Matisse PDF
Matisse PDF
Matisse PDF
A Guide to Research
Catherine C. Bock-Weiss
igl~ Routledge
Taylor & Francis Group
New York Lendon
First published by Garland Publishing, Inc.
Routledge Routledge
Taylor & Francis Group Taylor & Francis Group
711 ThirdAvenue 2 Park Square, Milton Park
NewYork, NY 10017 Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN
Bock-Weiss, Catherine C.
Henri Matisse : a guide to research / by Catherine C. Bock-Weiss.
p. cm. - (Artist resource manuals; v. 1) (Garland reference li-
brary of the humanities ; v. 1424)
ISBN 0-8153-0086-7
1. Matisse, Henri, 1869-1954-Criticism and interpretation-
Bibliography. I. Tide. 11. Series. III. Series: Garland reference library
of the humanities ; vol. 1424.
Z8554.32.B63 1996
016.7'092-dc20 96-19440
To my husband,
Raymond L. Weiss
in memory of my father,
Frank 1. Bock
"Our ideas about the past are the results of an immense cooperative effort."
(E.H. Gombrich, The Story of Art).
Each generation sees any important artist differendy. With the series Artist Resource
Manuals, Garland offers a new kind of reference guide that traces the his tory of the
critical reception of major artists by tracing the literary evidence. Collecting and pre-
senting the facts on how artists were received and their oeuvre perceived will provide
the foundations for a better understanding of the masters. Each volume has at its core
an historical essay that deals in depth with farne and fortune of the artist from his or
her own time through the successive ages to the present. This is followed by a selec-
tive, critical, annotated bibliography section that encompasses a listing of essential
primary sources as weil as a bibliography of the secondary literature. Among the pri-
mary sources are the artists' own programmatic, theoretical, and autobiographical
writings. The bibliography of secondary literary sources includes monographs, oeuvre
catalogues, catalogues of exhibition and auction sale catalogues; articles in newspa-
pers, festschriften, museum bulletins, and yearbooks are given consideration commen-
surate with their importance. Also included and discussed are reflections of the artist's
works in other creative media, e.g. in poetry and in fiction, in plays, musical compo-
sitions, film and television productions. Each volume is to have several indexes, as weil
as chronological tables, location guides to works in public and private collections, and
other scholarly apparatus as appropriate to the individual artists. The series is open
ended. Ir will encompass all periods of documented art history, western as weil as non-
western, and represent artists active in all visual media.
Wolfgang M. Freitag
Foreword ix
Introduction: Henri Matisse, Critical Responses and xiii
Contemporary Reassessments
Matisse Chronology xcvii
1 Primary Documentation
Archives 1
Matisse's Writings and Interviews 6
11 General Studies, Catalogues, and Collections of Essays 13
III Specific Media
Books 71
Articles 74
Books 86
Articles 99
Paper Cut-Outs and Decorative Projects
Books 112
Articles 116
IV General Articles 133
V Individual Works
Painting, Paper Cut-Outs 265
Sculpture 318
Drawing, Graphics, Book Design 321
Decorative Commissions (Architecture, 334
Murals, Theatre, Applied Arts)
VI Fauvism
Books and Catalogues 365
Articles 384
VII Collections and Collectors 411
VIII Matisse and Other Artists 431
IX Books on Matisse for Children 445
X Exhibitions and Catalogues 449
I A1fred H. Barr, Jr., Matisse, His Art and His Public (New York:
Museum of Modern Art, 1951).
2 Pierre Schneider, Henri Matisse: Exposition du centenaire (Paris:
Reunion des Musees Nationaux, 1970).
3 Dominique Fourcade, Henri Matisse, Ecrits et propos sur ['art
(Paris: Hermann, 1972), hereafter EPA; and Jack D. Flam, Matisse on
Art (London, New York: Phaidon, 1973 1978; rev. ed., Berkeley and
institutions maintain their power and persuasive force; also, with how
market forces affect the dealer-artist-public relationship. The rise of
modernism and of the reputations of artists as modern or as radically
avant-garde has been shaped by particular institutions both in the Uni ted
States and abroad. In Europe, state patronage and the partisanship of
the literary/intellectual community had more relevance to the situation
of the visual arts during Matisse's Iifetime; in the United States, on the
other hand, museums and dealers aggressively used public relations and
advertising techniques to promote a particular view of modernism. 5
Paradoxically, the history of the "forward retention of
custom,,6 can function as a critique of the parallel narrative of the avant-
garde, now in considerable disarray. Like their more conservative
counterparts, socially liberal or radical thinkers are also passionately
partisan; they espouse, however, the idea of a progressive or
revolutionary avant-garde in the arts that can actively and effectively
intervene in political change. This idea of a coherent avant-garde is also
a socio-historical construct whose maintenance is vital to an empowered
ideology and its advocates. The literature on Matisse is in part a
polemical terrain on which is played out this tug-of-war between
politicized views of culture.
The writing on Matisse has been primarily French and
American, with Britain seconding these with a small but important
body of writing. The overwhelming majority of the French writing is a
national, often nationalistic, literature that enlists Matisse in a
discourse about the French national character and the nature of its
intellectual and cultural genius. The French literature's seemingly
ahistorical concern with esthetic values and distinctions barely masks
France's ongoing crisis of identity and prestige in the face of the
5 For studies of the American situation, see Serge Guilbaut, ed., How
New York Stole the Idea of Modern Art: Abstract Expressionism.
Freedom. and the Cold War (Chicago and London: University of
Chicago Press, 1983) and lohn O'Brian, "MoMA's Public Relations,
Alfred Barr's Public, and Matisse's American Canonization," RACAR.
Revue d'art canadienne / Canadian Art Review 18, 1-2 (1991; but
published 1994): 18-29. For a discussion of the impact of French
nationalism and imperialism on aspects of Fauvism, see lames D.
Herbert, Fauve Painting, the Making of Cultural Politics (New Haven
and London: Yale University Press, 1992).
6 Francis Bacon, "OfInnovations." Essays (London, 1625).
INIRODuenON xvii
V. Reassessments, 1970-1993:
From the Centenary Exhibition to the Museum of Modern Art
Retrospecti ve.
Period ofInnovation, 1905-1918:
From first public notoriety of the Salon d' Automne
to the move from Paris to Nice.
The artist who provided a catalyst for these tenns during this
period was Paul Cezanne, whose death in 1906 falls roughly at its mid-
point. In the decade previous to his death, the suddenly influential
painter crystallized in his person, in his artistic process, and in his
paintings, a synthesis of impressionist-symbolist aesthetic theory and
generated the discourse that cIarified this consolidation. After his death,
that discourse was the basis for understanding the practice and rationale
for the newest avant-garde development, Cubism. Cezanne was seen as
both the culmination of late-nineteenth century practice and the
"primitive of [his] own way," still to be discovered. 9 The writing on
Matisse is situated wholly within this Cezannean discourse --both that
on Matisse's early years of color exploration, which was labeled
Fauvism (1899-1907), and on his later years of experiment with new
methods of spatial construction, both decorati ve and planar (1908-
1918). In a circular logic, Matisse could in fact encourage himself in
these early years by saying: "If Cezanne is right. I am right; and I knew
that Cezanne was not mistaken."lO
In spite of Matisse's international reputation in those years,
the first monograph on Matisse was not published until Marcel
Sembat's small study of 1920 in the Nouvelle Revue Fran~aise
Modern Artists series. ll All the writings on the first stage of
Matisse's career are shorter pieces: exhibition reviews, interview essays,
and a handful of substantive essays appearing in either journals or
longer studies of modern art. The quality of these reviews and articles is
unusually high, the product of their authors' considerable education in
the fine arts as weIl as the sophisticated level of public cultural
exchange in Paris. The first eight years of Matisse criticism are
dominated by Roger Marx (1859-1913), whose introduction to
Matisse' s first one-person show at Vollard' s Gallery in 1904 was the
longest published piece on Matisse until that time. 12 Marx' s catalogue
essay sums up and elaborates the basic points that he had been making
Three years later, in the article that Matisse designated the best
that had been written on hirn until that time, Marcel Sem bat answered
Riviere's criticism by addressing head-on the question of originality.29
Citing the jibes and accusations of the scandalized public about
Matisse's person and work, Sem bat counters them by claiming with
confidence that no one questions either the talent of the artist or the
originality of his work. Sembat admits, however, that the sincerity and
profundity of Matisse's originality is questioned. Though Matisse's
paintings cannot be analyzed conceptually, their authority, mastery, and
harmonious clarity can be experienced when the viewer stands in front
of them. "Matisse is original without trying to be," claims Sem bat.
But Matisse's final originality lies in his ability to offer the viewer a
"harmony of feeling," a quality that was present instinctively from the
earliest works and which the artist hirnself, while searching for hirnself,
discovered in them.
According to Sem bat, the unity of feeling in Matisse's work
results from and is manifested in a style that is at once indivisible and
synthetic. The example given is Matisse's Seated Nude of 1909.
Matisse's Moorish Cafe of 1913, evolved from a more realistic,
anecdotal version, is also analyzed in detail. The aim of Matisse's
process of simplifying and abstracting is to arrive at what Matisse
terms "the way my feelings point, toward ecstasy," therein finding
"peace of mind." And Sembat, refuting Riviere's judgment, recounts
the story of Matisse's transposition of the color of the goldfish in
Moorish Cafe from vermillion to yellow, so that the hue of the adjacent
pink tlower, tenderly and possessively described by the painter, would
not be retinally altered to violet: "I want my tlower pink," Sem bat
quotes Matisse as saying. "Otherwise it's not my tlower any more."
For Sembat this demonstrates that Matisse's technical knowledge of
color is at the service of feeling, not the result of an intellectual or
formal necessity. Moreover, says Sembat, the transposition of colors
also preserves the real, "so as to express it in its essence."
Sem bat also distinguishes the role of feeling in the
conventions of the decorative. Matisse's panels are spatially tlat,
because decorative. "Let masters of intimate, agonizing art excavate
[the surface plane). Let Rembrandt excavate! Matisse keeps his sorrows
30 Matisse was to emphasize the same point about his Barnes Mural
when writing to Alexander Romm in his letter of February 14, 1934;
Flam, MOA, 115-16.
31 Gertrude Stein, "Henri Matisse," Camera Work (August 1912):
reentry into active contact with the younger (mostly Cubist) Parisian
vanguard. From 1913 to 1918, Matisse produced work that rivaled
Picasso's in its austere and ambitious near-abstraction. There was little
regular criticism in the disrupted war years, but in 1918 Matisse and
Picasso exhibited together at the Paul Guillaume gallery. Apollinaire,
who would die of influenza in November of that year, wrote: "If one
were to compare Henri Matisse's work to something, it would have to
be an orange. Like the orange, Matisse's work is a fruit bursting with
light. "
The rest of the review, however elegantly stated, relies on the
most familiar justification of Matisse's work, namely, that it results
from the painter following his instinct, which chooses among his
emotions, judges and limits his fantasy, and "Iook(s) searchingly into
the depths of light, nothing but light." This probity was inspired by
Matisse' s "total good faith and by a genuine desire to know and to
realize himself."32 To these traditional tropes of sincerity, self-
discovery, instinct-guided emotion, Apollinaire adds the paradox that
Matisse's work becomes increasingly sumptuous as he strips it of the
non-essential in a radical process of simplification.
I have lingered in some detail on the criticism of the first
period of Matisse' s career because the basis of appreciation established
by the critics during the artist's most experimental years remains a
serviceable base for them to defend work of a far more accessible kind,
that of the next decade. The later periods, which I will treat in a more
general way, presume the reader's familiarity with the critical tropes of
the first fifteen years.
Early Nice Period, 1919-1933
33 For this period see: Christopher Green, Cubism and its Enemies
(London and New Haven: Yale University Press, 1987); Kenneth E.
Silver, Esprit de Corps: the Art 0/ the Parisian Avant-Garde and the
First World War, 1914-1925 (Princeton: Princeton University Press,
1989); Le Retour a l'ordre dans les arts plastiques et l'architecture,
1919-1925 (Saint-Etienne: University de Saint-Etienne, C.I.E.R.E.C.:
1974); and Elizabeth Cowling and Jennifer Mundy, eds., On Classic
Ground, Picasso, Leger, de Chirico and the New Classicism 1910-1930
(London: Tate Gallery, 1990); exhibition catalogue.
34 Georges Charensol, "Conclusion: Pour un musee fran~ais d'art
moderne," L'Art vivant (October 1, 1925): 37 ff.
secure place in the esteem of the art community, but also rendered hirn,
in a way, irrelevant to vanguard art. He had become the establishment
figure of independent art: acceptable, uncontroversial, bankable. In the
second half of the decade, however, which culminated in the series of
international Matisse retrospecti ves in 1930 and 1931, critical opinion
of Matisse's situation was less certain.
After 1925, Matisse began to produce sculptures and paintings
of greater formal inventiveness and to exhibit his more abstract pre-
1917 work. This coincided with the attempt of some critics to realign
the history of independent art (the prevailing term for art outside the
official Salon system) with the formal innovations of the first two
decades. In this c1imate, and following his return to monumental
decoration in the Barnes Foundation mural, Matisse was once more
reinserted into the discourse of advanced art. At age sixty, in 1930, he
was again an interesting figure. His much-publicized trip to Tahiti, his
several visits to the United States to garner prizes and commissions, his
new work in book illustration and design, the vigor and energy of his
physical and mental presence in international settings--all belied the
image of an aging, complacent artist from a bygone era.
Three important interviews with Matisse punctuate the "early
Nice period." They inaugurate the period in 1919, mark its center in
1925, and signal its end in 1929-30. The first is an interview with a
Danish critic Ragnar Hoppe, before whom Matisse defends his new
work in pre-war values and terms.3 5 Matisse claims to be sincere,
working from inner necessity and instinct, and he spurns the easier path
for the more difficult: "For the time being, 1 am working predominantly
in black and gray, with neutral, subdued tones, because 1 feit that this
was necessary for me right now. It was quite simply a question of
hygiene. If 1 had continued on the other road, which 1 knew so weil, 1
could have ended up as a mannerist. One must keep one's eye, one's
feeling, fresh: one must follow one's instincts." Second, Matisse
claims that he must move forward, try something new, make progress:
"When you have achieved what you want in a certain sphere, when you
have exploited the possibilities that lie in one direction, you must,
when the time comes, change course, seach for something new. . . 1
however, in the 1920 monograph by his elose friend and patron Marcel
Sem bat, the first on the artist to be published in a format that was to
dominate the literature for a long time: an album of reproductions
introduced by abrief biographical/ critical text on the artist. 36 Sem bat
uses two phrases that were to become like a mantra for these years:
Matisse is now "master of himself' and "master of his [technical]
means." This double mastery obviates the need to emphasize the artist's
moi, to flaunt the recklessness and intensity of his "search for himself'
as a sign of sincerity, and the need for further "experimentation" with
each separate plastic element. Sembat reviews Matisse's difficult
beginnings, his discovery of Impressionism through the lesson of
Cezanne, the scandals of the Fauve period, and he notes the importance
of the great decorative works gone to Russia. He affirms Matisse's
sympathetic interaction with Cubism. The brutal power and
individuality of the earlier works are still present in Matisse's CUTTent
production, Sembat insists, only disciplined, submitted to a
harmonious ensemble. "He reenters, it will be said, the tradition of the
great Masters! Actually, he has never left it," Sembat coneludes,
rhetorically feathering the sharp edge of distinction between Matisse's
present and his innovating past, as weIl as refuting any charge of a
reactionary "return" to tradition.
That the charm and seeming facility of the Nice works are but
the flowering of Matisse's gifts, the proof of their maturity, was a
common assertion in the literature that echoes Sembat's position. To
support this, a great deal was made of Matisse's preliminary sketches
and many drawings; Matisse himself published a book of his drawings
in 1920 and asked to be understood as a searcher, alearner, a servant of
his sensation in front of the model. Charles Vildrac, who wrote
introductions to two ofthese albums ofMatisse's post-war work (1920,
1922), says that Matisse is taking the human subject seriously again,
attending to the "moral" or human aspect of painting.3 7 Still, he
insists, the image is "Matisse's image" of a banal world into which the
artist has breathed a soul through his considered and arduous effort to
realize plastic, poetic equivalents.
social purpose, Schapiro credits Matisse with having avoided the error
of treating the "archaic stage" of the discovery of abstract form, in
which form became the subject matter of art (so liberating to Matisse's
sensibility from 1907-17), as a final or fixed style. Schapiro ends with
a close scrutiny of Decorative Figure on an Ornamental Ground,
applauding its return to the intensity, weight, and scale of Matisse's
more ambitious painting, but without any "return" to an "irrecoverable"
plastic quality of the past. As a Marxist critic, Schapiro honors the
forward thrust of history, its progression, and does not advocate a
"return" even to the heroic years of early twentieth-century modernism.
In the interviews he gave Teriade after his return to France in
October 1930, Matisse, ready to embark on his Barnes Foundation
mural, points to a decisive change of direction. 50 Always an astute,
even obsessive, observer of his own work, the "curve" of his own
career, Matisse seems to realize by means of the international
retrospectives that something is over, that a new turn in his work is
underway. Without repudiating the work of the 1920s, Matisse points
to a new conception of himself--once more embedded in an interview
that seems largely anecdotal, concerning Matisse's recent voyage to the
United States and Tahiti:
Mature and Final Years, 1934-1954:
From resumption of a flat, decorative style (culminating in cut-paper
works and the Chapel at Vence) to Matisse's death.
clarifies the role of color in the contribution his generation made to the
history of painting: color became expressive, no longer imitative. He
proposes a concentration on the plastic means instead of a search for
style; he maintains that the artist's emotion is still the key to
transforming the motif into a significant arrangement of color and line;
he insists that art is a matter of relationships. Sensitive to criticism,
he sometimes responds directly, as he did to Roger-Marx's claim that
Matisse's subject matter leaves the artist (and hence the viewer)
emotionally unmoved and that the subject is only apretext for a subtle
play with plastic elements. 66 In response, Matisse stoutly affirms his
emotional engagement with his models and uses the psychological term
"sublimation" to describe his artistic transformation of his female
Matisse increasingly refers to his work as a language or as a
chess game, a development of personal signs that are expressive within
specific contexts. In the early 1940s (only a few years before he hirnself
ceases to paint altogether), Matisse admits that painting's influence has
shrunk in a world of photographic images and colorful advertising
design; hence, there is a need for works of absolute emotional sincerity
and a purity of (reduced) means. 67 In 1952, he predicts an end to easel
painting in favor of murals. 68 In messages to young artists, he insists
on the need for hard work and acquired skills as prerequisites for the
artist to give free play to his "unconscious." (If this seems to be a
response to the then-current "art informel," in general, Matisse refrained
from commenting on the art of young contemporaries.) He also notes
the need for more public, collaborative art and suggests that he would
like to make "Iarge-scale compositions"--murals, in effect.
Thus, while reaffirming the values of his youth, he indicates
his awareness of the new language of surrealism, the Iinguistic turn
taken in the artistic discourse of the time, and the increased interest in
71 For the pre-War and occupation periods, see: L 'Art dans les annees
30 en France (Saint-Etienne: Musee d' Art et d'Industrie, 1979),
exhibition catalogue; Paris-Paris, 1937-1957 (Paris: Musee National
d' Art Moderne, 1981), exhibition catalogue; Laurence Bernard Dorleac,
Histoire de I'art: Paris 1940-1944: ordre national, traditions, et
modernites (Paris: Sorbonne, 1986); and Micheie C. Cone, Artists
Under Vichy (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1992).
72 Pierre Courthion, Le Visage de Matisse (Lausanne: Marguerat,
1943); idem, "Le Peintre et son modele," Labyrinthe 8 (May 15,
1945): 6-7.
73 Andre Lejard, introduction to Henri Matisse (Paris: Hazan, 1948)
for references to the Beatus manuscript, and Avigdor Arikha, "Matisse
"Tradition franltaise" during and after the war; younger art historians,
such as Bernard Dorival and Pierre FrancasteI. insisted that French art
had remained true to its medieval roots: a simple, lucid, non-elitist art
for and of the people, untouched by Italian (Renaissance) and German
(Expressionist) influences. This approach can be seen to lie behind the
literalness and na'ivete of Jean Dubuffet's scenes of Paris life painted in
1943 and 1944. Both Matisse's and Dubuffet's spontaneity, childlike
narratives, brutal humor, rough grafitti, and direct scissoring into
humble colored paper, were desiderata both during and after the dreary
and shameful wartime condition, taking on both a resistant note of
rebellion and a hopeful one of a new beginning.7 4 Even Matisse's last,
most brilliant paintings of 1947-48 disguised their sophistication and
seemed to provide an artless gaiety and ease of execution. His
luminous (and colorist) brush drawing in black and white (1946) also
used a seeming simplicity of method for complex ends. Matisse chose
to iIIustrate late medieval and Renaissance texts-- FloriLege des amours
de Ronsard, begun in 1941 and published 1948, and the Chansons
d'amour de Charles d'Orleans, begun in 1942 and published in 1950--
and did so in medievalizing designs of a certainfaux naivete.
The post-war scene was highly politicized. Picasso. who had
stayed in Paris. sharing the occupation hardships both with ordinary
people and with Parisian intellectuals and writers, was the star of a
1946 exhibition. Art et resistance. (His sometimes favored treatment
by the German High Command was overlooked.) A member of the
French Communist Party from 1944. Picasso enjoyed its prestige as
the party of the Resistance until the mid-fifties. In 1947. the
Surrealists returned with a major show L 'Exposition Internationale de
Surrealisme. organized by Breton. ParadoxicaIly. this non-political
show favoring abstraction (Masson, Matta. Lam were prominent) was
denounced by Aragon and the Communists for these very qualities. The
Surrealists had become "Americanized" in the eyes of the French left.
which was promoting a Soviet-dictated, propagandistic Realism. 75 In
(October 1980): 61-69; and Louis Roux, ed., Art et ideologies, !'art en
occident, 1944-1949 (Saint-Etienne: Universite de Saint-Etienne,
C.I.E.R.E.C., 1976).
76 Fran~oise Will-Levaillant, "Note sur 'L' Affaire' de Ia Pravda,"
Cahiers du Musee national d'art modeme 9 (1982): 146-49.
The Formalist Reputation, 1955-1969:
From the artist's death to the Centenary Exhibition.
1974. 102 In the essay, Tucker first sketches out his theory about the
tactile and the visual, the "grasped" and the "seen" in Matisse sculpture.
These aspects normally work in tension and at cross-purposes to one
another, but Matisse brings them into dynamic resolution in his best
pieces. Tucker also suggests Matisse's relevance to "perceptual" (that
is, minimal) sculpture, where content and fabrication are less dominant
stimulants to the sculptor. While concentrating with a practitioner's
astuteness on the sculpture itself, Tucker isolates it neither from
Matisse's major project, painting, nor from his drawing.
Tucker's brilliant analysis of Matisse's work, along with a
series of articles on Matisse's sculpture by Albert E. Elsen in 1968,
opens the door to further work on the artist's sculpture. The only
monograph on Matisse's sculpture, the indispensable scholarly study by
Albert E. Elsen, The Sculpture of Henri Matisse, arevision and
expansion of his earlier artic1es, appeared in in 1972. 103 (Alicia
Legg's comprehensive catalogue essay for a major exhibition of
Matisse's sculpture at the Museum ofModern Art appeared in the same
year.) Elsen brings his formidable knowledge of Rodin and
nineteenth- century sculptural practice to bear on his study of Matisse's
three-dimensional oeuvre. Elsen' s thorough, percepti ve, and
comprehensive treatment of the fuH range of Matisse's sculptural
output has been complemented by the Catalogue raisonne of the
sculpture, published in 1996. 104
The literature on Matisse's sculpture had always been minor.
One might cite a few outstanding articles during the artist's lifetime:
Gaston Poulain's "Sculpture d'Henri Matisse" (1930); L10yd Goodrich's
Reassessments, 1970 -1993:
From the Centenary Exhibition to the Museum of Modern Art
of the early 1970s. The first was the 1970 major retrospective in Paris,
Henri Matisse, Exposition du Centenaire, organized by Pierre Schneider
with the cooperation of the Matisse heirs. The second was the
publication of separate French and English collections of Matisse' s
writings and interviews: Dominque Fourcade's Henri Matisse, Ecrits et
propos sur l'art (1972) and lack D. Flam's Matisse on Art (1973).109
The Paris centenary exhibition of Matisse's birth, with important
works drawn from Russian as weIl as American collections, exposed the
French and European public to the full range of Matisse's more
"abstract" works from the early and late periods and demonstrated their
importance for the history of twentieth-century art. By means of the
collected writings, moreover, Matisse's own voice could be heard once
more explicating the premises of his art, outlining the stages of his
research, insisting on the sincerity and laboriousness of his efforts.
Schneider, Flam, and Fourcade were all to be major interpreters of
Matisse for the following two decades.
Pierre Schneider--poet, critic, former secretary to Georges
Duthuit, and writer for Tel Quel, the anti-Sartrean journal of letters that
propagated structuralism and the nouveau roman from 1960 on--evolved
a reading of Matisse's themes and processes that was fully disc10sed
only in his 1994 monograph, Matisse (Flammarion, 1984, rev. 1993)
but that was first sketched in his 1970 catalogue for the Matisse
Centenary show. Schneider makes a case for Matisse's revolutionary
credentials on new grounds. He quotes the arch-revolutionary Marcel
Duchamp (who had presided over his own neo-Dada revival in the
1960s); Duchamp had said that "the greatest of all is Matisse."
According to Schneider, Matisse, like Duchamp at the beginning of the
century, recognized the bankruptcy of post-Renaissance art. But
whereas Duchamp mounted a negative critique, Matisse constructed a
new solution. The old esthetic based on beauty and on imitation was
rejected by Matisse in favor of one based on intuition and feeling, on
the goal of well-being and service to the "greater spiritual family."
Matisse's language, Schneider observes, is the language of
relationships--metaphors, analogies, and equivalents, all of which bridge
both the gap between things and that between art and life. "I do not
paint things, " Schneider quotes Matisse as saying, " 1 paint the
harmony between things." Matisse also painted (and effected in the act
He Did Not Say" in Arts Magazine 49, 9 (May 1975): 76-78 and 62-
115 lack D. Flam, Matisse, the Man and His Art, 1869-1918 (Ithaca
and London: Cornell University Press, Thames and Hudson, 1986).
Grenoble (1975); and Brenda Richardson's Dr. Claribel and Miss Etta
Cone: the Cone Collection oj the Baltimore Museum oj Art (1985).
Within the art world in the 1970s, the "decorative" became a
major topic, both as a vital and controversial aspect of contemporary art
practice and as an underlying construct that shaped Matisse's esthetic.
The 1977 exhibition Henri Matisse, the Paper Cut-Outs (shown in
Washington, D.C., Detroit, and Saint Louis) was, therefore, extremely
timely.116 The dazzling display of all the major works in the medium
could not have been more relevant in a decade in which contemporary
"pattern painting" challenged both the high-minded posture of
politically engaged art and the lingering hegemony of abstract art (seen
to be implicitly gender-specified as male).
The Matisse catalogue confines itself to the role of the cut-
outs in Matisse's oeuvre. John Hallmark Neffs essay, "Matisse, His
Cut-Outs and the Ultimate Method," demonstrates the synthetic and
culminating quality of the works, c1aiming that Matisse, in the gesture
of cutting, integrated his action with his conception, attaining creation
in pure process. Dominique Fourcade, on the other hand, in his
catalogue contribution "Something Else" terms admirable the courage
of Matisse in tackling an entirely new project but finds the results
somewhat less than fully successful. Jack F1am's essay in the same
catalogue is confined to Matisse's seminal paper cut-out work, Jazz,
newly appreciated for the richness of its iconography, the variety of its
color-composition solutions, and the depth of its text, written by the
artist. The catalogue, introduced by Jack Cowart, includes self-
sufficient paper cut-outs, maquettes, works transposed into other
materials, and cut-outs used in graphic designs. Richly illustrated with
documentary photos (as weil as the works exhibited) and carefully
annotated, the catalogue is a model of intelligent scholarship. Also
included is a "Technical Appendix" by Antoinette King on the
conservation of these often-fragile works and a "Documents Appendix"
of letters concerning the cut-outs from Matisse to patrons, curators,
dealers, and writers.
utopic, the pastoral, and the Golden Age, a usage that often embodies
the tension between reposeful erotic pleasure and the social and
psychological demands of modern life. The sexual ambiguities of
Matisse's arcadian figures and the stylistic and emotional discrepencies
of the image, according to Werth, destabilize the viewer's position in
relating to the scene. Werth uses a psychoanalytic model to discuss
the projection of infantile fantasies of matern al seduction, castration,
and the primal scene in Matisse's figures from Joy 0/ Life.
Critiques of Matisse's subject matter, particularly his
Odalisques, multiplied with the1984 exhibition Henri Matisse, The
Early Years in Nice, 1916-1930. Some writers found it objectionable
on political grounds that the often scorned 1920s works received a
respectful and somewhat revisionist treatment in the exhibition
catalogue and that current taste (that of the figurative, pluralistic 1980s)
found the works pleasurable. The most forthright criticism was
mounted in "Matisse's Retour a l'Ordre," 125 by Kenneth Silver, for
whom these works pan der historically to the right-wing French
government's conservative "call to order." According to Silver, the
Odalisque paintings, one of which was purchased by the French
government in 1922, exemplify France's post-war exploitation of its
colonies, evoked by Matisse's harem-like settings. Silver also views
them as "anti-modern" because they reverse the pre-war impulse to
challenge the realist-impressionist "representation" of the bourgeois
world; he contrasts Matisse's pre-war male portraits painted in Morocco
with those of the ubiquitous idle females of the 1920s. Marilyn Board
joins Silver in seeing the Nice works as symptomatic of the pervasive
patriarchal dominance, colonialist imperialism, and psychosexual
fantasies of French culture of the period in her essay "Constructing
Myths and Ideologies in Matisse's Odalisques.'.J26
The issue was joined again with the Museum of Modern Art
exhibition Matisse in Morocco of 1990. Roger Benjamin takes up the
issue in "Matisse in Morocco: A Colonizing Esthetic?", in which the
138 For very recent additions to the literature in these areas, see Donald
Kuspit, " The Process of Idealization of Women in Matisse's Art," in
Signs 0/ Psyche in Modern and Postmodern Art (Cambridge, 1993),
for psychological analysis of the artist's treatment of women as
subjects; William Wood, "Boudoir Scissorhands: Matisse, the Cut-Outs
and the Canon," in RACAR. Revue d'art canadienne/ Canadian Art
Review (Spring 1991): 5-17. and John O'Brian, "In Loco Parentis: Art
Markets, American Dealers, and Matisse." Block Notes 1 (1993), for
studies of the commercial and critical ramifications of the production of
certain of Matisse's designs as less-expensive multiples; and the
splendid essays in Roger Benjamin and Carol Turner, eds. Matisse
(Brisbane, 1995) exhibition catalogue for a Matisse retrospective in
Australia. The last-named catalogue appeared as this study was going
to press, so that due to time constraints, aIthough the articles are listed
separately, their content is given only the most cursory treatment and
does not reflect their complexity and richness. A true dialogue between
major Matisse scholars has begun, however, in these essays, which
augurs weIl for the future of Matisse studies.
and all media except prints, and the latter a focused survey of the years
traditionally considered to be Matisse's most adventurous and the most
crucial to the his tory of modern painting. The American show
privileges the Great Artist (in the French way) while the Paris show
privileges the history of progressive art (in the Anglo-American way)--a
sign that the earlier distinctions outlined in this essay no longer obtain.
Both catalogue essays are notable for their intellectual reach and
methodological freshness.
Elderfield uses a phenomenological approach to certain key
works and employs a range of semiotic and literary models to penetrate
the underlying themes in the artist's work. Attempting to see Matisse
"whoie," he analyzes the artist's material and formal strategies as
functions of the paintings' meanings, and the meanings as functions of
his whole intensely subjective artistic endeavor. Bois's article is a
culmination of the critic's previous Matisse essays, which attempt to
probe the exact nature and moment of Matisse's unique contribution to
the history of post-Renaissance painting. Bois had argued in "Matisse
and 'Arche-drawing '" that Matisse' s great contribution to advanced
painting was the discovery that "quantity [of color, of surface] equals
quality [of expression]." This principle could be used to integrate design
with color in such a way that contour (drawing) no longer establishes
figure-ground relations but articulates the surface planarity of the
canvas. In his latest essay, Bois adds to this the notion that the
compositional organization in Matisse's paintings is perceived by the
spectator as explosive, circulating, pulsating: a primary visual shock
followed by the slow, expanded perception of the whole field with a
diffused but participatory attention. As in Elderfield, what seems like a
formal analysis becomes in fact the author's fresh attention to the way
the work is experienced, and to the artist' s psychological need to
discharge his emotion into the work itself in the very act of painting.
Both Elderfield's and Bois's essays deploy a wide range of theoretical
tools to understand Matisse' s "system" not so much to aggrandize the
artist's achievement but to understand a process which signifies the
broader modes of thinking, making, and acting that the arts can still
Matisse's art and the literature that has structured our
appreciation of it have seemed, as we noted at the outset, largely
disengaged from the major events of this century. One might weil ask
whether the two--the art and its surrounding discourse--perfectly
Henriette Darricarrere, who will be his main model for the next
seven years.
1921 Exhibits at Bernheim-leune; summers at Etretat; rents a larger
apartment at 1, Place Charles-Felix in Nice, where he will
remain until 1938.The Luxembourg purchases Odalisque with
Red Trousers, the first French museum purchase of aMatisse.
1922 Begins an series of lithographs; di vides time between Nice and
1923 Daughter Marguerite marries Georges Duthuit, a Byzantine Art
1924 Retrospective at Bernheim-leune Gallery; largest retrospective
to date at the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Copenhagen.
1925 Travels to southern Italy with wife, daughter, and son-in-law.
1927 Exhibits at Valentine Dudensing Gallery in New York; wins
first prize at Carnegie International in Pittsburgh.
1928 Mme Matisse comes to live permanently with her husband in
Nice; in Fall, they move to a new larger space on the fourth
floor of the same building. Works more in etchings, drypoint
and Iithography; continues to work in sculpture which he
resumed in 1925.
1930 In Spring, travels to Tahiti, stopping off in New York and San
Francisco on the way. Spends three months in Tahiti.
Returns to the United States to serve on Carnegie International
jury (first prize awarded to Picasso); visits Barnes Foundation
in Merion, Pennsylvania, (where Barnes proposes his mural
commission) and Etta Cone in Baltimore, Maryland.
Retrospective at Thannhauser Gallery in Berlin.
1931 Retrospective at Galeries Georges Petit in Paris and important
exhibitions at the Kunsthalle in Basel and the Museum of
Modem Art in New York. Birth of Marguerite and Georges
Duthuit's son, Claude, in Paris.
1932 Begins a new version of the Bames Foundation mural after
discovering that he had worked for a year with the wrong
dimensions. Poesies de Stephane Mallarme with illustrations
by Matisse is published by Skira.
1933 Completes Barnes mural and travels to Merion for its
installation; recuperates at a spa near Venice; restudies Giotto's
frescoes at Padua.
1934 Works on illustrations for lames Joyce's Ulysses.
1935 Begins to work with Lydia Delectorskaya as his major model;
she will remain with hirn until his death as companion,
secretary, and model.
Primary Documentation
27. Flam, lack D., ed. Matisse on Art. London, New York:
Phaidon, 1973; reprints. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1978,
1993; Span. ed., 1978, Ger. ed., 1982.
An annotated anthology of forty-four essays or statements by
Matisse, with an excellent introduction and notes to each
28. Flam, Jack D., ed. Matisse on Art. Revised edition. Series:
Documents of Twentieth Century Art. Berkeley and Los
Angeles: University of California Press, 1995.
This is a substantially revised edition of the earlier work of the
same name. Eight new texts--all interviews--have been added,
notes to the selections updated and amplified, the bibliography
brought up to date. A very full year-by-year chronology
replaces the introductory overview of Matisse' s life and
development which introduced the earlier anthology. The new
introduction, "A Life in Words and Pictures," is a rich
reflection on the nature of Matisse's written texts and
interviews and their function at various stages of the artist's
self-presentation to his public during his long career. For a
valuable collection, this is a welcome revision that is fresh
enough to seem nearly like a completely new work.
42. Matisse, Henri. "On Art and the Public." Transition Forty-
Nine 5 (1949): 117-20. Complete Fr. version in "L' Art et le
public--une grande enquete des Lettres Fran~aises." Lettres
fran~aises 99 (March 15, 1946).
A short paraphrase of what Matisse might ans wer to a
questionnaire by Les Lettres fran~aises on the question of art
and the public.
50. Barnes, Albert c., and Violette de Mazia. The Art 0/ Benri
Matisse. New York: Scribners, 1933. Reprint. Merion,
Pennsylvania: Barnes Foundation Press, 1959, 1963.
This idiosyncratic study of Matisse by Albert Barnes, art
collector and founder of the foundation in Merion,
Pennsylvania, that bears his name, is primarily an
examination of some of the over fifty works by Matisse in the
Barnes Collection. In harmony with John Dewey's general
views of "art as experience" and using his own method of
"plastic analysis," Barnes lays out his methodology and
discusses Matisse's use of decorative traditions. He treats in
turn all the art elements--color, shape, line, etc.--as they are
utilized by Matisse and provides extended formal analysis of
sixteen major works, including Joy 0/ Life (1905/6), The
Seated Riffian (1912/13), The Music Lesson (1917), Three
Sisters Triptych (1917), and French Window at Nice
(1919/20). Although pedantically formalist and limited in its
approach, the book contains one hundred fifty half-tone
reproductions and provides insight on attitudes of the period in
such chapters as "The Psychology of Matisse," "Matisse's
52. Barr, Alfred H., Jr. Henri Matisse. New York: Museum of
Modern Art, 1931. Exhibition catalogue. Published in a trade
edition by W.H. Norton, 1931.
In this twenty-page essay written on the occasion of the
Museum of Modern Art's first retrospective of Matisse's work,
Barr sets out the evaluative theses that would dominate the
appreciation of Matisse in the U.S. for the next half-century.
Twenty years later, in the monograph that accompanied the
1951 MoMA retrospective (no. 53), Barr had only to expand
these ideas, not revise them. Barr establishes the works that
mark--in the cyc1ical recurrances within the artist's production--
the innovative periods of Matisse's Iife where his work is
ambitious, austere, and abstract. The other cyc1e, necessary
but inferior, comprises the more realistic, relaxed, accessible,
intimate style characterized by the work of 1918-29. Both
types of work, according to Barr, following Matisse's own
assertions, seek the same ends but by different means. Barr
explains the term "expressive" by equating it with Matisse' s
53. Barr, Alfred H., Jr. Matisse, His Art and His Public. New
York: The Museum of Modern Art, 1951. Exhibition
catalogue. Reprint. New York: Arno, 1966 (without color
plates); London: Secker & Warburg, 1975.
The first full-scale scholarly monograph on the artist,
published when Matisse was eighty years old. The text
alternates biographical material--much of it new in 1951 and
based on questionnaires to the artist and to those close to him--
with a style-history of the artist's work in all media: painting,
drawing, printmaking, sculpture, and decorative projects. As
the title indicates, this pioneering study is also arecord of
Matisse's private and public patronage throughout his lifetime
and includes a list of the artist's works in public museums in
English-speaking countries. Also notable is the most
complete bibliography, to that date, of books and articles by
and about Matisse, compiled by Bernard Karpel, then Librarian
of the Museum of Modern Art. Barr included English
translations of several of Matisse's important statements on
art, including "Notes of a Painter" (1908), first published in
English in Barr's 1931 catalogue, Henri-Matisse, and the
artist's previously unpublished studio instruction (1908),
gathered by his friend, patron, and pupil, Sarah Stein. This
book remains the indispensable foundation study of the artist's
Reviews: Architectural Rev. 113 (February 1953): 124;
Baker, Kenneth. Review. Studio Int. 189 (March 1975): 158-9
[1975 reprint]; Bazarov, K. Review. Art & Artists 9 (March
1975): 48-49 (1975 reprint); Blunt, Anthony, "Matisse's Life
and Work." Burlington Mag. 95 (December 1953): 399-400;
Curtis, John. "The Art de Luxe of Henri Matisse." Studio 144
(November 1952): 129-35 [review of book and MoMA
exhbition]; Kuh, Katherine. Review. College Art Journal 11,
4 (1952): 309-10; Liturgical Arts 21 (November 1952): 28;
Mag. 0/ Art 45 (May 1952): 236-38; Nicolson, Benedict.
Review. Art Bull. 34 (September 1952): 246-49.
84. Faern, Jose, gen. ed. Matisse. Eng. ed., James Leggio;
translated from the Spanish by Teresa Waldes. English Series:
Great Modern Masters. New York: Abrams/ Cameo, 1995.
89. Flam, lack D. Matisse, the Man and His Art, 1869-1918.
London and Ithaca: Comell University Press, 1986.
The first of a projected two-volume artistic biography, Flam's
book is the first serious successor, thirty-five years later, to
Barr's complete treatment of Matisse's Iife and oeuvre. Flam' s
text integrates biographical and psychological insights with
interpretations of Matisse's works, both individually and
serially, that is, in their historical development. The book
incorporates all the post-Barr scholarship on the artist, corrects
data on the artist's Iife and on specific works, is meticulously
documented and contains a judicious bibliography of the most
essential Matisse literature. After Barr, this is the most
essential critical/biographical work on Matisse; the second
volume is eagerly awaited.
Review: Review: Bryson, Norman. Review. Times Lit.
Supp. (March 27, 1987): 328; Cook, Lynne. Review. Art
Monthly 105 (April 1987): 30-31; Elderfield, lohn. Review.
Art in America 75, 4 (April 1987): 13-21; Herbert, lames D.
"Matisse without History [Reviews of both Schneider (1984)
and Flam (1986)]." Art History 11, 2 (June 1988): 297-302.
97. Girard, Xavier. Henri Matisse: "Une Splendeur inoui ... " .
Series: Decouvertes Gallimard. Paris: Gallimard, 1993.
Trans. into English by I. Mark Paris as Henri Matisse, The
Wonder of Color. Paris: Harry N. Abrams, 1994.
A popular, small-format book that covers the traditional
ground of biography intermingled with stylistic development.
Totally modern in its layout, the book presumes the short
the grid under the sympathetic guidance of Juan Gris, and his
ultimate use of colored "compositional cells" to organize some
of his finest work of the period. Golding concIudes that
Cubism "suggested to [Matisse] ways in which he could
manipulate space in a freer and more abstract fashion that
would parallel or complement the coloristic abstraction
achieved during years in which he had been assimilating and
consolidating the Fauve experiment."
144. Noel, Bernard. Matisse. Series: Les Maitres de I' Art. Paris:
Fernand Hazan, 1983. Reprint revised and corrected, 1987.
Translated by Jane Brenton as Matisse. New York: Universe
Books, 1987; London: Art Data, 1987.
Selz states that "in most of his paintings, Matisse used a thick
black line." The first of these assertions is highly debatable,
the second is patently false. One of the too-common
monographic essays riddled with discredited cliches and
generalizations that need not have been republished in the
164. Thiel, Erika. Henri Matisse. Series: Welt der Kunst. Berlin:
Henschel Verlag, 1971.
An album of sixteen plates (five in color) of significant works,
accompanied by short commentaries and preceded by an
introductory essay. Summary biography and bibliography
182. Argan, Giulio Carlo. "Matisse Scultore." La Biennale de
Venezia 26 (December 1955): 29-33.
General treatment of the three-dimensional work of Matisse;
the sculpture of a painter is compared to that of Degas, Renoir,
and Picasso. A voiding the immobility of classicism and the
restless instability of romanticism, according to the author,
Matisse seeks a spatial breadth and flexible manipulation of
matter to suggest an infinite space.
222. Aragon, Louis. Henri Matisse dessins: Themes et variations,
precMes de "Matisse-en-France." Paris: M. Fabiani, 1943.
Limited edition, 950 copies in portfolio. An inexpensive
reproduction of all the drawings, but without Aragon's text,
has been published as Henri Matisse; Drawings, Themes and
Variations. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1995.
A large, luxury edition of Matisse's "Themes et variations"
drawings of 1941-43, seventeen groups of freely executed pen
or pencil drawings of still lifes or figures. These some one
hundred fifty-eight drawings are "variations" on an original
"theme" usually done more realistically in charcoal. Aragon's
intimate and leisurely text, "Matisse-en-France," is a kind of
elegant apology for Matisse--the latter remote, non-political,
producing works of a hedonistic esthetic--during the
occupation, no. 363.
and sensual ease, and the decade of the 1930s being dominated
by themes of confrontation and domination. The book
adumbrates some of the dense network of ideas elaborated in
the author's catalogue for the MoMA 1992 Matisse: A
Retrospective exhibition, no. 79.
The catalogue proper is a model of scholarly thoroughness and
precision; list of drawing exhibitions, bibliography,
Review: Klein, John. Review of Schneider, Elderfield,
Monod-Fontaine. Art Journal 45 (Winter 1985): 359-67;
Cohen, Ronny H. Review of Elderfield, Schneider, and
Watkins. Print Collectors Newsletter !6, 3 (July-August
1985): 104-08; Perl, Jed. "Matisse." New Criterion 3, 10
(June 1985): 24-25.
235. Girard, Xavier, ed., with Yu. Roussakov, Jerome Peignot, and
Christian Arthaud. Henri Matisse, {'art du livre. Cahiers Henri
Matisse 3. Nice: Musee Matisse, 1986. Exhibition catalogue.
261. Ashton, Dore. "Seurat to Matisse, Drawing in France." Art
News 73 (September 1974): 98-99.
A review of the Museum of Modern Art exhibition called
Seurat to Matisse, in which the author makes some telling
points about French drawing discipline in general and applies
them briefly to works of Matisse, among others, in the show.
and of the sentiment towards the model which sets the process
in motion.
314. Baker, Kenneth, "Performing Forms: Notes on Matisse's
Cutouts." Artforum (January 1978): 60-63.
A very perceptive article which relates the cut-outs of Matisse
to traditional silhouettes and to portraits, singling out The
Dancer (1949) and its theme of "the observer observed" for
detailed analysis. Baker comments on both the restraints and
limitations of the medium and its opportunities for the artist
to shake off old habits. He notes that the cut-out forms are
never so abstract as to not signify their nature as signs, if
sometimes unreadable ones. A discussion of the Swimming
Pool elicits the observation that it is "Matisse' s grand
statement of the pictorial reality of relations as things seen
rather than as ideas."
321. Cowart, Jack. "Travailler avec des ciseaux dans du papier est
po ur moi une occupation dans laquelle je peux me perdre:
Matisse." Connaissance arts 307 (September 1977): 60-67.
Broad introduction to the exhibition of which the author was
curator, no. 307. Points out the surprising emotional content
of certain plates of Jazz (three full-page illustrations), the
relation of ideas and motifs to recollections of Tahiti, and the
importance of masks and masking in the late works.
347. Neff, John Hallmark, "Matisse, His Cut-Outs and the Ultimate
Method." In Henri Matisse, Paper Cut-Outs. St. Louis and
Detroit: St. Louis Art Museum and Detroit Institute of Arts,
Neff develops the thesis that the cut-outs were not only the
synthesis of Matisse's drawing, painting, and sculpture but
also of his career as a whole. Drawing on memory, according
to Neff, Matisse executed--in the act of cutting a form--a
gesture that harmonized his action with his conception.
Gestural expression freed hirn from emotion and at the same
time captured the specific yet universal qualities of his subject.
Neff also discusses the cut-outs in relation to sculpture and to
sources of inspiration in non-Western, especially Islamic,
artisans were known for their subtle and sumptuous color and
for their audacity, originality, and experimental ingenuity as
designers. The author traces this influence on Matisse's work.
A too-brief account that will undoubtedly be developed in the
biography of Matisse that the author has in preparation, the
first volume of which will be published in 1996 or 1997 by
Hamish Hamilton, London, and Knopf, New York.
use of all the plastic means, above all, color. Two paintings
are given close analysis: Joy of Life (1906) and The Music
Lesson (1917).
373. Barotte, Rene. "Henri Matisse, le peintre de bonheur." Jardin
des arts 2 (December 1954): 109-115.
An admiring reminiscence on the occasion of Matisse' s death,
spiced with amusing anecdotes that the artist hirnself told the
374. Barr, Alfred H., Jr. "Matisse, Picasso, and the Crisis of
1907." Mag. of Art 44 (May 1951): 161-170.
Distillation of two chapters of Barr's monograph, Matisse, His
Art and His Public, published later the same year. Bonheur de
Vivre and Demoiselles d'A vignon are contrasted as aspects of
the style and personality of the two friendly rivals who were
both drawing on aspects of Cezanne.
381. Bell, Clive. "Matisse and Picasso: the Two Apparent Heirs to
Cezanne." Athenaeum 4698 (May 14, 1920): 643-44.
Reprinted also in Arts and Decoration (November 1920) and,
slightly revised, in Since Cezanne. London: Chatto and
Windus, 1922, 83-90. Flam, no. 88, 194-95.
Matisse and Picasso. the primary heirs of Cezanne, are
contrasted: Matisse, master of sensibility, a pure artist, the
finer painter, but not the head of a school; Picasso, more
intellectual, inventive, the richer artist, though occasionally
sentimental. Though neither artist comments on life, Picasso
manages to comment on art, hence, he is aleader and master of
the modern movement.
411. Bryson, Norman. "Signs of the Good Life." Times Lit. Supp.
(March 27, 1987): 328.
A book review of Jack Flam's Matisse: the Man and His Art,
/869-1918 that asserts Matisse's work as "deposed and minor"
because it is finally simply too decorative and hedonistic to
qualify as significantly contributing to the twentieth-century
avant-garde. Bryson rehearses the traditional reasons for his
judgment, citing T. J. Clark's recent The Painting of Modern
Life to support the condemnation of subjects of leisure and
pleasure as escapist. The author confesses to being intrigued
by Flam's alleged thesis that Matisse's use of color, pattern,
and reduced forms is in the service of intentionality and
feeling. But the artist's preference for unity, calm, and delight
ends, for Bryson, in work that is "becalmed and enchanted,"
slightly "bovine." Finally, Matisse does not show us the
modern world--broken, fragmented, conflicted, and dissonant--
through a modern consciousness, as Cubism does; hence,
Bryson continues to find Matisse's work fundamentally
deficient and marginal.
Matisse in particular the base of the roof spire which the artist
intends to enlarge.
416. Bussy, lane Simone. "A Great Man." Burlington Mag. 128,
995 (February 1986): 80-85. Flam, no. 88, 320-24.
418. Cahiers d'art 6,5-6. Special issue, 1931; English ed. New
York: E. Weyhe, with additional plates. Articles by Karel
Asplund, Roger Fry, Paul Fierens, Curt Glaser, Will
Grohmann, Pierre Gueguen, Henry McBride, Georges Salles,
and Christian Zervos are listed individually by author's name.
449. Cowart, Jack. "Je sens le bois dans les iles: Matisse et Vence."
Art Int. 22,6 (October 1978): 24-27.
Cowart identifies the place, Vence, where Matisse retired from
the threat of invasion in 1943 and remained for six years, as
the site of the "Vence Period," wherein the artist was
rejuvenated in the memory of Tahiti and in the exploration of
the new techniques of decoupage. Jazz was the first fruit of this
freshness and depth; Cowart masterfully groups other work of
the period in a comprehensible unfolding. Even the paintings
of this final period are brought into the analysis of these years
as a coherent "period" of experimentation and discovery. An
important essay.
Matisse for its purely fonnal approach but allows that Matisse
is the perfect subject for such a treatment as he is nothing
more than decorative and bland in content.
464. Denvir, Bernard. "La Dolce Vita." Art and Artists 13, 4
(August 1978): 12-17.
An extended, iIIustrated review of two exhibits (MarIborough
and Lumley Cazalet Galleries) currently on view in London,
the artic\e acknowledges the bourgeois nature of Matisse's
work, that is, "sense of radiant self-indulgence in the beauty of
material things [seen as a] reward for economic achievements."
Yet Denvir sensitively analyzes several works which indicate
the tension, complexity, and sense of the "uncanny" in many
of the most seemingly serene paintings and drawings.
468. Diehl, Gaston. "A la recherche d'un art mural: Matisse." Paris,
[es arts. [es [ettres 20 (April 19, 1946).
A short artic1e in which Diehl notes that attention to the
surface and to the compositional rhythm as a whole--proper to
mural painting--has always been characteristic even of
Matisse's easel painting. Contains extensive quotes by
Matisse on how he conceived and carried out his mural for the
507. Flam, lack. "Image Into Sign." In Matisse: Image Into Sign,
5-13. St. Louis: The St. Louis Museum of Art, 1993.
Exhibition catalogue.
508. Flanner, lanet. "King of the Wild Beasts." The New Yorker
27 (December 22 and 29, 1951). Reprinted in Men and
Monuments. 88-133. London: H. Hamilton and New York:
Harper Row, 1957. New ed., New York: De Capo Press,
1990, with introduction by Rosamond Bernier.
An immensely readable mini-survey of Matisse's Iife and
career that is written in a zestful journalistic style at once
sympathetic, ironic and knowing. Highly accurate in its
details and perceptive of the world it views, this essay by
Flanner, longtime reporter for The New Yorker under the pen
name Genet, has the intimacy of an insider and the detachment
of the outside observer.
510. Forbes. Cleaver. "A Sultan and a Prince." Art News 89 (May
1990): 41.
A note on the article in Madame Figaro by Lisette Clarnete,
Matisse's sole model from 1928 to 1933, as told to De
526. Gilot, Fran~oise and Carlton Lake. "Part VI" in Life With
Picasso. New York: McGraw HilI, 1964; Anchor Books,
1989, 261-72 and passim. First published in French, Vivre
Avec Picasso. Paris: Calmann-Levy, 1965. London: Penguin
Books, 1966; Virago, 1990.
Matisse appears often in this book by Picasso's companion
from 1943 to 1955. The stories and observations are priceless
first-hand accounts by a sensitive and impartial ob server.
Gilot would go on to develop these remembrances in her 1990
book, Matisse and Picasso: A Friendship in Art, no. 95.
555. "Henri Matisse: 'L'or seul convient pour les cadres ... •
(Unsigned.) Domus 661 (May 1985): 74-75.
565. Hoppe, Ragnar. "Pli Visit Hos Matisse [My Visit with
Matissel." Städer och Konstnärer Resebrev och Essäer om
Konst. Stockholm: Albert Bonniers Förlag, 1931. (Original
interview 1919.) Flam, no. 88, 171-74; Flam, no. 28. 73-77.
An important post-World War I interview with Matisse in
which he explains the rationale for his change in style and
goals in the works he is currently exhibiting (May 1919) at
Bernheim Jeune. The artists speaks of the hygiene of change,
of the danger of mannerism in his previous mode, and of a
desire for a new synthesis of his acquired technical means.
be valued for their own qualities rather than devalued for what
they do not attempt.
592. Larson, Philip. ""Matisse and the Exotic." Arts Mag. 49,9
(May 1975): 72-73.
Larson sees the "remoteness and artificiality" of Matisse's
odalisques and orientalized Nice interiors as an extension of the
"romantic-allegorical tradition" of the previous century.
Matisse's interest in the Islamic was as much a matter of taste
as style: he collected Islamic objects and made use of them in
all stylistic periods of his career. More often he utilized the
abstractable arabesque patterns of Moorish inspiration rather
than a regularized evenly-dispersed pattern, because the former
evoked movement and rhythm. A concise article that touches--
without extended development--many key aspects of the topic .
674. Perl, Jed. "Matisse, The Cathedral and the Odalisque." In Paris
Without End, On French Art Since World War I, 3-18. San
Francisco: North Point Press, 1988.
An essay on the enduring traditions of Freneh eulture,
eharaeterized by moderation and tranquility, that reemerged after
World War land that are especially evident in the paintings by
Matisse of that deeade. Ineorporating a review of the 1986-87
exhibition, Henri Matisse: the Early Years in Nice, that
appeared in The New Criterion in 1987, Perl offers an
apologia for the "Silver Age" of Freneh painting from the
1920s. This beautifully written and perspieaeious essay, by a
New York painter and eritie, is one of the best ever written on
Matisse's early Niee work--nuaneed and wonderfully observed.
For agentIe eautionary dissent to Perl's view of the Sehool of
Paris, see Arthur Danto's review of Paris Without End in The
New Republic, Oetober 24, 1988.
685. "Portrait of the Artist, No. 100." Art News and Rev. 4, 22
(November 29, 1952): 1.
Unsigned artic1e in aseries introducing individual artists,
accompanied by the sheet of self-portrait drawings that
appeared in the Matisse Philadelphia Museum Catalogue of
1948. Tbe commentary praises Matisse for having avoided the
"blind intuitive excursions of Picasso" and bringing back to
modern art the "decorative grandeur and amplitude of which
Cubism deprived it."
694. Ratcli ff, Carter. "Remarks on the Nude." Art Int. (March-
April 1977): 60-65.
Author takes the occasion of an exhibit at Borgenicht Gallery,
The Nude: Avery and the European Masters. to discuss
Matisse' s handling of the nude (in a pencil drawing of 1930) as
a response to realism and expressionism, by depicting "worlds
alternative to the one we inhabit." That is, he offers in his art
a model of the way experience can be controlled and re-invented
by a new mode of vision, a new way of seeing the world--with
detachment and for pleasure, that is, esthetically.
706. Rouveyre, Andre. "Matisee evoque." Rev. des arts 6,2 (June
1956): 67-73.
A personal memoire of the author's friend, Matisse, richly
illustrated with drawings and decorations that he received on
Matisse's letters and envelopes in their nearly daily (1940s)
correspondence. Rouveyre's remarks about Matisse's character
are perceptive, as he knew hirn intimately over a long period
of time--since they were young art students together at the turn
of the century.
717. Schlagheck, Irene. "Der Maler Henri Matisse hatte ... " Art:
das Kunstmagazin 9 (September 1988): 72.
Interview with Pierre Matisse who speaks of his father' s desire
for hirn to be a musician and the press ure this put on hirn as a
Author also deals with the formalist theories of Roger Fry and
Clement Greenberg.
other intimate items that the artist left in his studio at the time
of his death.
750. Trapp, Frank. "Matisse and the Spirit of Art Nouveau." Yale
Literary Magazine 123 (Fall 1955): 29-34. A minimally
revised, but fully illustrated, version was published as "Art
Nouveau Aspects ofEarly Matisse." College Art Journal 26,
1 (Fall 1966): 2-8.
Trapp posits the importance of the turn-of-the-century modern
decorative style known as Art Nouveau on the art of Matisse at
a crucial point in his career, namely, during the making of
Joy 01 Life (1906). The author reviews the history of Art
Nouveau--its self-conscious modernity through abstraction and
its relation to Symbolism--and makes a strong case for
Matisse' sattraction to the style as an alternative to
Impressionism. Ultimately, it opened an alternative for
Matisse to Cubism as weil; Harmony in Red (1908) and
Dance (1910) are analysed as being in the Art Nouveau style
and spirit. An important early article on a thesis Trapp would
develop in his later writings.
797. Carrier, David. '''You, Too, Are in Arcadia': the Place of the
Spectator in Matisse's Shchukin Triptych." Word & Image
10,2 (April-June 1994): 119-137.
813. Breton, Andre, and Philippe Soupault. "La Glace sans tain."
Litterature 8 (October 1919).
This poetic fragment from Les Champs magnitiques,
published very early in the proto-Surrealist journal, bears the
same name as Matisse' s Blue Window, known at first by the
title La Glace sans tain. The work had been commissioned by
Jacques Doucet, who then refused it as too difficult for his
level of appreciation; Breton was at this time Doucet's
Conversation (Hermitage)
819. Schneider, Pierre. "Striped Pajama Icon [Conversation]." Art
in America 63,4, (July 1975): 76-82; in French, "Le quoi et
le comment: Conversation d'Henri Matissse." Tel Quel 65
(1977): 56-71.
Schneider formally compares the work's color and facture to
Byzantine enamels, thus encouraging an interpretation of the
work which stresses its sacral character and the harmony of the
figures on either side of the theophanic window. Schneider
discusses Kandinsky's ideas on the "spiritual in art" relating to
Matisse and the problem of the "what" (bourgeois reality) and
the "how" (pure painting) of modern art that is brought to a
point of tension, and revelation, in Conversation. The
discussion is elaborated in Schneider, no. 157, 14-24.
820. Flam, Jack. "Conversation." In Matisse, the Man and his Art,
248-52. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1986.
An interpretation of the work which references the the Stele 0/
Hammurabi of c. 1760 B. C. (Louvre) as a parallel to the
827. Fourcade, Dominique, and Eric de Chassey. "La danse 11, fin
1901-1910." In Henri Matisse 1904-1917, 461-73. Paris:
Centre Georges Pompidou, 1993. Exhibition catalogue.
A collection of comments by Matisse, various critics, and
writers on the Dance land Musicl from 1910 to 1950. A
marvelously rich compilation of material.
841. Moore, Felicity St. John. "New Light on The Rape 0/ Europa
by Henri Matisse." Art and Australia 24,4 (Winter 1987):
844. Demski, Eva. "Mein imaginäres Museum oder Exil auf dem
Dachboden." ART: das Kunstmagazin 3 (March 1990): 48-
Author would include this painting by Matisse in her ideal
twelve-item personal museum of art works liberated from
local galleries and museums in the city of Frankfurt Am Main.
A critique of holding works, out of context, in museum
Game of Dominoes
Harmony in Yellow
854. Moncrieff, Eispeth. "Art Market: a look back at 1992."
Apollo 136 (December 1992): 412-13.
An articIe on the market which records the sale of at Sotheby's
of Harmony in Yellow (1927-28) for $14.5 million.
867. Barr, Alfred H., Jr. "Matisse, Picasso, and the Crisis of 1907."
Mag. 01 Art 44 (May 1951): 161-170.
Distillation of two chapters of Barr's monograph, Matisse, His
Art and His Public, published later the same year. Bonheur de
Vivre and Demoiselles d'A vignon are contrasted as aspects of
the style and personality of the two friendly rivals who were
both drawing on aspects of Cezanne.
the first time along with aH related sketches and studies, and
touches (necessarily briefly) on commentary on the work and
the problematics of its style.
929. Reiff, Robert F. "Matisse and The Red Studio." Art Journal
30 (Winter 1970/71): 144-47.
A sensitive formal reading of the work, which is contrasted
with The Pink Studio of the same year, 1911. The context of
viewing the works is the 1970 Paris Centenary show, also
Backs 0, I, 11, 111, IV
986. Flam, lack. "Matisse Backs and the Development of his
Paintings." Art Journal 30,4 (Summer 1971): 352-61.
A fine study of the Backs in relation, not so much to one
another in a linear development as in relation to other
sculptures and paintings that were being made at the same
time. Written after Albert Elsen's artic1e on the Backs, "The
Sculpture of Henri Matisse: IV," had appeared. Flam's study
enriches our understanding of the works by placing them in
this wider context of Matisse's ongoing stylistic development
in all media. In his sculpture, as in his painting, from 1909
to 1929 he moved from plastic to non-plastic space, from
acute attention to details to a search for totality in the balance
between figure and ground.
Jeannette I-V
990. "Five Heads of Jeannette by Matisse." Los Angeles Museum
0/ Art Bult. 19, 1 (1968-69): 20-21. .
A short analytic description (iIIustrated) of the five vers ions of
the head of Jeannette (1910-1916), donated by the Art Museum
Council as a memorial to Mrs. EImer C. Rigby.
The Serf
996. "Painting and Sculpture Acquisitions." Museum 0/ Modern
Art Bull. 24,4 (Summer 1957): 8-9.
A note on the Museum's acquisition of Back 11, The Ser/.
Jeannette 11, and The Pink Marble Table.
Two Negresses
997. Hobhouse, Janet. "Looking at Art: Matisse's Two Negresses."
Art News 86, 10 (December 1987): 81-82.
A sensitive study of the sculpture analysing how Matisse de-
eroticized the bronze in working from a trite colonialist
photograph of two Tuareg women. In building an astonishing
construction from the two nearly-identical/ significantly
different figures, Matisse finds the gravity and grandeur of the
human figure and perhaps sublimates its eroticism.
1006. Matisse, the Inuit Face (Le Visage Inuit). London: Cultural
Center, Canadian High Commission, 1993. Exhibition
catalogue. Foreword by Michael Regan, curator, who was
assisted by Patricia Anderson; introductory text by Claude
Duthuit. English and French.
Catalogue for the exhibition of all the known drawings and
prints--charcoal, pencil, aquatints, lithographs--that Matisse
made from a collection of Inuit masks belonging to Georges
Duthuit; from the Henri Matisse archives and loans from Jean-
1021. Hadler, Mona. "Jazz and the Visual Arts." Arts 57 (June
1983): 93-94.
The author includes Matisse's book Jazz in a discussion of
African-American jazz music and its aesthetic on modern
1028. Stolzenburg, Andreas. "Henri Matisse: Das Buch Jazz und der
Beginn der Gouaches Decoupees." In Henri Matisse,
Zeichnungen und Gouaches Decoupees. Stuttgart:
Staats galerie Stuttgart, 1993. Exhibition catalogue.
A general treatment from all known sources with complete
text of Jazz with the comments by Lydia Delectorskaya
published earlier in Cowart, et al, Matisse, the Paper Cut-
Outs, 1977. Comprehensive and weil researched.
1032. Crawford, J. "Motorear, a Pen Drawing." Art News 61
(Summer 1962): 6.
A letter to the editor of the magazine by the young Canadian
woman who shared a train compartment in 1934 with Matisse
and his niece and was drawn by Matisse in the ink drawing in
question. A fresh, eyewitness account.
U1ysses [book)
1049. Kenner, Hugh. "Ulysses de luxe [Matisse's etchings for
Joyce's modern classic)." Art & Antiques (January 1987):
Reprise of the history of the book's commission and
execution. Puts to rest the possibility of securing a book
signed by Matisse alone (due to Joyce's supposed disgust with
the illustrations--a baseless legend).
1052. Barr, Alfred H. "When Matisse died .... " Yale Literary
Magazine 123 (Fall 1955): 40.
Abrief account of Barr's last dealings with Matisse concerning
the stained glass window for the Abby Aldrich RockefeIler
Memorial Window at Pocantico HiIIs, New York, the designs
for wh ich Matisse had completed two days before his death on
November 3, 1954.
1076. Barker, Michael. "Stained Glass in France in the 1950's."
Journal ofthe Decorative Arts Society 1850 to the Present 15
(1991): 5-13.
A well-ilIustrated general survey of the production and use of
stained glass as an art form in France includes Matisse's
windows from the Chapel of the Rosary in Vence.
1079. Bertin, Celia. "A Vence Henri Matisse decore une chapelle."
Arts Plastiques 5-6 (1959): 209-214.
Eyewitness account of Matisse's activity in designing the
chapel at Vence by a writer and magazine editor who lived in
1080. BilIot, Marcel. "Le Pere Couturier et l' Art Sacre." In Paris-
Paris 1937-1957, 197-200. Paris: Centre Georges Pompidou,
1981. Exhibition catalogue.
General treatment of the role of the Dominican priest, Marie-
Alain Couturier, in the invitation to modern artists to
1142. Flam, lack. "The Dance (Merion Dance Mural) (La Danse). "
In Great French Paintings from the Barnes Foundation, 274-
291. New York: Knopf and Lincoln University, 1993, no.
A superb visual recapitulation of all the versions of the Dance
Mural inc\uding the recently discovered (1992) earliest version.
Along with the first color reproduction of the Barnes
Foundation mural are included in-progress photographs,
sketches, and gouache studies from the Barnes archives. The
catalogue entry details the history of the commission,
correcting previously held versions. Indispensable artic\e on
this work.
1148. Matisse, Henri. "Letter" on Leda and the Swan doors to the
patron who commissioned them. Derriere le miroir (1958):
14-16, 18.
The artist expresses his satisfaction to Mme Enchorrina, the
wife of the Argentine diplomat who commissioned the doors,
with the way the doors have turned out, justifying their delay
in delivery.
1153. Kavanagh, Liv. "Fine Art and Textiles: the Ascher Head
Squares and Wall Panels." Apollo 125,303 (May 1987): 332-
On the occasion of an exhibition of the forty-five years of
textile work by Zika Ascher at the Victoria and Albert
Museum, the author summarizes the history of Ascher's
textile production, his esthetic, and his contacts with
important fine artists who designed head scarves for the
company. Among the lauer, Matisse did one scarf design and
the double panels, Oceanie-le- Ciel and Oceanie-la-Mer, two
silk-screened panels on tan linen which were signed in a
limited edition of thirty pairs. The correspondence between the
Aschers and Matisse is incJuded at the end of the articJe.
from the 1930s, rather than from the c. 1906 period of his
1200. Benjamin, Roger. "Fauves in aLandscape of Criticism,
Metaphor and Scandal at the Salon." The Fauve Landscape,
241-66. Edited by Judi Freeman. Los Angeles and New
York: Los Angeles County Museum of Art and Abbeville
Press, 1990, no. 1179.
This is an astute assessment of the critical discourse in which
Fauvism was received--that of personal style and artistic
filiation (remnant of the guild system), that of "decorative
landscape" in which style change was more readily accepted,
that of distinguishing and naming "movements" in order to
delimit smaller entities in mass Salon exhibitions with an eye
to dealers and the market. Benjamin notes that, after the 1907
Independents Salon, the criticism of Fauve works remained
largely negative, while the attraction of the new work to the
general viewing public and the sales to dealers and collectors
increased markedly. The author also examines how political
and social views were allied to being for or against the new art.
An important study of Fauve reception, building on
Benjamin's far-reaching study of Matisse's "Notes 0/ a
Pa inter, " no. 55.
Nude. Young GirL (1906) are singled out for analysis, as weil
as the simplifications of certain painted portraits of family
members executed between 1906 and 1913.
1215. Dorra, Henri. "The Wild Beasts: Fauvism and Its Affinities at
the Museum of Modern Art." Art Journal 34, 1 (Fall 1976):
An extended review of Elderfield's catalogue and the exhibit at
MoMA in 1976. Dorra mosdy applauds the richness of the
show and the analytic thoroughness of the catalogue essay but
finds fine points about which to debate or quibble. According
to the reviewer, not enough credit is given to the influence of
Neo-Impressionism or of Van Gogh; Japanese prints are
slighted as a source for some of Derain' sport scenes of 1905-
06; and the symbolist themes, encouraged by Gauguin's
example, are not treated in sufficient depth.
1256. Perry, Gill. "The Decorative and the 'culte de la vie': Matisse
and Fauvism." In Primitivism, Cubism. and Abstraction. The
Early Twentieth Century. 46-82. Edited by CharIes Harrison,
Francis Frascina, and Gill Perry. New Haven and London:
Yale University Press and Open University, 1993.
Perry discusses Fauvism as an aspect of the discourse on the
"primitive," the "decorative," and the "expressive" in which
German Expressionism also participated. Challenged are the
origins of Fauvism in 1905 and the allegedly totally negative
response to Fauve works that the later literature posits as a
sign of their revolutionary nature. Author discusses in a
balanced way the relation of the "impetuosity" of the style (and
its related attitudes) to a position of social or political
radicalism and also to the colonialist attitudes inherent in the
exoticised view of African culture. The tension between the
decorative / abstract and the figurative / meaningful--even to
1281. Schack, William. Art and Argyrol, The Life and Career of Dr.
Albert C. Harnes. New York and London, 1960.
One of the earliest biographies of Albert Barnes, with a
chapter, "Pertaining to Matisse Mostly," that is replete with
eITors. Most are cOITected in Greenfeld's book, no. 1279.
1282. Donnell, Courtney Graham. "Frederic Clay and Helen Birch
Bartlett: The Collectors." The Art Institute of Chicago
Museum Studies 12, 2 (1986): 85-102.
In an issue of this journal devoted entirely to the Helen Birch
Bartlett Collection at the Art Institute of Chicago, the author
provides a general overview of the couple's collecting pattern
1289. Richardson, Brenda. Dr. Claribel and Miss Etta: The Cone
Collection of the Baltimore Museum of Art. BaItimore: The
Baltimore Museum of Art, 1985. Foreward by Arnold L.
Lehman, "Two Women" by Gertrude Stein, "Dr. Caribel and
Miss Etta" by Brenda Richardson; also an Annotated
1290. Cone, Edward T. "The Miss Etta Cones, the Steins, and
M'sieu Matisse." The American Scholar 42, 3 (Summer
1973): 441-60.
An affectionate reminiscence by a fond nephew of his aunts,
the Cone sisters, Claribel and Etta, the Steins, Michael, Sarah
and Leo, and the artist whose work they collected, Henri
Matisse. Charmingly anecdotal, but with perceptive insights
and telling quotes.
1297. Klein, John, and Janet Bishop. Matisse and Other Modern
Masters, The Elise S. Haas Collection. San Francisco: San
Francisco Museum of Modern Art, 1993. Exhibition
Catalogue. Introduction by John Lane; "When Worlds
Collide, Matisse's Femme au Chapeau and the Politics of the
Portrait" by John Klein; and "Highlights of the Collection"
by Janet Bishop.
There is an illustrated checklist of the collection including four
important Fauve period oils by Matisse that were once in the
Sarah and Michael Stein Collection: Woman with the Hat,
Landscape: Broom, final oil sketch for Joy 0/ Life, and
Portrait 0/ Sarah Stein. Also in the collection are three early
sculptures, three drawings, and an etching. The commentary
on certain important paintings by Bishop is full and sensitive;
Klein's important essay on Woman with Hat is detailed under
1298. Braun, Emily, with Julie Blaut and others. The Hillman
Family Collection: Manet to Matisse. New York: Hillman
Family Collection, distributed by Seattle: University of
Washington Press, 1994.
Well-documented and illustrated scholarly catalogue on the
collection; there are only two Matisse drawings and one
painting, The Pineapple of 1948, presently in the collection.
Works once owned by the Hillmans are also pictured and
documented, including two Matisse works.
1323. Lieberman, WilIiam S., ed. Twentieth Century Art /rom The
Nelson Aldrich Rocke/eller Collection. New York:
Museum ofModern Art, distributed by the New York Graphie
Soeiety, 1969. Exhibition eatalogue.
Well-doeumented eatalogue of the eolleetion with a Foreword
by Monroe Wheeler, prefaee by Nelson A. Roekefeller, and
Lieberman's essay, "The Nelson Aldrieh Roekefel1er
Colleetion," ehronicles the Roekefeller's dealings with Matisse
and their donations to The Museum of Modern Art. Matisse's
work iIIustrated.
1341. Seckel, Helene. "27, Rue de Fleurus, 58, rue Madame: les
Stein a Paris." Paris-New York, 278-305. Paris: Centre
Pompidou, 1977, Gallimard, 1991. Exhibition catalogue.
A summary, but complete, review of the hospitality of the
branches of the Stein family in Paris to Matisse and Picasso
and the young Americans who benefited from these contacts.
This account is followed by brief biographical sketches of
Marie Laurencin, Paul Cezanne, Matisse, and Picasso and the
works by these artists in the Stein collections.
fashion in the late 80s, when prices for Van Goghs had
recently reached unheard-of prices at auction. Matisse' s design
was an early Nice interior, when Matisse was at his most
luxurious and marketable.
1367. Elderfield, John. "Dieben korn at Ocean Park." Art Int. 16,2
(February 1972): 20-25.
Compares Diebenkorn's art of "surfaces and of light," of edge-
bounded forms, to Matisse's in the second decade, i.e., during
the latter's Cubism-exploring years.
1383. Levin, Gail. "Patrick Henry Bruce and Arthur Burdett Frost,
Jr.: from the Henri Class to the Avant-Garde." Arts Mag. 53,
8 (April 1979): 102-6.
Details the effect that becoming pupils of Matisse had on
Bruce and Frost in turning them toward a more abstract mode
of representation and the use of pure color.
1406. Raboff, Ernst L1oyd. Henri Matisse. Series: Art for Children.
New York: Lippincott, 1988.
Paris 1896
Salon des Cent
Paris: Hall des Cent [Galeries de La Plume], April 1896.
Review: Degron, Henri. "Salon des Cent, vingtieme exposition." La
Plume 169 (May 1, 1896): 305-09 [Matisse not mentioned]; Saunier,
Charles. "Petites Expositions." Rev. encylopedique (July 11, 1896):
Paris 1897
Salon de la Societe Nationale des Beaux-Arts
Paris: Champs-de-Mars, April 24-May 1897.
IIIustrated catalogue.
Review: Bouyer, Raymond. L'Art et la beaute aux Salons de 1898.
Paris: L'Artiste, 1898, 36, 73; Fontainas, Andre. "La Revue du mois:
Art." Mercure de France 22 (June 1897): 590-97; Marx, Roger.
"Gustave Moreau, seine Vorlaeufer--seine Schule--seine Schueler." Pan
(May-October 1897 ): 61-64 [review of Gustave Moreau's atelier; first
mention of Matisse in German periodical]; Michel, Andre. "Le Tour
du Salon. Champs-de-Mars." Le Journal des debats politiques et
litteraires (April 23, 1897); SantilIane, J. "Le Salon du Champs-de-
Mars (deuxieme article)." Gil Blas 26 (April 26, 1897).
Paris 1899
SaLon de La Societe Nationale des Beaux-Arts
Paris: Champs-de-Mars, May 1, 1899.
IIIustrated catalogue.
Review: Bouyer, Raymond. "Un Salonnier aux Salons de 1899."
L'Artiste 3 (1899): 97-192; Marx, Roger. "Les Salons de 1899." Rev.
Paris 1901
Salon de la Societe des Artistes Independants
Paris: Grandes Serres de I'Expositon Universelle, April 20-May 21,
1901. (Ten works.)
Review: Gustave Coquiot. "Le Salon des lndependants." Gil Bias,
Apri120, 1901; Marx, Roger. "Petites Expositions." Chronique des arts
et de la curiosite (May 1901 ): 138-39; Marx, Roger. "La Saison d'Art
(de janvier a juillet 1901)." Rev. encyclopedique 1 (July 13, 1901):
Paris 1902
Group Show (Moreau students)
Paris: Berthe Weill Gallery, February 1902.
Review: Charles, Fran~ois [Charles Guerin]. "Les Arts." L'Ermitage
24 (March 1902): 238.
Paris 1903
Salon de la Societe des Artistes Independants
Paris: Grandes Serres de Ia Ville de Paris, March 20-April 25, 1903.
(Seven paintings and one drawing.)
Group Show
Paris: Berthe Weill Gallery, May 4-31, 1903. (Two paintings.)
Salon d'Automne
Paris: Petit Palais des Champs-Elysees, October 31-December 6, 1903.
(Two paintings.)
Illustrated catalogue.
Review: Marx, Roger. "Le Salon d'Automne." Chronique des arts et de
la curiosite (November 2, 1903): 283-84.
Paris 1904
Salon de la Sociite des Artistes lndependants
Paris: Grandes Serres de la Ville de Paris, February 21-March 24, 1904.
(Six paintings.)
Review: Marx, Roger. "Le Salon des Artistes Independants."
Chroniques des arts et de la curiosite (February 27, 1904): 70-72.
Salon d'Automne
Paris: Grand Palais des Champs-Elysees, October IS-November 15,
1904. (Fourteen paintings, two plaster sculptures.)
Review: Blanche, Jacques-Emile. "Notes sur le Salon d'Automne."
Mercure de France 42 (December 1904): 672-90; Marx, Roger. "Le
Salon d'Automne." Gaz. beaux-arts 3rd per, 32 (December 1, 1904 ):
458-74; Marx, Roger. "Le Salon d'Automne, 15 octobre-14 novembre
1904." Rev. universelle 4 (1904): 641-46; Thibeault-Sisson, Fran~ois.
"Le Salon d'Automne au Grand Palais." Le Petit temps (October 14,
1904); Vauxcelles, Louis. "Le Salon d'Automne." Gil Bias (October
17, 1904).
Paris 1905
Intimistes, I er Exposition (Matisse, Bannard, Vuillard, Laprade)
Paris: Galeries Henry Graves, February 10-25, 1905.
Review: Marx, Roger. "Petites expositions." Rev. universelle 5
(1905): 43.
Review: Vauxcelles, Louis. "La Vie artistique." Gil Bias (June 14,
Salon d'Automne
Paris: Grand Palais des Champs-Elysees, October IS-November 25,
1905. (Ten works.) Retrospectives of Ingres, Manet, and Renoir.
Review: Maurice Denis, "La Peinture, Le Salon d'Automne de 1905
[De Gauguin, de Whistler et de l'exces des theories]." L'Ermitage
(November 15, 1905); Geffroy, Gustave. "Le Salon d'Automne." Le
Journal (1905); Andre Gide, "Promenade au Salon d'Automne." Gaz.
beaux-arts 34, 582 (December I, 1905): 483-84; Hepp, Pierre. "Sur le
choix des maitres." L'Occident (December 1905): 263-5; Marx, Roger.
"Le Vernissage du Salon d'Automne." Chronique des arts et de La
curiosite (October 21, 1905): 267-68 [Matisse not mentioned;
advocates dropping "Moreau group" label]; Monod, Fran~ois. "Le Salon
d' Automne." Art et decoration 28 ( 1905): 198; Morice, Charles. "Le
Salon d'Automne." Mercure de France 57 (December I, 1905): 376-93;
Nicolle, R. Review. Journal de Rouen (November 20, 1905);
Vauxcelles, Louis. "Le Salon d'Automne." Gil Bias (October 17,
1905); [Unsigned]. Review. Petit caporal (October 1905).
Brussels 1906
Exposition La Libre Esthetique
Brussels: February 22-March 25, 1906. (Seven works.)
Catalogue with preface by Octave Maus.
Le Havre 1906
Paris 1906
Salon de Ia Societe des Artistes lndependants
Paris: Grandes Serres de Ia Ville de Paris, March 20-April 30, 1906.
(One work: Bonheur de vivre.)
Review: Boisard, A. "Salon des Independants." Le Monde illustre
(March 31, 1906); Cruey, Fran~ois. "Le Salon des Independants."
L 'Aurore (March 22, 1906); Denis, Maurice. "Le Renoncement de
Carriere, Ia superstition du talent." L 'Ermitage (June 15, 1906 );
Estienne, Charles. "Le Salon des Independants." La Liberti (March 21,
1906); Maus, Octave. "Salon des Independants." L'Art moderne (April
29, 1906); Morice, Charles. "Le XXII Salon des Independants."
Mercure de France 54 (April 15, 1906): 534-44; Review. Le Matin
d'Anvers (March 23, 1906); Jean Tavernier. "Le Salon des
Independants." Grande revue 38 (April I, 1906):101-106; Vauxcelles,
Louis. "Le Salon des Independants." Gil Bias (March 20, 1906): 1-2.
Salon d'Automne
Paris: Grand Palais des Champs-Eiysees, October 6-November 15,
1906. (Five paintings.) Retrospectives of Carriere, Courbet, and
Gauguin; Russian Art Exhibition organized by Diaghilev.
Review: Denis, Maurice. "Le Soleil." L'Ermitage (December 15,
1906); Fontainas, Andre. "Le Salon d'Automne." L'Art moderne 42
(October 21, 1906): 332; Holl, J.-C. "Salon d' Automne." Cahiers d'art
et de litterature 5 (October 1906): 67-114; Jamot, Paul. "Le Salon
d'Automne." Gaz. beaux-arts 3, 36 (December I, 1906): 456-84; Kahn,
Berlin 1907
Vierzehnte Ausstellung der Berliner Secession, Zeichnende Kunst
Berlin: Deeember 1907. (Eight drawings by Matisse.)
Budapest 1907
Tavaszi Kidllitds--Gauguin Cezanne Sth. Müvei
Budapest: Nemzeti Szalon, May 1907. (Drawings by Matisse.)
Hagen 1907
Nature mortes
Hagen: Folkwang Museum, November 1907. (Seven works by
Le Havre 1907
2e Exposition Au Cercle d'Art Moderne
Le Havre: May-June 1907. (Two works by Matisse.)
Paris 1907
Salon de la Societe des Artistes Independants
Paris: Grandes Serres du Cours la Reine, Mareh 20-ApriI30, 1907.
(One painting, Blue nude, souvenir de Biskra, drawings, and woodeuts.)
Salon d'Automne
Paris: Grand Palais des Champs-Elysees, October 1-22,1907.
(Paintings including Music [Oil Sketch], and Luxe I.) Cezanne
Review: Apollinaire, Guillaume. "Le Salon d'Automne." Je dis tout
(October 12, 1907); Estienne, Charles. "Le Salon des 'Fauves'--
dissensions interieures." La Liberte (November 28, 1907);
Desvallieres, Georges. "Au Salon D'Automne." Grande revue 44
(October 10, 1907): 740-42; Jean-Aubry, Georges. "La peinture au
Salon d' Automne." L'Art moderne 43 (October 27, 1907); Kahn,
Gustave. Review. L'Aurore (Spring 1907); Malpel, Charles. "Le Salon
des Independants." Le Telegramme (Automne 1907); Marx, Roger.
"Le Vernissage du Salon d'Automne." Chroniques des arts et de La
curiosite (October 10, 1908): 323-28; Morice, Charles. "Art moderne."
Mercure de France 71 (November 1, 1907): 161-68; Perate, Andre.
"Salons de 1907." Gaz. beaux-arts (1907); Puy, Michel. "Les Fauves."
La Phalange (November 15, 1907): 450-59, reprinted in L'Effort des
peintres modernes, Paris: Messein, 1933; Rouart, Louis. "Reflexions
sur le Salon d'Automne, suivies d'une courte promenade au dit Salon."
L'Occident 12 (November 1907): 230-41; Thibault-Sisson, Fran\=ois.
Group Exhibition
Paris: Galerie Eugene Blot, Deeember 1907. (Two paintings.)
Portraits d'hommes
Paris: Galerie Bemheim-Jeune, Deeember 16, 1907-January 4, 1908.
(Matisse's Self-Portrait.)
Review: Hepp, Pierre. "Exposition portraits d'homme." Chronique des
Arts et de La curiosite 1 (January 6, 1908): 3.
Vienna 1907
PauL Gauguin et Les autres [Signac, Puy, Matisse, Marquet]
Vienna: Galerie Miethke, March-April 1907.
Berlin 1908-09
Henri Matisse Exhibition (with others)
Berlin: Paul Cassirer, Deeember 1908-January 1909.
Review: M[ax] O[sbom]. "Matisse Ausstellung." Kunstchronik 20
(February 5, 1909): 238-39.
Le Havre 1908
Exposition Au Cercle d'Art Moderne
Le Havre: Hotel de Ville du Havre, May-June 1908.
Catalogue with preface by GuiIlaume Apollinaire.
London 1908
Group Exhibition ofthe International Society of Painters, Sculptors
and Engravers
London: New Gallery, January 1908.
Moscow 1908
Le Salon de la Toison d'or [Braque. Derain. Manguin. Marquet.
Matisse. PuyJ
Moscow: Offices of the Toison d'or, April II-May 24, 1908. (Three to
five works by Matisse.)
Review: Zolotoye Runo [Toison d'orJ (April 1908); Matisse works in
exhibition reproduced; articIe by Charles Morice, "Nouvelles tendances
de I' art fran'fais."
Paris 1908
Salon de la Societe des Artistes Independants
Paris: Grandes Serres de la Ville de Paris, March 20-May 2, 1908.
(Matisse not exhibiting.)
Review: Denis, Maurice. "Liberte epuisante et sterile." Grande revue
April 10, 1908 [Comments negativelyon Matisse's qualities, evident in
the work of his followersl; Marx, Roger. "Le Salon des Artistes
Independants." Chronique des arts et de la curiosite 13 (March 28,
Salon d'Automne
Paris: Grand Palais des Champs-Eiysees, October !-November 8, 1908.
(Eleven paintings, thirteen bronzes and works in plaster; six drawings;
thirty works in all by Matisse.)
Reviews: Bovy, Adrien. "Le Salon D'Automne." Grand revue 51
(October 10, 1908): 558-69; Estienne, Charles. "Le Salon d' Automne
II." La Liberti (October 1, 1908); Hepp, Pierre. "Les Expositions."
Grande revue 52 (December 25, 1908): 603-07, and "Les
Expositions." ibid., 57 (January 10, 1909): 191-95; Hepp, Pierre. "Le
Salon d'Automne." Gaz. beaux-arts 3, 40 (November 1, 1908): 381-
401; Jean-Aubry, Georges. "Le Salon d'Automne." L'Art Mode me 43
(November 1, 1908): 34; Marx, Roger. "Le Vernissage du Salon
d'Automne." Chroniques des arts et de Ia curiosite 32 (October 10,
1908): 323-28; Morice, Charles. "Art modern e." Mercure de France 76
(November 1, 1908): 155-66; Peladan, M. J. "Le Salon d'Automne et
ses retrospectives--Greco et Monticelli." Rev. hebdomadaire 42
(October 17, 1908) 360-61; Thibault-Sisson, Fran~ois. "Le Salon
d'Automne." Le Petit temps (September 30, 1908); [Review of
Autumn Salon.] The Nation (October 29, 1908); with response by
Berenson, Bernard. "Letter to the Editor." The Nation (November 12,
1908); Vauxcelles, Louis. "Le Salon d'Automne," Gil Bias (September
30, 1908): I.
Hagen 1909
Hagen: Folkwang Museum, August 4-September 16, 1909.
Moscow 1909
2e Salon de Ia Toison d'Or
Paris 1909
Salon de La Societe des Artistes lndependants
Paris: Temporary Barracks, Jardin des Tuileries, March 25-May 2,
1909. (Two paintings and two studies by Matisse.)
Review: Denis, Maurice. "De Gauguin et Van Gogh au classicisme."
L 'Occident (May 1909); Malpel, Charles. "Le Salon des Independants."
Le Telegramme (Spring 1909); Marx, Roger. "Le Vernissage du Vingt-
cinquieme lndependants." Chronique des arts et de La curiosite 13 (March
27, 1909): 99-101; Morice, Charles. "Le Salon des lndependants."
Mercure de France (April 16, 1909); Salmon, Andre. "Le Salon des
Independants." L'lntransigeant (March 26 and 27, 1909); Vauxcelles,
Louis. "Le Salon des Independants." Gil Bias (March 25, 1909).
Salon d'Automne
Paris: Grand Palais des Champs-E1ysees, October !-November 8, 1909.
(Two paintings.) Von Marees Retrospective.
Review: Mal pel, Charles. "Le Salon d' Automne a Paris." L e
Tetegramme (January 1909); Marx, Roger. "Le Vernissage du Salon
Group Exhibition
Paris: Galerie Eugene BIot, November 13, 1909. (Two paintings by
Vienna 1909
International Secession Exhibition
Vienna: May-October, 1909. (Two works by Matisse.)
Berlin 1910
Berlin Secession Ausstellung
Berlin: Spring, 1910. (Two portraits by Matisse.)
Brighton 1910
Modern French Artists
Brighton: Public Art Galleries, June 1910. (Two stilllifes by Matisse.)
Catalogue 0/ the Work 0/ Modern French Artists, preface by Robert
DelI, Roger Fry's secretary.
Brussels 1910
Exposition Le Libre Esthhique: I'evolution du paysage
BrusseIs: March I2-April 17, 1910. (Two paintings by Matisse.)
Budapest 1910
Exposition Impressioniste
Budapest: Novaszhaz, April-May 1910. (Two paintings by Matisse.)
Dusseldorf 1910
Sonderbund Ausstellung
Dusseldorf: Kunstpalast, July 16-0ctober 9, 1910. (One painting,
Bathers with a Turtle, exhibited by Matisse.)
Florence 1910
Leipzig 1910
Exposition d'art franr;ais XVllIe, XIXe, XXe siede
Leipzig: Kunstverein, Oetober-November 1910. (Two paintings by
London 1910-11
Manet and the Post-Impressionists
London: Grafton Galleries, November 8, 191O-January 15,1911. (Three
paintings, eight bronzes, twelve drawings, and a vase.)
Catalogue with prefaee by Desmond MeCarthy and notes by Roger Fry.
Review: Fry, Roger. "Art, the Post-Impressionists, 11." The Nation
(Deeember 3, 1910): 403, idem, "Post-Impressionism." Fortnightly
Rev. 89 (May 1, 1911); Holmes, C. J. Notes on the Post-
Impressionist Painters: Grafton Galleries, 1910-11. London: Philip
Lee Warn er, 1910; Konody, P. G. "Grafton Gallery Exhibition."
Observer (November 13, 1910).
Paris 1910
Salon d'Automne
Paris: Grand Palais des Champs-Elysees, October I-November 8, 1910.
(Dance 11 and Music exhibited.)
Reviews: Apollinaire, Guillaume. "The Opening of the Salon
d'Automne." L'!ntransigeant (October I, 1910); Apollinaire,
Guillaume. "Le Salon d'Automne." Poesie (Autumn 1910); Benois,
Prague 1910
Societe des artistes Manes: Les lndependants
Prague: Manes Gallery, February-March, 1919. (Six drawings and four
Review: Utitz, Emil. Review. Die Kunst für alle (April 1919): 334.
Berlin 1911
XXII Berliner Secession
Berlin: April 1911. [French group around Matisse called
expressionists. ]
Paris 1911
Salon de la Sociere des Artistes Independants
Paris: Quai d'Orsay, April 21-June \3, 1911. (Two paintings, a portrait
and Manila Shawl [l'Espagnole], which is replaced by The Pink Studio
before the show ended.)
Reviews: Allard, Roger. "Salon des Independants." La Rue (May 5,
1911); Apollinaire, Guillaume. "Salon des Independants."
L'lntransigeant (April 20, 1911), and "Artistes d'aujourd'hui et les
nouvelles disciplines." ibid., (April 21, 1911); Frappier, Georges.
"L'Exposition des Independants." La Republique (April 22, 1911);
Guilbeaux, Henri. "Les Independants." Hommes du jour (April 29,
1911); Guillaume-Janneau, Charles. "Les Independants." Gil Blas
(April 20, 1911); Lecomte, Georges. "Le Salon des Independants." Le
Matin (April 20, 1911); Marx, Roger. "Le Vernissage du Salon des
Independants." Chroniques des arts et de la curiosite 2 (January 14,
1911): 123-26; Richard, Frantz. "Le Salon des Independants, deux
kilometres entre les Fauves." Gil Blas (April 21, 1911): 2; Review.
Fantasio (May 1, 1911); Salmon, Andre. "Le 27e Salon des
Independants." Paris-Journal (April 20, 1911): 5; Salmon, Andre (La
Palette). "Courrier des ateliers." Paris-Journal (April 25, 1911): 4;
"Courrier des ateliers." ibid., (April 27, 1911): 5; Vauxcelles, Louis.
"Salon des Independants." L'Aero (April 23, 1911); [Unsigned.]
"Independent artists in Paris." The Times (April 24, 1911); [Unsigned.]
"Le Salon des Independants." La Vie artistique (April 1911);
[Unsigned.] "Une Promenade au Salon des Independants." Petit journal
(April 27, 1911); "Independent Artists in Paris." Times (April 24,
1911 ).
Salon d'Automne
Paris: Grand Palais des Champs-Elysees, October I-November 8, 1911.
(Two paintings one of wh ich was Interior with Eggplants.)
Cologne 1912
Sonderbund Internationale Kunstausstelllung
Cologne: Städtische Ausstellungshalle, May 25-September 30, 1912.
(Five paintings.)
Leipzig 1912
Leipziger Jahresausstellung 1912
Leipzig: April 7-end of June 1912. (Two paintings.)
London 1912
Second Post-Impressionist Exhibition
London: Grafton Galleries, Oetober 5-Deeember 31,1912. (Nineteen
paintings, eight seulptures, eleven drawings, and some prints.)
Catalogue with essay by Roger Fry; frontispieee of Matisse's Girl with
Black Cat in color and six of the other thirty-nine reproduetions are of
Matisse works.
Review: "Post-Impressionist Exhibition, Matisse and Pieasso." London
Times (Oetober 4, 1912); Fry, Roger. "The Grafton Gallery: An
Apologia." The Nation (November 9, 1912): 250-51; Hind, C. Lewis.
"Ideals of Post Impressionism: Matisse Who Diseards All Tradition:
Joyous Works." Daily Chronicle (Oetober 5, 1912); Konody, P. G.
"The Comie Cubists: Laughable Pietures at the Grafton Galleries."
Daily Mail (Oetober 5, 1912); idem, "More Post-Impressionism at the
Grafton: the Frenehmen." Observer (Oetober 6, 1912); See, R.R.M.
"Les Arts: L' exposition post-impression niste a la Grafton Gallery de
Moscow 1912
lack 0/ Diamonds [Valet de carreauJ
Moseow: January-February 1912 (Three drawings.)
Munich 1912
Neue Kunst, Erste Gesamtausstellung
Munieh: Gallery Hans Goltz, Oetober 1912. (Two paintings.)
Paris 1912
Salon de la Triennale
Paris: Salle de Jeu de Paume, June, 1912. (One painting by Matisse,
aeeording to Apollinaire [L'lntransigeant, June 30, 1912].)
Salon d'Automne
Paris: Grand Palais des Champs Elysees, Oetober IO-November 8,
1912. (Two works.)
Reviews: Apollinaire, Guillaume. "Le Salon d'Automne."
L'lntransigeant (Oetober 2, 1912); idem, "L'Art et la euriosite, origines
de eubisme." Le Temps (Oetober 14, 1912); Huneeker, James. "Deeade
of the New Art Moves Toward Big Changes." New York Sun
(November 1912); Jean-Aubry, Georges. "Le Salon d'Automne, II."
L'Art moderne 41 (Oetober 13, 1912); Kahn, Gustave. "Art [Salon
Zurich 1912
Moderner Bund
Zurich: Kunsthaus, July 7-31, 1913. (Four paintings by Matisse; also
exhibiting: Arp, Delaunay, Kandinsky, Klee, and Mare.)
Berlin 1913
Berliner Secession Ausstellung
Berlin, April- May 1913. (Four paintings including Dance I.)
Review: Elias, Julius. "Französische Kunst, 1913." Kunst u. Künstler
(February 1914): 292-93; Scheffler, K. "Die Jüngsten." Kunst u.
Künstler (May 1913): 391-409; Vollert, Konrad. "Die XXVI
Ausstellung der Berliner Seeeession." Deutsche Kunst u. Dekoration
(July 1913): 239-45; Waldmann, Emil. "Die Berliner Seeession." Kunst
u. Künstler (July 1913): 501-14.
Budapest 1913
Budapest: Möveszhaz, April-May 1913. (One landscape.)
London 1913-1914
Post-Impressionists and Futurists
London: Don! Galleries, Oetober 12-January 15, 1914. (Two paintings
and five lithographs.)
Munich 1913
11. Gesamtausstellung
Munich: Gallery Hans Goltz, August-September 1913. (Two paintings,
one sculpture.)
Paris 1913
Exposition Henri Matisse, Tableaux du Moroc et Sculpture
Paris: Galerie Bernheim-Jeune, April 14-19, 1913. (Fourteen paintings,
at least six drawings, and a survey of his sculpture.)
Small catalogue with six line drawings reproduced; no text.
Reviews: Apollinaire, Guillaume. "Henri Matisse." L 'Intransigeant
(April 17, 1913), and "Henri Matisse." ibid., (April 28, 1913);
"Ausstellung," Kunstchronik: Wochenschrift für Kunst und
Kunstgewerbe 24,33 (May 16, 1913): 482; Jean, Rene. "Exposition
Salon d'Automne
Paris: Grand Palais des Champs-Elysees, November 15, 1913-January
5, 1914. (One painting, Portrait of Mme Matisse.)
Reviews: Apollinaire, Guillaume. "Le Salon d'Automne: Henri
Matisse." Les Soirees de Paris (November 15, 1913): 16; idem, "M.
Berard Inaugurates the Salon d'Automne." L'Intransigeant (November
14, 1913); Benn, Joachim. "Der Pariser Herbstsalon [1913]." Die
Rheinlande (June 1914): 37-38; Dreyfus, Albert. "Der Pariser
Herbstsalon [1913]." Kunstchronik (January 16, 1914): 219-23; Fargue,
Leon-Paul. "Au Salon d' Automne." Nouvelle rev. franrais (January 1,
1914; Goldschmitt, Lucien. "Strejtog i Kunsten." Politiken (December
5, 1913, includes interview of 1912); Jean-Aubry, Georges. "Le Salon
d' Automne, 11: peinture-sculpture." L'Art moderne 49 (December 7,
1913); Salmon, Andre. "Le Salon." Montjoie! 1 (November-
December, 1913): 4; Sillart. "Salon d'Automne [Ossennii Salon]."
ApolIon 1-2 (1914): 47-63; Thibault-Sisson, Fran~ois. "Le Salon
d'Automne: La Peinture." Temps (November 16, 1913); de Thubert,
Emmanuel. "Au Salon d' Automne." L'Art de France (December 1913):
473-87; Vauxcelles, Louis. "Le Salon d'Automne." Gil Blas
(November 7, 1913; special supp.).
Rome 1913
Rome Secession Exhibit
Rome: Summer, 1913.
Review: Cantu, Arnoldo. "La Secessione Romana." Vita d'Arte (July-
August 1913): 44-60 [cites Matisse and other young French artists as
the most interesting; singles out Matisse's Poissons Rouges for
discussion]; Cecchi, Emilio. "Esposizione romane. Impressionisti
Vienna 1913
Die Neue Kunst [Impressionist, Expressionist, Cubist, etc.}
Vienna: Galerie Miethke, January-February 1913. (One painting.)
Catalogue with preface by Adolphe Basler. Works by Monet, Van
Gogh, Cezanne, Marchand, Matisse, Picasso, Rappaport, and Melzer
Review: FischeI, Hartwig. "Aus dem viener Kunstleben." Kunst u.
Kunsthandwerk 2 (1913): 135-37.
Berlin 1914
Henri Matisse, Sammlung des Herrn Michel Stein in Paris
Berlin: Gurlitt Gallery, Mid-July-August I, 1914. (Nineteen paintings,
seized at the outbreak ofWorld War I.)
Brussels 1914
Salon Triennial
Brussels: May 1914. (Matisse sent Bonheurde vivre)
Review: Apollinaire, Guillaume. "French Exhibitions Abroad." Paris-
Journal (May 15, 1914); Review. Bulletin [de la Galerie Bernheim-
Jeune} 7 (May 14, 1914).
Düsseldorf 1914
Exhibition (collective)
Düsseldorf: Gallery Flechtheim, Late December 1913-January 1914.
(One painting, probably The Red Studio.) Traveled to Cologne:
Deutscher Werkbund, March-October 1914.
Munich 1914
Neue Kunst
Munich: Gallery Hans Goltz, Summer 1914. (Three paintings.)
Paris 1914
Matisse not in Salon des Independants nor Salon d'Automne.
Paris: Cercle Carre, March 23-early April, 1914.
Le Paysage du Midi
Paris: Bernheim-Jeune, June 8-16, 1914. (Two paintings by Matisse.)
Rome 1914
2nd Esposizione internazionale d'arte "della Secessione"
Rome: Spring 1914. [Canvases by Constantini, Oppo, Matisse,
Cezanne, etc.; sculpture by de Melli.]
Review: Cantu, Arnoldo. "La Seconda Secessione romana." Vita d'arte
(May 1914): 108-15; Cecchi, Emilio. "Note retrospettive de
esposizione." ll Marzocco (July 19, 1914); Review. Le Bulletin [de Ia
Galerie Bemheim-Jeune] I (January 29, 1914).
Review: "Art Notes." New York Evening Post (January 23, 1915);
Pach, Walter. "Why Matisse?" Century Mag. 89 (February 6, 1915):
633-36; "Matisse at Montross." American Art News (January 23,
1915); American Art News (February 13, 1915).
Oslo 1916
Den Franske Udstilling (Modem French Art)
Oslo: Kunstnerforbundet, November 18-December 10, 1916. (Five
paintings, ten drawings, ten etchings by Matisse; four paintings and six
drawings by Marguerite Matisse.)
Catalogue with texts by Jean Cocteau, Apollinaire, and Andre Salmon;
exhibit organized by Walther Halvorson who, with his wife Greta
Prozor, was a student of Matisse.
Paris 1916
La Triennale
Paris: Jeu de Paume, March 2-April 15, 1916. (Two drawings by
Review: Kahn, Gustave. "Arts." Mercure de France (March 1916): 321-
22; Vernay, Jacques. "La Trienna1e, exposition de l'art fran<;ais." Arts
(April 1916): 25-28.
Group Exhibition
Paris: Ga1erie des lndependants, June 13, 1916. (Derain, Dufy, Matisse,
and others).
Philadelphia 1916
Advanced Modem Art
Philadelphia: McClees Galleries, May 17-June 15, 1916. (Two
Winterthur 1916
Exposition d'artfranr;ais
Winterthur: Kunstverein, October 29-November 26, 1916; traveled to
Basel: Kunsthalle, January 10-February 4, 1917. (Three works.)
Catalogue with text by Theodore Duret.
Basel 1917
Exhibition d'art franr;ais
Basel: Kunsthalle Basel, January 10-February 4, 1917.
Frankfort 1917
Die Neue Kunst aus Frankfurter Privatbesitz
Frankfort: Kunstverein, 1917
Review: MUller-Wulkow, W. "Die Ausstellung der vereinigung fiir
Neue Kunst in Frankfurt a. Main." Das Kunstblatt (1917).
Group Show
New York: Bourgeois Galleries, November 11-December II, 1917.
Paris 1917
Exposition d'un groupe d'artistes independants
Paris: Galerie Goupil, April-June 1917. (One painting, drawings.)
Exposition Matisse
Paris: Gal erie Paul Guillaume, December 1917.
Review: L'Eventail, December 15, 1917.
Oslo 1918
Den Franske Udstilling (Corot aMatisse)
Oslo: Kunstnerforbundet, January 18-late February, 1918; traveled to
Helsinki: Franska Konstutstallningen; Stockholm: Exhibition of
French Art; Copenhagen: Danske Kunsthandel, January 16-February 2,
1919. (Eleven paintings, five drawings, and five monotypes by
Catalog with texts by Matisse on Renoir and Cezanne, by Theodore
Duret, and by Walther Halvorsen.
Paris 1918
Oeuvres de Matisse et de Picasso
Paris: Galerie Paul Guillaume, January 23-February 15, 1918. (Twelve
paintings and several watercolors and drawings by Matisse.)
Catalogue with essays by Guilluame Apollinaire.
Reviews: Bissiere, Roger. "Exposition Picasso-Matisse." Paris-Midi;
Chinet. Review. L'Eventail, March 15, 1918; Leblond, Marius-Ary.
"Les Derniers Matisse." La Vie 7 (January 1918): 32; Vauxcelles,
Louis. "Matisse et Picasso." Le Pays ( 1918).
London 1919
Modern French Art: Picasso, Matisse, De rain, Modigliani, Vlaminck
London: Mansard Gallery, August !-September 1919.
Catalogue preface by Arnold Bennett; show organized by Osbert and
Sacheverell Sitwell with Leopold Zborowski.
Paris 1919
Oeuvres recentes de Henri-Matisse
Paris: Galerie Bernheim-Jeune, May 2-16, 1919.
Small catalogue with thirty-six paintings listed; ten reproductions, no
Review: Cocteau, Jean. "Deformation professionelle." Le Rappel a
l'ordre (May 12, 1919), reprinted in Rappel d !'order, 1918-1926,
Paris: Stock, 1926; Hoppe, Ragnar. "My Visit with Matisse [June
1919]." Stader och Konstniirrer (1920); Lhote, Andre. "Une Exposition
Matisse." Nouvelle rev. franr;aise 70 (July 1919).
Salon d'Automne
Paris: Grand Palais des Champs-Elysees, November !-December 10,
Review: Allard, Roger. "Le Salon d'Automne: La Peinture." Nouveau
spectateur 1, 11-12 (October 25/ November 10, 1919): 5; Bouyer, R.
"Les Salons de 1919: le Salon d' Automne." Gaz. beaux-arts (October-
December 1919): 407-427; Hamel, Maurice. "Le Salon d'Automne."
Art et decoration (1919): 1-15; Sedeyn, Emile. "Le Salon d'Automne
II: Ia peinture et Ia sculpture." Art et decoration 36 (Fall 1919): 161-
172; [Unsigned.] Comoedia illustre (December 5, 1919).
Zurich 1919
Zurich: Galerie Bernheim-Jeune & Cie, June 25-August 20, 1919.
Anvers 1920
La Triennale d'Anvers
Anvers: Summer 1920.
Review: "Henri Matisse et Ia Triennale d'Anvers." Bull. de Ia vie
artistique (July 15, 1920): 462-64.
Barcelona 1920
Exposicio d'art frances d'avanguarda
Barcelona: Galerie Dalmau, October 26-November 15, 1920.
Copenhagen 1920
Matisse in the Tetzen-Lund and Sagen Collection
Copenhagen: Tetzen-Lund Apartment, early October (two days), 1920.
Before dividing the twenty works between the two collectors (originally
from the Sarah and Michael Stein collection).
Review: Petersen, Car V. "Henri Matisse--Den Steinske Samling hos
Tetzen-Lund." Politiken (October 2, 1920), in Danish.
London 1920
Paintings by Matisse
London: Carfax and Patterson, 1920.
Paintings by Matisse
New York: Marius De Zayas Gallery, December 6-25, 1920
Paris 1920
Exposition Henri Matisse
Paris: Galerie Bemheim-Jeune , October IS-November 6, 1920.
Invitation-catalogue with check-list of fifty-eight works, eighteen of
them reproduced; preface by C. Vildrac, "Exposition Henri Matisse,"
no. 754. Matisse's Mon Deuxieme Tableau [Still Life with Books} as
Vildrac also wrote the introduction for Matisse's Henri Matisse,
Cinquante Dessins, 1920, privately published on the occasion of this
exhibition and displayed in the book section of the Salon d' Automne of
1920, no. 257.
Review: Basler, Adolphe. "Die Junge Franzosische Malerei." Cicerone
12, 20 (October 1920): 740-752.
Salon d'Automne
Paris: Grand Palais, November 1920.
Review: Bri<;on, Etienne, "Salon d'Automne." Gaz. beaux-arts 62
(November 1920): 317-37; Grautoff, Oskar. "Von Hotel de Biron nach
Issy und Marly le Roi. Die franzosische Kunst seits 1914." Kunst u.
Kiinstler 19, 2 (November 1919): 43-59; Scheffler, K. "Wir und die
Franzosischen." Kunst u. Kiinstler 19, 4 (January 1921): 121-23;
Serruys, Yvonne. "Le Salon d'Automne ou I'ecole de discipline." La
Rev. Rhinane, Rheinische Blatter (December 1920): 112-115; [7
Venice 1920
XII Esposizione internazionale d'arte della Cittti di Venezia
Venice: May 8- October 31, 1920 (Two paintings by Matisse.)
Kurashiki 1921
The First Exhibition of French Contemporary Painting
Kurashiki, Japan, 1921.
Paris 1921
Salon d'Automne
Paris: Grand Pa1ais, 1921
Review: Escholier, Raymond. "Le Salon d'Automne." Art et decoration
(December 1921 ): 161-81.
Berlin 1922
Exhibition (works by Matisse, Pechstein, Camoin, Kokoschka,
Berlin, 1922.
Review: Glaser, Curt. "Berliner Ausstellungen." Kunstchronik u.
Kunstmarkt (January 6, 1922): 239-242.
Kurashiki 1922
The Second Exhibition of Contemporary French Painting
Kurashiki, Japan, 1922.
Paris 1922
Exposition Henri-Matisse
Paris: Galerie Bernheim-Jeune, February 23-March 15, 1922.
Accompanied by Charles Vildrac, Nice 1921--Seize reproductions
Salon d'Automne
Paris: Grand Palais, October-November 1922.
Reviews: George, Waldemar. "Salon d' Automne I." L'Amour de l'art
(October 1922): 305-317; Meriam, Jean. "A Travers le Salon
d' Automne." Art et les artistes (December 1922): 115-118 [Matisse
illus.]; Schneeberger, A. "Le Salon d' Automne." La Rev. de l'epoque
(December 1922): 84.
Paris 1923
Henri Matisse (Barnes Collection, recent purchases)
Paris: Paul Guillaume Gallery, January-February 1923.
Exposition Henri-Matisse
Paris: Galerie Bernheim-Jeune, April 16-30, 1923.
Review: Lhote, Andre. "Notes." Nouvelle rev.franraise (April, 1923);
Feuillet, Maurice. Review. Le Figaro artistique 8 (November 1923):
Philadelphia 1923
Exhibition of Contemporary Paintings and Sculpture (from Barnes
Philadelphia: The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, April 11-
May 9, 1923.
Copenhagen 1924
Henri Matisse Retrospective
Copenhagen: Ny-Carlsberg Glyptotek, September-November 1924;
traveled to Stockholm and Oslo.
Modest catalogue with thirteen reproductions; complete check-list of
Glasgow 1924
Works of Some of the Most Eminent French Painters of Today
Glasgow: The Galleries of Mr. Alex Reid, October 1924.
Leipzig 1924
Henri Matisse (or French painting)
Leipzig: Flechtheim Galerie, 1924.
London 1924
The CAS: Loan Exhibition of Modem Foreign Painting
London: Colnaghi's Galleries, June-July 1924.
Paris 1924
Collection Henri Aubry
Paris: Hotel Drouot, April 7 (exhibition and sale), 1924.
Baltimore 1925
An Exhibition of Modern French Art
Baltimore: Baltimore Museum of Art, January 9-February 1, 1925
Matisse Graphics
New York: Weyhe Galleries, 1925.
Paris 1925
Dessins d'Henri Matisse et aquarelles de P. Signac and d'H. E. Cross
Paris: Galerie Bemheim-Jeune, January 1-20, 1925.
La Triennale
Paris: Durand-Rue) Gallery, Summer 1925.
Vingt-Cinq Contemporains
Paris: Galerie Druet, Summer, 1925.
Paris: Pavilion-Studio des Editions Berheim-Jeune, April-mid-October
Salon d'Automne
Paris: Tuileries (Terrasse du bord de l'eau), September 26-November 2,
1925 (One work by Matisse.)
Review: Mauny, Jacques. "The Autumn Salon." The Arts 8,
(November 1925): 286-88, no. 633.
Zurich 1925
Gemiilde und Handzeichnungen
Zurich: G. and L. Bollag, March 31-April 3, 1925. (Exhibition and
lntemationale Kunstausstellung
Zurich: Kunsthaus Zurich, August 8-September 23, 1925.
London 1926
Opening Exhibition of the Modern Foreign Gallery
London: National Gallery Millbank, June-October 1926.
Paris 1926
Trente ans d'Art lndependant, 1884-1914, retrospective de La Societe des
Artistes Independants
Paris: Grand Palais, February 20-March 21, 1926.
Salon d'Automne
Paris: November 5-December 19, 1926. (One painting, Odalisque with
Glasgow 1927
Hamburg 1927
Europiiische Kunst der Gegenwart
Hamburg: Kunsthalle Hamburg, 1927.
Kyoto 1927
Exhibition of Western Paintings
Kyoto: Kyoto National Museum, 1927.
London 1927
Exhibition of Works by Henry Matisse
London: Alex Reid and Lefevre, June 1927
Paris 1927
Exposition Henri Matisse--dessins et lithographies
Paris: Galerie Bernheim-Jeune, January 24-February 4, 1927.
Salon d'Automne
Paris: Grand Palais des Champs-Elysees, November 4-December 16,
Pittsburgh 1927
Twenty-sixth International Exhibition of Paintings
Pittsburgh: Carnegie Institute Museum, October 13-December 4, 1927.
(Matisse wins first prize.)
Washington 1927
Leaders of French Art Today
Washington, D. C.: Phillips Memorial Galley, December 1927-
January 1928.
London 1928
Drawings, Etchings and Lithographs by Henri Matisse
London: The Leicester Galleries, January 1928. (One hundred works,
including sixteen drawings.)
Paris 1928
Collection du Docteur Soubies
Paris: Hotel Drouot, June 13-14, 1928 (Exhibition and sale).
L'Ecole de Paris
Paris: Salle Pleyel, Fall 1928.
Salon d'Automne
Paris: Grand Palais des Champs-Eiysees, November 4-December 16,
1928. (Matisse exhibits Still Life on Green Sideboard.)
Philadelphia 1928
The Inaugural Exhibition, Works from SamuelS. White Ill Collection
Philadelphia: The Philadelphia Museum of Art, March 1928.
No catalogue.
Tokyo 1928
Exhibition of Western Paintings
Tokyo: Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, 1928.
Venice 1928
XVI Biennale di Venezia, 1928
Venice: 1928. (Fourteen paintings, six bronzes, thirteen prints.)
Washington 1928
Tri-Unit Exhibition of Paintings and Sculpture
Washington, D.C.: Phillips Memorial Gallery, February-May 1928.
Cambridge 1929
French Painting of the 19th and 20th Centuries
Cambridge, Mass: Fogg Art Museum, March 6-April 6, 1929.
Cleveland 1929
French Art Since 1800
Cleveland: Cleveland Museum of Art, 1929.
Lucerne 1929
Peintures de !'ecole Jmpressionniste et Neo-Jmpressionniste
Lucerne, 1929.
Paris 1929
La Grande Peinture Contemporaine a La collection Paul Guillaume
Paris: Galerie Bernheim-Jeune, May 25-June 7, 1929. (Sixteen
paintings, two sculptures by Matisse.)
Catalogue and book by Waldemar George, La grande peinture
Baltimore 1930
Cone Collection of Modern Paintings and Sculpture
Baltimore: Baltimore Museum of Art, April 1930.
Berlin 1930
Henri Matisse
Berlin: Galerie Thannhauser, February IS-March 19, 1930. (Eighty-
three paintings, nineteen bronzes, fifty-four drawings.)
Catalogue with preface by Hans Purrmann; sixty-four of the 265 works
illus., no. 687.
Review: "Exposition." Cahiers d'art 5, 2 (1930): I 07 [photos of
installation]; "Ausstellung, Berlin," Deutsche Kunst u. Dekoration 66
(May 1930): 116; [FTD]. Review of Thannhauser Exhibit. Art News
28 (March 8, 1930): 6; Grossmann, R. "Matisse and Germany."
Formes 4 (April 1930): 4; Neugass, F. "Henri-Matisse." Art et artiste
20 (April 1930): 235-40; Neugass, F. "Henri-Matisse, for His Sixtieth
Birthday." Cahiers de Belgique (March 1930); Neugass, F. "Henri-
Matisse." L'Amour de !'art 24, 106 (April 1930): 240; Scheffler, K.
"Der sechzigjahrige Henri Matisse in der Galerie Thannhauser, Berlin."
Kunst u. Kiinstler 28 (April 1930): 287-90; Terkel-Deri, Flora.
"Exhibition, Thannhauser Galerie." Art News 28 (March 8, 1930): 6;
Wolfradt, W. "Henri Matisse: zur Ausstellung in der Galerie
Thannhauser; Berlin [with English summary]." Cicerone 22, 5 (March
1930): 129-32, supp. 18.
Bristol 1930
Contemporary French Painting, Sculpture, and Tapestries
Bristol: Association franc;aise d'expansion et d'echanges artistiques and
the Alliance franc;aise, June 1930.
Review: Wilenski, R. H. "Letter from England." Formes 7 (July
1930): 25.
Brussels 1930
Trente Ans de peinture fran~aise
Brussels: Galerie "Le Centaure" with George Petit Gallery, 1930.
Catalogue with preface by Paul Fierens.
Notice: Cahiers d'art 5, 5 (1930): 275-76.
London 1930
Modem French Masters
London: Arthur Tooth and Sons, April 2-May 3, 1930.
Paris 1930
Exposition de L'Art vivant
Paris: Galerie Pigalle, May 1930.
Pittsburgh 1930
29th International Exhibition of Painting
Pittsburgh: Carnegie Institute Museum, October 16-December 7, 1930.
(Matisse was a juror; three Matisse works in show.)
Review: "Carnegie Juror on Return." Art News 28 (March 8, 1939):
12, [note that Matisse will stop in New York [Ritz Carlton, March 4]
on way to Tahiti); "Philpot of London and Storrer of Austria to Serve
on Carnegie Jury." Art Digest 4 (Deptember 1930): 7, [Matisse
photo]; "Matisse Is Coming." Art Digest 4 (January 15, 1930): 18;
Watson, Forbes. "The Carnegie International." Arts 17: I (November
1930): 65-72; idem, 2 (December 1939): 167-71+; Art News 28
(January 25): 6, [note on Matisse's participation on Carnegie Jury;
response by Matisse to rumors that his "students" were returning to
tradition, no. 759].
Basel 1931
Henri-Matisse, Retrospective
Basel: Kunsthalle Basel, August 9-September 15,1931. (Ill oils,
sixteen sculptures, twenty-eight drawings, thirty-four lithos.)
Substantial catalogue: sixteen halftones, complete list of works shown;
text with passages from Matisse's "Notes of a Painter" (1908).
Boston 1931
The Collection of John T. Spaulding
Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, May 1931-0ctober 1932.
Columbus 1931
Inaugural Exhibition
Columbus, Ohio: Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts, January-February,
Since Cezanne
New York: Valentine Gallery, December 28-January 16, 1932.
Review: "Here Is an Answer to the American Attack on French
Modernism." Art Digest 6 (January I, 1932): 7.
Paris 1931
Henri-Matisse, Exposition organisee au profit de l'orphelinat des Arts
Paris: Galerie Georges Petit, June 16-July 25, 1931.
An elaborate book-sized catalogue with twenty-four quality halftones of
paintings and sculpture, embossed signature of artist on cover; intro. by
George Petit. Matisse exhibited 141 paintings, one sculpture; drawings
and prints not listed individually in catalogue.
Reviews: Berthelot, P. "Exposition." Beaux-Arts 9 (July 1931 ): 22-
23; Cheronnet, Louis. Chronique. Art et Decoration 60 (August 1931 ):
supp. 3: Ill; Cogniat, Raymond, ed. Matisse, Pour ou Contre?
Paris: Chronique du jour, 1931, articles by Fierens, George, Lhote, and
others; Fierens, P. "Exhibition, Georges Petit Galleries." Art News
29 (August 15, 1931 ): 20; "Matisse in Review at Georges Petit
Gallery." Art Digest 5 (August I, 1931 ): 17; McBride, H. "Matisse in
America." Art News 29 (August 15, 1931 ): 6, same art. in Creative
Art 9 (December 1931 ): 463-66 and Cahiers d'art 6, 5-6 ( 1931 ): 291-6;
McBride, H. "The Palette Knife." Creative Art 9 (October 1931 ): 269-
70; Nirdlinger, Virginia. 'The Matisse Way." Pamassus 3 (November
1931 ): 4-6; Salmon, Andre. "Letter from Paris." Apollo 14 (August
1931): 110-13; "Matisse Exhibit, Paris." Art News 29 (July II,
1931): 8.
Pittsburgh 1931
Exhibition of Twentieth Century Paintings from the Chester Dale
Pittsburgh: Carnegie Institute, May-June 1931.
Providence 1931
Henri Matisse
Providence, R. 1.: Rhode Island School of Design, 1931.
Stockholm 1931
Fransk Genombrottskonst Fran Nittonhundratalet
Stockholm: March 1931; traveled to Oslo, Goteborg, Copenhagen until
June 1931.
Amsterdam 1932
Ecole de Paris
Amsterdam: Stedelijk Museum, April 9-May 2, 1932.
Indianapolis 1932
Modern Masters from the Collection of Miss Lillie P. Bliss
Indianapolis: John Herron Art Institute, January 1-31, 1932.
New York: The Art Association, 1932.
New York: Reinhardt Gallery, January 1932.
Northampton 1932
Special Exhibition of Three Paintings
Northampton, Mass: Smith College Museum of Art, Winter 1932-33.
Paris 1932
Collection Charles Pacquement
Paris: Hotel Drouot, December I 0-12, 1932. (Exhibition and sale.)
Chicago 1933
A Century of Progress: Exhibition of Paintings and Sculpture
Chicago: The Art Institute of Chicago, November 20-January 20, 1933.
London 1933
Henry Matisse
London: Arthur Tooth and Sons, June 22-July 8, 1933.
Paris 1933
Collection Eugene Blot
Paris: Hotel Drouot, June 1-2, 1933. (Exhibition and sale.)
Philadelphia 1933
Baltimore 1934
Henri Matisse
Baltimore: Baltimore Museum of Art, Fall, 1934
On the occasion of the publication of The Cone Collection Catalogue--
Paintings, Drawings, Sculptures of the nNneteenth and Twentieth
Centuries, published by Etta Cone, no. 1287.
Review: "Baltimore Sees Fifty-Two Works by Henri Matisse." Art
Digest 8 (September 1934 ): 20.
Paris 1934
Braque, Matisse, Picasso
Paris: Durand-Rue! Galleries, Spring 1934.
Review: Eglington, L. Review. Art News 32 (March 17, 1934): 3-6.
Brussels 1935
Exposition intemationale d'art mode me
Brussels, 1935.
London 1935
Silver Jubilee Exhibition of Some of the Works Acquired by the CAS
London: The Tate Gallery, July-August 1935.
Paris 1935
Zurich 1935
Sammlung 1919-1935
Zurich: Kunsthaus Zurich, May 26-August II, 1935.
Belgrade 1936
Exposition de Ia peinture moderne franraise
Belgrade: Musee du Prince Paul, 1936.
Buffalo 1936
Matisse's Notre Dame in the Late Afternoon
Buffalo: Albright-Knox Gallery, October 1936.
Review: "Buffalo: the Analysis of a Matisse Canvas," Art News 35
(October 3, 1936): 18-19, no. 898.
Cleveland 1936
Cleveland Museum of Art Anniversary Exhibit
Cleveland: Cleveland Museum of Art, 1936.
London 1936
Drawings and Lithographs by Henri Matisse
London: Leicester Gallery, February 1936. (Fifty-two drawings.)
Review: Duthuit, Georges. "The Vitality of Henri Matisse," Listener
15, 371 (February 19, 1936): 342-4.
New York: Marie Harrimann Gallery, February 1936.
Review: Frankfurter, A. M. "Informal Work at the Marie Harrimann
Gallery." Art News 34 (February 22, 1936): 5+.
Matisse; Dance and Other Works on the Theme by Matisse and Others
New York: Pierre Matisse Gallery, late October 27-November 21,
Reviews: Breuning, M. "Exhibition, Pierre Matisse Gallery."
Parnassus 8 (November 1936): 24-26; Art Digest II, 3 (November I,
1936): 23; Davidson, Martha. "Matisse's Allegory of the Dance." Art
News 35 November 7, 1936): 13-14.
Paris 1936
Cent Ans de Theatre Music-Hall et Cirque
Paris: Galerie Bernheim-Jeune, 1936.
Chicago 1937
Modem Painters and Sculptors
Chicago: The Arts Club, March 30-April 19, 1937.
London 1937
Recent Works of Henri Matisse
London: Rosenberg and Helft, Ltd., July 5-31, 1937.
Catalogue with check-list of works; three reproductions, no text.
Lucerne 1937
Henri Matisse
Lucerne: Galerie Rosengart, 1937. (Recent paintings, thirty-four
Paris 1937
Les Maftres de !'art independant 1895-1937
Paris: Petit Palais, June 17-November 10, 1937.
Catalogue with preface by Raymond Escholier and text by A. Sarraut;
Matisse shows sixty-one paintings.
Reviews: Arland, Marcel. "Premier Regard sur )'exposition des Maltres
de I'Art Independant." Nouvelle rev. franr;aise (1937): 350-53;
Florisoone, M. Review. Beaux-arts (July 2, 1937): 8; Gillet, Louis.
"Trente ans de peinture au Petit Palais." Rev. deux mondes I 07 (July
15, 1937): 330-339; (August I, 1937): 562-584, no. 524.; Vauxcelles,
L. "Les Maltres de I'art independant au Petit Palais." Beaux-arts (July
2, 1937): 2.
Exhibition organized by Teriade, Zervos, and Kandinsky; catalogue.
Valenciennes 1937
Exposition d'art mode me
Valenciennes: Palais des Beaux Arts, April 8-May 9, 1937.
Winterthur 1937
Werke aus der Sammlung Dr. Arthur Hahnloser
Winterthur: Kunstmuseum, April 18-May 30, 1937.
Boston 1938
Boston: Boston Museum of Modern Art, October 19-November 11,
1938. (Twenty-four works by Picasso, fifteen by Matisse.)
Chicago 1938
Loan Exhibition of Modern Paintings and Drawings from Private
Collections in Chicago
Chicago: The Arts Club of Chicago, November 2-25, 1938.
Cleveland 1938
Twenty Oils by Matisse
Cleveland: Cleveland Museum of Art, November 10-December 18,
Reviews: Francis, H. S. "Twenty Oils by Henri Matisse." Cleveland
Mus. Bull. 25 (December 1938): 178.
London 1938
Bonnard, Braque, Henri-Matisse, Picasso, Rouault
London: Rosenberg and Helft, Ltd., March 16-April 14, 1938. (Three
1937 paintings by Matisse.)
Catalogue with check-list of works; no text.
Review: "Recent Works at Rosenberg and Helft's." Apollo 26
(August 1937): 109.
Oslo 1938
Matisse, Picasso, Braque, Laurens
Oslo: Kunstnernes Hus, January 10-February 2, 1938; traveled to
Copenhagen: Statens Museum for Kunst; Stockholm: Liljevach
Konsthall. (Thirty-one paintings from 1896 to 1937.)
Catalogue with preface by Walther Halvorson, no. 549; essay on
Matisse by Leo Swane.
Reviews: Blomberg, Erik. "Matisse med anledning av den stora
skandinaviska utstallningen." Konstrevy (1938): 2+; Halvorsen,
Walther. "Exposition Braque, Laurens, Matisse, Picasso a Oslo,
Stockholm, Copenhague." Cahiers d'art 12, 6-7 (1937): 218-30;
excerpts from Halvorsen's catalogue preface; "Henri Matisse." Tidskrift
for Kunst-industry 11 (October 1938): 182, no. 549; Matisse-Duthuit,
Marguerite. "The School of Paris at Oslo." XXe Siecle 4 (Christmas
1938): no page numbers.
Paris 1938
Exposition Henri-Matisse
Paris: Paul Rosenberg, October 24-November 12, 1938.
Invitation-catalogue with checklist of thirty works.
Review: "Exposition, Galerie Paul Rosenberg." Renaissance 21
(January 1939): 44, [four reproductions] Cahiers d'art 14, 1-4 (1938):
Toledo 1938
Influences in Development of Contemporary Painting
Toledo, Ohio: Toledo Mueum of Art, November 5-December II, 1938.
Amsterdam 1939
Parijsche Schilders
Amsterdam: Stedelijk Museum, February 25-April 10, 1939.
Boston 1939
The Sources of Modem Painting
Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, March 2-April 9, 1939.
Chicago 1939
Exhibition of Paintings by Henri Matisse
Chicago: The Arts Club of Chicago, March 13-April 18, 1939.
London 1939
Modem Paintings and Drawings, the Property of Walter Taylor, Esq.
London: Christie's, March 3, 1939. (Exhibition and sale.)
Lucerne 1939
Melbourne 1939
Melbourne Herald Exhibition
Melbourne, October 1939.
Moscow 1939
French Landscape, 19th and 20th Centuries
Moscow: Museum of Western Art, 1939.
Copenhagen 1940
Moderne Franske lllustrerede Boger, Kobberstiksamlingen
Copenhagen: Kongelige Kobberstiksamling, Statens Museum for
Kunst, 1940.
London 1940
The Montague Shearman Collection
London: The Redfern Gallery, April-May 1940.
Paris 1940
LaGuerre de 1914-1918 par quelques artistes: Segonzac, Moreau,
Forain, La Fresnaye, Naudin, George-Victor Hugo
Paris: Musee des Art Decoratif, 1940.
Baltimore 1941
A Century of Baltimore Collecting
Baltimore: Baltimore Museum of Art, 1941.
Chicago 1941
Masterpieces of French Art, Lent by the Museums and Collectors of
Chicago: The Art Institute of Chicago, April 10-May 20, 1941.
Les Fauves
New York: Marie Harrimann Gallery, October 20-November 22, 1941.
Catalogue with preface by R. Lebel; six works by Matisse.
Review: "Fauves reunited in a provocative New York Exhibit." Art
Digest 16 (November 1, 1941): 9.
Paris 1941
Henri Matisse. Dessins al'encre de chine,fusains (oeuvres recents)
Paris: Galerie Louis Carre, November 10-30, 1941. (At least thirty-
three drawings.)
Small four-page invitation-catalogue with reproductions of works from
the show; unsigned three-page introduction; no list of works.
The occasion for edition of a luxury volume of 30 reproductions
published by the gallery: Dessins par Matisse; statements by Matisse,
five hundred exemplars.
Review: Bazaine, J. "Dessins de Matisse et Duby." Nouvelle rev.
franraise, February 1942.
Portland 1941
Masterpieces of French Painting
Portland, Oregon: The Portland Museum of Art, 1941.
Washington 1941
The Functions of Color in Painting
Washington, D.C.: Phillips Memorial Gallery, February 16-March 23,
Baltimore 1942
Prints and Drawings by Matisse and Picasso from the Cone Collection
Baltimore: Baltimore Museum Print Alcoves, January 12-February 8,
Review: "Prints and Drawings by Matisse and Picasso." Baltimore
Mus. News 4 (January 1942): 8.
Selected maquettes from Poesies de Stephane Mallarme also shown.
Review: "Sculpture by a Painter's Hand." Baltimore Mus. News 5
(November 1942): 8.
London 1942
The Tate Gallery's Wartime Acquisitions
London: National Gallery, April-May, 1942.
Lyon 1942
Dessins fran~ais contemporains
Lyon: Jeune France, January 1942.
Paris 1942
Les Fauves, Peintures de 1903 a 1908
Paris: Galerie de France, June 13-July II, 1942.
Group show
Paris: Beaux-Arts, August 20, 1942.
Cannes 1943
Matisse, Bannard, Picabia
Cannes: Gal erie Serguy, April 10-30, 1943.
Chicago 1943
Twentieth Century French Paintings from the Chester Dale Collection
Chicago: The Art Insittute of Chicago, 1943.
Glasgow 1943
Spirit of France
Glasgow: Glasgow Art Gallery and Museum, 1943.
Paris 1943
Salon d'Automne
Paris: Palais des Beaux-Arts de Ia Ville de Paris, September 25-0ctober
31, 1943. (Exhibits four works.)
Albany 1944
Beauty and Is It Art?
Albany, New York: Albany Institute of History and Art, November 1-
30, 1944.
Buffalo 1944-45
French Paintings of the Twentieth Century
Buffalo: Albright Art Gallery, December 1-31, 1944; Cincinnati Art
Museum, January 18-February 18, 1945; Saint Louis: The City Art
Museum, March 8-April 17, 1945.
Edinburgh 1944
A Century of French Art
Edinburgh: National Gallery of Scotland, 1944.
New York: Kleemann Gallery, October 1944.
Review: "Odalisques at Kleeman Gallery." Art Digest 19 (October
15, 1944): 16; "Exhibition, Kleeman Galleries." Art News 43
(October 15, 1944): 26.
Paris 1944
Matisse, Bannard
Paris: May 26, 1944. (Exhibition and auction.)
Dayton 1945
The Little Show
Dayton, Ohio: Dayton Art Institute, March 2-31, 1945.
Glasgow 1945
The Mcinnes Collection
Glasgow: Glasgow Art Gallery and Museum, 1945.
Limoges 1945-46
Peintures du Musee National d'Art Mode me
Limoges: October-November 1945; Saint-Etienne: December 1945-
January 1946; Perpignan: February 1946; Toulouse: March-April 1946;
Bordeaux: May-June 1946; Amiens: July-August 1946; Lille:
September-October 1946.
London 1945
Exhibition of Paintings by Picasso and Matisse
London: Victoria and Albert Museum, December, 1945; traveled in
1946 to Birmingham, Glasgow, Amsterdam, and Brussels.
Brief catalogue essays by Christian Zervos, "Picasso," and Jean Cassou,
"La Pensee de Matisse," no. 424. The essays contrast Picasso's
Spanishness, his ability to image suffering and universalize it through
personal understanding with Matisse's French clarity of thought and
lucidity of line and color. (Thirty works by Matisse shown.)
Reviews: Cooper, Douglas. "Exhibition of Paintings at Victoria and
Albert Museum." Phoebus 1, I (1946): 45-46; "Picasso-Matisse Furor
at the Victoria and Albert Museum." Art News 45 (March I 946): 59;
"Exhibition, Victoria and Albert Museum." Museum Journal 45
(February 1946): I 98.
Paris 1945
Portraits franrais
Paris: Galerie Charpentier, 1945.
Stockholm 1945
Grace og Philip Sandbloms Samling
Stockholm: Stockholm Foreningen for Nutida Konst, 1945.
Brussels 1946
Vingt-quatre oeuvres de Henri Matisse
Brussels: Palais des Beaux-Arts, May 1946.
Catalogue with preface by Jean Cassou; series: Collection des Petits
Monographies d'Art Moderne, 6.
Cambridge 1946
French Painting Since 1870, Lent by Maurice Wertheim, Class of 1906
Cambridge: Fogg Art Museum, June !-September 7, 1946.
Lille 1946
Peintures de Musee National d'Art Modeme
Lille: Galerie Michon, September-October 1946.
London 1946
Acquisitions of the CAS
London: The Tate Gallery, September-October, 1946.
Paris 1946
Cent Chefs d'oeuvres des peintres de !'Ecole de Paris
Paris: Galerie Charpentier, February 27-March 24, 1946.
Review: "Exposition de peinture contemporaine: Ecole de Paris."
Labyrinthe (December 15, 1946): 5.
Salon d'Automne
Paris: Musee des Beaux-Arts de Ia Ville de Paris, October 4-November
10, 1946. (Three paintings.)
Review: Parrot, Louis. "Matisse au Salon d' Automne." Labyrinthe 13
(October 15, 1945): 1-4, [many reproductions].
Sainte Catherine (organized by the journal Ce Soir for the profit of the
Maison de Ia Midinette)
Paris: Palais de Chaillot, November 25, 1946.
Beautifully produced catalogue/book with original lithograph by
Matisse ; also Laurencin, Picasso, Christian Berard, Mourlot Freres;
texts by Elsa Triolet, Aragon, Eluard.
Prague 1946
French Modem Masters
Prague, 1946.
Amsterdam 1947
Picasso in the Stedelijk Museum; Matisse in the Stedelijk Museum
Amsterdam: Stedelijk Museum de Ia Ville, I947. (Twenty-four works
by Picasso, eighteen by Matisse.)
Small illustrated catalogue with checklist of works and illustrations; no
Avignon 1947
Deuxieme exposition de peintures et sculptures contemporaines
Avignon: Chapelle, Palais des Papes, June 27-Deptember 30, I947.
(Twelve works by Matisse.)
Review: La Bastie, A. "Picasso et Matisse: exposition dans Ia chapelle
du Palais des Papes d'Avignon." Arts (July II, I947): 1; and
"Avignon: I' exposition d'art contemporain du Palais des Papes." Arts de
France I7-18 (I947): 116-18.
Bern 1947
Quelques oeuvres des collections de la Ville de Paris
Bern: Kunstmuseum Bern, March 29-April 14; La Chaux de Fonds:
Musee des Beaux-Arts, April 16-24; Geneva: Musee Rath, April26-
May 4; Basel: Kunsthalle Basel, May 6-28, 1947; Zurich: Kunsthaus
Zurich, June 9-August 31, 1947.
Liege 1947
Henri Matisse, dessins
Paris: A.P.I.A.W., 1947. (Forty-nine drawings)
Catalogue with some works illustrated; Matisse's text, "L'Exactitude
n' est pas Ia verite" is published for the first time.
Paris 1947
Beautes de Provence
Paris: Galerie Charpentier, 1947.
L'lnjluence de Cezanne, oeuvres de 1903 1914
Paris: Galerie de France, January 14-February 15, 1947.
Salon d'Automne
Paris: October-November, 1947. (Four recent paintings by Matisse.)
Review: Cassou, Jean. "Matisse at the Salon." Art News 46
(November 1947): 50.
Philadelphia 1947
Masterpieces of Philadelphia Private Collections
Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1947.
Vienna 1947
Meister der Mode men Franzosischen Male rei
Vienna: Kunstgewerbemuseum, 1947.
Amherst 1948
An Exhibition at Amherst College
Amherst: May 16-29, 1948.
Avignon 1948
Troisieme exposition - Murales
Avignon: Palais des Papes, 1948.
Matisse's Petit Palais Dance mural shown for the first time since
London 1948
Ascher Panels Designed by Henri Matisse-Henry Moore
London: Lefebvre Galery, Fall1948.
First showing of Oceania, le ciel; Oceania, La mer.
Louisville 1948
Matisse Drawings
Louisville: J.B. Speed Art Museum, June 10-30; also shown in Beverly
Hills: Modern Institute of Arts, July IS-August S, 1948; San Francisco
Museum of Art, August 12-September 2, 1948; Minneapolis,
September IS-October 6, 1948; Washington, D. C.: Philips Gallery,
October 17- November 7, 1948; Chicago: Art Institute of Chicago,
November 21-December 12, 1948; Cincinnati: Modern Art Society,
December 20-1948-January I 0, 1949; Baltimore, January 23-February
13, 1949; Dayton, February 25-March 18, 1949; Cleveland, March 29-
April 24, 1949; and Cambridge, Mass., May 10-31, 1949. (Sixty
Paris 1948
La Femme 1800-1930
Paris: Galerie Bernheim-Jeune, April-June, 1948.
Dance et divertissements
Paris: Galerie Charpentier, December I 948-January 1949.
Matisse's Deux femmes assises avec un violin shown.
Philadelphia 1948
Henri Matisse, Retrospective Exhibition of Paintings, Drawings, and
Sculpture Organized in Collaboration with the Artist
Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art, April 3-May 9, 1948.
Aries 1949
Dessins et aquarelles du XXieme siecle
Aries: Musee Aeattu, April 15-August 31, 1949.
Avignon 1949
Quatrieme exposition - Murals
Avignon: Chapel, Palais des Papes, Summer through October 1949.
Review: Watt, Alexander. "Paris Commentary." Studio 138 (October
1949): 125-27, no. 760.
Baltimore 1949
Selections from the Cone Collection
Baltimore: Baltimore Museum of Art, October 1949
Thirty-two page catalogue with illustrations; special number of
Baltimore Mus. News 13, I (October 1949): 1-32. Texts by d' Arcy
Paul, George Boas, Adelyn D. Breeskin.
Cambridge 1949
Chicago 1949
20th Century Art from the Louise and Walter Arensberg Collection
Chicago: Art Institute of Chicago, October 20-December 18, 1949.
Dayton 1949
An Exhibition of Works by Matisse
Dayton, Ohio: Dayton Art Institute, February 24-March 16, 1949.
Detroit 1949
Masterpieces of Paintings from Detroit Private Collections
Detroit: The Detroit Institute of Arts, April 23-May 22, 1949.
Lucerne 1949
Henri Matisse Retrospective 1890-1946; Zehn Jahrhunderte
franzosischer Buch-Kunst
Lucerne: Musee des Beaux-Arts, July 3-0ctober 2, 1949. (Thirty-eight
bronzes, sixty drawings.)
Catalogue introduction by Jean Cassou, essay by Hanspeter Landolt,
no. 591. Twenty-four of the 308 works in the exhibit illustrated; no
Review: "Ausstellung, Kunstmuseum, Luzern." Werk 36 (September
1949): supp. 125.
Montreal 1949
Manet to Matisse
Montreal: The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, May 27-June 26, 1949.
Osaka 1949
Exhibition of Western Paintings
Osaka: Osaka Municipal Museum of Art, 1949.
Ottowa 1949
Forty-One Paintings from the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts
Ottawa: National Gallery of Canada, October 7-November 12, 1949.
Paris 1949
Henri Matisse, oeuvres recentes, 1947-1948.
Paris: Musee National d'Art Moderne, June-September 1949.
(Thirteen oils, twenty-two brush drawings, twenty-one decoupages, two
printed fabrics, two tapestries, two illustrated books.) First showing of
decoupages and Oceania panels in France, and first of Polynesia
tapestries anywhere.
Catalogue with preface by Jean Cassou, checklist of the works, black
and white reproductions, extracts from Jazz, "Letter to Henry Clifford"
by Matisse; pochoir cover in color of cut-paper designs.
Review: "Ausstellung, Musee d'Art Moderne, Paris." Werk 36
(August 1949): 12-13; "Exhibition of Work, 1947-1948." Studio 138
(October 1949): 125-27; "Latest Works at the Musee d'Art Moderne,
Paris." Art News 48 (June 1949): 19; "Les Oeuvres recentes,
Exposition du Musee d'Art Moderne." Art & Decoration 3 (1949): 55;
Watt, Alexander. "Paris Commentary." Studio 138 (October 1949):
125-27; Zervos, C. "A Propos de l'exposition Matisse au Musee d'Art
Moderne de Paris." Cahiers d'art 24 (1949): 159-70.
Pasadena 1949
French Painters' Show
Pasadena: Pasadena Art Institute, Autumn, 1949.
Winterthur 1949
Winterthurer Privatbesitz ll
Winterthur: Kunstmuseum, August 28-November 28, 1949.
Baltimore 1950
Cone Memorial Exhibition
Baltimore: Baltimore Museum of Art, January 13-March 5, 1950.
Bern 1950
Geneva 1950
Henri Matisse: eaux-forts
Geneva: Athenee, 1950.
Review: Werk 37, Supp. 91 (July 1950).
Milan 1950
Mostra di Matisse
Milan: Commune di Milano, November 1-21, 1950. (Thirty-four
paintings, eight lithographs.)
Small catalogue with introduction by Raymond Cogniat.
An Exhibition of Paintings
New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1950.
Nice 1950
Matisse a Nice, peintures, dessins, sculptures, tapisseries
Nice: Galerie des Ponchettes, January 26-March 19, 1950. (Thirty-eight
paintings, twenty-three drawings, five sculptures, two tapestries.)
Catalogue with texts by Georges Salles ("Matisse a Nice") and J.
Paris 1950
Salon de Mai
Paris: May 9-31, 1950.
Papier decoupe Zulma exhibited.
Philadelphia 1950
S. White, 3rd, Collection
Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1950.
Pomona 1950
Masters of Art from 1790-1950
Pomona: Los Angeles County Fair, September IS-October 1, 1950.
Venice 1950
XXV Biennale di Venezia
Venice, June 8-0ctober 15, 1950.
Matisse in Fauve Salon (thirty-two works), in French Salon (thirty-
nine works). He receives highest award of the Biennale.
Catalogue with intro. by Raymond Cogniat; preface by Roberto
Longhi, no. 1249.
Review: Dorival, Bernard. "Bonnard, Matisse, Utrillo." La Biennale
di Venezia I (July 1950): 18-21; Sutton, Denys. "Aspects of the
Venice Bienale, the Fauves." Burlington Mag. (September 1950): 263-
65, no. 1267.
Cincinnati 1951
History of an American, Alfred Stieglitz, 291 and After
Cincinnati: The Taft Museum, January 31-March 18, 1951.
Hamburg 1951
Henri Matisse, Gemiilde, Skulpturen, Handzeichnungen, Graphik
Hamburg: Kunsthalle, to February 1951; traveled to Dusseldorf, April
14-May 6, 1951; Munich.
Review: Rannit, Aleksis. "Ausstellung Henri Matisse, 1951."
Kunstwerk 5, 1 (1951): 53.
London 1951
L'Ecole de Paris 1900-1950
London: Royal Academy of Arts, 1951.
Marseilles 1951
Henri Matisse
Marseilles: Galerie Mouillot, December 7-29, 1951. (Twenty-eight
Small, eight-page catalogue with checklist and some high-quality
Sculpture by Painters
New York: Curt Valentin Gallery, November 20-December 15, 1951.
(Twelve sculptures by Matisse.)
Duchamp to Brancusi
New York: Sidney Janis Gallery, 1951.
Paris 1951
Salon des Artistes temoins de leur temps
Paris: Musee d'Art Modeme de Ia Ville de Paris, February 2-March 4,
Le Fauvisme
Paris: Musee National d'Art Moderne, June-September, 1951
Catalogue by G. Vienne, with preface by Jean Cassou.
Stockholm 1951-52
Henri Matisse, Themes et variations, Le Reve, LaChapelle
Stockholm: Konstsalongen Samlaren, December 31, 1951-January 31,
1952. (Thirty-two drawings.)
Catalogue with cut-out of Boxeur negre on the cover.
Strasbourg 1951
Dessins franr;ais
Strasbourg, April 1951.
Tokyo 1951
Albi 1952
De Toulouse-Lautrec aPicasso
Albi: Palais de Ia Berbie, July 5-September 30, 1952.
Amsterdam 1952
Honderd Meesterwerken, uit het National Museum voor Mode me Kunst
de Parijs/100 Chefs-d'oeuvre de Musee Nationale d'Art Modeme de
Amsterdam: Stedelijk Museum, February 25-AprillO, 1952;
Rotterdam: Museum Boymans van Beuningen, April 18-May 26, 1952;
Brussels: Palais du Beaux-Arts, May 31-July 14, 1952.
Baltimore 1952
Matisse Drawings (known only through article below)
Baltimore: Baltimore Museum of Art, 1952.
Review: "Accolade to Henri Matisse." Baltimore Mus. News 15 (June
I 952): I -3. "The large collection of over fifty of his drawings which
were on view last month .... "
Berlin 1952
Werke franzosischen Meister der Gegenwart
Berlin: Hochschule fiir Bildende Ktinste, September I 1-0ctober 12,
Dallas 1952
Some Businessmen Collect Contemporary Art
Dallas: Dallas Museum of Art, April 6-28, I 952.
Geneva 1952
Livres illustres. estampes, sculptures
Geneva: Gerald Cramer, November 1952.
Les Fauves
New York: Museum of Modern Art, October 8, 1952-January 4, 1953;
Ostende 1952
La Femme dans l'artfran~ais
Ostende: Kursaal, July 12-August 31, 1952.
Paris 1952
Peintres de portraits
Paris: Bernheim-Jeune, 1952.
Salon de Mai
Paris: Palais de New York, May 9-29, 1952.
Rabat 1952
Salon d'artfranrais au Maroc
Rabat: February 25-April 5, 1952; traveled to Casablanca.
Raleigh 1952
Matisse, lithographs, etchings, bronzes
Raleigh, North Carolina: Raleigh State Art Gallery, February 10-March
2, 1952
Rennes 1952
Le Fauvisme
Rennes: Musee des Beaux-Arts, April-May 1952.
Stockholm 1952
Henri Matisse
Stockholm: Galerie Blanche, September-October, 1952.
Small invitation-catalogue with checklist of works, all prints; self-
portrait of Matisse on cover.
Toulon 1952
Chefs-d'oeuvre des illustrateursfranrais contemporains
Toulohn: Salle des Expositions du Musee-Bibliotheque, November 2-
23, 1952.
Washington 1952-53
Twentieth Century French Paintings from the Chester Dale Collection
Washington: National Gallery of Art, November 22, 1952-December,
Annecy 1953-54
De Bonnard ii Picasso
Annecy: August 1-September 1, 1953; traveled to Macon, September 5-
0ctober 5; Valence, October 11-November 11; Marseille, November
IS-December 15; Cannes, December 20, 1953-January 31, 1954;
Ni'mes, February 6-25; Sete, March 7-27; Montauban, March 31-April
28; Limoges, April 30-May 30; Orleans, June 2-25; Bourges, June 27-
July 29; Blois, July 20-August 15; Boulogne, August 22-September
20; Rabat, November 4-13; Casablanca, November 21-30, 1954.
Basel 1953
Tableauxfran~ais: Bonnard, Degas, Gauguin, Matisse, Monet, Picasso,
Redon, Soutine, Utrillo, Vlaminck, and others.
Basel: Ga1erie Chateau d'Art, E. Beyeler, March 10-April 30, 1953.
Small catalogue with documentation, black and white illustrations.
Bern 1953
Europiiische Kunst aus Berner Privatbesitz
Bern: Kunsthalle Bern, July 31-September 20, 1953.
Biel 1953-54
Meisterwerke des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts
Biel: Stadtische Galerie Biel, 1953-54.
Brussels 1953
La Femme dans l'artfran~ais
Brussels, March 15-June 1, 1953
Copenhagen 1953
Henri Matisse: Sculpturer, Malerier, Farveklip
Copenhagen: Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, November 6-December 6, 1953;
travels to Oslo: Kunsternes Hus, February 20-March 7, 1954;
Rotterdam: Museum Boymans van Beuningen, April 16-June 8,1954;
Ottawa: National Gallery of Canada, 1954; and Houston: Museum of
Fine Arts, September IS-October 16, 1955. (Includes forty-five
sculptures, one hundred twenty-two drawings.)
Slim catalogue with checklist of works; preface by Haarvard Rostrup
and brief introduction by Jean Cassou. Common format but slight
differences in catalogues at each venue. Still Life with Shell ( 1940)
shown with eleven studies and two in-progress photos; The Dream with
seven studies and thirteen photos, Red Still Life with Magnolia with
sixty-eight studies and five photos.
Denver 1953
Origins and Trends of Contemporary Art
Denver: Denver Art Museum, January !!-February 15, 1953.
Fontainbleau 1953
Le Livre illustre en France au XXe siecle
Fontainbleau: Musee Nationale, June 20-July 31, 1953.
London 1953
An Exhibition of the Sculpture of Matisse and 3 Paintings with Studies
London: Tate Gallery, January 9-February 22, 1953. (Forty-eight
Catalogue with preface by Philip James and introduction by Jean
Cassou, no. 186.
Reviews: "Exhibition of Sculpture and Drawings at the Tate." Apollo
57 (February, 1953): 35; "Exhibition of Sculpture at the Tate." Arch.
Rev. 113 (March, 1953): 204; "Exhibition of Sculpture at the Tate
Gallery." Art News 52 (March 1953): 43+; "Matisse Sculpture at the
Tate Gallery." Studio 145 (April 1953): 141; "Painter with a Knife:
Exhibit of Sculpture at Tate gallery." Time 61 (January 16, 1953): 64;
Sylvester, David. "The Sculpture of Matisse." The Listener (January
19, 1953), no. 216.
Minneapolis 1953
Klee Drawings, Matisse Bronzes
Minneapolis: Minneapolis Institute of the Arts, July 7-September 7,
Review: "Klee Drawings and Matisse Bronzes Shown at the Institute."
Minneapolis Inst. Bull. 42 (May 30, 1953): 107.
Small elegant catalogue, all works reproduced, text reproduced from Barr
( 1951) chapters on sculpture; cover in color of drawing of 1942.
Reviews: "Matisse Bronzes at Curt Valentin Gallery." Art News 52
(March 1953): 40; "Matisse, sculptor; Exhibition at Valentin Gallery."
Art Digest 27 (February 15, 1953): 16.
Collector's Choice
New York: Paul Rosenberg and Co., March 17-April 18, 1953.
Osaka 1953
Exhibition of Western Paintings of the Ohara Collection
Osaka: Osaka Municipal Museum of Art, March 30-June 25, 1953;
traveled to Tokyo and Okagama.
Paris 1953
Les Peintres temoins de leur temps: Le Dimanche
Paris: Musee d'Art Moderne de Ia Ville de Paris, January 30-March 1,
Salon de Mai
Paris: Palais de New York, May 1953.
Richmond 1953
The Cone Collection
Richmond: The Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, 1953.
Chicago 1954
Twentieth Century Art Loaned by the Members
Chicago: Arts Club of Chicago, October 1-30, 1954.
Matisse's The Conservatory of 1938 shown.
Denver 1954
Ten Directions by Ten Artists
Denver: Denver Art Museum, January 7-February 14, 1954.
Edinburgh 1954
The Diaghilev Exhibition, An Exhibition Organized by the Arts
Council of Scotland
Edinburgh: College of Art, 1954; traveled to London: Forbes House.
Geneva 1954
Tresors des Collections Romandes
Geneva: Musee Rath, 1954.
Lausanne 1954
Lithographies de Matisse
Lausanne: Maurice Bride! and Nane Cailler, March 8-27, 1954.
Le Locle 1954
Chefs-d'oeuvre illustres de In litterature universelle d'Homere a
Le Locle, Switzerland: Musee des Beaux-Arts, September 11-17, 1954.
London 1954
Masterpieces from the Sao Paulo Museum of Art
London: The Tate Gallery, June 19-August 15, 1954.
Minneapoplis 1954
Matisse in Minneapolis
Paris 1954
Xe Salon de Mai
Paris: Musee Municipal d'Art Moderne, May 7-30, 1954.
Modest sixteen-page catalogue with Matisse's La Gerbe (1953) on the
cover (first showing of the work); short texts by Bernard Dorival and
Gaston Diehl and check list of works.
Philadelphia 1954
Gallatin Collection
Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1954.
Rotterdam 1954
Vier Euwen Stilleben in Frankrijkl La Nature mortefranr;ais du XVJ/e
siecle anos jours
Rotterdam: Museum Boymans van Beuningen, July tO-September 20,
Stockholm 1954
Tokyo 1954
Exhibition of Western Paintings in the Ohara Collection
Tokyo, 1954.
Aix-en-Provence 1955
Le Livre franr;ais
Aix-en-Provence, July 9-July 21, 1955.
Atlanta 1955
Painting School of France
Atlanta: Atlanta Art Assoc. Galleries; Birmingham Museum of Art,
Boston 1955
Matisse Bronzes and Drawings
Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, November 1-30, 1955. (Forty-six
sculptures, one hundred thirty-one drawings.)
Cambridge 1955
The Arts of Matisse: a Museum Course Exhibition
Cambridge, Mass.: Busch-Reisinger Museum, May 9-June 8, 1955.
Edinburgh 1955
French Paintings of the 19th and 20th Centuries
Edinburgh: Arts Council of Scotland, 1955.
Houston 1955
Matisse Sculptures, Paintings and Drawings
Houston: Houston Museum of Fine Arts, September 18-0ctober 16,
Jerusalem 1955
Collection Ayala and Sam Zacks, Twentieth Century French Art
Jerusalem: Bezalel National Museum, 1955; travels in 1956.
Marseille 1955
Premieres etapes de la peinture mode me
Marseille: Musee Cantini, March-May 1955.
Moscow 1955
French Art, Fifteenth to Twentieth Centuries
Moscow: Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, 1955; traveled to Leningrad:
Hermitage Museum, 1956.
Matisse, Etchings
New York: Museum of Modern Art, May 4-May 31, 1955.
Catalogue with text by William Lieberman.
Reviews: "Graphics: Exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art," Arts
30 (August 1956): 27; S. B. "Exhibition of Etchings and Dry Points
at the Museum of Modern Art," Art Digest 29 (May 15, 1955): 29.
An Exhibition of Paintings
New York: E. and A. Silberman Galleries, October 12-November I,
Matisse's Chasubles
New York: Museum of Modern Art, December 20, 1955-January 15,
Paris 1955
Salon d'Automne (Retrospective Henri Matisse)
Paris: Grand Pa1ais, November 1955.
Review: Alazard, Jean. "Deux peintres: Henri Matisse." Rev.
Mediterranean 15 (1955): 405-09.
Saint-Etienne 1955
Natures mortes de Gericault anos jours
Saint-Etienne: Musee d'Art et d'Industrie, April24-May 30, 1955.
Vienna 1955
Europtiische Kunst--Gestem und Heute
Vienna: Oesterreichisches Museum fiir Angewandte Kunst, June 6-July
6, 1955.
Basel 1956
Maftres de !'art mode me
Basel: Gal erie Beyeler, August -October, 1956.
Berlin 1956-57
120 Meisterwerke des Musee National d'Art Mode me
Berlin: Akademie der Ktinste, August 12-0ctober 2, 1956; Frankfurt:
SHidelsches Kunstinstitut, October 20-November 25, 1956;
Luxembourg: Musee de I'Etat, December 15, 1956-January 13, 1957;
Cardiff: National Museum of Wales, March 9-April4, 1957; London:
R. B. A. Galleries, April 13-May 18, 1957.
Brussels 1956
De Toulouse-Lautrec Chagall
Brussels: Palais des Beaux-Arts, March 3-April 22, 1956.
Livres illustres et estampes de Manet Dufy
Brussels: Bibliotheque Royale, May 25-June 16, 1952.
Cavaillon 1956
Les Chefs-d'oeuvre d'art modeme--Les peintres contemporains--Les
artistes regionaux amateurs
Cavaillon: Musee, November 10-18, 1956.
Cleveland 1956
The International Language
Cleveland: Cleveland Museum of Art, 1956.
Grenoble 1956
Dix ans de pe inture franr;aise, I 945-1955
Grenoble: Musee de Grenoble, July !-September 23, 1956.
Limoges 1956
La Peinture franr;aise de l'impressionnisme a nos jours
Limoges: Musee Municipal, January 15-March 15, 1956.
London 1956
The Bronze Reliefs Nu de dos by Matisse
London: Tate Gallery, 1956.
Milwaukee 1956
Still Life Exhibition
Milwaukee: Milwaukee Art Institute; traveled to Cincinnati:
Cincinnati Art Museum, 1956.
Montier 1956
Paris 1956
Henri Matisse, exposition retrospective
Paris: Musee National d'Art Moderne, July 28-November 18, 1956.
Catalogue with short introduction by Jean Cassou, "Henri Matisse,"
no. 426; black and white reproductions, but with the 106 works fully
documented with bibliography and exhibition record. Mourlot Freres
lithographed cut-out design by Matisse on the covers.
Reviews: Degand, Leon. "Matisse, un Genie?" Art d'aujourd'hui 2,
10 (November 1956): 28-31; "Deux grandes retrospectives a Paris:
Fernand Leger et Henri Matisse." XXe Siecle 8 (January 1957): 77;
Duthuit, Georges. "Material and Spiritual Worlds of Henri Matisse;
Retrospective at the Musee d'Art Moderne." Art News 55 (October
1956), no. 484: 22-25+; Gross, J. "Matisse Retrospective in Paris."
Burlington Mag. 98 (October 1956): 387; Humbert, Agnes. "Painter
Portland 1956
Paintings from the Collection of Walter P. Chrysler, Jr.
Portland: Portland Art Museum; Seattle Art Museum; San Francisco:
California Palace of the Legion of Honor; Los Angeles County
Museum of Art; The Minneapolis Institute of Arts; City Art Museum
of Saint Louis; Kansas City: Willam Rockhill Nelson Gallery of Art;
Detroit Institute of Arts; Boston: Museum of Fine Arts.
Prague 1956
Francouske umeni od Delacroix po soucasnot
Prague: Narodnf Galerie, January 20-end February 1956.
Toronto 1956
The Ayala and Sam Zacks Collection
Toronto: The Art Gallery of Toronto, September 11-0ctober 18, 1956;
Ottawa: The National Gallery of Canada; Winnipeg: The Winnipeg Art
Gallery; Minneapolis: The Walker Art Center; Vancouver: The
Vancouver Art Gallery.
Tournai 1956
Maltres de !'art contemporain
Tournai: Musee des Beaux Arts, 1956.
Valenciennes 1956
Cinquante chefs-d'oeuvre du Musee national d'art modeme
Valenciennes, April 14-June I; Dijon, July 2-August 25; Besan<;on,
September ]-October I; Strasbourg, October I 0-November 25; Reims,
December I, 1956-January 15, 1957.
Yverdon 1956
100 sculptures de peintres, de Daumier aPicasso
Yverdon: Hotel-de-ville, August 4-September 17, 1956; traveled to
Zurich: Kunsthaus, October 26-end November 1956.
Amsterdam 1957
Amsterdam: Stedelijk Museum, July 8-September 30, 1957.
Baltimore 1957
Cone Collection
Baltimore: Baltimore Museum of Art, February 23, 1957. (Opening of
new wing of museum.)
Review: Opening of the Cone Wing. Baltimore Mus. News 20, 3
(February, 1957): l-18. (Twelve pages of reproductions of the
Boston 1957
Twentieth Anniversary Exhibition
Boston: Institute of Contemporary Art, January 9-February l 0, 1957.
Casablanca 1957
Salon d'Automne marocain
Casablanca: November 14-December 20, 1957.
Geneva 1957
Art et travail
Geneva: Musee d'Art et d'Histoire, June 14-September 22, 1957.
Marseille 1957
Chefs-d'oeuvre contemporains, de Bonnard aN. de Stael
Marseille: Musee Cantini, June 21-July 21, 1957.
Paris 1957
Depuis Bannard
Paris: Musee National d'Art Moderne, March 23-Aprill957.
Pau 1957
Dessins de maitres modernes--Choix de dessins, aquarelles, gouaches
Pau: Musee des Beaux-Arts, June 21-September 1, 1957.
Recklinghausen 1957
Verkannte Kunst
Recklinghausen: Kunsthalle, Ruhrfestspiele, June 16-July 31, 1957.
Salisbury 1957
Panorama of European Painting, Rembrandt to Picasso
Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia: Rhodes National Gallery, July 16-
September 1, 1957.
Stockholm 1957
Henri Matisse, Apollon, Collection Theodor Ahrenberg; forty-three
Stockholm: Nationalmuseum, organized in collaboration with the
Association of Medical Students of Stockholm, September 4-23, 1957;
traveled to Lund: Skanska Museet, 1957; Helsinki: Helssingin
Taidehall, December 10, 1957-January 6, 1958; Liege: Musee des
Beaux-Arts, May 3-July 31, 1958; Zurich: Kunsthaus Zurich (with
supplements from private collections) and Gothenburg: Kunsthallen,
March 16-April 10, 1960; Copenhagen: Raadhus, Fredrickberg, March
18-Apri1 9, 1961. (Forty-three bronzes, twenty-four drawings.)
Soft-cover catalogue with color lithograph of Apollon on cover
introduction by Bo Wennberg; text in Swedish and French. Sculptures
numbered in parentheses to correspond with same works--from
Matisse's studio in Cimiez--exhibited at the Maison de Ia Pensee
Fran~aise in Paris, 1950.
Review: "Ur Matisse Anteckningar." Paletten 19, 2 (1958): 40-44.
Tours 1957
50 oeuvres d'artistes du XXe siecle
Tours: Musee des Beaux-Arts, July-September 1957.
Arnhem 1957
Intematioonale Beeldententoostelling in de open Lucht, soonsbeek '58
Arnhem: Staadtpark Soonsbeek, May 1958.
Basel 1958
Kunst & Naturfonn
Basel: Kunsthalle, September 20-0ctober 19, 1958.
Belgrade 1958
Savremena Francesko Slikarstvo
Belgrade: January; Zagreb, March 1958.
Brussels 1958
Geneva 1958
Henri Matisse, estampes, dessins, livres illustres, sculptures
Geneva: Galerie Cramer, February 18-March 18, 1958.
Houston 1958
The Human Image
Houston: The Museum of Fine Arts of Houston, 1958.
Liege 1958
Liege: Musee d'Art Wallon, July-September 1958.
Luxenburg 1958
Du neo-impressionnisme a nos jours
Luxemburg: Musee de l'Etat, November 15-December 14, 1958.
Metz 1958
Peinture en France, 1905-19/4
Metz: Musee, June-July 1958.
Paris 1958
Chefs d'oeuvre de Henri Matisse (au profit de l'entr'aide des travailleurs
Paris: Galerie Bernheim-Jeune, May 9-July, 1958. (Eighteen drawings.)
Catalogue with introduction by J. and H. Dauberville, interview with
Matisse, "Une Visite a Matisse en 1942." All contracts with
Bernheim-Jeune published here.
Reviews: "Matisse at the Galerie Bernheim-Jeune Dauberville." Apollo
68 (August 1958): 58; "Matisse Exhibitions at Bernheim-Jeune and
Berggruen." Arts Mag. 33 (November 1958): 15.
Recklinghausen 1958
SchOnheit aus der Hand, SchOnheit durch die Maschine
Recklinghausen: Kunsthalle, Ruhrfestspiele, June 14-July 27, 1958.
Reims 1958
Exposition de dessins contemporains
Reims, 1958; traveled to Bar-le-Duc; Brive-la-Gaillarde.
Rotterdam 1958
Van Clouet tot Matisse: Tentoonstelling van Franse Tekeningen uit
amerikanse collecties [De Clouet aMatisse; dessinsfranrais des
collections americains]
Rotterdam: Boymans Museum, July-September 1958; Paris: Musee de
l'Orangerie, October 1958-January 1959; New York: Metropolitan
Museum of Art, February 3-March 15, 1959.
Catalogue with introduction by Agnes Mongan.
Zurich 1958
Sammlung Emil G. Biihrle
Zurich: Kunsthaus Zurich, June ?-September 30, 1958; Berlin:
Nationalgalerie, Schlosses Charlottenburg, October 5-November 23,
1958. (Only one Matisse oil, an early view of Pont St.-Michel, in the
Atlanta 1959
Collector's First
Atlanta: Atlanta Art Association, February 18-March 1, 1959.
Charleroi 1959
De Maillol a nos }ours
Charleroi: Palais des Beaux-Arts, 1959; traveled to Ixelles: Musees des
Beaux-Arts; Tournai: Musee des Beaux-Arts; Luxemburg: Musee des
Cincinnati 1959
The Lehman Collection
Cincinnati: Cincinnati Art Museum, May 8-July 5, 1959.
Copenhagen 1959
Grace og Philip Sandbloms Samling
Copenhagen: Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, 1959.
Delaware 1959
Selections from the Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts
Delaware, Ohio: Ohio Wesleyan Unversity, November 13-December
13, 1959.
Geneva 1959
Le Livre illustre par Henri Matisse: dessins, documents
Geneva: Galerie Gerald Cramer, December 4, 1959-January 29, 1960.
(Twenty drawings.)
Small catalogue of an exhibition in the Gerald Cramer Gallery of
illustrated books and unusual prints from them, carefully documented
and reproduced in an edition of 1250.
Hamburg 1959
Kassel 1959
International Ausstellung: Documenta II
Kassel, July 11-0ctober 11, 1959.
Leningrad 1959
Western European Landscape Painting, Sixteenth to Twentieth
Leningrad: Hermitage Museum, 1959.
Catalogue in Russian.
Minneapolis 1959
Modern Illustrated Books from the Collection of Louis E. Stern
Minneapolis: Minneapolis Institute of Arts, April 1-May 3, 1959.
Miami 1959
Paintings and Sculpture from the Norton Gallery Collection
Miami, Fla.: Playhouse Gallery, January 12-24, 1959.
A Family Exhibit
New York: Knoedler Galleries, April6-23, 1959.
Paris 1959
De Gericault Matisse, chefs d'oeuvre fran~ais des collections suisses
Paris: Petit Palais, March-May, 1959.
Pau 1959
Le Dessin fran~ais de Signac aux abstraits
Pau: Musee des Beaux-Arts, 1959.
Recklinghausen 1959
Die Handschrift des Kiinstlers
Recklinghausen: Kusthalle, Ruhrfestspiele, May 23-July 5, 1958.
Zurich 1959
Henri Matisse, Das Plastiche Werk (Theodore Ahrenberg Collection)
Zurich: Kunsthaus Zurich, July 14-August 12, 1959. (Sixty-seven
bronzes, one wood sculpture, fifty-one drawings; one hundred ninety-
three works in all.)
Catalogue (separate from Swedish catalogue of 1957) with introduction
by Eduard Hiittinger, "Henri Matisse als Plastiker," no. 201, and essay
by Ulfe Linde, "Apollon," no. 787.
Aix-en-Provence 1960
Aix-en-Provence: Pavilion de Vendome, July 9-August 31, 1960.
(Twenty drawings, five bronzes, two tapestries, fifteen books, eight
gouaches decoupees from Jean Matisse collection, twenty-seven
Small catalogue with check list of works, short preface by J.-G.
Amsterdam 1960
Dix Artistes, trois etapes [Rodin, Monet, Van Gogh, Kandinsky,
Nolde, Bannard, Matisse, Mondrian, Malevitch, Klee]
Amsterdam: Stedelijk Museum, Spring, 1960; traveled to Otterlo:
Rijksmuseum Kroller-Miiller, June 30-September 19, 1960.
Review: Sandberg, W. "Dix Artistes, trois etapes." Oeil 69
(September 1960): 42-51.
Bern 1960-61
Teriade editeur, Revue Verve
Bern: Kornfeld und Klipstein, February 6-March 12, 1960.
Baltimore 1960
French Illustrated Books of the 19th and 20th Century
Baltimore: Baltimore Museum of Art, October 15, 1960-January 14,
Chicago 1960
Inaugural Exhibition
Chicago: The Art Gallery, November 18-December 23, 1960.
Dayton 1960
French Paintings 1789-1929 from the Collection of Walter P. Chrysler,
Dayton: Dayton Art Institute, March 25-May 22, 1960.
Dusseldorf 1960-61
Sammlung G. David Thompson, Pittsburgh/USA
Dusseldorf: Kunstmuseum DUsseldorf, December 14, 1960-January 29,
1961; The Hague: Gemeentemuseum, February 17-April9, 1961.
Goteborg 1960
London 1960
Forty-nine Bronzes by Matisse--Property of Mr. and Mrs. Theodor
Ahrenberg of Stockholm
London: Sotheby and Co., July 4-6, 1960. (Exhibition and sale.)
Catalogue of sale, July 7, 1960.
Nagoya 1960
Exhibition of Western Paintings of the Ohara Collection
Nagoya, 1969.
Nice 1960
Peintres a Nice et sur la Cote d'Azur, 1860-I960
Nice: Palais de Ia Mediterranee, July-September, 1960.
Paris 1960
Quimper 1960
Le Dessin franr;ais de Signac aux abstraits
Quimper, June I, I 960; travels to Pau, Rennes, Bourges, and Dijon.
Rotterdam 1960
Beeldententoonstelling floriade
Rotterdam: Musee Boymans van Beuningen, March 25-September 25,
Zurich 1960
G. David Thompson Collection: A us einer ameriknanischen
Privatsammlung, Pittsburgh
Zurich: Kunstmuseum Zurich, October IS-November 27, I960.
Review: Werk 49 (September 1962): 331-33 [note on the acquisition
two years later of the Backs 1-JV shown in the exhibit].
Albi 1961
Exposition Henri Matisse, peintures, dessins, gouaches, sculpteurs,
Albi, France: Musee Toulouse-Lautrec, Palais de Ia Berbie, July I I-
Sepember I 5, 1961. (Sixty-three bronzes, seventy-seven drawings, ten
cut-outs from Jean Matisse collection.)
Catalogue text by Jacques Lassaigne and twelve good photogravure
reproductions. Paintings and sculptures mainly from French museums
and the collection of Jean Matisse.
Bruges 1961
MeestelWerken van het Museum voor Moderne Kunst in Brussel
Bruges, 1961.
Modern Paintings and Sculptures from the Collection of Mr. and Mrs.
Adolphe A. Juviler
New York: Parke-Bernet Galleries, October 21-25, 1961. (Exhibit and
Paris 1961
Henri Matisse, les grands gouaches decoupes.
Paris: Musee des Arts Decoratifs, March 22-May 25, 1961.
Catalogue beautifully lithographed (Mourlot Freres), each of the forty-
six works is accompanied by any statement or text of Matisse on that
individual work and annotated (by Fran\=ois Mathey) with bibliography
and exhibition history. Introduction, "La Peinture sans limites," by
Jacques Lassaigne, no. 332.; high-quality photos of Matisse's studio
with cut-paper works in process.
Reviews: Frigerio, S. "Les grandes gouaches decoupes d'Henri
Matisse." Aujourd'hui 5 (May 1961 ): 36; Mellquist, J. "Paris:
Wolfsburg 1961
Franzosische Male rei von De Iacroix his Picasso
Wolfsburg: Wolkswagenwerke, 1961.
Grenoble 1962
Dessins de vingtieme siecle
Grenoble: Musee de Grenoble, Fall 1962.
Review: Kueny, G. "Dessins du XXe siecle au Musee de Grenoble."
Oeil 96 (December 1962): 67-68.
London 1962
Matisse and Modigliani Drawings
London: Hannover Gallery, March 21-Apri1 19, 1962.
Small elegant catalogue with six Matisse works reproduced; no text.
Primitives to Picasso
London: Royal Academy of Arts, Winter, 1962.
Marseille 1962
Gustave Moreau et ses eleves
Marseille: Musee Cantini, June 26-September 1, 1962. (Eight
drawings, one cutout).
Catalogue with preface by Jean Cassou.
New York: Finch College, 1962.
Ottawa 1962
European Paintings in Canadian Collections
Ottawa: National Gallery of Canada, February 9-March 4, 1962.
Paris 1962
Les Fauves
Paris: Galerie Charpentier, March 7-May 31, 1962.
Catalogue with short promotional preface by Raymond Nocenta; many
of the one hundred fifty works in the exhibit illustrated in black and
white; thirteen works by Matisse, including Luxe, calme et volupte.
Review: Lesore, H. "Paris Letter." Apollo 76 (May 1962): 526;
Veronese, Giulia. "I Fauves," Emporium 136 (July 1962): 196;
Brookner, Anita. "Les Fauves." Burlington Mag. 54 (May 1962): 221.
Paris: Galerie l'Oeil, May-June 1962.
Stockholm 1962
Dessins de Henri Matisse
Stockholm: Konstsalongen Samlaren, 1962.
Venice 1962
XXXI Venice Biennale lnternationale d'Arte
Venice: June 16-November 7, 1962.
Vienna 1962
Kunst von 1900 his heute
Vienna: Museum des XX. Jahrhunderts, September 21-November 4,
Warsaw 1962
Francuskie rysinki i tkaniny
Warsaw: Muzeum Narodowe, March 20; traveled to Cracow, May 1962.
Bombay 1963
Exhibition of Tapestries and Contemporary French Decorative Arts
Bombay: October 1, 1963; New Delhi: Lalit Kala Akadei; Calcutta;
Madras; Hyderabad: April 9, 1964.
Caen 1963
Exposition inaugurate
Caen: Maison de Ia Culture, 1963.
Miami 1963
Miami: Lowe Art Gallery, February 8-March 10, 1963.
Montreal 1963
La Peinture franraise contemporaine
Montreal: Musee des Beaux-Arts, October 3-November 3, 1963;
Quebec: Musee de Ia Province, November 18-December 15, 1963.
Nice 1963
Dation Matisse (inauguration of the museum)
Nice: Villa des Arenes, January 5, 1963.
Invitation with cut-paper lithographed on cover.
Review: Cooper, Douglas. "Matisse Museum." New Statesman &
Nation 65 (February 1963): 162.
Paris 1963
Deux cents aquarelles et dessins de Renoir ii Picasso
Paris: Galerie Romanet, November, 1963.
Catalogue with text by A. Romanet.
Philadelphia 1963
A World of Flowers
Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art, May 2-June 9, 1963.
Pittsburgh 1963
Works of Art from the Collection of The Museum of Modern Art
Pittsburgh: Museum of Art, Carnegie Institute, December 17, 1963-
February 1964.
Rotterdam 1963
Franse landschappen van Cezanne tot heden
Rotterdam: Museum Boymans van Beuningen, October 4-November
17, 1963.
Strasbourg 1963
La Grande aventure de l'art du XXe siecle
Strasbourg: Chateau des Rohan, June 8-September 15, 1963.
Stockholm 1963
Fran Bannard till vara dagar
Stockholm: Riksfobundet for bildande Konst, August-November 1963;
traveled to Humlebaek: Louisiana Museum, January 24-April 1964.
Washington 1963
Paintings from the Museum of Modern Art, New York
Washington, D.C.: National Gallery of Art, December 16, 1963-March
I, 1964 (extended to March 22).
Baltimore 1964
Art of the year 1914 at the Baltimore Museum of Art
Baltimore: Baltimore Museum of Art, Fall 1964.
Review: Lanes, J. "Survey of Art in the Year 1914 at Baltimore
Museum of Art." Burlington Mag. 106 (November 1964): 528.
Basel 1964
Bilanz--1nternationale Malerei seit 1959
Basel: Kunsthalle, June 20-August 23, 1964. (One cut-out.)
Bordeaux 1964
a a
La Femme !'artiste, de Bellini Picasso
Bordeaux: Musee des Beaux-Arts, May 22-September 20, 1964.
Ghent 1964
Figuratie-Defiguratie. De Menselijke figuur sedert Picasso
Ghent: Museum voor Schoone Kunsten, July-September, 1964.
Kassel 1964
Documenta Ill
Kassel: Alte Galerie, Museum Fredericianum und Orangerie, June 27-
0ctober 5, 1964. (Two Matisse cut-outs.)
Lausanne 1964
Chefs-d'oeuvre des collections suisses de Manet aPicasso
Lausanne: Palais de Beaulieu, May !-October 25, 1964.
London 1964
{ 19}54 I { 19]64 Painting and Sculpture of a Decade
London: Tate Gallery, April 20-June 28, 1964. (One cut-out.)
Nice 1964
Le Midi des peintres
Nice: Palais de Ia Mediterranee, February-March 1964.
Paris 1964
Oeuvres choisies de 1900 a nos }ours
Paris: Galerie Max Kaganovitch, 1964.
Saint-Etienne 1964
Cinquante ans de collage, papiers colles, assemblages; collages du
cubism anos jours
Saint-Etienne: Musee d'Art et d'Industrie, June 23- September 13,
1964. (One Matisse cut-out.)
Saint-Quentin 1964
Les eleves de !'Ecole La Tour
Saint-Quentin: Chambre de Commerce, 1964. (Sixteen drawings.)
Vancouver 1964
The Nude in Art
Vancouver: Vancouver Art Gallery, November 3-29, 1964. (Two oils,
Carmelina (1903) and Nude in Interior (1951 ), and a lithograph,
Odalisque with Bowl of Fruit, were exhibited.)
Review: Emery, Tony. "The Nude in Art." Canadian Art 95 (January/
February 1965): 39-47.
Berlin 1965
Von Delacroix bis Picasso, Ein Jahrhundertfranzosischen Malerei
Berlin: National Galerie, 1965.
Catalogue in German.
Brussels 1965
Detroit 1965
The JohnS. Newberry Collection
Detroit: Detroit Institute of Arts, October 13-November 14, 1965.
Duisburg 1965
Pariser Begegnungen, 1904-1914: Cafi du Dome. Academie Matisse,
Lehmbrucks Freundeskreis
Duisburg: Wilhelm-Lehmbriick-Museum der Stadt Duisburg, October
16-November 28, 1965.
Helsinki 1965
Henri Matisse, grafik, teckningar, plakat
Helsinki: Amos Andersonin Taidemuseo, April 25-May 16, 1965.
((Drawings, prints, poster.)
Small catalogue in Finnish and Danish, introduction by Hans Eklund.
Lisbon 1965
Un Siecle de peinturefranfaise, 1850-1950
Lisbon: Fondation Gulbenkian, 1965.
London 1965
XIX and XX Century French Paintings
London: Lefevre Gallery, October 14-November 13, 1965.
Montreal 1965
J. W. Morrice
Montreal: Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, September 30-0ctober 31;
Ottawa: National Gallery of Canada, November 12-December 5, 1966.
Paris 1965
La Cage aux Fauves du Salon d'Automne 1905
Paris: Ga1erie de Paris, October 12-November 6, 1965.
Catalogue preface by J. Cassou, text by Pierre Cabanne.
Philadelphia 1965
Peale Club Collectors Show
Philadelphia: Peale House Galleries, September 23-0ctober 31, 1965.
Pittsburgh 1965
The Seashore, Paintings of the 19th and 20th Centuries
Pittsburgh: Museum of Art, Carnegie Institute, October 22-December
5, 1965.
Tokyo 1965
Les Fauves
Tokyo: Takashimaya, September 7-26, 1965; Osaka: Takashimaya,
October 5-17, 1965; Fukuoka: Iwataya, October 26-31, 1965.
Bordeaux 1966
La Peinture fran<;aise, collections americaines
Bordeaux: Musee des Beaux Arts, 1966.
Brussels 1966
Art fran<;ais contemporain
Brussels: Palais des Beaux-Arts, September 16-November 13, 1966.
Cleveland 1966
Fifty Years of Modern Art, 1916-1966
Cleveland: Cleveland Museum of Art, 1966.
Hamburg 1966
Matisse und seine Freunde, Les Fauves
Hamburg: Hamburg Kunstverein, May 25-July 10, 1966; show from
Paris and Munich, with changes. (Twenty-one paintings by Matisse.)
Catalogue with introduction by Hans Platte, no. 1257.
Review: Whitfield, S. "Matisse and the Fauves at Hamburg."
Burlington Mag. 108 (August 1966): 439.
London 1966
Henri Matisse Lithographs
London: Redfern Gallery, January 1966.
Munich 1966
Der Franzosische Fauvismus und der Deutsche Friihexpressionismus
Munich: Haus der Kunst, March 26-May 15, 1966.
Paris 1966
Henri Matisse, dessins
Paris: Ga1erie Dina Vierny, January 25-February 25, 1966.
at each venue).
Well-illustrated, solid catalogue by Michel Hoog, with prefaces by
Bernard Dorival, no. 1214, and L. Reidemeister, no. 1259.
Soixante maitres de Montmartre Montparnasse de Renoir aChagall
(Modem Art Foundation Oscar Chez, Geneva)
Paris: Musee Galliera, 1966.
Catalogue by 0. Ghez, F. Daulte, and E. Gribaudo.
Sarasota 1966
Masterpieces from Montreal
Sarasota: The John and Mabel Ringling Museum of Art, January 10-
February 13, 1966; travels to Buffalo, Rochester, Raleigh,
Philadelphia, Columbus, Pittsburgh to April 30, 1966.
Thonon-les-Bains 1966
Chefs d'oeuvre du Musee National d'Art Mode me
Thonon-les-Bains: Maison de Ia Culture, June 4-19, 1966.
Tokyo 1966-67
Masterpieces of Modern Painting from the USSR National Museum of
Western Art
Tokyo: National Museum of Art, 1966; traveled to Kyoto, 1967.
Baltimore 1967
French Illustrated Books of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
Baltimore: Baltimore Museum of Art, October 15, 1967-January 14,
Bucharest 1967
Exposition de dessins et d'aquarelles en France depuis Matisse
Bucharest: March, 1967; traveled to Dublin: The Municipal Gallery,
June 3-21; Prague: Palac Kinskych, July 4-August 6; Bratislava:
Vystavna sien SSVU, August 15-end September; Budapest: Palais des
Expositions, September 30-0ctober 22, 1967.
Chicago 1967
Matisse Drawings
Chicago: Holland Gallery, November, I967.
Columbus 1967
Selections from The Baltimore Museum of Art Collection
Columbus: The Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts, November 10-
December 3, I967.
Copenhagen 1967
Hommage de !'art franr;ais, de Courbet ii Sou/ages, des sins franr;ais du
Musee du Louvre et du Cabinet des Estampes et du Musee National
d'Art Modeme, Paris.
Copenhagen: Kongelige Kobberstiksamling, Statens Museum for
Kunst, June 3-July 30, 1967.
London 1967
Henri Matisse, Drawings
London: Victor Waddington, April 21-May 27, I 967. (Thirty-seven
Catalogue, carefully produced with all works illustrated, with Matisse's
"A Painter's Notes on his Drawings," from Le Point 4, 21 (July 1939),
reprinted in French and English.
Reviews: Brett, Guy. "Matisse Drawings of Last Ten Years." London
Times (May I, 1967); Gordon, A. "Exhibitions in London."
Connoisseur I65 (July 1967): 186; Lucie-Smith, E. "Matisse drawings
at Victor Waddington." Studio I73 (May 1967): 252; Mullaly,
Terence. "Union of Heart and Hand in Matisse." Telegraph (April 24,
I 967); Mullins, Edwin. "Passion for Drawing." Sunday Telegraph
(April 23, 1967); Russell, John. "London, Matisse Drawings." Art
News 66 (Summer 1967): 60; idem, "Black and White Colorist."
London Sunday Times (April 23, 1967); Sutton, Denys. "Matisse the
Draughtman." Financial Times (April 26, 1967).
Moscow 1967
Masterpieces of French Painting, 19th and early 20th Centuries, from
the Collections of the Pushkin Museum of Fine Art
Moscow: Pushkin Museum, 1967; traveled to Kharkov in 1968.
Matisse Drawings
New York: Albert Loeb and Krugier Gallery, November 1967.
Small elegant folio-type catalogue, with Matisse's "Notes of a Painter
on His Drawing" in English and French.
Review: Art News 66 (January 1968): 15.
Paris 1967
Chefs-d'oeuvre des collections suisses de Manet a Picasso
Paris: Orangerie des Tuileries, 1967.
Catalogue by F. Daulte, texts by J. Chatelain, F. Daulte, and H.
Recklinghausen 1967
Zauber des Lichtes
Recklinghausen: Kunsthalle, Ruhrfestspiele, June 7-July 30, 1967.
Washington 1967
100 European Paintings and Drawings from the Collection of Mr. and
Mrs. Leigh B. Block
Washington: National Gallery of Art, May 4-June II, 1967; Los
Angeles: Los Angeles County Museum of Art, September 21-
November 2, 1967.
Wellesley 1967
Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Paintings in the Collection of
Doctor and Mrs. Harry Bakwin
Wellesley: Wellesley College Art Museum, 1967.
Baltimore 1968
From El Greco to Pollock: Early and Late Works
Baltimore: Museum of Art, 1968.
London 1968
Matisse, 1869-1954, A Retrospective Exhibition.
London: Hayward Gallery, July 11-September 8, 1968. (Eight
sculptures, ten cut-outs, paintings, and graphics.)
Catalogue by Lawrence Gowing, expanding the essay of the 1966
MoM A exhibition, no. 100.
Reviews: Burr, J. "Hymn of Hedonism: Art Council's Retrospective."
Apollo 88 (July 1968): 62; Gordon, A. "Hayward Gallery Opens with
a Large Retrospective of Matisse." Connoisseur 168 (July 1968): 186-
88; Gouk, A. "Apropos Some Recent Exhibits in London." Studio
176 (October 1968): 125; Melville, R. "Matisse." Arch. Rev. 144
(October 1968): 292-94, no. 645; Roberts, K. "Exhibit at New
Hayward Gallery." Burlington Mag. 110 (August 1968): 476; Russell,
Primitive to Picasso
New York: M. Knoedler and Co., December 2-21, 1968.
Stockholm 1968
Henri Matisse, "Apollon;" Pablo Picasso "Femme nu au rocking-
chair" (on exhibit before auction on January 31, 1968).
Stockholm: Svensk-Franska Konstgalleriet, January 1967.
Strasbourg 1968
L'Art en Europe autour de 1918
Strasbourg: A l'Ancienne Douane, May 8-September 15, 1968.
Washington 1968
Painting in France, 1900-1967
Washington: National Gallery of Art; Boston: Museum of Fine Arts;
The Art Institute of Chicago, San Francisco: M. H. de Young
Memorial Museum.
Basel 1969
Die Fauves
Basel: Galerie Beyeler, 1969.
Buffalo 1969
Works from the Hanley Collection at Canisius College
Buffalo: Canisius College, November 23-December 23, 1969;
Columbus: Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts, November 7-December 15,
Cairo 1969
La Peinture franr;aise du XXe siecle
Cairo: February; Teheran, March 15-Aprill5, 1969; Athens: Gal. d'Art
de !'Hotel Hilton, May 9-June 6; Ankara, Istanbul.
Geneva 1969
An Exhibition and Sale of Impressionist and Modern Art
Geneva: Christie's, November 6, 1969.
London 1969
Henri Matisse--Sculpture
London: Victor Waddington , June 12-July 12, 1969 (Sixteen bronzes
and eleven lithographs-- The Dance, put on stone in 1931132, printed in
Small, elegant catalogue on good stock with substantial essay by
William Tucker, no. 217; checklist and reproduction of all works
Malines 1969
Fauvismus in de Europese Kunst
Malines: Cultureel Centrum Burgmeester Antoon Spinoy, 1969.
Catalogue with preface by J. Leymarie, Em. Lanui, and D. Van Daile.
Montreal 1969
Portraits etfigures de France
Montreal: Musee des Beaux-Arts, December 1969-February 1970;
Quebec: Musee, March-April, 1970.
Moscow 1969
Matisse: Peintures Sculpture, Oeuvre Graphique, Lettres [Matiss.
Zhivopis, sku'ptura, grafika, pisma (Albom)]
Moscow: Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, March-June, 1969;
Leningrad: Hermitage, September-October, 1969. (Painting, sculpture,
prints, fifty-one drawings.) Anniversary exhibition of the artist's birth
in 1969.
An excellent well-illustrated catalogue by M. Alpatov, no. 47, in
Russian that includes twenty letters in French from Matisse to
Alexander Romm ( 1934-36) and to Morosov ( 1911-13), to
Tcherniowsky ( 1934 ), and the director of the Museum of Modern Art in
Paris 1969
Cent ans de peinture franfaise
Paris: Galerie Schmit, May 7-June 7, 1967.
Art et travail
Paris: Musee Galliera, October 25-November 30, 1969.
Prague 1969-70
Matisse [Ze sbirek sovetskych muzei]
Prague: National Gallery of Prague, Sternbersky Palace, December
1969-February 1970.
Small catalogue in black and white; short text.
Reviews: "Expoci6n Matisse en Ia Galeria Nacional de Praga." Goya
94 (January 1970): 263.
A La Rencontre de Matisse
Saint-Paul-de-Vence: Fondation Maeght, July-September, 1969 (sixty-
four drawings' six cutouts).
Important, beautifully produced catalogue with text by Aragon.
Review: Peppiatt, M. "South of France: exhibitions." Art Int. 13
(October 1969): 73+.
Strasbourg 1969
Les Ballets Russes de Serge Diaghilev, 1909-1929
Strasbourg: Ancienne Douane, May 15-September 15, 1969.
Toronto 1969
Henri Matisse Drawings
Toronto: The Gerald Morris Gallery, April 12-30, 1969.
Youngstown 1969
From the Collection of Ferdinand Howald
Youngstown: Butler Institue of American Art, March 2-30, 1969;
Columbus: Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts, October 10-December 31,
Review: Young, M. S. "Letter from Columbus, Ohio; Ferdinand
Howald, Art of the Collector." Apollo 90 (October 1969): 343.
Basel 1970
Collection Marie Cuttoli-Henri Laugier, Paris
Basel: Galerie Beyeler, October-November 1970.
Bordeaux 1970
Hommage aHenri Matisse
Bordeaux: Musee des Beaux Arts, May 2-September l, 1970. (Seven
Buffalo 1970
Chatillon 1970
Le Jardin de Matisse
Chatillon: Salle des Fetes, October 1970.
Simple catalogue with preface by Jean Moulin, poem by Aragon: "Le
Nouveau creve-coeur" (1947), with pullout print on coated stock of
Copenhagen 1970
Matisse. En Retrospektiv udstilling I Henri Matisse Plakaten
Copenhagen: Statens Museum for Kunst, October 10-November 29,
1970. (Twenty-one sculptures, sixteen drawings.)
Catalogue with introduction by Hanne Finsen, texts by Denys Sutton
and Pierre Soulages.
Darmstadt 1970
III. Intemationale der Zeichnung, Sonderausstellung Gustav Klimt-
Henri Matisse
Darmstadt: Mathildenhohe, August IS-November 11, 1970. (Eighty-
two drawings.)
Substantial catalogue with text on Matisse's drawings by Werner
Haftmann, no. 280.
Dusseldorf 1970
Buchgrafik des XX. Jahrhunderts
Dusseldorf: Kunstmuseum, February- April, 1970.
Geneva 1970
Henri Matisse, trente-huit lithographies, aquatints et eauxjortes
Geneva: Galerie Georges Moos, February 19-March 2S, 1970.
Small, elegant, fully illustrated catalogue with introductory essay by
Rainer Michael Mason.
London 1970
Henri Matisse, Forty Lithographs, Etchings and Aquatints
London: Lumley Cazalet, Ltd., April 23-May 30, 1970.
Munich 1970
L 'Expressionnisme europeen
Munich: Haus der Kunst, March 7-May 10; Paris: Musee National
d'Art Moderne, May 26-July 27, 1970.
Catalogue with texts by J. Leymarie, P. Vogt, and L. J. F.
Review: Descargues, P. "Matisse parmi les expressionistes."
Connaissance arts 220 (June 1970): I 00-7.
Les Fauves
New York: Sidney Janis Gallery, November 13-December 23, 1970.
Catalogue by Georges Duthuit and Robert Lebel.
Paris 1970
Chefs-d'oeuvre de Henri Matisse a!'occasion de son centenaire (au profit
de Ia Fondation des Journalistes)
Paris: Galerie Bernheim-Jeune, February 10-March 10, 1970. (Ten
drawings, among other works.)
Review: Dauriac, J. P. "Galerie Bernheim-Jeune, Paris: chefs-d'oeuvre
de Matisse a I' occasion de son centenaire." Pantheon 28 (May 1970):
Paris: Galerie Dina Vierny, Aprii23-June I, 1970. (Twenty-one
A luxury catalogue with excellent reproductions; letters to Dina Vierny
from Matisse reproduced; short introduction by Pierre Schneider.
Polly 1970
Henri Matisse, gravures et lithographies de 1900 a 1929
Pully: Maison Pullierane, September 3-0ctober 4, 1970.
Catalogue with introduction by Hans Hahnloser, "En visite chez Henri
Matisse," nos. 281 and 546, and an afterword by the curator-editor,
Margrit Hahnloser-Ingold, "Notes sur !'oeuvre graphique de Henri
Matisse," no. 281.
Saint-Paul-de-Vence 1970
A la rencontre de Pierre Reverdy et ses amis
Saint-Paul-de-Vence: Fondation Maeght, 1970.
Strasbourg 1970
L'Art en Europe en 1925
Strasbourg: Ancienne Douane, May 14-September 15, 1970.
Baltimore 1971
Matisse as a Draughtsman
Baltimore: Baltimore Museum of Art, January 12-February 21, 1971;
San Francisco: California Palace of the Legion of Honor, March 20-
May 9, 1971; Chicago: The Art Institute of Chicago, May 26-July 10,
1971. (Eighty drawings.)
Catalogue with quality reproductions and excellent text and
documentation by Victor Carlson; new edition, New York: Hacker Art
Books, 1982.
Reviews: Butler, J. T. "Matisse as a Draughtsman at the Baltimore
Museum of Art." Connoisseur 176 (April 1971 ): 289; Davis, F.
"Elegant Pen of Matisse." Country Life 150 (November 4, 1971 ):
1206; "Matisse as a Draughtsman at the Baltimore Museum of Art;
Exhibit." Art News 69 (January 1971 ): 8; "Matisse as a Draughtsman,
at the Baltimore Museum." Apollo 93 (February 1971): 141-42;
Werner, A. "Baltimore Museum of Art: Exhibition; Henri Matisse."
Pantheon 29 (May 1971): 252; Review. Arts Mag. 45 (February
1971): 50.
Beyreuth 1971
Henri Matisse
Beyreuth: Centre d'Art, May 1971.
Ceret 1971
Hommage a Aragon
Ceret: Musee d'Art Moderne de Ceret, July-September 1971.
Jerusalem 1971
Henri Matisse. Prints and Drawings from a Swiss Private Collection
Jerusalem: The Israel Museum, Barbara and Isidore M. Cohen Gallery,
Autumn 1971. (Seven drawings.)
London 1971
Henri Matisse, Ten Portrait Drawings of Paul Matisse
London: Thomas Gibson Fine Art Ltd, April 14-May 22, 1971.
Small catalogue with all portraits reproduced; letter from Paul Matisse
describing the session and how he had been influenced by his
grandfather, no. 631.
Paris 1971
Delacroix at le fauvisme
Paris: Musee Delacroix, May-November, 1970.
Saint-Paul-de-Vence 1971
Exposition de Rene Char
Saint-Paul-de-Vence: Fondation Maeght, 1971; Paris: Musee d'Art
Moderne de Ia Ville de Paris, 1971.
Tokyo 1971
One Hundred Masterpieces from the USSR Museums
Tokyo, 1971; traveled to Kyoto.
Zurich 1971
Henri Matisse, Twenty Important Paintings
Zurich: Marlborough Galerie, September-October 1971.
Catalogue with introduction by Franz Meyer, no. 1250; inauguration of
Marlborough Gallery in Zurich.
Review: Daval, J. L. "Marlborough et Matisse conquerent Ia Suisse."
Art Int. 15 (October 1971 ): 49-51; Moholy, L. Review. Burlington
Mag. 113 (November 1971): 682.
Chicago 1972
Henri Matisse, Master of Graphic Art, Woodcuts and Lithographs,
Chicago: R. S. Johnson International Galleries, Fall 1972.
Catalogue with short introduction by Johnson; forty-six illustrations.
Jerusalem 1972
Henri Matisse: Prints and Drawings
Jerusalem: Israel Museum, 1972.
Illustrated catalogue; many works from private collections.
Leningrad 1972
Art of the Portrait
Leningrad: Hermitage Museum, 1972.
Catalogue entitled Art of the Portrait: Ancient Egypt, Classical
Antiquities, The Orient, Western Europe. Leningrad, 1972. In Russian.
London 1972
Henri Matisse, Drawings 1919-1952
London: Victor Waddington, July 6-29, 1972. (Nineteen drawings.)
Small catalogue with all drawings reproduced.
Munich 1972
Les Cultures du monde et !'art moderne
Munich: Haus der Kunst, June IS-September 30, 1972.
Matisse Graphics
New York: Reiss-Cohen Gallery, September 1972.
Review: Hancock, M. "Reviews." Arts Mag. 42 (November 1972): 79.
Otterlo 1972
Van Gogh tot Picasso (From Van Gogh to Picasso: 19th and 20th
c. paintings and drawings from the Pushkin Museum in Moscow and
the Hermitage Museum in Leningrad)
Otterlo, Netherlands: Rijksmuseum Kroller-Mtiller, April 30-July, 16,
Catalogue with entries by E. B. Georgievskaya, Anna Barskaya, K. I.
Paris 1972
LXXXII/e exposition de La Societe des artistes independants I Fauves et
Paris: Grand Palais, April 6-16, 1972. (Matisse represented by his
program for Les Mamelles des Tiresias by Apollinaire of June 24,
1917; the linocut Grand Nu assis of 1906 is the illustration.)
Catalogue well illustrated with black and white reproductions; short
preface by Claude Roger-Marx.
Elsa Triolet
Paris: Bibliotheque Nationale, 1972.
Prague 1972
From Poussin to Picasso, from the Pushkin Museum
Prague: National Gallery, 1972.
Catalogue in Czech.
Strasbourg 1972
Occident-Orient: !'art mode me et !'art islamique
Strasbourg: L' Ancienne Douane, May-September 1972.
Catalogue with texts by N. Berk, Michel Hoog, and Joseph-Emile
Review: del Castillo, A. "Aduana de Estrasburgo [Occidente-Oriente]."
Goya 109 (July 1972): 27-8.
Toulouse 1972
Sculptures, dessins, gouaches, lithographies de Henri Matisse; Art
esquimau contemporain du Canada.
Toulouse: Musee des Augustins, November 17-December 15, 1972.
Catalogue with introduction by Denis Milhau.
Wolfenbiittel 1972
Henri Matisse
Wolfenbiittel: Herzog-August-Bibliothek, July 19-September 24, 1972.
Small illustrated catalogue.
Belgrade 1973-74
Exposition de peinture mode me franfaise
Belgrade: Galerie de I' Art Modeme, 1973; Sarajevo: Musee; Ljubljana:
Galerie d'Art Modeme; Zagreb: Galerie d'Art Modeme, 1974.
Chicago 1973
Twentieth Century Drawings from Chicago Collections
Chicago: Museum of Contemporary Art, September IS-November II,
1973. (Five drawings by Matisse.)
Geneva 1973
Un dessin, une peinture - un dessin, une sculpture
Geneva: Marie-Louise Jeanneret-Art Modeme, June 21-September 20,
Hempstead 1973
The Book Stripped Bare: A Survey of books by 20th c. Artists and
Hempstead, New York: September 17-0ctober 21, 1973.
London 1973
Ferdinand Howald, Avant-Garde Collector
London: Wildenstein and Co., June 20-July 21, 1973.
Henri Matisse
New York: Acquavella Galleries, November 2-December 1, 1973.
Review: Jacobus, John. "An Art of Chamber-Music Proportion." Art
News 72 (November 1973): 74-76; Review. Art and Artists 8
(September 1973): 31; Review. Arts Mag. 48 (November 1973) 68;
Review. Arts Canada 30 (December 1973): 204; Review. Apollo 99
(January 1974): 67; Review. Art Int. 17 (November 1973): 31.
Paris 1973
Tableaux de ma!tresfranr;ais 1900-1955
Paris: Galerie Schmit, May 16-June 16, 1973.
Sculptures de peintres
Paris: Musee Rodin, 1973.
Hommage aTeriade
Paris: Grand Palais, May 16-September 3, 1973.
First and only exhibition of original cut-outs for Jazz.
Tokyo 1973
Paris and Japan in the History of Modern Japanese Art
Tokyo: National Museum of Modern Art, September IS-November 4,
1973; traveled to Kyoto: National Museum of Modern Art, November
5-December 31.
Warsaw 1973
Maiarstwo Francuskie XVII-XX wiekowze zbiorow Ermitazu
[Exposition des maltres fran'tais, Hermitage]
Warsaw: Palais Zachentu, April4-28; Katowice, Musee Municipale,
May 3-15, 1973.
Winterthur 1973
Kiinstlerfreunde um Arthur und Hedy Hahnloser-Biihler
Winterthur: Kunstmuseum, September 23-November 11, 1974.
Zurich 1973
Henri Matisse, Graphik
Zurich: Galerie Kornfeld, March 16-May 11, 1973.
Small well-produced catalogue with fifty-four individual prints
reproduced; a suite of Dancers (6) and Sirenes (6) and a book not
reproduced. No text.
Albuquerque 1974
Florilege des Amours de Ronsard
Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Art Museum, 1974.
Catalogue is Bulletin of the University of New Mexico Art Museum,
no. 8, with essay by Garo Z. Antreasian.
Houston 1974
The collection of John A. and Audrey Jones Beck; Impressionist and
Post-Impressionist Paintings
Houston, Texas: Houston Museum of Fine Arts, 1974.
Catalogue by Thomas P. Lee for the first public showing of the Beck
Leningrad 1974
Anri Matiss, Novie Knigi [Henri Matisse, Livres Nouveaux]
Leningrad: Hermitage, April 18-May 16, 1974.
Small catalogue of seventy-two works, presented to the Hermitage by
Madames M. Duthuit and L. Delectorskaya, with extended text by Yu.
Russakov; completely documented check list of works, including Une
Fete en Cimmerie, Poesies Antillaises.
London 1974
Marseille 1974
/30 Dessins de Matisse
Marseille: Musee Cantini, June IS-September 15, 1974.
Compact, fully illustrated and documented catalogue; includes
Matisse's text, "Exactitude n'est pas Ia verite."
Review: Peppiat, M. "Images of Delight and Fertility: Musee Cantini."
Art News 73 (November 1974): 66+; Rigden, Geoff. "130 Drawings of
Matisse." One (UK) 6 (May-June 1975): 14-17; Review. Connoisseur
187 (September 1974): 62.
Montreal 1974
Henri Matisse, lithographs, aquatints, linoleum cuts
Montreal: Waddington Galleries, September 25, 1974.
Nice 1974
Henri Matisse-sculptures
Nice: Musee Matisse, July 19-September 29, 1974. (Sixty-eight
Well-illustrated and documented catalogue with short preface by Jean
Leymarie; other commentary by Colett Audibert and Henri Bernardi.
Okayama 1974
Gustave Moreau et ses eleves
Okayama: Magasin Teyaman, February 15-March 6, 1974; Hiroshima:
Magasin Teyaman, March 15-30; Tokyo: Magasin Tobu, April 6-23,
Osaka 1974
Exposition Les Fauves
Osaka: Galeries Seibu Takatsuki, November IS-December 8, 1974;
traveled to Tokyo and Kanazawa.
Catalogue Includes artists' biographies, a chronology, and a short essay
on Fauvism by Jean Melas Kyriazi. Introduction and scholarly notes by
Fran~ois Daulte in French and Japanese; all other textual material in
Japanese only. An article, "Reflections," by Matisse is simply a series
of quotations from the Apollinaire interview of 1908 and the Teriade
interview of 1929. Published by Yomiuri Shimbun Sha, which
organized the exhibition for the seventieth anniversary of the Salon
d'Automne of 1905.
Paris 1974
Dessins du Musee National d'Art Moderne, 1890-1945
Paris: Musee National d'Art Moderne, November 22, 1974-January 20,
1975. (Seven drawings.)
Maltres-graveurs contemporains
Paris: Galerie Berggruen et Cie., 1974.
Stockholm 1974
Henri Matisse
Stockholm: Moderna Museet, November 3, 1974-January 6, 1975
Catalogue by Nina Ohman; introduction by Ulf Linde.
Toronto 1974
Henri Matisse, An Exposition of Drawing and Sculpture
Toronto: David Mirvish Gallery, November 16-December 4, 1974. (Ten
Washington, D. C. 1974-75
Sculptors and Their Drawings; Selections from the Hirshom museum
and Sculpture Gaarden.
Washington, D. C.: Smithsonian Institute, Joseph H. Hirshorn
Museum, and Austin: Lyndon Baines Johnson Library, October 4,
1974-January 1975. Traveled to Middletown, Connecticut: Center for
the Arts Gallery, January 23-February 29 1975.
Small catalogue by Cynthia Jaffee McCabe, organiser of the show; one
sculpture and one related drawing by twelve artists.
Chicago 1975
Raiment for the Lord's Service: A Thousand Years of Western
Chicago: Art Institute of Chicago, November 15, 1975-January 18,
Grenoble 1975
Matisse au Musee de Grenoble
Grenoble: Musee de Peinture et de Sculpture, 1975.
Important scholarly catalogue by Dominique Fourcade, no. 89.
Hartford 1975
Kobe 1975
Collections des Musees de Nice et de Ia Cote d'Azur: Renoir, Matisse,
Kobe: Musee d'Art Moderne de Hyogo [Kobe Shimbunsha), April 12-
May 11, 1975; traveled to Utsunomiya: Musee des Beaux-Arts de
Tochigi; Sapporo: Galerie Tokyu; Nagoya: Oriental Nakamura;
Takamatsu: Centre Culture! de Ia Prefecture de Kagawa; Nara: Musee
des Beaux-Arts.
Catalogue (157 pages) with both black and white and color plates. Text
in French and Japanese.
London 1975
Matisse, Light and Colour in Line Drawing
London: Thomas Gibson Fine Art, Ltd., March 24-April 25, 1975.
Review: Forsyth, Susan. "Matisse." Arts Rev. 17, 13 (June 27,
1975): 375; Arch. Rev. 157 (June 1975): 361.
Review: Burr, James. "The Select Few." Apollo 101 (June 1975): 479-
80; Forsyth, Susan. "Matisse." Arts Rev. 17, 13 (June 27, 1975):
Hommage aTeriade
London: Royal Academy of the Arts, August 9-0ctober 12, 1975.
Catalogue by Michel Anthonioz; mostly illustrations from the editor's
Grands livres.
Paris 1975
Matisse, Dessins et Sculpture I tekeningen en sculpturen
Paris: Musee National d'Art Moderne, May 20-September 7, 1975;
Brussels: Palais des Beaux-Arts, September 27-0ctober 26, 1975
(Sixty-nine sculptures.)
Important catalogue with introduction by Dominique Bozo and
important text by Domingue Fourcade, "'Je crois qu'en dessinj'ai pu
dire que1que chose ... "', no. 230; with works fully documented and
Providence 1975
French Watercolors and Drawings from the Museum's Collections,
Providence, Rhode Island: Rhode Island School of Design, I 975.
Catalogue by Kermit Champa, published in Rhode Island School of
Design Museum Notes 61, 5 (April I 975): 9- I 76.
Recklinghausen 1975
Der Einzelne und die Masse
Recklinghausen: Kunsthalle, Ruhrfestspiele, May 22-July I 0, 1975.
Sochaux 1975
Trente-trois dessins du Musee National d'Art Modeme
Sochaux: Maison des Arts et Loisirs, May 22-June 22, 1975.
Sydney 1975
Modem Masters: Manet to Matisse
Sydney: Art Gallery of South Wales, April 11-May 11, 1975;
Melbourne: National Gallery of Victoria, May 26-June 23, 1975; New
York, Museum of Modern Art, August 4-September l, 1975.
Well-illustrated, substantial catalogue edited by William Lieberman.
Review: (In New York) Russell, John. New York Times (August 4,
1975): 15; Canaday, John. New York Times (August 17, 1975): sec.
2: I, 21.
Toronto 1975
The Fauves
Toronto: Art Gallery of Toronto, April 11-May 11, 1975.
Documented catalogue with text by Richard J. Wattenmaker, no. 1188.
Basel 1976
Autres Dimensions, collages, assemblages, reliefs . ..
Basel: Galerie Beyeler, June-September 1976.
Handsome catalogue with text by Andreas Franzke; excellent color
reproductions. In French and German.
Dresden 1976
Monet, Cezanne, Gauguin, Picasso und Matisse; Meisterwerken aus
dem Puschkin Museum, Moskau.
Dresden: Gemalde Galerie, 1976.
London 1976
Master Drawings and Prints
London: Agnew Gallery, Summer 1976. (Drawing: Coupe de raisin by
Review: Melville, Robert. "Gallery, Possibly Decadent." Arch. Rev.
159 (June 1976): 377-78.
Montreal 1976
Master Paintings from the Hermitage and the State Russian Museum
Montreal: Museum of Fine Arts, December 1976-January 1977.
Review: Bates, C. Artmagazine 8, 30 (December 1976-January 1977):
Beasts, Museum of Modern Art." Studio 192 (July 1976): 78-9; [San
Francisco venue] Werner, A. "The Life-Enhancing Work of Henri
Matisse." American Artist 40 (August 1976): 20-25+, no. 765.
Nice 1976
Collections des Musees de Nice et de Ia Cote d'Azur
Nice: Musee des Beaux-Arts Jules Cheret, Spring 1976.
Paris 1976
Techniques de Ia peinture, !'atelier du peintre
Paris: Musee du Louvre, June 3-November 8, 1977.
Catalogue with text by Pierre George! and Jeanne Baticle.
Review: Baticle, Jeannine. "L' Atelier du Peintre." Rev. du Louvre 26,
3 (1976): 225.
Berlin 1977
Tendenzen der Zwanzigerjahre, Neue Wirkichkeit: Surrealismus und
Neue Sachlichkeit
Berlin: Orangerie, Schloss Charlottenburg, August 14-0ctober 16,
Buffalo 1977
The School of Paris: Drawing in France (from the Museum of Modem
Buffalo: Albright-Knox Gallery, April 29-May 5, 1977; Saint Louis:
Art Museum, June 30-August 21, 1977; Seattle: Art Museum,
September 25- November 26, 1977.
Catalogue with introduction by William Lieberman; selection from
collection of MoMA drawings, 1904 to 1954.
Claremont 1977
Works on Paper 1900-1960: From Southern California Collections
Claremont, California: Montgomery Art Gallery, Pomona College,
September 18-November 3, 1977; traveled to San Francisco: M. H. de
Young Memorial Museum, November 11-December 31, 1977.
Catalogue by Frederick S. Wight.
Review: Stofflet-Santiago, M. Artweek 8, 44 (December 24, 1977): 1,
Dusseldorf 1977
Vom Licht zur Farbe: Nachimpressionistische Malerei zwischen 1886
und 1912.
Dusseldorf: Stiidtische Kunsthalle, May 27-July 10, 1977.
Substantial catalogue by J. Harten, Robert L. Herbert, and J.
Mathieson; an essay by Harten attempts to order and clarify the "isms"
included under the broad category of Post-Impressionism.
Leningrad 1977
New Acquisitions of the Hermitage 1966-77
Leningrad: Hermitage, 1977.
Catalogue in Russian.
London 1977-79
19th and 20th Century Drawings and Prints from the Courtauld
London: Arts Council of Great Britain, traveled to various British
Munich 1977
Exempla 77: le culte et ses objets I Handwerk messe.
Munich: March-Aprill 1977; Paris: Chapelle de Ia Sorbonne, May 10-
August 31, 1977.
Paris 1977
Musee National d'Art Mode me--Acquisitions du Cabinet d'Art
Graphique, I97I-I976
Paris: Musee National d'Art Modeme, January 31-March 28, 1977.
Apollinaire aujourd'hui
Paris: Musee National d'Art Moderne, February 1977.
Paris-New York
Paris: Musee National d'Art Moderne, June !-September 19, 1977, repr.
Important, lavishly produced scholarly catalogue; includes two essays
by Helene Seckel: "27, rue de Fluerus, 58, rue Madame: Les Stein a
Paris," no. 1341, and "L'Academie Matisse," no. 728.
Washington 1977-78
The Paper Cut-Outs of Henri Matisse
Washington D. C.: National Gallery of Art, September 10-0ctober 23,
1977; Detroit: Detroit Institute of Art, November 23-January 8, 1978;
Saint Louis: Saint Louis Art Museum, January 29-March 12, 1978.
Exceptional catalogue with essays by Jack Cowart, John Hallmark
Neff, Jack Ram, Dominique Fourcade; each exhibited work reproduced
with scholarly entries (bibliography, history, etc.), no. 307.
Review: Baker, Kenneth. Artforum 16, 5 (January 1978): 60-3;
Cowart, J. Saint Louis Art Museum Bulletin 14, 1 (January-March
1978): 2-5; Forgey, B. "The Matisse Cut-Outs," Art News 76, 10
(December 1977): 66-9; Harris, J. New Art Examiner 5, 6 (March
1978): 12; Hudson, A. Artmagazine 9, 36 (December 1977-January
1978): 12-17; Kramer, Hilton. New York Times (September 9, 1977):
Austin 1978
The Color of Color
Austin, Texas: University of Texas College of Fine Arts, 1978.
Basel 1978
Petits Formats
Basel: Ga1erie Beye1er, May-July 1978.
Bielefeld 1978
Graphik des 20. Jahrhunderts aus eigenem Besitz
Bielefeld: Kunsthalle, 1978.
Show organized and catalogue edited by Erich Franz; some prints by
Matisse included.
Bordeaux 1978
La Nature morte de Breughel aSoutine
Bordeaux: Galerie des Beaux-Arts, May 5-September I, 1978.
London 1978
An Important Exhibition of Works by Henri Matisse
London: Marlborough Fine Art, Ltd., June-July, 1978.
Catalogue with notes by Nicholas Wadley.
Review: Denvir, Bernard. "La Dolce Vita." Art and Artists 13, 4
(August 1978): 12-17, no. 464; Review. "Marlborough Fine Arts." Art
Int. 226 (Summer 1978): 40-2; Mullaly, Terence. Apollo 108 (August
1978): 131-2.
Les Fauves
London: Lefevre Gallery, November I6-December 21, 1978.
Paris 1978
Tableaux des maitres et des peintres contemporains
Paris: Galerie Tamenaga, October 18-November 10, 1978.
Rome 1978
Henri Matisse
Rome: Villa Medici and Academie de France, November 24, 1978-
January 28, 1979.
Catalogue with short essays by G. C. Argan, J. Leymarie, and texts by
Matisse; works exhibited are well illustrated and documented. Texts in
Italian, French, and English.
Reviews: Daix, Pierre. "Matisse a Rome: Exposition." Gaz. beaux-arts
6, 93 (March 1979): supp. 13-14; Turner, G. "Villa Medici, Rome;
Exhibit." Connoisseur 200 (February 1979): 152; "Villa Medici,
Rom a; exposici6n." Goya 155 (March-April 1980): 315-16; Domus
Int. 592 (March 1979): 48.
Saint-Tropez 1978
D'un Espace a!'autre: La Fenetre
Saint-Tropez: Musee de I'Annonciade, June 15-September 15, 1978.
Catalogue with important essays by Jean Laude (no. 902), Pierre
Schneider no. 718), Alain Mousseigne, et al. All works reproduced and
fully documented.
Baltimore 1979
Master Drawings and Watercolors of the Nineteenth and Twentieth
Baltimore: Baltimore Museum of Art, August 1979.
Catalogue by Victor I. Carlson, with entries by Carol Hynning Smith.
Works from the Museum's collection.
Bern 1979
Skulptur: Matisse, Giacometti, Judd, Flavin, Andre, Long
Bern: Kunsthalle, August 17-September 23, 1979.
Exhibition contrasts sculpors of two generations. Catalogue by
Marianne Schmidt-Meischer and Johann Gachnang.
Review: Pohlen, A. Kunstforum Int. 5 (1979): 198-9.
Buffalo 1979
Huntington 1979
Henri Matisse: Jaz:z and Other Illustrated Books
Huntington, New York: Hecksher Museum, January 12-February 18,
Small catalogue with introduction by Katherine Lochridge and essay by
Ellen B. Hirshland. Other books included Poesies de Stephane
Mallarme, Jaz:z, Repli, Charles d'Orleans, Apollinaire; maquettes for
Verve IV, 13; ibid., VI, 21-22.
Kyoto 1979
French Painting of the late 19th and 20th Centuries from the
collections of the Hermitage, Leningrad, and the Pushkin Museum of
Fine Arts, Moscow.
Kyoto: 1979; traveled to Tokyo and Kamakura.
Leningrad 1979
New Acquisitions of the Hermitage 1978-79
Leningrad, Hermitage, 1979.
Catalogue: Monuments of Culture and Art Acquired by the Hermitage
in 1978-79, in Russian.
London 1979
Important Impressionist and Modern Paintings and Drawings
London: Sotheby's, April 1-2, 1979. (Exhibition and sale.)
Nice 1979
Henri Matisse, acquisitions recentes
Nice: Musee Matisse, November 1979.
Reviews: "Musee Matisse, Nice; exposition," Art Int. 23 (October
1979): 44-45; "Musee Matisse, Nice; Exposition," L'Oeil 292
(November 1979): 67.
Paris 1979
L'Oeil ecoute de Gaeton Picon
Paris: Musee National d'Art Moderne, April 18-June 18, 1979.
Paris-Moscou /900-1930
Paris: Musee National d'Art Moderne, 1979.
Important, lavishly illustrated, documented catalogue, includes an
introduction by Jean-Hubert Martin and Carole Naggar that deals with,
among other things, Matisse's role in the Paris-Moscow dialogue, no.
Paris: Musee National d'Art Moderne, 1979. (Traveling exhibition.)
Pontoise 1979-1980
Aquarelles et dessins du Musee de Pontoise (acquisitions et dons
Pontoise: Musee Tavet Delacour, Pontoise, December 1, 1979-January
31, 1980.
Catalogue by Isabelle Julia and Edda Maillet, with preface by Victor
Beyer; thirty-two artists represented.
Review: "Aquarelles et dessins du Musee de Pontoise, acquisitions et
dons recents." Oeil 293 (December 1979): 88.
Washington, D. C. 1979
Matisse Prints
Washington, D. C.: Horn Gallery, May 1979.
Review: Perlmutter, J. Art Voices South 2, 3 (May-June 79): 49-52.
Basel 1980
Matisse, huiles, gouaches decoupees, dessins, sculptures
Basel: Galerie Beyeler, June-September, 1980; traveled to Madrid:
Fundaci6n Juan March, October-December 1980.
Handsome, carefully produced catalogue with excellent color plates; no
text but selected quotations by Matisse. Catalogue for Madrid venue in
Spanish, Matisse: Oleos, dibujos, gouaches decoupees, esculturas y
Review: [Madrid venue] Figuerola-Ferretti, L., Goya (July-August
1980): 39-40; Power, K. Arts Rev. 32, 23 (November 21, 1980): 533.
Berlin 1980
Hommage a Teriade--buchillustrationen aus Frankreich
Berlin: Akademie der Kiinste, February 15-March 16, 1980.
Catalogue by Ute Schuffenhauer, Inge Zimmermann, and Horst Jorg
Chicago 1980
Dallas 1980
Livres d'artiste by Braque, Matisse, and Picasso from the Collection of
the Bridewell Library
Dallas, Texas: Southern Methodist University Pollock Galleries, March
4-April 11, 1980.
Small catalogue prepared by William Jordan and Decher Turner.
Ghent 1980
Henri Matisse en de Hedendaagse Franse Kunst: Vautier, Burri, de
Saint- Phalle, Cadere, Hantai; Jacquet, Klein, Messager, Pages,
Raysse, Rutault, Toroni, Viallat
Ghent: Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst, October 7-November 20,
1980. Illustrated catalogue in Dutch, French, and German, by C.
Millet, foreword by Jan Hoet.
Leningrad 1980
Henri Matisse, L'Art du livre, collection de !'Hermitage (Anri Matiss,
lskusstvo Knigi )
Leningrad: Hermitage Museum, 1980.
Carefully produced, illustrated and documented catalogue of modest
format, with extended text by Yu. Rusakov. Color illustration of Icarus
on cover, no. 252.
London 1980
Important XIX and XX Century Paintings and Drawings
London: Lefevre Gallery, November 6-December 19, 1980.
Minneappolis 1980
French Book Illustrators 1925-1980
Minneapolis: Minneapolis Institute of the Arts, February 7-April27,
Montauban 1980
Ingres et sa posterite jusqu'a Matisse et Picasso
Montauban: Musee Ingres, June 28-September 7, 1980.
Montpellier 1980
De Raphael a Matisse: 100 des sins du Musee Fabre
Montpellier: Musee Fabre, July-September 1980.
Catalogue with all works illustrated.
Munster 1980
Reliefs: Formprobleme zwischen Mae rei und Skulptur im 20.
Munster: Westfalisches Landesmuseum ftir Kunst und Kulturgeschichte;
travels to Zurich: Kunsthaus, 1981.
Lavishly illustrated catalogue with text by Ernst Gerhard Guse; 206
works in full survey of modern relief sculpture.
Review: Mai, E. Pantheon 38, 4 (October-December 1980): 324-26;
Bauermeister. Kunstwerk 33, 4 (1980): 81-82.
Paris 1980
Rene Char, manuscrits enlumines par des peintres du XXe siecle
Paris: Bibliotheque Nationale, January 16-March 30, 1980.
Catalogue by Antoine Coron; checklist of works by Char illustrated or
decorated by artists.
Matisse, dessins
Paris: Galerie Dina Vierny, May 28-July 20, 1980
Handsomely produced catalogue with short texts by Pierre Schneider and
Dina Vierny.
Bielefeld 1981
Henri Matisse, Das Goldene Zeitalter
Bielefeld: Kunsthalle, October 18-December 13, 1981. (Includes fifty-
five drawings.)
Lavishly produced catalogue with important essays by Hans Joachim
Mahl, Ulrich Weisner, no. 763, Douglas Cooper, no. 440, Pierre
Schneider, no. 719, Lorenz Dittmann, no. 472, Gottfried Boehm, no.
262 Gerd Udo Feller, no. 497, and Werner Hofmann, no. 562.
Cannes 1981
Henri Matisse, dessins, lithographies, sculpture, collage, 1906-1952
Cannes: Galerie Herbage, March 31-June 27, 1981. (Twenty-four
drawings, three sculptures, engravings, and lithographs.)
Luxurious catalogue in French and English with preface by Douglas
Cooper to inaugurate the gallery; quality reproductions on good stock.
Review: "Henri Matisse, dessins, lithographies, sculptures, collages,
1906-1952: Gal erie Herbage." L'Oeil 311 (June 1981 ): 83-84.
Geneva 1981
Henri Matisse: gravures originales sur le theme de Pasiphae
Geneva: Galerie Patrick Cramer, December 1, 1981-January 22, 1982.
Small catalogue in folio form (edition of 2500) explaining the
publication of a book of the same name containing all of Matisse's
original gravures on the theme of Chant de Minos, even though not
finally used in the original Montherlant/Matisse book. Extract from
the book by Dominique Bozo. U.S. ed. as Original Engravings on the
Theme of Pasiphae; Chant de minos (Les Cretois). Paris: Les Heritiers
de I' Artiste, 1981. 2 vols., no. 1035.
Munich 1981
Maler machen Bucher; illustrierte Werke von Manet bis Picasso--
Lithographien, Holzschnitte, Radierungen
Munich: Villa Stuck, July 2-September 27, 1981.
Catalogue by A. Ziersch and Erhart Kastner (Munich: Christophe Diirr
Verlag, 1981) provides a history of the illustrated book and
documentation on those exhibited.
London 1981
Henri Matisse, Drawings. Henri Laurens, Sculpture and Works on
London: Theo Waddington Galleries, 1981.
Small catalogue.
Paris 1981
L'Ecole de Paris
Paris: Daniel Manlingue Gallery, Spring 1981.
Saint-Paul-de-Vence 1981
Sculpture du XXe siecle 1900-1945: tradition et ruptures
Saint-Paul-de-Vence: Fondation Maeght, July 4-December 23, 1981;
traveled to Madrid: Dundaci6n Juan March.
Substantial, well-illustrated catalogue by Jean-Louis Prat.
Review: Le Targat, F. Connaissance arts 354 (August 1981 ): 48-55.
Toronto 1981
Gauguin to Moore: Primitivism in Modern Sculpture
Toronto: Art Gallery of Ontario, November 7, 1981-January 3, 1982.
Catalogue by Alan G. Wilkinson on the influence of non-European art
on the sculptural experimentation of modern artists.
Review: Casatel. RACAR, Rev. d'art canadienne, Canadian Art Rev.
9, 1-2 (March 1982): 195; Mato, D. Artmagazine 13, 56 (November
1981-January 1982): 12-20;
Tours 1981
Dessins de Matisse
Tours: Musee des Beaux-Arts de Tours et Musee Rabelais, July 1-31,
Mimeographed five-page catalogue by Marie-Noi:!lle Pinot de
Villechenon, introduction and check-list of works; drawing of Rabelais
in color on the cover.
Wolfenbtittel 1981
Die Welt in Biichern
Wolfenbiittel: Herzog-August-Bibliothek und Zeughaus, September 28,
1981-March 31, 1982.
Catalogue by Paul Raabe.
Le Cateau-Cambresis 1982
Henri Matisse, Inauguration of the Musee Matisse et Herbin dans le
Palais Fenelon
Le Cateau-Cambresis: Musee Matisse, October 24, 1982.
Reviews: Dauriac, J. P. "Le Cateau-Cambresis, Musee Matisse."
Pantheon 41 (October-December 1983): 391-92; "Matisse en son
musee [Cateau-Cambresis, France], exposition." Connaissance arts
367 (September 1982): 23.
Chicago 1982
Ninety Prints by Henri Matisse: The Legend of Pasiphae
Chicago: Field Enterprises, Inc., November 1-30, 1982; traveled to
other venues.
Catalogue compiled and arranged by Marguerite Duthuit and Gerard
Dijon 1982
La Peinture dans Ia peinture
Dijon: Musee des Beaux-Arts, November 5, 1982-January 3, 1983.
Edinburgh 1982
Henri Matisse
Edinburgh: National Gallery of Scotland, 1982.
Review: McCullough, F. Arts Rev. 34, 13 (June 18, 1982): 328.
Fribourg 1982
Henri Matisse, gravures et lithographies
Fribourg: Musee d'Art et d'Histoire Fribourg, June 10-September 5,
Important completely illustrated and documented catalogue with texts
by Margrit Hahnloser-Ingold and Roger Marcel Mayou, no. 282. A
dossier of press clippings and reviews of the show is available in the
Cabinet des Estampes of the Bibiotheque Nationale in Paris.
Review: Watkins, Nicholas. Burlington Mag. 125, 969 (December
1983): 771-2.
Nice 1982
Dix ans des Musees de Nice; activites et acquisitions, 1972-1982
Nice: Espace ni~ois d'art et de culture et galerie d'art contemporain,
November 27, 1982-January 22, 1983.
Paris 1982
Album Matisse, 33 dessins de 1905 a 1950
Paris: Galerie Dina Vierny, June 9-July 20, 1982.
Handsomely produced catalogue by Mourlot Freres, fully illustrated,
with twenty-one photographs (one in color) by Helene Adant of Matisse
in the studio. A short, but important essay by Dominique Fourcade,
"Sur un autoportrait lumineux," no. 274.
Tokyo 1982
Figures revolutionnaires de Cezanne aaujourd'hui
Tokyo: Bridgestone Museum, April 18-May 16, 1982.
Amsterdam 1983
100 jaar bekijks: een keuzee uit de affiche-collectie in het Stedelijk
Museum Ansterdam [ 100 Years on View: A Selection from the Poster-
Bordeaux 1983
Hommage ii Marcelle et Albert Marquet
Bordeaux: Galerie des Beaux-Arts, January-February, 1983.
Catalogue by Pierre Gassier; preface by Gilberte Marin-Mery. Eight
paintings by Matisse are part of the Marquet donation to the museum.
L'Isle-sur-le-Sorgue 1983
Henri Matisse: Pro trait d'Artine et autres dessins
L'Isle-sur-le-Sorgue: Musee-Bibliotheque Rene Char, Hotel de
Campredon, August 3-0ctober 16, 1983.
Sixteen-page catalogue, lovingly assembled and dedicated to the
memory of Marguerite Duthuit-Matisse; essay by Tina Jolas on the
relationship between and the shared projects of Rene Char and Matisse.
Introduction by Antoine Coron on the Artine project.
London 1983
Henri Matisse, 1869-1954; A Selection of Original Lithographs and
London: William Weston Gallery, 1983.
Sculpture's Dance
London, Arts Council: Southampton Art Gallery, November 1983;
traveled to other British venues until April, 1984.
Catalogue with commentary by Michael Harrison.
Mexico 1983
Obra Grdfica Jazzy Pasiphae [Graphic work from Jazz to Pasiphiie]
Mexico: Arte Contemporeneo Intemacional, March 1983.
Well-illustrated catalogue with color plates on black ground (not true
color brilliance). Texts by Jack Flam ("Maquettes from Jazz,"
previously published in Henri Matisse, the Paper Cut-Outs,
Washington, 1977, nos. 307 and 1018) and William Liebermann
(previously published in Matisse, 50 Years of his Graphic Art, New
York, 1981, no. 243). A short commentary on Pasiphai! by Ana
Minneapolis 1983
Book Illustrations: The Armchair of Henri Matisse
Minnneapolis: Minneapolis Institute of Arts, June 17-August 21,
Single-fold catalogue by Sandra L. Lipschultz; checklist and short
Paris 1983
Matisse, dessins au pinceau
Paris: Galerie Berggruen, April-May, 1983. (Twenty-nine drawings.)
Elegant, well-illustrated small catalogue with text by Pierre Schneider.
Review: "Matisse au Pinceau." Connaisseur arts 374 (September
1982): 33; Moulin, R. J. "Henri Matisse, dessins." Kunstwerk 36
(September 1983): 141-2; Goya 175-76 (July-October 1983): 64.
Raphael et l'artfranrais
Paris: Grand Palais, November 15. 1983-February 15, 1984.
Lavish catalogue with many illustrations and scholarly documentation;
essays by Jacques Thuillier, Martine Vasselin, Jean Pierre Cuzin.
Review: Rosenberg, M. Art Journal 44, 1 (Spring 1984): 70-4.
Amsterdam 1984
LeGrande Parade: Hoogtepunten van de schilderkunst na 1940
[Highlights of Painting after 1940]
Amsterdam: Stedelijk Museum, December 15, 1984-April 15, 1985.
Lavish catalogue with foreword by Olle Granath; show organized by
Edy de Wilde with Karen Schampers, Alexander van Grevenstein,
Hendrik Driessen.
Review: Morgan, Stuart. "Bread and Circuses." Artforum 23 (March
1985); Sch1umberger, E. "Le droit a toutes 1es libertes." Conaissance
arts 394 (December 1984 ): 54-66.
Atlanta 1984
The Henry P. Mcilhenny collection: Nineteenth Century French and
English Masterpieces
Atlanta: The High Museum of Art, May 25-September 30, 1984.
Basel 1984
Skulptur im 20. Jahrhundert
Basel: Merian-Park, June 3-September 30, 1984.
Substantive catalogue by Theodora Vischer with many short essays
including Franz Meyer's "Henri Matisse." Show organized by Ernst
Beyeler, Reinhold Hoh1, and Martin Schwander, who commissioned
works especially for the show from Beuys, LeWitt, and Serra.
Review: Bischoff, U. Pantheon 42, 4 (October-December 1984): 389-
London 1984
Henry Matisse: Fifty Fine Prints: Lithographs, Etchings, Aquatints,
Linocuts, 1903-1950
London: Lumley Cazalet Ltd, October 8-November 9, 1984.
Square-format catalogue of prints, carefully documented, beautifully
reproduced. No text; La Persane (1919) on the cover.
Review: Burns, Guy. Arts Rev. 36, 19 (October 12, 1984): 495-6.
Henri Matisse
London: Waddington Gallery, Fall, 1984.
Review: Burns, Guy. Arts Rev. 36, 19 (October 12, 1984): 495-6.
Montreal 1984
Iliazd, maitre d'oeuvre du livre moderne
Montreal: Galerie d'art de l'Universite du Quebec, September 5-28,
Moscow 1984
Anri Matiss: kniznaja grafika alfisi [Henri Matisse: books, graphics,
Moscow and Leningrad: Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts and Hermitage,
Catalogue: Avtor-sostavitel: V. Sadkov, Leningrad: Aurora, 1984, a
small 8-page catalogue with extended essay and check list of works;
modest but elegant format.
Review: Sadkov. V. "Knizhnaya Grafika Anri Matissa [The book
illustrations of Henri Matisse]." Tvorchestvo 10 (1985): 31-2.
including Jack Flam's "Matisse and the Fauves," vol. I, 211-40, no.
Nice 1984
Nouvelle presentation de La collection d'objets personnels de Henri
Nice: Musee Matisse, December 1984.
Offset brochure as catalogue.
Paris 1984
Enrichissements recents du Cabinet d'art graphique: "De Bakst a
Paris: Musee National d'Art Moderne, April 18-August 20, 1984.
Henri Matisse: oeuvres gravees, reunies par Claude Duthuit !'occasion
de parution du Catalogue Raisonne (829 prints)
Paris: Galerie Maeght Lelong, October 4-November 15, 1984.
Catalogue: Reperes, Cahiers d'Art Contemporain, No. 16; quality
reproductions of twenty-six works, preface by Dominique Fourcade.
Review: "L' Actualite de Matisse." Connaissance arts 393 (November
1984): 106.
Southport 1984
Matisse, Illustrations to the Amours of Pierre Ronsard.
Southport, England: Atkinson Art Gallery, June 4-23, 1984; travels to
Jarrow, Halifax, Liverpool, Lancaster, Frome (1984) and Ashington,
Newcastle, Hartlepool, Dewsbury, Barns ley, Coventry (1985).
Review: Art and Artists 213 (June 1984): 29.
Besan~_;on 1985
Dessins et estampes de Ia collection Georges et Adele Besson
Besan~on: Musee des Beaux-arts et d'archeologie, 1985.
Bologna 1985
Vent'anni d'arte in Francia 1960-1980
Bologna: Galleria Comunale Arte Modema, March-April 1985.
Exhibition of fifty-six artists working in France, organized by Marcel in
Pleynet and with a catalogue (Bologna: Grafis Edizionai, 1985) edited
by Pleynet. Matisse and Picasso are offered as sources for the
subsequent development of painting in France.
Dallas 1985
Classical Myth in Western Art: Ancient through Modern
Dallas: Meadows Museum & Sculpture Court, November 1, 1986-
January 1987; Amarillo: Amarillo Art Center, January 12-March 2,
Exhibition organized thematically around specific classical myths, with
thirty-six works shown, including one by Matisse; substantial
catalogue essay detailing the rationale for the show by Carl Kilinski, its
curator. Sponsored by the Eugene McDermott Foundation and the
Meadows School of the Arts and the Texas Committee for the
Lausanne 1985
De Cezanne aPicasso dans les collections romandes
Lausanne: Fondation de I'Hermitage, June 15-0ctober 20, 1985.
Catalogue by Fran<_<ois Dault; very general treatment of all modern
London 1985
Paper: exhibition of works by Degas, Renoir, Pissarro, Van Gogh,
Vuillard, Cezanne, Valtat, Redan, Leger, Matisse, Moore, Bannard, and
London: Thomas Gibson Fine Art, June 4-July 12, 1985.
An elegant catalogue with tipped-in plates; two Matisse drawings from
the Nice period in the show.
Master Prints Old and Modern: An Exhibition of Fine Prints from the
18th to the 20th Century
London: Thomas Agnew & Sons, October 2-31, 1985.
Small catalogue.
November 24, 1985; Fort Worth: Kimball Art Museum, December 14,
1985-February 9, 1986.
Review: M. Schipper, "From the Beginnings of Modernism," Artweek
16 (November 9, 1985): 1.
Mulhouse 1985-86
Henri Matisse, selection d'ouvrages /'occasion de /'exposition cinq
peintres et quatre ecrivains
Mulhouse: Bibliotheque Municipale, December 15, 1985-February 15,
Drawings from the Collection of Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Victor Thaw,
Part 11.
New York: Pierpont Morgan Library, September 3-November 10,
1985; Richmond: Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, February 17-April
13, 1986.
Catalogue with introduction by Eugene Thaw, texts by Cara D.
Denison, William E. Robinson, Julia Herd, and Stephanie Wiles.
Paris 1985
De Co rot aPicasso
Paris: Galerie Schmit, May 10-July 20, 1985.
Tanlay 1985
Henri Matisse: 75 dessins; Cinq dessinateurs: les chemins de Ia creation
Tanlay, France: Chateau de Tanlay, and Yonne: Centre d'Art
contemporaine, June 23-September 30, 1985.
Two part show: I) Seventy-five Matisse drawings and books; portrait
photos of Matisse by Cartier-Bresson; II) drawings and prints by
contemporary artists Gerard Berenger, Pierre-Edouard, Pierre Gaste,
Jeorg Ortner, and Philippe Segeral.
Catalogue with preface and essay, "Matisse et le portrait," by Pierre
Schneider, [an excerpt adapted from his 1984 book, Matisse, no. 157];
twenty-five photographs of Matisse by Henri Cartier-Bresson.
Review: "Matisse portraitiste." Connaissance arts 401-402 (July-
August 1985): 92.
Tokyo 1985
Henri Matisse, Drawings, Prints
Tokyo: Fuji Television Gallery, December 6-21, 1985.
Wichita 1985
Prints by Henri Matisse-- The Legend of Pasiphae
Wichita, Kansas: Wichita State University, Fall 1985.
Review: American Artist 49 (November 1985): 14.
Baltimore 1986
Basel 1986
Aus Privaten Sammlungen: Monet, Renoir, Gauguin, Cezanne, Braque,
Picasso, Matisse, Laurens, et al.
Basel: Die Gal erie, February 8-April I 6, 1966.
Catalogue in German and English.
Boston 1986
Boston Collects: Contemporary Painting and Sculpture
Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, October 22, 1986-February I, 1987.
Catalogue by Theodore E. Stebbins and Judith Hoos Fox.
Chicago 1986
Modern Master Drawings: Forty Years of Collecting at the University
of Michigan
Chicago: Arts Club of Chicago, March 31-August, 1986; Grand
Rapids: Grand Rapids Art Museum, September 20-November 2, 1986;
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Museum of Art, February 24-April
5, I 987.
Catalogue by Charles H. Sawyer, with essay on the history of the
Essen 1986
Aktdarstellungen im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert: Aquarelle, Zeichnungen
und Druckgraphiken aus dem Bestand des Graphisches Kabinetts
Essen: Folkwang Museum, July 13-September 21, 1986.
Catalogue by Hubertus Froning.
Leverkusen 1986
Jm Lichte der Agypter {In the Light of the Egyptians]
Leverkusen: Stadtisches Museum, Spring, 1986.
Matisse sculpture shown.
Review: Glozer, L. Wolkenkratzer Art Journal 2 (April-June 1986):
Lille 1986
Matisse, peintures et dessins du Musee Pouchkine et du Musee de
Lille: Musee des Beaux Arts, October 4, 1986-January 5, 1987.
Valuable catalogue with introduction by Albert G. Kostenevich on the
Shchukin collection; texts by Kostenevich on the development of
Matisse's style, others by E. B. Georgievskaja, A. S. Kantor-
Gukovskaja, and V. A. Misin. Excellent documentation and
reproductions of seldom reproduced works.
Reviews: Fauchereau, Serge. "Henri Matisse dans les collections
russes." Beaux-Arts Mag. 40 (November 1986): 45-51; "Matisse
[Review]." L'Oeil 377 (December 1986): 81; "Matisse venu du froid."
Connaissance arts 416 (October 1986): 34; Oursel, Herve. "Matisse,
peintures et dessins du musee de I'Ermitage et du musee Pouchkine."
Rev. du Louvre 36, 6 ( 1986): 454-55.
London 1986
Munich 1986
Albertina, Wien: Zeichnungen, 1450- I 950
Munich: Kunsthalle der Hypo-Kulturstiftung, 1986.
Catalogue by Walter Koschatzky, featuring one hundred drawings from
the Albertina in Vienna; history of collection is given and types of
drawings detailed.
Nice 1986
Matisse et Tahiti
Nice: Galerie des Ponchettes, July 4-September 30, 1986.
Catalogue: Matisse et Tahiti, Cahiers Henri Matisse 1, edited by
Xavier Girard with an important interview with Pierre Schneider, no.
Matisse: photgraphies
Nice: Musee des Beaux-Arts Jules Cheret, July 4-September 30, 1986.
Catalogue: Matisse: photographies, Cahiers Henri Matisse 2, edited by
Xavier Girard with an important essay by Jean-Francois Chevrier, no.
Paris 1986
Extraits de Ia Collection du Reader's Digest
Paris: Musee Marmottan, April8-May 11, 1986.
Paris: Galerie Maeght, November 1986. [On the occasion of the
publication of the book, L 'Apparente facilitl . .Henri Matisse,
peintures de 1935 a 1939 by Lydia Delectorskaya, no. 72.]
Saint-Paul-de-Vence 1986
Peintres-illustrateurs du XXe siecle
Saint-Paul-de-Vence: Fondation Maeght, March 22-May 4, 1986.
Tempe 1986
Matisse and the Printed Page, Ninety Prints by Henri Matisse
Tempe, Arizona: Arizona State University Art Collections, January-
February 1986; Oklahoma City: Oklahoma City Museum of Art,
April 15-May 3, 1986.
Exhibition of linoleum prints made for Pasiphae, only eighteen of
which were used in the published book.
Review: Weiman, L. Southwest Art 15 (February 1986): 82.
Tokyo 1986
Tokyo: Shueisha, Art Gallery 10, 1986. Series: Gendai Sekai no
Catalogue by To no Yoshiaki and Ishioka Eiko.
Toulouse 1986
Matisse: Ajaccio-Toulouse: 1898-1899, une saison de peinture
Toulouse: Musee Paul-Dupuy, October 9-December 15, 1986; Nice:
Galerie des Ponchettes: December 19, 1986-January 30, 1987.
Catalogue: Matisse: Ajaccio-Toulouse: 1898-1899, Cahiers Henri
Matisse. 4 with texts by Pierre Schneider, no. 721, Xavier Girard, no.
530, and Alain Mousseigne, no. 625.
Review: Gouttenoire, B. "Henri Matisse." L'Oeil 377 (December
1986): 80.
Warsaw 1986-87
Paris en quatre temps
Varsovie: Galerie Zacheta, October 12, 1986-February 12, 1987.
Washington 1986-87
Henri Matisse, The Early Years in Nice 1916-1930
Washington, D.C.: National Gallery of Art, November 2, 1986-March
29, 1987.
Important catalogue, no. 69, with essays by Jack Cowart, Dominique
Fourcade and Margrit Hahnloser-Ingold, nos. 450, 513, and 548. See
no. 69 for an extended description of the catalogue.
Buffalo 1987
Modern Masters from the Permanent Collection
Buffalo: Albright-Knox Art Gallery, January 16-March 15, 1987.
Le Cateau-Cambresis 1987
Henri Matisse, Pasiphae-Chant de Minos
Le Cateau-Cambresis: Musee Matisse, June 27-0ctober 4, 1987.
Elegant catalogue with brief introductions by Dominique Szymusiak
and Jean Guichard-Meili.
Dallas 1987
A Century of Modern Sculpture, The Patsy and Raymond Nasher
Dallas: Dallas Museum of Art, 1987; travels to Florence: Forte di
Belvere; Washington, D. C.: National Gallery of Art.
Handsome catalogue with major essay by Stephen Nash, no. 207; also
published in Italian, no. 1319.
Flaine 1987
Flaine: Centre d'Art, February 6-April 16, 1987.
Jerusalem 1987
Peintre dans Ia lumiere de Ia Mediterranee
Jerusalem: Israel Museum, July 16-September 1987; Marseille: Musee
Cantini, October-November 1987.
Substantial catalogue by Yona Fischer, Elisabeth Merian, and Jean
Lacambre; in French and Hebrew.
Liege 1987
Henri Matisse: !'oeuvre grave
Liege: Musee d'Art Modeme, November 20, 1987-January 3, 1988.
Very handsome catalogue by Fran~oise Dumont, with introductory
essay by Jean Guichard-Meili.
Lugano 1987
Impressionisten und Post-Impressionisten aus sowjetischen Museen II
Lugano: Villa Favorita, August 9-November 15, 1987.
Excellent catalogue (Milan: EJecta, 1987; English and Italian eds.) with
texts by Albert Kostenevich, Marina Besanova, and E. Georgievskaya.
Lyon 1987
Henri Matisse, /'art du livre; Matisse dans les collections du Musee de
Beaux-Arts de Lyon
Lyon: Musee des Beaux-Arts, Palais Saint-Pierre, April 9-June 4,
1987; Nancy: Musee des Beaux-Arts, May 3-June 30, 1986.
Matisse: L'Art du livre by Christian Arthaud and Dominique
Brachlianoff; Milan: Mondadori, 1987, published on the occasion of
this exhibit as catalogue. Brachlianoffs essay focuses on the portrait of
the antique dealer Georges Demotte, painted in 1918, no. 914.
Paris 1987
Henri Matisse, dessins et gravures (Matisse: Le rythme et La ligne)
Paris: Ecole Nationale superieure des beaux-arts, February 25-May 10,
Small fold-out catalogue-guide to the exhibition; the latter was the
occasion for the commemorative volume, Le rythme et La ligne, by
Jacqueline and Maurice Guillaud, no. 109, a luxury volume that also
served as a kind of catalogue.
Stuttgart 1987
Henri Matisse, "Der Rucken"
Stuttgart: Neuerwerbung desr Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, 1987.
Small catalogue with text by Ina Conzen-Meairs.
Tokyo 1987
Les Chefs-d'oeuvre du Musee Matisse et les Matisses de Matisse
Tokyo: Isetan Museum of Art, Shinjuku, October 22-November 17,
1987; Yamaguchi: Prefectoral Museum of Art of Yamaguchi,
November 20-December 27, 1987; Osaka: Daimaru Museum of Art,
Shinsaibashi, January 3-February 18, 1988; Yokohama: Sogo
Museum of Art, February 10-March 27, 1988.
Excellent catalogue (Tokyo: Art Life, 1987) edited by Norio Shimada,
in French and Japanese; commentaries on the works by Xavier Girard
Venice 1987
Henri Matisse: Matisse et l'ltalie
Venice: Napoleonica and Museo Correr, place Saint-Marc, May 30-
0ctober 18, 1987.
Catalogue with illustrations of all the works and full entries (exhibition
history, bibliography) by Tamara Preaud. Also four essays--by Pierre
Schneider (curator), no. 723, Attilio Codognato, no. 437, Xavier Girard
and Christian Arthaud, no. 532, and Giandomenico Romanelli , no.
704--that explore the role of Italy and Italian art on Matisse's work.
Review: Di Piero, W. S. "Matisse's Broken Circle." New Criterion
(May 1988): 25-35; Meyer, Laure. L'Oeil 386 (Summer 1987): 80;
Minola de Galliotti, M. Goya 202 (January-February, 1988): 238.
Andros 1988
Henri Matisse
Andros, Greece: Musee de l'art modeme (Foundation Basil and Elise
Goulandris), July 3-September 30, 1988.
Handsome catalogue by Kyriakos Koutsomallis in Greek and French.
Le Cateau-Cambresis 1988
Geneva 1988
Collection Heinz Berggruen
Geneva: Musee d'Art et d'Histoire, June 16-0ctober 30, 1988.
Catalogue with texts by Gary Tinterow, "Heinz Berggruen
Collectioneur," and John Rewald, "Les Cezanne de Ia Collection
Berggruen;" full documentation and reproduction of all the works
exhibited. Excellent chronology and bibliography of the gallery.
Jerusalem 1988
Monet to Matisse: Modern Masters from Private Swiss Collections
Jerusalem: Israel Museum, October 1988-January 1989.
Catalogue in English and Hebrew, edited by Stephanie Rachum.
Liege 1988
Chefs d'oeuvre des Musees de Liege aLausanne
Liege: Musee de !'art Wallon; Lausanne: Fondation de !'Hermitage,
November 24-March 12, 1989.
Works from the Musee d'art modeme, Paris, and the Musee de I' art
Wallon in Liege, Belgium.
Review: Daulte, F. Review. L'Oeil 400 (November 1988): 58-65.
London 1988
Henri Matisse, Etchings, Lithographs, Linocuts, Aquatints and
Illustrated Books
London: Waddington Galleries, September 28-0ctober 22, 1988.
Lucerne 1988
Von Matisse bis Picasso: Hommage an Siegfried Rosengart
Lucerne: Kunstmuseum Luzern, June 19-September II, 1988.
Important catalogue with substantive essays and many illlustrations;
see no. 1325 for a detailed description.
Review: Von Kageneck, C. "Von Matisse bis Picasso." Kunstwerk
41 (February 1989): 72-73.
Paris 1988
Le Peintre et l'affiche de Lautrec Warhol
Paris: Musee de I' affiche et de Ia publicite, March-April 1988; traveled
to five other venues in Europe.
Catalogue in French and English (Paris: Spadem-Adagp, 1988).
Les Annees 50
Paris: Musee National d'Art Moderne, June 29-0ctober 17, 1988.
Lavish, superbly documented catalogue.
Sydney 1988
Biennnale de Sydney
Sidney: Art Gallery of New South Wales, May 17-July 3, 1988;
Melbourne: National Gallery of Victoria, August 4-September 25,
Le Cateau-Cambresis 1989
Matisse, fleurs, feuillages, des sins
Le Cateau-Cambresis: Musee Matisse, July 8-September 30, 1989.
Catalogue with fine introduction by Isabelle Monod-Fontaine;
beautifully produced with photos by Helene Adant given to the museum
by Lydia Delectorskaya.
Cluny 1989
Matisse et !'heritage antique
Cluny: Ecuries de Saint-Hugues, June 17-September 10, 1989.
Fold-out catalogue, carefully prepared by Brigitte Maurice, conservator
of the museum.
Hamburg 1989
Das Cafe du Dome und die Academie Matisse
Hamburg: Galereen Herold und Levy, January 1989.
Exhibition of some nine artists influenced by Matisse. The book of the
same name by Thomas Levy and Carl-Jtirgen Thomfor is detailed in no.
Hanover 1989
Das Buch des Kiinstlers: die schOnsten Malerbiicher aus der Sammlung
der Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbiittel
Hanover: Kestner-Gesellschaft, April 18-July 16, 1989.
Fine catalogue by Harriet Watts.
London 1989
Henri Matisse, Edgar Degas
London: Waddington Galleries, June 21-July 15, 1989.
Catalogue of thirty-one portrait and figure studies by Matisse and ten
sculptures in bronze by Degas; no text.
~arcq-en-Baroeul 1989-1990
Gustave Moreau et ses eleves: Rouault, Matisse, Marquet, Manguin, et
Marcq-en-Baroeul: Fondation Septentrion, October 22, 1989-January
28, 1990.
Slender, paperbound catalogue with major text by Genevieve Lacambre;
preface by Dominique Paulette. Exhibition organized thematically;
some valuable data gathered in the catalogue.
~unich 1989
Von Courbet bis Picasso: Schiitze des Museums Sao Paulo
Munich: Villa Stiick, March 15-May 28, 1989.
Substantial documented catalogue by Ettore Camesasca and Manfred
Fath (Milan: Mazzotta, 1989).
Paris 1989
Oeuvres de Matisse
Paris: Musee National d'Art Moderne, May 24-August 27, 1989.
Exhibition on the occasion of the publication of Isablelle Monad-
Fontaine's revised and enlarged catalogue of the museum's collection of
Matisse, Matisse: Oeuvres de Henri Matisse du Musee national d'art
moderne, no. 140.
Philadelphia 1989
Masterpieces of Impressionism and Post-Impressionism: The
Annenberg Collection
Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art, May 2I-June I989;
Washington, D. C.: National Gallery of Art, Summer I 990; Los
Angeles: Los Angeles County Museum of Art, August I6-November
4, I990.
Well-produced catalogue with texts by Colin B. Bailey, Joseph J.
Rishel, and Mark Rosenthal.
Rome 1989
Magnificat: La Grande arte e il religioso oggi: Omaggio a Paulo VI
Rome: Chiatro Nord della Basilica di Sant'Eustorgio, December 2,
1989-February I 990.
Works from the Vatican collection; catalogue by curator Giorgio
Mascherpa, texts by Paul VI and, on contemporary art, by Mascherpa.
Valence 1989
Henri Matisse, !'art du livre
Valence: Centre de Recherche et d'action culturelle, November I2,
1989-January 23, I990.
Catalogue originally used in Nice in 1986 (Cahiers Henri Matisse 3),
no. 235, used for this show.
Bern 1990-91
Henri Matisse 1869-1954: Skulpturen und Druckgraphik-Sculptures et
Bern: Kunstmuseum Berne, November 30, 1990-February 10, 1991.
Catalogue essays by Xavier Girard, "La sculpture de Henri Matisse:
echanges et transpositions," and by Sandor Kuthy, "Le Gravure de Henri
Matisse: Ia traduction directe et Ia plus pure de son emotion." Works are
richly illustrated and described but without other documentation. Texts
in French and German.
Le Cateau-Cambrt!sis 1990
Matisse: Les Platres originaux des bas reliefs Dos I, J/, J/1, IV
Le Cateau-Cambresis: Musee Matisse, July 1990.
Important catalogue by Dominique Szymusiak and Isabelle Monod-
Fontaine; the original plaster versions of the four Backs, recently given
to the Museum, beautifully reproduced. See no. 987 for fuller
description of catalogue.
Colmar 1990
Collages: collections de musees de provinces
Colmar: Musee d'Unterlinden, June 30-September, 1990; Villeneuve
d' Ascq: Musee d'art modeme du nord, September 1990-April 1991.
A fine catalogue with a number of essays: Germain Viatte on "Notre
avenir est dans I' air," Irene Elbaz on "Les Premiers collages, les
premiers papiers colles," Sylvie Lecoq-Raymond on "Le Collage
dadalste ou Ia peinture contestee," Marc Borman on "Aspects du collage
dans les annees soixante," and Joelle Pijaudier on "Annees 80."
Libourne 1990
La Tapisserie et les maftres de !'art au XXe siecle
Liboume: Musee des Beaux-arts et d'archeologie, August 4-0ctober 19,
Matisse's Le Ciel the only one of his works exhibited.
London 1990
Henri Matisse, The Lithographs, 1913-1930
London: Waddir.gton Galleries, 1990.
Very beautifully produced catalogue with excellent reproductions of all
thirty-one documented works; no text.
Paris 1990
De Manet ii Matisse: sept ans d'enrichissements au Musee d'Orsay
Paris: Musee d'Orsay, December 1990.
Review: Bouyeure, C. "De Manet a Matisse: sept ans
d'enrichissements au Musee d'Orsay." Oeil 425 (December 1990): 72-
Tokyo 1990
Maste!Works: Paintings from the Bridgestone Museum of Art
Tokyo: Bridgestone Museum of Art, 1990.
Catalogue with text by Yasuo Kamon.
Vence 1990
Henri Matisse: hommage de Ia ville de Vence
Vence: Centre Culture! de Vence (henceforth the Centre Culture! Henri
Matisse), July 6-28, 1990. (One tapestry, five engravings, eleven
books, six posters, twenty photos.)
Small handsome catalogue of photographs of the artist at Vence, the
Chapel of the Rosary, and drawings made in Vence, with prefaces by
Christian Iacono (Mayor ofVence) and Zia Mirabdolbaghi (Director of
Cultural Affairs); major text by Xavier Girard. Matisse's Le Ciel
lithographed on cover.
Washington 1990
Matisse in Morocco, The Paintings and Drawings, 1912-1913
Washington, D. C., National Gallery of Art, March 18-June 3, 1990;
New York: The Museum of Modern Art, June 20-September 4, 1990;
Moscow: State Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, September 28-
November 20, 1990; St. Petersburg: State Hermitage Museum,
December 15, 1990-February 5, 1991.
Catalogue, no. 70, with important essays by Pierre Schneider, no.
724, Jack Cowart, no. l 031, John Elderfield, no. 488, Albert
Kostenevich, no. 1335; complete scholarly catalogue entries (paintings)
and documentation by Laura Coyle and Beatrice Kernan. (Washington
and New York: National Gallery of Art and Abrams, 1990. Trans by
Anne Michel, except for essays by Pierre Schneider and John Elderfield.
French ed: Matisse au Maroc, Peintures et Dessins, 1912-13, Paris:
Adam Biro, 1990), no. 70. A slim paper-bound catalogue with text in
Russian also appeared in 1990; good color reproductions.
Reviews: "Aux Couleurs de Tanger [National Gallery of Art, traveling
exhibit]." Connaissance arts 457 (March 1990): 21; Benjamin, Roger.
"Matisse in Morocco: a Colonizing Esthetic?" Art in America 78
(November 1990): 156-65+; Bernier, Rosamond. "Travels with
Matisse." House and Garden (March 1990): 162-67+; Bryson,
Norman. Times Literary Supp. 4554 (July 13-19, 1990): 749; Handler,
Ruth. "Visionen vom iridischen gliick." Art: das Kunstmagazin 7
(1990): 82-9; Hughes, Robert. "A Domain of Light and Color:
Morocco's Impact on Matisse Is Traced in a Radiant Show." Time
136, 1 (July 2, 1990): 53-54; "Matisse in Morocco: the Paintings and
Drawings 1912-1913." Drawing 11 (March-April 1990): 131-32;
Meyer, L. "Matisse au Maroc [Museum of Modern Art]." Oeil 420
(July-August 1990): 113; Perl, Jed, and Andre L. Talley. "Matisse's
Eastern Eden." Vogue 180, 3 (March 1990): 430-45; Plagens, Peter.
"Bright Light of Tangiers." Newsweek 115, 13 (March 26, 1990): 50-
51; Watson, Nicolas. Burlington Mag. 133, 1054 (June 1991): 43-43;
Wilkin, K. "Matisse in Morocco." New Criterion 8 (June 1990): 30-
Boston 1991
Matisse, Picasso, and Impressionist Masters from the Cone Collection
Boston: Boston Museum of Fine Arts, October 2, 1991-January 19,
Canberra 1991
Manet to Matisse, French Illustrated Book
Canberra, Australia: Australia National Gallery, 1991.
Catalogue by Christine Dixon and Cathy Leaky.
Dijon 1991
Les Chefs-d'oeuvre du Musee Matisse de Nice
Dijon: Musee des Beaux-Arts, July 6-0ctober 6, 1991.
Catalogue by Xavier Girard (Cahiers Henri Matisse 7), handsomely
illustrating a rich selection of oils, bronzes, drawings, prints, as well as
other books and objects from the collection, especially its wealth of
material related to the Chapel at Vence. The extended essays by Girard
interpret the works in broad thematic and stylistic contexts; the works
are fully documented in provenance, exhibition history, and
bibliography, no. 96.
Jerusalem 1991
Matisse at the Ballet: Le Chant du Rossignol
Jerusalem: Israel Museum, Fall 1991.
Small but well-illustrated and informative catalogue by curator,
Vivienne Barsky, in English and Hebrew; the definitive work on this
ballet, no. 1055.
Nagoya 1991
Henri Matisse Retrospective [Machisu ten]
Nagoya: Nagoya City Art Museum, the Chunichi Shimbum, August
24-September 29, 1991; Hiroshima: Hiroshima Musuem of Art,
October 5-November 4, 1991; Kasama: Nishido Museum, November 9-
December 8, 1991.
Handsome catalogue with colored plates of an exhibition drawn from
the Hermitage Museum (twenty-five selected oils and fourteen drawings)
and from American, European, and Japanese collections (seventy-two
other works.) Essays in English and Japanese include: "Henri Matisse
and the Russian Collectors," by Albert Kostenevich, "Matisse in
Russia in the Autumn of 1911," Y. A. Russakov, and "Matisse, 1908,
The Red Room [Harmony in Red], " by the curator and editor of the
catalogue, Katsunori Fukaya.
Review: Oeil 438 (January-February 1992): 89.
Saarbriicken 1991
Henri Matisse: Zeichnungen und Skulpturen
Saarbriicken: Saarland Museum, May 12- July 7, 1991. (Forty-nine
bronzes, 180 drawings, 142 lithographs, etchings, and aquatints, fifteen
book and multiple contributions to the editions, serigraphs, tapestries,
ceramics, and maquettes for the chapel at Vence.)
Handsome, carefully-produced catalogue, edited and with a sensitive
general introduction by Ernst-Gerhard Giise, good quality reproductions
of all works exhibited, and commentaries on about one-third of the
drawings (thirty-five out of ninety-seven) by Xavier Girard, Christian
Basel 1992
transFORM: PictureObjectSculpture in the 20th century
Basel: Kunstmuseum and Kunsthalle, June 14-September 17, 1992.
(Matisse's Blue Nude, the Frog was shown.)
Review: Flash Art 165 (Summer 1992): 69.
Le Cateau-Cambresis 1992
Matisse et Baudelaire
Le Cateau-Cambresis: Musee Matisse, June 27 -September 1992.
Handsome catalogue edited by Dominique Szymusiak.
Review: Giovannoni, L. "Matisse et Baudelaire." Rev. du Louvre 42
(June 1992): 97-98.
Grasse 1992
Matisse, comme dans les dahlias
Grasse: Villa Fragonard, July 27-September 30, 1992.
Catalogue is Cahiers Henri Matisse 9 in the beautifully produced series
published by Xavier Girard of the Musee Matisse. Curator of this
exhibit which features works that contain flowers, Girard is the author
of two short essays in the catalogue, "Com me dans les dahlias, II" and
"Le mystere de Ia chambre claire." The third brief essay is "Trouver Ia
joie dans les arbres," by Christian Arthaud.
London 1992-94
Matisse, the Inuit Face [Matisse, Visage inuit]
London: Canada House, October 16, 1992-February 26, 1993;
Washington, D. C.: Canadian Embassy, March 21-June 11, 1993;
Calgary: Glenbow Museum, June 26-August 14, 1993; Musee de
Quebec, November 10, 1993-January 9, 1994; Art Gallery of Nova
Scotia, January 22-April 3, 1994; Winnipeg Art Gallery, April 24-June
19, 1994.
An exhibition of all known drawings and prints--charcoal, pencil,
aquatint, lithographs--made by Matisse from a collection of Inuit masks
belonging to Georges Duthuit. From the Matisse Archives and the
collection of Jean-Paul Riopelle, the works are reproduced in a fine
catalogue with foreword by Michael Regan, curator of the show,
assisted by Patricia Anderson; short text by Claude Duthuit, and a
splendid essay, "Surrealism, Structuralism and the French Collecting of
American Ethnography" by J. C. H. King, Museum of Mankind.
Martigny 1992
De Goya aMatisse, estampes de la collection Jacques Doucet
Martigny: Donation Pierre Gianadda, March 14-June 8, 1992.
A handsome and well-documented catalogue.
Review: Domus 739 (June 1992): xvi.
Nice 1992
Donation Marie Matisse
Nice: Galerie des Ponchettes, Summer 1992.
Nimes 1992
Henri Matisse: sculptures et gravures
Nlmes: Musee des Beaux-Arts, Summer 1992.
Oberlin 1992
The Living Object: Art Collection of Ellen H. Johnson
Oberlin, Ohio: Allen Memorial Art Museum of Oberlin College, 1992.
Review: Brown, E. A. "The Living Object, collection of Ellen H.
Johnson." Bull. Allen Memorial Art Mus. 45, 1-2 (1992): 75.
Paris 1992
La Dation Pierre Matisse
Paris: Musee National d'Art Moderne, June 18-September 13, 1992.
Handsome informational catalogue with essay, "Pierre Matisse,
compagnon en route," by Pierre Schneider.
Review: Burns, Guy, "Letter from Paris." Arts Rev. 44, 9 (September
1992): 413; Monod-Fontaine, I. "Dation: Oeuvres provenant de Ia
collection Pierre Matisse (attribue adifferents institutions de province)."
Rev. du Louvre 42 (April 1992): 19-29; Picard, D. "Manifeste, a
quelle fin?" Connaissance arts 485-86 (July-August 1992): 86.
Cannes 1993
Matisse, La Danse
Cannes: La Malmaison, January-March 1993.
A very handsone catalogue (Cahiers Henri Matisse, I 0) by Xavier
Girard on the studies for the Barnes Foundation Mural. These include
paintings, drawings, cut-paper designs, and sculpture, no. 1145.
Girard's essay is both informative and poetic and deals with the works
in the exhibition in a general way, dealing above all with the artist's
love of the theme of the dance.
Le Cateau-Cambresis 1993
Matisse, sculptures-dessins, dialogue
Le Cateau-Cambn!sis: Musee Matisse, November 6, 1993-February 6,
A handsome catalogue of an exhibition that pairs individual sculptures
with their pertinent drawings, creating between them the dialogue of the
title that offers surprising and rewarding affinities. A sensitive
introductory essay by Dominique Szysmusiak; illustrations are large
and beautifully reproduced--each work is given documentation by
Laurent Giovannoni, one of the show's organizers. An exhibition that
offers a fascinating meditation on the rapport between Matisse's graphic
and sculptural thinking.
Review: "Matisse: Sculptures-Dessins, dialogue." Cimaise 227
(November-December 1993): 54; Review. Rev. du Louvre 43 (June
1993): 101; Rose, Matthew. "No Wait at Musee Matisse in Cateau-
Cambresis," Art & Antiques (January 1994): 15.
Compiegne 1993
Tisserands de legende: Chane! et le tissage en Picardie
Compiegne: Abbaye de Royallieu, December 1993.
An exhibit that celebrates both the work of Coco Chane I and the
weaving industry in Picardy, the northern region of France from which
Matisse's family came. It was the weavers of Matisse's native region
who supplied the luxury fashion and home decoration industries with
woven and patterned fabrics. Among other essays in this small, but
richly produced, catalogue is Hilary Spurling's informative "Henri
Matisse et les tisseurs de Bohain," no. 355.
Copenhagen 1993
Minneapolis 1993
Minnesota Celebrates Matisse
Minneapolis: Minneapolis Institute of Arts, October 10, 1993-January
9, 1994.
Small, handsome catalogue by George Keyes with Patrick Shaw Cable;
general essay by Keyes. Works in all media from Minnesota
Nice 1993
Matisse--Paintings, Stage Scenes, Costumes and Accessories
Nice: Musee Matisse, July to August 1993.
Review: "Matisse a Nouveau" [on the reopening of the museum in its
renovated building], Connaissance arts 497 (July-August 1993): 8. A
Paris 1993
Henri Matisse, 1904-1917
Paris: Centre Georges Pompidou, February 25-June 21, 1993.
Substantive, richly illustrated catalogue by Dominique Fourcade and
Isabelle Monod-Fontaine, curators of the exhibition. An important
essay by Yve-Alain Bois, "L' Aveuglement," no. 403, is followed by a
detailed chronology, based on new documentation of the years in
question, by Monod-Fontaine and Claude Laugier. Fourcade and Eric de
Chassey have also assembled an "Anthologie," a valuable selection of
critical comments and writings--often rare--from the period, concerning
the works in the exhibition.
Review: Daix, Pierre. Matisse." Connaisance arts 492 (February
1993): 24-33; Girard, Xavier. "Matisse, L'Espace de Ia couleur."
Beaux-Arts Mag. 110 (March 1993): 54-75; Review. Rev. du Louvre
43 (February 1993): I08-9.
Stuttgart 1993
Henri Matisse: Zeichnungen und gouaches decoupees
Stuttgart: Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, December II, 1993-Febrary 20, 1994.
Large elegant catalogue edited by Ulrike Gauss, curator, with
contributions--by Lydia Delectorskaya, no. 1045, Xavier Girard, no.
1048, Jack Flam, no. 1047, Ortrud Dreyer, no. 269, Richard
Hennessey, no. 332, and Andreas Stolzenburg, no. 1028--that revolve
primarily around the series Themes et variations and Jazz. Text in
German, also in French or English when either was the original
language of the essay.
Vence 1993
Chapelle du Rosaire, 1948-51: etudes
Vence: Chateau de Villeneuve, Summer 1993.
Le Cateau-Cambresis 1994
Henri Matisse, sculpures, dessins, les annees Fauve
Le Cateau-Cambresis: Musee Matisse, Autumn 1994-February 1995.
(Seventy works.)
Review: Rose, Matthew. "No Wait at Musee Matisse in Cateau-
Cambresis," Arts & Antiques (January 1994): 15.
Philadelphia 1994
The Dance and Fifty Studies
Phildelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art, April-June 12, 1994.
Nature morte auxfruits etfleurs (Still Life with Fruits and Flowers), brush
and ink, 1947, 1044
Nature morte au geranium (Geraniums), 1915, 1347
Nature morte au pelargonium (Still Life with Geranium), 1906, 135
Nature morte: Les Pensees de Pascal (Still Life: Les Pensees de Pascal),
1924, 1285
Nature morte aux poissons rouges (Still Life with Goldfish), 1912, 944
Nature morte aux pommes (Still Life with Apples), 1916, 1347
Nature morte au tapis rouge [oriental] (Still Life with Red Rug), 1906, 90
Nature morte, Seville (Seville Still Life), 1910-11, 459, 941
Nature morte a Ia statuette (Still Life with Plaster Figure), 1906, 946
Nature morte sur table de marbre (Still Life on a Marble Table), 1941, 427
La Negresse (Negress), paper cut-out, 1953, 334
Notre Dame, fin l'apres-midi (Notre Dame in the Late Afternoon), 1902,
Nu (Female Nude), pen and ink, c. 1900, I 003
Nu (Male Nude), pen and ink, c. 1900, 1030
Nu assis I LeGrand bois (Seated Nude, Large Woodcut), 1906, 90, 402
Nu assis, bras derriere le dos (Seated Nude, Arms Behind Her Back), bronze,
1909, 187
Nu assis, bras /eves (Seated Nude with Arms Raised), lithograph, 1924,
Nu bleu 1-IV (Blue Nude I-IV), paper cut-out, 1952, 224, 334, 809, 810
Nu bleu IV (Blue Nude IV), paper cut-out, 1952, 206, 224, 334
Nu bleu, souvenir de Biskra (Blue Nude, Souvenir of Biskra), 1907, 187,
42~ 561, 806, 807, 808
Nu couche (Reclining Nude) 1924, 922
Nu couche I (Reclining Nude/), bronze, 1927, 187, 201, 995
Nu couche, Aurore (Reclining Nude/Aurora), terra cotta), 1908, 215
Nu couche a Ia chemise (Reclining Figure with Chemise), bronze, 1906,
993, 994
Nu debout etfougere noire (Standing Nude with Black Fern), brush and ink,
1948, 1043
Nude dos 0, I, II, Ill, IV(Backs 0, I, II, Ill, IV), 1908-31, 178, 199,201,
203, 215, 986-989, 1336; Exh. cat. London 1956, Le Cateau-
Cambresis 1990
Nu rose, Grand nu couche (Pink Nude, Large Reclining Nude), 1935, 72,
305, 354
Nymphe dans laforet, Faune et verdure (Nymph in the Forest/La Verdure),
1942, 72, 206, 683
Le nymphe et le satyre (Nymph and Satyr), 1907, 1150, 1151, 137
Oceanie, le ciel (Oceania the Sky), silkscreened panel, 1946, 1152-1155
Oceanie, le mer (Oceania the Sea), silkcreened panel, 1946, 1152-1155
Odalisque assise (Seated Odalisque), 192 (ex. Clark), 936
Odalisque rouge (Odalisque in Red), 1922, 899
Odalique sur un divan rose (Woman on a Rose Divan), 1920, 980
Odalisque au tamborin (Odalisque with a Tambourine), 1925-26, 900
Titles in English
Abduction of Europa (L'Enlevement d'Europe), 1927-29, 839, 840, 841
Acanthuses (Les Acanthes), paper cut-out, 1953, 353
Anm!lies, White Tulips and Anemones (Annelies aux tulipes blanches et
anemones), 1944, 782
Apollo (Apollon), paper cut-out, 1953, 783-789
Apollo (Apollon), ceramic mural, 1953, 1053
Apples (Les Pommes), 1916, 790
Arab Cafe (Le Cafe marocain [maure}), 1913, 505,729,791,792,
Asia (L'Asie ), 1946, 793
Backs 0, 1, 11, 111, 1V (Nude dos 0, 1, 11, 111, 1V), 1908-31, 178, 199,, 201,
203, 215, 986-989, 1336; Exh. cat. London 1956, Le Cateau-
Cambn!sis 1990
Balthazar Castiglione (Balthazar Castiglione), 1904, 794
Bather (La Baigneuse, fond bleu ), 1909, 795
Bathers by a River (Femmes a Lariviere), 1916, 165, 215, 311, 346, 404,
479, 770, 796-799, 1144, 1371, 1395
Bathers with a Turtle (Baigneuses a La tortue), 1908, 770, 800-803, 1144,
1252, 1321
Beasts of the Sea (Les Betes de La mer), paper cut-out, 1950, 320,804,805
The Black Ribbon (Ruban noir), 1922, 1301
Blue Nude 1-1V ( Nu bleu I-IV), paper cut-out, 1952, 224, 334, 809, 810
Blue Nude IV (Nu bleu IV), paper cut-out, 1952, 206, 224, 334
Blue Nude, Souvenir of Biskra (Nu bleu, souvenir de Biskra), 1907, 187,
420, 561, 806, 807, 808
Blue Still Life (Nature morte bleue ), 1907, 811
Blue Window (La Fenetre bleue), 1913, 503, 812, 813
Boy with Butterfly Net (L'Enfant au filet a papillons), 1907, 814, 815,
Carmelina (Carmelina), 1903-04, 504, 1181
The {Lorraine] Chair with Peaches (La Chaise [Lorraine] aux peches), 1919,
654, 816
Chapel of the Rosary at Vence (LaChapelle du Rosaire de Vence), 1951,
236, 483, 528, 550, 788, 1061-1136; Exh. cat. New York 1976
Circus (Le Cirque), printfrom "Jazz," 1947, 999
The Coiffure (La Coiffure), 1907, 420, 817, 818
Conservatory (Jardin d'hiver), 1938, 305, 1321
The Conversation (La Conversation), 1909-12, 504, 567, 699, 819, 820
Dance ( 1), decorative panel (La Danse ( 1), esquisse de paneau decoratif ),
1909, 821, 822, 823
Dance 2 (La Danse [2]), 1910, 130, 311, 346, 750, 824-834
The Dance (La Danse), unfinished mural, 1931, 157, 465, 1137-1145
The Dance (La Danse), Barnes mural, 1932-33, 1137-1145
The Dance (La Danse), reworked Barnes mural now in Paris, 1933, 1137-
Dancer (Danseuse), paper cut-out, 1949, 314
Jeannette 1-V (Tetes de Jeannette I, II, 1/1, IV, V), bronze, 1910-1916, 201,
203, 206, 990, 991, 1222, 1366
Joy of Life (Bonheur de vivre), 1905-06, 50, 79, 372, 374, 750, 866-874,
1199, 1233, 1268
Landscape: Broom (Paysage: les genets), 1905, 875
Large Decoration with Masks (Grand Decoration aux masques), paper cut-
out, 1953, 349, 675, 1119
Large Red Interior (Grand interieur rouge), 1948, 540, 876, 877, 878
Large Seated Nude (Grand nu assis), bronze, 1925-29, 992, 1321
Leda and the Swan (Leda), triptych door panel, 1946, 48, 1147, 1148, 1149
Lorette in Turban and Yellow Vest (Lorette au turban), 1917, 879
Lorette with Long Locks of Hair (Tete de Lorette aux tongues boucles),
1916-17, 880
Luxe I (Le Luxe/), 1908, 883-886
Luxe II (Le Luxe If), 1908, 883-886
Luxe, calme et volupte (Luxe, calme et volupte), 1904-05, 79, 352, 881,
Male figure study (Academie de l'homme), c.1900, 781
Male model, Bevilaqua (L'Homme nu), oil, c.1900, 202
Male Nude (Nu), pen and ink, c. 1900, 1030
Marguerite Reading (Marguerite lisant), 1906, 90
Marquet Painting a Nude in Manguin's Studio (Marquet peignant un nu dans
!'atelier de Manguin), 1904, 475, 1181
Memory of Oceania (Souvenir d'Oceanie), 1953, 309
Mile Luba Roudenko, four pen and ink drawings, 1939, 1347
Moorish Screen (Le Paravent mauresque), 1921, 887
Moroccan Garden I Periwinkles (Jardin marocain/ Les Pervenches), 1912.
Moroccans (Les Marocains), 1916, 78, 505
Moroccan sketchbook and drawings, 1912-13, 1031
Motorcar (Compartiment de non-fumeurs), pen and ink, 1934, 1032
Music (La Musique), 1910, 311, 346, 414, 420, 824-834, 1371
Music (La Musique), 1939, 359, 889
Music Lesson (La Leron de musique), 1917, 50, 372, 890, 891, 892
My Room at the Beau Rivage (Ma Chambre au Beau-Rivage), 1917-18, 893
Nasturtiums with "The Dance" I (Capucines a "La Dance" 1), 1912, 603,
Nasturtiums with "The Dance" 2 (Capucines a "La Dance" 2), 1912, 699,
895, 896, 897
Negress (La Negresse), paper cut-out, 1953, 334
Nightmare of the White Elephant (Cauchemare de /'elephant blanc), print IV
from "Jazz", 1947, 1029
Notre Dame in the late Afternoon (Notre Dame, fin l'apres-midi), 1902, 898
Nymph and Satyr (Le nymphe et le satyre), 1907, 1150, 1151, 1371
Nymph in the Forest/La Verdure (Nymphe dans laforet, Faune et verdure),
1942, 72, 206, 683
Oceania the Sea (Oceanie, le mer), silkcreened panel, 1946, 1152-1155
The Strange Farandole, Red and Black (L'Etrange farandole, Rouge et nair),
1939, 1158-1162
Still Life (Nature morte), 1927-29 (Booth, De trail}, 942
Still Life: Les Pensees de Pascal (Nature morte: Les Pensees de Pascal),
1924, 1285
Still Life with Asphodels (Nature morte aux asphodl!les), c./909, 1291
Still Life with Apples (Nature morte aux pommes), 1916, 1347
Still Life with Fruits and Flowers (Nature morte auxfruits etfleurs}, brush
and ink, 1947, 1044
Still Life with Geranium (Nature morte au pelargonium), 1906, 1350
Still Life with Goldfish (Nature morte aux poissons rouges), 1912, 944
Still Life on a Marble Table (Nature morte sur table de marbre), 1941, 427
Still Life with Phonograph (lnterieur au phonographe), 1924, 504, 1286,
Still Life with Pineapple, compote, fruits, and vase of anemones (Nature
morte, ananas, compotier, fruits, vase d'anemones}, 1925, 943
Still Life with Plaster Bust (Nature morte aux coloquintes), 1916, 945,
Still Life with Plaster Figure (Nature morte a Ia statuette), 1906, 946
Still Life with Red Rug (Nature morte au tapis rouge [oriental]), 1906, 90
Studio, Quai Saint-Michel (L'Atelier du quai Saint-Michel), 1916-17, 790,
947, 948
Study of a Woman in Front of a Drape (Etude d'une femme devant une
draperie}, charcoal, 1909, 1308
The Swimming Pool (La Piscine}, paper cut-out, 1952, 284, 314, 349, 358,
949, 950, 1002; Exh. cat. New York 1977
Tea (LeThe), 1919, 607, 951, 952,
Themes and Variations (Themes et variations), book, 1942, 326, I 045-
A Thousand and One Nights ( Les Mille et une nuits), paper cut-out, 1950,
953, 954
Three Bathers ( Baignade), 1907, 955
The Three Sisters Triptych (Les Trois soeurs), 1917, 50, 956
Tiari (Le Tiare). bronze/ marble, 1930, 198, 204, 215
Two Girls in a Yellow and Red Interior (Deux fillettes, fond jaune et rouge),
1947, 556, 957
Two Negresses (Deux negresses}, bronze, 1907, 206, 997, 998
Two Rays (Grande falaise: les deux raies), 1920, 958
Two Women on a Balcony (Deux femmes sur une terrasse [balcon]), 1921,
Ulysses by James Joyce (Ulysses de James Joyce), book, 1935, 1049,
1050; Exh. cat. Paris 1975
Variation on a Still Life by de Heem (Nature morte d'apres "La Desserte" de
David de Heem), 1915, 78, 959, 1395
Vase of Flowers (Vase de fleurs), 1924 960
Venus in the Shell I, II (Venus a Ia coquille/, //,), bronze, 1930//932,
206, 994
View of Collioure with Church (Vue de Collioure, eglise), 1905, 961, 962
View of Notre Dame, Spring (Une Vue de Notre-Dame), 1914, 963
View of the Sea, Collioure (La Mer vue a Collioure), 1906, 964
The Vine (La Vigne), paper cut-out, 1953, 353
The Wave (La Vague), paper cut-out, 1952, 1355
White and Pink Head (Tete cbanche et rose), 1915, 130
White Plumes (Les Plumes blanches), 1919, 965, 966, 967, 1286
The Window (La Fenetre), 1916, 684, 968
The Winepress (Le Vis), paper cut-out, 1951, 969, 970
Woman and Goldfish Bowl (Femme a Ia bowl des poissons), 1921, 971,
Woman Before an Aquarium (Femme devant un aquarium), 1923, 973-977
Woman in Blue Dress (La Grande robe bleue et mimosas), 1937, 72,698,
Woman in Blue Gandurah (Femme a Ia gandoura bleue), 1950, 979
Woman in a Yellow Armchair (Femme assise dans une fauteuil jaune), 1940,
Woman on a High Stool (Femme au taboret), 1914, 654
Woman on a Rose Divan (Odalique sur un divan rose), 1920, 980
Woman Reading at a Dressing Table (1nterieur, Nice), 1919, 981
Woman Reading on a Black Background (La Lise use sur fond noir, Ia table
rose), 1939, 982
Woman Seated by a Window (Femme assise devant unefenetre), 1918-19,
Woman Standing in Front of the Window (Femme debout devant une
fenetre), 1919, 1349, 1350
Woman with the Hat (La Femme au chapeau), 1905, 739,984, 1297
Women and Monkeys (Femmes et singes), paper cut-out, 1952, 349
Yellow and Blue interior (1nterieur jaune et bleu), 1946, 985
The Yellow Dress (La Robe tilleul), 1931, 463, 510