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Syllabus for the subject





Trade: Foundryman

Re-Designed in

– 2014 -


Government of India
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Directorate General of Employment & Training



A Rationale 3

B General Information for Semester-I 4

C Semester wise Allotment of Time & Marks among the 5


D Topic Wise Distribution of Time & Marks 6

Semester I
E Details of Syllabus for Semester-I 7-8

F List of Tools & Equipments Semester-I 9-12

G General Information for Semester-II 14

H Topic Wise Distribution of Time & Marks 15

I Details of Syllabus for Semester-II 16-18

J List of Tools & Equipments Semester-II 19-22

K Furniture, Accessories And Audio Visual Aids 23

L List of Expert Members 24-25


Success & Sustainability of any Training System depends upon, given other things,
availability of good quality instructors. An Instructor should possess good trade skills to
impart skill training.

Ability to understand and interpret the course content is imperative to ensure proper
delivery. It is the domain Skills and Knowledge which enable comprehending the
prescribed contents and subsequent lesson/demonstration planning for effective delivery.
Thus it is imperative for any trade instructor to have adequate domain skills so that same
can be transferred.

To deliver effectively, both knowledge and skills, in depth know how are very much
needed. At the same time the main objective of Instructor training programme is enabling
instructors to demonstrate higher productivity and higher accuracy in performing a task/job.

Recognizing this importance more emphasis has been given to the Trade Practical & Trade
Theory in all Engineering Trades in Craft Instructors Training Scheme (CITS) under

1. Name of the Course : Craft Instructor Training

2. Duration of Instructor Training : 1Year (Two semesters each of six months duration).

3. Subjects covered in the Semesters : Detailed in Section - C

4. Name of the Subject : TRADE THEORY –I & TRADE PRACTICAL-I

5. Applicability : FOUNDRYMAN TRADE.

6. Examination : AITT to be held at the end of each semester.

7. Space Norms : (a) One class room of minimum 30 sq. m. area

having Minimum width of 5 m. and with 6000 lumen
(b) Workshop: 120 Sq mtr. having minimum of 8 m. and with
30000 lumen
The electrical equipments of Class room should
conform to minimum 3 star Building energy rating as
per Bureau of Energy Efficiency (B.E.E.).

8. Power Norms : (a) 1 KW for Class room

(b) 11 KW for Workshop.

9. Unit strength(Batch Size) : 20

10. Entry qualification : Diploma/Degree in Mechanical/Production

Engineering from AICTE recognized Board /
University/ Advance Diploma in Foundry Technology form
recognized University.
NTC/NAC in the Foundry man trade.

11. Trainers’ Qualification : Diploma or Degree in Mechanical / Production

Engineering/Advance Diploma in Foundry Technology
from AICTE recognized Board /
University with five / two/three year’s experience
12. Desirable : Passed National Craft Instructor Training course in
Foundryman trade.

In case of two units, one trainer must be Degree in

Note: Degree/Diploma candidate may directly appear for Semester-I exam without
attending classes for lateral entry in semester-II.

SUBJECTS Hrs. / % of Marks Sessional Full Pass Marks
Week time Marks
allotted Exam. Sessional Total
Trade Practical – 1 20 50 200 30 230 120 18 138
Trade Theory - 1 6 15 100 20 120 60 12 72
Workshop Cal. & Sc. 6 15 50 - 50 30 - 30
semester Engineering Drawing 6 15 100 - 100 60 - 60
Library 2 5 - -
TOTAL for Sem. - I 40 450 50 500 270 30 300
Trade Practical – 2 16 40 200 30 230 120 18 138
Trade Theory - 2 4 10 100 20 120 60 12 72
Training 12 30 200 30 230 120 18 138
Methodology -
Training 6+2 20 100 20 120 60 12 72
Methodology -
Theory + IT
TOTAL 40 600 100 700 360 60 420
GRAND TOTAL 80 1050 150 1200 630 90 720

Hourly Distribution TOTAL: 1200 marks for 2 semesters Pass marks: 720
Subject Time in % Marks in %
Trade Practical 45 38
Trade Theory 12.5 20
Total for Trade 57.5 58
Training Methodology 15 19
Training Methodology 12.5 10
(Theory) + IT
Total for Training 27.5 29
Methodology & IT
Engineering Drawing 7.5 12
Workshop Cal. & Sc. 7.5 4
Library 2.5 -

Note: During the discussion of any machine tools, related precautions and safety measures should be discussed.

Trade Theory Trade Practical

Sl. Topics Hours Marks Topics Hours Marks
1 Safety and Health 6 5 Instruction, importance & Familiarization. 20 10
2 Raw materials of Foundry 12 10 Preparation of open & closed mould and 40 20
melting Aluminium alloy & pouring.
3 Metal, alloys and its ore. 18 15 Preparation of mould with different joints & 20 10
with top run gating system.
4 Moulding and core sands. 12 11 Preparation of mould with bottom and 40 20
parting line gating system.
5 Pattern and pattern making 12 11 Core and Core making 40 20
6 Core and Core making 6 6 Preparation of mould with care. 60 25
7 Principle of Gating system. 6 5 Mould preparation with Vertical and 20 10
Horizontal core.
8 Fettling, Inspection, Testing, defects & 18 12 Mould preparation with balanced and 60 20
salvaging of casting. Hanging core.
9 Heat treatment. 6 5 Preparation of mould with cover core, Ram- 40 20
up core, chills.
10 Melting furnaces and practices. 36 20 Melting practice & furnace maintenance. 100 45

TOTAL 132 100 TOTAL 440 200

THEORY 1 ---22 WEEKS X 06 PRACTICAL 1 ---22 WEEKS X 20
HRS/WEEK=132hrs HRS/WEEK=440hrs

Note: During the discussion of any machine tools, related precautions and safety measures should be discussed.

Tentative Theory Practical

1-2 Introduction of First aid. Operation of electrical mains. Introduction Occupational Safety & Health
of PPEs. Response to emergencies e.g.; power failure, fire, and Importance of housekeeping & good shop floor practices.
system failure
Health, Safety and Environment guidelines, legislations & regulations as
Soft Skills: its importance and Job area after completion of training.
Introduction to 5S concept & its application. Importance of 5S applicable. Disposal procedure of waste materials like cotton waste,
implementation throughout CITS course-workplace cleaning, metal chips/burrs etc. Basic safety introduction,
machine cleaning, signage, proper storage of equipment etc. Personal protective Equipments(PPE):-
Basic injury prevention, Basic first aid, Hazard identification and
avoidance, safety signs for Danger, Warning, caution & personal safety
Importance of Technical English terms used in industry –(in simple message.
definition only)Technical forms, process charts, activity logs, in Preventive measures for electrical accidents & steps to be taken in such
required formats of industry, estimation, cycle time, productivity accidents.
reports, job cards. Use of Fire extinguishers.

Basic Life support (BLS):- Technical English:

Prepare different types of documentation as per industrial need by
Basic Life Support (BLS) techniques for drowning, choking, different methods of recording information.
electrocution, neck and spinal injury, including CPR
(cardiopulmonary resuscitation). Basic Life support training:
Be able to perform DRSABCD:
Safety Precaution to be Followed While Under gone Through D: Check for Danger
Various foundry operation. R: Check for a Response
S: Send for help
A: Open the Airway
B: Check for normal Breathing
C: Perform CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation)
D: Attach Defibrillator / Monitor as soon as available.
Importance of trade training. Machinery used in the trade as well
as Industries.
2-3 Foundry materials: Classification, Application, & I.S.I Preparation of open sand mold by trammeling method, apply
Specification for all Raw Materials Used in Foundry. facing & backing sand for C.I casting.
Refractory sand, Refractories, Binder, Fuels, Fluxes, Preparation of closed mold with Natural molding sand, melting of
Facing materials, Parting agents Al. Alloys in Crucible furnace and pouring the same in to the
Carry all types of sand tests
4 Engineering metals. Classification of Metals. (Ferrous, Non- Preparation of mold with different Joints (plain, Build up, Cutting,
Ferrous & Its Alloys. Ore to Metal Mfg. Of Ferrous Metals, Preparation of mold with Top Run gating system.
Properties, Application I.S.I Specification. Effects Of elements
normally Presents in Ferrous Metals. Effects of alloying
elements in Cast Iron alloys and Steel Alloys
5-6 Engineering metals. Ore to Metal Preparation of mold with Bottom Run gating System. Preparations
Mfg.Of Non-Ferrous Metals,
Properties of mold with Parting Line run gating system
Application I.S.I Specification
7-8 Molding Sand & core sand. Composition, Types, Ingredients, Preparation of Different types of Core by using different types of
additives. Properties of sand. Sand reclamation and Sand Core Boxes, and making of core by different types of Core Binder
Preparation. and also baking then in Oven and other Methods.
9-11 Design of casting Introduction Sand casting , Pattern: Preparation of mold with core; by using of self cored pattern and
Types, materials, Allowance, Color coding, Care &
maintenance. Core Boxes: split pattern having Horizontal & Vertical Core print. Preparation
Types, Materials, coloring. Core: of core sand, preparation of core, Reinforcement and Venting of
Classification of core. Venting & Reinforcing, Backing & core. Backing & Baking of core, trimming of core & dressing of
Baking of core. core.
12 Preparation of mold with odd side pattern, setting of Vertical core
Gating system:
Introduction, Parts & Function, Types, Pre-Requisites, Ferro static and Horizontal cores in a mold
13-14 Preparation of mold with balanced core & Hanging Core, setting
Fettle the all types of Casting, Mould Shake out-removal of runner with Chaplet in to a mold, along with suitable gating system.
& Riser, Surface cleaning, Finishing &Trimming. Inspection of
Casting: Destructive and Non-Destructive methods,
Casting Defects: Internal & External Defects.
Salvaging of Castings: Foundry method, By welding methods.

15-16 Preparation of mold with Cover core & Ram up Core, Setting the
Introduction of heat treatment. Different type of heat treatment.
Heat Treatment in different metals and its alloy. Difference type of core into a molds with suitable Gating system
heat chamber

17-20 Preparation of Mold with Chill or Denseners, setting the core into
Different type of coolant. Iron-carbon diagram, TTT, CCT
diagram. a mold, along with suitable gating system.(use chill, denseners,
Furnace. Exo- thermic materials).
Brief Information about the Construction, operation, Maintenance
& Turbule Shooting of Melting Furnace.
( solid-Liquid-Gas-Electrical Fuel) Prepare induction furnace for charging, Prepare charges for
I. Cast Iron Melting- Cupola, Rotary Furnace, charging, operate and melt aluminium/ magnesium and pour
Electrical Arc Furnace.
II. Steel Melting- aluminium/ magnesium into the mould and identify defects.
Electric Arc & Induction Furnace – Types, construction, operation,
and maintenance, Converter.
II. Non-ferrous metal melting. Crucible Furnace, Pot furnace,
Reverberatory furnace, Rotary furnace,
Induction furnace
Charging the Metals & Chemical
analysis. Measure Molten Metal
Temperature by Using Of
Pyrometers: Introduction, Necessity, Thermocouple, Pyrometer,
Optical Pyrometer, Radiation Pyrometer, Infrared Thermograph
21-22 Reeling of Furnace. Relining and Patching of Tilting / Pit furnace,
Modern developments of Cupola. (Coke less cupola, Hot blast Preparation of Ladle lining by Fire clay mixture and C02 sand
cupola, Dived blast cupola.)
23 Industrial visit & Submission of Report
24 - 26 Revision & Trade Test

F. List of Tools & Equipment
Under CITS
For a batch of 20 Trainees
SL. No. Name of the tools and equipment Qty per unit

1. Tool tray steel 145x145x5 cm 20+1

2. Taper trowel 18cm round 20+1
3. Heart and square trowels 3xl.2xl.2cm 20+1
4. Trowel heart and scoop 20+1
5. Trowel square and scoop 20+1
6. Trowel double scoop 20+1
7. Trowel double square 20+1
8. Tool Spoon 32x16cm -25x6cm 20+1
9. Cleaner 6x300m 20+1
10. Cleaner 9x300m 20+1
11. Vent wire 3mm 20+1
12. Peg Rammer 20+1
13. Flat rammer 75mmx25mm height 20+1
14. Rapping spike forged and hardened 20+1
15. Hand bellow -25cm 20+1
16. Safety goggles (With clear glass ) 20+1
17. Goggles (antiglau heat proof) 20+1
18. Cleaner flange 20+1
19. Egg smoother 20+1
20. Smoother rounder corner 20+1
21. Smoother square corner 20+1
22. Steel rule 300mm 20+1
23. Apron leather or asbestos 20+1
24. Legging pad 20+1
25. Hand gloves (Leather or asbestos) 20+1



1. Hammers Ball Peen 0.45kg. 10
2. Ball Peen Hammers 650 to 700 grams 10
3. Sledge Hammers 8kg 5
4. Claw Hammers 0.75kg 2
5. Chisel Cold Flat 2 x 22 cm 10
6. Chisel 200 x 15 mm 10
7. File flat 30 cm Bastared 10
8. File flat 30 cm second cut 10
9. File flat round 30cm Bastard 10
10. File flat 30 cm second cut 10
11. Folding rule 60 cm 5
12. Steel rule 600 mm 5
13. Caliper odd leg 3
14. Caliper inside 15cm 5
15. Scriber 5
16. Centre Punch 15cm 5
17. Hacksaw 30cm adjustable 10
18. C Clamps 20 cm 10
19. C Clamps 30 cm light duty steel 10
20. Screw Drivers 25 cm with 15mm blade 5
21. Screw Drivers 15 cm 5
22. Screw Drivers 18 cm 5
23. Pliers 20 cm 5
24. Try Square (for wood work) 5
25. Brick layers hammer 20cm 5
26. Hand lamp wandering lead 2
27. Degassing bale 10 cm Perforated hood 2
28. Bench Vice 12 cm jaw 5
29. Work bench for bench vice (245 x 125x 75) 1
30. Blow lamp (gas) 5
31. Hand saw 5
32. Steel measuring tap 3 mts. 1
33. Trammel 2
34. Shovel Hand 10
35. Engineers Try Square 15 cm 5
36. Lockers Steel with 8 drawers each 3
37. Black board with easel 1
38. Fire Extinguishers foam chemical type 2
39. Fire Extinguishers soda Ash, etc type Co2 gas type 1 each
40. Fire buckets (2 for water and 3 for sand) 5

41. Stand for Fire buckets 1
42. Face shield clear 10 pair
43. Helmet (engineers) 10 pair
44. Gauntlets leather Fettling 10 pair
45. Gauntlets leather or asbestos for Furnace 10 pair
46. Footwear asbestos over shoes l0 pair
47. First aid Box based on burn Treatment 1 set
48. Dividers Firm joint 20 cm 5
49. Moulding Boxes 30 x 40 x 15 cm RSDL 20 pair
50 Moulding Boxes 75 x75 x 25cm RSDL l0 pair
51. Snap Flask 40 x 35 x 12 cm RSDL 2 Pair
52. Snap Flask 30 x30 x 10 cm RSDL 2pair
53. Sprit level 5nos
54. Wheel barrows 2nos
55. Plane grooving 6mm cutter 2nos
56. Cutting Pliers 2nos
57 Set of Spanners , and Alegen keys 2 set each
58. Venire calipers 1no.
59. Set of Tongs For Melting & Charging. 2sets
60. Equipment for conducting BLS (Basic Life Saving) training. 1 set



1 Air Compressor with maximum working pressure of 17.5kg/sq.cm 2.nos
2 Pneumatic Rammer with Rubber head 2.nos
3 Pneumatic Chisel (with suitable Chisel) l.no
4 Molding Sand Mix, Each one unit
Molding Sand Muller 50kg capacity per minute
5 Mould Green Hardness tester - dial type -Risdale dials standard 1 no
6 Core hardness tester 1 no
7 L.P.G Cylinder With heating torch (Industrial Purpose) 1 no
9 Heating and Plumbing Unit to suit to oil Fired Tilting type Crucible l.unit
Furnace with Heating Pressure Gauge etc. Oil tank Motorized Rotary
pump-Pre heater.
10 Sand testing Equipments - Permeability meter, Universal Strength Each One Set
tester, Sieve Shaker, standard Sand Rammer, Shutter Index Tester, Clay
Content Tester, Speedy Moisture teller. Electric Hot Air oven.
11 Molding Machine Hand squeeze With Stripping device pin lift type. One unit
( latest version ) With Suitable Compressor & Lifting Device.
12 Sand Aerator. One unit
13 Testing Of Mechanical Properties: Each one unit
Tensile Tester,
Hardness Tester,
The brinell Tester,
The Rockwell Tester,
Fracture Tester,
Impact Tester,
Creep tester.
Equipments suitable for Training Purposes.
14 Electrical Melting Furnace: one unit
Induction 100 kg. melting of C.I or Steel or Brass.
With all accessories.
15 Metal Chemical Composition Analyzers or spectrometer one unit
16 Heat -Treated Furnace ( Electrical Furnace) One Unit
17 Equipment for conducting BLS (Basic Life Support) training. (Optional) 1 set

Syllabus for the subject





Trade: Foundryman

Re-Designed in

– 2014 -


Government of India
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Directorate General of Employment & Training

1. Name of the Course : Craft Instructor Training

2. Duration of Instructor Training : 1 Year (Two semesters each of six months duration).

3. Subjects covered in the Semesters : Detailed in Section - C

4. Name of the Subject : TRADE THEORY –II & TRADE PRACTICAL-II
5. Applicability : FOUNDRYMAN TRADE

6. Examination : AITT to be held at the end of each semester.

7. Space Norms : (a) One class room of minimum 30 sq. m. area

having Minimum width of 5 m. and with 6000 lumen
(b) Workshop: 120 Sq mtr. having minimum of 8 m. and
with 30000 lumen
The electrical equipments of Class room should
conform to minimum 3 star Building energy rating as
per Bureau of Energy Efficiency (B.E.E.).

8. Power Norms : (a) 1 KW for Class room

(b) 11 KW for Workshop.

9. Unit strength(Batch Size) : 20

10. Entry qualification : Candidate passed semester-I under CITS or completed


12. Trainers’ Qualification : Diploma or Degree in Mechanical / Production

Engineering/ Advance Diploma in Foundry Technology
from AICTE recognized Board /
University with five / two/three years experience
13. Desirable : Passed National Craft Instructor Training course in
Foundryman trade.

In case of two units, one trainer must be Degree in


Note: During the discussion of any machine tools, related precautions and safety measures should be discussed.

Trade Theory Trade Practical

Sl. Topics Hours Marks Topics Hours Marks
1 Mould and core making machines. 8 10 Preparation of moulds & core with machines. 32 18
2 Special casting process. 12 12 Preparation of mould with stack moulding 48 18
3 Foundry layout, mechanism & 8 10 Preparation of mould with Full mould 32 18
Modernization. process.
4 Inspection and Testing 12 13 Preparation of mould & core by air setting 16 18
5 Heat Treatment & Salvaging 4 4 Preparation of mould & core with flask less 32 18
system & No bake system.
6 NDT Test. 12 12 Co² process. 16 18
7 Advancement in Inspection & Testing. 8 10 Shell moulding process 48 19
8 Quality control of Casting 12 14 Special moulding process. 32 18
9 Energy Conservation & Environment 4 5 Solid & Hollow casting by Gravity Die 48 18
control. casting machine.
10 Quality control of Foundry. 8 10 Solid & Hollow casting by Pressure Die 16 18
casting machine.
11 Preparation of casting with centrifugal 32 19
casting machine.

TOTAL 88 100 TOTAL 352 200

THEORY 1 ---22 WEEKS X 04 PRACTICAL 1 ---22 WEEKS X 16
HRS/WEEK=88 hrs HRS/WEEK=352hrs
Note: During the discussion of any machine tools, related precautions and safety measures should be
Tentative Theory Practical
Week No.
1-2 Brief Information about Modern /All types of Maud ling and Preparation of mold by molding Machine. (Hand molding machine
Core Making Machines. Molding Machines, Introduction, & use of Special tools).
Functions, Advantages, Disadvantages, Types. Core Making Preparation of Core by Core Shooters.
Machines, Introduction, Functions, Advantages,
Disadvantages, Types.
3-5 Special Casting Process: Detailed information about the Preparation of mold with Stack molding methods.
Special Casting Process. Including a II types of
DIE Casting. Introduction-Class if ication-Advantages-
Disadvantages - Application. (Metal Mould Casting, Gravity
Die casting, Pressure Die Casting, Centrifugal casting, Slush
Non-Metal Mould casting. Carbon dioxide molding, Shell
Lost Wax Process, Plaster Mould,
Binder less dry sand process. Etc.
6-7 Detailed Information about Lay-out of different Foundries. Preparation of Special mold by Full mold process. ( use of expanded
Foundry Mechanization, Construction, Merit of polystyrene / Thermo Cole pattern
Modernization, Application.
(Materials Handling Equipment-Industrial Trucks- Cranes-
Slides and Chutes -Tractors and Trailers-Robots).
8 Introduction to Inspection and Testing Procedures - Visual
Preparation of mold and core by air setting binders
Inspection, Dimensional Inspection, Examination of Surface

Quality And Finish,
9-10 Sound Test, Preparation of mold and core flask less system, No-bake system
Pressure Testing \ Leak Testing,
Testing Of Mechanical Properties:
Tensile Testing
Hardness Testing
The brinell Test or The Rockwell Test, Fracture Test, Impact
Test, Creep Testing.
11-12 Heat-Treated all Types of Metal Casting and Salvaging of Preparation of mould & core by Co2 Process.
Metallurgical Problems
13-14 NON- DESTRUCTIVE TEST: Introduction, Radiography, Preparation of mold & core by Shell molding Process
(X-ray & y- ray) Magnetic Particle Inspection, Fluorescent -
Penetrate Inspection. Ultrasonic Inspection.
15-16 SOME ADVANCEMENTS IN INSPECTION AND Preparation of mold with Special molding Process like
TESTING Instrumented Impact Testing, Thermal Inspection, INVESTMENT CASTING process.
X-Ray Diffraction Analysis, Materials Characterization
Automation of Surface Defect Detection, Image Analysis,
Industrial Computed Tomography, Computerized Testing
17-18 THE USE OF STATISTICAL METHODS IN QUALITY Preparation of a solid casting & Hollow Casting by using of Gravity
CONTROL OF CASTING. Die casting Machine
(a)Sampling Inspection,
(b)Control Charts.
Design of new casting Software package for the design and
production of casting. Program Structure the knowledge-base-
Parting line analysis Feeder head design Gating design-
Pattern plate layout concluding.
19-20 Energy Conservation and Preparation of a Solid Casting & Hollow casting by using of Pressure Die
Environment Control. Energy conservation in Melting, & Casting Machine.
Casting, Heat-Treatment. Energy saving, Environmental pollution
in foundries and its control. Cost and Estimation of Casting.
Casting weight calculation
21-22 QUALITY CONTRAL IN FOUNDRIES: Introduction, Preparation of Casting by Centrifugal casting Machine

Quality Control In Pattern And Mold Making, QUALITY Control
In Melting,
Quality Control in Heat-treatment, Quality Control in Fettling and
Cleaning, Quality Control in Final Inspection, Dust control in
23 Industrial visit & Submission of Report
24 - 26 Revision & Trade Test

J. List of Tools & Equipment
For a batch of 20 Trainees for the trade of – FOUNDRYMAN
Under Craft Instructors Training Scheme
SL. No. Name of the tools and equipment Qty per unit

1. Tool tray steel 145x145x5 cm 20+1

2. Taper trowel 18cm round 20+1
3. Heart and square trowels 3xl.2xl.2cm 20+1
4. Trowel heart and scoop 20+1
5. Trowel square and scoop 20+1
6. Trowel double scoop 20+1
7. Trowel double square 20+1
8. Tool Spoon 32x16cm -25x6cm 20+1
9. Cleaner 6x300m 20+1
10. Cleaner 9x300m 20+1
11. Vent wire 3mm 20+1
12. Peg Rammer 20+1
13. Flat rammer 75mmx25mm height 20+1
14. Rapping spike forged and hardened 20+1
15. Hand bellow -25cm 20+1
16. Safety goggles (With clear glass ) 20+1
17. Goggles (antiglau heat proof) 20+1
18. Cleaner flange 20+1
19. Egg smoother 20+1
20. Smoother rounder corner 20+1
21. Smoother square corner 20+1
22. Steel rule 300mm 20+1
23. Apron leather or asbestos 20+1
24. Legging pad 20+1
25. Hand gloves (Leather or asbestos) 20+1



1. Hammers Ball Peen 0.45kg. 10
2. Ball Peen Hammers 650 to 700 grams 10
3. Sledge Hammers 8kg 5
4. Claw Hammers 0.75kg 2
5. Chisel Cold Flat 2 x 22 cm 10
6. Chisel 200 x 15 mm 10
7. File flat 30 cm Bastared 10
8. File flat 30 cm second cut 10
9. File flat round 30cm Bastard 10
10. File flat 30 cm second cut 10
11. Folding rule 60 cm 5
12. Steel rule 600 mm 5
13. Caliper odd leg 3
14. Caliper inside 15cm 5
15. Scriber 5
16. Centre Punch 15cm 5
17. Hacksaw 30cm adjustable 10
18. C Clamps 20 cm 10
19. C Clamps 30 cm light duty steel 10
20. Screw Drivers 25 cm with 15mm blade 5
21. Screw Drivers 15 cm 5
22. Screw Drivers 18 cm 5
23. Pliers 20 cm 5
24. Try Square (for wood work) 5
25. Brick layers hammer 20cm 5
26. Hand lamp wandering lead 2
27. Degassing bale 10 cm Perforated hood 2
28. Bench Vice 12 cm jaw 5
29. Work bench for bench vice (245 x 125x 75) 1
30. Blow lamp (gas) 5
31. Hand saw 5
32. Steel measuring tap 3 mts. 1
33. Trammel 2
34. Shovel Hand 10
35. Engineers Try Square 15 cm 5
36. Lockers Steel with 8 drawers each 3
37. Black board with easel 1
38. Fire Extinguishers foam chemical type 2
39. Fire Extinguishers soda Ash, etc type Co2 gas type 1 each
40. Fire buckets (2 for water and 3 for sand) 5

41. Stand for Fire buckets 1
42. Face shield clear 10 pair
43. Helmet (engineers) 10 pair
44. Gauntlets leather Fettling 10 pair
45. Gauntlets leather or asbestos for Furnace 10 pair
46. Footwear asbestos over shoes l0 pair
47. First aid Box based on burn Treatment 1 set
48. Dividers Firm joint 20 cm 5
49. Moulding Boxes 30 x 40 x 15 cm RSDL 20 pair
50 Moulding Boxes 75 x75 x 25cm RSDL l0 pair
51. Snap Flask 40 x 35 x 12 cm RSDL 2 Pair
52. Snap Flask 30 x30 x 10 cm RSDL 2pair
53. Sprit level 5nos
54. Wheel barrows 2nos
55. Plane grooving 6mm cutter 2nos
56. Cutting Pliers 2nos
57 Set of Spanners , and Alegen keys 2 set each
58. Venire calipers
59. Set of Tongs For Melting & Charging.

1 Air Compressor with maximum working pressure of 17.5kg/sq.cm 2.nos
2 Pneumatic Rammer with Rubber head 2.nos
3 Pneumatic Chisel (with suitable Chisel) l. no
4 Molding Sand Mix, Each one unit
Molding Sand Muller 50kg capacity per minute
5 Mould Green Hardness tester - dial type -Risdale dials standard 1 no
6 Core hardness tester 1 no
7 Co2 Cylinder with Co2 probe and rubber hoses with nozzle 12mm 1 no
wheel valve.
8 L.P.G Cylinder With heating torch (Industrial Purpose) 1 no
9 Cylinder trolley Suitable to Co2 Cylinder and Indane/similar Gas 2 no
10 Heating and Plumbing Unit to suit to oil Fired Tilting type Crucible l. unit
Furnace with Heating Pressure Gauge etc. Oil tank Motorized Rotary
pump-Pre heater.
11 Sand testing Equipments - Permeability meter, Universal Strength tester, Each One Set
Sieve Shaker, standard Sand Rammer, Shutter Index Tester, Clay
Content Tester, Speedy Moisture teller. Electric Hot Air oven.
12 Molding Machine Hand squeeze With Stripping device pin lift type. One unit
( latest version ) With Suitable Compressor & Lifting Device.
13 Sand Aerator. One unit
14 Testing Of Mechanical Properties: Each one unit
Tensile Tester,
Hardness Tester,
The brinell Tester,
The Rockwell Tester,
Fracture Tester,
Impact Tester,
Creep tester.
Equipments suitable for Training Purposes.
15 NON- DESTRUCTIVE TEST: Radiography, Each one unit
(X-ray 8L y- ray) Magnetic Particle Detector,
Dye Fluorescent -Dye Penetrants Detector,
Ultrasonic Flaw Detector,
Equipments suitable for Training Purposes.
16 Metal Chemical Composition Analyzers / Spectrometer Each one unit
17 Heat -Treated Furnace ( Electrical Furnace) One Unit


Sl. No. Items Qnt.

1. Class Room Chairs (armless) / Dual desk may also be allowed 20 /10nos.
2. Class Room Tables ( 3ft X 2ft) / Dual desk may also be allowed 20 /10nos.
3. Chair for Trainer (armed) movable 01 no.
4. Table for Trainer (4 ½ ft X 2 ½ ft) with Drawer and cupboard 01 no.
5. LCD / LED Projector 01 no.
6. Multimedia Computer System with all accessories with UPS (.5
01 set
7. Computer Table 01 no.
8. White Board (6ft X 4 ft.) 01 no.
9. LCD Projector Screen 01 no.
10. Air Conditioner 1.5Ton (OPTIONAL) 02 nos.
11. Wall Clock 01 no.
12. Wall charts, Transparencies and DVDs related to the trade As required
13. Laser Printer with scanner 01
14. Steel Cupboard with 8 pigeon lockers 3 nos.
15. Work bench for fitters with two vices of 100mm 2 nos.
16. Steel cupboard 180x90x45cm 2 nos.
17. Steel cupboard 120x60x45cm 2 nos.
18. Multi drawer tool rack trolley with minimum 4 drawers and 20 tool 04 nos.
19. First aid box. 01 no.


Sl. Name & Designation Organization Mentor Council

No. Sh/Mr/Ms. Designation
Members of Sector Mentor council
1. A. D. Shahane, Vice-President, Larsen & Tourbo Ltd., Chairman
(Corporate Trg.) Mumbai:400001
2. Dr. P.K.Jain, Professor IIT, Roorkee, Roorkee-247667, Member
3. N. Ramakrishnan, Professor IIT Gandhinagar, Gujarat-382424 Member
4. Dr. P.V.Rao, Professor IIT Delhi, New Delhi-110016 Member
5. Dr. Debdas Roy, Asstt. NIFFT, Hatia, Ranchi-834003, Member
Professor Jharkhand
6. Dr. Anil Kumar Singh, NIFFT, Hatia, Ranchi-834003, Member
Professor Jharkhand
7. Dr. P.P.Bandyopadhyay IIT Kharagpur, Kharagpur- Member
Professor 721302, West Bengal
8. Dr. P.K.Ray, Professor IIT Kharagpur, Kharagpur- Member
721302, West Bengal
9. S. S. Maity, MD Central Tool Room & Training Member
Centre (CTTC), Bhubaneswar
10. Dr. Ramesh Babu N, Professor IIT Madras, Chennai Member
11. R.K. Sridharan, Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd, Member
Manager/HRDC Ranipet, Tamil Nadu
12. N. Krishna Murthy CQA(Heavy Vehicles), DGQA, Member
Principal Scientific Officer Chennai, Tamil Nadu
13. Sunil Khodke Bobst India Pvt. Ltd., Pune Member
Training Manager
14. Ajay Dhuri TATA Motors, Pune Member
15. Uday Apte TATA Motors, Pune Member
16. H B Jagadeesh, Sr. Manager HMT, Bengaluru Member
17. K Venugopal NTTF, Peenya, Bengaluru Member
Director & COO
18. B.A.Damahe, Principal L&T Institute of Technology, Member
L&T Institute of Technology Mumbai
19. Lakshmanan. R BOSCH Ltd., Bengaluru Member
Senior Manager
20. R C Agnihotri Indo- Swiss Training Centre Member
Principal Chandigarh, 160030
21. Sunil Kumar Gupta (Director) DGET HQ, New Delhi. Mentor

Members of Core Group
22. N. Nath. (ADT) CSTARI, Kolkata Co-ordinator
23. H.Charles (TO) NIMI, Chennai. Member
24. Sukhdev Singh (JDT) ATI Kanpur Team Leader
25. Ravi Pandey (V.I) ATI Kanpur Member
26. A.K. Nasakar (T.O) ATI Kolkata Member
27. Samir Sarkar (T.O) ATI Kolkata Member
28. J. Ram Eswara Rao (T.O) RDAT Hyderabad Member
29. T.G. Kadam (T.O) ATI Mumbai Member
30. K. Mahendar (DDT) ATI Chennai Member
31. Shrikant S Sonnavane (T.O) ATI Mumbai Member
32. K. Nagasrinivas ATI Hyderabad Member
33. G.N. Eswarappa (DDT) FTI Bangalore Member
34. G. Govindan, Sr. ATI Chennai Member
35. M.N.Renukaradhya, Govt. ITI, Tumkur Road, Member
Dy.Director/Principal Grade I., Banglore, Karnataka
36. B.V.Venkatesh Reddy. JTO Govt. ITI, Tumkur Road, Member
Banglore, Karnataka
37. N.M.Kajale, Principal, Govt. ITI Velhe, Distt: Pune, Member
38. Subrata Polley, Instructor ITI Howrah Homes, West Bengal Member
39. VINOD KUMAR.R Govt.ITI Dhanuvachapuram Member
Sr.Instructor Trivendrum, Dist., Kerala
40. M. Anbalagan, B.E., Assistant Govt. ITI Coimbatore, Tamil Member
Training Officer Nadu
41. K. Lakshmi Narayanan, T.O. DET, Tamil Nadu Member
Other industry representatives
42. Venugopal Parvatikar Skill Sonics, Bangalore Member
43. Venkata Dasari Skill Sonics, Bangalore Member
44. Srihari, D CADEM Tech. Pvt. Ltd., Member
45. Dasarathi.G.V. CADEM Tech. Pvt. Ltd., Member
46. L.R.S.Mani Ohm Shakti Industries, Bengaluru Member


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