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New 19th Century

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19th Century Philippines as

Rizal’s Context

Agumen, Leizel Grace P.
Najali, Nadeem
Nineteenth Century
Era of challenges and
responses. A period of major
changes which affected men
in the society.
6 important changes in the 19th century

1. Struggle of Nationalism
2. Gradual spread of Democracy
3. Modernization of living though the Industrial
4. Advance of Science
5. March of Imperialism
6. New current in the movement of though and
growing confidence in progress
Struggle of Nationalism
Nationalism- is a sense of loyalty or psychological
attachment members of nation share, based on a
common language, history, culture and desire for
independence ;a feeling that drives a person together
as a nation ;love of the country expressed in devotion to
and advocacy of national interest and independence.

Struggle of Nationalism

Nationalism- is a sense of loyalty or

Throughout the 19th century, many
people revolted against their rulers.
The development of Nationalism in the
Philippines was very slow. It only began
after the unjust execution of Fathers
Throughout the 19th
Gomez, Burgus century,
and Zamora many
on February
people revolted against their rulers.
The development of Nationalism in
the Philippines was very slow. It only
Spread of liberalism and Democracy

Nationalism and democracy were the Political

ideas of the 19th century. Liberalism demanded
the representative government as opposed to
legally separate classes ;specific individual
freedoms, freedom of the press, freedom of the
speech, freedom of assembly, freedom from
arbitrary arrest.
Democracy was non-existent in the Philippines
in the 19th century. The ecclesiastical and civil
authorities then were not inclined to grant basic
human rights to the Filipinos for the Spanish
authorities believes that if the Filipinos will
enjoy basic rights and freedom, they would be
motivated to work for independence and topple
Industrial Revolution

- refers to the transformation of

manufacturing brought about
byIndustrial Revolution
the invention and use of
machines it also refers to a
shift from
refers tohandwork to
the transformation of manufacturing
shift from and use of
also to the to a shift from
factory system.
handwork to machine work and a shift from
the domestic style to the factory system.
Advent of Science

The rapid expansion of scientific knowledge

profoundly influence western thought in the 19th
century. Science was not given emphasis in the
Philippines in the 19th century. Rizal stressed rhis
point in the novel, El Filibustiresmo. University
study in their Advent
class inof
Sciencewere not given the
opportunity to manipulate laboratory apparatus nor
given the chance to undertake experiment to prove
or disprove scientific hypothesis.
Optimism and Confidence in Progress

Optimism is faith in society and man's

ability to progress was brought about by
the advancement of science the coming
of steam - powered industry and the
spread of liberalism and socialism.
1.Extension of human rights to many people.
2.Promotion of higher education for men
and women.
3.Education for nationalism in school.
4.Investment in science to serve mankind.
5.Improvement of public health through the
establishment of numerous Hospital.
6.Emergence of realistic literature, depicting
the life of the time.
Historic Changes made by Modern Imperialism

Imperialism is the ability of a nation in extending

its control and authority beyond its terrorial
boundaries through the acquisition of new
The West relied on force to conquer and rule, and
treated non-Western people as racial inferior. Then,
non-Western elites armed with Western doctrines,
gradually responded to Western challenge.
They launched a national, anti - imperialist struggle
for Dignity, Genuine Independent, and Modernization.
Colonized people started to assert their rights to self-
determination or the right to choose the kind of
Government under, which they would live.

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