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1. 1. SCRABBLE® MR. CARLO JUSTINO J. LUNA Malabanias Integrated School Angeles City
PHYSICAL EDUCATION Unit 3 – Indoor Recreational Activities

2. 2. SCRABBLE • An internationally popular word game where word power, strategy and luck
are equally important • A word game in which two to four players score points by placing tiles
onto a game board which is divided into a 15×15 grid of squares

3. 3. SCRABBLE • Recognized as an excellent means for increasing vocabulary and word

power • Helps improve analytical skills and sharpens mathematical ability • The benefits will
develop more if you directly engage in the game with your family and friends.

4. 4. History

5. 5. ➜In 1931, Alfred Mosher Butts translated his lifelong love of crossword puzzles into a
board game. ➜A key to the game was Butts' analysis of the English language. Butts studied
the front page of The New York Times to calculate how frequently each letter of the alphabet
was used. HISTORY

6. 6. ➜He then used each letter's frequency to determine how many of each letter he would
include in the game. ➜He included only four "S" tiles so that the ability to make words plural
would not make the game too easy. HISTORY

7. 7. ➜Butts initially called the game "Lexiko", but later changed the name to "Criss Cross
Words", after considering "It", and began to look for a buyer. ➜The game makers he
originally contacted rejected the idea, but Butts was tenacious. HISTORY

8. 8. ➜Eventually, in 1948, he sold the rights to entrepreneur and game-lover James Brunot,
who made a few minor adjustments to the design and renamed the game "Scrabble", a word
meaning "to grope frantically" (from the Dutch "Schrabben", to scrape or scratch) HISTORY

9. 9. The HARDWARE

10. 10. The Hardware • The Scrabble Board • Tile Bag with 100 Tiles • Tile Racks • Timers or

11. 11. The Scrabble® Board • The board has a 15x15 grid. • The board is composed of 225
squares and 100 tiles. • It can be played by two to four players.

12. 12. The Scrabble® Board Double Word Score Triple Word Score Double Letter Score Triple
Letter Score • Some of the squares are premium.

13. 13. Points Per Letter 1 point: A, E, I, O, U, L, N, R, S, T 2 points: D, G 3 points: B, C, M, P 4

points: F, H, V, W, Y 5 points: K 8 points: J, X 10 points: Q, Z

14. 14. Scrabble®: Fun with Words The idea of the game is to score points making words.

15. 15. Player’s Turns Put all letter tiles into the tile bag or any suitable container. Draw for the
first play. The player drawing the letter nearest the beginning of the alphabet plays first. A
[Document title]

blank supersedes all other tiles. Return the tiles into the bag and reshuffle. Each player
draws 7 tiles and places them on his/her track. Turn of players follow clockwise. BEFORE

16. 16. Word Judge To decide word challenges, a word judge is elected by the players who may
be one of them. He or she may also act as the scorekeeper who keeps a tally of each
player’s score, entering it after each turn. BEFORE THE GAME

17. 17. Dictionary Before the game begins, the players must first agree on the dictionary to be
used in settling challenges on what words to allow or not to allow. BEFORE THE GAME

18. 18. Start of Play The first player forms a word with two or more of his/her letters and
positions it on the board to read across or down with one letter on the center (MB) square.
Placing a word diagonally on the board is not allowed. BEFORE THE GAME

19. 19. Completing a Turn A player completes a turn by counting and announcing the score for
the turn. The player then draws as many letter tiles as played, thus, always keeping 7 letters
on his/her track. BEFORE THE GAME

20. 20. Subsequent Turns Play proceeds to the left. The second player, and then each in turn,
adds one or more letters to those already played to form new words. All letters played on a
turn must be placed in one row across or down the board to form one complete word.

21. 21. Forming New Words New words may be formed by: ➜ Adding one or more letters to a
word or letters already on the board ➜ Placing a word at right angles to word already on the
board. The new word must use one of the letters already on the board or add a letter to it ➜
Placing a complete word parallel to a word already played so that adjacent letters also form
complete words PLAYING THE GAME

22. 22. Blank Tiles The two blank tiles may be used as any letters. When playing a blank, the
player must state which letter it represents. It remains that latter for the rest of the game.

23. 23. Replacing Tiles Any player may use his or her turn to replace any or all of the tiles in
his/her rack, discarding them face down, drawing the same number of new tiles from the
bag, and mixing the discarding tiles with those remaining in the bag. Replacing tiles is
considered a turn and the score is zero. PLAYING THE GAME

24. 24. Passing A player may voluntarily miss a turn. Instead of placing tiles on the board or
replacing tiles, a player may also decide to pass whether or not he/she is able to make a
word or words. Passing a turn scores zero. PLAYING THE GAME

25. 25. Challenge Any word may be a challenged before the next player starts a turn. If the word
challenged is unacceptable, the challenged player takes back his/her letter tiles, loses that
turn and scores zero. If the word challenged is acceptable, the score is entered and the
game continues with no penalty to the challenger. PLAYING THE GAME
[Document title]

26. 26. Turn Score The score of each turn is the sum of the letter values in each word formed or
modified on that turn plus the additional points obtained from placing letters on premium
squares. The score value of each letter is indicated by the number at the bottom of the tile.
The score value of a blank is zero. SCORING THE GAME

27. 27. Premium Letter Squares The premium letter square “DOUBLE LETTER SCORE”
doubles the value of the letter placed on it, and “TRIPLE LETTER SCORE” triples the value
of the letter placed on it. SCORING THE GAME

28. 28. Premium Word Squares The premium square “DOUBLE WORD SCORE” doubles the
score of the word when one of the letters is placed on it, and “TRIPLE WORD SCORE”
triples the score of the word when one of its letters is placed on it. Count LETTER premiums
if any, before doubling or tripling the WORD score. If a word is formed that covers TWO
double word squares, the score is doubled then redoubled (4 times word score). If a word is
formed that covers TWO triple word squares, the score is triple then retripled (9 times word

29. 29. Pearly Twins The two blanks by themselves have no score value but when a blank is
played on a premium word square, the value of the word is doubled or tripled as indicated.

30. 30. Multiple Score When two or more words are formed in the same play, each is scored.
The common letter is counted with full premium value, if any, for each word. SCORING THE

31. 31. Bingo Score Any player who plays 7 tiles on a turn, scores a bonus of 50 points added to
the total of his/her score for the turn. SCORING THE GAME

32. 32. ENDING THE GAME The game ends when all the tiles have been drawn and one of the
players has used all the tiles in his/her rack. The game also ends when all possible plays
have been made or all players have passed twice in a consecutive turns.

33. 33. ENDING THE GAME At game’s end, each player’s score is reduced by the sum of
his/her rack unplayed letters. In addition, if a player used all tiles on his/her rack, the sum of
the other players’ unplayed letters is added to that player’s score.

34. 34. ENDING THE GAME The player with the highest final score WINS the game. Players
who tie for the highest final score shall equally be considered as winners (DRAW).


36. 36. BASIC MOVES 1. To play through an existing letter 2. Hooking a letter to the front or
back of an existing word to create new words 3. Extension play – extending a pre-existing
word 4. Parallel play – placing a word parallel to an existing word such that more than one
word is formed A BINGO is a move in which all seven tiles are used. a bonus of 50 points is
added to the score for scoring a bingo.
[Document title]

37. 37. BASIC MOVES Example with “A R M” already played on the board and the 7 tiles on
your rack being “U B D N A H S” A¹ R¹ M³

38. 38. BASIC MOVES Playing through an existing letter A¹ R¹ M³ B³ A¹ N¹ D²

39. 39. BASIC MOVES Hooking a letter to the front or back of an existing word to create new
words A¹ R¹ M³ B³ A¹ N¹ D² S¹Hч A¹ N¹ D²

40. 40. BASIC MOVES Extension Play Extending a pre-existing word A¹ R¹ M³ B³ A¹ N¹ D² S¹

41. 41. BASIC MOVES Parallel Play Placing a word parallel to an existing word such that more
than one word is formedA¹ R¹ M³ B³ A¹ H4

42. 42. BASIC MOVES BINGO All seven tiles are used +50 points A¹ R¹ M³ Hч U¹ S¹ B³ A¹ N¹ D²
Hч U¹ S¹ B³ A¹ N¹ D²

43. 43. THANKS!MR. CARLO JUSTINO J. LUNA Malabanias Integrated School Angeles City
PHYSICAL EDUCATION Unit 3 – Indoor Recreational Activitie

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