreed to between shall be selected at random, and in order to
the buyer and the seller; ensure the randomness of selection, guidance
may be obtained from IS 4905 : 1968.
e) Net mass of yarn in package; and
f) Any other information required by the Table 5 Sampling
buyer or by the law in force.
6.2 Each case containing cones or cheeses Lot Size Sample Size
shall be marked with the following: up to 3 1
4 to 10 2
a) Indication of the source of manufacture,
11 to 30 3
fJ) Count of yarn, 31 to 50 5
C) Gross mass of baie or case: Over 50 8
4 Net mass of bale or case, and
e>Any other information required by the 8.4 At least 10 packages,
bales or cases._ selected in
in case two or less
the sample, _and five
buyer or by the law in force. . . _._.
packages, if- otherwise, shail be drawn at
6.3 The package may also be marked with the random from each of the selected bale or case.
Standard Mark. The number of leas to be meoared from each
7 PACKING package shall not be great& than 5. As far as
possible, equal number of leas shall be prepared
7.1 Unless otherwise agreed, the yarn shall be from each of the selected package. The number
packed in accordance with the procedure laid of leas so selected from the lot shall be equal
down in IS 1347 : 1972. to 30.

Table 4 Unevenness of Handioom Yarn

( Cluuse 5.1.3 )

Linear Density, Range Une-fenness

‘Thin Thick Nep:
Places Places
Coarser than 98 tex ( 6s Ne ) 17.5 400 750 1 250
Above 37 tex ( 16s Ne ) up to 98 tex ( 6s Ne ) 16.5 340 600 950
Above 18.5 tex ( 32s Ne ) up to 37 tex ( 16s Ne ) 15.5 340 540 750
Above 12 tex ( 50s Ne ) up to 18.5 tex ( 32s Ne ) 16.5 400 950 1 500
Above 7.9 tex ( 75s NC ) up to 12 tex ( 50s Ne ) 17.5 540 775 1 620
7.9 tex ( 75s Ne ) and finer 17.5 540 775 1 620
Coarser than 18.5 tex ( 32s Ne ) 14.5 60 375 500
Above 12 tex ( 50s Ne ) up to 18.5 tex ( 32s Ne) 13.5 60 315 375
Above 7.9 tex ( 75s Ne ) up to 12 tex ( 50s Ne ) 14.5 95 315 375
7.9 tex ( 75s Ne ) and finer 14.5 125 375 435

IS 171 : 1993

8.4.1 In case single yarn breaking tenacity is for the count is less than those specified
determined, the number of tests shall not be values.
less than 50.
b) The count lea strength product or break-
8.5 Criteria for Conformity ing tenacity; as the case may be, is
greater than or equal to the minimum
The lot shall be considered as conforming to specified values, and the coegicient of
the requirements of this standard, if the variation is less than the specified values.
following conditions are satisfied:
C>All the test specimens examined for
a) The average count calculated from the defects, appearance, evenness, twist,
test results lies within the tolerances moisture, shall satisfy the relevant
specified and the coefficient of variation requirements.

( Clause 2 )
IS No. Title IS No. Title
199 : 1989 Method for estimation of 1347 : 1972 Tnland packaging of cotton
moisture, total size, or finish, cloth and yarn (first revision )
ash and fatty matter in grey 1670 : 1991 Textiles - Yarn - Deter-
and finished textile materials mination of breaking load
( third revision ) and elongation at break of
single strand (second revision )
832 : 1985 Methods for determination of
twist in yarn (first revision ) 1671 : 1977 Method for determination of
yarn strength parameters of
1315 : 1977 Method for determination of yarns spun on cotton system
linear density of yarns spun ( first revision )
on cotton system ( first
revision ) 4905 : 1968 Methods for random sampling

( c1u24se 4.1.7 )

B-l COMMON DEFECTS OF YARN ON h) Ribbon formation, and

j) Drum cuts.
a) Stitches of more than 2.5 cm in length -.
at the base,
b) Excessive stitches at the nose, 4 Improper leasing;
cl Soft cones or cheeses, b) Nose and tail-end not tied with tie yarn;
d) Collapsed cones or cheeses, cl Entanglement;
4 Presence of many knots with long tail-
e) Prominent stains inclusive of chalk and ends;
other markings,
e) Presence of hard waste;
f) Cut threads, Excessive presence of twistlessness,
irregular twist or cork screw effects in
g) Absence of tail end where it is required case of plied yarns; and
and the length of the tail-end should not
be less than 30 cm, 8) Plying of wrong counts.

Is 17ki993

( Clause 4.1.7, Note )


Linear Density, Range Objectional Faults/ Total Faults/

100 000 m, 100 000 m,
Max Max
Coarser than 37 tex ( 16s Ne ) 30 2 700
Above 12 tex ( 50s Ne ) and up to 18.5 tex ( 32s Ne ) 40 3 700
12 tex ( 50s Ne ) and finer 45 5 400
Coarser than 37 tex ( 16s Ne ) 25 1 275
Above 12 tex ( 50s Ne ) and up to 18.5 tex ( 32s Ne ) 35 1 900
12 tex ( 50s Ne ) and finer 40 2 050
NOTE - The classimat faults are tested by CLASSIMAT SYSTEM instrument developed by Uster, and most
commonly used in the mills.

!Standard Mark
The use of the Standard Mark is governed by the provisions of the Bureau of Indian
Standards Act, 1986 and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. The Standard Mark
on products covered by an Indian Standard conveys the assurance that they have been
produced to comply with the requirements of that standard under a well defined system
of inspection, testing and quality control which is devised and supervised by BIS and
operated by the producer. Standard marked products are also continuously cheked by
BE for conformity to that standard as a further safeguard. Details of conditions under
which a licence for the use of the Standard Mark may be granted to manufacturers or
producers may be obtained from the Bureau of Indian Standards”
Bureau of Indian Standards
BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, I986 to
promote harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality
certification of goods and attenting to connected matters in the country,

BIS has copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced
in any form without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does no? preclude the free use,
in the course of implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type
or grade designations. Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director
( Publications ), BIS.

Revision of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards
are also reviewed periodicahy; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review
indicates that no changes are needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed: it is taken
up for revision. Users of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the
latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of ‘BIS Handbook’ and ‘Standards
Monthly Additions’. Comments on this Indian Standard may be sent BIS giving the following

Dot : No. TX 02 ( 2711 )

Aendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected


Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi 11002
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Printed at Printwell Printers, Aligarh, India

( Fourth Revision )
(Page> 6, Annex C ) - Substitute the follmving for existing malter:


Linear Density, Range Objectionable Total Faults/100 000 m

Faults/100 000 m ( see Note 2 )
o<> cc:) (K) ((7
Coarser than 18.5 tex 30 25 2 700 1 275
( Coarser than 32s NC )
Above 12 tex and up 40 25 3 700 1900
to 18.5 tex ( 32s Ne to
kss than 50s Nc )
12 tex and finer 45 40 5 400 2 050
( 50s Ne and finer j


Reprography Unit, BIS. New Delhi, lndia

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