Agile Team Bootcamp
Agile Team Bootcamp
Agile Team Bootcamp
o About: Agile and Scrum Basics
o Enough, lets move on
o And feedback
Bootcamp Frame
o Open minded
o Equal voice
o Communication
o Trust
o Listening
o Fun
o Respect
o Acceptance
o Mobile phone silent
o Laptop closed
Why Agile?
o Doing agile =/= being agile
o Practices =/= mindset
o * Both of those means 3x the benefit vs 20% the benefit (using scrum, canvas,
etc vs having engagement, joy at work, innovation, customer delight, etc…)
Look below the surface…
o Process and tools
o Organizational design
o Values
o Principles
o Values
o * greater benefits comes from the last ones
Agile manifesto values
o Working software over comprehensive documentation
o Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
o Responding to change over following a plan
o Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
Agile principles (Manifesto)
o Satisfy customer
o Welcome changing requirements
o Deliver software frequently
o Business people and developers work together
o Build projects around motivated individuals
o Trust them to get the job done (don’t overcontrol)
o Face to face conversation
o Working software is the primary measure of progress
o Sustainable development
o Constant pace
o Attention to technical excellence and good design
o Simplicity
o Self-organizing teams
o The team reflects (on how to become more effective)
o Waterfall (cascada, secuencial)
Documentation, documents, unverified system, product only at the
end of the process
o Incremental delivery (iterative e incremental)
Product since the beginning, increasing on each increment
LAB: Coin flip the agile way
o Took the name from American football, de la “piña”
o SCRUM is the agile way of working
Scrum Framework
o 6 events (planning, review, retrospective, sprint, daily stand up, backlog
o 3 roles (PO, squad, AC) (product owner, equipo y agile coac/scrum master)
o 3 artifacts (product backlog, sprint backlog, product increment)
o 3 social objects (burn down chart, impediments, scrum board)
o 2 increments (definition of ready, definition of done)
Team members - DEV Team
o Every team member is responsible for the whole work to be done
o Self organizing
o Multi disciplinar
o Have the mandatory to organize the work themselves
o Ideal team 7 + o – memers
o Teams deserve to see the bigpicture and be involved in program planning
o * Focus on finishing, “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts”
o * Somehow there are no deadlines, but in fact there are but only on a high
level and not on the micro pieces
Build cross-functional Agile Teams
o Teams able to define, build and test features or components
o Optimized for communication and delivery of value
o Deliver value every iteration
Commitment to the Iteration Goals
o A team meets its commitments:
By doing everything the said they would do
In the event that this is not feasible, they must immediately raise a red
o Adaptability
Balanced with
Product Owner
o Has a vision
o Responsible for maximum value
o Represent the stakeholders
o Has mandate
o Is in Scrum Team
o Is responsible for management the backlog
o * Focus on the backlog
o * There can only be one
Agile Coach / Scrum Master
o Makes sure the Way of working is understood (training/coaching)
o A servant-leader for the squad
o Protects the team
o Helps the team to become high-performance Team (self-organized)
o Creates transparency
o * Focus on the whole process, (sprint and daily stand up)
Management 3.0
o True leaders are Servant Leader
*Typical leadership structure: piramide -> control people
*Servant leadership structure: piramide invertida -> empower people
o Role of a Leader / Manager so far:
o * We rise by lifting others
Team events
Product backlog
o A collection of requirements prioritized upside down in a list format
o Portfolio (Investment Themes -> Epics) -> Program/Project (Epics -> Team Epic
-> Bug/Task/Story) -> Team (Bug/Task/Story ->Sub-Task)
User stories and Tasks
o A user story describes functionality that is valuable to a user or a customer
o It tells a story about how someone uses the product!!
o User stories are to facilitate a dialogue
o A story is not a specification but captures the essence of a conversation about
the features of a product
o * every user storie should have an acceptance criteria
Definition of Ready (DoR)
o DoR contains the criteria needed to make the Sprint successful
o The DoR is made byt the Team and the Product Owner (PO)
o The Team determines wheter the Product Backlog Items (Stories/Tasks) meet
the DoR
o The DoR is respected by the PO. This means a Product Backlog item can only
be pulled into the sprint when it meets the DoR
o * Story/Task DoR example: small enough, described, accepted, has value
Once accepted, it gets a label for Ready to work/develop
o * DoR are some basic rules you don’t want to repeat on each sprint
o * ACC is usually in DoR, Acceptance Criteria
[LAB] Crear un DoR list: lo que los developers le piden al PO para aceptar una
Backlog refinement sesión
o Regular (at least once per sprint) priorization and refinement of new work,
using the DoR
o The PO explains new items
o Items too complex are divided by the team
o Product Backlog items are shuffled to clarify them
o No refinement without a DoR
o It is also about knowledge sharing
o Stories will be estimated in size using Story Points
o Participants: PO & Team
Story Estimation
o It’s impossible to predict in hours. But its ok a rough estimate.
o We are good estimating using sizes. We can use a Fibonacci series sequence
o 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 20, 40, 100
o Skate board, Tricycle, Cycle, Scooter, Car, Bus, Truck, Train, Aeroplane, Space
Shuttle (100)
o Other methods: Planning Poker, Magic Estimation, Team Estimation Game…
tambien se puede añadir ½ o un comodin o un café… baraja de cartas Agile
o The team choose the limit to fit on a Sprint (5? 8?) take testing,
documentation and all other things into account
o Team include then developers, testers, documentators…
o Freedom to choose estimation
Planning session
o The Team decides how many Product Backlog Items can be included in the
Sprint. The Product Owner determines the priority.
o The Sprint Backlog items are reshuffled and details are set out in tasks
o The Planning session ends with a prioritized and commited Sprint Backlog
Part 1: Planning with the PO, choosing the stories for the Sprint
Part 2: Defining the relevant Sub-tasks for each story to complete
[LAB] Planning session + JIRA
o Start Sprint
o Viewable under active Sprint
Issues To Do
Issues In Progress
Issues Done
o Charts
Burdown chart: progression de las tareas del Sprint
Daily Stand-UP
o Daily work coordination meeting attended by the entire team
o Active use of Scrum Board
o Identify new impediments
o Discuss status of impediments
o By the end of the Stand-Up the Squad will have a picture of the day
o * 3 key questions:
What did you achieve yesterday?
What will you achieve today?
Is there and impediment/do you need help?
o Timebox: 15 minutes
o Participants: team (PO can go but not talk)
Sprint Review / Demo
o The Team and the Product Owner hold a Demo of deliverables for the
o Stakeholder input (=feedback) is taken on board in subsequents Sprints
o This is a formal point of acceptance by the PO
o Participants: team, stakeholders, other interested parties
* Many teams, 1 product: Scaled Agile, special frameworks for collaboration - > SAFe,
* One team, many products: depending on the stakeholders how to approach
Definition of Done (DoD)
o DoD contains thecriteria needed to mark a User Story as Done
o The DoD is made by the PO (contraire to the DoR done by team)
o DoD describes the Acceptance Criteria
o A User Story can only be accepted by the PO during the review/demo
o For example:
On a User Story Level
The code is reviewed
The component is tested on an automated unit
Demo completed
Acceptance Criteria met
On a Sprint or Release Level
Required user documentation
No open defects
Test cases documented
Usability guidelines
Demo completed
Acceptance Criteria met
[LAB] Definition of done
o Documentation, testing, support inclusion, guides, demo, uat, QA…
o Preconditions
Open atmosphere
The willingness to improve
Safe environment
o Participants
o * Failing and Learning: Continuous Improvement
[LAB] Retrospective
The recurring topics of the session should be took apart, discussed and put onto