4.73 M.SC - Analytical Chemistry Sem III Sem IV
4.73 M.SC - Analytical Chemistry Sem III Sem IV
4.73 M.SC - Analytical Chemistry Sem III Sem IV
Program : M.Sc.
1) Analytical Biochemistry, David J Holmes and Hazel Peck, Longman, 1983.
2) Bioanalytical Chemistry, Susan R Mikkelesen and Eduardo Cotton, John Wiley and
Sons, 2004.
3) Analysis of food and beverages, George Charalanbous, Academic press, 1978.
4) Harry’s Cosmetology, 7 Ed, Longman Scientific Co.
5) Formulation and Function of Cosmetics, Joseph Stefan Jellinek, Wiley Interscience, 1971.
6) Cosmetic Technology, Edward Sagarin, Interscience Publishers, 1957.
7) Modern Cosmetics, Edgar George Thommsen, Francis Chilson, Drug and Cosmetic
Industry, 1947.
8) Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemical Analysis, Foster Dee Snell et al, Interscience
Publishers, 1967.
9) Government of India Publications of Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act and Rules.
10) The Handbook of Drug Laws, M L Mehra, University Book Agency, Ahmedabad, 1997.
11) Chemical Analysis of Drugs, Takeru Higuchi, Interscience Publishers, 1995.
12) Text book of Pharmaceutical Analysis, Kenneth Antonio Connors, Wiley, 2001.
13) Food Processing and Preservation, B Sivasankar, Prentice - Hall of India Private
Limited, 2007.
14) Food Additives, R M Pandey and S K Upadhyay, INTECH, Open Science/Open Minds.
15) Food Science, B Srilakshmi, New Age International (P) Ltd. Publishers, 2003.
16) Food Contaminants: Sources and Surveillance, Edited by C Creaser, R Purchase,
Elseiver, 1991.
17) The Chemical Analysis of Food and Food Products, Morris B Jacobs.
18) FSSAI (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India) Manuals of Methods of Analysis
of Foods (Oils and Fats, Milk and Milk Products, Food Additives), Ministry of Health and
Family Welfare, Government of India.
19) Fundamentals of Urine and Body Fluid Analysis, Nancy A Brunzel, Elsevier
health Sciences, 2013.
20) Lab Manual on Blood analysis and Medical Diagnostics, Dr Gayatri Prakash, S Chand
and Company Ltd, New Delhi.
21) Manual of Medical Laboratory Techniques, S Ramakrishnan and K N Sulochana,
Jaypee BrothersMedical Publishers (P) Ltd, 2012.
22) Indian Pharmacopeia, Volume I and II.
23) Forensic Chemistry, Suzanne Bell, Pearson Prentice Hall Publication, 2006.
24) Forensic Chemistry, David E Newton, Infobase Publishing, 2007.
25) Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry, Volume 3, Academic Press, 1995.
26) AOAC Volume I and II.
PSCHA3P1 Group – A:
1. Determination of the pK value of an indicator.
2. Determination of copper and bismuth in mixture by photometric titration.
3. Estimation of strong acid, weak acid and salt in the given
mixture conductometrically.
4. Analysis of mixture of carbonate and bicarbonate (present in
ppm range) using pHmetry.
5. Determination of copper by extractive photometry using
PSCHA3P2 Group – B:
1. Estimation of drugs by non aqueous titration: Pyridoxine hydrochloride,
2. Determination of percentage purity of methylene blue indicator.
3. Estimation of cholesterol and Uric acid in the given sample of blood serum
4. Estimation of fluoride in a tooth paste.
5. Determination of silica by molybdenum blue method.
PSCHA3P3 Group–C:
1. Total reducing sugars before and after inversion in honey using: (a) Cole’s
Ferricyanide (b) Lane - Eynon method.
2. Analysis of lactose in milk
3. Estimation of Caffeine in tea
4. Estimation of Vitamin C in lemon Juice/squash by Dichlorophenol-indophenol
5. Iodine value of oil / fat
6. Analysis of alcoholic beverages (Beer) for alcohol content by distillation followed
by specific gravity method, acidity by titration, total residue by evaporation.
PSCHA3P4 Group – D:
1. To analyze Pyrolusite for: Fe by colorimetry and / or Mn by
2. To analyze Magnelium for Mg by complexometry.
3. Analysis of Bauxite for Ti by colorimetry / Al by gravimetry / Fe (volumetry)
4. Analysis of water sample: Total hardness and salinity.
5. Analysis of water sample: Acidity and sulphate(Benzidine method).
1. The candidate is expected to submit a journal certified by the Head of the
Department / institution at the time of the practical examination.
2. A candidate will not be allowed to appear for the practical examination unless he / she
produces a certified journal or a certificate from the Head of the institution/department stating
that the journal is lost and the candidate has performed the required number of experiments
satisfactorily. The list of the experiments performed by the candidate should be attached with
such certificate.
Use of non-programmable calculator is allowed both at the theory and the practical
Quality In Analytical Chemistry
1.1 Effluent treatment plant general construction and process flow charts(3L)
1.2 Treatment and disposal of Sewage.(3L)
1.3. Effluent parameters for metallurgical industry.(2L)
1.4 Permissible limits for metal (example Cr, As, Pb, Cd etc) traces
in the effluent.(2L)
1.5 Recovery of metals from effluent, modern methods – Electrodialysis,
Electrodeposition and Ion Exchange etc.(3L)
1.6 Recycle and reuse of process and treated (effluent) water(2L)
UNIT – II Solid Waste Management 15
WIPO and TRIPS, IPR and Plant Breeders Rights, IPR and Biodiversity.
Unit III: [15L]
Introduction to Cheminformatics: [5L]
Unit 1: [15L]
Print: [5L]
Digital: [5L]
Web sources, E-journals, Journal access, TOC alerts, Hot articles, Citation
Index, Impact factor, H-index, E-consortium, UGC infonet, E-books,
Internet discussion groups and communities, Blogs, preprint servers, Search
engines, Scirus, Google Scholar, ChemIndustry, Wiki-databases,
ChemSpider, Science Direct, SciFinder, Scopus.
The Internet and World wide web, Internet resources for Chemistry, finding
and citing published information.
1. Dean, J. R., Jones, A. M., Holmes, D., Reed, R., Weyers, J., &
Jones, A., (2011), Practical skills in Chemistry, 2nd Ed., Prentice
Hall, Harlow.
2. Hibbert, D. B. & Gooding, J. J. (2006) Data Analysis for Chemistry
Oxford University Press.
3. Topping, J., (1984) Errors of Observation and their Treatment 4th
Ed., Chapman Hill, London.
4. Harris, D. C. (2007) Quantative Chemical Analysis 6th Ed., Freeman
Chapters 3-5
5. Levie, R. De. (2001) How to use Excel in Analytical Chemistryand
in general scientific data analysis Cambridge Universty Press.
6. Chemical Safety matters – IUPAC-IPCS, (1992) Cambridge
University Press.
7. OSU Safety manual 1.01
Practical course
Group – A:
1. Determination of pK value of H3PO4 potentimetrically
2. Estimation of Na+ in dairy whitener by flame photometry
3. Spectrophotometric determination of pH of buffer solution.
3+ 5+
4. Simultaneous determination of Ti and V spectrophotometrically by H2O2 method
5. To analyze Bronze for Zn by complexometric method
Group – B:
1. Analysis of drugs by non aqueous titration: Glycine , Sodium Benzoate
2. Analysis of detergents: Active detergent matter, alkalinity and Oxygen releasing capacity
3. Determination of the purity of crystal violet
4. Estimation of Ca in Ca-pentathonate/calcium lactate tablets
5. Canned food: Limits test for tin/zinc
Group – C:
1. Analysis of Calcium, Iron and phosphorous in milk.
2. Determination of SAP value of oil.
3. Estimation of Aldehyde in lemon grass oil / Cinnamon oil
4. Estimation of Glucose by Folin-Wu method
5. Analysis of water sample : Mn2+ by colorimetric method
Group – D: Project Evaluation
3. The candidate is expected to submit a journal certified by the Head of the
Department / institution at the time of the practical examination.
4. A candidate will not be allowed to appear for the practical examination unless he / she
produces a certified journal or a certificate from the Head of the institution/department stating
that the journal is lost and the candidate has performed the required number of experiments
satisfactorily. The list of the experiments performed by the candidate should be attached with
such certificate.
Use of non-programmable calculator is allowed both at the theory and the practical