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Time Table 2019-20 - Semester 2 - Final

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Time Table

Session: 2019-2020 Semester: II

Standard Slot Patterns in Time Tables.
8.00- 9.00- 10.00- 11.00- 12.00- 13.00- 14.00- 15.00- 16.00- 17.00- 18.00-
Day Time 8.50 9.50 10.50 11.50 12.50 13.50 14.50 15.50 16.50 17.50 18.50
Monday EXF G F B A L P U
Tuesday EXF E B A C U Q R H
Wednesday EXF B A C D N S T H
Thursday EXF(T) F C D E C T1 T2 T3 G H
Friday G D E F H Reserved slot for academic activities

B.Tech. 2016
(Class Room:02-AC-108-15) (72)
A CSL772 Natural Language Processing (3:0:0) Yamuna P Shukla
B CSL759 Cryptography & Computer Security (3:0:0) Sumit Pandey
C CSL352 Introduction to Automata and Theory of Computation (3:0:0) Sumit Pandey
D OE3 (3:1:0)
E OE1 (3:0:0)
F CSL380 Introduction to Parallel and Distributed Programming (3:0:0)S. Bhattacharjee
EXF HUL211 Introduction to Economics (for backlog) (3:1:0)Dipankar S Gupta(Class Room:01-AC-104-03)
T CSP380 Introduction to Parallel and Distributed Programming (0:0:2) S. Bhattacharjee
CSP772 Natural Language Processing Lab (0:0:2) Yamuna P Shukla
CSD490 B.Tech. Project (0:0:12) Vinit Jakhetia
CSD494 B.Tech. Project Part -II (0:0:16) Vinit Jakhetia
MTL625 Principles of optimization (OE4) (3:0:0) Prof. Virendra Singh(Class Room:02-AC-108-15)
Time 9.00- 10.00- 11.00- 12.00-
13.00- 14.00- 15.00- 16.00- 17.00- 18.00- 17.00-
Day 8.00-8.50 9.50 10.50 11.50 12.50
13.50 14.50 15.50 16.50 17.50 18.50 17.50
Monday HUL211 CSL759 CSL772
L CSP380(CS Lab 1)
Tuesday HUL211 OE1 CSL759 CSL772 CSL352
U OE3(T)
CSP772(CS Lab 1)
Wednesday HUL211 CSL759 CSL772 CSL352 OE3 N
Thursday HUL211(T) CSL380 CSL352 OE3 OE1 C CSP772(CS Lab 2) CSD490 CSD494
Friday OE3 OE1 CSL380 H Reserved slot for academic activities MTL625
Saturday MTL625 MTL625
D OE3 (3:1:0) (3:1:0)
E OE1 (3:0:0) (3:0:0)
F OE2 (3:0:0) (3:0:0)/(3:0:2)
EXF HUL211 Introduction to Economics (for backlog) (3:1:0) Dipankar S Gupta(Class Room: 01-AC-104-03)
P EED431 B.Tech. Project (0:0:6) TBD
MTL625 Principles of optimization (OE4) (3:0:0) Prof. Virendra Singh (Class Room:02-AC-108-15)
Time 9.00- 10.00- 11.00- 13.00- 15.00- 16.00- 17.00-
Day 8.00-8.50 9.50 10.50 11.50 12.00-12.50 13.50 14.00-14.50 15.50 16.50 17.50
Monday HUL211 OE2 L EED431
Tuesday HUL211 OE2 U OE3(T)
Wednesday HUL211 OE3 N OE2 lab
Thursday HUL211(T) OE1 OE3 OE1 C
Friday OE3 OE1 OE2 H Reserved slot for academic activities MTL625
Saturday MTL625 MTL625
(Class Room:02-AC-108-11) (72)
A MEL314 Acoustic and Noise Control (3:0:0) Sahil Kalra
D OE3/ (3:1:0)
E OE1 (3:0:0)
OE2/MEL795 (3:0:0)/ (3:0:2)
F / MEL730 OE2/CFD & heat transfer/ Design with Advanced Materials Goutam Dutta/R T Durai
G MEL756 Supply Chain Management (3:0:0) Dr. Vipin (IIT Kanpur)
(3:1:0) Dipankar S. Gupta(Class Room:01-
EXF HUL211 Introduction to Economics (for backlog) AC-104-03)
P MED412 B.Tech. Project -II (0:0:14) TBD
Principles of optimization (OE4) (3:0:0) Prof. Virendra Singh (Class Room:02-
MTL635 AC-108-15)
13.00 15.00 16.00 18.00
Time 8.00- 11.00- - 14.00- - - 17.00- -
Day 8.50 9.00-9.50 10.00-10.50 11.50 12.00-12.50 13.50 14.50 15.50 16.50 17.50 18.50
Monday HUL211 MEL756 30 MEL314 L MED412
OE2/MEL795/MEL7 MEL31 MEL795(CS Lab
Tuesday HUL211 30 4 U OE3(T) 3)
Wednesda OE2
y HUL211 MEL314 OE3 N lab/MEP730
Thursday HUL211 OE1 OE3 OE1 C 6
OE2/MEL795/MEL7 Reserved slot for MTL63
Friday MEL756 OE3 OE1 30 H academic activities 5
Saturday 5 MTL625
B.Tech. 2017
(Class Room: 02-AC-108-04) (25)
A CEL244 Construction Practices (2:0:0) Rajendra Varma
B CEL261 Intro. to Transportation Engg (3:0:0) Ankit Kathuria
C CEL443 Prestressed Concrete and Industrial Structure (3:0:0) Samir
Analytical and Numerical Methods for Structural (3:0:0)
D CVL763 Engineering Surendra Beniwal
CSL106 Data Structure and Algorithm (Minor in CSE) (3:0:0) Gourav Varshney
E OE1 (3:0:0)
F CVL800 Finite Element Analysis (3:0:0) Rimen
G HUL251 Introduction to Logic (3:1:0) Joby Varghese (Class Room:01-AC-104-03)
EXF HUL211 Introduction to Economics (For Backlog) (3:1:0) Dipankar S Gupta) (Class Room:01-AC-104-03)
CSP106 Data Structure and Algorithm (Minor in CSE) (0:0:4) Gourav Varshney
P AMP108 Solid Mechanics Lab (0:0:2) Rimen
Q CEP261 Intro. to Transportation Engg (0:0:2) Ankit Kathuria
S AMP107 Fluid Lab (0:0:2) Nitin Joshi
NIN100 Introduction to Engineering (0:0:2) Ashok K Ahuja(Class Room:01-AC-104-01)
Time 9.00- 10.00- 11.00- 12.00- 13.00- 14.00- 15.00- 16.00- 17.00- 19.50
Day 8.00-8.50 9.50 10.50 11.50 12.50 13.50 14.50 15.50 16.50 17.50
Monday HUL211 HUL251 CVL800 CEL261 CEL244 L AMP108
Tuesday HUL211 OE1 CEL261 CEL244 CEL443 U CEP261
CSP106(CS lab 2)
Wednesday HUL211 CEL261 CEL443 CVL763 N AMP107
Thursday HUL211(T) CVL800 CEL443 CVL763 OE1 C NIN100 HUL251 HUL251
Friday HUL251 CVL763 OE1 CVL800 H Reserved slot for academic activities
(Class Room: 02-AC-108-05) (30)

CSL740 Software Engineering (3:0:0) Yamuna P Shukla, Devesh Jinwala

A CSL772 Natural Language Processing (3:0:0) Yamuna P Shukla
B CSL759 Cryptography & Computer Security (3:0:0) Sumit Pandey
C CSL352 Introduction to Automata and Theory of Computation (3:0:0) Sumit Pandey
D CSL780 Computer Vision (3:0:0) Vinit Jakhetiya, Harkeerat Kour
E OE1 (3:0:0)
F CSL380 Introduction to Parallel and Distributed Programming (2:0:0) S. Bhattacharjee
G HUL251 Introduction to Logic (3:1:0) Joby Varghese (Class Room:01-AC-104-03)
H CSL362 Introduction to DBMS (3:0:0) Yamuna P Shukla, Devesh jinwala, S. Bhattacharjee
EXF HUL211 Introduction to Economics (for backlog) (3:1:0) Dipankar S gupta (Class Room:01-AC-104-03)
P CSP 362 Introduction to DBMS Lab (0:0:2) Yamuna P Shukla, Devesh jinwala, S. Bhattacharjee
S CSP780 Computer Vision Lab (0:0:2) Vinit Jakhetiya, Harkeerat Kour
T CSP380 Introduction to Parallel and Distributed Programming Lab (0:0:2) S. Bhattacharjee
CSP772 Natural Language Processing Lab (0:0:2) Yamuna P Shukla
CSP740 Software Engineering Lab (0:0:2) Yamuna P Shukla, Devesh Jinwala
NIN100 Introduction TO Engineering (0:0:2) Ashok K Ahuja(Class Room:01-AC-104-01)
Time 9.00- 10.00- 11.00- 12.00- 13.00- 14.00- 15.00- 16.00- 17.00- 18.00- 19.00-
Day 8.00-8.50 9.50 10.50 11.50 12.50 13.50 14.50 15.50 16.50 17.50 18.50 19.50
Monday HUL211 HUL251 CSL759 CSL772 L CSP 362(CS Lab 3) CSP380(CS Lab 1)
Tuesday HUL211 OE1 CSL759 CSL772 CSL352 U CSL362
CSP772(CS Lab 1)
Wednesday HUL211 CSL759 CSL772 CSL352 CSL780 N CSP780(CS Lab 2)
Thursday HUL211(T) CSL380 CSL352 CSL780 OE1 C HUL251 HUL251 CSL362
Friday HUL251 CSL780 OE1 CSL380 H CSL362 CSL740 CSL740 CSL740 CSP740(CS lab 1)
Saturday CSL740 CSL740
Class Room - 02-AC-108-07 (32)

A EEL303 Power Engineering - I (3:1:0) Anup Shukla

B EEL316 Introduction to VLSI Design (3:0:0) Satyadev Ahlawat
C EEL305 Computer Architecture (3:0:0) Satyadev Ahlawat (Class Room:01-AC-104-03)
D CSL100 (3:0:0) Gaurav Varshney (Backlog)
E OE1 (3:0:0)
F EEL715 Digital Image Processing (3:0:0) Badri Narayan Subudhi
G HUL251 Introduction to Logic (3:1:0) Joby Varghese (Class Room:01-AC-104-03)
NIN100 Introduction to Engineering (0:0:2) Ashok K Ahuja(Class Room:01-AC-104-01)
EXF HUL211 Introduction to Economics (For Backlog) (3:1:0) Prof. Dipankar S gupta (Class Room:01-AC-104-03)
P CSP100 (0:0:2) Gaurav Varshney/Sumit Pandey
Time 9.00- 10.00- 11.00- 12.00- 13.00- 14.00- 15.00- 16.00- 17.00- 18.00-
Day 8.00-8.50 9.50 10.50 11.50 12.50 13.50 14.50 15.50 16.50 17.50 18.50
Monday HUL211 HUL251 EEL715 EEL316 EEL303 L EEL303(T)
Tuesday HUL211 OE1 EEL316 EEL303 EEL305 U
Wednesday HUL211 EEL316 EEL303 EEL305 CSL100 N CSP100(CS Lab 3)
Thursday HUL211(T) EEL715 EEL305 CSL100 OE1 C NIN100 HUL251 HUL251
Friday HUL251 CSL100 OE1 EEL715 H Reserved slot for academic activities
Class Room - 02-AC-108-01 (30)
A MEL311 CAD & FEM (3:0:0) Arvind K Rajput
B MEL212 Control Theory & Applications (3:0:0) Sudhakar Modem
C MEL361 Manufacturing System Design (3:0:0) Vijay Kumar Pal
D MEL338 Mechatronic Applications in Manufacturing (3:0:0) Shiva S
E OE1 (3:0:0)
CSL106 Data Structure and Algorithm (Minor in CSE) (3:0:0) Gourav Varshney
G HUL251 Introduction to Logic (3:1:0) Joby Varghese(Class Room:01-AC-104-03)
MEL795 CFD & heat transfer Goutam Dutta
EXF HUL211 Introduction to Economics (for backlog) (3:1:0) Prof. Dipankar S Gupta(Class Room:01-AC-104-03)
P MEP212 Control Theory & Applications Lab (0:0:2) Sudhakar Modem
Q MEP311 CAD & FEM Lab (0:0:2) Arvind K Rajput
R MEP795 CFD & heat transfer lab (0:0:2) Goutam Dutta
CSL106 Data Structure and Algorithm (Minor in CSE) (0:0:4) Gourav Varshney
T MEP338 Mechatronic Applications in Manufacturing lab (0:0:2) Shiva S
NIN 100 Introduction to Engineering (0:0:2) Ashok K Ahuja(Class Room:01-AC-104-01)
Time 9.00- 10.00- 11.00- 12.00- 13.00- 15.00- 16.00- 17.00- 18.00-
Day 8.00-8.50 9.50 10.50 11.50 12.50 13.50 14.00-14.50 15.50 16.50 17.50 19.50
Monday HUL211 HUL251 MEL795 MEL212 MEL311 L MEP212 MEP338 CSL106
Tuesday HUL211 OE1 MEL212 MEL311 MEL361 U MEP311 MEP795(CS Lab 3) CSL106
Wednesday HUL211 MEL212 MEL311 MEL361 MEL338 N MEP331(CS Lab 3) CSP106(CS lab 2)
Thursday HUL211(T) MEL795 MEL361 MEL338 OE1 C NIN100 HUL251 HUL251 CSL106
Friday HUL251 MEL338 OE1 MEL795 H Reserved slot for academic activities
B.Tech. 2018
Class Room - 02-AC-108-13 (25)
A CHL122 Chemical Reaction Engineering I (3:1:0) Gaurav A Bhaduri
B CHL251 Heat Transfer for Chemical Engineers (3:1:0) Vijayan Pallippattu
C CHL121 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics (3:1:0) Ashok Khanna
(3:0:0) Rakesh Tekade, Ajeet Sharma, Suruchi
Mahajan, Gaurav Bhaduri, Dr. Gopala(Class
D SBL100 Introductory Biology for Engineers Room:01-AC-104-03)
Data Structure and Algorithm (Minor in (3:0:0)
CSL106 CSE) Gourav Varshney
Applied Chemistry: Chemistry at (3:0:0) Subhash Samanta, Shivnath Mazumder,
E CYL103 Interface Guru B Ramani
(3:1:0) Sayantan Mandal(Class Room:02-AC-108-
G HUL289 Science and Society 15)
T NIN100 Introduction to Engineering (0:0:2) Anirban Ghosh (Class Room:01-AC-104-03)
EVP102 Environment-II (0:0:2) Divya Gupta/ Suruchi Mahanjan
Data Structure and Algorithm (Minor in (0:0:4)
CSP106 CSE) Gourav Varshney
17.00- 18.00-
Time 9.00- 10.00- 11.00- 12.00- 13.00- 14.00- 15.00- 16.00- 19.50
Day 9.50 10.50 11.50 12.50 13.50 14.50 15.50 16.50 17.50
Monday HUL289 CHL251 L CHL122
EVP102(G2) CSL106
Tuesday CYL103 CHL251 CHL122 U CHL121 CHL251(T) EVP102(G1)
CSP106(CS lab 2)
Wednesday CHL251 CHL122 CHL121 N SBL100 NIN100
Thursday CHL121 SBL100 C CYL103 CHL121(T) CHL122(T) HUL289(T) HUL289
Friday HUL289 SBL100 CYL103 H Reserved slot for academic activities
Class Room - 02-AC-108-03 (30)
A CEL222 Soil Mechanics (3:0:0) Chandan Ghosh
B CEL242 Structural Analysis I (3:0:0) Vinod Kushwaha
Data Structure and Algorithm (3:0:0)
CSL106 (Minor in CSE) Gourav Varshney
(3:0:0) Rakesh Tekade, Ajeet Sharma, Suruchi Mahajan,
Gaurav Bhaduri, Dr. Gopala
D SBL100 Introductory Biology for Engineers (Class Room:01-AC-104-03)
F CEL281 Hydraulics (3:1:0) Nitin Joshi
G HUL289 Science and Society (3:1:0) Sayantan Mandal (Class Room:02-AC-108-15)
P CEP222 Soil Mechanics Lab (0:0:2) Chandan Ghosh
Q CEP242 Structural Analysis I Lab (0:0:2) Fathima
R AMP107 Fluid Lab (0:0:2) Nitin Joshi
S CEP281 Hydraulics Lab (0:0:2) Nitin Joshi
Data Structure and Algorithm (0:0:4)
CSP106 (Minor in CSE) Gourav Varshney
U EVP102 Environmental Science-II (0:0:2) Divya Gupta/ Suruchi Mahanjan
NIN100 Introduction to Engineering (0:0:2) Anirban Ghosh (Class Room:01-AC-104-03)
Time 9.00- 10.00- 11.00- 12.00- 13.00- 14.00- 15.00- 16.00- 17.00- 19.50
Day 9.50 10.50 11.50 12.50 13.50 14.50 15.50 16.50 17.50
Monday HUL289 CEL281 CEL242 L CEL222 CEP222 EVP102
Tuesday 0 CEL242 CEL222 U CEP242 AMP107
CSP106(CS lab 2)
Wednesday CEL242 CEL222 N SBL100 CEP281
Thursday CEL281 SBL100 C CEL281(T) HUL289(T) HUL289
Reserved slot for
Friday HUL289 SBL100 H CEL281 academic activities NIN100
Class Room - 02-AC-108-06 (45)
(3:0:0) JK Shridhar/Sartaj Ul Hasan(For MAL105, Class Room:01-AC-
A MAL104/MAL105 Linear Algebra and Applications/Algebra 104-03)
C CSL216 Computer Architecture (3:0:0) Satyadev Ahlawat / Harkeerat (Class Room:01-AC-104-03)
CSL226 Principles of Programming Languages (3:0:0) S. Bhattacharjee/SAK
(3:0:0) Rakesh Tekade, Ajeet Sharma, Suruchi Mahajan, Gaurav
F SBL100 Introductory Biology for Engineers Bhaduri, Dr. Gopala (Class Room:01-AC-104-03)
G HUL275 Environment, Development and Society (3:1:0) Suchismita R (Class Room:02-AC-108-11)
MTL106 Probability and Stochastic Processes (Backlog) (3:1:0) Debolina Ghatak
(0:0:2) Rakesh Tekade, Ajeet Sharma, Suruchi Mahajan, Gaurav
SBP100 Introductory Biology for Engineers lab Bhaduri, Dr. Gopala
Q EVP102 Environment -II lab (0:0:2) Divya Gupta/ Suruchi Mahanjan
T NIN100 Introduction to Engineering (0:0:2) Anirban Ghosh (Class Room:01-AC-104-03)
CSP216 Computer Architecture Lab (0:0:2) Satyadev Ahlawat/ Harkeerat
CSP226 Principles of Programming Languages Lab (0:0:4) S. Bhattacharjee/SAK
Time 12.00- 14.00- 15.00- 16.00- 17.00- 18.00-
Day 9.00-9.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.50 13.00-13.50 14.50 15.50 16.50 17.50 18.50
Monday HUL275 SBL100 L MAL104/MAL105 MTL106
Tuesday MAL104/MAL105 U CSL216 EVP102
Wednesday MAL104/MAL105 CSL216 N MTL106 NIN100
Thursday SBL100 CSL216 MTL106 C MTL106(T) CSP216(CS lab 3 HUL275 (T) HUL275 CSL226/2
Friday HUL275 CSL226/2 CSL226/2 H SBL100 CSP226(CS Lab 3) CSL226/2
Saturday CSL226/2 CSL226/2 L
Class Room - 02-AC-108-08 (40)
A EEL201 Digital Electronics (3:0:0) Karan Nathwani
B EEL212 Engineering Electromagnetics (3:1:0) Alok Kumar Saxena
C EEL225 Control Engineering-I (3:1:0) Ankit Dubey
(3:0:0) Rakesh Tekade, Ajeet Sharma, Suruchi Mahajan, Gaurav
F SBL100 Introductory Biology for Engineers Bhaduri, Dr. Gopala(Class Room:01-AC-104-03)
G HUL275 Environment, Development and Society (3:1:0) Suchismita R(Class Room:02-AC-108-11)
EVP102 Environment-II (0:0:2) Divya Gupta/ Suruchi Mahanjan
NIN100 Introduction to Engineering (0:0:2) Anirban Ghosh(Class Room:01-AC-104-03)
P EEP201 Digital Electronics (0:0:3) Karan Nathwani
(0:0:2) Rakesh Tekade, Ajeet Sharma, Suruchi Mahajan, Gaurav
SBL100 Introductory Biology for Engineers Bhaduri, Dr. Gopala
S EEP225 Control Engineering-I (0:0:3) Ankit Dubey
Time 9.00- 10.00- 11.00- 12.00- 13.00- 17.00-
Day 9.50 10.50 11.50 12.50 13.50 14.00-14.50 15.00-15.50 16.00-16.50 17.50
Monday HUL275 SBL100 EEL212 L EEL201 EEP225(T)
Tuesday EEL212 EEL201 U EEL225 EEP225
Wednesday EEL212 EEL201 EEL225 N EEP201
Thursday SBL100 EEL225 C EVP102 HUL275(T) HUL275
Reserved slot for academic
Friday HUL275 H SBL100 activities NIN100
Class Room - 02-AC-108-14 (32)
A MEL131 Manufacturing Processes I (3:0:0) Anand K S
B MEL241 Energy Systems and Technologies (3:0.5:0) Satya S
C MEL201 Mechanical Engineering Drawing (2:0:0) R T Durai
Data Structure and Algorithm (3:0:0)
CSL106 (Minor in CSE) Gourav Varshney
(3:0:0) Rakesh Tekade, Ajeet Sharma, Suruchi Mahajan, Gaurav
D SBL100 Introductory Biology for Engineers Bhaduri, Dr. Gopala (Class Room:01-AC-104-03)
F MEL242 Heat and Mass Transfer (3:1:0) Samrat Rao
G HUL289 Science and Society (3:1:0) Sayantan Mandal (Class Room:02-AC-108-15)
MEP201 Mechanical Engineering Drawing (0:0:3) R T Durai
Introduction to Material Science (0:0:2)
Q AMP102 and Engineering Lab R T Durai
R EVP102 Environment-II (0:0:2) Divya Gupta/ Suruchi Mahanjan
(0:0:2) Rakesh Tekade, Ajeet Sharma, Suruchi Mahajan, Gaurav
SBP100 Introductory Biology for Engineers Bhaduri, Dr. Gopala
Data Structure and Algorithm (0:0:4)
CSP106 (Minor in CSE) Gourav Varshney
T NIN100 Introduction to Engineering (0:0:2) Anirban Ghosh (Class Room:01-AC-104-03)
Time 9.00- 10.00- 11.00- 12.00- 13.00- 15.00- 16.00- 17.00- 18.00-
Day 9.50 10.50 11.50 12.50 13.50 14.00-14.50 15.50 16.50 17.50 19.50
Monday HUL289 MEL242 MEL241 L MEL131 MEP201(CS Lab 3) CSL106
Tuesday MEL241 MEL131 U MEL201 AMP102 EVP102 CSL106
Wednesday MEL241 MEL131 MEL201 N SBL100 NIN100 CSP106 (CS Lab 2)
Thursday MEL242 SBL100 C MEL241(T/2) MEL242(T) HUL289(T) HUL289 CSL106
Friday HUL289 SBL100 H MEL242 Reserved slot for academic activities
B.Tech. 2019
G1+G3 Class Room -01-AC-104-01 (100)
G2+G4 Class Room - 01-AC-104-04 (100)
CCP003U1X English Language II (0:0:2) Ms. Ishita(c), Bhumika, Sukanya, Quleen
CCP004U1X Scientific and Social Responsibility (0:0:2) Amitash Ojha (C), Joby, Suchismita, Sukanya,
Sayantan, Quleen Kaur
SMD002U1M Linear Algebra and Differential Equations (3:1:0) Tanmay Sarkar(G1+G3), Ajay Kumar(G2+G4)
EFD006U1M Engineering Mechanics (3:1:0) Surabh Biswas(G1+G3), Fathima (G2+G4)
EFC004U1M Data Structures and Algorithm (2:0:2) Vinit Jakhetiya
EFL005U1M Basic Electronics Engineering (3:0:2) Kushmanda Saurabh, Kankat Ghosh
DIP002U1M Product Visualisation (0:0:4) Rajendra(G3) / Surendra(G4)/ Saurabh (C)(G1)/
Sahil Kalra(G2)
DIP003U1M Product Realisation (0:0:4) Shiva Shekhar (c)(G2)/Vijay(G1)/ Anand S(G3)/
Suman Sarkar(G4)
ESP002U1M Environment and Sustainability-II (0:0:2) Divya Gupta/ Suruchi Mahanjan
English Remedial Class Ms. Ishita
Time 9.00-9.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.50 14.00-15.50 16.00-17.50
DIP002U1M(G1_CS Lab 1) /DIP003U1M(G3_Workshop)
EFL005U1M SMD002U1M EFD006U1M EFC004U1M (L)(G1+G3)/ EFC004U1M(P)(G2_CS Lab 2) EFC004U1M(P)(G4_CS Lab 2)
Monday (G1+G3) (L) (L) EFL005U1M (G2+G4) /EFP005U1M(G4) /EFP005U1M(G2)
DIP002U1M(G2 _CS Lab 1)/DIP003U1M(G4_Workshop)
EFL005U1M SMD002U1M EFD006U1M EFC004U1M (L)(G2+G4)/ EFC004U1M(P) (G1_CS Lab 2) EFC004U1M (P)(G3_CS Lab2)
Tuesday (G2+G4) (L) (L) EFL005U1M (G1+G3) /EFP005U1M(G3) /EFP005U1M(G1)
SMD002U1M EFD006U1M EFC004U1M (L)(G1+G3)/ Lunch DIP002U1M(G3_CS Lab 1)/DIP003U1M(G1_Workshop)
Wednesday (L) (L) EFL005U1M (G2+G4) CCP004U1X(G2) ESP002U1M (G4)
English SMD002U1M EFD006U1M EFC004U1M (L)(G2+G4)/ DIP002U1M(G4_CS Lab 1) )/DIP003U1M(G2_Workshop)
Thursday Remedial (D) (D) EFL005U1M (G1+G3) CCP004U1X(G3) ESP002U1M (G1)
CCP004U1X(G1)/ CCP004U1X(G4)/
ESP002U1M(G3)/ ESP002U1M (G2)/
Friday CCP003U1X(G2+G4) CCP003U1X(G1+G3)/ Reserved slot for academic activities
(c): Indicator
M. Tech. 2019
Communication and Signal processing
Class Room -02-AC-108-10 (20)
A EEL005P1M Adaptive Signal Processing (3:0:0) Badri N Subudhi
C EEL007P1M Detection & Estimation Theory (3:0:0) Ajay Singh
D EEL001P4E Wireless Communication and Networking (3:0:0) Ankit Dubey
EEL002P4E Microwave and Millimetre Wave Integrated Circuits (3:0:0) Kushmanda Saurav/Prof. S.K. Koul (Instructor)
EEL003P4E Basic Information Theory (3:0:0) Ravikant Saini
G EEL006P1M Antenna and Wave Propagation (3:0:0) Archana Rajput
EEP003P1M RF Lab (0:0:4) Kushmanda Saurav /Archana Rajput
P EES001P1M Seminar (0:0:2) TBD
Time 11.00- 12.00- 13.00- 14.00- 15.00- 16.00- 17.00-
Day 9.00-9.50 10.00-10.50 11.50 12.50 13.50 14.50 15.50 16.50 17.50
Monday EEL006P1M EEP003P1M(CS Lab1) EEL005P1M L EES001P1M
Tuesday EEP003P1M(CS Lab 1) EEL005P1M EEL007P1M U
Wednesday EEL003P4E EEL005P1M EEL007P1M EEL001P4E N EEL001P4E
Thursday EEL003P4E EEL007P1M EEL001P4E EEL003P4E C EEL006P1M EEL006P1M EEL002P4E
Friday EEL002P4E EEL003P4E EEL003P4E H Reserved slot for academic activities
List of (OE) Open Elective Courses/Backlog Courses/ Minor Courses in other department
OE 1 (2016 and 2017 Batch) : E slot
HUL382 Romanticism: The theory of Animals, (3:0:0) Sukanya Mondal Class Room - 02-AC-108-11 (72)
Monsters and Machines
HUL377 Gender, Society & Technology (3:0:0) Varsha Singh Class Room - 02-AC-108-06 (45)
PYL386 Physics of Life (3:0:0) Ajeet Sharma Class Room - 02-AC-108-14 (32)
BBL401 Biology Inspired Engineering (2:0:0) Uma Shankar (External faculty) Class Room - 02-AC-108-08 (40)
MAL108 Introduction to Statistics (3:0:0) Debolina Ghatak Class Room - 02-AC-108-15 (72)
CHL724 Environment Engineering and waste (3:0:0) Gaurav A Bhaduri Class Room - 02-AC-108-03 (30)
PYL422 Nanoscale Energy Materials and Devices (3:0:0) Prof. D. Pandya Class Room - 02-AC-104-02 (30)
PYL423 Spintronics and Data Storage (3:0:0) Prof. D. Pandya Class Room - 02-AC-104-02 (30)
HUL334 From text to film (3:0:0) Bhumika R Class Room - 02-AC-108-01 (30)
OE 2 (2016 Batch): F slot
HUL321 Introduction to Cognitive Science (3:0:0) Amitash Ojha Class Room - 02-AC-108-01 (30)
PYL358 Plasma and its Technological Application (2:0:2) Sanat Tiwari Class Room - 02-AC-108-11 (72)
MSL750 Microstructural Dynamics and Design (3:0:0) Suman Sarkar Class Room - 02-AC-108-13 (25)
OE 3 (2016 Batch): D slot
PYL144 Solid State Physics (3:1:0) Rahul Salunkhe/Ashok Bera Class Room - 02-AC-108-15 (72)
HUL290 Technology & Culture (3:1:0) Quleen Kaur Bijral Class Room - 02-AC-108-11 (72)

OE 4 (2016 Batch):
MTL625 Principles of optimization (OE4) (3:0:0) Prof. Virendra Singh (mentioned in time table of 2016 batch
Minor /OE category course from CSE department
CSL106/CSP106 Data Structure and Algorithm (3:0:4) Gourav Varshney Class Room - 02-AC-108-07 (30)
CSL772/CSP772 Natural Language Processing (3:0:2) Yamuna P Shukla
Backlog Courses (2016, 2017, 2018 batch)
CYL100/CYP100 Introduction to Chemistry (3:0:2) Shivnath Class room TBD, time slot is OE2 slot
(3:0:0) Rakesh Tekade, Ajeet Sharma, (Class Room:02-AC-104-4), Time slot is
SBL100/ Suruchi Mahajan, Gaurav available in OE2 and OE3
SBP100 Introductory Biology for Engineers Bhaduri, Dr. Gopala

For OE course, the class room may be interchanged based on registration due to capacity constraints.
CS Lab 1
CSP772 Natural Language Processing Yamuna P Shukla
DIP002U1M Product Visualisation Rajendra/ Surendra/ Saurabh/Sahil
CSP740 Software Engineering Lab Yamuna P Shukla/D C Jinwala
EEP003P1M RF Lab Kushmanda Saurav /Archana Rajput
Introduction to Parallel and Distributed
CSP380 Programming S Bhattacharjee
CCP003U1X English Language II Ms. Ishita(c), Bhumika, Sukanya, Quleen

9.00-9.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 13.00-13.50 14.00-15.50 16.00-17.50 18.00-19.50

Monday EEP003P1M DIP002U1M(G1) CSP380

Tuesday EEP003P1M DIP002U1M(G2 )

Wednesday Lunch DIP002U1M(G3) CSP772

Thursday DIP002U1M(G4)

Friday CSP740
CS Lab 2
CSP106 Data Structure and Algorithm Gourav Varshney
CSP380 Introduction to Parallel and Distributed Programming S. Bhattacharjee
CSP780 Computer Vision Vinit Jakhetiya, Harkeerat Kour
EFC004U1M Data Structures & Algorithm Vinit Jakhetiya
EEP003P1M RF Lab Kushmanda Saurav/Archana Rajput
Time 13.00- 18.00-19.50
9.00-9.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 14.00-15.50 16.00-17.50
Day 13.50

Monday EEP003P1M EFC004U1M (P)(G2) EFC004U1M(P) (G4)

Tuesday EEP003P1M EFC004U1M(P) (G1) EFC004U1M (P)(G3)

Wednesday Lunch CSP780 CSP106

Thursday CSP772

CS Lab 3 (CAD Lab)
CSP100 Gaurav Varshney
MEP201 Mechanical Engg. drawing RT Durai
CSP216 Computer Architecture Virendra Singh/Satyadev Ahlawat
CSP226 Principles of Programming Languages S. Bhattacharjee/SAK
CSP362 Introduction to DBMS Yamuna Shukla, Devesh jinwala, S. Bhattacharjee
MEP311 CAD& FEM Arvind Rajput
MEP795 CFD & Heat Transfer Goutam Dutta
Time 13.00-
9.00-9.50 10.00-10.50 11.00-11.50 12.00-12.50 14.00-15.50 16.00-17.50 18.00-18.50
Day 13.50

Monday CSP362 MEP201

Tuesday MEP311 MEP795

Wednesday CSP100

Thursday CSP216

Friday CSP226

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