RFBT Chapter2 Outline
RFBT Chapter2 Outline
RFBT Chapter2 Outline
General Rule:
1) Specific and determinate things share of each in the losses shall be in the
which are not fungible – same proportion.
2) Fungible things – PARTNERSHIP In the absence of stipulation, the share of
3) Things contributed to be sold – each partner in the profits and losses shall be
PARTNERSHIP in proportion to what he may have
4) Things brought and appraised in the contributed, but the industrial partner shall
inventory – PARTNERSHIP not be liable for the losses. As for the
profits, the industrial partner shall receive
22. Who shall be answerable for the such share as may be just and equitable
amounts disbursed and for the obligations under the circumstances. If besides his
a partner may have contracted in good services he has contributed capital, he shall
faith in the interest of the partnership also receive a share in the profits in
business and for risks in consequence of proportion to his capital.
its management?
Rules for distribution of profits and losses of
Art 1796 The partnership shall be a partnership
responsible to every partner for the amounts
he may have disbursed on behalf of the 1) Distribution of profits:
partnership and for the corresponding a. Agreement
interest, from the time the expenses are b. No agreement
made; it shall also answer to each partner for i. Capitalist Partner -
the obligations he may have contracted in pro-rata
good faith in the interest of the partnership ii. Industrial Partner –
business, and for risks in consequence of its just and equitable
management. 2) Distribution of losses:
a. Agreement
Obligation of the partnership to every b. No agreement
partner: i. Capitalist Partner –
1) To refund the amounts a partner may ii. Industrial Partner –
have disbursed on behalf of the not liable for losses
partnership plus the interest from the unless he waives his
time the expenses were made. right
2) To answer to each partner for
obligations, he may have contracted Note: Excludes an industrial partner from
into in good faith in the interest of the losses, but he is not exempted from
the partnership, and for the risks in liability insofar as third persons are
consequence of its management. concerned. He may, however, recover what
he has given to third persons from the other
23. How shall be the profits and losses be partners because as to him and his partners,
distributed among the partners? that will no be treated as a loss.
Art 1797 The losses and profits shall be Liability – obligation towards third persons
distributed in conformity with the
agreement. If only the share of each partner Losses – obligation as among the partners
in the profits has been agreed upon, the
*** When a thing goes out of commerce of Note: one of the tests in order to have a
man, such way cannot be recovered partnership is the intent of the contracting
parties to divide the profits and losses
24. Can the designation of the share of the among themselves
partners in profits and losses be entrusted
to a third person? Exception:
25. If the decision of the third person is to Unless the industrial partner waived his
be impugned, within what time shall it be right.
Rationale: Why an industrial partner is not
Art 1798 If the partners have agreed to liable for losses?
entrust to a third person the designation of
the share of each one in the profits and While capitalist partners can withdraw their
losses, such designation may be impugned capital, the industrial partner cannot
only when it is manifestly inequitable. In no withdraw any labor or industry he had
case may a partner who has begun to already exerted. Moreover, he already has
execute the decision of the third person, or shared in the losses in that, if the partnership
who has not impugned the same within a shows no profit, this means that he has
period of three months from the time he had labored in vain.
knowledge thereof, complain of such
26. The 2 distinct ways of appointing a
partner as managing partner.
The designation of profits and losses cannot
27. What are the rights and obligations of
be entrusted to one of the partners.
a managing partner whose appointment is
Third person designating the share of the contained in the articles of co-
partners in the profits and losses. partnership?
When there is an imminent danger or Rules when manager of management has not
irreparable injury to the partnership been agreed upon:
Art 1802 NOT applicable to third person 1) All the partners hall be considered as
managers. Consequently, all partners
Any of the two managing partners may can do all acts of administration. If
contract and sign in the name of the the acts of a partner are opposed by
partnership with the consent of the other, the other partners, the majority (per
undoubtedly creates an obligation between head) shall prevail. In case of tie (per
the two partners, which consists in asking head), then the vote of the partners
the other’s consent before contracting for the representing the controlling interest
partnership. This obligation is not imposed shall prevail.
upon a third person who contracts with the 2) For important alterations in
partnership. Neither it is necessary for the immovable property, unanimity is
third person to ascertain if the managing required.
partner with whom he contracts has
previously obtained the consent of the other.
A third person may and has a right to
presume that the partner with whom he
31. Can a partner associate another ** Every partner given right to access,
person with him in his share in the inspect and copy (AIC)
partnership without the consent of the
other partners? 36. To whom shall partners be obligated
to render information of all things
32. Can the associate take part in the affecting the partnership?
Art 1806 Partners shall render on demand
33. What will the associate share with the true and full information of all things
partner? affecting the partnership to any partner or
the legal representative of any deceased
Art 1804 Every partner may associate partner or of any partner under legal
another person with him in his share, but disability.
the associate shall not be admitted into the
partnership without the consent of all the Violation of Art 1806 is concealment
other partners, even if the partner having an
associate should be a manager. Who can demand true and full information?
(1) If he is wrongfully excluded from the
partnership business or possession of its Property Rights of a Partner
property by his co-partners;
1. What are the property rights of a
(2) If the right exists under the terms of any partner?
Art 1810 The property rights of a partner
(3) As provided by article 1807; are:
(4) Whenever other circumstances render it (1) His rights in specific partnership
just and reasonable. property;
Art 1811 A partner is co-owner with his 5. Can a partner assign his whole interest
partners of specific partnership property. in the partnership to another without the
consent of the other partners?
The incidents of this co-ownership are such
that: 6. Will the assignee become a partner?
(1) A partner, subject to the provisions of 7. Will the conveyance of a partner of his
this Title and to any agreement between the whole interest in the partnership dissolve
partners, has an equal right with his partners the partnership?
to possess specific partnership property for
partnership purposes; but he has no right to 8. What are the rights of an assignee of a
possess such property for any other purpose partner’s interest?
without the consent of his partners;
9. What rights cannot be exercised by an
(2) A partner's right in specific partnership assignee?
property is not assignable except in
connection with the assignment of rights of Art 1813 A conveyance by a partner of his
all the partners in the same property; whole interest in the partnership does not of
itself dissolve the partnership, or, as against
(3) A partner's right in specific partnership the other partners in the absence of
property is not subject to attachment or agreement, entitle the assignee, during the
execution, except on a claim against the continuance of the partnership, to interfere
partnership. When partnership property is in the management or administration of the
attached for a partnership debt the partners, partnership business or affairs, or to require
or any of them, or the representatives of a any information or account of partnership
deceased partner, cannot claim any right transactions, or to inspect the partnership
under the homestead or exemption laws; books; but it merely entitles the assignee to
receive in accordance with his contract the
(4) A partner's right in specific partnership profits to which the assigning partner would
property is not subject to legal support under otherwise be entitled. However, in case of
article 291. fraud in the management of the partnership,
the assignee may avail himself of the usual
4. What is the nature of a partner’s remedies.
interest in the partnership?
In case of a dissolution of the partnership,
Art 1812 A partner's interest in the the assignee is entitled to receive his
partnership is his share of the profits and assignor's interest and may require an
surplus. account from the date only of the last
account agreed to by all the partners.
Conveyance: voluntary transfer of a 1827, on due application to a competent
right/property court by any judgment creditor of a partner,
the court which entered the judgment, or any
Effects of conveyance by partner of his other court, may charge the interest of the
whole interst in the partnership: debtor partner with payment of the
unsatisfied amount of such judgment debt
1) If a partner conveys his whole with interest thereon; and may then or later
interest, it may still subsist (exist) or appoint a receiver of his share of the profits,
may be dissolved and of any other money due or to fall due to
2) Assignee: him in respect of the partnership, and make
a. Cannot interfere in the all other orders, directions, accounts and
management inquiries which the debtor partner might
b. Cannot require information have made, or which the circumstances of
or accounting of partnership the case may require.
c. Cannot inspect partnership The interest charged may be redeemed at
books any time before foreclosure, or in case of a
sale being directed by the court, may be
Rights of the Assignee: purchased without thereby causing a
1) To receive profits of the assigning
partner (1) With separate property, by any one or
2) In case of fraud in the management, more of the partners; or
can avail himself of the usual
remedies provided by law (2) With partnership property, by any one or
3) In case of dissolution, receive more of the partners with the consent of all
assignor’s interest the partners whose interests are not so
4) In case of dissolution, may require charged or sold.
an account from the date only of
the last account agreed to by all the Nothing in this Title shall be held to deprive
partners a partner of his right, if any, under the
exemption laws, as regards his interest in the
10. Is a partner’s interest in the partnership.
partnership subject to attachment or
execution for his personal debts? Charging order: remedy available to a
judgment creditor of a debtor-partner to
11. May the interest so charged be charge the interest of the latter in the
redeemed and with what property shall it partnership by means of court-order for the
be redeemed? purpose of satisfying the amount of the
12. What are other right may a partner
whose interest has been so charged avail Appointment of a receiver: court may
of? appoint a receiver
Art 1817 Any stipulation against the liability (1) Assign the partnership property in
laid down in the preceding article shall be trust for creditors or on the assignee's
void, except as among the partners. (n) promise to pay the debts of the
10. In the absence of any agreement to the
contrary, who shall act as agent of the (2) Dispose of the good-will of the
partnership? business;
11. Classify the acts of a partner in the (3) Do any other act which would make it
partnership? impossible to carry on the ordinary
business of a partnership;
12. If a partner who has no authority
performs an act for apparently carrying (4) Confess a judgment;
on in the usual manner the business of the
partnership, will such act be binding (5) Enter into a compromise concerning a
upon the partnership? partnership claim or liability;
13. Give examples for acts of strict (6) Submit a partnership claim or liability
dominion. to arbitration;
14. When shall the partnership be bound (7) Renounce a claim of the partnership.
by any act of strict dominion?
No act of a partner in contravention of a
Art 1818 Every partner is an agent of the restriction on authority shall bind the
partnership for the purpose of its business, partnership to persons having knowledge
and the act of every partner, including the of the restriction.
execution in the partnership name of any
instrument, for apparently carrying on in the 1) Acts apparently for carrying on in
usual way the business of the partnership of the usual way the business of the
which he is a member binds the partnership, partnership
unless the partner so acting has in fact no 2) Acts not apparently for the
authority to act for the partnership in the carrying on in the usual way of
particular matter, and the person with whom business of the partnership
he is dealing has knowledge of the fact that a. Not binding, unless
he has no such authority. authorized
3) Acts of ownership/Act of strict
An act of a partner which is not apparently dominion
for the carrying on of business of the 4) Acts in contravention of a
partnership in the usual way does not bind restriction on authority
the partnership unless authorized by the a. Not binding to the
other partners. partnership as to third
persons having knowledge of a holder for value without knowledge that
the restriction the partner, in making the conveyance, has
exceeded his authority.
15. Under whose name may real property
owned by the partnership be registered? Where title to real property is in the name of
the partnership, a conveyance executed by a
16. Where title to real property is in the partner, in his own name, passes the
partnership name, who may convey title equitable interest of the partnership,
to such property? provided the act is one within the authority
of the partner under the provisions of the
17. One title is conveyed may the first paragraph of article 1818.
partnership recover such property?
Where title to real property is in the name of
18. Where title to real property is in the one or more but not all the partners, and the
name of the partnership, and a record does not disclose the right of the
conveyance is executed by a partner in his partnership, the partners in whose name the
own name, will title pass to the grantee? title stands may convey title to such
property, but the partnership may recover
19. Define equitable interest such property if the partners' act does not
bind the partnership under the provisions of
20. When may conveyance of real the first paragraph of article 1818, unless the
property of the partnership by a partner purchaser or his assignee, is a holder for
in his own name pass title to the grantee? value, without knowledge.
21. Where title to real property is in the Where the title to real property is in the
name of one ore more or all the partners, name of one or more or all the partners, or in
or in a third person in trust for the a third person in trust for the partnership, a
partnership and is conveyed by a partner conveyance executed by a partner in the
in his own name or in the partnership partnership name, or in his own name,
name, will title pass to the property? passes the equitable interest of the
partnership, provided the act is one within
22. If real property is registered in the the authority of the partner under the
names of all the partners and is conveyed provisions of the first paragraph of article
by all the partners, what passes to the 1818.
Where the title to real property is in the
Art 1819 Where title to real property is in name of all the partners a conveyance
the partnership name, any partner may executed by all the partners passes all their
convey title to such property by a rights in such property.
conveyance executed in the partnership
name; but the partnership may recover such Title: legal evidence of a person’s
property unless the partner's act binds the ownership rights in property; and instrument
partnership under the provisions of the first that constitutes such evidence
paragraph of article 1818, or unless such
property has been conveyed by the grantee Equitable Interest: interest held by
or a person claiming through such grantee to virtue of an equitable title or claimed on
equitable grounds, held by a trust knowledge of the partnership, except in the
beneficiary case of fraud on the partnership, committed
by or with the consent of that partner.
Real property may be registered or
owned in the name of: Instances where knowledge of a partner
is considered knowledge of the partnership:
1) Partnership
2) One or more but not all partners 1) Acquired while a partner
3) One or more or all partners/third 2) Present to his mind
person in trust 3) Who reasonably could and should
4) All the partners have communicated it to the acting
23. When may admission or
representation made by a partner be Exception: in case of fraud on the
considered evidence against the partnership, committed by or with the
partnership? consent of that partner (selective)
Preference of payment:
1) Partnership creditors
2) Partner creditors