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Corporate Governance Policy - DMI Housing Finance

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Corporate Governance Policy


Corporate Governance Policy

Corporate Governance Policy

Summary of Policy

Policy Name Corporate Governance Policy

Issue and Effective date December, 2017
Date of last review September 24, 2018
Date of current review -
Date of next review On or before September 23, 2019
Periodicity of review Annual
Owner / Contact Compliance
Approver Board of Directors
Annexures None

Corporate Governance Policy

1. Preamble

The Board of Directors of DMI Housing Finance Pvt. Ltd. (“Company” or “DMI HFC”) have
adopted Corporate Governance Policy in terms of Housing Finance Companies – Corporate
Governance (National Housing Bank) Directions, 2016 issued by National Housing Bank (“NHB”)
vide Notification No. NHB.HFC.CG-DIR.1/MD&CEO/2016 dated February 09, 2017 (“NHB
Directions”) including any amendment, revision in the directions made thereunder and issuance of
any guidelines, notification, circular by the NHB in this regard from time to time.

This Policy is to be read in conjunction with applicable laws; accordingly, this Policy enhances the
provisions of applicable laws.

2. Purpose

The purpose of establishing such a policy is to enable the adoption of best practices and greater
transparency in the operations of the company. In view of the NHB Directions, the Company has set
out the following set of guidelines / corporate governance practices to create value for stakeholders
such as the shareholders, employees, customers etc. The affairs of the Company shall be conducted
with integrity, fairness, accountability, and transparency. All commitments in its dealings with
stakeholders and regulatory authorities shall be met as set forth below.

3. Definitions

a) “Applicable Laws” means the Companies Act, 2013 and the rules made thereunder, Housing
Finance Companies – Corporate Governance (National Housing Bank) Directions,
2016 issued by National Housing Bank vide Notification No. NHB.HFC.CG-
DIR.1/MD&CEO/2016 dated 9 February 2017, applicable Secretarial Standards issued by the
Institute of Company Secretaries of India from time to time and includes any other statute,
law, standards, regulations or other governmental instruction relating to Corporate
Governance Direction;

b) 'Substantial interest' for the purpose of these guidelines:

(i) in relation to a company, means the holding of a beneficial interest by an individual or his
spouse or minor child, whether singly or taken together, in the shares thereof, the amount
paid-up on which exceeds five lakhs of rupees or ten per cent of the paid-up capital of the
company, whichever is less;
(ii) in relation to a firm, means the beneficial interest held therein by an individual or his
spouse or minor child, whether singly or taken together, which represents more than ten
per cent of the total capital subscribed by all the partners of the said firm;
(iii) The scope of the term 'relative' shall be as defined in the Companies Act, 2013 and rules
framed thereunder:

 they are members of a Hindu Undivided Family;

 they are husband and wife; or

Corporate Governance Policy

 one person is related to the other in such manner as may be prescribed;

 Father Provided that the term “Father” includes step-father.
 Mother: Provided that the term “Mother” includes the step-mother.
 Son: Provided that the term “Son” includes the step-son.
 Son’s wife.
 Daughter.
 Daughter’s husband.
 Brother: Provided that the term “Brother” includes the step-brother;
 Sister: Provided that the term “Sister” includes the step-sister

4. Policy

Each member of the Board of Directors of DMI Housing Finance Private Limited (“DMI HFC”)
shall adhere to the following to support the existence of a good Corporate Governance environment:

(i) shall attend Board meetings regularly and participate in the deliberations and discussions

(ii) shall study the Board papers and enquire the progress of any matter raised in previous

(iii) shall review and approve key policies of DMI HFC.

(iv) shall ensure confidentiality of the DMI HFC’s agenda papers, notes and minutes.

(v) shall not sponsor any proposal relating to loans, investments, buildings or sites for DMI
HFC’s premises, enlistment or empanelment of contractors, architects, auditors, doctors,
lawyers and other professionals etc.

(vi) shall ensure that employees are given adequate autonomy within a well defined and
controlled operational framework to discharge their responsibilities and perform their duties
in a disciplined manner with utmost integrity and through good conduct.

(vii) shall ensure that the Company’s organizational structure enables the Board to carry out their
responsibilities and facilitates effective decision-making and good governance. This includes
clearly laying out the key responsibilities and authorities of the Board itself of those
responsible for the control functions.

5. Internal Guidelines on Corporate Governance

a) Composition of Board of Directors: The Board of Directors of DMI HFC shall have at least
3 Directors.

Corporate Governance Policy

b) Constitution of various Committees with frequency of meetings

With the objective of attaining accountability, transparency and fairness, the Board of
Directors have formed sub-committees for the below mentioned purposes to act in
accordance with terms of reference specified by the Board of Directors:

Name of Responsibilities Members and Quorum of Periodicity

Committee Committee of Meetings
Audit - To recommend Members:
appointment, Quarterly
Committee remuneration and terms - Mr. Tammir Amr
appointment of auditors of the - Mr. Gaurav Burman
company; - Mr. Shivashish Chatterjee
- Review and monitor the auditor’s - Mr. Yuvraja Chanakya Singh
independence and performance, and
effectiveness of audit process; Quorum:
examination of the financial statement - Minimum 1/3rd or 2 whichever
and the auditors’ report thereon; is higher of members are
- Approval or any subsequent required to be physically
modification of transactions of the present or through video
company with related parties; conferencing in accordance
- Scrutiny of inter-corporate loans and with Companies Act, 2013 or
investments; rules framed therein.
- Valuation of undertakings or assets of
the company, wherever it is
- Evaluation of internal financial
controls and risk management
- Monitoring the end use of funds
raised through public offers and
related matters.
- The Audit Committee may call for the
comments of the auditors about
internal control systems, the scope of
audit, including the observations of
the auditors and review of financial
statement before their submission to
the Board and may also discuss any
related issues with the internal and
statutory auditors and the
management of the company
- The Audit Committee shall have
authority to investigate into any
matter in relation to the items

Corporate Governance Policy

specified in sub-section (4) or referred

to it by the Board and for this purpose
shall have power to obtain
professional advice from external
sources and have full access to
information contained in the records
of the company.
Nomination - To ensure that the general character of Members: As and when
Committee the management shall not be - Mr. Tammir Amr any director
prejudicial to the interest of its present - Mr. Gaurav Burman is appointed
and future stakeholders and envisages - Mr. Shivashish Chatterjee
ensuring the ‘fit and proper’ status of - Mr. Yuvraja Chanakya Singh
proposed or existing Directors.
- To nominate for appointment of Quorum:
directors with “fit and proper” Minimum 2 members are
credentials. required to be physically present.

Asset Liability - Attend to aspects relating to Asset Members: Twice a year

Committee Liability Management such as - Mr. Tammir Amr
(ALCO) availability of adequate funding for - Mr. Gaurav Burman
projected disbursements. - Mr. Jatinder Bhasin
- Monitor the asset liability gap and - Mr. Shivashish Chatterjee
strategize action to mitigate the risk - Mr. Sahib Pahwa
associated. - Mr. Yuvraja Chanakya Singh
- Understanding fund-raising
requirements and advising the best Quorum:
instruments to be used for the same. Minimum 2 members are
- Ensuring that the finance costs are required to be physically present
managed in an efficient and effective
- Advising on utilization of excess
funds available with the company
Risk - Adhere to the Risk Management Members: Quarterly
Management Practices as prescribed - Mr. Tammir Amr
Committee - Monitor the progress of the Risk - Mr. Gaurav Burman
(RMC) Control Matrix as approved by the - Mr. Rajul Bhargava
Board - Mr. Shivashish Chatterjee
- Monitor the loan portfolio on a - Mr. Yuvraja Chanakya Singh
regular basis and along with risks
associated with it. Quorum:
- Establish standards to mitigate risks Minimum 2 members are
related operations, credit, compliance, required to be physically present
finance, etc.

Corporate Governance Policy

Borrowing - To approve all borrowings including Members: As and when

Committee loans from banks and financial - Mr. Tammir Amr the company
institutions, commercial papers, any - Mr. Gaurav Burman takes
other security on such terms and - Mr. Jatinder Bhasin borrowings.
conditions as the management may - Mr. Shivashish Chatterjee
deem fit within the limits as approved - Mr. Sahib Pahwa
by the Board and Shareholders - Mr. Yuvraja Chanakya Singh
Minimum 2 members are
required to be physically present
Securities - Consider and transact the matter of Members: As and when
Allotment raising of funds up to the limit - Mr. Tammir Amr, Allotment
Committee specified by the Board on private - Mr. Gaurav Burman, securities
placement basis as is on such terms - Mr. Jatinder Bhasin takes place
and conditions as it may deem fit and - Mr. Shivashish Chatterjee
allot Equity Shares, Preference - Mr. Sahib Pahwa
Shares, Compulsorily Convertible - Mr. Yuvraja Chanakya Singh
Debentures, Secured Redeemable
Non-Convertible Debentures, Quorum:
Commercial Paper or any other Minimum 1/3rd or 2 whichever
security as defined under Companies is higher of members are
Act, 2013(“Act”) in tranches and to required to be physically present
do all such acts, deeds and things as or through video conferencing in
may be deemed necessary. All such accordance with Companies Act,
allotments shall be made in 2013 or rules framed therein.
accordance with the limits as
prescribed by the Act, Board and
- Company Secretary & Compliance Officer shall be the Secretary of all the committees formed by the Board

c) Compliance Certificate-The management shall place Compliance Certificate at every half

year Board meeting, which provides confirmation that all the laws applicable to the company
have been complied with.

DMI HFC will ensure that it collects information from the all the Directors individually, to the
effect that he is a Director or a member of a specified body corporate or a firm and hence he is to
be regarded as concerned or interested in or interested in any contract or arrangement which may,
after the date of the notice, be entered into with that body corporate or firm. It will be ensured that
such notice is renewed every financial year. The concerned Director will ensure that such general
notice or renewal thereof is brought upon and read at the first meeting of the Board after it is

Corporate Governance Policy

In order to obviate conflict of interest in the lending operations of DMI HFC, it will not grant any
loan/non-fund based facility to or invest in:

(i) Its directors or their relatives

(ii) to any firm in which any of its Directors is interested as Partner, Manager, Employee or
(iii) Any individual in respect of whom any of its Directors is a Guarantor.
(iv) any company of which, or the subsidiary or the holding company of which, any of the
Directors of the company is a Director, Managing Agent, Manager, Employee, or
Guarantor or any firm in which they (said Directors of the company) hold substantial

The above shall not constrain the Company’s ability to grant normal business-related advances to
its Directors and employees.

d) In addition to the above, DMI HFC shall follow the following guidelines:

(i) All the employees of DMI HFC are obliged to carry out their duties in an honest, fair,
diligent and ethical manner, within the scope of the authority conferred upon them and in
accordance with the laws, rules, regulations, agreements, guidelines, standards and
internal policies and procedures.

The Board of Directors of the Company is entrusted with the fiduciary responsibility of
oversight of the affairs of the Company. As Directors of the Company, they have a duty
to make decisions and implement policies in the best interest of the Company and its

The Directors and Senior Management personnel are required to act in accordance with
the highest standards of personal and professional integrity, honesty, ethical and legal
conduct, when acting on behalf of the Company or in connection with the Company's
business or operations and at social events. An honest conduct is considered as such
when a conduct is free from fraud or deception. DMI HFC considers ethical conduct to be
confirming to the accepted professional standards of conduct and include ethical handling
of actual or apparent conflicts of interests between personal and professional

(ii) Executive Directors and Senior Management personnel shall not work for or receive
payments for services from any competitor, customer, distributor or supplier of the
Company without approval of the Board.

(iii) Directors and Senior Management personnel shall not use personal influence to make the
Company do business with a company/institution in which his or her relatives are
interested. As a general rule, Directors and Senior Management personnel shall avoid
conducting Company's business with a relative or with an entity in which a relative is

Corporate Governance Policy

associated in any significant role. In case of conflicts, disclosure shall be made to the
Board of Directors and a prior approval shall be obtained.

(iv) Personnel shall neither accept gifts, services or other items of more than Rs 2,000 per
year from any person or entity nor give/or offer any gift of more than Rs 10,000 per year
to any person or entity. Similar guidelines would be applicable to gratuities or any offer,
payment, promise to pay, or authorization to pay any money, or anything of value that
could be interpreted to adversely affect business decisions or likely to compromise their
personal or professional integrity. Gift items of nominal value, such as small promotional
items bearing another company's name, business meals, gifts received because of
personal relationships and not because of official position, mementos received because of
attending a widely held gatherings as panelist/speaker and other customary gifts may be
allowed with prior approval from Compliance. (Gifts are not always physical objects -
they might also be services, favors or other items of value).

(v) Directors and Senior Management personnel shall not divert business opportunities of the
Company, by exploiting for their own personal gain, business opportunities that are
discovered through the use of corporate propriety information or position. However the
Directors and Senior Management personnel may pursue such business opportunities
provided Compliance has provided approval and once they are fully disclosed to the
company and the company declined to pursue such opportunities.

(vi) The assets of the Company shall be used for legitimate business purposes and shall not be
used for personal purposes. Incidental personal use, if reasonable does not amount to
violation of these guidelines.

(vii) It is the general obligation of the Directors to conduct the business and operations of the
Company in accordance with the laws, rules, regulations, agreements, guidelines,
standards including accounting standards governing its operations. The Directors and
Senior Management personnel shall also comply with the internal policies and procedures
of the Company to the extent applicable to them.

(viii) It is the duty and obligation of every Director and Senior Management personnel to
comply with these internal guidelines on corporate governance. Any violation of these
internal guidelines on corporate governance shall be reported to the any member of the
Board of the Company. These internal guidelines on corporate governance shall be
posted on the website, if any, of the Company.

Corporate Governance Policy

e) Maintenance of independence of the statutory auditors audit firm

- DMI HFC shall ensure that, from a corporate governance point perspective, adequate
measures are adopted for maintenance of independence by the statutory audit firm.

- DMI HFC shall appoint/re-appoint/rotate the firms/partner(s) of the Chartered Accountant

firm conducting statutory audit as per the provisions of the NHB Directions and the
Companies Act, 2013.

6. Review of Policy

The policy shall be reviewed on an Annual basis by the Board of directors.


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