02 Irs Cafv
02 Irs Cafv
02 Irs Cafv
Chuck-Eugene: Farley,
c/o Non-Domestic (DMSM A010.1.2d),
Foreign Mail near: 123 Main Street
city of Los Angeles, California republic -- Without the US
1111 Constitution Ave. N.W.
Washington DC 20224
Obviously, I was led to believe that I was required to 'file,' that I was
[a] a taxpayer,' and had taken certain advice to 'protect' my livelihood
and property.
It is my firm belief that I am not a 'Tax Protestor,' and in my
research and studies, I have come to understand and I'm aware of the
3. I was not, in any manner, notified that I was the subject and/or the
'object' of theincome tax. (Ref. Long v. Rasmussen, 281 F. 236, at 238
(1922); and, Economy Plumbing and Heating v. U.S., 470 F.2d 585, at
589 (1972)
4. I have not been noticed that the tax is only applied to corporate
activity. (Ref. Doyle v. Mitchell Bros., 247 US 179 (1989); and, the
Corporation Tax Act of 1909)
5. I have not been shown, in light of the above, that my livelihood, so-
called income is considered 'income,' having the aspect of 'gain and
profit.' (Ref. South Pacific v. Lowe, 238 F. 847)
11. Disclosure has not been made to me of the federal rule, law (with
supporting implementing regulation) and/or any regulation that
requires me to pay an income tax.
12. That I have not been noticed via your Letter of Determination of
the parties as to who the creditor and debtor is in this matter.
3) PROOF OF CLAIM, that the tax imposed is not laid against any
corporate entity in regards to any presumed corporate activity, but
upon me in my private capacity.
14) PROOF OF CLAIM, that the incometax imposed via Title 26 is not
laid against a corporate fiction as identified on all IRS files, documents,
and presentments in capital name spelling similar to that of the
Undersigned's name.
17) PROOF OF CLAIM, that any 'labor' taxed is not laid upon the
'corporate fiction/entity' as identified by the Debtor's name in all
capital letters as appearing on accounts, files (IMF/BMF), charging
instruments, and all communiqué's sent by the IRS to the 'corporate
fiction/entity' in regards to its 'corporate activity' as established by the
Mr. Schulman, please respond per your good faith per the 'Proof(s)
of Claim' and with full disclosure within the time period specified above
and provide said 'Proof(s) of Claim' to the Undersigned care of the
below named Notary Public.
Thanking you in advance for your time in this most urgent matter, I
Chuck-Eugene: Farley,
Principle - Secured Party,
and Authorized
Representative to
Form: CAFV-IRSCOMM-123456789-RE123456111US-CUF
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