Decanates. Death
Decanates. Death
Decanates. Death
) When any of the three decanates of a Räçi rises, the native’s limbs are allotted to the different houses in the following manner:- (1) When the first decanate rises,
those of the 12 houses counted from the Lagna onwards represent the head, eye, ear, nostril, cheek, jaw and mouth on the right and left sides. Similarly, the second decanates
of the houses represented in order are the neck, shoulder, side, heart, arm, chest and navel on two sides. The last ones likewise represent the pelvis, the genital organ, anus,
thighs, knees, shanks and feet.
Notes: Suppose the first decanate of Meña rises, then the first ones of the 12 houses will represent in order the head, the right eye, right ear, right nostril, right cheek, right jaw,
mouth, left jaw, left cheek, left nostril, left ear and the left eye.
The development or otherwise of the different limbs of a child is deduced from the nature of the decanates of the 12 bhavas beginning with the Lagna. The first decanates of
the twelve houses represent the head, eye, ear, nostril, cheek, jaw, and mouth on the right side and the same on the left too. Note that the second and twelfth houses stand for
the right and left eye respectively. Similarly the second decanates of the houses represent the neck, shoulder, arm, side, heart, chest and navel on the two sides. The last ones
represent likewise pelvis, genital organ, testicle, thigh, knee, calf and legs, the 12th being anus. According to some scholars this order should be adhered to only when the first
decanate of a Rasi is rising. Otherwise the order will have to be modified accordingly i.e. if the second decanate of a Rasi is rising, then we shall have to start with the neck. In
my humble opinion it is better to start with the head whichever decanate of the Rasi rises. If the Rasi denoted by a particular decanate is well aspected or occupied, if its
lord is well situated or aspected, the limb denoted by it will be well developed and good-looking, If the decanate is occupied by natural malefics, the corresponding
limb will have an ulcer/ wound. If it is also occupied or aspected by benefics, there will be some mole or mark. The mark will be natural /congenial when the
conjoining planet is posited in its own rasi or navamsa that is a fixed sign; otherwise it will be an accidental one. If the planet concerned be Saturn, the wound would
be one caused by windy desease or stone; if Mars, by poison, weapon or fire; if Mercury, by earth (i.e., mud) and the Sun, by wood, 4 legged animals ; and if Moon,
by some liquid or horned creature. There will undoubtedly be a wound/ulcer caused by malefics in the limb signified by the decanate which is occupied by three
planets. A Decanate that is aspected which is occupied by three planets. A Decanate that is aspected by malefics will cause a mole in the corresponding limb, while
one occupied by benefics, a good mark.
. Mark, the Moon becomes a malefic when she is weak, and Mercury in association with malefics. A knowledge of the decanates helps the astrologer in predicting the
birth of birds and beasts. For example, if a Paksi drekkana be rising and be aspected or occupied by Saturn or the Moon, then birds would be born or indicated. In
this case Saturn stands for those living on the land and the Moon for those in water.
If the last Navariisa of Capricorn is rising and if there be three malefics in the 2nd, 3rd and 1st decanates of the Ascendant, the child will be without arms, feet or head as the
case may be. If the Moon occupies a decanate owned by Mars, or if the Ascendant belongs to a malefic, and if benefics occupy the 2nd and llth houses, the native is a snake or
human being with a cord coiled round his body. The person born in a malefic decanate will be evil-minded, of wandering habits, addicted to sinful deeds and scandal-
mongering. One born in a Watery decanate becomes liberal, enjoyer of pleasures, kind-hearted, intent on agriculture and irrigation, and void of morality. One born in a benefic
decanate is compassionate, handsome, and blessed with happiness, wealth and children. And one born in a Mixed decanate is ill-behaved, loose in sexual matters, fickle-
minded and of fierce looks.
If at a birth the Moon be in her own or a friendly decanate, the subject would have a prepossessing appearance and all virtues; but if she be in a decanate owned by a non-
friendly planet, he would have the appearance and qualities pertaining to that planet. If the Moon occupies a Serpent decanate, the subject will be wrathful; if an Armed
decanate, he will commit murderous deeds; and if a Quadruped decanate, he will have liaison with worshippable women; if a Bird decanate, he will be a wanderer.
If Saturn occupying a Kendra should aspect the Sign represented by the decanate occupied by Mercury, the subject would be an artist or artisan.
If the rising decanate at a birth be a Serpent, Fetters or Weapon drekkana, and if the sign represented by the decanate be also aspected by malefics, the person would undergo
imprisonment wherein there would be appropriate punishment corresponding to the nature of the decanate. In this Yoga if the 5th and 9th houses are occupied by strong
malefics and not aspected by benefics, the native dies in captivity.
We have already seen that the 22nd decanate is termed Khara drekkana which is very important in deciding the nature of the subject's death. If this decanate happens to be
Serpent, Weapon or Fetters, the person dies in prison or on account of torture. The lords of the Khara drekkana and of the 8th house in D3 play an important role in the
despatch of the native. Now let us see the effects of the 36 decanates becoming the Khara drekkana seve¬rally
The disposal of the dead body is also known from the nature of this Khara drekkana. If it is Fiery, Watery or Mixed, the body is burnt to ashes; consigned to waters, or
exposed to the sun and wind as the case may be. If it is Serpent, it is eaten away by beasts and birds of prey. If there are malefics in the 8th house, the dead body will be
cremated. Similarly the previous birth can be predicted from the lord of the decanate occupied by the stronger of the two luminaries. If it be Jupiter, the soul must have come
from devaloka; if it is the Moon or Venus, from pitriloka; if it is the Sun or Mars from bhumandala; if Saturn or Mercury from patala. The rank/consciousness of the soul in
its previous birth was high, moderate or low according as the owner of the decanate mentioned here is in his exaltation, below that or in his depression.
The refuge of the departed soul is indicated by the lord of the decanate of the 6th house (16th decanate from the rising one) or of the 22nd (8th house in D3)or by the
planet occupying the 7th house. Whichever planet is strongest among these to the world thereof does the departed soul repair. The lords of the Khara drekkana and of
the 8th house in D3 play an important role in the despatch of the native
Of course Moksha or final liberation is governed by Jupiter occupying certain positions. Some scholars are of opinion that the refuge of the soul is determined through the
ruler of the decanate of the 12th or 2nd house.
The decanate is made use of in preparing Nastataka (lost horoscopy). The position of Jupiter in the Zodiac at the time of birth of the querent is determined from the
decanate that is rising at the time of query. If it is the first decanate of the Sign, Jupiter should be located in the Sign itself which happens to be the Ascendant at the query; if
second or third decanate, his position will be in the 5th or 9th as the case may be. The Rtu or season at the time of birth should be found out from the ruler of the decanate
rising or from the planet occupying the Lagna whichever is stronger. The six seasons Vasanta, Grisma, Varsa, Sarad, Hemanta and Sisira belong respectively to Venus, Mars
and the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn. Then the rising decanate determines the month of the Rtu according as the first or second half of the decanate is rising.
To find the lunar day or Tithi proceed thus — Convert the degrees etc. of the decanate into minutes. Subtract 300 if the minutes are more than 300. From the remainder find
out the Tithi at the rate of 10 minutes per Tithi. The Ascendant at birth will be so far removed from the Sign occupied by the Sun at querry as the Sign representing the
decanate occupied by the Sun at query is from the rising decanate. Let us take an example. Let the Ascendant and the position of the Sun at query be — 7-22-16 and 4-24-17
respectively. The rising decanate is the third of Scorpio and that of the Sun third of Leo. So the Sun is in the 28th decanate from the rising one. Take off multiples of 12 from
28. The remainder is 4. Hence count four Signs from Leo, the position of the Sun. It is Scorpio which should be the Ascendant at birth. There is another way of looking at this
problem. The Rasi representing the Lagna decanate is Cancer and that of the Sun Aries. So it is the 10th Rasi. Now counting 10 signs from Leo we come to Taurus.
For travel too this rising decanate is very helpful. The decanate rising at the start of a journey must be owned, occupied and aspected by benefics. Its form and
characteristics must be auspicious. If these conditions are satisfied the travel will be fruitful. The Serpent and other malefic decanates should be scrupulously
The decanate helps the astrologer in locating lost or stolen articles. Prthuyasas states in his Satpancasika, "If the first decanate of a Rasi is rising, the missing article is at
the gate of the house; if it is the second, it is inside the house; and if it is the last one, the article is behind the house." The same author adds that the thief is to be determined
from the decanate that is rising. The forms of the various decanates have been already noticed by us. This knowledge would help one to a large extent. Similarly the nature,
caste etc. of the thief can be deduced from the qualities given to the ruler of the decanate. The planets aspecting and associating with the ruler also will have to be taken into
From Saravali ch 10 v.14-15. Should the ascendant fall in a Nigala, Sarpa, Pakshi or Pasa decanate and be occupied by malefic planets, without the aspect of the decanate
lord concerned, the native lives upto 7 years only. If Rahu is in an angle and aspected by malefics, the longevity is only 10, while according to some, it is 16.
Notes: For. example, Sarpa drekkana in Pisces is the 3rd decanate, i.e. 20 degrees-30 degrees. Suppose Rahu is in 20-30 degree area of Pisces. He should be aspected by Mars,
the ruler of Scorpio where the 3rd decanate falls, so that the child lives beyond 7 years of its age. Similarly for other decanates.
Ch, 4,v. 3 to 6; 3-6. The counting of limbs according to the decanate rising at birth should be identified, as under. If the first decanate rises, count from head. If second, from
neck and, if 3rd, from pelvis. The 6 Rasis backwards from the Ascendant denote the left side of the body, while the 6 forward Rasis from Lagna indicate the right side of the
body. Should the first decanate of a Sign ascend, the lapsed part of the Ascendant denotes left side of the head and the part to rise yet indicates the right side of the head, the
2nd and 12th denote right and left eyes, respectively, 3rd and 11th right and left ears, 4th and 10th right and left nose, 5th and 9th right and left cheeks, 6th and 8th right and
left chins and the 7th left side of the face (area yet to rise) and the 7th right side of the face (portion already descended). If the 2nd decanate rises, neck, shoulder, arms, side,
heart, stomach and navel are to be understood in the same order. Should the third decanate rise, pelvis, anus, penis, testicle, thigh, knee, calf and feet will be counted in the
same order. The decanates occupied by malefics denote wounds etc., while the ones by benefics indicate marks (moles) on the limbs concerned. Should these planets be in
their own Rasi, or Amsa at birth, then the wound, or mole are right from birth. Otherwise these will be caused later on (in appropriate periods).
Vol 2; If Saturn is in the rising decanate (in 1 in D 3), some peculiarities in appearance can be noticed, Iike excess lingers, blunt thumb, thumblessness, uneven eyes and the
Even a person born in regal scion will become an artisan if the ascendant in Mercury's decanate receives the aspect of the Moon from an angle.
66. Should the Moon be in her own Rasi and in her own decanate, one will become a ruler. If simultaneously a benelic is endowed with strength, the native will become a great
king.__ lf a planefs cntribution gets doubled by virtue of position in own sign, own decanate etc., (as per sloka 6 above) and further warrants trebling by virtue of
retrogression/ exaltation, the trebling should also be done. So say the learned.__ LAGNA DASA: The ascendant's major period will prove auspicious if it is in the first
decanate of a movable sign; medium in the second decanate and poor in the 3rd decanate. The reverse is true with a common sign ascendlng, i.e. third, second and first
decanate will respectively be auspicious, medium and poor. As for a fixed sign ascending first, second and third decanates will respectively give poor, auspicious and medium
BPHS; If Chandr be in the decanate of Shani or in the Navams of Shani or Mangal, and be aspected by Shani, the native becomes an ascetic and enters the holy order signified
by Shani.
Ch.3, v..38; Drekkana Bala. Male planets are strong in the first decanate, female planets in the third decanate and neutral planets in the second decanate of a Rasi. Planets are
strong, only when they are away from the Sun, as per Yavanas..v. 31-33. A planet in its own decanate confers virtues
61. Should Mars be in the Ascendant and fall in the ascendental decanate, or a trinal decanate, receiving the aspect of malefics, while benefics are devoid of strength, the child
in the womb develops no head, no legs and no hands, respectively.
In a Movable Lagna, the effects of the three decanates, first, second and third are good, middling and bad respectively; in a Fixed one, they are in order, bad, good
and middling; In a Dual one, middling, bad and good.
If the 8th house is neither occupied nor aspected by planets, then death could be expected as a result of the special nature or humour of the sign representing the 8th house,
or of the Navamsa Sign occupied by the lord of the 8th. Aries in 8 or LO8 in ari in D9: Death will be due to fever, poison, stomach disease and biliousness.Taurus” same” :
vitiation of all the humours, weapons or fire.Gemin” same; cough, asthma, excessive heat, colic etc.Cancer” same” : rheumatism, insanity or diarrhoea.Leo” same : boils
(tumour), poison, weapons, fever etc.Virgo” same :stomach-complaints, diseases of the private parts, quarrel, fall from a precipice etc.Libra” same :aberration of the mind,
fever or typhoid.Scorpio” same : jaundice, diarrhoea, enlargement of the spleen and the like.Sagittarius” same :Through a tree, water, weapon or wooden piece. (The effect
is sure if the concerned Sign or Amsa is occupied by a malefic).Capricorn” same: by impalement, ploughing or mental derangement. If there is a malefic in the Sign or Amsa,
death is likely through wild animals like tigers, cough, fever, consumption or some unnatural cause.Aquarius” same : If there is a malefic in the Sign or Amsa, death is likely
through tigers, weapons, serpents, cough, fever or consumption.Pisces” same :It may be due to snake-poison, exhaustion of a journey, storm, machine, ship-wreck or fall of
In case the 8th house is occupied by any one of the seven planets beginning with the Sun the end may be brought about by (i) fire, (ii) water, (iii) weapon, (iv) fall, (v)
fever, (vi) thirst or diabetes, and (vii) starvation, in order. On the other hand if this house is aspected by strong planets, the cause of death may be the particular humours
belonging to them.
Place of death. If the 8th house is a movable sign, death will take place in a foreign country; if it is a fixed one; at home; and if a dual one, on the way or near home.
cause of death, special yogas saravali ch,10. Should the Ascendant fall in Nigala, Sarpa, Pakshi, or Pasa decanate and be occupied by malefic planets, without the aspect of
the decanate Lord concerned, the native lives up to 7 years only. If Rahu is in an Angle and aspected by malefics, the longevity is only 10, while, according to some, it is 16.
(i) sun in 10 + mars in 4 = fall from a mountain,
(ii) Saturn in 4 , Moon in 7 and Mars in 10 = falling into a well.
(iii) sun + moon in Virgo + aspect by malefics, death from one's own kinsmen.
(iv) sun + moon in 1 in dual sign, death in water / due to water.
(v) Saturn in Cancer and Moon in Capricorn= dropsy would be the cause.
(vi) Moon disposited by Mars and hemmed between malefics= due to weapons or fire.
(vii) Moon in Virgo and hemmed between malefics= vitiation of blood or consumption.
(viii) moon disposited by saturn and hemmed between malefics= by hanging, fire or a fall.
(ix) malefics in 5th and 9th houses without benefic aspect= death will be in captivity.
(xii) Sun or Mars in 4, Saturn in the 10 and the weak Moon conjoined with malefics in 1, 5th or 9th house, death will be by impalement.
(xvii) If Saturn in 2, moon in 4 + mars in 10, caused by wounds or worms.
(xviii) Sun in 10 + mars in 4 = fall from a vehicle.
(xx) Mars in Libra, Saturn in Aries and the Moon in a sign owned by Saturn cause death in the midst of filth and night-soil. The effect will be the same if the weak Moon be in
the X, Sun in VII and Mars in IV .
(xxi) weak Moon aspected by strong Mars + Saturn in 8, death would be caused by worms (or tumour), instruments or fire in the wake of some disease of private parts.
You are aware that the 22nd decanate which falls in the 8th house from the Ascendant is called Khara.. This has great influence on a person's death. The characteristics of this
decanate or of its lord would point to the way the soul exits from the body. This method should be applied in the absence of other special yogas/conditions
Note : The effects will come to pass especially when the concerned decanate sign is conjoined with or aspected by malefics. applicable to the stronger among the
ascendant and the Moon
If the decanate of the 8th house is Sarpa (Serpent), Pasa (Noose) or Nigada (Fetters), death will be in captivity (or hospital/ hospice).
Note :— The above effects will come to pass especially when the sign representing the 22nd decanate is conjoined with or aspected by malefics.
place where death takes place; indicated by the planet in the ascendant or by the lord of the rising Navamsa. In case there is no planet in the Lagna, it will be indicated by
the rasi or navamsa dispositor of the lord of 1 . If this dispositor is conjoined with or aspected by any planet, that planet too will have its say in modifying the place of death.
●Sun presides over place of worship, fortress, fires, forest/ river banks● Moon wells,watery places, bathroom● Kuja fireplace/ cooking machinery, house, vehicle●Budha
playgrounds, temples, fine palace/place●Guru place where riches are stored, mansion, holy place, happy house●Shukra Bedroom/ drawing room, watery place●Shani;
hospital/ medecine/ neglected or infected place●Rahu, other country, neglected place, hidden place, hole●Ketu ; ganges, fever, neglected/ hidden place,hole.
the place of death should be read from the sign or Amsa occupied by the lord of the 8th house. You are aware of the directions and characteristics such as watery, dry etc,
represented by the 12 signs of the zodiac.
If the ascendant is a Nocturnal sign, death will occur at night, and if Diurnal at daytime. It is understood that if there are planets in the Lagna, they would influence the effects.
One dies with many others, if there are many planets in the 4th, and the lord of the ascendant is conjoined with that of the 8th house.
One would die along with one's wife or son, if the lords of 1 and 8 are joined with the lord of 5 or 7, as the case may be.
If the birth takes place during the period of Visa Ghati and if the 8th house be occupied by a malefic, death would be through poison, fire or weapons.
If the Moon is in the Fatal degree in the ascendant, 8th or 12th house, it would be through water or machinery.
If the lord of the 8th house is in a visha Navamsa , and joined with a malefic, death would be by snake-poison, by vultures or by wild boars according the name of the
particular Navamsa.(The first Navamsa of Aries, Taurus, Virgo and Sagittarius the mid of Gemini, Leo, Libra and Aquarius, and the last of Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn and
Pisces are respectively called Snake-Poison, Vulture-Poison Boar-Poison.)
The method of disposal of the dead body is inferred from the nature of the 22nd decanate. If it is Krura (malefic), the body will be cremated; if Jalacara (Aquatic), it will be
consigned to the waters; if Saumya (Benefic), it will be buried; and if Misra (Mixed), it will be dried up being exposed to the Sun and wind. 1 (For reference see p. 234)
However, the above results may be read also from the nature of the planet occupying or owning the 22nd decanate. If the same decanate be Serpent (Sarpa), the dead body
would be eaten by vultures, dogs etc.
The disposal of the dead body is also known from the nature of this Khara drekkana. If it is Fiery, Watery or Mixed, the body is burnt to ashes; consigned to waters, or
exposed to the sun and wind as the case may be. If it is Serpent, it is eaten away by beasts and birds of prey. If there are malefics in the 8th house, the dead body will be
cremated. Similarly the previous birth can be predicted from the lord of the decanate occupied by the stronger of the two luminaries. If it be Jupiter, the soul must have come
from devaloka; if it is the Moon or Venus, from pitriloka; if it is the Sun or Mars from bhumandala; if Saturn or Mercury from patala. The rank/consciousness of the soul in its
previous birth was high, moderate or low according as the strenght of the decanate lord mentioned here (exaltation, below or in depression).
The refuge of the departed soul is indicated by the lord of the decanate of the 6th house (same in D1 or D3= 16th decanate from the rising one) or of the 22nd (8th house
in D1 or D3)or by the planet occupying the 7th house. Whichever planet is strongest among these to the world thereof does the departed soul repair. (The lords of the
Khara drekkana and of the 8th house in D3 play an important role in the despatch of the native)
Next World
If Jupiter occupies (or owns) the ascendant at death, the departed soul goes to Heaven; if the Sun or Mars, to the world of mortals; if the Moon or Venus, to that of the Manes;
and if Mercury or Saturn, to the infernal regions/ patala.
The 12 Signs of the zodiac are allotted for this purpose to the three worlds viz. Bhuloka, Bhuvarloka and Svarloka, at the rate of 4 signs for each.
One goes to hell/ patala , if the lord of the 12th house is aspected by malefics and is in a malefic Sastyamsa (60th part of sign); or if Rahu occupies the 12th along with Mandi
and the lord of 8 and is aspected by the lord of the 6th house.
If an exalted benefic planet occupies benefic Vargas in the 12th house and is aspected by both benefics and malefics, the departed soul will enjoy celestial happiness. If Jupiter
owning the 10th house occupies the 12th and is aspected by benefics, he will attain immortality.
If Jupiter possessed of strength be in the Sagittarius Navams. of Cancer ascendant, and if three or four planets be in Kendra the soul will attain Brahman (Absolute). The result
will be same if Jupiter occupies Aries Navamsa in Sagittarius ascendant, Venus in the 7th house, and the strong Moon in Virgo.
Similarly you can deduce the world from which a person comes from the owner of the decanate occupied by the strong of the two viz. the Sun and the Moon, in the natal
chart. TJ status too in the previous life can be determined through strength of the planet concerned.
1. For decanates see Chapter IV, page 40 and Chapter XVIII. they are subdivided into four groups.
KrOra — Malefic Jalacara — Aquatic Saumya — Benefic Misra — Mixed
Leo — I Cancer — I Aries — II Capricorn -t 3
Aries — I Pisces — 1 Sagittarius — II Aries—HI 3
Aquarius — I Do—II Taurus — II Cancer —11 3
Scorpio — I Virgo — II Aquarius — II Taurus—• 1
Capricorn — I Taurus — III Capricorn — П Sagittarius; 1
Pisces—III Gemini — 111 3 Libra — I Gemini — 1 2
Scorpio — III Virgo—I Libra — IK 2
Leo — III Gemini — I Leo—11 | 2
Libra — III Sagittarius —III
Cancer — II Virgo — III
Scorpio — II Aquarius — III
I have to tell you now about the nature and quality of the 36 decanates in the zodiacal circle. The following are called Ayudhadrekkana (Weapon) and are malefic :—The last
deca¬nates of Mesa, Mithuna, Simha, Tula and Dhanus, the first of Mesa and Dhanus, the middle ones of Mithuna and K-anya. The middle one of Scorpio is termed Pasa
(Noose) which is also malefic. The first of Capricorn is Nigafa (Fetters). This too is bad. Grdhrasya (Vulture-faced) which is malefic is con¬stituted by the following :—The
first of Leo and Aquarius, and the middle of Libra. The last decanate of Taurus is called Vihaga or Bird. The first of Cancer is Kolasya or Hog-faced. The АЫ—Serpent,
decanates are the'first of Scorpio, the last of Cancer and Pisces. Catuspad or Quadruped decanates are the middle ones of Mesa and Vrsabha, the first of Leo and the last of
Scorpio. Persons born in catuspada will be poor, vile and cruel. There is another way of looking at the decanates:
In a movable Sign the three decanates are in order good, moderate and bad; in a fixed Sign they are bad, good and moderate; and in a dual one they are bad, moderate and
good.1 Now see if the lord of the rising decanate is in his own Varga i.e. own Rasi, Navamsa etc., conjoined with benefics, posited in his exaltation