Unpacking The Self
Unpacking The Self
Unpacking The Self
The Physical and Sexual Self
Learning Objectives
Solitary Behavior
Self- gratification means self-stimulation that leads to
sexual arousal and sexual climax
Sociosexual Behavior
Heterosexual behavior is a sociosexual behavior that
occurs between only one male and one female.
Coitus is the insertion of the male reproductive structure
into the female reproductive organ
Premarital coitus
Marital coitus
Extramarital coitus
Postmarital coitus
Homosexual behavior occurs between male and
male or female and female.
If three or more individuals are involved, it is
possible to have heterosexual and homosexual
activity simultaneously.
Physiology of Human Sexual Response
Excitement Phase
The body gets ready for sexual activity.
Increased in pulse rate, blood pressure, muscle
tension and breathing.
Plateau Phase
Intensified breathing, high blood pressure and faster
heart rate may be experienced.
If stimulation is continued, orgasm usually occurs.
Sexual Climax (Orgasm)
It is marked by a feeling of abrupt, intense pleasure,
spasms of the pelvic muscles.
Intensified feelings during plateau phase.
Resolution Phase
The return to the normal or subnormal physiologic
Nervous System Factors
Origin: Sarcoptes scabiel
Transmission: Direct sexual contact
Sensation: Itchiness and red spots which may lead to
more complications
Common Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Origin: bacteria (Haemophilus ducreyi)
Transmission: skin-to-skin contact with open sores
pus-like fluid from the ulcer is moved to
other parts of the body or to another person
Sensation: genital ulcers
inguinal lymphadenopathy (buboes)
Common Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Trichomonas Vaginalis
Origin: protozoan parasite
Transmission: oral secretions or sores on the skin
(kissing or sharing of things)
*sexual contact
Sensation: vaginal discharge, spotting, swelling
frequent urge to urinate
pain during urination or sexual intercourse
Common Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Contains synthetic estrogen and
progesterone that inhibits Follicle
Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and LH
(Luteinizing Hormone).
Transdermal Patch
A small incision in each side of the
scrotum to tie/cauterize/cut/plug the
vas deferens to block the passage of
the sperm.
Sperm could remain viable in the vas
deferens for 6 months
Tubal Ligation
Performed after menstruation and
before ovulation
Cut/cauterize/block the fallopian tube
to inhibit the passage of both the sperm
and the ova.