Fire Prevention Brochure
Fire Prevention Brochure
Fire Prevention Brochure
Fire safety should be a prime concern for
References: your homes, retail outlets, corporate
slogan/ buildings, warehouses and stores. Most of
prevention-fire-protection-go-hand-hand/ the fire outbreaks occur\ due to avoidable factors. Learn how to keep your loved ones
safe with few fire safety tips
Install smoke detectors. Check them Getting out quickly and safely is your Be sure that all individuals who are
monthly. Change the batteries yearly, only goal. Do not try to “save” any injured – be if from burns, smoke
whether they need it or not. objects, no matter how valuable. inhalation, or injuries incurred while
Choose a safe meeting place outside Never use an elevator during a fire. escaping – should be treated by a
the home. Make sure that everyone Always take the stairs. doctor.
knows where it is. If your clothing catches fire, Do not return to the building until given
Keep flashlights in each room.Keep at immediately STOP, DROP to the ground the okay by the fire authorities. For
least one fire escape ladder on upper and ROLL with your hands over your minor fires, make sure that there is no
levels. face. Cover your mouth and nose with a damage to the structure of the home
Know simple fire rules, such as feeling a cloth or your shirt to prevent breathing that could cause its collapse.
door before opening it to determine if it in smoke or dangerous fumes. Throw out all food that was exposed to
is safe. If it is hot, find another way out. Do not open a door that feels hot or has the fire and smoke.
Remember to stop, drop, and roll if your smoke coming in from underneath or Once in a safe place, call or report
clothing catches fire. around the door frame. about the fire outbreak and inform
Keep emergency numbers on easy Meet at your safe place, away from the about your safety/assistance required
accessibility. fire. Await further instructions from the fire
Make a fire escape plan and emergency Immediately inform the nearest fire emergency department and stay safe in
exits diagrams. station. Call the fire department or head the refuge area.
Use authorized electrical appliances and to a neighbor’s house to ask them to Don’t panic or hinder the evacuation or
machines only. call. fire exhaustion process.
Do not overuse your appliances to Do treat the fire alarm as an emergency
prevent over-heating that may cause and exit the building immediately.
fire. Remain in the room if you are unable to
Store matches and lighters in secure exit. Keep the door closed and await
places. assistance or notify rescue Personnel
Keep fire extinguishers and blankets of your location with something like a
near the emergency exit. bright cloth from the window.
Always check your LPG tank and hose Close the doors before leaving the
for leaks and never leave your stove premises as this would help in slowing
unattended. the fire and decreasing the damage
Inspect cords, check for any signs of Keep a track of your
colleagues/neighbors and notify the
Don’t overload electrical outlets.
personnel if they are missing.