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Mawhinney Arrest Warrant (01!07!20)

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INFORMATION syueorcowecncur a en test "SUPERIOR COURT {8P-19.00260570 NCPD-18.8100| CSP Westem District Major Cre Squad eo Title, Allegation and Counts ‘ae see a TT MAWINEY, Kon. South Windsor 24 Steyn Road, South Windsor ST 06074 ernrioes _|Zhgundelqned Prosecuting Teor Tn Garena —|caaram ofthe tte of Conneticut Stanford =o charge ta ‘CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT MURDER i rol | ites ree m - Nw Canaan —_[osaz0v9 Sec, Se ta Sa Toner Wa ar aan eT TES] FS wa C seeciher eet tor eacttonal counts | / [ 20-2 tea ne Court Action aT aT = er a — ar ‘ao om Boos on fom Romer ae Baar 1 2 ame = 2 ERR i ie ie fenton. Cirenanieant [Jfetnre tet sadeaant a i a ad ie fers few frre [ro wre TRIER — aro TTR OSL pemaer INFORMATION stor comecneut aera cornet ‘sUnenion COUNT Sa = — 6-4. 00260870 NcPD-18.6190 [COP Wester Dict Maor Grime Squad eat ‘Arrest Warrant SE [Su or Conese. MAWHINEY, Kent "To: fay Proper Office ofthe Sate of Comnedtent ‘By Authoriy ofthe State of Connecticut, you are hereby commanded to ares the body ofthe wihir-named accused." al hat apay) (1 A. Accused is ordered to be brought before a rk or. DB Accused isnot nie to ba A,B orboth are checked above, you shall without undue delay bring the arested person before the clerk ‘or asian clerk ofthe Siperor Gout forthe geographical area where the offense le alloged to have been ‘omitted, ofthe cles offe is na open toa communtycorecional center wihin sid geographical fare, of the nearest community corectional cone no such canter exit inthe goographeal aa, oF 0 the Correctional nstuton as tho case may be. sien sats 72,000, 000. CTarw aucllian Lallacy) |i [EB Non financial conationsorlease: stant ork ofthe Superior Cour. (1 Eons arate ot torn by So Brecon PY Haut, 7 aoa) ae Return On Arrest farrant Sr [shamed "7 2-20 _|BisteotConecieut ar es ae eT a Tomine alta eee al play lente nee nc mane Lee 2 ae ‘her Sou acton ee [ARREST WARRANT APPLICATION Fa Case Oa Donen tee STATE OF CONNECTICUT “at Eoin ‘SUPERIOR COURT Yes Fr ts, s0s 09 emt "rato aa Fer ‘C8P-18-00260570 / NCPO-18-6180 | CSP Western District Major Crime Squad Nexo ot as Foe Sarlicad oo) MAWHINNEY, Kent, South Windsor Stanvord ‘eves 01 ‘Application For Arrest Warrant ‘To: A Judge of he Supedor Court ‘The undersigned hereby appli for awarrant forthe ares ofthe above-named accused on the basis of he fats sotforn inthe Da] Afedavit Below. Aiavife) tached Salk vot seen Sam ‘Affidavit ‘The undersigned affiant being uly ever, deposes and says: 4LAFRIANT: That your ffiant, Detective Joho Kimbal sa member of the Connecticut State Police with twenty-sic years of law enforcement experience. Your affiant as been asigned as a detective withthe Western District Major Crime Squad (WDMCS) Troop G ofice fr more than ten years and ha, ata pertinent times mentioned herln, been acing a his official capacty at 2 member of ad department. The foloving facts and ccumstances ae stated from personal knowledge, observation, and investigation, a5 well 3s from information received from brother and sister officers acting in ‘theofficial eapacty. 2, INITIAL MISSING PERSON REPORT: That on Friday May 24, 20132 6:59 PM, the New Canaan Police Department (WP) received the ini part of Missing Pereon dented at Jennifer Farber Duos of 69 Welles Lane, ew Canaon, CT refered ton this affidavit as “knife” or a5 “Victin.”) Two cose persona ends of Jennifer, later identified as {aurl Watts and Lauren Almede, were aware that Jenifer had missed two prevoutly scheduled doctor appointments in "New York ity earlier nthe day. These complainants, along wit other members of Jennifer’ family, had tied to contact Jennifer without success. After hours had passed and Jennifer was uncharactersticalyout of touch with her family and her five minor chilren, Ms, Watts and Ms, Almeida went to NCPD ta inform police Jennifer was missing. NCPD officers responded tothe 69 Welles Lane restlence where they located suspected bload evidence on a Range Rover parked inthe enter garage bay. Jennifer was not cated inside the residence, NCPO Investigation Division Ofe Thomas Patten responded to the scene and located aditiona evidence indicative ofa crime scene. NCPD contacted the Connecticut State Police for assistance, and detedives fom the WOMCS Troop G office andthe Crime Van responded tothe scene. 3. INTIAL MISSING PERSON CASE: The New Canaan Police Department ited a Missing Person Investigation which RIMARY CELLPHONE (860-478-8625): On 05/25/19 -the same day Duos cellphone was seized at approximately 247 PN - detectives presented an affidavitin Stamford Superior Court outlining facts known 28 of 2:47 PM tat date. Upon review, the court ssued a Search 8 Seizure Warrant a 8:50PM for Dulot’ handset selzed ter that date. [As vestigation progressed, a second cellar handset witha separate cellar number was seized rom Dulos. For lary, the lst four dgtsof Duos" cellphones are referenced = inthis cate “8625-"] ‘9, INITIAL HARTFORD INFORMATION: On 05/25/19 a forensic examination of Dules (8625) cellphone provided information that Duos handset wasin the area of Albany Avenue in Hartford during the seven clock hour of 05/24/19. 410. ALBANY AVENUE VIDEO CANVASS: On 05/29/19 WDMCS detectives began to canvas the ares of Fairmont treet, Green Street and Albany Avenue inthe cty of Hartford which resuted in the development of footage showing a large, dark colored pickup track consistent nth the 2014 Ford Raptor registered to Fore Group traveling inthe area on 05/24/29 at approximately 7:40 PM, 11, HARTFORD -C4 SURVEILLANCE VIDEO: On 05/30/19 WOMCS detectives contacted the Hartford Police Department ‘Special Operations Group, Capital ly Command Center (C8) and requested ther assistance in determining Duos ‘activites nthe area of Albany Avenue. CA located a male wearing a light-colored shit, dark pants, and ball ap this individual was subsequent Wentfie as Duos. He was observed operating a large, black-olred pickup truck which was later identified as 2014 Ford F150 VT Raptor pickup truck (CT Plate: SIOYEC) registered to The Fore Group ne. A female ‘passenger in the Ford Raptor was shewn on survelance ad subsequently identified as Dulas’ ied, Michelle Trocons. C4 mapped out Dulos' movement as he deposited multiple blak colored paste garbage bags into several rash receptacles during the evening of 05/24/19, The mapping inched the folowing pols + raua6pM Ablock Ford Reptor enters the eee of Albeny Avenue covered by llartford Plice surveillance ‘eameras from the west ‘+ 7:32:01 PM -A Ford Raptors shown traveling eastbound along Albany Avenue ‘+ 732.07 PM A Ford Raptor tums right from Albany Avenue onto southbound Milford treet. As the vehicle tepag of 1p at) ecloy = Or-04-Zodo oe coe Gs [ere [ARREST WARRANT APPLICATION ‘perenne STATE OF CONNECTICUT faiee SUPERIOR COURT SOE sa neon =a ——— SS ST STN MAWHNNEY, Kent. South Windsor Stamford [seston ot Affidavit - Continued passes trough the camera's of view, several plastic bags can be seen nthe rear bed of the pickup. At this point the truck raves through potion of ety streets not covered by surveillance cameras or approximately ‘+ 7:39:13 PM -A Ford Raptore-emerges onto Albany Avenue and tues ight to travel eastbound again, At pproninatly 7.39 PM, the vehicle stops at Albany Avenue and Garden Street and the male gts out OFMe ‘river's seat, grabs a black pstic bag an places it int a rash receptacle on the sidewalk. The camera angle ‘shows the rear bed ofthe tuck = now largely empty of bags, ‘7240557 PM - A Ford Raptor :ontinues eastbound on Albany Avenve unlit reaches Center Stret, where the Arver conducts a U-Turn to wave westbound again along Albany Avenue. As thetruck passes the camera, the rear bed ofthe truck i seen‘a hold only one black paste bag. ‘+ 71:24 PM -A Ford Raptors shown from behind traveling westbound on Albany Avenue and stoping at Green Street. The male emerges fram the drive’ seat, retrieves the ast garbage bag while standing to the rear ofthe ‘ruck, and escards the bag tothe trashcan ‘+ 7:50:05 Pi - Ford Raptoravels westbound along toward Albany Avenue until passes out of he ares of surellance coverage at approximately 7:50 PM, 12, ADDITIONAL C4 VIDEO: CA video showed Dus remove what appeared tobe a large, rgd object frm the ear ofthe Ford Raptor and lean i up against a Luling. The object was consistent with the appearance ofa WeatherTech brand ear cargo lines determined to be ming from Jennifer: 2017 Chevrolet Suburban. é vdeo alsa showed an unidentified person removing what appeared tobe light-colored piece of materal containing a large blood tain. This Rem appeared consistent with one of wwosmall camping pllows which Jennifer's nanny, Laren Ameid, reported were rissng fom the garage storage shelves at the 69 Welles Lane crime scene, Investigators ubsequenty enti and Interviewed the homeless male who old investigators he ad seen what he described ea "bloody plow bt he had not taken the tem, 13, RECOVERY OF EVIDENCE FROM ALBANY AVENUE: That detectives checked trash receptacles shown on surveillance ‘and recovered garbage bags consistent withthe black garbage bags shown on Cé vdeo, what appeared tobe cut clothing {and undergarments with a blood-ike substance (8.5), plstic zip tes containing BLS, other Items and household goods 5 ltchen sponge) with biood:-ike stans, and other household trash ems. Numerous ems recovered from trash receptacles corresponding to dump lations shown on C4 video were submitted tothe Department of Emereency Poli Pret (DESPF), Dion sf Furcrak. Scene Laburatoryfcated at 278 Colony street Im Merisen Cr. (Refer to the table onthe next pig fora portion ofthe esl) apo ot 1 pap Att) ram i atascor mr eee is “ ib leow [ARREST WARRANT APPLICATION eo oe Series ‘SUPERIOR COURT BERLE eases renee | MAWHININEY, Kent, D. ‘Affidavit - Continu Tse papel | HAN ur [ite ae Aah ers Sagan i Mates ts sa Tick ny A Mates en Oo ete ‘nar es ed ATS A Maoh ere Das ied A ates fr Oe Safa a= bene / ren St Ger portant Pa DNA iste err De Garage ag Ay, / ren es parte (oo A se en Oe ‘Gata a= Abaya wees se lene erage ag Aye. /ran ‘Sani Yas an BRR Tel ——[ OHA teeta ‘ata af ay e/a (2 ste garbng sped top| DNA Match oth eter Duos & | Grape ag AbP ve. rest] wbackape chal acon Sk ss bagw]Bacage | BWA Nach ear ‘aap ag Aye Ten 5 [a Pes of sk bag wih Jct ape Rp nen Pert of FD [arg ag eye. ren S | TiTorbick te artnet ‘Garage ag Abe ve /Srean St ‘Noatonone sie wth efirowm | Reh le geri ots es {tenranaactape staceatoaes| Ls le gyn Fote oon stem Swain eaginrat nat | DHA Mae ener Dole age og Aye [ean bode sino porto Ah enters assay bye rean st Sabi am vss ag Aah Sefer Os Guage Brgy e/a [suas fom argo Sacrape | OMA Wath ser ub ‘Gao bof- Abana rent ‘Sood tin om entero non] DRAW ee Ds Gate Sag Abana Peeen aap pte ‘Seatng icy 2 fae RA NAR Te DOE ‘aap ag aye lesen og ‘asin gape ond aeparate] BHA MSN fer DOr aags a= Ra Maron BNA stent For ou uA tent Mele ons 14, RECOVERY OF ALTERED LICENSE PLATES: CA survellence video also showed Dulos pacing large, whte-colored ler into a storm dain atthe ntenection of Albany Avenue and Adams Steet. Detectives and Metopoltan Ostet ‘Commision personnel responded the intersection and acessed the drain. Alarge,white-colored FedEx envelope was remove rom the drain and secured by detectives. The envelope was found to contain two Connecticut passenger plates ‘hich intl appeared to red "SIGWBU." Upon clrernpaction,datactvesdecovred the pat had been akered ‘sing what appeared tobe ble tape anda clear adhesive. ACOLLECTINCIC check ofthe plat ast appeared to red [PSTEWBU"]ylelded no informatie. When detectives determined the etl plates wee "516WD.” & COLLECTINCIC ‘heck the actual alphs numeric Ite the plates CANCELLED on 2007 Chewroet Suburban regitered to Fotis Duos (hs pap bot 7a) SLE ss roseas ie we whe LOL DO: | —— Pe ewe Yen PUK 7-6 2020 UY [ARREST WARRANT APPLICATION enen ton STATE OF CONNECTICUT Pas ‘SUPERIOR COURT SORSEE sea see me Te iat at Fe ET TOT = MAWHINNEY, Kent, D. South windsor Stamford eran 0 ‘Affidavit - Continued 15, INMIAL INTERVIEW WITH MICHELE TROCONS: A ofthe rating ofthis, ls has provided absolutely 0 Coopuratn flaw evfrcrent in ternvestgaton i Jenifer deapperares. Ivestigptors have tre ul finda corso Sng ons/A/1 NCD pesanaded onsen OTe, | faving mutt phone messages for bat cal bck, Trocon edo espond any ofthe NCPD mesages. On thyuu/i aetecivesconauteinetetrenew with Tocont mNGPD fesdgvrary lowing her nicarexon te | Stove chores, Toco attorney, ew Bouma, was reser n he room dng lluestning. During ths ile | imerse, econ offered her fs version othe evra the date of emnfers appearance ria 0/24/38) 3 wll the creunsancslesdng upto! dy See eee cee een | [interview #2 Starting in her secone interview, Trocois provided the following reasons fr why she and Dulos had ven out the Al erp 1+ Troconis tated that on either Saturday 05/25/39 or Sunday 05/27/39 she was present fora phone conversation between Oulos and his fami attorney, Jacob Pyetraner, a which Pyetranker instructed Dulas to write out a precise timeline of his actors on Wednesday 05/22/19 =the date of his ast visitation with his children which had fsccured, in part at lennifers home (68 Welles Lane). Trocons reported the attorney ha to Duos to write ‘down everything he had done dul the vit to Jennifer's home” Pyetranker specially told Duos to record ‘whether or not he had entered Jennifer's home. Toconls remembered being surprised that Duls had been to Jennifer's home that date beause Duos hd told her the vsittion occurred at Grace Farms in New Canean, “rocons continued, “Fotis gues, 'No | dd not goin the house)’ And he [Pytranker sald, "Make sure. Where did you guys eat? Dulos continved to say, "no dit [go nse the house] but. yes, hugged the ds, we Played don" know fa hae went in” + Fallowing the call Troconis confronted Duos: “mike, Fotis, where were you on Wednesday? Because you told me you went to Grace Farms." Duls ainitted he had gone to Jenifers house and added they had eaten ‘outside. Toconis reported Cus ha tld her, “Jacob was saying write down everything as you were bythe time ‘you spent inJenifer’s house Where di you eat? Od you put any plates aside the house? Did you do you (rm pan 7 of 17 poe hao) we els 7977 Psp Pidt nary pret Pex we Sie 7-6 2ox0 [ARREST WARRANT APPLICATION ‘pene to STATE OF CONNECTICUT eae ‘SUPERIOR COURT BARES oa es eo Tae Ea SST a Tad —| STAT [MAWHINNEY, Kent, South windsor Stamford Io ‘Affidavit - Continued ‘remember going tothe bathroom?" Dulos repeated to Trconi that he had not entered Jennifer's home. "+ Detectives pointed out tat recording their timelines, both she and Duls had chosen to omit the trip to dump trash in artford, to which Troconis replied, know” When Taconis was tld ths looked ba,” that she and ‘ules had flied to record petetaly incriminating information, Trocons replied, "Ok! know.” Troconls dened {hat Bulos ad told her to leave certain tems ou ofthe seript. She reported Dulos had tld her to wrt out the highlights of her day's events ‘+ when asked if Oulos was deating what story Teocons shoul tel plc, she responded, “Wel, obviously was for re to say. but he wa trying to be more accurate. but with le With ale ale. That's what m saying He Was trying fl things that ont remember with things that ad’. was’ true.” 17, SOURCES OF INFORMATION: Troconis submitted to two subsequent voluntary interviews inthe presence of her attorney in which she presented vaty diferent accounts ofthe events of 05/24/19. Additional, the ater setzure and Search warrant execution on Duos an Trocons' cellphone provided another source of information, Detectives also Secured varlous sources of resdentia and commercial surveillance footage. Therefore, these sources of information for Trocons included! interview #1 (Date: 06/02/19) 2. Albi Scripts (Date: 06/03/19) 3 Intervew a2 (Date: 06/06/19 ‘Interview a3 (Date: 08/33/19} 5-Troconis Cellphone Data 6 Dulos Celihone Data 7. Residential Surveillance 18, TROCONIS INTERVIEW CLAIMS: n each of er Interviews, Trocons offered aims which conflicted with her other Interviews, and even, sometimes, portions ofthat same laterview. When confonted with confit nthe nfocmaton she ‘was providing whether they be incorsistences with othe answers or contradictions to surellance sources, Trocons ‘would only provide “more truthful informatio, sometimes moeifying or changing her answer in the mide oft 49. DULOS' WHEREABOUTS: Duringher three Interviews, Toconls provide a varity of explanations when asked if Dulos was home at 4 Jefersn Crossing in Farmington when she awoke the morning of 05/24/39 {interview #2] Trocons' statements iecluded: ‘+ 0905/24/19 both she and Dulos had woke up at thelr residence at 6:40.AM. She told investigators that she and Dulos had showered and were intimate together before she made breakfast for her daughter an then drove her toschoo ey eyes. Zee Enbgy 4871 On OY Doze. g # PE TioiDave a Tole PT [7-6 2090 [ARREST WARRANT APPLICATION eer STATE OF CONNECTICUT Eee ‘SUPERIOR COURT FORE eases aon oc Tse TROT Raia Toa TTT ep MAWHINNEY, Kent, D. South Windsor Stamford ierame ot ‘Affidavit - Continued ‘+ When pressed on whether Culos wes home that morning, Troconis admitted, “So, maybe he [Ouls] wasn't home” the enti morning. But Trocnis continued to stil provide Duos with an aii or tat morning from 6:40 ‘AM until 8:15 AM, She reported lat seeing Duos that morning at 15 AM in the Fore Group office with ‘Mawhinney. Trocons explained that she was out of the house fom 9:00 AM to 11:30AM, which provides her with plausible denisbiltyforthet tne period ‘+ when asked to clay if Dules was home on the mocning of 05/24/39, Trocons dd not answer the question, Instead, she mmedltely began teling investigators what SHE had been doing by saying, “Al hy morning | have ‘doing He was in the house | have tests” Detectives continued to ask about Dulos whereabouts and Troconis ultimately acknowiedged, “So aye he wasnt home.” {interview 82] From the very beginning ofthe second interview, Tracons continued toe about seeing Dulos onthe ‘moming of 05/24/18, ‘+ Troconis was asked if Duls i atthe home when she woke up at 640 AM, Trocons fist reported, “He was there when we woke up. He was nthe hous.” When Troconis was tld investigators had evidence showing Duos was not inthe house, Trocons resid, “Olay” Trocons proceeded to cover her fae with her hands, wipe er eyes, fd then tried to change the subject. | + Trocons' attorney, Andrew Bowman, tried to clarify with Trocons to see if she actualy sw Duos onthe morning (0 05/24/19. Troconis hedge her answer but acquesced tha she dd NOT see Dulas on that day unl between, 1:00 PM and 2:00 Pv, ‘+ Trocons was asked if there was tension between Duos and herself because of hs divorce andthe problems surrounding it. Her responsewas, "We ight athe time, Detectives asked Troconsf the turmoll might be @ ‘motivating factor to get i of Jennifer. Troconis reported that Duos had expressed to er that he never thought Jennifer would do thi to him. and that he never saw "this side of her.” Trocons also conveyed Oulos had tla her, “Sometimes hope she disappears.” {interview #3] n this interview, Trocen' statements included: ‘+ Investigators asked Troconi she is ready to admit that she was not one hundred percent truthful with Investigators during her fist wo interviews. Troconis hesitated before answering Ves.” Investigators asked ‘Trozonis if Dulas was hort when she shut off ie als vn 05/24/39 at 6:40 AM. Trocons began shaking Mer head left toright as she respended, "No." Detectives confirmed, “He was not there?” Traconis answered, "No * Investigators asked Troconis she showered that morning with Duos. Trocons responded, “No, Idis't Trocons ultimately admitted she had ot seen Duos inthe bedroom, nthe shower, or anyuhere eee inthe np 0101p A) ee = "elu |" eee ARREST WARRANT APPLICATION enrnblees STATE OF CONNECTICUT eapfie ‘SUPERIOR COURT Frat SS Sa ses se9 ere oa [MAWHINNEY, Kent, D. South Windsor ‘Stamford ketone O ‘Affidavit - Continued house that morning unt oan time when Duos called upto he for unch 20, FORE GROUP MEETING & DULOS'CELLPHONE: Trocons told investigators inher ist interview that there was 3 Fore {Group meeting onthe morning of 0/24/19 inthe office area of 4 Jefferson Crosing which wa atended by Dulos and Kent Mawhinney. Troconls accountwas contradicted by her suleyuent ina ad Uy Mamie. [interview #4] During the intial intesiew, Trocons claims included: ‘+ Duos was inthe Fore Groupoffice section ofthe residence conducting a busines meeting with attorney Kent ‘Mawhinney the morning of 5/28/19 at approximately 8:15 AM. She ultimately tld thee diferent versions of this “meeting” Trocons firs sad she saw Mawhinney and Duos both siting ata table talking with one another ater, Troconis indicated sheonly heard Mawhinney and Duos talking but never saw the two of them together sting at the table, And final, Troconsreprted she only heard Mawhinney talking but dd not se ot heat Oulos. ‘+ Troconis tated she greeted Mawhinney in the Fore Group office that morning, (In an interdew, Mawhinney sximitted to investigators he was atthe Fore Group office that morning but stated he never saw Tron) Uinterview #2 In this interview, Trocni statements included! ‘+ Troconis was asked if Mawhimney was inthe Fore Group offic onthe morning of 05/24/19, to which she began nodding her head and saying "Yes. that | dd see." she stated Mawshinney had a meeting that morning with Dulos. She continued to maltan that Dules was present inthe office at approximately 20 or 8:30 AM, Trocons added tht she had greeted Mawhinney by saying, "H.” ‘+ When Troconis was asked he tnew the whereabouts of Dulas cellphone that morning, she replied that she thought Duos had his cellphene. When asked f Duos would normally carry his cellphone with hi, Teoconis responded, "Yes. anno . but alt yes.” Trocons answered that would be unusual for Duls tobe without his ‘phone even fora few hours. Trocons left open the posiilty that Duos had let his cellphone behing “accidentally” But when questioned, Trecons reported Duos had not told her he forgot his cellphone on 05/24/38, limerview 13} uring her tir interview, Tracons provided the folowing information: 1+ Troconi told detectives that after etursing fom Shopng Ie auger at cou ae had gone no the Fore Group office and had seen Mawhinney atthe fr end ofthe gas table. Upon seeing Mawhinney, she sad g008 ‘moming to him and he had responded “Hello, good meming” Trocons then noticed that Duos" cellphone was siting onthe table and she fund it unusual that the cellphone was ther at time when Ouloe was not present and his whereabouts were unkown to her (mtepoe $008 17 pe Mt) ont "S724 colo. eres i [ARREST WARRANT APPLICATION Benen neo STATE OF CONNECTICUT eens” ‘SUPERIOR COURT. BARE soa ee oo Teta icone r: MAWHINNEY, Kent, D. Sout Windsor Stamford car Ot ‘Affidavit - Continued ‘+ Under repeated questioning detectives, rocons was unwillg to say that Duos was NOT atthe residence ‘he woud only say that she dd not see Dos during the morning ~ notin the Bedroom, not athe kitchen, nota ‘the Fore Group oflee and that she dd not know he whereabouts during the entre morning. Having seen his ‘hone on the desk, Trocons ported she had assumed Dulos at the residence: "I thought he [Duos] was there] ‘because Kent was there but Idd’ see hi [Duls| did't see him.” Trocons later added, "Back then | always {Ugh fe [Duk] an the huwve bt thing never saw hin «| never heard is oie. So abvlously he wasn't ‘or probably he wasn't Inthe house” 21. INCOMING PHONE CALL FROM ANDREAS TOUTZIARIIS: Duos phone records showed an incoming alto his ‘ellphone on 05/24/29 t 8:24 AM. This call was prearranged by Duos the previous day with Nis end, Andreas Toutalais, wh lives in Greece ‘+ (loteriew #1} The incoming all rom Touts was not mentioned by Toconis during the est interview, + [terion #2} Trocons didnot lscass the call rom Greece during this Interview. She continued to aim no knowledge that Dus didnot have hs cellphone that day + [lotersiew #3] in this intervie, Trocons changed her entiestory regarding the presence/absence of Dues’ callphone that day by acknowledging Duos celiphone was siting onthe Fore Group office as she and Kent Mahinney stood inthe offie, and that it received an incoming cll on that date: “The phone rang and twas 3