Concept Paper
Concept Paper
Concept Paper
By Angelica A. Malan
TVL 11- A
I. Introduction
What is homework? To prepare them for the future lesson, to improve the
abilities and skills and to increase the knowledge of the students, and it was designed to
strengthen what students have learned and also the effects of it. In this concept paper is
the writers’ conception about the homework. For the students to know more about the
a. Subtopic 1
Many have used the term, homework, but only few have defined it. One of the
few is Keith (1986) defines homework as that work which teachers normally task for
completion outside the classroom. Definitely, homework can fulfil several purposes. For
example, practicing homework can boost you mastery of skills and the participation of
b. Subtopic 2
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the issue, it should search for more information. It is indeed that it likely to spend a
significant amount of time, but it will know more about Information Technology. This way,
it expand the knowledge of the field of study. It is easy to get the class material, go home
to finish the work, and pass to get a grade but it is more productive to do homework in
the form of self-guided work towards which it is oriented and encouraged, than assessed
understanding of academic subjects, critical thinking skills, and the ability to apply those
to real-life situations.
Subtopic 3
Rogozinsky (2018) stated that It causes stress and burnout. There is a survey
from elementary and high school teachers saw signs of homework-related stress in their
students. Another survey, conducted by an association that the inability to complete the
homework of high school students was often the factor in the decision to drop out of
III. Summary/Conclusion
In summary, homework has its benefits and harmful effects. But still it has many
benefits than harmful effects that we will motivated though it should be minimize because
students does not only have one subject to succeed. It also develops habits and attitudes
beyond the school. The characters like self-discipline and love for learning benefit
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Olympia, D., Sheridan S., Jenson, W. (1993). Homework: A Natural Means of Home-
Rogozinsky, D. (2018). The Pros & Cons of Homework Bans. Retrieved from
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