JTO To SDE Promotion - Preparatory Exercise For AIEL of JTOs - Reminder 15-02-13
JTO To SDE Promotion - Preparatory Exercise For AIEL of JTOs - Reminder 15-02-13
JTO To SDE Promotion - Preparatory Exercise For AIEL of JTOs - Reminder 15-02-13
Soft copy of the Screening Committee Report along with vigilance clearance should be sent
to following e-mail address “ads1sai@rediffmail.com.
Further on scrutiny of ACR/APARs received from SSAs/Units, the following cases as detailed
below and enclosed annexure are to be regularised / reconciled by the concerned SSA/Units .
2.PGMT,Trichy. - In respect of Smt.K.Mallika , JTO, copy of documents of major penalty (Rule - 36)
given to the officer may be forwarded.
3.GMT,CON - VC in respect of Sri.Srinivas Guguloth,JTO may be forwarded.
1 M.Abdul Haleem APAR for the period 2008-09 only xerox Attested Xerox copy of APAR for the
copy available without attestation. period 2008-09 may be forwarded.
2 U.Manickam APAR for the period 1.4.2003 to APAR for the period 1.4.2003 to
20.10.2003 are not available. 20.10.2003 may be collected and
3. N.Subramanian APARs for the period 2.12.2002 to 3-7-2003 available in APAR for the period 1.4.2003 to 3-7-2003 is
one spell instead of two spells ie., 2.12.2002 to 31.3.2003 required in single spell separately.
and 1.4.2003 to 3-7-2003.
1. G.Udhayachandran APAR for the period 1.4.2006 to 13.11.2009 only xerox Attested Xerox copies of APAR for the period
copies available without attestation. Hence APARs 1.4.2006 to 13.11.2009 may be forwarded.
are returned .
2. P.Balasubramanian APARs for the period 2004-05 to 2009-10 (6years) only Attested Xerox copies of APARs for the period
xerox copies available without attestation. Hence 2004-05 to 2009-10 (6years) may be forwarded.
APARs are returned.
3. T.K.Sendhurapandian APARs for the period 2003-04 to 2009-10 and VC APARs for the period 2003-04 to 2009-10
not received and VC may be forwarded.
1. S.Sivaraman APAR for the period 1.4.2005 to 31.10.2005 Attested Xerox copies of APAR for the
only xerox copies available without period 1.4.2005 to31.10.2005 may be
attestation. forwarded.
2 V.Vimala APARs for the period 1.3.2003 to 2.5.2003 APAR for the period 1.4.2003 to 2.5-2003
available in one spell instead of two spells ie., is required.
1.3.2003 to 31.3.2003 and 1.4.2003 to
3 V.R.Balaji APARs for the period 1.4.2003 to 31.3.2010 APARs for the period 1.4.2003 to 31.3.2010
not available may be forwarded.
4 A.Munisamy APARs for the period 1.4.2003 to 31.3.2010 APARs for the period 1.4.2003 to 31.3.2010
not available may be forwarded.
Kind Attention DGM(Admn)/STP
Circle level compilation is pending for your report inviting complaints from Union
representatives. Responsibility may be fixed on the concerned officer entrusted with the
सहायक महाप्रबंधक ( स्टॉफ)
Assistant General Manager (Staff)
का. मु.म.प्र.बी.एस.एन.एल. / O/o CGM,BSNL
तममलनाडु परिमंडल,चेन्नै.2 / Tamilnadu Circle,Chennai-2.