Warning Order
Warning Order
Warning Order
designers keep going back to? I got my start in gaming during that era and I can
remember some good times playing micro-armor battles, the Victory Games Fleet
series, monster games of GDW’s Third World War, and hundreds of Harpoon sce-
narios. It was fun to discuss the strategy, the equipment, and possible outcomes be-
WASATCH FRONT HISTORICAL cause so much was unknown at that time and it was a very real possibility. But guess
what? IT DIDN’T HAPPEN! Now, however, games like Harpoon: High Tide,
Meets every other Friday night in the Salt Lake City, Utah area. S&T’s Group of Central Forces Germany, and many forthcoming and proposed titles
We play Age of Reason, Age of Discovery, Age of Eagles,
Blitzkrieg Commander, Flames of War, Phantoms, Wild West, continue to revisit this subject. There are also numerous threads on TMP about
TSATF, Battles For Empire, and more...
gaming it with miniatures using various rules sets. Why? With what we know now,
Warning Order is published three times a year.
E-mail: mirsik1@juno.com
the Warsaw Pact would not have fared too well and it never happened, so I’m unsure
about what the point is. I can see wanting to game a Chinese invasion of Taiwan,
Syria vs. Israel in a Golan Heights rematch, or other hypothetical conflicts, but go-
The best in historical miniatures ing back in time for this seems odd. Is it for old times sake? Does it bring back good
gaming. memories of long lost gaming periods? To me it’s kind of like gaming a 1920s Japan
vs. U.S. war, the 1946 stuff that’s out there now, or a Russian invasion of Afghani-
stan during the British Victorian era. These things might provide an interesting one
Visit our site at: time game, but to devote a lot of resources and time to them seems odd. However,
www.wfhgs.com my views won’t stop anyone from trying these periods. I’m already looking forward
to the next thread on TMP titled, “How can I use my Zulus and Zeppelins in Boxer
Rebellion games?”