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NACOS Platinum Brochure

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Wärtsilä NACOS

Navigation Automation
Control System
Wärtsilä NACOS
Platinum at a Glance
Cost Effective
Wärtsilä NACOS Platinum is a cost-
effective suite of electronic systems
covering almost any area within ship
automation, propulsion, navigation, power
management, dynamic positioning and
general alarm and control.
Proven in Use
Wärtsilä NACOS Platinum is applicable to
any ship, irrespective of size or type. Since
its market introduction in 2010, more than
400 systems have been delivered and are
in global service.
Integrated and Flexible
Wärtsilä NACOS Platinum is by design
fully integrated and its applications
are engineered to operate in unison,
utilizing shared resources and a
common infrastructure. The modular
concept enables it to cater to particular
requirements, while the system can also
be installed as a stand-alone application to
fully deliver the required functionality within
specific areas.
Full Compliance
Wärtsilä NACOS Platinum complies with
all relevant international rules and with
the regulations of all major classification
societies, including DNVGL, ABS and
Lloyds Register. The system is constantly Full Feature Set – and Full Compliance
updated in accordance with new and
Wärtsilä NACOS Platinum offers what is probably the richest
anticipated legislation, and existing
onboard installations can also be upgraded
array of features and functions available from any integrated
as needed. system currently on the market. These include:
zz X-band and S-band Radar, ECDIS, WECDIS, Autopilot and
Global Support Proven in Use Track Control, Conning & Docking display, VDR, and a full
Wärtsilä NACOS Platinum installations Since the delivery of the first Wärtsilä NACOS Platinum navigation sensor package;
are easy to maintain, and Wärtsilä systems in 2010, more than 400 systems are currently zz Joystick system and Dynamic Positioning
service agents around the world have the
in global operation. They are installed in vessels of all (DP 0, DP 1, DP 2);
necessary tools to manage the system.
kinds and sizes, including container ships up to 20,000 zz Alarm, monitoring and control system, Power Management
Wärtsilä NACOS Platinum has a high level
of built-in diagnosis capability, and includes
TEU, the world’s largest and most prestigious cruise System (PMS), Propulsion Control System (PCS), main
a Remote Maintenance option to support ships, naval vessels, offshore supply ships, mega- engine safety system, 2-stroke engine governor system,
ships at sea. To ensure and maintain the yachts, bulk carriers, product tankers and special HVAC and cargo monitoring and control;
integrity of the Wärtsilä NACOS Platinum ships, such as those used for wind farm maintenance. zz Ship-to-shore data link, remote monitoring and remote
systems, key electronic components are These ships are all equipped with Wärtsilä NACOS maintenance solutions.
self-configuring and can be changed on Platinum navigation systems, automation systems, All Wärtsilä NACOS Platinum systems and components are
the fly, without downtime and without DP systems or in many cases, large, complex Wärtsilä approved and comply with the latest relevant international rules
specialist knowledge. NACOS Platinum integrated systems. and regulations. They also meet the requirements of all major
classification societies worldwide. Wärtsilä constantly develops
its systems to provide the functions and features required by
customers and to meet current and anticipated legislation.

2 3
True Multi-function Workstations Wärtsilä combines almost 40 years of in-house
Users interact with Wärtsilä NACOS Platinum via Multi- experience with ongoing consultation with international 14J S-Band Scanner 5/8J X-Band Scanner 5/8J X-Band Scanner

function Displays (MFDs). Each of these, as a baseline, human factor experts to refine and update the system’s AIS

provides access to all applications installed on the HMI. This ensures that usability and intuitiveness are Transceiver
30 kW
25 kW
25 kW

ship, for example Radar, ECDIS, Conning Displays and at the highest possible level. It also means that the
machinery automation. Saving physical space and cost, fundamental principle of keeping the user and the user DYNAMIC RADARPILOT CONNING MULTIPILOT ECDISPILOT MULTIPILOT

thanks to the multi-function capability of Wärtsilä NACOS needs as the pivotal point for development remains a core Worksta3on Worksta3on Worksta3on Worksta3on Worksta3on

Platinum MFDs, each work station provides the user strategy with the Wärtsilä NACOS Platinum.

with direct access to all the information required for any Common Tools and Components Worksta3on

particular task, and switching between applications is

DP Data Data Data Voyage

The Wärtsilä NACOS Platinum system uses a common Collec3on

Unit TP-IP

as simple as two mouse-clicks. Catering for operational tool to perform the overwhelming majority of definition Process I/O
policies, needs and potential restrictions, each MFD can
Sensor input Sensor input Sensor input

and individualization tasks for any particular installation.

however be configured to provide a more limited access, The system also uses a high number of common Ethernet Ring Connec3on
but can just as easily be re-configured at a later stage,

components, all of which are shared across the

should the needs or operational requirements change, application areas, be it navigation or automation. The Automa3on

even without a need for rewiring. benefit of this philosophy is significant from a service
Dedicated to perspective, considering that the careful utilization of
User Centered Design common components results in a greatly reduced spare- Engine D.

The design of the Wärtsilä NACOS Platinum human- part count. Additionally, the use of a common software
machine interface (HMI) is in accordance with the ideals of configuration tool also means that an entire installation Rudder

the ISO standard for ‘Human-Centered Design’, so as to – across application areas – can be easily managed
provide optimal interaction quality and easy, effective and in a consistent manner. Since this principle applies to
any service intervention, in any location, throughout the Example of an extended Wärtsilä NACOS Platinum system
efficient use.
Across the entire suite of applications, Wärtsilä NACOS lifecycle of the ship, quality issues are minimized and the
Platinum provides consistent operation, and follows continued system integrity and reliability is ensured.
components, and additional measurement points or
operating principles similar to modern browsers and major Scalable and Extensible control logic impose no strain on the system’s computing
software packages. Dialogues, controls, alarm handling A governing philosophy of the Wärtsilä NACOS Platinum power. Instead, Wärtsilä NACOS Platinum consists of
and alarm symbols are identical throughout the system, design is that of adding computing resources whenever interconnected but self-sustaining and both physically
and even novel users will find the Wärtsilä NACOS adding functions or increasing requirements. Combining and logically distributed process computers. Each of a solution which provides a high level of autonomy. Under
Platinum HMI immediately familiar, thus being able to this with a fully distributed architecture, inherent these process computers carries a relatively low count adverse conditions, such units will continue to perform
focus on the real tasks right from the beginning. resilience becomes a defining feature of the system: of inputs and outputs, and typically they independently the functions assigned, resulting in system dependability
There is no potential vulnerability associated with central execute the functions associated with those interfaces, and robustness.

4 5
Networked Marine Solutions The Wärtsilä NACOS Platinum system is based on Service and Maintenance Training Center
Covering the areas of ship automation, navigation, the philosophy of distributed, networked computing. Shipping runs 24 hours a day, 365 days a year – and the Navigational safety results from having reliable systems,
dynamic positioning and alarm and control applications, Common hardware and software components are Wärtsilä NACOS Platinum is fully supported at all times. professional maintenance and proficient users. An
the Wärtsilä NACOS Platinum system system capably used throughout any Wärtsilä NACOS Platinum Round-the-clock attendance and service is available globally integral part of the Wärtsilä NACOS Platinum system
and cost-effectively meets the evolving needs of the system, irrespective of size and application, and the via Wärtsilä service pools. The company’s worldwide service is provided by the Training Center, which offers
competitive marine market. By design, the Wärtsilä architecture of Wärtsilä NACOS Platinum offers full network can provide technical support at short notice, on- training according to the requirements of the IMO
NACOS Platinum provides top-level scalability, flexibility access to information anywhere in the system, across site or via remote connection. model courses and the rules and regulations of the
and extensibility, permitting the exact tailoring of the all functions and application areas. Once a component Acknowledging the ever-present cyber security threat, the IMO STCW95 I/7. The Training Center is equipped
system, already during the design stage, to meet diverse is added to the network, the data it provides becomes Wärtsilä NACOS Platinum remote service solution operates with state-of-the-art technology, and is constantly
and individual requirements. Similarly, the system can available throughout the system. This kind of transparent on secured networks, and the connection availability is being adapted to meet rules and regulations in order
evolve to meet changing needs as market requirements access to data is the foundation for increasingly aware managed from the ship for maximum safety. to provide the highest quality. We offer courses in
change. Equally important, the engineering and built-in and intelligent functions that utilize multi-domain data Periodic maintenance is available through Wärtsilä Wärtsilä NACOS Platinum navigation equipment,
quality of Wärtsilä NACOS Platinum provides the year- to improve performance, whether supporting users BASECARE for GMDSS equipment, and for bridge navigation Wärtsilä NACOS Platinum main engine remote control
in, year-out dependability, durability and availability on board or fuelling business analytics ashore. The and communications systems through Wärtsilä MAINCARE. and Wärtsilä NACOS Platinum ship automation in a
demanded by operational considerations, while the integrated nature of Wärtsilä NACOS Platinum makes simulated environment.
system’s design solutions include levels of redundancy it a cornerstone in gaining access to the insights, data,
that permit undisrupted operations, even under adverse knowledge and intelligence needed for continuously
conditions. optimized operations.

Rendezvous Server
Service Engineer Internet Internet

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SCC ship control center

Wärtsilä is a global leader in complete lifecycle power

solutions for the marine and energy markets. By emphasising
technological innovation and total efficiency, Wärtsilä
maximises the environmental and economic performance of
the vessels and power plants of its customers.

08.2016 / Bock´s Office


WÄRTSILÄ® is a registered trademark. Copyright © 2016 Wärtsilä Corporation.

Specifications are subject to change without prior notice.

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