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NPTEL Assignment 2 With Solutions

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Assignment 2

Pick the correct one. All the notations used are

same as in the lectures.
1) The volume of the ’Control Volume’
a) is fixed and should not change with time
b) may be fixed or may change with time
c) is never fixed and should change with time
d) None
Solution: b
Control volume can have moving boundaries sometimes (like an expanding bal-
loon) and thus deforming volumes

2) Mass inside a control volume

a) is fixed
b) should always change with time
c) may or may not change with time
d) None
Solution: c
When there is no flow in a control volume ( ∂M ∂M
∂t )CV = 0. Otherwise ( ∂t )CV 6= 0
in general

3) In an inertial reference frame, (Vf refers to the frame velocity, t refers to

time, x refers to spatial co-ordinate, and e refers to the mathematical con-
stant). Which of the following can be true.
a) Vf = Vf (t)
b) Vf = Vf (x, t)
c) Vf = et
d) Vf = e
Solution: d
For an inertial reference frame, the frame is either fixed or moving with constant

4) In a control volume
a) The mass is strictly constant at all the times
b) The momentum is strictly constant at all the times
c) The angular momentum is strictly constant at all the times

d) None
Solution: d
All the parameters can vary in a control volume

5) An incompressible fluid flows past an impermeable flat plate, with a uni-

form inlet profile u = U0 m/s and a cubic polynomial exit profile u ∼ U0 ( 3η−η
2 )
m/s where η = yδ . Compute the ratio of volume flow per unit length Q to δ
(take Q and δ also in SI units) across the top surface of the control volume if
U0 = 1 m/s.

Solution: 0.375
Accepted range: 0.35 to 0.4
For the control volume (bounded by dashed lines) and incompressible flow, we
Qtop + Qright − Qlef t = 0
Rδ Rδ
=⇒ 0 = Q + 0 U0 ( 3y 2δ − 2δ 3 )dy - 0 U0 dy (taking unit thickness of the plate
into the paper)
=⇒ Q 3U0 Q
δ = 8 and for U0 = 1 m/s we have δ = 0.375

6) An incompressible fluid flows steadily through the rectangular duct. The

2 2
exit velocity profile is given approximately by u = umax (1 − yb2 )(1 − hz 2 ). If
the inlet flow is 0.1416 m3 /s, estimate umax (which is a constant) in m/s for
b = h = 10 cm.

Solution: 7.96 m/s

Accepted range: 7.9 to 8
RR R +h R b z2 16bhumax
Q= udA = −h −b
umax (1 − b2 )(1 − h2 )dydz = 9

taking b = h = 0.1 m we have, umax = 7.96 m/s

7) If a vane turns a water jet completely as shown in the figure, find the max-
imum jet velocity in m/s for which a force F0 of value 100 N will prevent the
vane from moving. Take ρ = 1000, D = 0.05 (all in SI units)

Solution: 5.05 m/s

Accepted range: 5 to 5.1
For a CV enclosing the vane and the inlet and outlet jets,
ΣFx = −F0 = ṁout uout − ṁin uin = ṁjet (−V ) − ṁjet (+V )
=⇒ F0 = 2ρAjet V 2 and plugging values will fetch V = 5.05 m/s

8) The small boat is driven at steady speed Vo by compressed air issuing from a
3 cm diameter hole at Ve = 343 m/s with respect to the compressor and Pe = 1
atm, Te = 30o C. Neglect air drag on the boat. The liquid drag on boat is kVo2 ,
where k = 19 Ns2 /m2 . Estimate the boat speed Vo (in m/s). Use P = ρRT
equation for air where R = 287 (in SI units).

Solution: 2.27 m/s

Accepted range: 2.2 to 2.3
For a CV enclosing the boat and moving to the right at boat speed Vo , the air ap-
pears to leave the left side at speed (Vo +Ve ). The air density is Pe /RTe = 1.165
kg/m3 . The only mass flow across the CS is the air moving to the left. The
force balance is
ΣFx = -Drag = −kVo2 = ṁout uout = [ρe Ae (Vo + Ve )](−Vo − Ve )

=⇒ ρe Ae (Vo + Ve )2 = kVo2

Substituting the values will give Vo = 2.27 m/s

9) Water enters the bottom of the cone in the figure at a uniformly increas-

ing average velocity V = Kt. If d is very small, find the water surface rise (in
mm) at t = 5 s, assuming h = 0 at t = 0 and d = 1 mm, K = 2 m/s2 , θ = 60o .

Solution: 18.4 mm
Accepted range: 18.3 to 18.5
ForRa control volume around the cone, the mass relation becomes
d d π 2 π 2
dt ( ρdv) − ṁin = 0 = dt [ρ 3 (htanθ) h] − ρ 4 d Kt

Integrating we get, ρ π3 h3 tan2 θ = ρ π8 d2 Kt2

=⇒ h = [ 38 Kt2 d2 cot2 θ] 3 . Now substituting the given values will fetch
h = 18.4 mm.

10) A block weighs 34 N and is to be accelerated from rest by a 2 cm diameter

water jet with a velocity of 30 m/s. The water jet is turned through 180o by
a vane (attached to the block) on which the jet impinges. The water exits the
vane with same velocity as the inlet. Neglecting air drag and friction on the
block, estimate the distance travelled by the block after 0.07 s. Take density of
water = 1000 kg/m3 and g = 9.81 m/s2 .

Solution: 0.32 m
Accepted range: 0.28 to 0.35
The CV encloses the block, moves to the left at accelerating block speed V (t),

and cuts through the inlet and outlet jets, which leave the CS at relative velocity
Vjet − VR . The force relation is:
ΣFx − arel dm = 0 − mblock ablock = ṁout uout − ṁin uin = −2ṁjet (Vjet − V )

mblock dV
dt = 2ρAjet (Vjet − V )

for V = 0 at t = 0
we have V = 1+5.44t
for distance covered we have S = 0
V dt
at t = 0.07 s we have S = 0.32 m

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