New Final PDF
New Final PDF
New Final PDF
Submitted By
REGNO: 18PA1E0020
Assistant Professor
I also declare that my project is a result of my effort and that it was not submitted to any other
university earlier for the award of any other degree.
CHAPTER – 1 1-7
CHAPTER – 2 8-11
CHAPTER – 3 12 - 21
CHAPTER – 4 22– 26
CHAPTER – 5 27 – 39
CHAPTER – 6 40-43
Another reason for increase the importance of the study of customer buying behaviour is
intense pace globalization. According to Nargunkar (2008), globalization has changed the
way the businesses operate and target their customers. As more and more businesses are
operating in more than one country, they need to understand the different cultures and
characteristics of their customers. As businesses grow geographically, their customer bases
change and the needs of customers in one country varies from the needs of the customers in
another country. Therefore, the study of consumer buying behaviour is essential in order to
target all the customers in all different geographical areas.
Another factor leading to the importance of learning customer buying behaviour is rapid
advancements in the technology. Due to the development of information technologies and IT
systems, learning the customer buying behaviour has become more practical and easier. It is
also stated that the large and multinational businesses are investing significantly on
improvements of their IT systems in order to better understand the needs and wants of their
customers. This in turn enables them to identify what and how often their customers are
purchasing Brink and Berndt (2009).
The importance to study the consumer buying behaviour has intensified due to fast pace of
globalization which changed has been consistently changing the way consumers are shopping
for their daily food and grocery products. As more retailers operate in more than on country,
they have to pay close attention to the difference in culture, lifestyle, taste, expectations and
many other factors that determine the differing buying behaviour of customers from various
countries. Therefore, the study of consumer behaviour is very vital to target all the customers
from different geographical areas.
In order to identify and research the whole purchasing process of the consumer, marketing
scholars developed a “stage model” which lays out all the process and stages of the
purchasing process of the consumer. It is worth noting that the buying process starts long
before the actual purchase and it has consequences long afterward. According to Kotler and
Keller (2012) the consumers usually pass through the five stages which such as problem
recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives, purchase decision and post-
purchase behaviour. It is of great importance for the marketers to identify and study all these
stages well in order to better find out about the buying behaviour of their consumers.
However, consumers do not always pass through all these five stages as they sometimes may
reverse or skip some of these stages depending on their buying behaviour, need and the type
of product. They mention about the regular brand products that consumers buy on a daily
basis and their resistance to change this particular purchase decision. The marketers claim
that when the consumers are purchasing these products, they usually skip the process of
information search and evaluation. Therefore, it is important to note that this stage model
works well when the consumer faces a new product with several alternatives.
Because the stage model is vital part of the consumer buying behaviour and this concept on
its own has been very narrowly looked at by many retailers lately, the consequences of this
has been quite adverse in some marketing campaigns. For example, even the largest retailer,
Tesco has failed to successfully implement its price-cut campaign in early 2012 due to
uncertainties in the reaction of its consumers leading to a fall in its share prices and overall
Therefore, in order to achieve strategic objectives, the retailers have to identify the buying
behaviour of their customers in order to offer them the right products at the right prices
through right marketing channels. In order to do this, retailers have to conduct in-depth
marketing research to better understand the buying behaviour of their customers which
requires very extensive research and analysis.
For example, retailers have to understand their customers culture, social groups, needs and
wants before offering any product or service. Once the knowledge is gathered and analysed
about the customers and their buying behaviour, retailers can design and draw better and
more effective marketing plan to achieve their objectives.
Consumer behaviour is the study of how people buy, what they buy, when they buy and why
they buy. It blends elements from psychology, sociology, sociopsychology, anthropology and
economics. It attempts to understand the buyer decision processes/buyer decision making
process, both individually and in groups. It studies characteristics of individual consumers
such as demographics, psychographics, and behavioural variables in an attempt to understand
people's wants. It also tries to assess influences on the consumer from groups such as family,
friends, reference groups, and society in general.
1. To study the buying behaviour affecting customer satisfaction while purchasing a laptop.
To need of the study the various factor effecting consumer buying behaviour when they
purchases laptops and they also compare the consumer buying behavior of HP and DELL
users. After that they provide the suggestions of enhancement of customer buying behavior
1. This Report will be helpful for Retailers and Companies so that they can understand the
consumer behaviour and can satisfy the consumer on more better manner.
2. It also opens the various factor which can effect the purchase decision.
3. This Report provides a frame of mind of people, what are the exceptions of consumer and
up to how much level these expectation met.
Research methodology refers to use the methods or techniques, which will be used by a
researcher in a research or study. Research is a systematic method of finding solutions to
problems. It is essentially an investigation, a recording and an analysis of evidence for the
purpose of getting, acquires and enhanced knowledge and experience. According to
Clifford woody research comprises of defining and redefining problem Formulating
hypothesis or suggested, collecting, organizing and evaluating data, reaching conclusions,
testing conclusions to determine whether they fit the formulated hypothesis “The objectives
of the study were fulfilled using following methodology during the study and report
Research Methodology is scientific method based on observation phenomena that are either
directly or indirectly related to the specific subject matter of your proposed research.
Descriptive research
It is a study designed to depict the participants in an accurate way. More simply put,
descriptive research is all about describing people who take part in the study. There are three
ways a researcher can go about doing a descriptive research project.
When data are collected and compelled from the published nature or any other’s primary data
is called secondary data.
So far as our research is concerned, we have not collected any information from any sources.
So, we have not used secondary data for our research
The data which is collected directly from the respondent to the base of knowledge and belief
of such research are called primary data. I have collected the data through
QUESTIONNAIRE by personal meeting procedure:
Sample design is definite plan for obtaining a sample from a given population. It refers to the
technique or procedure the researcher would adopt selecting items for the sample. Sample
design may as well as lay down the no. of item to be included in the sample i.e. the size of
sample. Sample design is determined before the data are collected.
It is very true that it’s very difficult to do the research with the whole universe. As we know
that it is not feasible to go for population survey because of the numerous customers and their
scattered location. So for this purpose sample size has to be determined well in advance and
selection of sample also must be scientific so that it represents the whole universe. So far as
our research is concerned, we have taken sample size of 100 respondents.
Convenience sampling is a type of sampling where the first available primary data
source will be used for the research without additional requirements. In other words, this
sampling method
involves getting participants wherever you can find them and typically wherever is
convenient. In convenience sampling no inclusion criteria identified prior to the selection of
subjects. All subjects are invited to participate.
Sampling Plan
Sampling Unit :
Sampling technique:
2. Since the data was collected using a schedule, the interviewer’s inability to understand and
3. The respondents were unable or unwilling to give a complete and accurate response to
certain questions
4. Some of the respondents were not interested to mention the actual data.
The laptop computers are made for increasing the convenience of users. The laptop computer
is portable equipment. The laptop computers are portable due to light weight. They have
many features when they are compared with desktop computers. Laptop computers are
operated using built in batteries. These batteries are made for long life. The laptop computers
are smaller and energy efficient. The facilities provided in a laptop computer are similar to
that of a desktop computer. Different versions of laptops are available in the market with
large screens, high capacity graphic cards etc. The specialty in laptop computers includes
light weight and lower energy consumption. Also they are less noisy and easy to handle.
Similar to desktop computers the laptop computers include mother board, processor, hard
disk, memory, graphic card, keyboard, mouse and display device. The major benefits of a
laptop computer are that it is lighter in weight and can be used while traveling. The
disadvantage of a laptop computer is that does not support for expansion or upgrade. The
laptop computers are equipped with built in wireless network cards. It facilitates users to
connect to the Internet without a cable.
The processor, usually Intel or AMD, is the main brain of your computer and has the biggest
effect on how your laptop will run. Most are at least dual-core - two processors on one chip
sharing the workload. Some Intel's processors use 'Hyper-threading', boosting the dual core
processor to act like a quad-core one. Processor clock speed (in GHz) has some impact on
performance - the higher the figure, the faster the computer. If you’re looking for a high-
performance laptop, or something that will last you for a good few years, go for a faster
Ram (random access memory) is your laptop's short-term memory, storing information while
you're using the laptop (the hard drive is used for long-term file storage). The amount of Ram
your laptop has determines how many tasks it can accomplish simultaneously. Aim for as
much Ram as you can afford – ideally at least 4GB to make it easier to rip music while you're
surfing the net, updating your security software, and sending and receiving emails.With some
laptops you can add more Ram later, but it’s more complicated than adding Ram to a desktop
Laptops come with either integrated or dedicated graphics. Laptops with integrated graphics
use a chunk of the laptop’s memory (Ram). This is fine if you’re just planning to do basic,
everyday tasks, but if you want to play games or use video-editing software, for example, it’s
best to go for a laptop with a separate graphics card, freeing up your Ram. Expect to pay
more for a laptop with a dedicated graphics card.
The hard disk provides memory for long-term data storage – measured in gigabytes (GB). It
stores the operating system and applications (programs) as well as files including music,
photos and documents. We recommend a minimum of 500GB hard disk space - storing video,
high-resolution photos, music and software uses up a lot of space. If in doubt, go for more
hard drive space if you can afford it.
Solid state drives work like hard drives. There are no moving parts – so they don’t’ get as
hot – and should help produce faster start-up times and processing, and also extend battery
life. The downside is it doesn't offer as much space as a hard disk drive. Many premium
laptops, such as ultra-books, have a solid state drive (the most common size is 128GB), or a
hybrid of SSD and hard disk storage. Hybrids often take the form of a 16GB solid state cache
to boost loading speeds while keeping the larger storage capacity with the normal hard drive.
In this case you can’t save files to the SSD.
Some laptops come with a CD/DVD drive. All but the cheapest models include DVD burners
as well as CD burners, so you can save to CD or DVD.A DVD burner is useful for making
your own videos and backing up large amounts of data - DVD s hold much more data than
CDs. Higher-end laptops include a Blu-ray drive so you can watch high-definition (HD) films
on the move. Slot-load drives are preferable to tray-mounted drives, as they’re less prone to
breakage on the move. Many ultra-book, or ultra slim, laptops don’t have a disk drive, so
they’re slimmer and lighter. With these laptops you may want to consider getting an external
drive or cloud storage for backing up.
USB is the most common type of connection. You’ll usually get two or three USB ports on a
laptop so you can connect peripherals such as a mouse or external hard drive and save to a
USB stick. They may be USB 2 or the faster USB 3 ports, or a mix of the two. An HDMI
output lets you hook your laptop up to a TV. Some laptops also have memory card slots,
making it easy to get photos off of your camera’s memory card.
Most laptops include a port for connecting to the internet, either a wired 100Mbps or a faster
gigabit either net connection. Most laptops will now use the latest 802.11n wireless protocol.
A 15-inch screen is the average size for a laptop. A desktop replacement-type laptop might
come with a 17-inch display, while ultra-portables might go as low as the 11-inch mark. You
will find options in between too. If you're planning to use your laptop on the move, it might
be worth considering a matte screen. Glossy displays tend to suffer from reflections. Touch
screens are becoming the norm with Windows 8 laptops, certainly on mid and high-end
A laptop’s keyboard is smaller than a desktop computer’s - keys are closer together, and may
also be smaller. Many 13-inch models don’t have room for a separate number pad. It’s a good
idea to try out a laptop’s keyboard before you buy if you can, to ensure you get one you're
comfortable with.
The best standard laptops have a battery life of around five to six hours. Larger, desktop
replacement laptops may only last around three hours though, while the longest laptop battery
life on the best ultra-portable models runs closer to seven hours. Adjusting the power settings
within the laptop can preserve the battery. How important battery life is to you depends on
where you are planning to use your laptop - if it's mainly at home near a power point, battery
life isn’t top priority.
The initiators of HP Company are Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard who were classmates at
Stanford Universities. They established the company in 1993, seventeen years ago. The first
product of the company is called audio oscillators, an electronic testing instrument used by
sound engineers.
The company was founded in a one-car garage in Palo Alto by William "Bill" Redington
Hewlett and David "Dave" Packard, and initially produced a line of electronic test equipment.
HP was the world's leading PC manufacturer from 2007 to 2013, after which Lenovo came to
rank ahead of HP. It specialized in developing and manufacturing computing, data storage,
and networking hardware, designing software and delivering services. Major product lines
included personal computing devices, enterprise and industry standard servers, related storage
devices, networking products, software and a diverse range of printers and other imaging
products. HP marketed its products to households, small- to medium-sized businesses and
enterprises directly as well as via online distribution, consumer-electronics and office-supply
retailers, software partners and major technology vendors. HP also had services and
consulting business around its products and partner products.
Hewlett-Packard company events included the spin-off of its electronic and bio-analytical
measurement instruments part of its business as Agilent Technologies in 1999,
its merger with Compaq in 2002, and the acquisition of EDS in 2008, which led to combined
revenues of $118.4 billion in 2008 and a Fortune 500 ranking of 9 in 2009. In November
2009, HP announced the acquisition of 3Com, with the deal closing on April 12, 2010. On
April 28, 2010, HP announced the buyout of Palm, Inc. for $1.2 billion. On September 2,
2010, HP won its bidding war for 3PAR with a $33 a share offer ($2.07 billion),
which Dell declined to match.
Hewlett-Packard split the PC and printers business from its enterprise products and services
business on November 1, 2015, resulting in two publicly traded companies: HP
Inc. and Hewlett Packard Enterprise. In 2017, Hewlett Packard Enterprise spun-off its
Enterprises Services division as DXC Technology and its Software division to Micro Focus.
HP's Imaging and Printing Group (IPG) was described by the company in 2005 as "the
leading imaging and printing systems provider in the world for printer hardware, printing
supplies and scanning devices, providing solutions across customer segments from individual
consumers to small and medium businesses to large enterprises
Indigo Digital Press
On December 23, 2008, HP released iPrint Photo for iPhone, a free downloadable
software application that allows the printing of 4" x 6" photos.
HP's Personal Systems Group (PSG) claims to be "one of the leading vendors of personal
computers ("PCs") in the world based on unit volume shipped and annual revenue."[94] PSG
deals with:
HP Software Division is the company's enterprise software unit. For years HP has produced
and marketed its brand of enterprise-management software, HP Open View. From September
2005 HP purchased several software companies as part of a publicized, deliberate strategy to
augment its software offerings for large business customers. HP Software sells several
categories of software, including:
Arc Sight
Fortify Software
Tipping Point
HP Software also provides software as a service , cloud computing solutions, and software
services, including consulting, education, professional services, and support.
Under the Office of Strategy and Technology comes HP Labs, the research arm of HP.
Founded in 1966, HP Labs aims to deliver new technologies and to create business
opportunities that go beyond HP's current strategies. Examples of recent HP Labs technology
include the Memory spot chip of 2006. HP Idea Lab further provides a web forum on early-
state innovations to encourage open feedback from consumers and the development
HP also offers managed services by which they provide complete IT-support solutions for
other companies and organizations. Some examples of these include:
Dell raised capital in a private placement in 1987. In 1988, The company changed its name
from PC's Limited to Dell Computer Corporation. ... In 1989, the company introduced its first
laptop computer.
Dell Inc. (stylized as DELL) was a multinational computer technology company based
in Round Rock, Texas and, along with Dell EMC, is a subsidiary of Dell Technologies, one
of the largest technology companies in the world with 138,000 employees. Dell manufactured,
sold, repaired, and supported personal computers (PCs), servers, data storage
devices, network switches, computer software, computer peripherals, high-definition
televisions, cameras, printers, and electronics built by other manufacturers. The company was
known for its innovations in supply chain management and e-commerce, particularly its
direct-sales model and its "build-to-order" or "configure to order" approach to
manufacturing—delivering individual PCs configured to customer specifications.
With a market share of 15.9%, Dell was the third largest PC vendor in the world in the first
quarter of 2017, after Lenovo and HP Inc.(formerly The Hewlett-Packard Company). In the
first quarter of 2016, Dell was the largest manufacturer of computer monitors in the world,
with a market share of 16.8%.Dell was the third largest employer and largest private
employer in Austin, Texas.
On September 7, 2016 Dell Inc. merged with EMC Corporation (now Dell EMC) and both
companies became subsidiaries of Dell Technologies.
Dell marketed specific brand names to different market segments. Its Business/Corporate
class brands were focused on long life-cycles, reliability, and serviceability. Such brands
Vostro (office/small business desktop and notebook systems)
Latitude (business-focused notebooks)
Precision (workstation systems and high-performance notebooks),
Power Vault (direct-attach and network-attached storage)
Force10 (network switches)
Power Connect (network switches)
Dell Compellent (storage area networks)
Equal Logic (enterprise class iSCSI SANs)
Dell Electronic Medical Records Solutions (EMR)
Dell's Home Office/Consumer class brands were focused on value, performance, and
expandability. These brands included:
Dell's Peripherals class included USB key drives, LCD televisions, and printers; Dell
monitors includes LCD televisions, plasma TVs and projectors for HDTV and monitors.
DellUltraSharp is further a high-end brand of monitors.
Discontinued products and brands included Axim (PDA; discontinued April 9,
2007), Dimension (home and small office desktop computers; discontinued July 2007), Dell
Digital Jukebox (MP3 player; discontinued August 2006), Dell PowerApp
(application-based servers), and Dell Optiplex (desktop and tower computers previously
supported to run server and desktop operating systems).
Dr. V. Aslıhan Nasır (2006) has explained that the rapid developments in IT sector
accompanied by increased competition and acquisitions and mergers in the market, lead both
academicians and practitioners to concentrate on the consumers’ purchase decisions in
portable PC industry. The NDP group’s report published by PC World state that in May 2003,
U.S. retailers made more money selling laptop/notebook computers than they did selling
desktops. It was the first time that laptops have outsold desktops in the U.S. This research
seeks to develop a better understanding of the factors influencing consumers’ laptop
purchases. What makes this study distinctive from other sectoral studies is that, this research
also seeks the differences among three consumer groups (stayers, satisfied switchers, and
dissatisfied switchers) of a company with respect to the factors influencing consumers’ laptop
purchases. It is found that core technical features, post purchase services, price and payment
conditions, peripheral specifications, physical appearance, value added features, and
connectivity and mobility are the seven factors that are influencing consumers’ laptop
purchases. Furthermore, price and payment conditions factor shows significant difference
among three consumer groups of a company’s customer base.
Pinki Sharma Has explained that Laptop market is a highly competitive market in the
present scenario. Due to rapid changes in the field of technology day by day new laptop
brands comes in to existence. Also, the consumer desires and expectations are moving on. It
becomes difficult to survive for laptop manufacturers if they don’t move fast with growing
needs of consumers. This study presents brief overview of Indian Laptop industry. The
present paper highlights the laptop usage in study from student’s point of view. The research
paper further makes an attempt to identify andevaluate various factors which influence
purchase indent of management and engineering students. Finally present paper comes with
some simple and practical suggestions to improve laptop features and that will help laptop
manufacturers to develop brand management strategies and to make proper positioning of
their brands.
Mr. S. Madhan Kumar Has explained that "A study on consumer preference and
satisfaction towards laptops with special reference to erode" is carried out with an objective
to determine the consumer preference and satisfaction. The primary objective of this study is
to find out the consumer preference and satisfaction towards laptops with special reference to
erode. Delivering customer satisfaction is the heart of modern marketing theory.
M. Saravanan (October, 2016) Has explained that The technology is changing so fast with
the development of computer hardware. It has observed that last two decade the purchase of
laptop has increased significantly. Now laptop purchase is feeling like purchases of fast
moving consuming item. This signifies that the people are very much interested to handle
technological instruments in their day to day activities. The laptop is the main sources of
communication worth intra and intercommunication among the people. The laptop companies
in Tirupattur are interested to study the buying behavior while purchasing towards laptop. In
order to develop a framework for the study consumer behavior it is helpful to begin by
considering the evolution of the field of consumer research and the different paradigms of
thought that have influenced that discipline. As describe in this article, a set of dimensions
can be identified in the literature, which can be used to characterize and differentiate, the
various perspective on consumer research.
Dr Yash Pal Taneja(March-April) Has explained that Consumers prefer a single or a few
brands from the bouquet of brands present in a product category for fulfilling their needs and
wants. Do consumers really prefer a brand, which matches their personality? The
consanguinity or relationship between consumers' personality and brand personality has been
analyzed in this research . According to the theories of consumer behaviour , consumer
behaviour is a manifestation of the individual’s individuary. The consumer consumes what he
thinks fits his style of living and rejects other products and services. This research tries to
examine the fit between a brand personality and the personalities of its consumers. We
analyze the performance implications of both the fit of brand personality with the consumer’s
actual self (actual self-congruence) and the fit of brand personality with the consumer’s ideal
self (ideal self-congruence). This research aims at understanding the images associated with
various brands of Laptops available in the Indian market , attempt a classification of the
consumers of NIPER Mohali into various behavior groups and match the laptop brands with
the consumer profiles. The consumer were attempted to be classified into the following seven
1) Mastermind 2) Supervisor 3) Resolver 4) Nurturer 5) Peace maker 6) Mentor7) Go Getter
Out of the various brands of laptops available in the market-HP, Compaq, HCL and Dell
were the brands that generated significant response for analysis. Statistical and frequency
distribution graphs and Chi-Square test have confirmed the relationship between consumer
profiles and the laptop brands.
Firend A. Rasheed(2011) Has explained that this research is one of a series of research
attempting to examine multi-ethnic consumer’s attitude in ethnically diverse societies. This
research also attempt to determine factors that influence consumer preference of computing
products in a multi-ethnic society such as the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The objectives of
this study is to determine the influence of multi-ethnicity on attitudes toward consumer
brands, and to compare attitudes toward purchasing decisions by various ethnicities and
factors influencing intention of purchase.
Significance of the study lays in the tremendous need by suppliers and venders to determine
the nature of demand and consumer preference in particular products, which will allow
marketing managers and suppliers an insight into a strategic market segment in highly
multiethnic society. Findings of this study reveals that consumer in high ethnically divers
society such as the UAE tends to emphasize the importance of quality, looks, performance
and international warranty and strong brand image. This study also finds that consumer
brands of laptop markets in the UAE consist of highly knowledgeable consumer base. Word-
of-mouth, family and friends were the most determinants factors influencing the buying
decision in consumer brands of computing machines in the UAE.
Consumer Behaviour by Leslie Lazar and Schiffman: The authors suggested consumer
behaviour as individual differs as from group. The family decision for a purchase decision is
entirely different from individual decision making. The authors discussed various variables
that affect consumer purchase decision. The book focused on family life cycle and various
needs of consumer during different life stages. The family decision making process as a
group decision making is elaborated and it is recommended to segment the market according
to family need hierarchy.
Consumer Behaviour by Bitta and Della: The authors proposed that consumer behaviour
studies play an important role in deciding marketing segments and marketing strategies. The
authors recommended that consumer is often studied because certain discussions are
significantly affected by their behaviour or expected actions. For this reason such consumer
behaviour is said to be an applied discipline. Such applications can exist at two levels of
analysis. Market segmentation, consumer decision making and buying behaviour is
considered as core marketing activities in designing effective marketing strategies
This chapter is data Analysis and interpretation is having Analysis of questions filled by 100
respondents that are customers’ of HP and DELL. First question was related to which
companies’ laptop you are using now? Having respondents 50 customers are using HP
and 50 customers are using DELL. As per following details:
DELL 50 50%
Q2. Which feature do you consider while buying laptop?
Comfort comfort
Ready ready
Availability Availabity
Storage Storage
Capacity Capacity
Company Company
Service Service
Maintenanc Maintenanc
e e
Q3.Since how long you are using your current laptop?
Table -3:
Since how long you are using Since how long you are using
your current Hp laptop? your current dell laptop
Less than 1 year 1-2 year Less than 1 year
2-3 year more than 3 year 1-2year
more than 3 year
20% 18%
28% 46%
Q4. What minimum features do you expect from your laptop?
Table -4:
Touch Touch
Screen Screen
Higher Higher
resolution resolution
screen screen
Battery Battery
backup backup
Connection Connection
ports ports
Q5. What was your budget for a new laptop?
Table 5:
Q6.what is the size of your laptop?
inches 15.6
15.6 11
inches inches
inches 14.1
Q7. Did you chosen your laptop on the basis of advertisements by the company?
Did you chosen your hp laptop on Did you chosen your dell laptop on
the basis of advertisements by the the basis of advertisements by the
company? company?
10% 6%
30% 34%
No 60% No
To some extent
To some
Q8. How did you get to know about your current Laptop?
you get to know about your you get to know about your
current hp Laptop? current DELL Laptop?
Newspaper/M TV
agazine 4%
Friends/Family 14% 8%
/Relatives Newspaper/
37% 40%
38% y/Relatives
Q9. Do you prefer to purchase that brand’s laptop while any special sales promotion
scheme or discount?
To some
some extent
extent 10%
No 16%
Yes 90%
Q10. Battery Efficiency of your laptop is?
Non- Satisfactory 4 8% 3 6%
satisfactory Non-
Q11. Are you satisfied regarding after sales service of that brand?
No Yes
To some No
To some
Q12. Are you comfortable with the size of your laptop?
Are you comfortable with the size Are you comfortable with the size
of your hp laptop? of your dell laptop?
To some
Yes No
To some
According to the survey, the majority of customers in HP and DELL justify that price factor
affecting while purchasing a new laptop which shows the high rate of prices of the laptop in
both companies. Brand, Design and price factors are the main factor in the customers mind
while purchasing cars in both companies. The marketing strategies that attracting customer
mostly to buy a laptop are Friends, TV Lunching event and Newspaper in both companies.
Customers of HP and DELL justify that the after sale services.
The customers of Hp expectations from dealers’ side are Good services and Solving
complaints and on the other hand that the customers of Dell expectations from dealers’ side
are good services only. According to the survey, 18% customers justify that price factor
affected while purchasing a HP Laptop , 18% are justify to Design , and 18% to Storage
Capacity . On the other hand 20% customers of dell justify that price factor affected while
purchasing dell laptop, 16% to dell.
As a comparative study, the difference between the customers of the both companies that the
customers of DELL satisfied with the designs and appearance and the customers of HP are
more satisfied with the Higher resolution screen and Battery backup.
It is found that in this segment the important features considered by the customers while
buying a laptop are its features, price & maintenance. So manufacturer has to consider these
aspects to attract and retain customers thus making an effort to build a good brand image.
Discount on accessories also act as influencing factors for purchase decision. So dealer can
give discounts on accessories, after sales for a period of a year or two to stimulate the
Customers want service at their doorsteps but are unaware of the home delivery facility
provided by the dealers. So a measure has to be taken to create awareness in this direction.
Most of the customers buy laptops from bank loan rather than financial companies. So the
companies have to come up with attractive loan facilities to their customers.
Word of mouth is effective media of communication. Hence the dealer should keep the
existing customers happy by providing good service and make customers talk good about
their service provided.
Consumer behaviour is the action and decision processes of people who purchase goods and
Services for personal consumption. Consumer decision making is influenced by social,
Consumer behaviour. A social class is a relatively homogeneous and stable group of people
with similar values, attitudes, and behaviours. A role is a set of functions and activities that a
person in a particular position is expected to perform. Culture is learned values, behaviours,
and meaningful symbols shared by members of a society. A culture is further divided into
several subcultures. Psychological factors are internal forces within people that affect buying
decisions. These factors are motives, perception, learning and personality etc. Motivation
research involves analyzing the major motives that influence buying behavior. Perception is
the process by which an individual selects, organizes and interprets information inputs to
create meaning. An attitude is a person’s overall feeling towards some object.
Consumer-Behaviour- 1209987.html
Dr. V. Aslıhan Nasır --- study the factors influencing consumers’ laptop purchases ,
Global Conference on Business & Economics - Issue 2005,pp . 0-9742114-6-X
Asghar Afshar Jahanshahi, ―Study the Effects of Customer Service and Product
Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty‖, International Journal of Humanities and
Social Science Vol. 1 No. 7, Special Issue –June 2011, pp. 253-257.
Name- Gender-
Occupation- Age-
Ready Availability
Storage Capacity
Company Service
Operating System
Touch Screen
Higher resolution screen
Battery backup
Usb Connection portss
Q5. What was your budget for a new laptop?
15.6 inches
14.1 inches
11 inches
Note book
Q7. Did you chosen your laptop on the basis of advertisements by the company?
To some extent
Q8. How did you get to know about your current Laptop?
Existing Customers
Q9. Do you prefer to purchase that brand’s laptop while any special sales promotion
scheme or discount?
To some extent
Q11. Are you satisfied regarding after sales service of that brand?
To some extent
To some extent