For the 6 months ended 30 September 2010 2009 2010 2009
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
As at 30-Sep-10 31-Mar-2010 30-Sep-10 31-Mar-2010
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
Non Current Assets
Property, Plant & Equipment 534,471,809 494,452,431 62,753,310 18,220,555
Investment in Subsidiaries - - 281,062,936 283,107,311
Other Long Term Investments 157,906,727 99,929,383 65,456,432 13,156,432
Goodwill on Consolidation 8,578,260 8,578,260 - -
Deferred tax asset 4,445,379 4,513,223 4,124,296 4,192,140
705,402,175 607,473,297 413,396,974 318,676,438
Current Assets
Inventories 596,469,560 477,668,382 - -
Trade & Other Receivables 719,287,523 591,455,874 2,030,977 3,143,568
Related Party Receivables 74,515,158 101,718,102 538,992,446 510,762,874
Income Tax Recoverable 4,534,427 6,544,202 - -
Short Term Investments 56,446,140 285,282,977 56,331,143 279,055,870
Cash in Hand & at Bank 17,359,301 9,183,091 8,982,868 1,994,314
1,468,612,109 1,471,852,628 606,337,434 794,956,626
TOTAL ASSETS 2,174,014,284 2,079,325,925 1,019,734,408 1,113,633,064
Current Liabilities
Creditors and Accruals 682,189,113 487,544,242 3,085,347 4,963,796
Current Portion of Long Term Loans 13,384,247 26,104,930 - -
Current Portion of Lease Liability 2,964,389 5,250,830 - -
Current Tax Liability 4,294,722 4,156,968 4,294,722 4,156,968
Related Party Payables 176,671 176,671 12,060,757 12,060,757
Bank Overdraft (Secured) 50,194,312 45,152,092 3,704,053 2,888,942
753,203,454 568,385,733 23,144,879 24,070,463
TOTAL LIABILITIES 2,174,014,284 2,079,325,925 1,019,734,408 1,113,633,064
Net asset Value per Share (Rs) 2.40 2.57 1.85 2.03
The Balance sheet as at 30th September 2010 and the Income statement for the period then ended are drawn from the unaudited accounts
of the company and its subsidiaries Alucop Cables Ltd,Alucop Marketing (Pvt)Ltd and Sierra Engineering & Construction (Pvt)
accordance with the accounting policies set out in the annual report as at 31st March 2010
The statement of changes in Equity and the notes herewith form a part of these financial statements.
Stated Retained
COMPANY Capital Profit Total
Stated Retained
GROUP Capital Profit Total
For the 6 months ended 30 September 2,010 2009 2010 2009
Rs. Rs. Rs.
Cash Flow From Operating Activities
Profit before tax and share of associate Company's Profit 17,063,061 55,368,709 16,866,175 20,483,061
Adjustments for
Depreciation 28,849,064 24,095,335 237,500 237,500
Provision for Bad and Doubtful Debts 950,000 - - -
Provision for fall in value of investments 200,000 - 2,244,375 -
Provision for Retiring Gratuity 1,257,627 1,499,349 - -
Profit on sale of Property, Plant & Equipment - (33,351) - -
Interest Expenses 34,566,173 38,482,826 703,328 95,757
Interest Income (10,828,578) (22,134,605) (10,317,170) (17,882,059)
Dividend Income (2,172,193) (95,889) (15,986,630) (6,251,201)
Operating Profit/(Loss) before
working Capital Changes 69,885,154 97,182,374 (6,252,422) (3,316,942)
Net Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents 3,133,990 24,256,467 6,173,443 2,255,777
Cash & cash Equivalents at the beginning of the year (35,969,001) (8,148,236) (894,628) (2,998,370)
Cash & cash Equivalents as at 30 September (32,835,011) 16,108,231 5,278,815 (742,593)
(1) The Balance sheet as at 30th September 2010 and the income statement for the period then ended are drawn from the unaudited accounts
of the company and its subsidiaries Alucop Cables Ltd,Alucop Marketing (Pvt)Ltd and Sierra Engineering & Construction (Pvt) Ltd
in accordance with the accounting policies set out in the annual report as at 31st March 2010
(2) There have been no other events subsequent to the interim period ,which require disclosure in the interim financial statements.
(3) There has not been a significant change in the nature of the contingent Liabilities which were disclosed in
the Interim Financials for the period ended 30th September 2010.