Zero Income Affidavit
Zero Income Affidavit
Zero Income Affidavit
1. I hereby certify that I do not individually receive income from any of the following sources:
2. I currently have no income of any kind and there is no imminent change expected in my financial status
or employment status during the next 12 months.
3. I will be using the following sources of funds to pay for rent and other necessities:
Under penalty of perjury, I certify that the information presented in this certification is true and accurate to
the best of my knowledge. The undersigned further understand(s) that providing false representations here-
in constitutes an act of fraud. False, misleading, or incomplete information may result in the termination of
a lease agreement.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence this ________ day of _____________________, 20____.
My commission expires:__________________________
Survival Statement
2. Do you have internet at home? Yes No How much do you spend? $_____________
3. Have you purchased any clothing for Yes No How much do you spend? $_____________
yourself or member of the household
during the past 30 days? Source of income for payment of clothing:
4. Have you or a member of the household Yes No How much do you spend? $_____________
incurred any medical expenses in the
past 30 days? Source of income for medical expenses:
5. Do you have telephone service in your Yes No Monthly Telephone Cost: $_____________
apartment? Monthly Cell Phone Cost: $_____________
Do you have a cell phone?
Source of income for payment of telephone and cell
phone cost:
7. Do you have any school age children? Yes No How much did you spend in the past 30 days for
school related costs (books, paper, pencils, lunches,
fees, etc)? $_____________
9. What was the total food cost for your family in the past 30 days?
Source of income for food costs:
10. How much did you spend during the past 30 days for items such as soap, detergent, toothpaste, cigarettes,
alcohol, deodorant, shampoo, toilet tissue, etc.?
Source of income for the above items:
11. What were your utility costs for the past 30 days?
Source of income for utility costs: