Pollution Control Acts and Regulations of India For Chloro Alkali Industry by S. Ali
Pollution Control Acts and Regulations of India For Chloro Alkali Industry by S. Ali
Pollution Control Acts and Regulations of India For Chloro Alkali Industry by S. Ali
This law requires that all companies must have some sort of
a Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures Plan (SPCC).
Environmental auditing is required by this law starting in
1993. This report is to be submitted to the State Pollution
Control Board. The law indicates that the government may
“recognize one or more lab as environmental lab to carry out
tests, etc.”
For the first time, this Act holds the owner liable for
death or injury to any person, damage to any property
resulting from an accident. The “claimant shall not be
required to plead and establish that death, injury or damage
in respect of which the claim has been made was due to any
wrongful act. neglect or default of any person. Only Workman
has been excluded from this Act as he is covered under the
Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923 (8 of 1923).
Cars with mass less than 1,020 kg. load on the axle will be
permitted to emit a maximum of five grams of carbon monoxide
per kilometer. The combined emission of nitrous oxide and
hydro carbons shall not exceed 2 grams per kilometer.
The above standards are for petrol driven vehicles only. For
diesel driven vehicles, the regulations are different. For
all medium and heavy diesel vehicles with capacity over 3.5
tons, they should not emit more than 11.2 gms. of carbon
monoxide per kilowatt hour (kWh) equivalent burning of fuel.
The maximum permissible levels for nitrous oxide and hydro
carbons are 14.4 and 2.4 gms. per kWh.
One US Dollar equals about forty-three Indian Rupees
One Indian Rupee has one hundred paisa
One Lakh equals one hundred thousand
One Crore equals ten million.
These are not the actual wordings of the Act nor is this the
listing of the Act in original.
It is only an interpretation of the environmental acts in
very simple terms. This is to facilitate understanding of
the laws by a working person. For actual regulations and for
legal requirements, the regulations with latest amendments
must be read in original and/or a lawyer must be consulted.
Words from the Act itself have been very freely quoted.