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Generating Profit Using Option Selling Strategies

Conference Paper · August 2012

DOI: 10.1109/BIFE.2012.45

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1 author:

Kin Keung Lai

City University of Hong Kong


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2012 Fifth International Conference on Business Intelligence and Financial Engineering

Generating Profit Using Option Selling Strategies

Stanley Choi, Dong Gang Kin Keung Lai

Head & Shoulders Global Investment Ltd. Management Sciences Department
Cosco Tower City University of Hong Kong
183 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong Hong Kong SAR, China
Hong Kong SAR, China mskklai@cityu.edu.hk

Abstract—In this paper, option selling strategy is discussed Option buyer (holder) can exercise the prepaid option to
which is different from traditional equity and commodity buy or sell some financial product within an agreed time
trading strategies. Option selling strategies can achieve various interval but is not obliged to do so. On the other hand, option
non-linear Profit & Loss (P&L) graphs instead of traditional seller (writer) is obliged to agree to either of the buyer’s
linear P&L graph. Option sellers make money through taking decisions.
advantage of time value of option. Option sellers collect
premium as time elapses. Selling straddle is proposed in this In addition to non-linear payoffs, there are four
research. The strategy is back-tested using Hang Seng Index key advantages (in no particular order) that options may
(HSI) Option data. The return of the proposed strategy is give an investor: they may provide increased cost
compared with HSI and its performance greatly outperforms efficiency; they may be less risky than equities; they have
HSI. The great profit generating ability of option selling the potential to deliver higher percentage returns; and they
strategy is verified in this paper.
offer a number of strategic alternatives.
Keywords-component; Option; trading strategy; option Options have been around for more than 30 years, but
selling; straddle options are just now starting to get the attention they deserve.
Many investors have avoided options, believing them to be
sophisticated and, therefore, too difficult to understand.
I. INTRODUCTION Many more have had bad initial experiences with options
For more than a century, stock and commodities traders because neither they nor their brokers were properly trained
have fueled price rises and falls at exchanges across the in how to use them. The improper use of options, like that of
globe. Fortunes have been made and lost — some over the any powerful tool, can lead to major problems. Finally,
course of a lifetime, others over the course of an hour. The words like "risky" or "dangerous" have been incorrectly
rules of the game are simple. Investors either buy low and attached to options by the financial media and certain
sell high or sell high and buy low. popular figures in the market.
Investors and speculators try to profit today the same way In this research, the focus will be option selling
their ancestors did many generations ago. Whether they are strategies. Although option selling strategies are associated
trading stocks or commodities, or currency, the basic concept with limited profit and unlimited risk, there is strong
of investing has not changed — the bulls buy and hope the evidence to support the notion that option sellers have more
market rises, the bears sell and hope it falls. chances to profit than option buyers.
Traditional assets (e.g. stock and commodities) have Futures magazine published a study in [1] regarding the
linear payoffs, i.e. the profits as well as losses for the buyers proportion of options that expires as worthless. The study
and sellers are unlimited. Options have non-linear payoffs. tracked options in five major futures contracts: the Standard
Theoretically, option buyers take limited risk and gain & Poor’s (S&P) 500, the Nasdaq 100, Eurodollars, Japanese
unlimited profit, while option sellers have limited profit and yen, and live cattle. It was conducted over a three-year
unlimited risk. Options allow investors to create unique period from 1997 to 1999. The research came to three major
strategies to take advantage of different characteristics of the conclusions.
market — like volatility and time decay. 1) On average, three of every four options held to
Options are basically contracts between two parties, the expiration expire worthless (the exact percentage was
buyer and the seller, giving the former the right to purchase 76.5%).
or sell some underlying asset, with specification of price and 2) The share of puts and calls in options that expire
validity period. The specified price is called the strike price
worthless is influenced by the primary trend of the
and the validity period is also called the expiry date. Options
are called derivatives for two reasons: the first is that option underlying market.
trading is derived from stock and futures trading; and the 3) Option sellers still come out ahead even when they
other is that option price always depends on (derives from) are going against the trend.
the value of the underlying asset, be it stock, index or some

978-0-7695-4750-3/12 $26.00 © 2012 IEEE 177

DOI 10.1109/BIFE.2012.45
Second, no matter what the market is doing, time is spread. [8] analyzed credit spread strategy. [9] suggested
constantly, albeit slowly, eroding the value of the option. selling options with the help from Fed. [10] examined
While the option can gain value from market movement, strangle and straddle strategies for options on Treasury Index
time will always be with option sellers, working for them iShare. They used “delta-neutrality” as risk management
and against option buyers. tool.
Third, one critical aspect for success in futures or stocks
trading is able to time the market. Because of the leverage III. RISK PARAMETERS - GREEKS
involved in trading futures or stocks, mistiming the market In option trading world, Greeks are used to measure the
probably costs traders more losses than incorrectly picking sensitivities of the value of a portfolio to a small change in a
the ultimate direction of prices. Selling options avoids the given underlying parameter, so that component risks may be
needs of perfect timing of the market. Suppose in a bull treated in isolation, and the portfolio rebalanced (or hedged)
trend, a seller simply can sell options far beneath the market, accordingly to achieve a desired exposure. These Greeks
allowing wide price fluctuations within the trend that will not derived from Black-Scholes model include Delta, Gamma,
dramatically affect her position. In this way, she can sell Vega and Theta.
options on an up or down day without the need of perfect Delta of an option is defined as the rate of change of the
timing. The fluctuation in her option price generally will be option price with respect to the price of the underlying asset.
substantially less than if she were in futures position. Thus It is the slope of the curve that relates the option price to the
option seller has significant holding power in the market and underlying asset price. Option delta is represented as the
is able to ride out short-term market fluctuations. price change given a 1 point move in the underlying asset
Finally, regardless of the label of unlimited risk in selling and is usually displayed as a decimal value. Delta values
short options, option selling risk can be just definable and range between 0 and 1 for call options and -1 to 0 for put
controlled as any other type of futures or stock trading risk. options.
The risk of options selling can be controlled by future, stock Gamma of an option is defined as the rate of change of
or even option. the option’s delta with respect to the price of the underlying
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: II) reviews asset. If gamma is small, delta changes slowly, and
relevant literature; III) analyzes risks associated with option adjustments to keep a portfolio delta neutral need to be made
trading; IV) analyzes typical option selling strategies and are relatively infrequent. However, if the absolute value of
their corresponding risks, and proposed option selling gamma is large, delta is highly sensitive to the price of the
strategy; In V), empirical experiment is conducted to back- underlying asset. It is then quite risky to leave a delta-neutral
test the performance of the proposed strategy. Its portfolio unchanged for any length of time. As the absolute
performance is compared with HSI. value of gamma increases, the sensitivity of the value of the
option portfolio to underlying price increases.
II. LITERATURE REVIEW Vega of an option is defined as the rate of change of the
More and more people realized the benefits of option value of the option with respect to the volatility of the
selling. Some literature discussing option selling strategies underlying asset. Gamma neutrality protects against large
and risk management can be found. [1] made a statistical changes in the volatility of the underlying price.
analysis of options in five markets – S&P 500 Index, Nasdaq Theta of an option is defined as the rate of change of the
100 Index, Eurodollar, Japanese Yen and live cattle. The value of the option respect to the passage of time with all
author concludes that for both puts and calls traded in each else remaining the same. Theta is sometimes referred to as
of these markets options expiring worthless outnumbered the time decay of the option. Usually, when theta is quoted,
those expiring in-the-money. [2] analyzed the benefits and time is measured in days, so that theta is the change in the
drawbacks of naked options, bull put/bear call spread and option value when 1 day passes with all else remaining the
calendar spread respectively. They propose managing risk same. When gamma is negative, theta tends to be positive
rather than limiting risk. [3] introduced some basic and the reverse is true.
knowledge about options selling like breakeven points. In
addition, he analyzed short naked puts and short strangle. [4] IV. OPTION SELLING STRATEGIES
compared three option selling strategies – short naked put, Options are a wasting asset. They will lose value as time
protective call (bear call spread) and strangle. He suggests passes. Option sellers have positive theta, which means they
not use delta-neutrality as risk management tool because will collect the premium as time passes. Figure 1 shows how
selling more options to maintain delta-neutral is not worth. the time decay of an option accelerates as it approaches
[5] discussed the benefits and issues associated with option expiry.
selling and compared the features of option trading and
future trading. [6] discussed influence of volatility changing
to option selling strategies and he suggests not use Sharp
Ratio as risk measurement. Instead, Value-at-Risk is an
alternative choice. [7] analyzed risks associated with option
selling. The authors discussed some risk management
methods – closing positions, double-up, covered call and the
roller. Finally, the authors suggest investors use credit

Figure 2. P&L Graph of Short Straddle Position at Expiry.

Figure 1. Time Remaining until Expiration Date.

All option selling strategies are designed to take

advantage of time decay, i.e. option selling strategies have V. EMPIRICAL RESULTS
positive theta. In the following, some commonly used option
selling strategies are discussed and a option selling strategy A. Data
is proposed. In order to test the performance of proposed strategy,
A. Typical Option Selling Strategies Hang Seng Index (HSI) option data is used. The data was
collected from Hang Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited,
In Table 1, we show some typical option selling ranging from Jan 2006 to December 2010. It includes every
strategies and their corresponding risk characteristics when tick data of option bid-ask price. The HSI option is European
the position is set up. style i.e. it only can be exercised on the expiration day. To
ensure the success of every trade, the bid price is used as
TABLE I. TYPICAL OPTION SELLING STRATEGIES trade price when selling options.
Strategy Delta Gamma Vega Theta
High Moderate Moderate Moderate
B. Back-testing Results
Short Call
Negative Negative Negative Positive The proposed straddle strategy is tested using above HSI
High Moderate Moderate Moderate option data. In Table II, yearly returns of straddle strategy
Short Put
Positive Negative Negative Positive
Low High High High from 2006 to 2010 are listed and compared with HSI. In
Straddle/Strangle order to further confirm the performance of straddle strategy
Zero Negative Negative Positive
Low Moderate Moderate Moderate more measures are used, and the results are shown in Table
Zero Negative Negative Positive
Moderate Low Low Low
III. Figure 3 plots the returns of straddle and HSI.
Bull Put Spread
Positive Negative Negative Positive
Bear Call Spread
Negative Negative Negative Positive Year Return of Straddle Return of HSI
2006 12.6% 34.2%
2007 32.6% 39.3%
B. Proposed Option Selling Strategy 2008 -21.9% -48.3%
2009 342.6% 52.0%
Although there are several different option selling 2010 78.1% 5.3%
strategies, we propose straddle as the strategy to be tested in Average 88.8% 16.5%
this research. As can be observed in Table 1, straddle has the
highest positive theta. In addition, it is a delta-neutral TABLE III. PERFORMANCE COMPARISON
strategy, i.e. it has no direction bias when the position is set
up. The strategy is described as follows and its P&L graph at Straddle HSI
expiry is shown in Figure 2: Yearly Compound Return 55.8% 9.1%
a) Sell one at-the-money call option and one at-the-
Average Monthly Return 5.2% 1.0%
money put option simultaneously at the beginning of
calendar month. Volatility of Monthly Return 16.9% 7.3%
b) Hold the position to maturity. Sharpe Ratio 1.41 0.46

management into consideration. These two factors will be
included in future research.

[1] J. F. Summa. Option Sellers vs Buyers: who wins? Futures, 2003,
32(4), pp. 52–55.
[2] J. Cordier and M. Gross. Option Selling with Limited Risk. Futures,
2005, 34(9), pp. 52–68

[3] T. Zurick. Setting the Stage for Option Selling. Futures, 2005, 34(1),
Figure 3. Return Comparison from 2006 to 2010 pp. 52–54.
[4] T. Zurick. Option Selling: Getting Defensive. Futures, 2005, 34(4),
As can be observed in Table 1, yearly average return pp. 42–45.
(88.8%) of straddle strategy greatly outperforms HSI [5] T. Zurick. Option Selling: Getting Defensive. Futures, 2005, 34(5),
pp. 48–50.
(16.5%) during the period of 2006-2010. In Table 2, we can
[6] D. P. Collins. Are option writers due for a fall? Futures, 2006, 35(7),
see that straddle is also much better than HSI in terms of pp. 62–66.
yearly compound return and average monthly return. The
[7] T. Elenbaas and D. Tsou. Risk Management for Option Writers,
volatility of monthly return of straddle is worse than HSI in
terms of volatility. However, its sharp ratio (1.41) is much Futures, 2006, 35(12), pp. 22–24.
better than HSI (0.46) due to its high return. [8] L. Lowell. Three dimensional trading. Futures, 2007, 36(9), 42–43.
From above comparisons, we find that option selling
strategies have great profit generating ability. The [9] J. Cordier and M. Gross. Collecting premium with help from the Fed.
performance has been verified in this research. It can be used Futures, 2008, 37(7), pp. 48–50.
as an new investment asset in the portfolio. Although the
[10] J. Cordier and M. Gross. Examination of long-term bond Ishare
back-testing results show that straddle greatly outperforms option selling strategies. Journal of Futures Markets, 2010, 30(5), pp.
HSI, we did not take risk management and capital 465–489.


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