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U5 Evaluation Journal

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Weekly Journal

Regular evaluation updates are required, as with every unit. Please

remember to take photos and get behind the scenes footage as you film.
You might find it easier if you note down a record of what you did each day
in a diary form.

Please use the following guidance to help you with each week.

Week 1 This week you worked on your research

What have you been asked to


How has analysing other

productions helped you to
understand the genre better?

How will your understanding of

codes and conventions now help
you to produce a better

What did you learn from practising

recording Foley sounds? (Radio
Drama Only)

What did you learn from Voice for

broadcast task? What do you
need to improve on to become a
presenter? (Broadcast only)

What did you learn when using

Adobe Audition? What skills do
you need to develop with this

How did researching your target What did the results of your primary research tell you?
audience help you develop your Explain what insight they gave you and how you adapted
your idea based on these results. 
Print screen results or upload sections of focus groups to your

Are you on track for this week? If

not, how far behind are you?
What work do you need to
complete outside of lessons to
stay on track?

Week 2 This week you worked on your planning

What did you learn from your Planning this production has taught me to make sure I
planning? How has it helped you am more imaginative with my work, Since I have
to progress your idea? found myself limiting myself from doing some of my
work since ei think it’ be too hard to do.

How has your idea developed/ Not much has changed in my production since I based my
changed during the planning idea around what the audience wanted, however I have
created a cliff hanger in the end since I want people o be
stage? coming back for more after the radio drama has finished.
Also during the writing of my script, I realised I had to finish
earlier otherwise it was getting way too long.

How did you ensure that your I made sure someone else read my script and could
script was to a high standard? understand the plot of my Radio Drama. If they
couldn’t understand part of the drama I’d change she
wording so they would be able to understand what
was going on.

What issues did you have when When planning my script It was getting far too long for
planning your production? How what I was trying to do, iso in order to tackle this
did you overcome them? problem I went through the scrip and shortened the
parts of the scrip that didn’t need to be as long as it

What did you learn from the N/A

recording of your Foley sounds?

How much work did you complete I added parts to my script and worked on wording
outside of the lessons? things differently.

Are you on track for this week? If I need to add more to my production schedule.
not, how far behind are you?

What work do you need to I’ll need to finished of my production schedule and
complete outside of lessons to film my foley sounds.
stay on track?

Week 3 / 4 Production This week you worked on your production

What practical work have you

done and how helpful was your
earlier planning?

How will this be useful as your

production process continues?
Upload your behind the scenes
photos and videos (explain what
they show)

What issues did you encounter

when recording and how did you
overcome them?

How well have you worked to your

production schedule?

Are you on track for this week? If

not, how far behind are you?

What work do you need to

complete outside of lessons to
stay on track?

High Grade Tips

Use screenshots to support your analysis – especially when comparing your work to other

Considered and capable demonstration of processes – detailed documentation of your

production process – such as still images, and annotated screenshots of your specific
production and editing process – including ‘what’ and ‘why’ and not just ‘how’.

Specific – be specific! Don’t just say e.g. ‘the lighting was good’ – show us where the
lighting looked good and why you think that.

Final evaluation on whole unit This week you worked on your production

Comparison to researched Is your production to a professional standard? Take

productions screenshots from your production and the productions you
analysed in your research (especially anywhere you tried to
recreate something you had researched). Is your production
as good? Why? Why not? What could you improve?

Production Strengths Overall, what were the strengths of your production? Use
some screenshots / downloaded clips to show anything of
which you are particularly proud. That might be shots or
images from you creating Foley sounds or images of you
recording your work.
You need to gather feedback on your production from your
classmates and discuss the positive things they have said.
How were you able to get such good feedback? (This can
be done in the form of vox pops, interviews, focus groups or
You should also discuss feedback that you got from your
teachers and how this was helpful or informative
Production weaknesses Overall, what were the weaknesses of your production?
Why have these weaknesses occurred? What needs
improving? Is it your practical skills? Could you have done
more research? Did you not plan your recording effectively
and end up doing things very last minute? Consider the
entire production process and really think about what might
have let your production down. As above but for any
negative points you received in your feedback. What could
you have done to avoid these issues? How could you
improve next time.

Did you meet your goals? Why/ Think back to the goals that were set in the brief and the
why not? goals you set yourself (you should have mentioned these in
your opening paragraph). Discuss whether you met them
effectively. If you didn’t quite achieve your goals, consider
why and how you could improve for next time.

Self-evaluation At the end of the unit, how do you see yourself as a

practitioner? What are you strengths? Which areas do you
need to develop?
Write a brief outline of what you need to work on in terms of
your personal development. Do you need to work more out
of class? Do you need to develop your practical skills? Do
you need to move outside of your comfort zone more? Do
you need to spend more time on the "boring" bits (research,
planning, etc)? Discuss what you need to work on and how/
why this will help you. 

High Grade Tips

Use screenshots to support your analysis – especially when comparing your work to other

Considered and capable demonstration of processes – detailed documentation of your

production process – such as still images, and annotated screenshots of your specific
production and editing process – including ‘what’ and ‘why’ and not just ‘how’.

Specific – be specific! Don’t just say e.g. ‘the lighting was good’ – show us where the
lighting looked good and why you think that.

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