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8.2 JSA OPR Working in Big Vessel

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Document Number


Job Title (Unloading Coal in Large Ship)
NAMA PEKERJAAN Pembongkaran Batubara di Kapal Besar
21 Maret 2011
Jamson Matondang Mustakim Mista Wawan Hendra Wijaya Tanggal
ORANG YANG Fitriyadi Silaban Tri Hendriyanto Ali Hermanto Agus Suntoro Status : NEW BARU
MELAKUKAN Toto Pranoto Yulianto Budi Riwanto Status
Surjono Okto Mufidu Alamsyah Thoyib Imron Rosidi : REVISED REVISI √
PEKERJAAN Muhamad Mahmud Bambang Sugiono Saefudin Halik
Yuli Kuswanto Ahmad ( TMK ) Sudarman Bunyamin
Jayadi Bainong ( TMKMulyadi
) Krisno Kusumo AdiArifandi
Sutrisno Abdul
( TMK ) Rais Manto ( TG ) Rudi Hartono Moh Zuber Ramli
Budi Santoso ( TMKAmiruddin
) ( TG ) Ahmad Zaini M. Hasan
Andra Purwadi ( TMKRusmadi
) ( TG ) Dasuki Halik
Agung Bhekti Frihatmoko
Achmad Rusdiyanto Akmal Maulana Rio Ade Nugroho
WORK SCOPE LINGKUP KERJA Unloading Coal in Large Ship
Roads Construction and Load Lifting and Supporting Penyanggaan Electrical Worker Safety
YANG TERKAIT MaintenanceKonstruksi & pemeliharaan jalan dan pengangkatan beban
√ Keselamatan pekerjaan listrik

Isolation and Lockout Operating vehicle and moving equipments Working close to water
Isolasi dan lockout Operasi kendaraan & alat bergerak
√ Bekerja dekat air
Conditions of vehicles and moving equipments Kondisi Working in a confined space
Working at Heights Bekerja di ketinggian √ kendaraan & alat bergerak √ Bekerja di ruang tertutup

Other Hazards People water transportation
Manual Handling Manual Handling √ Guarding Machine Perpindahan orang di atas air

Working with/close to mooring lines Bekerja

dengan/dekat tali mooring
√ Environment Lingkungan √ Others Lainnya : √
Personal Protective Equipments Hand Gloves Safety Helmet Life Jacket
ALAT PELINDUNG DIRI (APD) Safety Shoes Safety Glasses Dusk Mask
Necessary Training for Workers SOP, Safety Talk, Socialization, Observation
Analyzed by (JSA Facilitators)
Safety Talk, Observation Approved By PENGESAHAN OLEH
Name Nama Signature Tandatangan Name Nama Signature Tandatangan

Chamim Mubarok

FOM OHS 26S - Job_Safety_Analysis_V1_0910

Document Number
Make sure proper control is available for
NO Consider any risk of death
Arrange the Procedures in logic order high/death risky procedure
Pikirkan terlebih dahulu apakah terdapat potensi Pastikan kontrol telah ada untuk langkah
Urutkan langkah kerja secara logis
kematian pekerjaan beresiko tinggi / kematian
1 (Berthing/unberthing using mooring rope) 1.1 (Falling to sea) Terjatuh kelaut 1.1.a.(make sure to pull rope in safe condition)
Proses Sandar / Lepas Kapal Bekerja dengan Tali Pastikan posisi saat menarik tali dalam keadaan
mooring aman
1.1.b. (make sure that floor is not slippery there
are no holes) Pastikan lantai tidak licin dan tidak
terdapat lubang

1.1.c.(make sure to wear standard Life jacket

and PPE correclty) Pastikan Menggunakan Life
Jacket dan APD standar dengan benar

1.2 (Got Hit by swinging rope) Terhempas Tali 1.2.a. (Ensuring that position is not in rope
kapal swinging area) Pastikan posisi tidak didalam area
hempas tali
1.2.b. (Moving further from tense rope) Menjauh
dari tali yang dalam keadaan kencang/tegang

1.3(Squeezed/nipped by rope) Terjepit Tali 1.3.a. (make sure that hand /parts of body is
not in nip point) Pastikan tangan / anggota
badan tidak pada posisi titik jepit
1.3.b. Saat bekerja dengan tali harus konsentrasi (
tidak boleh menerima Telp / SMS ) (Full
concentration during work (No
messaging/telephoning) )
1.4 Ergonomi (Ergonomy ) 1.4.a. (make sure that body, hands, and feet
positions are in correct postion when pulling
rope) Pastikan posisi badan,tangan, kaki di saat
menarik tali pada posisi yang benar,nyaman

FOM OHS 26S B - Job_Safety_Analysis_V1_0910

1.4.b.(No pulling heavy rope alone) Jangan
memaksakan menarik tali yang berat sendiri
2 (Ascending/descending to ship through Gang 2.1. (Falling to sea) Terjatuh ke laut 2.1.a. (make sure that ladder is installed
way / ship ladder) Naik / turun kekapal besar properly (ladder position, safety net) and there
melalaui Gang way / tangga kapal is additional ladder to jetty) Pastikan tangga
terpasang dengan benar (Posisi tangga, safety
net) dan ada tangga tambahan untuk ke jetty

2.1.b. (make sure to wear standard life jacket

and PPE) Pastikan menggunakn life Jacket dan
APD standar
2.2. (Slipping, stumbling, falling) Terpeleset / 2.2.a.(make sure that ladder is not slippery)
tersandung / terjatuh Pastikan tangga tidak licin

2.2.b.(Go through ladder by gripping onto

railing) Melalui tangga berpegang relling tangga

2.2.c (Go through ladder not by running)

Melalui tangga tidak dengan cara berlari

2.2.d. (Ascend by ladder step by step) Naik

tangga secara bertahap
2.2.e. (Wear standard PPE properly ) Gunakan
APD standar dengan benar
2.2.f. (At most three people are allowed ascend
ladder simultaneously) Maksimal 3 orang untuk
naik tangga
3 (Walking on deck before unloading) Berjalan 3.1. (Stumbling/slipping) Tersandung / 3.1 a.(make sure that deck is not slippery)
dideck kapal sebelum proses bongkar Terpeleset Pastikan kondisi deck kapal tidak licin

3.1.b. (Walking on permitted path (Deck was

painted using anti-slip paint)) Berjalan di tempat
yang sudah ditentukan ( Deck dicat anti selip,
tidak licin )
3.1.c.(make sure that there is no object
blocking on deck ) Pastikan deck tidak terdapat
benda yang menghalangi jalan

3.1.d. (Wear standard PPE properly) Gunakan

APD sandar dengan benar

FOM OHS 26S B - Job_Safety_Analysis_V1_0910

3.1.e Dilarang merokok / sesuai peraturan kapal
(No smoking or according to ship's rules )
4 (Ascending/descending crane and ship ladder) 4.1. (Falling, slipping from top of ladder) 4.1.a. (make sure that the ladder's steps are
Naik / turun Tangga Crane dan tangga palka Terjatuh / Terpeleset dari ketinggian tangga not slippery) Pastikan anak tangga tidak licin
4.1.b.(make sure to ascend ladder using three
fulcrums) Pastikan menaiki tangga dengan 3 titik
4.1.c. (Ascending ladder is not allowed if
carrying heavy objects in hand preventing
hands to grip onto railing) Menaiki tangga
tangan tidak boleh memegang dan membawa
barang berat yang mengakibatkan tangan tidak
dapat berpegangan tangga
4.1.d. (make sure to wear standard PPE
properly with additional safety rope) Pastikan
menggunakan APD standar dengan
benar.tambahan tali pengaman.
4.1.e (Coordinate properly) Lakukan koordinasi
dengan baik
5 (Operating ship crane) Mengoperasikan crane 5.1. (Crane is broken/ do not function 5.1.a.(Perform test before operating crane
kapal properly) Crane Rusak / Tidak berfungsi baik according to the procedure with assistance
from ship crew) Lakukan test sebelum
pengoperasin crane sesuai dengan prosedur
didampingi ABK
5.1.b. (Watch crane's condition and report
immediately if there are any damages)
Perhatikan kondisi crane segera laporkan kepada
Port Capt bila ada kerusakan
5.2.(Crash between crane during unloading 5.2.a (Coordinate unloading process properly
process) Benturan sesama crane dalam proses according to plan) Koordinasikan proses
bongkar muatan pembongkaran dgn baik sesuai dengan rencana
5.2.b.(Avoidi 2 cranes unload in 1 hold of ship)
Hindari dalam 1 palka dibongkar 2 crane

5.2.c. (Competent operator (SIO)) Operator

berkopetensi (SIO)

FOM OHS 26S B - Job_Safety_Analysis_V1_0910

5.2.d. (Operate crane according to valid
operating procedure) Operasikan crane sesuai
dengan prosedur pengoperasian yang berlaku
5.3. (Grab hits ship hold/wall/ladder in 5.3.a. (make sure that operator hold
hold/hopper resulting in damages) Grab competency (SIO)) Pastikan operator
membentur tutup Palka / dinding palka / tangga berkopetensi ( SIO )
dalam palka / Hopper yang mengakibatkan
5.3.b. (make sure that crane is in proper
condtion to use) Pastikan crane dalam kondisi
layak pakai
5.3.c. (make sure that crane is operated
according to valid procedure Pastikan crane
dioperasikan sesuai dgn Prosedur yang berlak u )

5.3.d.(Make sure that there is sufficient

lighting) Pastikan penerangan cukup
5.3.e. (If unloading cargo is difficult, then order
riger/signalman to work) Bila kondisi mengambil
cargo sulit gunakan pemberi aba2 ( riger ) /
5.4. (Grab hits operator/heavy equipment in 5.4.a.(make sure that operator is competent
hold of ship) Grap menghantam operator / alat (SIO)) Pastikan operator berkopetensi ( SIO )
berat dlm palka
5.4.b. (make sure that crane is feasible to use)
Pastikan crane dalam kondisi layak pakai
5.4.c. (make sure that crane is operated
according to applicable procedure) Pastikan
crane dioperasikan sesuai dgn Prosedur yan g
5.4.d. (make sure that there is sufficient
lighting) Pastikan penerangan cukup
5.4.e. (If unloading cargo is difficult, then order
riger/signalman to work) Bila kondisi mengambil
cargo sulit gunakan pemberi aba2 ( riger ) /
5.4.f. (make sure that coordination is well
performed between crane operator, signalman,
and heavy equipment operator) Pastikan
koordinasi berjalan dengan baik antara operator
crane,signalman, operator alat berat

FOM OHS 26S B - Job_Safety_Analysis_V1_0910

5.5 (Ergonomy because of sitting for operating 5.5.a Implement operator changing to operate
crane) Ergonomi karena duduk mengoperaikan ship crane (shift duty)) Adakan pengantian
crane operator untuk pengoperasian crane kapal (
pergantian jaga )

6 (Ascending/descending ship) Naik / Turun Alat 6.1. (Got hit by falling heavy equipment during 6.1.a. make sure that wire, sachles, etc are
Berat Dari kapal lifting crane) Kejatuhan alat berat saaat installed properly and feasible to use) Pastikan
dianggkat dengan crane wire ,sachles, terpasang dengan benar dan
kondisi layak pakai
6.1.b. (Avoid any position below lifted heavy
equipment) Tidak berada dibawah alat berat saat
di angkat
6.1.c. (Competent crane operator (SIO))
Operator crane berkompetensi ( SIO )
6.1.d (make sure that crane is safe to use)
Pastikan crane dlm kondisi aman digunakan
6.2. (Squeezed/nipped during sachles/wire 6.2.a (make sure that limbs position are not in
installation) Terjepit saat pemasangan pin point) Pastikan posisi anggota badan tidak
sachles,wire pada titik jepit
6.2.b (Use standard PPE properly) Gunakan
APD standar dengan benar
7 (Walking on deck during coal unloading) 7.1. (Stumbled/slipped) Tersandung / 7.1 a. (make sure that deck is not slippery)
Berjalan di deck pada saat proses bongkar Terpeleset Pastikan kondisi deck kapal tidak licin
muatan batubara 7.1.b. (Walk on permitted path (Deck was
painted using anti-slip paint)) Berjalan di tempat
yang sudah ditentukan ( Deck dicat anti selip,
tidak licin )
7.1.c. (make sure that there are not any objects
blocking on the way) Pastikan deck tidak
terdapat benda yang menghalangi jalan
7.1.b (Use standard PPE properly)
Gunakan APD standar denga n benar
7.2 (Got hit by falling grab/crane/coal) 7.2.a (Avoid walking below crane during cargo
Kejatuhan grab / crane / batu bara unloading) Tidak berjalan dibawah area sliwing
crane saat bongkar muatan
7.2.b (Place warning sign about work
conducted above) Pasang tanda peringatan /
barricate ada pekerjaan diatas
7.2.c (Walk on safe/permitted path) Berjalan di
tempat yang disediakan / aman
FOM OHS 26S B - Job_Safety_Analysis_V1_0910
7.2.d (Use standard PPE properly) Gunakan
APD standar yang benar
7.3 (Shortness of breath because of coal dust) 7.3.a (Use PPE mask properly) Gunakan APD
Sesak napas karena debu batubara masker dengan benar
8 (Using heavy equipment in hold of ship) 8.1. (Grab hits operator/heavy equipment in 8.1.a. (make sure that operator holds
Bekerja dengan alat berat didalam palka. hold of ship) Grap menghantam operator / alat competency (SIO)) Pastikan operator
berat dlm palka berkopetensi ( SIO )
8.1.b. (make sure that crane is in proper
condition to use) Pastikan crane dalam kondisi
layak pakai
8.1.c. (make sure that crane is operated
according to valid procedure) Pastikan crane
dioperasikan sesuai dgn Prosedur yang berlaku
8.1.d. (make sure there is sufficient lighting)
Pastikan penerangan cukup
8.1.e. (If condition of unloading cargo is
difficult, then order riger/signalman to work)
Bila kondisi mengambil cargo sulit gunakan
pemberi aba2 ( riger ) / signalman
8.1.f. (make sure that coordination is well
conducted between crane operator, signalman,
and heavy equipment operator) Pastikan
koordinasi berjalan dengan baik antara operator
crane, signalman, operator
alat berat
8.2. (Got hit by falling grab/crane/coal) 8.2.a (make sure that there is good
Kejatuhan grab / crane / batu bara coordination between foreman and crane
operator) Pastikan terjalin koordinasi yang baik
atau komunikasi yang baik antara operator crane,
forman, dan operator crane
8.2.b (make sure that crane is in proper
condition to use pastikan crane dalam kondisi
layak pakai )
8.2.c (make sure that job shift handover is well
performed) Pastikan serahterima jaga dengan
8.2.d (make sure that lighting in hold of ship is
sufficient) Pastikan penerangan dalam palka

FOM OHS 26S B - Job_Safety_Analysis_V1_0910

8.2.e (Operate grab, crane, according to
procedure) Operasikan grab, crane sesuai

8.2.f (make sure that operator holds

competency (SIO)) Pastikan operator
berkompetensi ( SIO )
8.3 (Shortness of breath) Sesak napas 8.3.a (Use mask and PPE properly) Gunakan
masker dan APD dengan benar
8.4 (Eyes irritation) Mata iritasi 8.4.a (Use safety glasses properly) Gunakan
Kaca mata safety dengan Benar
8.5 (Ergonomy) Ergonomi 8,5.a (Use backsupport during heavy
equipment operation) Gunakn backsupport dalm
pengoperasian alat berat
8.6 (Heavy equipment crashes hold of ship, 8.6.a (Operate equipment according to its
personnel, cover, or manhold) Alat berat procedure) Operasikan alat sesuai dengan
menabrak palka, orang, tutup, manhold prosedur
8.6.b (Competent operator) Operator
9 (Break) Istirahat 9.1 (Littered trash/dirty lounge) Sampah 9.1.a (Keep clean in ship/lounge) Jagalah
berserakan / ruang istirahat kotor kebersihan dikapal / ruang istirahat
9.1.b (Dispose trash to waste bin) Buanglah
sampah pada tempat sampah

FOM OHS 26S B - Job_Safety_Analysis_V1_0910

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