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Background of the Study

Agriculture accounts for 30% of the Filipino employment as of 2014. Agriculture

contributes 11% to the country’s GDP as of 2014. Aside from its contribution on

employment and economy, agricultural products are the main, if not the only source of

our food. The Philippines has plenty of arable lands and the climate is conducive for

agricultural activities (Major Agricultural Products, 2014).

After rice, corn is the second most productive crop of the Philippines, reaching 7

770 metric tons on 2.61 million hectares in 2014 after a nearly constant increasing

productivity since 2003 (Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015). Such a productivity

increase was also observed in the Bukidnon province which was the second most

productive province in 2014, after Isabela, generating respectively more than 10 and 15

% of the total production of the country. In 2014, white corn constituted less than a third

of the total production of the country (Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015).

This traditional corn variety (Tinigib) was mainly used for home consumption as

a carbohydrate substitute for rice in periods of shortage in Mindanao (Ocampo et al.,

2013). It also provides interesting nutrients and requires few inputs but also low

production costs. OPV corn is more easily digested, contains more proteins, fibres,

minerals and antioxidants than rice. Moreover, OPV growth is asynchronous which avoid

harvesting the all field at once and storing the entire production. The consumption can

then being spread during a long period (Baldo, 2017).


Hybrid variety has been introduced in the Philippines in the 1980’s and is mostly

growth by farmers as cash income crop and as cattle feed because of its better yields

when using the proper amount of inputs (Ocampo et al., 2013). Since its implementation,

hybrid corn areas have spread all over the country, replacing other crops such as OPV

corn, sugarcane and vegetables (Gerpacio et al., 2004).

The traditional corn known also as Tinigib is now getting replaced by other kind

of corns because of its low cost and sensitive growth which affect the income of farmers

because of its low production. It seems that the production of white corn which is the best

alternative and common consumed food after rice on many places is getting little. In

result, we tend to import some on the other countries, acquiring their idea. We forgot to

preserve our own corn, losing our sense of originality. Together with the rise of the hybrid

corn that is costly to sell, and more easy to produced farmers are now getting focused on

the income they can get on it.

Thus, the researchers are concerned studying the production acceleration of the

traditional tinigib corn, or known as white corn using different soil media was done. They

measure the different agronomic parameters of corn such as the height, leaves, stem

diameter and others by using different soil media. The soil media the researchers tested

are cow, goat, carabao and chicken manure by making plots with replicates. Commercial

fertilizer and the non-applied group or known as the control group were also applied for

more comparative results.


Statement of the Problem

This study aims to accelerate the productivity of Tinigib corn (Zea mays) using

various soil media.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions;

1) What are the agronomic parameters of Tinigib corn (Zea mays) using

various soil media in terms of:

a. plant emergence
b. plant height
c. stem diameter
d. plant vigour
2) What are the different growth performances of Tinigib corn (Zea mays)

plant using various soil media?

3) Which of the soil media gives the best corn produce?

Objectives of the Study

The study aims to accelerate the productivity of Tinigib corn (Zea mays) using

various soil media.


Specifically, it aims:

1) determine the agronomic parameters of Tinigib corn (Zea mays) using

various soil media in terms of:

a. plant emergence
b. plant height
c. stem diameter
d. plant vigour

2.) measure the different growth performances of Tinigib corn (Zea mays) using

various soil media.

3) identify which of the soil media gives the best corn produce.

Significance of the Study

The result of the study will redound to the benefits of the Filipino people

considering that food and feed security plays a significant role in improving the welfare

of the populace today. Increasing demand for food and feed justifies the need for more

effective production strategies. Therefore, farmers that will apply the suggested approach

derived from the results of this study will be able to produce corn better. Extension

farmers will be made aware of what should be emphasized to farmers to improve the

production of corn. For the researchers, this study will help discover more essential areas

in the production process of corn that they were not able to explore.

Scope and Limitations of the Study


The study focuses on the determination of the agronomic parameters of Tinigib

corn (Zea mays) using various soil media in terms of its plant emergence, plant height,

stem diameter and plant vigour. The researchers will also include the examination of the

different growth performances of Tinigib corn (Zea mays) using various soil media and

will identify which of the soil media will give the best corn produce.

The study was conducted on July 2019 to October 2019 at Purok-9 Katipunan,

Tugaya, Valencia City, Bukidnon. The researchers established 18 plots which measures 4

x 5 meters with 1 meter distance between plots and the space between furrows measures

0.75 meters and 0.25 meters between seeds.



The literature and studies cited in this chapter tackle the different concept,

understanding, and ideas, generalization or conclusions and different development related

to study of the enrolment from the past up to the present and which serves as the

researchers guide in developing the project. Those that were also included in this chapter

helps in familiarizing information that are relevant and similar to the present study.

Comparison of Models for Describing; Corn Yield Response to Nitrogen Fertilizer

Choices concerning ideal rates of preparation directly include fitting some sort of

model to yield information gathered when a few rates of compost are connected.

Although a few unique models are ordinarily used to portray harvest yield reaction to

manures, it is only here and there clarified why one model is chosen over others. The goal

of the work revealed here was to think about and assess a few models (direct in addition

to level, quadratic-in addition to level, quadratic, exponential, and square root) normally

utilized for depicting the reaction of corn (Zea mays L.) to N manure. The assessment

included 12 site-long stretches of information; each having 10 rates of N applied pre-

planting. Ok models fit the information similarly well when assessed by utilizing the R2

measurement. All models showed comparable most extreme yields, yet there were

checked errors among models when foreseeing financial ideal rates of preparation. Mean

(over all site-years) financial ideal rates of preparation as demonstrated by the different

models ran from 128 to 379 kg N ha−1 at a typical manure to-corn value proportion.

Accurate examinations demonstrated that the most normally utilized model, the quadratic

model, did not give a legitimate depiction of the yield reactions and would in general

show ideal rates of treatment that were excessively high. The quadratic-in addition to

level model best depicted the yield reactions saw in this examination. The outcomes

unmistakably demonstrate that, particularly in the midst of expanding worries about the

monetary and ecological impacts of over fertilization, the renson for choosing one model

over others merits more consideration thun it has gotten previously (Cerrato, M.E et al.,


Effect of Organic Manures and Chemical Fertilizers on Grain Yield of Maize in Rainfed


A field examination of Sial, R.A and company, 2007 was led to think about the

impacts of various rates of barnyard compost (FYM), poultry excrement (PM), sewage

ooze (SS) and synthetic manures on grain yield and NPK take-up of maize plants. The

compound composts and diverse natural excrements were fused in soil exclusively and in

blend, before planting the maize crop assortment Agaiti 85. Additionally, the examination

was done under Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with 3 rehashes. Finally,

the outcomes uncovered that PM fundamentally improved grain yield of maize when

connected alone or in blend with half of prescribed synthetic compost when contrasted

with FYM, SS and NP manures. Be that as it may, natural composts (FYM SS) performed

essentially well when connected in mix with concoction manures. The greatest increment

in NP take-up was seen with the utilization of compound manure (NP) @ 90-60 kg for

each ha and K take-up with PM alone.


Crop Production of Northern Mindanao, Philippines: Its Contribution to the

Regional Economy and Food Security

Corn generation is more than enough for the complete territorial interest. White

corn is favored as optional staple nourishment, anyway the corn industry underscores

yellow corn generation furthermore, the greater part of this goes to crude materials for

animals and poultry encourages. Coconut, sugar, pineapple and bananas fundamentally

add to agrarian fares. Coconut is prepared previously sending out which can offer work in

the country territories. Sugarcane, pineapple and bananas have made an adjustment in the

land use and subsequently contend with rice and corn. Northern Mindanao is one of the

main makers of tomatoes, carrots also; potatoes, yet ranchers have experienced

dissuading factors in achieving potential pay from these items. In spite of the fact that

Bukidnon territory is the top rural maker in the district, neediness in the region stays high

(Bock, L et al, 2014).

Projected Climate and Agronomic Implications for Corn Production in the Northeastern

United States

Corn has been a mainstay of American agribusiness for quite a long time and

keeps on getting much consideration from established researchers for its capability to

meet the sustenance, feed and fuel needs of a developing human populace in an evolving

atmosphere. By midcentury, worldwide temperature increment is relied upon to surpass

2°C where nearby impacts on warmth, cold and precipitation limits will fluctuate. This

investigation shows that corn close to the part of the arrangement century will encounter

less spring and fall solidifies, quicker pace of developing degree day collection with a

decrease in time required to arrive at development, more noteworthy frequencies of every

day high temperature ≥ 35°C during key development stages, for example, silking-

anthesis and more prominent water shortage during regenerative (R1-R6) stages. Overall,

these agronomic peculiarities contrast between the three areas, representing fluctuating

effects of environmental change in the more northern locales versus the southern locales

of the Northeast. The executives systems, for example, moving the planting dates

dependent on the previous spring stop and water system during the best water shortage

stages (R1-R6) will incompletely counterbalance the anticipated increment in warmth and

dry spell pressure. Future research should concentrate on understanding the impacts of an

unnatural weather change at neighborhood levels and deciding adjustment methodologies

that address nearby issues (Prasad, et al., 2018).

Agronomic Response of Corn (Zea mays L.) Hybrids to Plant Populations

Precipitation was better than expected while air temperatures were beneath

normal during the developing season in the two years. Grain yield demonstrated a

crossover reaction in one of two years (fixed ear more noteworthy than semiflex ear)

while yields expanded as plant populaces expanded. Test loads were less with the fixed

ear half and half and the impact of plant populaces was conflicting with expanded

populaces bringing about more prominent test weight in one of two years. Moreover,

cabin expanded as plant populaces expanded with the fixed ear half and half bringing

about more prominent hotel in one of two years. There was a half breed by plant populace

collaboration for ear stature and seed weight. Therefore, the impact of plant populaces is

a significant factor for corn yield; in any case, yield additions related with higher plant

populaces might be reliant on the hereditary inclination of corn cross breeds (paying little

mind to the regenerative versatility) to endure different natural conditions and stresses

related with higher populaces (Grichar, et al., 2019).

Weed Manipulation for Insect Pest Management in Corn

Populaces of creepy crawly bugs and related predaceous arthropods were tested

by direct perception and other relative techniques in basic and differentiated corn living

spaces at two locales in north Florida during 1978 and 1979. Through different social

controls, trademark weed networks were set up specifically in substitute lines inside corn

plots.Fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda J. E. Smith) rate was reliably higher in the

without weed territories than in the corn living spaces containing normal weed edifices or

chose weed affiliations. Corn earworm (Heliothis zea Boddie) harm was comparable in

all without weed and weedy medications, proposing that this bug isn't influenced

extraordinarily by weed decent variety. Just the expansion of corn with a piece of

soybean altogether decreased corn earworm harm.

In one site, separation between plots was decreased. Since predators moved

uninhibitedly between territories, it was hard to distinguish between-treatment contrasts

in the creation of predator networks. In the other site, expanded separations between plots

limited such relocations, bringing about more prominent populace densities and decent

variety of regular foliage creepy crawly predators in the weed-controlled corn

frameworks than in the sans weed plots. Trophic connections in the weedy living spaces

were more unpredictable than nourishment networks in monocultures (Altieri, M. A. et

at., 2010).

Predators decent variety (estimated as mean number of species per territory) and

predator thickness was higher in com plots encompassed by develop complex vegetation

than at those encompassed by yearly yields. This proposes different nearby zones to

harvests give asylum to predators, hence going about as colonization sources.

By-Plant Prediction of Corn Forage Biomass and Nitrogen Uptake at Various

Growth Stages Using Remote Sensing and Plant Height

As research increases on creating accuracy farming practices for corn (Zea

mays L.) generation, a significant part will be to recognize the scale at which these

practices ought to be actualized. We speculated that optical detecting can be utilized to

gauge individual corn plant biomass and N take-up. A 3-yr study was led at three areas in

Oklahoma. Optical sensor readings of standardized distinction vegetation file (NDVI)

and plant tallness estimations were gathered on individual corn plants at different

development stages extending from V8 (neckline of eighth leaf unfurled) to VT (last part

of the tuft is totally noticeable) and related with individual plant biomass, search yield per

unit territory involved by the plant, and N take-up of that plant. Individual plant tallness

estimation, gathered before regenerative development, was a decent indicator of plant

biomass over the six site long stretches of the examination (r 2 = 0.81). The list of NDVI

× plant tallness furnished the most noteworthy relationship with by-plant search yield on

a region premise. Optical sensor and plant tallness estimations gathered at the V8 to V10

(neckline of tenth leaf unfurled) development stage can recognize individual plants and

give data as to their biomass amassing and N take-up. This exploration shows that by-

plant data can be gathered and used to coordinate high goals N applications. The file,

NDVI × plant stature, might be utilized to refine middle of the season compost N rates

dependent on anticipated N expulsion and by-plant estimations at or before V10

(Freeman, K et al., 2007).

Phosphorus Deficiency Affects the Rate of Emergence and Number of Maize

Adventitious Nodal Roots

Root development is basic for P take-up, particularly when soil P accessibility is

low. We considered the impacts of P insufficiency on the rate of appearance and number

of unusual nodal foundations of field-developed maize plants (Zea mays L.). Analyses

were directed in 1995, 1996, and 1997 on a long haul P preparation preliminary with

three P treatment systems, situated on a sandy soil in southwest France. Phosphorus

inadequacy negatively affected leaf territory list (LAI). The measure of

photosynthetically dynamic radiation (PAR) consumed by the shelter and plant

development were diminished, particularly during the principal periods of the harvest

cycle (between the 7-and 14-obvious leaf organize). The rise of extrinsic roots was

postponed for P-lacking plants, however the synchrony among root and leaf development

was not irritated. The last number of roots was essentially lower for P-insufficient plants

for phytomers 4 to 7. These phytomers were those for which root separation happened

when the PAR consumed by the shelter was most seriously diminished in respect to the

prepared P medicines. A remarkable relationship was found for all years and P

medications between the combined measure of PAR consumed by the plant and the

quantity of rose extrinsic roots. We inferred that the diminished number of unusual roots

for phytomers 4 to 7 on P-lacking plants might be brought about by the negative impact

of P inadequacy on LAI and its ensuing impact on PAR assimilation and C nourishment

of plants during the time of root rising up out of explicit phytomers (Pillerin S, et al.,


The Importance of Agriculture

Agriculture accounts for 30% of the Filipino employment as of 2014. Agriculture

contributes 11% to the country’s GDP as of 2014. Aside from its contribution on

employment and economy, agricultural products are the main, if not the only source of

our food. The Philippines has plenty of arable lands and the climate is conducive for

agricultural activities. While industrialization is good and important for the economy, the

government and every Filipino should still prioritize agriculture. Because, again,

agricultural products are the main, if not the only source of our food (A., 2019). The

country's major agricultural crops are rice, corn, coconut, sugarcane, banana, cassava,

pineapple, and vegetables[ CITATION Maj14 \l 1033 ].

Corn Products in Bukidnon

According to the latest land cover update of Bukidnon conducted by ESSC in

2005, around 16.4% (164,000 ha) of the province is devoted to agriculture, the largest of

which is corn (7.3% or roughly 66,400 ha), making it the second largest corn producing

province in the Philippines. Most corn is planted in the rolling to hilly upland areas since

prime agricultural land is normally planted to rice and other high value crops.

In 2009, the incidence of poverty among agricultural households was 57%, which

was thrice (17%) that of non-agricultural households. Households with heads that were

primarily engaged in corn growing had the highest comparative poverty incidence at 64%

compared to other crop growers. In addition to this, it was also in the corn sector where

being food poor (or subsistence poor) was highest at 37%. It then followed that

households with corn as their main source of livelihood had the greatest deprivation from

basic amenities such as potable water and electricity. What these figures basically show is

that farmers engaged in corn production are among the poorest in the agriculture sector

(Reyes et al. 2012).

With the steady growth of corn sector nationwide since the early 2000s, the high

poverty incidence of farmers engaged in this crop seems to contradict the high

productivity being enjoyed by the corn industry as a whole. Apparently those who are

gaining from this agricultural activity are not the smallholder farmers themselves — a

phenomenon that has been observed by ESSC for more than 2 decades in the Upper

Pulangi valley in Eastern Bukidnon. Through the years, high yield variety (HYV) corn

has dominated much of the marginal uplands of Bukidnon and these varieties, particularly

the genetically modified (GM) ones, boast high yields of up to 8 tons/ha that are a sure

attraction to farmers seeking high returns.


A further attraction is that it is not as labor intensive as traditional corn since

manual weeding has been eliminated thanks to the introduction of herbicide tolerance for

the corn. In Bukidnon, corn is planted in every available patch of marginal uplands. But

there is a catch — GM technology does not come cheap. The normal cost of planting one

hectare of GMO corn ranges from Php33,000 to Php35,000 depending on the quality of

the seeds used. This includes all necessary inputs and related costs for a successful

harvest such as seeds, fertilizers, herbicide, and labor for planting, applications of

fertilizers, and spraying. The potential profit from a very successful harvest coupled with

a good market price for corn is almost thrice the initial investment. This is enough to

entice any corn farmer, though a poor farmer with access to only 1-2 hectares of land will

normally not be able to afford such a hefty investment. The promise of high profits is

enough to attract the farmer to take out loans to finance this endeavor [ CITATION The19

\l 1033 ].

Sustainable Production of Corn

After rice, corn is the second most productive crop of the Philippines, reaching 7

770 kmetric tons on 2.61 million hectares in 2014 after a nearly constant increasing

productivity since 2003 (Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015). Such a productivity

increase was also observed in the Bukidnon province which was the second most

productive province in 2014, after Isabela, generating respectively more than 10 and 15

% of the total production of the country. The major part of this increasing corn production

is dedicated to cattle or poultry feeding (around 60 %) while 40 % are used for a


domestic consumption (Bureau of Agricultural Research, 2011). Nonetheless, it is worth

mentioning that the results of Philippine Statistics Authority still have to be validated.

However, despite this increase of productivity, Philippines corn production is still

low and inefficient compared to other major corn-producing countries like Thailand or

United States (Bureau of Agricultural Research, 2011). Climate change (typhoons,

droughts, etc.), insect pests (corn borer, corn plant hopper) or diseases (corn rust, corn

downy mildew, corn leaf spot, etc.) are such origins of corn production damages. The

rusticity of Philippine corn sector takes also a part in this difference of productivity

because of a lack of adoption of new technologies, high harvest losses and inadequate

transport infrastructure (Lanthier, 2013).

Sustainable production of a corn (Zea mays L.) crop as grain corn for feed, food

and biofuels, as sweet corn for fresh market or processing, and as silage of high energy

source, requires scientific management of nutrients along with several other crop

management practices such as proper plant population density (PPD), timely seeding and

harvesting, soil water, weeds and pests management (Subedi, 2011).

The Role of NPK Fertilizer

There are numerous building blocks of life that plants need for healthy and

optimum growth. Without these nutrients, plants cannot grow to their full potential, will

provide lower yields, and be more susceptible to disease. The three most important

nutrients, without any one of which plants could not survive, are referred to as the

primary macronutrients: Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), and Potassium (K). Soils often

lack these nutrients, either naturally, or as a result of over cultivation or other

environmental factors. In cases where soils are lacking, nutrients must be put back into

the soil in order to create the ideal environment for optimal plant growth. Each of the

primary nutrients is essential in plant nutrition, serving a critical role in the growth,

development, and reproduction of the plant [ CITATION NPK19 \l 1033 ].

The Need for New Fertilizer

About half of the world’s population is alive today because of increased food

production fuelled by mineral fertilizers. But most of the present suite of fertilizer

products was developed more than 50 years ago. Over the past 35 years, no “new” more

substantially efficient fertilizer product has been developed – particularly no product

affordable for use on food crops by farmers in less developed countries. New and

improved fertilizers are critical to help feed the world’s growing population, provide

sustainable global food security and protect the environment [ CITATION Fer18 \l

1033 ].

Efficacy of Manure Application to Crops

Manure is an abundant biomass in rural areas, especially in countries with

intensive agriculture, and constitutes the main biomass resource available for biogas

production (Raven and Gregersen, 2007). Moreover, organic manuring is known as an

age old agricultural practice. But, its relevance in modern day agriculture is proven

beyond doubt in the context of their multiple roles, including as nutrient source and

cleanser of soil contaminants, besides improving soil physico-chemical and biological

properties, with the result, crop performance is holistically improved [ CITATION Ano15

\l 1033 ]. According to Whalen et al. (2019) Manure applications support crop

production, maintain soil fertility, and recycle locally available nutrients in cold humid

temperate regions, consistent with the principles of sustainable agriculture. Manure may

be an excellent nitrogen (N) fertilizer for crops if it provides plant-available N as

ammonium (NH4+) and from organic N mineralization in synchrony with crop N

demands. Also on the study of Bossissi (2015) shows that using fertilizers can increase

the yield at any rate. They also show that NPK when used alone is the best fertilizer for

increasing the yield and the farmer’s income. But the mixture of both NPK and manure

was the best way of increasing the investment capacity and so allow them to apply the

recommended rate of fertilizers.

In addition, the effects of manure on the soil are beneficial as well. As the soil

absorbs manure, nutrients are released. This enriches the soil, which in turn, helps the

plants. The most important benefit of using manure in the garden is its ability to condition

the soil. For instance, mixing manure with sandy soils helps to retain moisture levels.

Adding manure to compacted soil helps loosen the soil. Manure produces increased soil

carbon, which is an important source of energy that makes nutrients available to plants.

Other benefits of manure include reduced runoff and leaching of nitrates in the soil


Furthermore, XU et al. (2008) in their study stated that Organic manure

application with chemical fertilizers can increased the yield and nitrogen use efficiency of

rice, reduced the risk of environmental pollution and improved soil fertility greatly.

Saying that it could be a good practical technique that protects the environment and raises

the rice yield in this region.

Cow Dung, Goat and Poultry Manure Effects on the

Growth of Crops

On a study conducted by Usman (2015) the use of cow dung, goat and poultry

manure on the growth of tomato reveal that cow dung, goat and poultry manure had

various effects. The finding reveal that poultry manure is more effective, followed by

goat manura and last is cow dung. But all of the independent variables give valuable

change to the growth of tomato compare to the non-applied at all area or known as the

controlled group.

Corn Lines in the Philippines

Yellow corn and white corn are the two main types of maize that are cultivated in

the Philippines (Lanthier, 2013). The white corn variety mainly corresponds to the open

pollinated variety (OPV) corn and yellow corn is represented by hybrid and GMO

varieties (Gerpacio et al., 2004). Each of them is used for different purpose. Moreover,

GMO and hybrid corn are also designated as high yield variety (HYV) corns.

Open pollinated variety (OPV) is the traditional white corn variety providing

seeds which can be reused for every next planting cycle (Ocampo et al., 2013). Thanks to

this characteristic, this variety has been adapted many times to the different Philippine

environments. In 2014, white corn constituted less than a third of the total production of

the country (Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015). This traditional variety was mainly

used for home consumption as a carbohydrate substitute for rice in periods of shortage in

Mindanao (Ocampo et al., 2013). It also provides interesting nutrients and requires few

inputs but also low production costs. OPV corn is more easily digested, contains more

proteins, fibres, minerals and antioxidants than rice. Moreover, OPV growth is

asynchronous which avoid harvesting the all field at once and storing the entire

production. The consumption can then being spread during a long period (Baldo, 2017).

Hybrid variety has been introduced in the Philippines in the 1980’s and is mostly

growth by farmers as cash income crop and as cattle feed because of its better yields

when using the proper amount of inputs (Ocampo et al., 2013). Moreover, this high yield

variety uses to have a better resistance to pests, diseases and other stresses, but also

seems to have a low germination. However, their seed cost is more expensive than OPV’s

(hybrid seeds have to be bought every new cropping season) and require more inputs.

Since its implementation, hybrid corn areas have spread all over the country, replacing

other crops such as OPV corn, sugarcane and vegetables (Gerpacio et al., 2004).

Genetically modified (GM) corn is another type of high yield corn variety that has

been commercialized in the Philippines from 2002 and reaches now more than a third of

the total corn produced in the country (Luces, 2014). This corn gradually replaced the

hybrid and the OPV lines on the market, and is currently widespread in the country.

Indeed, good quality seeds of hybrid corn are not sold anymore and since a few years, the

availability of OPVs became lower and lower (Jamago, 2017). Many companies provide

farmers in GM corn seeds such as Pioneer, Monsanto or Syngenta but Pioneer is currently

the main corn seller.

The main advantage of GM corn is its resistance to pests but this line requires

fertilizer and is sensitive to bad weather conditions. Moreover, GM seeds of second


generation are fertile but produce low yields, forcing farmers to buy new seeds for each

crop cycle (Jamago, 2017). Two single traits of GM corn were introduced in Philippines

at first: insect resistant varieties using Bacillus thurigiensis (Bt corn) and herbicide

tolerant varieties called Roundup Ready (RR corn) (Luces, 2014). But currently, the

major GM cultivated corn is a combination of five different traits, each one targeting a

specific pest (Jamago, 2017). This 5 pest resistant GMO is called a stacked trait GM corn

(Ocampo et al., 2013). To avoid pest mutation due to omnipresence of highly resistant

corn crops, government restricted to 90 % the number of GM plants into the same field

with a minimum of 10 % so called “hybrid” corn, which corresponds in fact to a single

trait GMO variety (Bt corn).

GM corn varieties are mainly producing yellow grains. However, Mindanao

farmers have been interbreeding Bt and RR varieties with hybrid and OPVs, creating a

cheap and new white corn variety (Mora, 2016). This so called sigue-sigue variety is

resistant to Roundup herbicide and its seeds can be reused for successive crop cycles

(Capistrano, 2015). However, it generates lower yields than other GM corn varieties.

Sigue-sigue seeds are easily obtained through cross-pollination between GM corn and

traditional variety or hybrid variety (Masipag, 2015). This white variety and other GMO

varieties also replaced little by little OPV corn for the household consumption.

Distinguishing corn lines based on morphological characteristics represents a real

challenge, even for corn experts (Baldo, 2017). Indeed, because the only difference

between hybrid and GMO corn is one single gene, distinguishing these two lines only but

thanks to morphological characteristics is impossible. However, differentiating OPV from


HYV is easier, mainly during the flowering, grain filling and maturity stages (). Unlike

HYV corn, OPV has an asynchronous growing. Therefore, OPV flowers and ears are

appearing at different period into the same field. OPV plants are also reaching the

maturity stage on different days.



This section deals with materials and equipment, research design and treatments,

standard protocol consultation, securing of seeds, soil analysis, land preparation, plot

layoutting, basal application of fertilizer, planting of seeds, pest management, weeding,

measuring agronomic parameters, statistical analysis, information education material and

photo documentation of the research study.

A. Materials and Equipment

The materials and equipment that the researchers used during the conduct

of the study are the following: inorganic fertilizer (46-0-0), seeds of Tinigib corn

(Zea mays), soil, animal manures which are the cow manure, chicken dung, goat

manure and carabao manure, plow and shovel as land preparation tools, tape

measure, plastic straw rope, scissors, sticks, sacks and sign boards. Data notebook

and a pen to record the data gathered throughout the conduct of the study and a

digital camera for photo documentation.


B. Research Design and Treatments

A total of 425 square meters was laid out in Completely Randomized

Design (CRD) with six treatments and three replications. The dimension of the

experimental plot measures 4 x 5 meters with 1 meter distance between plots, the

space between furrows measures 0.75 meters and 0.25 meters between seeds. The

six (6) treatments was assigned as follows:

T1 control

T2 inorganic fertilizer (46-0-0)

T3 cow manure

T4 chicken dung

T5 goat manure

T6 carabao manure

C. Standard Protocol Consultation

The researchers consulted the office of Bureau of Soil and Water

Management (BSWM) and Northern Mindanao Integrated Agricultural Research

Center (NOMIARC) located at Dalwangan, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon regarding

the study.

D. Securing of Seeds

The Tinigib corn (Zea mays) seeds was provided by the Northern

Mindanao Integrated Agricultural Research Center (NOMIARC) located at

Dalwangan, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon.

E. Soil Analysis

The researchers randomly collected soil samples from the study area in a

zigzag pattern or Z pattern covering the whole experimental area before the first

plowing. The collected soil samples was placed in a plain sheet wherein it was

mixed and were divided into four (4) and then the two (2) parts were disregarded.

The process was repeated until one (1) kilogram of the mixed soil was left. The

one (1) kilogram sample was submitted to the College of Agriculture, Soil and

Plant Analysis Laboratory (SPAL) of Central Mindanao University, Musuan,

Bukidnon for the soil analysis.

F. Manure Analysis

The researchers gathered the four (4) different manures which are the cow

manure, chicken dung, goat manure and carabao manure. The researchers

separated samples for the manure analysis that was submitted to the College of

Agriculture, Soil and Plant Analysis Laboratory (SPAL) of Central Mindanao

University, Musuan, Bukidnon.

G. Land Preparation

The study area was cleared out and was plowed 2-3 times using the

carabao-drawn moldboard plow. Six (6) furrows per plot was established with a

measurement of 4 x 5 meters with 1 meter distance between plots and the space

between furrows measures 0.75 meters and 0.25 meters between seeds. This was

established after the area is thoroughly prepare

H. Plot Layoutting

The study area will be layout as shown below:

R1 R2 R3


4m T1 T1 T1

T2 T2 T2

T3 T3 T3
25 m

T4 T4 T4

T5 T5 T5

T6 T6 T6

I. Planting of Seeds 17 m

Planting of Tinigib corn (Zea mays) was done using hill method. Row

spacing measures 0.75 x 0.25 m between plants by direct seeding.

J. Basal Application of Fertilizer


Inorganic fertilizer (46-0-0) was applied two (2) times. First application

was applied ten (10) days after planting and last application was applied thirty-

five (35) days after planting.

K. Pest Management

The presence of pests will be controlled using organic pesticides and will

be applied three times a week.

L. Weeding

The researchers kept the study area weed-free through weeding. It was

done so that the performance of the corn plants will not be affected.

M. Measuring Agronomic Parameters

The data were collected through the agronomic parameters which includes

the plant emergence, plant height, stem diameter, leaf area index, and plant

vigour. Plant selection for sampling of these agronomic parameters was done by

choosing ten (10) samples of corn grew per plot.


a. Plant emergence – this was taken when 50% of the seeds

emerged after two (2) weeks of planting. All emerged plants were counted.

b. Plant height– was measured from ground level to the collar of

the upper leaf with developed leaf sheaf using tape measure.

c. Stem diameter– this was measure at one (1) month after

planting. The circumference (c) was measured at 2/3 of the plant height.

d. Plant vigour - was estimated using a three coded scale standard:

Poor (1), Average (3), and Good (5). Plant vigour measurement were made on the

first month after planting. This was assessed and the average per treatment was

recorded. Categorization of the corn stem was made based on its stem borer,

number of stem borer exit holes and number of damaged leaves.

N. Statistical Analysis

The researchers will a utilize One Way ANOVA to analyse the gathered


O. Information Education Material


The researchers will produce a brochure to disseminate information on

which soil media gives the best corn produce. It will be given to those people who

are interested in propagating corn.

P. Photo documentation

The researchers used a digital camera in order for the data to be properly

and precisely documented.



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Appendix 1. Land Preparation

Appendix 2. Plot Layoutting

Appendix 3.
Planting of Seeds

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