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Features and Benefits

O Backedby overseventyyearsexperience,VOKES hasdevelopedthe

StreamlineSLRangeto providethe optimumsolutionfor fully
high specification
insulatingoil treatmentsystems.
O SLRangeplantsrely on high efficiency(99.901o
at I micron)edgeqvpe
filter packs,which areeasilybackflushedusingcompressed air.
O Designedaslonglife filter packsthey canremainin serviceover
extendedperiodswith minimalattention.
O Selectinga backflushingfiltrationsysremavoidsthe inconvenientand
time consumingprocedureof replacingfilter cartridges,aswell asthe
needto retainstocksof new cartridges.
O Filterbackflushingcanbe quicklyandeasilyundertakenon-sire,
minimisingplant downtimeandoptimisingthe useof the plant.
O A high performance vacuumpump is fitted to SLRangeplantsto
maximisethe removalof waterandgasesby vacuumdegassing.
Typicallywith a singlepass,wateris reducedfrom 50ppmto 5ppm
andgasesfrom 10%to 0.25o/o by volume.
O Designedto extendthe life of both transformersandinsulatingoil, SL
Rangeplantscanbe suppliedwith an optionalvacuumpump,allowing
to be 'drawn-down'prior to refilling.
O To facilitateoptimumparticulatefiltrationandvacuumdegassing,
Rangeplantshavea high performanceheatercapableof increasingthe
oil temperatureby 50"Cwith a singlepass.
O SLFangeplantsaresuppliedcompletewith all necessary
instrumentation andcontrolsfor simpleoperationby one man.Once
set-upfor oil treatment,they canbe safelyleft to operateunattended
O A thermalinsulationpackis fitted to all SLRangeplantsto minimise
heatlossfrom the heater,filter andvacuumvessels.This helpsto
reducethe powernecessary for efficientoperationandis
recommended wherethe plant is likely to be operatedat low ambient
O Subjectto the obseryance of safetyprocedures, SLRangeplantscanbe
usedfor the 'On-line'treatmentof insulatingoil.
a All SLRangeplantsarebuilt on to a robustchassis,withfully mobile
units fitted with full running gear(includingovemrn brakes)and
tightingequipmentacceptable ro mosrhighwayauthorities.Arigid
aluminiumprotectivecanopywith accessdoorsis alsofitted to fully
High Performance Oil Tr
Introd uction
Streamline Oil TreatmentPlantshavebeenmanufactured for overseventy
yearsand arein servicewith fower generating, transmission and
distributionauthoritiesin oversixty countriesworldwide. Provento be
extremelyefficientandeconomicalto operate,continuedresearchand
dev,elopment byVOKESmeansthat Streamline plantsarestill the most
effectivemethodof oil treatmentavailable.

AlthoughStreamline plantsaresuitablefor usewith a wide rangeof oil

basedfluids,they areprimarilysuppliedfor the treatmentof electrical
insulatingoil. Passing plant removes
insulatingoil througha Streamline
virtuallyall solidparticlesby either'Edge-Type'(SLRange)or Cartridge
(SERange)filtration,anddissolvedwater andgasesbv vacuumdegassing.


Electrical Equipment
Insulatingoil is vitallyimportantfor the safeandefficientoperationof
manyfypesof elecrical equipment.In additionto its insulating
properties,oil is usedasa coolantin transformers andasa meansof arc
suppression in circuit breakers.In eachcasethe operationof the
electricalequipmentdependson the purity of the insulatingoil. which in
servicecanbe contaminated water,gasesandchemical
by particulates,

Shouldelectricalequipmentbe continuouslyoperatedwith contaminated

oil, its efficiencywill be impaired,resultingeventuallyin the risk of total
failure.'llpically,insulatingoil is contaminated
in the followingwavs:

O Particulates

O Freeanddissolvedwatcr.

O Gasesproducedby oil ageing,equipmentfailureand arc

in switchgear.

O Chemicalproductscausedby oxidation,aswell ascross

contaminationby other products..

Although individually each contaminant reduces the insulating

characteristics of the oil by around 20o/o,the combination of
fibres from insulating materials and water can reduce its
performance by up to !00/0.
rtffifent frq:m V{}t{r;

'")' "'t

Regularle-conclitioningusing a Streamlincplant prttvitlesatr

economicalalternatir.cto replacingr'vithuen' oil or using a colltract
in the firllorving\\'xls to
oil replacementservice.Thevcan be r.tsecl
ensurethe efficicnt olrerationof clectricalcquiputcnt:

* The reconditioning of oil and drying of electrical

equipment by recirculation, as part of a regular
maintenance programme -This helps to ensurethc lcliltbilitt
of clectricalcqttipntetrtbv maintliningits ttlttintltntptrti,rttt:tttec

* Subiect to the observance ofsafety procedures, Streamline

plants can be used for the 'On-line' treatment of live
transformers - As lt conseclttcttcc
tritnsforntcrltcrkxntltnct cttn
br nr:rintainccl shuttirrg-clorvn
r.r'ithout of
thc installation.

t Full regeneration of the oil by removing accumulated acids

using an additional (SL Range only) De-acidification unit -
removltlof accuntukLtctlaciclslrvoitlsthc risk of corrosiotl ttntl
of criticlrl contl'roltctrtsit'ttllin
the subsccprcntbrcakclor'vn

il Evacuating or'drawing-down' transformers to remove

contaminants prior t<l filling with clean oil - AvailrrblclrslLn
optional cxttt on Sl. lllutgc plrtttts,tLntLtlditittnal\'llctlLllllpillllp citn
bc fittcclto removc \\'rtcr. gasesatttl othcr cotrtttntittalltslronl
transfirrntcrs,thcrcbt cxtett(liltgthc lifc of ltotli tltc translixulct'

thltn is
As Stlcamlincplrnts can trcitt ne\\: oil ttt highcl stttnclarcls
normally commerciallvuvaillrblc.thct arc idcal firr usc ltt tt'rtttsfirrtncr
and instullersin the tirllorvingeltltlicatirrrts:

I The initial filling of transftrrmers by the manufacturer -

SinccStreamlincplantssct the stalt(llrtliilr ttil cleanliuc:s.
transfirrmermanufltcturerscatt relt on tllem to cttttsistcnth
their oils u,ithiu the recluit'ccl
maintair.r spccification.

I on-site to ensure that the

The initial filling of transformers
oil used meets the manufacfurer's standards of cleanliness -
Streamlineplants can be relicclupotl to treat oil to thc stttndlr(ls
necessar\'lbrthe comntissioningof uen' transtirrmcrsanclu-ithitl
the terms of the manufacturer's$'arrant\'.

Nl Streamline plants are designedto significantly improve the

dielectric strength of insulating oil and meet or exceedthe
, ,
I ,-,,.1
v r''r I
requirementsof BS58'+as prescribedin BSI*8.
l l /'- '
,' / / -
r r l 2 r r ) ,'
l l
.-'' I
.-t I

l l

Streamline oil treatment is a tTvo stage process u-hich

commences with filtration to remove particulate
contaminants and is follou'ed b-vvacuum degassing
for the removal of free and dissolved x'ater and
gases.Heaters are fitted prior to filration. x'hich
raises the working temperature of the oil and
facilitates the oil treatment process.

S T R E A M L I N E- H e a t T r e a t m e n t
Thc efficientrncl o'cn heatingof thc oil is oscntill. ii tht'
pcrfirrmance<lfthe subscqucntllltnttion :rnd dcgassingprocc\rc\ ;lrr
to bc optimisecl.T<r lll \trclnrlinc pllntr lrc
mect this rcqurrcnrcnt.
fittccln'ith a thcrmalll controllcdhcltcr rl hich i: rizcd to nirc thc
t e m p e r a t u rocf t h c i n c o m i n go i l b r c i t h c r5 { ) ( . ( \ 1 .R l n g c t o r i t ) ' ( '

Fittedq'ith flnnccltube elements.

tltc hcatcrin cach \trclnrlinc plrrnt
hassuflicicntclcmcntsto hcat thc oil at a mtc of 0.lt'l srttsrcnt'oi
finncd arca.Thisensuresthat thc oil is elcnll hcltcd.s'hilc ;tvording
thc risk of ovcr heatinganclcharring.l.nclcrnormll Europ(-11)
conditionsthc full oil flou'cun bc heltctl to thc rcquircds'orking
tempclltrlre . hrl*'cvcr.at cxtrentcll krrr' tcntpcnturcs it nt;tr bc
neccssarltu recirculatcthe oil to achicvcthi: lcvcl.

S T R E A M L I N E- F i l t r a t i o n
Particulatcc<lntaminationsuch as tlbrcs.carbon and nrst significlntlr
recluccsthc diclectric strcngth of insulatingoil This rechrctioncln bc
as mucl.ras 90",,u'l.rcnflbrcs fiom thc insuhting matcrill lrc
contaminateclq'ith q'atcr.Failureto ldcrlulttcll rcmolc such prrticlcs
br' filtration can rcsult in a total brcakdos n of thc oil. g.ith thc
consequentrisk of plant tailurc.flrc and crpkrsion.

Backedbl provenexpcrienccs'ith pol.cr utilitic\ sorltls'idc.\()KES

has established1 micron at an etlicieno of bctq.eent)tJ.- (\E
Range)and !!.!11'o(SL Range).as thc standardtirr thc tlltmtion of
insulatingoil.This guaranteesthc remolal of vinuallv lll plrticlcs of
1 micron and abovc.along n-ith a high propurtion of submicron

SL Range - BackflushingFiltration
The Streamline SLRangerelieson a high efficiency'Edge type'filtrationsystem,removes
99,9%of particlesI micronandabove,alongwith a high proportion of smallerparticles.
Manufactured from discsof speciallyselectedfilter papeqthe filter packscanbe quickly
and thoroughlycleanedby the reverseflow of air from a built-in compressor.

Streamline filter packsconsistof thousandsof speciallytreatedpaperdiscscompressed

togetherunderspringpressure. Cleanfilteredoil passesbetweenthe discsfrom the
outsideto the inside,leavingthe particleson the outer surfaceof the filter pack.

Designedto remainunattendedoverextendedperiods,Streamline filter packsareeasily

cleanedusingthe backflushingsystem,therebyavoidingthe needto dismantlethe filter
vessel.Oncethe oil hasbeendrainedfrom the filter vesselinto the draintank,
compressed air from the exhaustsideof the vacuumpump is forcedthroughthe filter
packsin the reversedirectionof flow.Thisdislodgescontaminants collectedon the dirty
sideof the filter packs,which areremovedfrom the plant throughthe sludgedrain.

The StreamlineSLbackflushingsystemhasthe advantage of combiningoperating

convenience with a costefficientsolutionto insulatingoil treatment.Thisis achievedby
reducingplant downtimeandby avoidingthe costlyandtime consumingprocedureof
regular$replacingfilter cartridges.
Furthermore,backflushingfilters eliminateth€ need
to maintainback-upstocksof filter cartridges.

SE Range - Cartridge Filtration

For operatorsnot requiringthe benefitsof a backflushingsystem,the Streamline SE
Rangehasbeendesignedto provideeconomicaloil treatmentplantswith high
performancefiltration.Thehigh standards of filtrationcommonto all Streamline plans
areguaranteedby speciallydevelopedcartridges,which give a filtration efficiencyof
at I micron.

StreamlineSERangecartridgesare manufacturedfrom a selectedglassfibre media.

which is positivelypleatedto maximisethe availablefiltrationarea.Thisensuresthat
Streamline SEcartridgeshavehigh flow andlow pressuredrop characteristics,while
providinga high dirt holdingcapacityandlong servicelife.Thewater repellentnature
of the filter mediacombinedwith the corosion resistantsurfacefinish appliedto the
cartridgeassembly, ensuresthat they are unaffectedby water and aggressive

S T R E A M L I N E- V a c u u m D e g a s s i n g
To ensurethat the characteristicsof insulatingand other mineraloils are fully restored,
the efficient removalof water and gasesis essential.Streamlineplantsmeet this
requirementwith a high performancevacuumdegassingunit, which is designedto
reducethem to the following typical levels:

SL Range SE Range
SinglePass- From 50ppm to: 5ppm <1qppm
Triple Pass- , to: 3ppm <5PPffi

Gas SinglePass- From I0% by uol. to: 0.25%b1tuol. <0,50/o

by wl.
Triple Pass- , to: 0.1%by uol. <02% by tol.

Features and Benefits

the demandfor a high performanceeconomyinsulatingoil

O Satisfying
treatmentplant,the SERangeprovidesthe optimumsolutionfor users
not requiringall the featuresavailablewith a backflushingfiltration
O SERangeplantsrely on high efficiency(98.7%at 1 micron)disposable
speciallydevelopedbyVOKESfor usewith insulating
filter cartridges,
O Manufactured to givea high dirt holdingcapacityandan extended
servicelife, SERangefiltersaredesignedto minimiseoperatingcosts
by increasingthe intervalbetweencarridge changes.
O The waterrepellentnatureof the filter mediacombinedwith a high
helpsto extendcarridgelife by being
by waterandaggressive
resistantto degradation chemical
O SERangeplantsaresuppliedwith a basicrangeof instrumentsand
O Designedascompactuserfriendlyunits,SERangeplantscanbe readily
operatedandmaintainedby one man.Operatingcostshavebeen
further reducedby minimisingthe electricalpowernecessary
operatea plant.
with a built-inoil retaining
O All SERangeplantshavea robustchassis
tt y.
O Fullymobileunitsarefitted with'T bar'type singleaxlerunninggear,
andlightingequipmentacceptable to mosthighwayauthorities.They
arealsosuppliedwith a healy duty reinforcedPVCcanopyas

VOKESbas ouer 70years ucpertencein filtration technologl
and is an acknowledged leaderin tbe ma_nufacturcof air and
liquid filters for industdal and enuironmental applicatiotts.
Backedby BTRIndustries,a maior intemational UK
cornpa.lU),VOKES reputationis basedon an innouatiue
approacbtofiltration and a commitmentto bigb standnrdsof
product deuelopment, manufacturing,quality conhol and
customer support.
RANGE i00. 1000.2000
Capacities & 1000r/h


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