September 2011 PDF
September 2011 PDF
September 2011 PDF
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only on
Our redesigned
website featuring:
Extras from our
Show Previews;
Cover Story New Products;
34 Cover Story Specifying Elastomer Seals and more
for Plastic Piping Careful attention to *Articles marked with
elastomer properties and variation by man- an asterisk have addi-
ufacturer can help optimize specification tional content online
11 Chementator Microbe-based process for
GBL nears commercialization; Solvent extrac-
tion for recovering bitumen from tar sands;
Boost heavy metal recovery from wastewater 5 Editor’s Page
with graphite-oxide coated sand; and more Equipment & Services Kirkpatrick finalists
announced Four
17 Newsfront Tires, Old and New As the 29 Focus on Engineering Software More finalists have been
demand for new, fuel-efficient tires grows, physics means more applications with this selected for the 2011
engineers are developing new recycling CFD software; Expanding applications Kirkpatrick Award for
methods to deal with the growing piles of with this multiphysics software; Improve Chemical Engineering
used tires crystallization processes with this model- Achievement. Read
23 Newsfront Making Waves Modern ing tool; Particle and fluid flow are mod- who they are here
chemistries and equipment are helping eled by this software; and more*
chemical processors get a handle on water 32D-1. Show Preview — ChemInnovations departments
treatment challenges Exhibitors and attendees are gearing up Letters . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
for the 2nd annual ChemInnovations Con- Bookshelf. . . . . . . . 8–9
ference and Expo to take place in Houston
28 The Fractionation Column Believe your Who’s Who. . . . . . . . 33
this month. This preview outlines the
instruments, unless... False instrument conference tracks and describes some of Reader Service
readings can create havoc in a process, until the products and services to be featured page. . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
they are recognized to be wrong including: Achieve high performance with Economic
32 Facts at Your Fingertips Sterilization filtration with this compact design; Protect Indicators. . . . . . 71–72
Approaches This one-page reference personnel and equipment with this explo-
guide describes several sterilization tech- sion vent; and more
niques used in high-purity processing Product Showcase. . . 65
32D-7. Show Preview — Weftec A sam-
38 Feature Report Moving Air in Pneu- pling of the products to be displayed at Classified
matic Conveying Systems These selec- Weftec in Los Angeles next month is given Advertising. . . . . 66–68
tion criteria apply to dilute-phase systems here, including: Gas mass flowmeter de- Advertiser Index . . . . 69
44 Engineering Practice Reboiler Conden- signed for adaptability; A compact closed-
coupled pump design; Change these seals coming
sate Drums: Silencing Hydraulic Ham- in October
mer While condensate pots are widely quickly and easily; and more*
32I-1. Show Preview — Powtech Over Look for: Feature
used, there is still much to be learned to
1,000 exhibitors are expected in Nurem- Reports on Pump
avoid operational problems
burg next month to showcase their prod- Maintenance; and Liquid
50 Engineering Practice Reduce Costs Filtration; an Engineer-
ucts and services, including: Pharma drums,
With ‘Step-Down’ Filtration Filtration ing Practice article on
lifters, containment valves and more; Use
using “step-down” particle retention can Packed Column Design;
this spray dryer to obtain data for success-
help reduce operating costs and achieve News articles on Gas
ful scaleup; Customized plants with all the
cleaner solutions Detection; and the
accessories from one source; and more
52 Engineering Practice Tank Vapors: Op- Kirkpatrick Award; Facts
32I-6 New Products and Services at Your Fingertips
timize Ejector Sizing for Better Control
(International Edition) New modules on Steam Handling; a
Properly sized ejector stations can save
enable higher suction volumes from these Focus on Weighing; a
capital costs and reduce downtime
pumps; This chip-based viscometer is new installment of The
55 Engineering Practice Calculate Liquid easy to operate; A continuous-chemistry Fractionation Column;
Volumes in Tanks with Dished Heads A system for a wide range of reactions; This and more
downloadable spreadsheet simplifies the temperature sensor’s electronics are built
use of these equations* into the connector; and more* Cover: David Whitcher
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Innovation for
Details and qualifications for applicants. The schol-
arship is a one-time award for current third-year students
sustainable solutions
who are enrolled in a fulltime undergraduate course of
study in chemical engineering at one of the following four-
year colleges or universities, which include Mr. Chopey’s
Outotec develops, supplies and supports alma mater and those of our senior editorial staff:
technology for the sustainable use of Earth’s • University of Virginia
natural resources. As a global leader in • University of Kansas
the field, Outotec has developed several • SUNY Buffalo
breakthrough technologies in minerals • Columbia University
and metals processing over the decades. The program utilizes standard Scholarship America recip-
Outotec also offers innovative solutions ient-selection procedures, including the consideration of
for the chemical industry, industrial water past academic performance and future potential, leader-
treatment and alternative energy sources. ship and participation in school and community activities,
work experience, and statement of career and educational
aspirations and goals.
Donations. To donate to next year’s scholarship fund, please
send a check to the following address prior to June 1, 2012:
Nicholas P. Chopey Scholarship Fund
Jennifer Brady
Chemical Engineering 11000 Richmond Ave, Suite 690
Houston, TX 77042
Checks should be made out to Scholarship America with
“Nicholas P. Chopey Scholarship Program” in the memo
area. Donations are tax deductible. ■
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6 Chemical Engineering September 2011
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Its development was initiated at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). SuperPro is already in use at more than
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Selecting the Best Solvent for Gas Treating
Selecting the best amine/solvent for gas treating is not a trivial task. Tertiary Amines
There are a number of amines available to remove contaminants such A tertiary amine such as MDEA is often used to selectively remove
as CO2, H2S and organic sulfur compounds from sour gas streams. H2S, especially for cases with a high CO2 to H2S ratio in the sour gas.
The most commonly used amines are methanolamine (MEA), One benefit of selective absorption of H2S is a Claus feed rich in H2S.
diethanolamine (DEA), and methyldiethanolamine (MDEA). Other MDEA can remove H2S to 4 ppm while maintaining 2% or less CO2 in
amines include diglycolamine® (DGA), diisopropanolamine (DIPA), the treated gas using relatively less energy for regeneration than that
and triethanolamine (TEA). Mixtures of amines can also be used to for DEA. Higher weight percent amine and less CO2 absorbed results
customize or optimize the acid gas recovery. Temperature, pressure, in lower circulation rates as well. Typical solution strengths are 40-50
sour gas composition, and purity requirements for the treated gas weight % with a maximum rich loading of 0.55 mole/mole. Because
must all be considered when choosing the most appropriate amine for MDEA is not prone to degradation, corrosion is low and a reclaimer
a given application. is unnecessary. Operating pressure can range from atmospheric,
typical of tail gas treating units, to over 1,000 psia.
Mixed Solvents
In certain situations, the solvent can be “customized” to optimize the
sweetening process. For example, adding a primary or secondary
amine to MDEA can increase the rate of CO2 absorption without
compromising the advantages of MDEA. Another less obvious
application is adding MDEA to an existing DEA unit to increase the
effective weight % amine to absorb more acid gas without increasing
circulation rate or reboiler duty. Many plants utilize a mixture of amine
with physical solvents. SULFINOL is a licensed product from Shell Oil
Products that combines an amine with a physical solvent. Advantages
of this solvent are increased mercaptan pickup, lower regeneration
energy, and selectivity to H2S.
Transferring potent or Approach. By Myke King. John
Wiley & Sons Inc., 111 River Street,
Hoboken, NJ 07030. Web:
2008. 196 pages. $50.99.
Kvaerner America,
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Experience has shown that it is very difficult to pre-
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most cases, the practice of trial and error, followed by fine-
Circle 29 on p. 70 or go to tuning during commissioning, continues to be the most
common approach. However, following the suggestions
presented in this textbook will very likely save valuable
time during startup, and may enhance the overall process
efficiency to some degree.
The book clearly explains common process-control
terminology, and the reader is taken along a path from
simple proportional and integral (PI) and proportional,
integral and derivative (PID) control loops to the most
complex loops imaginable. Those individuals responsible
for programming and configuring process-control loops for
a distributed control system (DCS) or programmable logic
controller (PLC) will benefit from the abundance of formu-
las and control illustrations.
The book closes with a set of chapters dedicated to spe-
cific processes, such as process controls for fired heaters
and compressors. The book also provides comprehensive
coverage for distillation control.
This book can be considered a valuable reference for
process-control systems engineers, process engineers
and mechanical engineers. It may be possible for readers
to become overwhelmed by the volume of mathematical
equations, graphs and process illustrations contained in
the book, but the knowledge and experiences with which
the author uses such details as the basis for his control
strategies is to be appreciated. I intend to keep this book
in my library as a handy reference for any new project
that comes along.
Writing Chemistry Patents and Optimal safety for all palletised loading units.
Intellectual Property. By Francis J. Proven reliable in all weather conditions and
Waller. John Wiley & Sons Inc. with keeps its appearance at the same time. The
AIChE, 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ high-capacity packaging machine, BEUMER
07030. Web: 2011. 264 pages.
stretch hood®, efficiently combines the latest
control technology, sophisticated function
Product and Process Modelling: modules and secure film handling. See
A Case Study Approach. By Ian T. for yourself. You can find more information
Cameron and Rafiqul Gani. Elsevier about the BEUMER company and its
Inc., 30 Corporate Drive, 4th Floor, products on the Internet.
Burlington, MA 01803. Web: elsevier.
com. 2011. 548 pages. $119.00. ■
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Circle 37 on p. 70 or go to
Microbe-based process for GBL Residual biomass
(fuel use)
nears commercialization
M etabolix Inc. (Cambridge, Mass.; www. has successfully demon-
strated and completed research and develop-
Thermolysis Separation
(GBL, acrylates)
ment for scaleup on a fermentation process
that produces gamma-butyrolactone (GBL) cific conditions where the thermally labile
from genetically engineered bacteria. P4HB molecules decompose into GBL. By Phosgenation scaleup
The process is built upon the company’s starting with microbes engineered to me- At the end of July, Bayer
technology for engineering metabolic path- tabolize sugars into a specific biopolymer, MaterialScience AG (BMS;
ways into microbes that produce specific and by controlling the conditions of the Leverkusen, Germany; www.
biopolymers. “We’ve been able to control mi- thermodynamically driven decomposition, successfully
crobe biology such that high concentrations the FAST process is able to selectively pro- tested its new gas-phase
of specific, naturally occurring biopolymers duce desired products in high yields and phosgenation technology at
accumulate in the cells as they metabolize with high purities. a new plant being commis-
sioned for making toluene
sugars,” explains Oliver Peoples, Metabolix The Metabolix process has significant
diisocyanate (TDI) — a raw
co-founder and chief scientific officer. advantages, including its ability to recover
material for making poly-
Further, Metabolix has refined and ap- 90–95% pure product in a single recovery urethane — at its integrated
plied a process known as fast-acting, se- step. Also, the residual biomass from the production site at Caojing in
lective thermolysis (FAST process) that fermentation step is converted to char and Shanghai, China. The TDI
converts biopolymers, such as, in this case, combusted for process heat, making the facility is expected to come
poly-4-hydroxybutyrate (P4HB), into GBL, a FAST process energetically self-sustaining. onstream, stepwise, later this
chemical intermediate and solvent used in a Finally, the water from the fermentation year, building to its full capac-
variety of industrial applications. broth is recycled after the product is iso- ity of 250,000 metric tons
In a fermentation step, Metabolix’s engi- lated, eliminating wastewater. (m.t.) per year.
The phosgenation process,
neered microorganisms accumulate biopo- GBL is the product that is furthest along
which was implemented to-
lymer precursors — “80% of the dry weight in the path to commercialization, but Me-
gether with Bayer Technology
of the cells is P4HB,” remarks Johan van tabolix is progressing toward commercial- Services GmbH (Leverkusen,
Walsem, the company’s vice president of izing other bio-based chemicals, including Germany; www.bayertechnol-
strategy and commercial development. In acrylic acid, using a similar process. Engi-, is said to reduce
the FAST process, the whole fermentation neering for a full-scale GBL plant will be solvent consumption by
broth is dried and then heated under spe- ready to begin by 2011’s end. around 80% for a plant this
size, and cut energy consump-
tion by up to 60%, compared
to conventional liquid-phase
‘Green’ surfactants from yeast processes. Compared to con-
ventional production facilities
A new yeast strain that could one day sub-
stitute for petroleum as a source of sur-
factants for detergents, soaps and cosmetics
hand-washing soap. However, these yeasts
produce sophorolipids that have closed-chain
molecules, whereas the product of the newly
of similar size, the gas-phase
process also cuts CO2 emis-
sions by around 60,000 m.t./
has been identified by researchers at the U.S. discovered strain has open-chain molecules, yr. The new process also low-
Dept. of Agriculture’s National Center for which have a lower critical micelle concentra- ers investment costs by about
Agricultural Utilization Research (Peoria, tion, says Neil Price, a research chemist. All 20%, says BMS (for more
Ill.; The yeast, not yet named, sophorolipids are low-foaming, he explains, process details, see CE, May
is a member of the Candida genus of yeasts but the open-chain structure forms micelles 2007, p. 17).
and produces sophorolipids (a sugar-based more efficiently.
biodetergent), says microbiologist Cletus The new yeast, cultured in a mixture of A new catalyst site
Kurtzman, head of the research team. The glucose and oleic acid, produces 20 g/L of A new catalytic site of oxida-
benefits, he says, are that the sophorolipids sophorolipids, but the researchers say the tion catalysts has been iden-
are renewable and biodegradable. yield could be increased tenfold by optimiz- tified by scientists at the
Kurtzman notes that sophorolipids are ing the process (for example, increasing the University of Virginia’s (Char-
also produced by other Candida yeasts, such oxygen flow and the amount of substrate). lottesville;
chemistry and chemical engi-
as C. bombolica and C. apicola, and their The group is seeking an industrial part-
neering departments. Using
products are made commercially by two com- ner to scale up the process and to test the (Continues on p. 13)
panies in the world for use in cosmetics and sophorolipids in products and applications.
Note: For more information, circle the 3-digit number
on p. 70, or use the website designation. Chemical Engineering September 2011 11
Propane Bitumen
Solvent extraction method shows promise
for recovering bitumen from tar sands
T oday only a few percent of Canada’s
oil sands resource is accessible by tra-
ditional surface mining, so the rest has
for steam, says N-
Solv president John
Nenniger. The sol-
to be recovered in situ, mostly by steam- vent condenses on
assisted gravity drainage (SAGD). In the cold walls of the
this process, steam is injected into a vapor chamber and
horizontal well in the oil formation to dissolves the bitu-
mobilize the viscous bitumen, which is men, which drains
recovered by a producer well at a lower with the solvent
level. An in-situ process that promises down to a produc-
to be more efficient and less expensive tion well. The vapor
is being developed by N-Solv Corp. (Cal- chamber gradually
gary, Alta.; and will be expands as the bitumen interface is re- the valuable, lower-gravity components
field-tested in a 300-bbl/d pilot plant moved. A surface facility separates the of the bitumen, leaving behind most of
north of Fort McMurray, starting in the propane and non-condensable gases the sulfur and heavy metals in an as-
first half of 2013. (mostly methane) from the bitumen, phaltene residue. In SAGD, these un-
The basic configuration of N-Solv’s then the propane is recovered by distil- wanted components are mobilized, then
method is similar to that of SAGD, ex- lation and recycled. rejected by an upgrader as waste coke.
cept that propane (or some other solvent) In laboratory-scale tests, the process Consequently, N-Solv oil is about 25%
is used, rather than steam. Propane has achieved oil extraction rates com- more valuable than SAGD-produced bi-
vapor is injected into the formation at parable to those of SAGD, says Nenni- tumen, he says. The capital cost is ex-
about 40°C and 200 psi, compared with ger. A significant advantage, he adds, pected to be half that of a comparable
approximately 230°C and 300–400 psi is that the solvent selectively dissolves steam facility.
Circle 42 on p. 70 or go to
12 Chemical Engineering September 2011
Need to
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Circle 11 on p. 70 or go to
Biomass pretreatment
C ellulosic biomass pretreated with ammonia undergoes
structural changes that make it more susceptible to enzy-
matic attack, scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory
(Los Alamos, N.M.; and collaborators at the
Circle 38 on p. 70 or go to
Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center (Madison, Wisc.;
Due to global competition, have found. Combining advanced molecu-
lar modeling with experimental data, the team observed a companies can only be successful
weakening of the hydrogen-bond network that holds bulk on the marketplace if they produce
cellulose together in a highly ordered stack. The tightly outstanding quality cost effectively.
bound network of cellulose prevents enzymes from attack-
ing most of the individual cellulose molecules to produce High-quality control valves and
sugar. The discovery could lead to a less costly and less toxic accessories with low cost of
pretreatment regime for making biofuels from cellulosic ownership are what it takes for
biomass. The current pretreatment method involves costly economic production.
and harsh chemicals in an energy-intensive process.
With 50 independent subsidiaries
and over 100 engineering and
Monomers from glucose sales offices spread across the
world, SAMSON ensures the safe-
M itsubishi Chemical Corp. (MCC; Tokyo, www.m-ka-, MCC) is developing bio-based technology
for producing propylene, butadiene, 1,4-butanediol (BDO),
ty and environmental compatibility
of your plants on any continent.
terephthalic acid and succinic acid from glucose. In col-
laboration with North American partners, MCC plans to
start production of succinic acid and 1,4 BDO. MCC says
it will be able to produce butadiene for less than $2,000/
kg — about half the current price. The bacteria-based tech- SAMSON AG · MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK
Weismüllerstraße 3
nology for directly producing monomers from sugar has the
60314 Frankfurt am Main · Germany
advantage over other fermentation routes because it does Phone: +49 69 4009-0 · Fax: +49 69 4009-1507
not first go through ethanol production, says MCC. E-mail:
S ince the isolation of graphene by inspired by the electrochemical reac- cathode technology, developed to-
gether with Uhde GmbH (Dortmund,
the “Scotch tape” method, many re- tions of negative graphite electrodes in
Germany) and UhdeNora S.p.A. (Milan,
searchers have tried to synthesize so- liquid-rechargeable lithium ion batter-
Italy), which significantly reduces the
lution-dispersible graphene. The chal- ies. During electrochemical charging in energy demand for producing Cl2. As-
lenge has been to develop a high-yield a graphite electrode, Li+ ions are revers- suming the two-year trial demonstration
method that can exfoliate graphite ef- ibly intercalated into the graphite lay- is sucessful, Bayer plans to gradually
ficiently into solution-dispersible gra- ers. A promising solvent for lithium ion switch its Cl2 production to the new
phene sheets without collateral damage batteries is propylene carbonate (PC). process (for more details about the pro-
to the graphene due to oxidation, or due However, its use is limited because of its cess, see CE, May 2007, pp. 50–55 and
to the use of a strong acid. A nonoxida- destructive behavior toward the graph- March 2004, p. 17). ❏
tive electrochemical process to obtain ite cathode.
few-layer, highly conductive graphene The team discovered that this destruc-
flakes with a yield higher than 70% tive behavior of the Li/PC complexes charging voltage aids the expansion of
has been developed by a team from the can be exploited for the high-yield exfo- the electrode by Li-PC complexes. Using
Dept. of Chemistry, National Univer- liation of graphite to produce few-layer high-intensity ultrasound, the team son-
sity of Singapore ( The graphene flakes. icated the expanded graphite in concen-
team says the yield they obtained is sig- Unlike the low voltage (typically less trated LiCl dissolved in PC and N,N-di-
nificantly higher than that produced by than 1 V) and low-current electrochemi- methylformamide. Ultrasonic cavitation
most current liquid-phase exfoliation cal charging conditions typically used in results in both exfoliation and cutting of
methods. This is important for the scal- graphite intercalation compounds, the the graphite sheets. The dispersible gra-
able synthesis and industrial applica- team applied a high voltage (10–20 V) phene can be ink-brushed to form highly
tion of graphene. in order to activate Li/PC intercalation conformal coatings of conductive films
The team’s exfoliation method was in graphite. The application of a high on commercial paper. ■
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16 Chemical Engineering September 2011
Tires, old
and new
As the demand for new, fuel-efficient
tires grows, engineers are developing
Figure 1. Mechanical methods have been
new recycling methods to deal with the the main way to recycle tires. This new grinding
technology produces better quality steel and
growing piles of used tires rubber crumb, while consuming less energy
than traditional methods
obility as a “megatrend” has Germany; broke Production of 1 kg of recycled tire
recently become the latest ground for a new production facility granulate consumes 2,200 Btu, while
buzz-word, and synthetic in Singapore. The new plant, which is the production of virgin rubber mate-
rubber producers are boost- being built on the man-made Island of rials consumes more than 120,000 Btu
ing production capacities to meet the Jurong, will have a production capacity for the same quality, says ETRA.
anticipated demand for more tires. At of 100,000 ton/yr of butyl rubber. The A typical tire is about 45–48 wt.%
the same time, high fuel prices and in- €400-million investment is the larg- rubber (both natural and synthetic),
creasing concern for the environment est investment project in the history 22 wt.% carbon black and silica, 15–25
are driving innovations in rubber to of Lanxess. The butyl rubber produced wt.% metal, as well as textiles, zinc
make tires more fuel-efficient (see box in Singapore will be used primarily in oxide, sulfur and additives. The chal-
on p. 19). tires. The butyl rubber market is ex- lenge for recyclers is that the same
Meanwhile, efforts to find more effi- pected to grow steadily over the next properties that make tires durable
cient ways to recycle used tires are pro- 15 years, says Lanxess. and safe also make it difficult to re-
gressing, with some companies looking Since tires eventually wear out and cover the components in usable form.
to capitalize on the resources — both have to be discarded, one has to won- What happens to these used tires
energy and materials — that are tightly der what is going to happen to all the varies widely by country. In Japan, for
bound inside discarded tires. new tires. Already, all over the world, example, about 62 wt.% of the used
there are mountains of used tires tires in 2010 were used as an alterna-
Megatrend mobility piled up (if readers haven’t seen such tive fuel in various industries, such as
An estimated 5% of the nearly 3-bil- tire heaps themselves, just type “used paper manufacturing (39%), cement
lion Asian population own cars, com- tires” into Google Images). Such land- calcining (10%), steel manufactur-
pared to more than half the 406-mil- filling is becoming a thing of the past, ing (3%) and others, according to the
lion population of Western Europe and and today, there are a number of ways The Japan Automobile Tyre Manufac-
80% of the 306 million in the U.S. So to recycle tires. turers Association, Inc. (Tokyo; www.
it’s not surprising that all of the major Only 10% of the tires
tire manufacturers are investing in Recycling today were recycled for reclaimed and pow-
production plants in China, Thailand, Worldwide, nearly 1-billion tires are dered rubber.
India and elsewhere, to capitalize on manufactured each year, and nearly In the U.S., about 76% of the 300-mil-
the emerging markets there. In May, an equal amount of tires are removed lion tires generated annually are re-
for example, Continental AG (Hanover, from vehicles and defined as waste, cycled, with tire derived fuel (TDF)
Germany; of- according to the European Tyre Recy- accounting for about half in 2010, ac-
ficially opened its first tire plant in cling Assn. (ETRA; Brussels, Belgium; cording to Dick Guss, environmental ad-
China. The €185-million investment In the E.U. alone, visory council of the Tire Industry Assn.
in Hefei, in the Anhui province, has an some 3.5-million metric tons (m.t.) of (Bowie, Md.;
annual production capacity of 4-mil- tires become waste each year. Although In the EU, where landfilling of
lion tires, and further expansion at tires are not the biggest waste stream post-consumer tires was banned in
the site to 16 million tires is planned. — over ten times more plastic waste 2003 (for shred and recycle residue in
Rubber producers, too, are looking is generated in the E.U. each year — 2006), material recycling using a va-
east in order to meet the growing de- tires contain a number of components riety of treatments and technologies
mand from tire manufacturers. In May, that can be recovered for reuse, so re- has grown to more than 36% of post-
for example, Lanxess AG (Leverkusen, cycling can make economical sense. consumer tires, says ETRA.
Chemical Engineering September 2011 17
Power supply
4,000 m.t./yr
riction between a vehicle’s tires and the road is responsible for about 30% of fuel
consumption. At the same time, the tires must grip the road, especially when wet, for
obvious safety reasons. Finding the right balance between low rolling resistance and
strong wet grip is the key to high-performance tires, says Frans Hordies, commercial
director Synthetic Rubber, Styron (Berwyn, Pa.;
A tire is made up of many different components with different rubbers, both syn- Protection from
thetic and natural. The tread accounts for the largest portion of synthetic rubber, and
SBR (styrene butadiene rubber) is important for the treads. Styron has been develop-
ing a solution-based polymerization process to make SBR (S-SBR), and in the last
the Inside Out
five years we have seen an acceleration in the demand for this rubber, says Hordies.
The latest generation of the company’s S-SBR — Sprintan S-SBR 4602 — won this
years “IQ Innovation Award” for breakthrough rub-
ber technology. “S-SBR is now seen as a key en-
abling technology for delivering the two contradic-
tory characteristics of low rolling resistance but with
the same grip,” he says.
Styrol built its first commercial production plant for
S-SBR in Schkopau, Germany in 2000, added an
additional stream in 2009, and is now constructing
a third train scheduled to start up in 4th quarter of
2012. The new production line will introduce an ad-
ditional capacity of 50,000 m.t. at the production fa-
cility in Schkopau.
Lanxess AG (Leverkusen, Germany) also sees high-
performing “green tires” as the fastest growing sector
in the tire industry, with an annual global growth rate
of about 9%, and even higher (14%) in Asia. When you face intense processing
conditions, look to centrifuges
Labeling tires for performance from GEA Westfalia Separator.
Before November 1, 2012, tire manufactur- That’s because they are built to
er’s in the E.U. will be required, by law, to operate safely even under the
declare the fuel efficiency, wet grip and exter- most extreme temperatures and
nal rolling noise performance of tires for pas-
pressures. Here are just a few
senger cars, light- and heavy-duty vehicles.
The regulation was adopted by the European features offered:
Parliament and Council in 2009 as a means to trigger fuel savings from the increased
use of fuel-efficient tires. The European Commission estimates that between 2.4 and Operating temperature up
6.6 MTOE (million metric tons of oil equivalent) can be saved, depending on the to 250°C
speed of market transformation.
Few consumers are aware of the impact of tires on gas mileage, and the Commission Pressure-resistant up to 10 bar
estimates that drivers can reduce their fuel bills by up to 10% between the best and worst Wide range of corrosion
set of tires available on the market. To increase awareness, tire performances will be
resistant material
displayed at the point of sale and on promotional literature. A standardized tire label
(upper label) will inform consumers on three key performance attributes: fuel efficiency Pressure controlled design
and wet grip performance — with a ranking scale of A (highest performance) to G (least
Special direct drive
performing) — and exterior rolling noise, in both decibels and one to three sound waves
(one wave for the quietest, three for the loudest). High performance
In January 2010, The Japan Automobile Tire Manufacturers Assn., Inc. (Tokyo; www. washing system introduced a voluntary standardized Tire Labeling System, which displays
performance levels of fuel-efficient tires (lower label). The system grades tires for rolling
resistance performance — on a five-scale range from AAA (best) to C (worst) — and on To learn more about putting
wet grip performance on a four-grade scale from a to d. our centrifuges to work in your
South Korea also introduced a similar labeling scheme a few months ago. ❐ operation, contact Sean Eicher
at 201-784-4318 or email him at
“We receive thousands of inquiries on anticipates that at least seven of these
an annual basis for process technology projects will enter into the EPC (en-
regarding scrap rubber and tires, and gineering procurement construction)
have over a trillion dollars of deal flow phase in the next 18 months, depend-
in our current project-development ing on the E.U.’s economic recovery.
pipeline,” says Klinkhamer. “We simply Two of these projects are currently
Liquids to Value
can’t build plants fast enough, even in operating, and final “hot trials” will be
GEA Mechanical Equipment US, Inc.
today’s current market conditions.” completed at the beginning of 2012.
The company has 15 projects in de- One of these, located in the U.K., is an GEA Westfalia Separator Division
velopment pipeline that are either in integrated tire-resource-recovery facil- 100 Fairway Court · Northvale, NJ 07647
the permitting phase or entering the ity that is supported by several collec- Phone: 201-767-3900 · Fax: 201-767-3901
permitting phase, and Klinkhamer tion centers. Current overall capacity Toll-Free: 800-722-6622
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Waves Figure 1. Adopting modern chemistries and technologies for moni-
toring, analysis and control can go a long way toward easing the water
treatment burden that is so very challenging for chemical processors
or years it has been the common cling to the forefront (Figure 1). water treatment chemistry to enhance
practice to treat process water The idea is to optimize the consump- an already existing physical process,”
with various chemistries to pre- tion of chemicals so the proper dosage says Tim Laube, general manager
vent scale, corrosion and micro- is being applied, depending upon the with Kroff (Pittsburgh, Pa.). “It is very
biologicals. However, as regulatory actual conditions of the water being possible for water treatment chemi-
issues tighten, water scarcity becomes treated at that time. “There was a cals to enhance and make a process
a growing concern and the cost of time when people applied chemistry more efficient both in reducing waste
treatment chemicals increases, chemi- to a system based on the worst case and time.”
cal processors are finding that strin- scenario, even if that situation existed For example, his company has de-
gent treatment chemicals are not the only 5 to 10% of the time,” explains veloped polymers that allow for the
only answer. Instead, they’re relying Milici. However, water quality and removal of zinc phosphate in an effi-
upon a multi-prong effort of chemis- discharge regulations have changed cient way. “We can actually reduce how
try, analysis and monitoring to reduce and economics have changed to the much chemical is fed by as much as
their process-water treatment costs, point where this is not feasible. As a 90% in some cases, which has multiple
while keeping in compliance. result, processors are now faced with impacts,” he says. “First, less chemical
“Chemical processors have multi- two major challenges. The first is is going into the system, which means
ple challenges and priorities when it managing the delivery of chemistry so less chemical has to be removed from
comes to water treatment,” says Kevin it meets the needs and conditions in the tail end, saving both the cost of the
Milici, global marketing manager with realtime by efficiently applying chem- chemicals and the cost of treating the
GE Power and Water (Trevose, Pa.). icals without sacrificing the operation waste stream. Second, the polymers
He says first and foremost is safety and safety of the system. The second are not toxic, flammable or dangerous,
and compliance. “If that isn’t under is reducing the amount of fresh water which makes them green, as well as
control, nothing else is important.” being used through water reuse or re- cost and time efficient.”
But moving beyond that basic pillar cycling, which also creates chemistry Similarly, Ashland Hercules Water
is the issue of avoiding failure in the challenges. “Chemical processors — Technologies (Wilmington, Del.) offers
form of an unscheduled stop in produc- like other industrial water users — are Enviroplus advanced cooling-water
tion. “If a unit comes down because of being pushed to conserve consumption treatments that both protect plant
inadequate water treatment practices of fresh water and, at the same time, to assets and meet regulatory require-
or controls, that’s a bad day for every- reduce waste streams through water ments through the use of environmen-
one,” says Milici. Assuming this is not reuse or improving wastewater dis- tally responsible chemistries.
a problem, the next level is to avoid im- charge levels,” says Daryl Weatherup, The family includes a series of multi-
paired unit production where the pro- global product manager with Siemens functional products formulated with
cess is running, but in a sub-optimal Industries (Phoenix, Ariz.). “This novel blends of organic chemistries,
state — meaning production through- can generally mean using less water which contain significantly lower lev-
put or yield is less than desired or the throughout the plant, which often els of phosphorus than conventional
Chemical Engineering September 2011 23
merging market drivers, such as tighter
minimal impact on the environment of polymeric dispersants and oxidant-
water quality regulations, water conserva-
due to the favorable toxicity profiles resistant organic phophonates pro- tion and high chemical costs have opened
and inherent biodegradability, yet re- vides control of calcium scales. the door for new chemical treatments and
duce corrosion and scaling in indus- “This product has the potential to non-chemical treatment alternatives that have
trial, alkaline cooling-water systems. waste less water from the cooling sys- the potential to give the standard, commodity
A combination of corrosion inhibi- tem and minimize total water usage in water-treatment chemicals a healthy dose of
tors form a film on metal surfaces, the cooling system than if using tra- competition. Recently, Lux Research (Boston,
providing corrosion protection without ditional corrosion inhibitors and anti- Mass.) released a report titled “Water Chemi-
cals and Competitors: The Long, Long March of
the ‘Chemical Free Revolution,’” ranking some
of these new and innovative solutions in key
treatment markets, including drinking water,
wastewater, cooling and boiler water, desali-
nation, mining, industrial and oil-and-gas.
“Opportunities await the new wave of re-
duced and non-chemical water treatments, but
those opportunities are distributed unevenly
across application markets,” says Brent Giles,
a senior analyst with the firm and the report’s
lead author. “New approaches for treating
municipal water, for example, won’t budge
conventional chemical-based methods. But in
the oil-and-gas industry, non-chemical treat-
ments could move very fast because their rela-
tively small footprint enables produced water
to be treated at the drill site and reused.”
Giles admits that non-chemical treatments
almost never completely eliminate chemicals,
but technologies like electrocoagulation have
the potential to reduce the amount of chemical
used, bringing the water much closer to water
reuse with less effort. He adds that monitoring
plays a big role in chemical reduction because
it helps you keep the process in the sweet spot,
which reduces the amount of chemicals you
are buying and using on the front end and the
amount of treatment water you will need on
the back end.
Some of the most promising technologies
in these areas, according to Giles, include
the following:
Water Tectonics, Inc.’s (Everett, Wash.)
WaveIonics electrocoagulation technology.
The treatment system is an automated, non-
chemical water treatment system operating
between 100 and 1,000 gal/min for the
purpose of removing heavy metals, turbid-
ity, bacteria, phosphorus, chemical oxygen
demand and biochemical oxygen demand,
sulfides and PCBs.
While it is currently being used in the oil-
promise in SCFI Group Ltd.’s (Cork, Ireland)
AquaCritox SCW oxidation solution. In super
critical conditions, the properties of water
are changed and the solubility of gases and
organic compounds are increased to almost Resistoflex®ATL PTFE
100%, while inorganic compounds become
largely invisible. Oxygen is completely mis-
cible in all proportions with SCW. When a
stream containing organic material is placed
under super critical condition and oxygen is
introduced, a rapid and complete oxidation
reaction takes place. This oxidation reaction
is exothermic, so the reaction can be auto
thermal at very low levels of organic matter.
Unlike incineration, the only gaseous emis-
sions from this process are CO2 and N2.
Phophorous and coagulant can be recovered
from the inert residue.
In pharmaceutical applications, the technol-
ogy does not produce a hazardous concentrate
that would normally require disposal. While bi- Resistoflex®ATL PTFE
ological treatment processes produce a waste
sludge that requires disposal, the AuqaCritox Advanced Technology Liner
process produces an effluent liquid stream with
low chemical-oxygen-demand (COD) values.
Any inert material within the waste stream will
exit the process as inert residue.
“This self-perpetuating wastewater treatment Resistoflex®ATL PTFE reduces permeation rates
eliminates complex organics through com- by up to 60% when exposed to aggressive
plete oxidation while allowing for the retrieval chemical elements at high temperatures
of metals and phosphates,” says Giles. ❐
More physics means more appli- vacuum systems. This release also has can be used to predict the impact on
cations with this CFD software new LiveLink interfaces for AutoCAD erosion rates of changes to the design
STAR-CCM+ Version 6.04 is this com- and SpaceClaim. Version 4.2 includes or operating conditions. Barracuda is
pany’s latest release of its CFD- (com- new virtual geometry tools for creat- widely used for the modeling of cir-
putational fluid dynamics) focused en- ing a mesh that identifies the essential culating fluidized beds, fluidized-bed
gineering simulation software (photo). parts of the original CAD model to en- reactors, fluid catalytic-cracking units
The new release aims to: further ex- able faster and more memory-efficient and other gas-solid or liquid-solid pro-
pand the application coverage through solving. Time-dependent adaptive cessing equipment. — CPFD Software,
the addition of new, validated physics; meshing and automatic remeshing Albuquerque, N.M.
to further improve quality, robustness tightly link solvers and meshing algo-
and speed of the meshing technology; rithms for any moving mesh analysis.
and to enhance usability of 3D-CAD — Comsol, Inc., Burlington, Mass. More worksheets for
(computer-aided design), the surface- engineering calculations
preparation tools, the CAD clients This company recently added more
and the visualization capabilities. Particle and fluid flow are than 600 new Parametric Technology
For example, heat and mass trans- modeled by this software Corp. (PTC) MathCAD worksheets
fer between phases have been added Barracuda V14.4 is the latest CFD from PTC e-Libraries. The worksheets
to the Existing Eulerian multiphase software specialized for modeling are fully compatible with MathCAD
capabilities. The new release also in- fluid-particle flow problems in indus- 14.0, 15.0 and MathCAD Prime 1.0.
cludes, among other additions, a new trial applications. This latest version The Knovel Math expansion enables
model to predict the formation and provides the ability to predict erosion engineers to quickly find and solve
transport of thin liquid film on a sur- in chemical plant equipment caused systems of equations across a wider
face, and its subsequent stripping and by particle-wall impacts. Based on range of topics via a collection of fully
breakup under aerodynamic forces. — this company’s CPFD (computational documented and validated MathCAD
CD-adapco, Melville, N.Y. particle fluid dynamics) numerical worksheets. — Knovel, New York, N.Y. methods, which combine a Eulerian
approach for the fluid with a Lagran-
Expanding applications with this gian formulation for the particles, Improve crystallization process-
multiphysics software Barracuda is a specialized form of es with this modeling tool
May saw the release of the latest CFD designed specifically for model- gCrystal is a powerful and user-
version of Multiphysics — Version ing reacting fluidized systems (photo). friendly tool that uses high-fidelity
4.2 — which incorporates three new Because solids are treated as discrete predictive models validated with ex-
applications modules: Microfluidics, particles with a full particle-size dis- perimental or operating data to pro-
Geomechanics and Electrodeposition. tribution, Barracuda is able to cal- vide accurate information for support
For example, the Microfluidics Module culate an erosion index based on the of design and operating decisions. The
can be used for the study of microflu- individual particle mass, velocity software helps scientists and engi-
idic devices and rarefied gas flows, and impact angle with solid surfaces. neers responsible for the design and
and can be used for the design of lab- High-wear locations can be identi- operation of crystallization processes
on-a-chip devices, digital microfluid- fied, whether the surface is metallic to meet crystallization challenges
ics, electrokinetic devices, inkjets and or refractory-lined, and the software through: population balance model-
Note: For more information, circle the 3-digit number Chemical Engineering September 2011 29
on p. 70, or use the website designation.
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aintaining high-purity conditions in chamber is filled with steam Table 1. Comparison of
the chemical process industries (CPI) at an optimal temperature sterilization techniques
depends in large part on the tech- and time to maximize Sterilization Advantages Disadvantages
niques used for sterilization. As a method killing of microorganisms. technique
to inactivate or eliminate potentially harmful Related are steam-in-place
microbes, sterilization can be achieved (SIP) systems that use steam Moist heat Inexpensive, highly Degradation of
(steam) effective and material, safety
through a number of different approaches, to cycle through tanks, pipes efficient, non-toxic
such as moist-heat (steam), radiation, eth- and equipment. In that
ylene oxide treatment and newer technolo- case, a cleaning solution Ethylene Low-temperature ap- High-temperature
oxide plications, highly ef- applications, cost,
gies. Each approach has advantages and is introduced to the tank or fective and efficient safety
disadvantages, and the choice can have a pipe system, followed by a
major impact on product quality and safety. rinse with purified water and Ionizing High molecular- Low oxygen
then steam. radiation weight durability, permeability, cost,
highly effective and safety
Ethylene oxide sterilization A disadvantage of using a efficient
By virtue of its being a gas at ambient tem- steam sterilization system is
perature and pressure, ethylene oxide (EtO) that steam cycles can be long Plasma Wide range of Lack of experience
compatibility, high with plasma, cost
can be used in lower-temperature applica- (~4 h). While sterilization effectiveness
tions, and is considered to be the “gold itself usually takes 20 min at
standard” for low-temperature sterilization. 121˚C, preconditioning time Dry heat High penetrating Temperature
power, low corrosion stratification, slow
Biologically, EtO works by alkylating DNA, is required to eliminate air
heating rates, high
which disrupts cellular processes. This in the chamber, as is drying temperatures, long
makes EtO effective against bacteria and time following the steriliza- exposure times
fungi, as well as against microbial spores. tion. Another challenge is the
The properties that make EtO an effective sterilization of complicated components with The electromagnetic field creates a range
sterilizing agent also make it a danger to contaminant-trapping designs. of particles, including photons, electrons
those who may be exposed to the com- Effective steam sterilization requires a and neutral particles. The active agents of
pound. However, EtO has been used in the robust steam-delivery system that is capable plasma sterilization are ultraviolet (UV)-
healthcare industry for a relatively long pe- of supplying steam dry enough to penetrate wavelength photons, as well as free radi-
riod, so the chemical is well regulated, and components, but also wet enough to coat cals (usually oxygen species with unpaired
many safety systems have been developed. surfaces sufficiently. It is usually desirable to electrons). Hydrogen peroxide in an evacu-
Because of EtO’s high reactivity, it may have steam generation occur close to where ated chamber is often used as the source of
be undesirable in some process situations. it will be used in an autoclave. the radicals in plasma sterilization.
Therefore, detailed research is recommend- The mechanism by which microorgan-
ed before incorporating EtO into a process Dry-heat sterilization isms are killed with plasma irradiation is
as a sterilization agent. Sterilization can also be accomplished with tri-phasic. The first component is UV irradia-
dry heat, through the use of a large-scale, tion, which damages microorganism DNA
Ionizing radiation convection-heating industrial oven. Convec- directly. The second is photodesorption,
Using short-wavelength radiation to disrupt tion heating occurs when heat is transferred whereby UV photons break bonds in the
covalent bonds can be an effective method through a medium by motion of its parts. material making up the microbes, leading
to sterilize materials and surfaces, including Industrial convection ovens are critical for to formation of volatile byproducts, which
polymers. Ionizing radiation generates reac- high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filtra- are removed. The third phase involves
tive species in cells that disrupt microbial tion. In such applications, air is heated by adsorption of reactive species onto the
DNA. The three-step interaction of ionizing the heating elements of the oven by natural microorganism. The reactive species un-
radiation with biological and chemical convection and transferred into the air by dergo chemical reactions to create volatile
matter consists of a physical stage, in which forced convection. Dry-heat sterilization small molecules. When a sufficient level
radiation is absorbed; a physicochemical kills microbes by coagulating proteins at of material has been removed, and DNA
stage, where thermal equilibrium is estab- elevated temperatures. damaged, the microbe dies.
lished within the system; and a chemical Relatively little research has been carried An advantage of using the plasma steril-
stage, when the reactive species diffuse out in the area of dry-heating sterilization ization method is the potential for maintain-
and react with adjacent molecules. All three because the process is time-consuming and ing relatively low temperatures (≤50˚C),
stages occur within microseconds, making difficult to control. These difficulties arise which allows the integrity of polymer-based
the overall ionizing radiation process highly because of temperature stratification and materials to remain intact. Also, plasma
time-efficient, while still maintaining a high slow heating rates. sterilization is safe for the operator, and
level of thoroughness. Dry-heating does have some advan- leaves no toxic or harmful chemical residue.
A significant disadvantage of the techol- tages compared to moist-heat sterilization, Sterilization cycles for plasma can be
ogy is its safety to individuals. Also, care however. These advantages include a relatively short.
must be taken to ensure that the irradiation higher penetrating power, less corrosivity
does not have a deleterious effect on the and slower erosion of ground-glass surfaces
product or material being exposed. compared to steam sterilization. Dry-heat References
sterilization has become more widely used 1. Baez, H. A. and Assaf-Anid, N.M., Novel
Moist-heat sterilization in recent years because of advancements in and Conventional Approaches to Sterilization,
Chem. Eng., August 2008, pp. 42–45.
Another common sterilization method is infrared-radiation tunnels that have started
to use steam to deactivate microbe cells to remove a downside of dry heat by allow- 2. Moisan, M., Barbeau, J. and others, Plasma
Sterilization: Methods and Mechanisms, Pure
by denaturing cellular proteins and other ing high-heat, short-time sterilization.
Appl. Chem. vol. 74 (3), pp. 349–358, 2002.
macromolecules. Steam sterilization is
widely used because of its high efficacy, Plasma-based sterilization
Editor’s note: This edition of “Facts at Your Finger-
low reactivity and low cost. One tool for Plasma (ionized gas) is created by ap- tips” is partially adapted from the article refer-
steam sterilization is an autoclave, where a plying an electromagnetic field to a gas. enced above [1].
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Circle 34 on p. 70 or go to
xhibitors and attendees alike are
getting geared up for the 2nd annual
ChemInnovations Conference and
Expo (, which
runs from September 13–15 at the George
Brown Convention Center in Houston.
Focused on breakthrough ideas, emerging
technologies and game-changing solutions
in the chemical process industries (CPI),
the event offers the most comprehensive
conference content for chemical engineers
in North America. ChemInnovations 2011
is expected to draw over 150 exhibitors
and more than 2,500 attendees. The event
is co-located with three others — the an-
nual meeting of the International Society
of Automation (ISA) Houston Section, the
Pump User’s Symposium and the Turbo-
machinery Symposium.
Conference tracks
Six tracks, plus the Chementator BHS Filtration
Lightning Round (Chem. Eng., Aug.
2011, p. 20D-1) comprise ChemInno- riety of sizes to accom- different-sized inter-
vations’ conference program: modate one to 18 filter changeable rotors for
• Track 1: Business insights, outlook elements in 40 and processing multiple
and regulatory issues 60-in. lengths. Flow- batch sizes. The cen-
rates achieved are up trifuges offer basket
• Track 2: Process, design and to 400 gal/min. With filtration and solid-
operations a horizontal style, the liquid sedimentation,
• Track 3: Environmental, health system maximizes the and hard- or soft-sided
and safety ease of operation while containment systems
minimizing the physi- can be installed for
• Track 4: Energy efficiencies and
cal footprint. The high- use with potent com-
the use of alternative energy sources Robatel
flow filtration systems pounds. Cart-mounted
• Track 5: Equipment maintenance have standard pressure and tempera- installation allows for easy portabil-
and reliability ture ratings to 300 psig and 250°F. The ity. They are available with explosion-
• Track 6: Instrumentation, controls hinged cover permits easy changeouts proof electrical controls and can be
and automation and the units are available in carbon constucted from 316L stainless steel,
steel, as well as 304 and 316 stainless Hastelloy C and others. Booth 316 —
Products and services steel. Booth 3106 — Rosedale Filtra- Robatel Inc., Pittsfield, Mass.
The following descriptions include tion Products Inc., Ann Arbor, Mich.
some of the many products and ser-
vices that will be featured on the ex- A touch-screen for
hibit floor at ChemInnovations. This centrifuge is designed for interlock systems
R&D and small-scale processing The new CKC Touch-Screen display
Achieve high-performance filtra- Laboratory centrifuges from this com- for key interlocking systems is de-
tion with a compact design pany (photo) are ideally suited for signed for integration into interlock
This company’s high-flow filtration R&D, as well as small-scale process- key cabinets, or for separate mounting
systems (photo) are available in a va- ing. They can be equipped with three as a standalone feature. All cabinet
Note: For more information, circle the 3-digit number Chemical Engineering September 2011 32D-1
on p. 54, or use the website designation.
SafePlex Systems
axially loading the bear- oil based, or designed specifically The SILstroke-3B is certified by TÜV
ings. Booth 3412 — Hammel- to allow vapor-phase heat transfer. Rheinland to achieve safety integrity
mann Corp., Dayton, Ohio The company also offers a flushing level (SIL) 3. Installation of the ESD fluid to help clean interior surfaces valve controller is easy, the company
of heat-transfer-fluid systems. Booth says, and its reliability enables op-
Heat-transfer fluids 3124 — Solutia Inc., Houston erators to lengthen the proof-test in-
with a variety of properties tervals for ESD valves by up to five
Liquid-phase heat-transfer fluids times. Booth 3125 — SafePlex Systems
from this company are available with An ESD valve controller with a Inc., Houston
properties that suit a broad range of fault-tolerant design
process applications. Among the op- Designed for controlling emergency
tions are synthetic fluids for high- or shutdown (ESD) valves, the SIL- This company has expertise in
low-temperature applications, and for stroke-3B (photo) features parallel air pinch analysis
applications requiring a large temper- supply and air venting pathways that Maximizing energy recovery from
ature swing. Other fluids are mineral- allow a fault-tolerant, failsafe design. chemical processes using pinch analy-
e rk
a t th w Yo
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Vis ow in #220
S oth
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the water quality event
Moyno Chemineer
Circle 27 on p. 70 or go to
32D-8 Chemical Engineering September 2011
Carbogen Amcis AG (Bubendorf, Magnet Applications, a subsidiary of treatment, names Jim Skiba senior
Switzerland), a pharmaceutical pro- Bunting Magnetics (Newton, Kan.). account executive and Daniel Gray
cess developer and manufacturer of sales representative.
active pharmaceutical ingredients, Chuck Harris becomes vice president
names Mark Griffiths CEO. of midwest operations, distribution Deacom, Inc. (Wayne, Pa.), a pro-
and fulfillment, based in Chicago, for ducer of enterprise resource planning
GE Energy (Atlanta, Ga.), names Intelligrated (Cincinnati, Ohio), a (ERP) software, promotes Amanda
Dan Heintzelman CEO of GE Oil & provider of material-handling solu- Mackedanz to vice president of sales.
Gas. He is currently CEO of GE tions. The company also names Chris
Energy Services, and will succeed Arnold vice president of operations Vertellus Specialties, Inc. (India-
Claudi Santiago, who is retiring and solutions development. napolis, Ind.), a specialty chemicals
in December. company, names Bentley Park presi-
Kroff Chemical Co. (Pittsburgh, dent of the Vertellus Agriculture and
Pete Lipetzky becomes general Pa.), a provider of chemicals and Nutrition business unit. ■
manager of the DuBois, Pa., facility of processes for water and wastewater Suzanne Shelley
Engineering Success...
Circle 9 on p. 70 or go to
Chemical Engineering September 2011 33
Specifying Elastomer
Seals for Plastic Piping
Table 1. The Acronym ‘TAMPSS’
Careful attention to Temperature The temperature of the media contacting the seal (Figure 1).
This will be higher for rotating equipment due to frictional heat
elastomer properties Application Detailed information on the intended use of the material and
the use of the equipment into which it will be installed, includ-
and variation by ing the expected performance. Typical applications include
flanges, oil seals, expansion joints, stoppers, hatches, covers,
optimize specification normal operation. For elastomeric materials, this is usually the
first factor to consider as it narrows the scope of viable materi-
als. Also important are any secondary media associated with
cleaning and other activities apart from the primary process
Matt Tones, Lou Mattina Pressure Internal system pressure, including periodic spikes or surges
and Jim Drago inherent in the service
Garlock Sealing Technologies Size Overall dimensions, thickness and cross-sectional sizes
Speed For rotating and reciprocating applications whose rates of
movement are used in conjunction with dimensional data to
he chemical process industries
calculate surface speeds
(CPI), like many others, increas-
ingly employ non-metallic piping
Table 2. Common Elastomers and uses
systems for fluid transfer — in-
Elastomer type Services
cluding polyvinyl chloride (PVC), chlo-
rinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC) and Ethylene propylene diene Water, steam, mild acid and base resistance
monomer (EPDM)
fiberglass-reinforced plastic (FRP) —
Butyl rubber Water, mild acid and base resistance
instead of exotic metal piping. While
non-metallic piping systems have Fluoroelastomer (FKM) Excellent oil, solvent, acid and base resistance
benefits, such as lighter weight and Natural rubber Water, mild acid and base resistance
easier installation, they pose a chal- Neoprene (CR) Good oil, water and base resistance
lenge with regard to selecting gaskets, Nitrile rubber (NBR) Oil and fuels (aliphatic hydrocarbons)
which typically have been polytetra- Silicone Excellent heat resistance and good oil resistance
fluoroethylene (PTFE)-based. Styrene butadiene rubber Water
The challenge stems largely from (SBR)
the fact that elastomer compounds
may have significant differences even ing process, it is important to estab- plications, most users rely on three
if they share the same generic nomen- lish relationships with suppliers that principal criteria: polymer type, price
clature. Indeed, there can be signifi- are conducive to collaboration. It is and hardness. However, to assure opti-
cant variations within the same types also crucial to undertake a thorough mal performance and longevity of ser-
and grades of elastomers from different review of the available information vice, additional detailed information
suppliers. By simply specifying neo- on elastomer types and their proper- is required on the material’s intended
prene (chloroprene rubber) or EPDM ties. Combining these approaches will use and the conditions under which it
(ethylene propylene diene monomer), greatly reduce the risk of using the will need to function. Further, selecting
for example, engineers may not arrive wrong material for an application, and an elastomer seal without a complete
at the right elastomer seal for the in- help guard against chemical spills, em- understanding of the manufacturer’s
tended application. Therefore, in spec- ployee injury and facility downtime. terminology can lead to selection of the
ifying elastomer seals for CPI applica- wrong material for an application.
tions, engineers need to exercise due Collecting key information To arrive at the best elastomer for
diligence both in how they approach The majority of non-metallic pip- a particular sealing application, begin
relationships with elastomer suppli- ing systems require the low seating by defining the application in terms
ers and in the information they seek stress of softer, more compressible of the material’s compatibility with
about elastomer properties. elastomeric or rubber gaskets. When the media being sealed, as well as the
In the specification and purchas- specifying elastomers for sealing ap- required grade and compressibility. A
34 Chemical Engineering September 2011
Silicone SBR resistance
Rubber sheet Natural rubber
Nitrile ingredients
Nitrile Moderate
Natural Polymer resistance
Butyl Other
EPDM Excellent
Nitrile resistance
–150 –100 –50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Temperature, °F
Figure 1. Temperature resistance is a critical parameter for FIGURE 2. Elastomer makeup differs by grade,
elastomer selection. The temperature resistance ranges of with significant impact on chemical resistance. In this
the common elastomers listed in Table 2 are compared case, nitrile content affects resistance to petroleum
Finished elastomer products are the hardness, tensile and tear Nitrile
Elastomer components combination of a number of various elasticity, compression and creep. This
In and of themselves, elastomeric poly- ingredients, though they are identi- “green” mixture is heated, milled,
mers are not suitable for industrial fied by the primary polymer used. In calendered, extruded or molded into
applications, but they are necessary to addition to the primary long-chain sheet form or functional shapes.
render finished products elastic. Table polymers from which they derive their Elastomers are generally classified
2 lists several common elastomers *Viton is a registered trademark of Dupont Per-
into three grades: utility, commercial
along with the typical services for formance Polymers and premium. Because there are no
Chemical Engineering September 2011 35
Rubbers Plastics
Shore A
durometer 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 95
Shore D
durometer 45 55 65 75 85
industry standards with regard to Rubber band Car tire tread Golf ball Base
formulation, products can vary signifi-
cantly from one manufacturer to an-
FIGURES 5 and 6. Material hardness of various plastic and rubber compounds fall
other. A product’s chemical resistance onto different Shore scales
is largely determined by its polymer
content. Figure 2 illustrates how the Medium Medium
polymer content, in this case nitrile, Extra soft Soft soft hard Hard Extra hard
can affect the material’s fuel and oil Shore 00
resistance. 20 30 35 40 50 55 60 70 80 90 95 98
expressed as Shore A–Scale points,** sistance to specific media can be added application is to refer to the published
(Figures 5 and 6) and the sixth posi- as a special “Z” requirement. literature and consult with the manu-
tion designates tensile strength. Sup- The properties of elastomer sheet facturer’s application engineers. Table
plementing this basic line-call-out in- gaskets are not always expressed in the 4 shows independent sources of infor-
formation are more than 17 different same terms as those for compressed- mation on the chemical compatibility
categories of properties, such as heat, fiber and PTFE-sheet gaskets. Table of elastomers. ■
fluid, tear and abrasion resistance. 3 shows the corresponding properties Edited by Scott Jenkins
These properties are designated with for elastomer sheet gaskets. Authors
alphanumeric codes ciphered in Table Matt Tones is director of
product management in
6 of the standard. Figure 3 contains Elastomer compatibility North America at Garlock
the full list. Media compatibility is a key determi- Sealing Technologies (1666
Division Street, Palmyra, NY
nant of an elastomer’s suitability for an 14522; Email: matt.tones@
Using line call-outs application. There are a number of inde-; Phone: 800-448-
6688) and has more than ten
When using the line call-out system pendent sources providing information years of experience with the
in specifying elastomers for seals, on the chemical compatibility of elas- company. Prior to his present
position, Tones was manager
there are a few “rules of thumb” that tomers. Manufacturers offer tabulated of applications engineering,
training and customer support. He also has
can greatly help. Here are three of the information with “acceptable-depends- served as product manager for the company’s
most widely useful: unacceptable” performance rankings. line of restructured PTFE gaskets, and as liai-
son with OEM customers. He began his career in
1. The longer the call-out, the higher Unless stated, these do not take into Garlock’s testing laboratories.
the quality of the material (a long account elevated temperatures, which Lou Mattina is manager
number indicates extensive specifica- can exacerbate the effects of a chemical. of elastomeric materials at
Garlock Sealing Technologies
tion and testing) Nor do these tables reflect the applica- (Email: lou.mattina@garlock.
com). He has more than 30
2. Low tensile strength indicates low tion. For example, an elastomer used to years of experience in the
polymer and high filler content line a vessel has far more exposure to rubber business, including
compounding, mixing, calen-
3. High elasticity indicates high poly- service conditions than a rubber gasket daring, extruding, and injec-
mer content, lower filler content and in a flange. The best approach to select- tion, compression and transfer
molding. Among the products
higher tensile strength ing the optimal elastomer for a given he has helped to develop are
The alpha pair of positions three NSF materials for potable water, abrasion-re-
sistant compounds, FDA formulations, and fire-,
and four indicate polymer type. Users heat- and ozone-resistant compounds. He is a
rarely develop their own line call-outs, Further reading member of the American Chemical Society Rub-
1. U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investiga- ber Division, Energy Rubber group and American
but rather work with their suppliers tion Board (CSB), website ( Waterworks Association.
and the TAMPSS guidelines to select 2. “Guidelines for Hazard Evaluation Procedures Jim Drago is manager of
— With Worked Examples (2nd Ed.),” Center business development and in-
a suitable material appropriate for for Chemical Process Safety/AIChE, 1992. tegration at Garlock (Email:
their particular application. He
3. American Specialty Equipment, Inc., Process has worked in sealing tech-
Once the selection is made, the man- Safety Management Guidelines for Compli- nology for more than 25 years
ance, OSHA document 3133, 1994 Appendix., with experience in engineer-
ufacturer supplies the ASTM D2000 copyright 1999 – 2005, ing, applications, product de-
line call-out specifying the material 4. American Petroleum Institute (API) “Recom- velopment and management.
mended Practice 521, Guide for Pressure- He has authored numerous
generically and excluding substandard Relieving and Depressuring Systems”, 4th articles on sealing to meet
materials. Specifying tensile strength ed. March 1997; ( fugitive emission regulations,
presented papers at technical symposiums and
alone, for example, will eliminate low- 5. 29 CFR 1910.119 “Process Safety Manage- contributed to the formulation of industry stan-
ment of Highly Hazardous Chemicals,” dards and guides for Application Programming
polymer-content, utility-grade materi- OSHA, Washington, D.C., 1992. Interface (API), American Society of Mechani-
als. Specifying oil swell will eliminate 6. “Plant Guidelines for Technical Management cal Engineers (ASME), Electric Power Research
of Chemical Process Safety (Revised Edi- Institute (EPRI), and Society of Tribologists and
grades that contain a range of unnamed tion),” Center for Chemical Process Safety/ Lubrication Engineers (STLE). He is a certified
and incompatible polymers. Special re- AIChE, 1992, 1995. professional engineer.
Static pressure
24 12
18.25-in. diameter wheel 18.25 in.
Amrit Agarwal
Power, hp
17.5 in. Housepower 17.5 in.
Pneumatic Conveying Consulting 20 17 in. 17 in. 10
16 in.
16 16 in.
15 in. 8
ilute-phase conveying systems 15 in.
14 in.
generally use centrifugal fans 12 6
13 in. 14 in.
and positive displacement blow-
13 in.
ers for supplying conveying air 8 4
to the conveying system. However, for
4 2
some conveying systems, compressed
air from a central compressor station 0
is also used. The two important crite- 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 2,000 2,200 2,400 2,600 2,800
Capacity, ft3/min
ria required for pneumatic conveying
are air flow and air delivery pressure. horsepower versus static pressure and air flow for
Different air movers have different for a 3,500 rpm fan
characteristics in the relationship be- Capacity, 18.25-in. wheel 17.0-in. wheel 15.0-in. wheel 13.0-in. wheel
tween these two important criteria. cfm SP BHP SP BHP SP BHP SP BHP.
Selection of an air mover is based on 400 23.5 3.0 20.3 2.6 15.1 1.9 10.2 1.3
this relationship. 500 23.6 3.4 20.4 2.9 15.2 2.2 10.1 1.5
600 23.5 3.7 20.3 3.3 15.1 2.5 10.0 1.7
Fans 700 23.3 4.2 20.1 3.7 14.9 2.9 9.7 2.0
800 23.0 4.6 19.8 4.0 14.5 3.2 9.2 2.3
Fans are generally used for low-
900 22.5 5.0 19.3 4.5 14.0 3.5 8.7 2.6
pressure conveying systems where
1,000 22.0 5.5 18.6 4.9 13.3 3.8 8.0 2.8
the conveying pressure is less than 2 1,100 21.0 6.0 17.7 5.3 12.3 4.2 7.1 3.1
psig or where both low pressures and 1,300 19.0 6.9 15.8 6.1 10.4 4.9 5.0 3.5
large air flows are required. Fans that 1,500 16.7 7.9 13.3 6.9 7.9 5.5 2.4 4.0
are used in these cases are mostly of
the centrifugal type. Their main dis- Figure 1. Here are typical performance curves for fans with various impeller diam-
advantage is a relatively steep slop- eters. The table below the figure gives air flows at various static pressures (SP) and
ing performance curve, wherein even the resulting motor horsepower (brake horsepower; BHP)
a small change in discharge pressure
results in a significant change in air and a sharp sloping performance performance curves for fans with dif-
volume delivered. curve, fans are not positive displace- ferent sizes of impeller diameters. The
Fans operate by imparting move- ment machines, and their output air table in this figure gives air flows at
ment to air as it passes though the volume changes with a change in dis- various static pressures and the re-
unit. The kinetic energy of the mov- charge pressure. sulting motor horsepower.
ing air is converted into static pres- The best application of fans is a
sure when the airflow is restricted. A system in which conveying conditions Operating characteristics
fan’s volumetric output depends upon (such as conveying rate, distance and 1. Airflow reduces as air pressure in-
its discharge pressure. This output de- material type) are relatively constant creases. Air flow stops when the con-
creases as the pressure increases and parameters, and the resulting convey- veying line plugs.
increases as the pressure decreases. ing system pressure is not expected to 2. Horsepower reduces as air pressure
Because of this inverse relationship change much. Figure 1 shows typical increases.
38 Chemical Engineering September 2011
Advantages of fans the inlet air is at 14.7 psia pressure, • Pressure rating of the conveying
• Low cost blower can handle discharge pressures blower
• No close clearances up to two times 14.7 psia, or about 15 • Set point of the blower pressure
• Relatively low noise level psig. With special timing gear design, safety valve (PSV) that protects the
some vendors can increase this rat- blower against over-pressure
Blowers ing to 18 psig. Vacuum rating of these • Pressure variations during actual
Blowers for dilute-phase pneumatic blowers is in the range of 15 in. Hg, but operation of the conveying system
conveying systems are generally ro- with special designs, it can increase to • Allowance for use of any empirical
tary, positive displacement, lobe type 18 in. Hg. data in the calculations
blowers. They deliver oil-free air at Volumetric capacity of these blowers Pressure rating of the blowers is gen-
pressures up to 18 psig. is from very small to very large. Capac- erally 15 psig. Blower safety valve is
Figure 2 shows the operating prin- ity is directly related to blower speed. then set at 15 psig.
ciple of these blowers. The blower Figure 3 shows the relationship be- Pressure drop in a conveying system
has two rotors that are mounted on tween flow, pressure and horsepower. can vary due to various reasons and
two parallel shafts within the blower Maximum speed of the blowers has can be assumed to be at least ±10% in
housing. These rotors rotate in op- an upper limit because of the maxi- a well-designed system. On this basis,
posite directions, and as they rotate, mum allowable tip speed of about the maximum design pressure will
air is drawn into the space between 4,500 ft/min of the timing gears. then be 0.9 3 15.0 = 13.5 psig.
them and the housing wall. This air To prevent the PSV from popping
is trapped between the rotors and the Sizing and selection open due to pressure excursions, the
housing, and with rotation of the rotors The various steps in sizing and select- setpoint of the PSV should be 13.5
the air is transferred from the blower ing a blower for a conveying system psig. Conveying-system design pres-
inlet to the blower outlet without com- are given below: sure will be 10% below the PSV set-
pression. This trapped air flows into Blower volumetric flow: From the ting. This pressure will then be = 0.9
the conveying line. If the conveying pneumatic-conveying-system calcula- 3 13.5 = 12.15 psig.
line air pressure is higher than the tions, determine the actual cubic feet Use a 10% allowance for any errors
blower suction pressure, this trapped per minute (ACFM) of the air that in the data that is used in the calcula-
air mixes with the conveying line air is required to convey the solids. This tions. With this allowance, the maxi-
and gets compressed to the convey- flow will be equal to the conveying ve- mum design pressure comes to 0.9 3
ing air pressure. These blowers do not locity (ft/min) multiplied by the cross- 12.15, or about 11 psig. On the above
generate any pressure. However, they sectional area of the pipe (ft2) at the basis, conveying system design pres-
withstand the pressure in the convey- pick-up point. sure should not exceed 11 psig.
ing line up to their pressure rating. For pressure-type systems, calcu- Blowers are normally selected so that
The position of the two rotors rela- late the volumetric flowrate of air that they operate at about the mid-point of
tive to each other is maintained by is lost through rotary valves. Estimate their performance curves. Therefore, for
timing gears installed on the two any loss of air through pipeline com- a 15-psig maximum rating, the operat-
shafts in a separate housing. This al- ponents, such as diverter valves, flex- ing pressure should be about 7.5 psig.
lows operation of the rotors without ible hoses, pipe couplings an so on. This gives a pressure drop range of 7.5
any lubrication. Add these losses to the conveying to 11 psi for the design of the conveying
These blowers are called positive air flow. Add to this the blower slip system. A lower pressure will require a
displacement type because they de- flow. Calculate blower slip flow using larger diameter pipeline and a smaller
liver a constant volumetric air flow vendor data and add this flow to the blower. A higher pressure will require a
regardless of the discharge pressure. conveying air flow. This will give the smaller diameter pipeline and a larger
There is a small leakage flow (about total volumetric flowrate of air at the blower. A good approach is to design a
Chemical Engineering September 2011 39
Feature Report
8 70 Power
60 absorbed,
6 50
system about midway between these Figure 3. Blower ca- 40
pacity is directly related 4
two options. 30
to blower speed. This
Blower discharge pressure (pres- graph illustrates the re- 2 20
sure-type conveying systems): From lationship between flow,
the pneumatic conveying calculations, pressure and horse- 500 1,000 1,500 2,000
power 0 Volumetric flowrate, standard ft3/min
determine the pressure drop in the
at the end of the conveying line such RPM
as in bin vent filters and dust collec- Vacuum service
tors, and add it to the conveying line
pressure drop. This will give the total Blower horsepower (HP): Calculate K = Ratio of specific heats (1.4 for air)
pressure at blower discharge (P2). the blower horsepower as follows. First, t2 = T2 – 273, °C (5)
Blower inlet pressure and temper- find out the gas horsepower (GHP): (t is in degrees C, T is in Kelvin)
ature: Blower inlet pressure (P1) will Blower selection: Use manufactur-
be the sum of the ambient pressure ers’ catalogs to find a blower that will
and pressure drops in equipment meet the above requirements of flow
such as blower inlet filter and blower (2) and pressure (Figure 4).
inlet silencer. From ambient condi- Consider the following example:
tions, find out the ambient pressure • Let the inlet flow (V1) = 2,321 cfm, at
and ambient temperature (t1, °C). blower suction conditions.
Required volumetric flowrate at Where: • Let the blower discharge pressure
blower inlet: Assuming adiabatic P1 and P2 are in lb/ft2 (P2) = 12 psig.
compression, calculate the volumetric V1 is in ft3/min [from Equation (2) not Then, using the catalog for a Roots
flowrate of air (or gas) at the blower Equation (1)] blower, select the blower with desig-
inlet (V1), as follows: nation “Frame 1212 RAS Whispair”
To determine the value of motor (Figure 4).
horsepower, the value of GHP is in- In this curve, draw a horizontal line
(1) creased by the following allowances: from between 2,321 cfm, and the curve
1. Conveying system pressure fluctua- for 12 psi. From the intersection point
Where: tions of ±10% during operation. These at 12 psi, go vertically down to the
K = Ratio of specific heats at constant can increase the motor load by 10% blower speed line. Blower speed comes
pressure and volume (Cp/Cv) for 2. An allowance of 10% for use of any to 1,175 rpm and motor horsepower
conveying air or gas (1.4 for air) empirical data in conveying system comes to 150 hp.
V2= Volumetric flowrate of air required calculations Blower drive motor: Determine the
by the conveying system (volumet- 3. The resulting brake horsepower (bhp) setting of the safety valve at the blower
ric air flow at blower outlet) is rounded off to match the hp rating discharge. This should be 10–15%
P2 = Blower discharge pressure, psia of an available motor. This will give above the maximum operating pres-
P1 = Blower inlet pressure, psia the blower motor horsepower . sure. In the blower curve, read the
Note: In Equation (1), the value of V1 Blower discharge temperature horsepower at the higher discharge
is derived from conveying system calcu- (t2): Assuming adiabatic compres- pressure (safety valve setting). Select
lations, not from an actual blower size sion, blower discharge temperature is motor horsepower accordingly.
based on its manufacturing data. Since determined as follows: Typical drive methods for blowers:
blowers are made in different sizes, • For blowers up to 200 hp, use V belt
use vendor data to find a blower whose drives
inlet volumetric flow in cubic feet per (4) • For blowers from 200 to 400 hp, use
revolution (CFR) multiplied by blower a gear reducer
speed in revolutions per minute (N, Where: • For blowers above 400 hp, use direct
rpm) comes closest to the blower inlet T2 = Blower discharge temperature, drive
volume, V1, calculated in Equation (1). degrees Kelvin Note: Use manufacturer’s recommen-
t1 = Blower inlet temperature, °C dation in all cases.
V1 (based on actual blower size, ft3/min)
t2 = Blower discharge temperature, °C Blower noise level: Silencers will be
= CFR 3 N (2)
P2 = Blower discharge pressure, psia required to reduce blower’s noise level.
Use this value of V1 in Equation (3). P1 = Blower suction pressure, psia A noise level of 85 dbA is possible with
40 Chemical Engineering September 2011
Safety valve
cleaning and reuse. Some filters are
200 set at 13,5 12 psi pleated paper similar to an automo-
10 psi bile air cleaner, and others are loose
8 psi fiberglass in sheet metal housing
Normal hp 6 psi
similar to household furnace filters.
100 These are the “throw-away” kind of
4 psi
filters. Although any of these mate-
rials are acceptable in this service,
1,175 rpm the pleated felt is preferred because
it removes nearly all particles under
1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600
a few microns in size.
Speed, rpm Inlet filters are sized for an air
to filter ratio between 30:1 to 50:1
well-designed silencers but full acous- 6. Aim for high mechanical effi- based on actual cfm of air per square
tic enclosures around the blower are ciency: Select a drive that has high foot of filter area. The pressure drop
required to achieve 80 dbA. mechanical efficiency. across the filter should be less than
7. Low pressure-drop inlet filter: 1 in. H2O.
Major blower selection criteria Inlet filter should be of the low pres- 11. In-line filters: Sometimes, an
Major criteria for blower selection are sure-drop type (less than 1 in. H2O) in-line filter is used in the blower
given below. and should be easily replaceable. discharge line before the solids feed
1. Positive displacement: Blower is 8. Materials of construction and lu- point to remove any pipe scale or rust
to be positive displacement, twin brication: The standard materials from entering the conveying line. An-
lobe type. Three lobes can be used of construction are cast and forged other approach to in-line filtration is
as an option. steel. Bearings are lubricated ei- to use a non-scaling or non-rusting
2. Oil free: Blower is to be oil free ther by slinger rings or with forced material of construction such as
type. In other words, oil used to lu- lubrication. Shaft seals are usually stainless steel, or aluminum for the
bricate the gears should not enter labyrinth or piston ring type with filter housing and the silencers.
the rotor housing. lip-type oil seals. In-line filters are usually “cord-
3. Operate at middle of operating 9. Package details: Blowers usually wound” cones, felt cones or pleated
range: Blower selected should op- are bought as a package including felt. The filter elements are enclosed
erate close to the middle of its op- blower, drive motor, silencers and in a cylindrical vessel with a pres-
erating range. Always obtain the filters. For sizes under 200 hp use sure rating compatible with the
blower performance curve from its a belt drive because it permits easy maximum blower pressure. The fil-
vendor. This curve will show volu- speed changes if needed. Sizes over ter elements are usually the dispos-
metric flow versus blower pressure 200 hp are usually gear driven. able type and are sized on the same
at various blower speeds. Larger sizes are generally driven basis as the inlet filters — that is
4. Optimum speed: The blower should directly from a drive motor but between 30:1 and 50:1 of air-to-me-
operate at about 1,800 rpm. this method prevents blower speed dia area ratio.
5. Aim for high volumetric effi- change if found necessary. Blowers 12. Air coolers: Air coolers are
ciency: Use the highest possible are inherently very noisy; therefore, required in most pressure type con-
volumetric efficiency (lowest slip) silencers are generally required to veying systems when the blower
by selecting a blower with mini- meet acceptable noise standards. discharge temperature is 80*C or
mum clearances between the rotors Even with the silencers, the noise above. Some materials, such as
and the housing. level may still be high, and addi- plastics, are heat sensitive and
Chemical Engineering September 2011 41
generate more fines and dust at valve provided at the low point pressures are not required for these
high temperatures. of the shell. An automatic drain systems. However, if a central com-
Air coolers used in conveying sys- should be provided if the problem pressed air system is available, and
tems are of a standard design. They is severe. the cost of compressed air can be jus-
are usually constructed of several tified, this air can be used for dilute-
“banks” of finned copper tubes that Blower instrumentation phase conveying systems. To use this
are very similar to an automobile The following instrumentation and compressed air, use a pressure control
radiator enclosed in aluminum or controls are necessary for troublefree valve to reduce the conveying pres-
stainless steel housing. Both air- operation of th conveying system: sure and a flow control valve to regu-
cooled and water-cooled exchang- • A pressure gage and a pressure late the air flow. ■
ers are acceptable. However, use a transmitter at the blower discharge Edited by Rebekkah Marshall
low-pressure drop cooler such as a to monitor blower operating pres-
straight flow type. sure and to automatically shut down Author
In some operating situations, the solids feed if pressure becomes Amrit Agarwal is a consult-
such as relatively low cooling-wa- too high ing engineer with Pneumatic
Conveying Consultants (7
ter temperature and warm, moist • A temperature gage at the blower Carriage Road, Charleston,
air, water may condense on the discharge to monitor blower dis- WV, 25314; Phone: 304-553-
1350, Email: polypcc@aol.
air-side of the cooler. The air veloc- charge temperature com). He started his consult-
ity on the shell side of the cooler is ing work after retiring from
Dow Chemical Co. in 2002 as
low enough to de-entrain this con- Compressors a senior research specialist.
He has more than 47 years of
densed water and allow it to col- Compressors are required for high- design and operating experi-
lect at the low point of the cooler pressure pneumatic conveying, such ence in bulk solids handling and pneumatic con-
veying. He holds an M.S. in mechanical engineer-
shell. Where this is likely to occur, as dense phase conveying. Dedicated ing from the University of Wisconsin-Madison,
the cooler should be placed in a compressors are not used for dilute and an M.B.A. from the West Virginia College of
Graduate Studies in Charleston.
horizontal run of pipe and a drain phase conveying because their high
Circle 21 on p. 70 or go to
Silencing Hydraulic
Hammer 22
problems 12 in.
12 in.
LC 3/4 in.
4 in.
Henry Kister, 4 in.
Fluor Corp. 2 in.
8 in. 16 in. 4 in.
Antonio João Dias Prestes TI
and Luiza Milbroth Jorge,
Braskem S.A. 16 in. 16 in. LC
ondensate pots are commonly
used on the condensing sides DC2
bottoms PT
of some reboilers, such as those TI
that are heated by steam or re-
frigerant vapor. These pots provide a Figure 1. This sketch depicts Braskem’s
liquid seal that prevents uncondensed deethanizer reboiler system
vapor from blowing out of the reboiler Condensate
into the condensate system. A break
in this seal can result in heat transfer shooting process and subsequent modi- practices for design of condensate
losses. With steam reboilers, blowing fications made to solve the problem. drums have been described in a classic
vapor into the condensate header may Lessons learned are that correct, inex- paper by Bertram [4]. Kister [5] pre-
also lead to hammering. Hammering pensive hydraulic design of a conden- sented a set of guidelines formulated
may also be caused by poor design of sate pot is central to stable, trouble-free from Bertram’s discussion, and a few
the condensate pot. reboiler operation; and that contrary to additional guidelines were published
Hammering is the problem de- recently published reports, correctly lo- by Sloley [6] in 2009. Despite the avail-
scribed here. Braskem’s deethanizer cating the condensate inlet to the drum able guidelines, Sloley’s paper states
reboiler-condensate drum experienced is central to trouble-free operation. “Steam condensate pots continue to
hydraulic hammering when the re- attract attention because they have so
boiler operated at low steam loads and Background many problems”. Ironically, the issue
when the column loads were reduced Reboilers that are heated by latent described here, the entry point of the
quickly. The condensate-drum level heat (such as by steam or refrigerant condensate line, was dismissed by Slo-
indicator was unreliable and insensi- vapor as mentioned above) often use ley’s paper as an “unimportant issue
tive to the variations in level-control- condensate pots to provide liquid seals. for most installations, put it [the entry
valve opening. Condensate-drum level When a reboiler seal is broken, vapor point] where you want.” This shows
control was poor, and the control valve may channel through the reboiler and that there is much that needs to be
had to be operated on manual. heat transfer is lost as described in understood to solve today’s condensate
This article explains the trouble- case studies found in Refs. 1–3. Good pot problems and to avoid tomorrow’s.
44 Chemical Engineering September 2011
Equalizing Equalizing line near drum, °C 109 120
3/4 in. 44
1 line was normally closed. Whenever
n. the hammering occurred, it continued,
2 whether this valve was open or closed.
El. 2 145 El.
2 in. 2 , 4 i n .
Level control. The indication pro-
El. ,945
El. 1 90 240 vided by the condensate-drum level
T.L. 1,66
0 2
4 in
indicator appeared unreliable, or at
reboiler B least unsuitable, for control purposes
because it was very insensitive to the
Condensate pot
72°C. Such a high amount of subcool- short of the 14–15 ton/h near top
Subcooling: first mechanism. The lated in the reboiler shell, A
prime mechanism that generated the flooding a significant frac- NLL = 650mm
subcooling is as follows: Our heat tion of the reboiler surface
transfer calculations showed that for area, and promoting the
non-fouled conditions, the reboiler was subcooling observed.
generously sized. At a steam flowrate LLL = 450mm
of 15 ton/h (non-hammering condition), Vapor pressure
with a typical heat-transfer coefficient When a pure liquid is
of 550 kcal/(h m2∙°C), and based on placed in a drum and no Channel
the full actual reboiler area of 355 m2 other components are pres-
(no liquid level in the reboiler), a heat ent, the drum’s pressure
transfer calculation gives a steam con- equals the vapor pressure LG
densing temperature of 118°C. At this of the pure liquid. For water
condensing temperature, the condens- at 72°C the vapor pressure
ing pressure would be 0.9 kg/cm2 g, is 0.34 kg/cm2 absolute,
which is below the condensate header which is a vacuum. So on
pressure (1.5 kg/cm2 g). Condensate this basis the condensate F
would therefore back-flow and flood drum should have oper-
some of the reboiler area. Condensate ated under vacuum. The Figure 3. These drum modifications
in the flooded zone was subcooled by pressure measured in the eliminated the hammer
the process liquid. condensate drum, however,
The steam in the reboiler condensed was 3–4 kg/cm2 g, which could only tap located near the top of the reboiler,
at a pressure equal to the pressure have happened under one of two con- the level transmitter measured the
measured at the condensate drum (4.0 ditions: other components were pres- liquid level in the reboiler shell, not
kg/cm2 g for non-hammering condi- ent, or the drum had no vapor space. in the condensate drum. This expla-
tions) less the liquid head (about 0.3 There were no apparent sources for nation does not rule out the presence
kg/cm2). At 3.7 kg/cm2 g, the condens- other components to enter the con- of pockets of non-condensables near
ing temperature was about 149°C, densate drum. The only line that en- the top of the drum, but assigns the
which gives a reboiler temperature tered the drum was the ¾-in. pressure high, measured pressure value to the
difference (∆T) of 78°C. With this equalizing line (same component), and drum behaving like a pipe (or “flooded
high ∆T, only 50% of the tube length its valve was normally closed. There drum”) rather than like a bonafide
is needed to satisfy the heat transfer could have been some non-condens- flash drum.
equation. The rest of the tube length ables, such as air or carbon dioxide, Opening the level valve lowered
would be flooded with condensate and that either persisted since startup or the liquid level in the reboiler. This
act as a condensate subcooler. Our cal- accumulated during operation. There increased the unflooded tube area in
culations showed that the tube length were no means of purging these from the reboiler, and therefore, also in-
performing condensation under ham- the condensate drum. It is important creased the reboiler heat transfer.
mering conditions was much the same to note, however, that due to the very This increase in heat transfer was
as under non-hammering conditions low vapor pressure of water at 72°C, as countered by automatic closure of
— about half the tube length. much as about 90% of the vapor space the flow valve either by the flow con-
Subcooling: second mechanism. would need to be made up of non-con- troller or by the tray temperature, or
There was a second mechanism that densables for this explanation to be both. The condensing pressure in the
generated subcooling. Condensate valid. While plausible, it was highly reboiler dropped, reducing the pres-
forming in the shell side of the re- unlikely. If this explanation was cor- sure difference between the reboiler
boiler contains gas bubbles. To grav- rect, the level in the drum would have and the condensate header (the con-
ity-drain this aerated condensate, been highly sensitive to non-condens- densate pressure downstream of the
the condensate drain line needs to be able volume and to opening the ¾-in. control valve was about 1.5 kg/cm2 g).
sized for self-venting flow. A correla- valve, and this was not observed. This would lower the condensate flow
tion by Simpson [7] and Sewell [8], A far more likely explanation is that and raise the level again. There was
described on p. 94 of the book Distil- the drum contained little or no vapor considerable interaction between the
lation Operation [5] shows that the space. In this case, it did not have a level control and steam flowrate con-
4-in. reboiler-condensate drain line real liquid level. With the upper level trol. Because of the interaction, the
46 Chemical Engineering September 2011
and achieve cleaner Figure 1. A primary filter removes larger-sized particles, allowing the denser
media to last longer
Jack H. Berg
Service Filtration Corp. Clean flow
to point
Huw Williams of use
Serfilco International Ltd.
Recirculation flow through course Single pass flow
media at flowrate 10 times system flow through fine media
mong the challenges of effec-
tive solid-liquid filtration is the FIGURE 2. In a recirculatory filtration system, the reduction of filter media depends
accumulation of solids on the on the type of solids to be retained, as well as their size
filter surface, which creates an
increasingly dense mass that process pump might be required by the first lated through the filter apparatus. Re-
fluid must push through. In many ap- and second stages will depend upon circulatory systems can be applied to
plications in the chemical process in- the loss of pressure across the media engine lubrication oil or fluids used for
dustries (CPI), a step-down filtration and the need to meet a required rate hydraulics. Such filter systems are also
approach has the potential to avoid this of throughput of the filtered solution. used to recirculate water for swimming
difficulty, and at the same time, to cut Generally, applications where the pools. Applications that could benefit
operating costs and improve solution step-down filtration process could be from recirculatory filtration are also
clarity. Even a 50-µm filter cartridge employed are those that require reten- in food processing (such as syrups, oils,
ahead of a 5- or 10-µm filter could re- tion of extremely fine particles, such detergents, brine and beer).
duce the overall amount of filter media as what is now being provided by 1- to Recirculation can be beneficial in
employed by as much as 50%. 10-µm filter cartridges, surface-type cases where a given filter media stops
Step-down filtration involves a pri- media (pleated or disc or bags), or pre- most, but not all, of the solids that must
mary (or lead) filter that handles a coat filters using diatomaceous earth. be retained. Allowing a second, third
large quantity of particulate matter or In the latter case, the frequency of or fourth pass through the filter may
solids before they are allowed to reach servicing, whether by backwashing or produce the desired result. To illus-
a second downstream filter chamber, changing of the media itself, would be trate, consider a filter medium with a
which is equipped with denser media prohibitive because of the low solids- retention efficiency of 90% of 5-µm par-
to capture finer particles. Figure 1 holding capacity of the media. ticles. This medium will also remove a
shows the typical piping that would lower percentage of smaller particles
be required. Step-down particle re- Recirculatory filtration (for example, 50% of 3-µm particles).
moval works best when a mixture of While Figure 1 depicts an inline sys- If the porosity of the media remains
solid particle sizes exists. The coarser tem, where a solution containing sol- unchanged, the filter could be expected
media picks up a large portion of the ids would pass once through the pro- to pick up 50% of the remaining 3-µm
solids, which allows the denser, and cess, a step-down filtration approach particles per pass (first pass removes
more costly, filter media to last longer. can also be effective in cases where 50% of 100; second pass removes 50%
Whether or not an additional booster solution from a reservoir is recircu- of 50; third 50% of 25; and so on). In
50 Chemical Engineering September 2011
this way, a recirculatory system offers size of the reservoir or the recircula- automatic type of filter, which could
the greatest potential of reducing the tion rate is modified, the amount of employ sand or straining where the
amount of filter media consumption. denser media required will be reduced, interruption caused by the backwash-
Combining recirculation with the saving considerable money. The sav- ing cycle of a sand filter would have
step-down filtration approach yields ings would be due to lower labor costs to be minimized, and the liquid when
a situation in which a solution would for servicing, lower disposal costs and backwashed might have to be retained
pass through a primary filter several a reduction in the volume of waste in storage for further clarification. ■
times before being allowed to enter the being landfilled. Edited by Scott Jenkins
filter with denser media. For instance,
in an application where water comes Filter types Authors
from an outside source before passing The type of filter, along with its media, Jack Berg is CEO of Service
Filtration Corp. (2900 Mac-
through a filter (such as reverse osmo- will further complement the success Arthur Blvd., Northbrook, IL
60062; Phone: 847-509-2900;
sis, carbon or water softening) an ad- of this modification of your process. Email:
ditional tank would be required, along Several types are available. One “mul- Berg founded Service Filtra-
tion Corp. in 1961 as a manu-
with a pump and an auxiliary filter. timedia” type system applies a back- facturer of pumps and filters.
The filter would be designed to operate wash to clean the media and isolate The company has since added
several divisions through ac-
at a flowrate exceeding that the of the the dirt that has been trapped either quisitions, as well as a global
required flow to the system (Figure 2). for further treatment or safe disposal. distribution network. Berg
has authored many articles and presented at
Thus, a system requiring 10 gal/min Gravity-type systems employ roll seminars around the world. He is a graduate of
Marquette University.
could be recirculated at 10 times the media, which is disposable. Both types
Huw Williams is managing di-
system’s required flow so that at 100 are generally used for recirculation rector of Serfilco International
gal/min, the liquid would pass through but can also be used as final trap fil- Ltd. (Ashburton Road Man-
chester, U.K. M17 1RW; Phone:
the filter at least 10 times before being ters. Manual-type filters that require +44 161-872-1317). Williams
allowed to pass on to the denser filter cleaning or replacement in servicing, joined Serfilco in 1998 and held
several positions prior to being
media required for the process. would generally be employed where named managing director. Be-
fore that, Williams was finish-
Quantifying the reduction in filter flowrates, solids and the type of fluid ing and electroplating man-
media in such a system would depend to be clarified are under consider- ager at London-based musical
instrument maker Boosey and
upon the type and size of solids to be ation. On the other hand, continuous Hawkes. Williams has presented technical papers
retained, as well as the velocity across process lines where hazardous waste on fluid handling around the world, and is a Fellow
of the Institute of Metal Finishing, and chair of the
the auxiliary media, so as to retain as is picked up by the media, such as in Surface Engineering Association. He is a graduate
high a percentage as possible. As the a nuclear plant, would lend itself to an of Kingston University.
team-assisted, gravity-drainage
Table 1.Two-ejector station
(SAGD) operations employ large
tanks that vent flammable and Name Sizing formula Sizing result
sometimes toxic gases. Safety Ejector B X 66.7%
and environmental concerns often re-
quire engineers to design vapor-recov- Ejector A X/2 33.3% <-- Maximum error
ery units (VRUs) to collect these gases Total X+X/2= 100.0%
and redirect them to a useful location
— frequently for use as a fuel gas in a operating in parallel — can overcome steam generators become deactivated
steam-generation system. the flexibility constraints of a single but production at the facility — and
When choosing a VRU setup for an ejector. Figure 1 shows how a three- therefore tank venting — continues.
SAGD facility, the two most common ejector station is set up. Operators ac- An engineer can reduce the likelihood
options are compressor-based and tivate individual ejector units accord- of flaring by efficiently sizing ejectors
ejector-based designs. Compressor ing to tank-venting rates. As the tank and turning off any ejectors that are
control and recycle schemes enable pressure increases, additional ejectors not required to relieve pressure from
greater operating turndown, allow- are activated to relieve the increased tanks. The method of staggering ejec-
ing the compressor to operate over a vapor flow. When tank pressures de- tor sizes in parallel service (discussed
range of flows and providing better crease, operators deactivate individ- below) gives operators maximum con-
control. Similarly, compressors can ac- ual ejectors until the tank pressure trol and can help reduce flaring.
cept small upsets with little or no ac- has stabilized to a desired setpoint. The primary considerations before
tion required by the staff. By contrast, The ability to maintain fine control determining the VRU arrangement
each single ejector is either on or off. using a multi-ejector-based VRU can are the desired VRU maximum capac-
Compressors frequently run on elec- help avoid unwanted scenarios. For ity (referred to here as 100%), and how
tricity or burn fossil fuels in an engine. instance, operating ejectors below stable the flowrates are. If an ejector
Ejectors, on the other hand, require a the required flowrate can result in station is chosen instead of a compres-
motive gas from a high- or medium- tanks venting their vapor contents to sor, designers must also decide how
pressure pipeline. The energy comes the atmosphere. Similarly, operating finely to control the system.
from the pressure of the stream, and ejectors at flows higher than neces- Increasing the ejector count inside a
none of the fluids are consumed inside sary may require flaring if the down- station increases the number of control
the ejectors. One potential drawback, stream steam generators cannot ac- points (or steps) for the system, lead-
however, is that single ejectors have cept the increased gas flow. The need ing to finer control. During normal
effectively no turndown capabilities. for flaring is not only expensive, but operation, the vented flowrate may
Thus, they lack the operating flexibil- it increases carbon emissions, and be 45% of the maximum required ca-
ity of compressor-based VRUs. prolonged flaring may require a plant pacity of vented gas. For example, if a
The use of an ejector station — shutdown for regulatory compliance. tank system vents 600 kg/h of gas as a
which involves a group of ejectors Facilities are most likely to flare when maximum case scenario, and the ejec-
52 Chemical Engineering September 2011
Get Started with a FREE Survey!
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1 1, 1
his article presents equations Figure 1. This figure shows the rel- Figure 2. This two-dimensional view
evant radii of curvature and the coordi- of the tank head is shown using dimen-
that allow the user to calculate Figure 2Dimensionless Lengths
nate system used for a vertical tank sionless parameters
liquid volume as a function of
liquid depth, in both vertically
and horizontally oriented tanks with liquid volume calibrations of these ves- dished shape, and the equation devel-
dished heads. The equations accom- sels exist, but for many, the liquid vol- opment discussed below handles all
modate all tank heads that can be de- umes must be calculated. Traditional of those where the heads can be de-
scribed by two radii of curvature (tori- methods of calculation can be cumber- scribed by two radii of curvature.
spherical heads). Examples include: some, and some lack precision or offer Doolittle [1] presents a graphical
ASME flanged & dished (F&D) heads, little or no equation derivation. representation of liquid volumes in
ASME 80/10 F&D heads, ASME 80/6 The equations presented below are both horizontal and vertical tanks
F&D heads, standard F&D heads, mathematically precise and have a with spherical heads. The calculation
shallow F&D heads, 2:1 elliptical detailed derivation. The spreadsheets of the liquid in the heads is approxi-
heads and spherical heads. Horizontal that are offered to perform the calcu- mate. The graph shows lines for tank
tanks with true elliptical heads of any lations produce a table of liquid vol- diameters from 4 to 10 ft, and tank
aspect ratio can also be accommodated umes for a range of liquid depths that lengths from 1 to 50 ft. The accuracy of
using this methodology. are suitable for plant use. This table is the liquid volume depends on certain
This approach can be used to pre- generated by entering four parameters approximations and the precision of
pare a lookup table for a specific that define key tank dimensions. An interpolations that may be required.
tank, which yields liquid volumes operator could use such a spreadsheet Perry [2] states that the calcula-
(and weights) for a range of liquid table in lookup mode, using interpola- tion of volume of a partially filled
depths. The equations can also be ap- tion if necessary. One could also turn tank “may be complicated.” Tables are
plied directly to calculate the liquid the tabular values into a plot. given for horizontal tanks based on
volume for a measured liquid depth Each spreadsheet also has a cal- the approximate formulas developed
in a specific tank. Such calculations culator function, which requires the by Doolittle.
can be executed using a spreadsheet user to enter only the tank geometry Jones [3] presents equations to
program, a programmable calculator parameters and liquid depth and the calculate fluid volumes in vertical
or a computer program. Spreadsheets spreadsheet quickly returns the liq- and horizontal tanks for a variety of
that perform these calculations are uid volume. The spreadsheets can be head styles. Unfortunately, no deriva-
available from this magazine (search used with handheld devices (such as a tion of those equations is offered. As
for this article online at, Blackberry or iPhone) that can run an of the time of this writing, there were
and see the Web Extras tab). Excel spreadsheet. For certain applica- no Internet advertisements offering
tions, one may want to show only the spreadsheets to solve the equations.
Problem background calculator function for a given vessel, Meanwhile, without adequate equa-
Tanks with dished heads are found so that an operator would only need to tion derivations, one would be unsure
throughout the chemical process in- enter a liquid level to quickly calculate what one is solving, and thus, the re-
dustries (CPI), in both storage and the corresponding liquid volume. sults would be suspect.
reactor applications. In some cases, A number of tank heads have a By contrast, this article provides
Chemical Engineering September 2011 55
uid volumes, for any liquid depth for the curvatures of the two radii Spherical 0.500 0.500
any vertical or horizontal tank with are equal at the plane where Standard F&D 1.000 2 in./D
dished heads. The popular 2:1 ellipti- Regions 1 and 2 join. That will Shallow F&D 1.500 2 in./D
cal heads are actually fabricated as be explained further in the
approximate shapes by using varia- equation development that follows. Region 3 is the cylindrical portion of
tions of the two-radii designs. The coordinate system for the equa- the tank with a constant diameter,
In addition, this article also pres- tions is shown in Figure 1. The origin with β equaling 0.5.
ents the exact equations for true ellip- of the coordinate system is chosen to be Next, one must determine the coor-
tical heads of any ratio (not limited to at the bottom-most point in the tank. dinates of the point where the curves
2:1). Provided below are descriptions For Region 1, the equation for the tank for Regions 1 and 2 come together.
of the equation development, guidance radius, x, in terms of the height, y, is Working with the dimensionless vari-
on how to use the spreadsheets, and a as follows: ables, β and α, and using the subscript
discussion of a sample application for 1 to denote the top of Region 1, we seek
both a vertical and a horizontal tank. to find α1 (the dimensionless coordi-
nate of the top of Region 1), such that
Types of dished tank heads This equation can be expressed via the Equations 6 and 11 both give the same
Figure 1 shows the relevant radii of following dimensionless variables: value for α1 (given the same value of
curvature and the coordinate system β1), and such that the curvature is
used. All symbols are defined in the (4) continuous at the intersection.
Nomenclature Section on p. 59. It is Figure 2 is a two-dimensional view
convenient to present the equation de- (5) of the tank head using dimensionless
velopment in terms of dimensionless Substituting Equations 4 and 5 into parameters. The radius of the spheri-
variables. By normalizing all lengths Equation 3 gives the final dimension- cal region is drawn through the origin
by the tank diameter, the diameter is less equation for Region 1, as shown in of the knuckle radius. The point where
absent from all equations expressed Equation 6: that line intersects the head identifies
in the dimensionless coordinates. The where Regions 1 and 2 join. At that
two radii (dish radius and knuckle ra- (6) point, the curvatures of the spheri-
dius) that describe the dished heads cal region and the knuckle region are
can be expressed as follows: For Region 2, the equation for the tank identical. The angle between the ra-
radius, x, in terms of the height, y, is: dius of that spherical region and the
(1) tank center line is denoted as θ. We
can write the follow three trigonomet-
(2) (7)
ric expressions involving that angle:
Table 1 presents standard dished tank Where (xk, yk) is the coordinate loca-
heads that are described by this work. tion of the center of the knuckle ra-
dius. By substituting Equations 4 and (12)
Radius as a function of depth 5, Equation 7 is made dimensionless,
For convenience, the derivation in this as shown in Equation 8:
section describes a tank with vertical (13)
orientation. However, the derivation
applies to horizontal tanks as well. The
equations are used in the integrations The x-coordinate of the knuckle ra- (14)
described in the subsequent two sec- dius, xk, must be:
tions, which yield the liquid volumes Recognizing the following trigonomet-
for vertical and horizontal tanks. (9) ric identity
For the dished heads considered
here, two radii define the shape. The Equation 9 can be made dimension- (15)
bottom region of the head is spherical less, as shown in Equation 10:
and has a radius that is proportional We substitute Equations 12 and 14
to the diameter of the cylindrical re- into Equation 15 and solve for α1:
gion of the tank (see Equation 1). This
is referred to as Region 1. Making that substitution into Equa-
Above that is Region 2, which is tion 8 gives the final dimensionless
called the knuckle region. Its radius equation for Region 2:
of curvature is shown in Figure 1. It
can also be normalized by the tank The value of β1 can be calculated by
diameter (see Equation 2). combining Equations 12 and 13:
56 Chemical Engineering September 2011
Replacing x and y by their dimension-
Since the two heads are taken to be less expressions in Equations 4 and 5
To calculate α2 we apply the Pythago- the same shape: gives
rean Theorem to the right triangle
whose hypotenuse is a line between (23)
the origin of the spherical radius and
the origin of knuckle radius, as shown For Region 1, substituting for β2 from
in Equation 18: Equation 6 and integrating gives
So, the values of α1 through α5 are
thusly constructed.
(18) Values for α1, β1, α2 and β2 for the
Solving that for α2 gives: various tank head styles considered (27)
here are summarized in Table 2. The total capacity of Region 1, denoted
One should recognize that the pa- as V1, can be calculated by putting α1
rameters in Table 2 apply to all of the and a value for D into Equation 27.
αk is located at the top of Region 2, so torispherical tank head styles, regard- This will also be the total tank capac-
less of the tank diameter. That is one ity of Region 5, denoted as V5.
(20) of the benefits of working with the di- Liquid volume in Region 2. For Re-
At the top of Region 2, the head radius mensionless parameters. gion 2, the liquid volume is calculated
equals the radius of the cylindrical One use for the α2 values would be using Equation 28:
portion, so β2 equals ½. to calculate the distance from the end
For Region 3, the radius is constant of a dished head to the plane through
and is simply half the tank diameter. the boundary between Regions 2 and (28)
So, the expression for the tank radius 3. So, for example, if one had ASME Substituting for β from Equation 11
is shown in Equation 21: flanged and dished (F&D) heads of and integrating gives Equation 29:
a tank with a 100-in. I.D. for which
(21) Equation 29: (see box on p. 56) (29)
α2 equals 0.1693376137, that length
It is not necessary to construct equa- would be 0.1693376137 times 100 in., As discussed above, αk is identical to
tions for β as a function of α in Regions or 16.934 in. α2 (see Equation 20), so that substitu-
4 and 5. For vertical tanks, the volumes The last two tank head styles listed tion could be made in Equation 29.
for liquid levels in those regions can in Table 1 (standard flanged & dished, The total capacity of Region 2, de-
be calculated from the equations for and shallow flanged & dished) re- noted as V2, can be calculated by put-
Region 1 and 2 (presented below). For quire a somewhat different treatment, ting α2 in place of α in Equation 29.
horizontal tanks, the liquid volume in since the radius of curvature for the This will also be the total tank capac-
the right-hand head equals that of the knuckle region in each case is a fixed ity of Region 4, denoted as V4.
left-hand head for the symmetrical 2 in. rather than a fixed fraction of the Liquid volume in Region 3. Carry-
tanks discussed here. tank diameter. While all the equations ing out the integration in Equation
The value for α1 (top of Region 1) above still apply, one must determine 26 for Region 3 with the substitution
for each head style was determined the α and β parameters in Table 2 for from Equation 21 yields the liquid vol-
by solving Equation 16. β1 is given by each individual tank. ume in Region 3, as shown next:
Equation 17. α2 is equivalent to αk, So, for example, if one had stan-
and its value is given by Equation 19. dard flanged & dished heads on a 100 (30)
At the top of the tank, α5 is the tank in. dia. tank, fk would be 0.02 and fd
height, H, divided by the diameter, or would be 1.0. Those values would be
Chemical Engineering September 2011 57
x( ) (48)
Liquid level
Comparing this with the general form for example, a true 2:1 elliptical head on orientation) is used for both examples.
of an ellipse in Equation 53, we see a tank of a given diameter would hold The shaded cells are used to input the
4 Liquid Level in Tank Dished Head of a Horizontal Tank
that Figure
the x-axis intercept of the ellipse exactly half the liquid volume of a hemi- parameters for a specific vessel. The
in a plane perpendicular to the y-axis spherical head on the same tank. other cells are calculated by formulas.
at any y value will be R(1–2/R2)1/2. The The particular tank used in these
corresponding z-axis intercept will be Results examples has a dia. of 100-in. dia. (all
Z(1–y2/R2)1/2. From Equation 54, the The equations in this paper have been dimensions are for the inside of the
area of the ellipse will be incorporated into two Microsoft Excel tank), a height or length of 120 in.,
spreadsheets — one for vertical tanks and ASME F&D heads, designated as
and the other for horizontal tanks. Head Style 1. The liquid has a specific
Tables 4 and 5 show excerpts from gravity of 1.18.
the spreadsheet programs. (Note: Ab- The tank length specified in Tables
To calculate the liquid depth in the breviated versions of Tables 4 and 5 4 and 5 is the total length from end to
two heads, we first recognize that the are shown on page here, while the full end. It can be directly measured, al-
two heads combined comprise a com- versions of both tables are available lowing for the wall thickness, or deter-
plete ellipsoid. We calculate the liquid in the online version of this article at mined from engineering drawings.
volume of both heads as, at the Web Extras tab.) Some drawings may not give the
The description of Tables 4 and 5 that overall length specifically. In these
follows pertains to the full website ver- cases, the length of each head from the
sions, but notations are made where end to the plane where the head be-
the parts being discussed are not seen comes cylindrical can be calculated by
in the table excerpts that are shown in multiplying α2 in Tables 4 or 5 by the
the print version here.) inside tank diameter. If the drawing
Carrying out this integration and sim- The equations programmed in these gives the distance between the weld
plifying gives our final equation: spreadsheets are rather substantial. beads, allowance must be made if the
Considerable effort was expended to heads also include any cylindrical por-
ensure accurate representation of the tion. If so, those lengths must be added
equations in the spreadsheet formulas. to the length between the welds.
Readers may download the spread- Four input parameters control the
For the case where e = 1, and heads sheet templates at (Web population of the strapping tables: (1)
are hemispherical, Equation 58 re- Extras tab). . head style number; (2) tank diameter
duces to A suggested organization would be (in.); (3) tank length or height (in.);
to maintain one copy of each spread- and (4) specific gravity of the liquid.
sheet template, and then create a They are entered in the top-left box in
separate spreadsheet for each tank to the shaded cells.
which one wishes to apply the equa- Below the input area is a box (not
If a tank with a hemispherical head is tions. So, an Excel Workbook might shown in the print version of the
full (d = D), Equation 59 gives: consist of the two spreadsheet tem- tables) containing head-style param-
plates, plus an individual spreadsheet eters calculated by the spreadsheet in
for each physical tank of interest. accordance with the Head Style Num-
Below, the input parameters are ber input. The values for α1 to α5 and
identified, and the general layout of fd and fk are supplied by formulas and
Which is the well-known formula for the spreadsheets is described. Then are defined in the Nomenclature box.
the volume of a sphere. we show spreadsheet examples for a The third box down on the left (titled
Equation 58 shows that the liquid vertical tank (Table 4) and for a hori- Region Capacities in the print edition
volume (and capacity) of a true elliptical zontal tank (Table 5). .For simplicity, version of the tables) gives the calcu-
head is inversely proportional to e. Thus, the same tank (with different tank lated tank capacities for the five tank
60 Chemical Engineering September 2011
1,135 gal or 11,166 lb. To illustrate V5 176.9 Liq. vol. heads, gal = 350.65
the Liquid Volume Calculator a liquid VT 3,629.8 Liq. vol., gal = 1,814.89
Literature Review
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5 20 35 50 65 80 95 110 125 140 155 170 185 200 215 230 245 260 275 290 305 320 335 350 365 380 395 410 425 440 455 470 485 500 515 530 545 560 575 590
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9 24 39 54 69 84 99 114 129 144 159 174 189 204 219 234 249 264 279 294 309 324 339 354 369 384 399 414 429 444 459 474 489 504 519 534 549 564 579 594
10 25 40 55 70 85 100 115 130 145 160 175 190 205 220 235 250 265 280 295 310 325 340 355 370 385 400 415 430 445 460 475 490 505 520 535 550 565 580 595
11 26 41 56 71 86 101 116 131 146 161 176 191 206 221 236 251 266 281 296 311 326 341 356 371 386 401 416 431 446 461 476 491 506 521 536 551 566 581 596
12 27 42 57 72 87 102 117 132 147 162 177 192 207 222 237 252 267 282 297 312 327 342 357 372 387 402 417 432 447 462 477 492 507 522 537 552 567 582 597
13 28 43 58 73 88 103 118 133 148 163 178 193 208 223 238 253 268 283 298 313 328 343 358 373 388 403 418 433 448 463 478 493 508 523 538 553 568 583 598
14 29 44 59 74 89 104 119 134 149 164 179 194 209 224 239 254 269 284 299 314 329 344 359 374 389 404 419 434 449 464 479 494 509 524 539 554 569 584 599
15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 285 300 315 330 345 360 375 390 405 420 435 450 465 480 495 510 525 540 555 570 585 600
For more Economic Indicators, See Next Page Chemical Engineering September 2011 71
120 2500 85
110 2200 80
100 1900 75
90 1600 70
80 1300 65
70 1000 60
Current Business Indicators provided by Global Insight, Inc., Lexington, Mass.
(1926 = 100) 2nd Q 1st Q 4th Q 3rd Q 2nd Q
apital equipment prices,
2011 2011 2010 2010 2010 1515
M & S INDEX 1,512.5 1,490.2 1,476.7 1,473.3 1,461.3 as reflected in the CE Plant
Process industries, average 1,569.0 1,549.8 1,537.0 1,534.4 1,522.1 1500 Cost Index (CEPCI), increased
Cement 1,568.0 1,546.6 1,532.5 1,530.0 1,519.2 approximately 1.2% on aver-
Chemicals 1,537.4 1,519.8 1,507.3 1,505.2 1,493.5 age from May to June, after
Clay products 1,557.5 1,534.9 1,521.4 1,518.3 1,505.6 1470 decreasing approximately
Glass 1,469.2 1,447.2 1,432.7 1,428.5 1,416.4
0.10% from April to May.
Paint 1,584.1 1,560.7 1,545.8 1,542.1 1,527.6
Meanwhile, according to the
Paper 1,480.7 1,459.4 1,447.6 1,444.5 1,430.1
Petroleum products 1,672.0 1,652.5 1,640.4 1,637.0 1,625.9
1440 American Chemistry Council’s
Rubber 1,617.4 1,596.2 1,581.5 1,579.3 1,564.2 1425 (Washington, D.C.; www.
Related industries lat-
Electrical power 1,494.9 1,461.2 1,434.9 1,419.2 1,414.0 est weekly economic report,
Mining, milling 1,623.5 1,599.7 1,579.4 1,576.7 1,569.1 1395 overall production in the U.S.
Refrigeration 1,856.4 1,827.8 1,809.3 1,804.8 1,786.9 chemical sector fell in July by
Steam power 1380
1,546.5 1,523.0 1,506.4 1,502.3 1,488.0 0.3%, to continue an uneven
1365 pattern in 2011.
Annual Index:
Visit for
2003 = 1,123.6 2004 = 1,178.5 2005 = 1,244.5 2006 = 1,302.3 1350
1st 2nd 3rd 4th more information and other
2007 = 1,373.3 2008 = 1,449.3 2009 = 1,468.6 2010 = 1,457.4 Quarter
tips on capital cost trends
Marshall & Swift's Marshall Valuation Service© manual. 2011 Equipment Cost Index Numbers reprinted and and methodology. ■
published with the permission of Marshall & Swift/Boeckh, LLC and its licensors, copyright 2011. May not be
reprinted, copied, automated or used for valuation without Marshall & Swift/Boeckh's prior permission.
The Emerson logo is a trademark and a service mark of Emerson Electric Co. © 2010 Emerson Electric Company