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ISO 9001:2015 COMPANY

Single Component Ready to Use Repair Polymer Modified Mortar

DESCRIPTION should be saw cut to a depth of

SUNMIX - is a ready to use fiber minimum 15 mm and the edges
cut as possible keeping the sides
reinforced polymer modified repair squares.
mortar ideally suited to repair of ➢ If reinforcement is exposed in
damaged RCC structures by hand repair area, it should be cleaned
application or trowelling. to remove all the rust particles by
mechanical means like metal wire
➢ Provide anti corrosive treatment
➢ Repairs of RCC members, to reinforcement steel by using
residential, commercial, and RUSTICIDE and POLYALK
industrial buildings. FIXOPRIME.
➢ Heritage structures rehabilitation. ➢ The repair concrete to be repaired
➢ Repairs to jetty, bridges or any substrate must be saturated with
other structures in marine water till saturated surface dry
condition is achieved. Any excess
environment. water may be removed by cloth or
➢ Repairs of structures members compressed air.
subjected to repetitive loading.
➢ All kinds of structural repairs which
require application by hand or wet
spray applications. ➢ SUNMIX must be mechanically
mixed using a forced action pan
mixer in a clean drum.
ADVANTAGES ➢ For normal application, use from
➢ Easily applicable, user friendly 13-15 % water: powder ratio.
system. Mixing time depends upon the
type of mixer used 2-3 minutes is
➢ Requires only the addition of a an average until mortar is
definite quantity of mixing water. homogeneous and lump free. Use
➢ Dual shrinkage compensating. without delay.
➢ Excellent adhesion to concrete. ➢ Add water if necessary to get
➢ Smooth, easily produced finish. desired consistency. Mix for a
➢ Low permeability. further 1 to 2 minutes. Under no
➢ Excellent resistance to circumstances should excess
environmental elements. water be added. Little extra water
➢ Low rebond – saving in material may be required in hot climatic
cost during spray application. condition.
➢ Machine application increases the
speed of work. PRIMING /BONDING
➢ Mix thoroughly 0.5 part fresh
Substrate Preparation (by weight) using mechanical
➢ It is essential that the substrate to mixer. Slurry of consistency easily
be repaired is sound, clean and applicable by brush is ready for
free of all contamination. use as a bonding material.
Thedamaged areas of concrete to
➢ Apply the bonding coat on the
be removed should be clearly
identified. The perimeter of area cleaned RCC surface taking care

ISO 9001:2015 COMPANY

to avoid pinholes. Immediately STORAGE

after application of bonding coat, ➢ SUNMIX must be stored preferably
place the Polymer repair mortar in shade and in original
that come over it “wet on wet” containers. Store out of direct
application. sunlight, in a cool and dry place.


➢ After mixing SUNMIX can be ➢ It has a shelf life of 6 months when
sprayed or trowel applied. When stored as above.
applying by hand SUNMIX must be
forced tightly into the substrate to HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION
ensure complete contact with the ➢ Health hazards: No particular
substrate hazard known. If the product spills
➢ For repairs, which require multi- on to the skin and dries up, some
layers application, it is important irritation may occur.
to ensure that previous layers are
well keyed and hardened but not FIRST AID MEASURES
fully cured prior to the
application of Subsequent layers. ➢ Skin contact: Immediately wash
Final profiling should be carried thoroughly with soap and water.
out with wooden float or steel ➢ Inhalation: Remove to open air.
trowel. Seek medical attention.
➢ Contact with eyes: Immediately
wash under running water with
CURING eyelids open for at least 15
➢ Proper curing is essential. minutes. Seek medical attention.
Sprinkle water for min 4-5 days or ➢ Ingestion: Rinse mouth thoroughly
by covering the repaired area with and drink plenty of water. Seek
plastic sheet fixed over wet medical attention.
Hessian cloth.
➢ Environment Care: Clean small
➢ One 25 kg bag of SUNMIX will
spillages immediately with water.
typically yield 16 liters of mortar. Contain large spillages with
suitable absorbent materials.
PACKING ➢ Dispose the waste
➢ 25 kg bag. water/absorbent material in
accordance with local regulations.
➢ All tools should be cleaned with
water immediately after use. All products are manufactured under a
Quality Management System for Design,
Manufacturing and Selling of
Construction Chemicals as per the
standards of ISO 9001:2015.

The product information and application detail given by Sunanda Speciality Coatings Pvt. Ltd. (SSCPL) are based on current experience and
knowledge, which meant to provide general guideline during usage. The user is responsible for checking the suitability of products for their
intended use .SSCPL reserves the right to change the specification of its products. SSPCL endeavor to ensure that advice, specifications,
recommendations and information given is accurate and correct, we cannot have control over how our products are applied and will not accept
liability, directly or indirectly, arising from application of our materials


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