Epidemiology of Injuries in The Philippines An Analysis of Secondary Data
Epidemiology of Injuries in The Philippines An Analysis of Secondary Data
Epidemiology of Injuries in The Philippines An Analysis of Secondary Data
Background. Injury surveillance is viewed as an important component of injury prevention. Several data systems
in the Philippines exist but have not been analyzed together. Analyzing these readily available data can guide
policy making.
Objective. This report aimed to describe the epidemiology of injuries in the Philippines using secondary datasets.
Method. Death data of 2013 from the Philippines Statistics Authority and injury surveillance data of 2014 from the
Department of Health were obtained and recoded. Summary statistics were generated.
Results. Injured persons mainly come from the young age group. There were a higher number of males compared to
females. Provincial variations in death rates for specific injury types existed. There did not seem to be an obvious
pattern in injury occurrence according to month and time of day. High numbers of injuries were reported during
daytime but admission and death rates peak at night. Injuries were shown to be an anatomically heterogeneous
group with dominance in superficial injuries, head trauma, and hand fractures.
Conclusion. Analysis of secondary datasets revealed the epidemiology of injuries in the Philippines. Results have
implications in health policy and injury prevention.
Key Words: epidemiology, Philippines, secondary data analysis, surveillance, wounds and injuries
format. The Philippine National Police (PNP) has its own The Online National Electronic Injury surveillance
reporting system although it is limited to injuries with system is managed by the Epidemiology Bureau of the
criminal or legal implications. Finally, the Department of Department of Health. In 2014, 116 hospitals all-over
Health (DOH) has the Online National Electronic Injury the country participated in the surveillance system, albeit,
Surveillance System (ONEISS).2 with varying degrees of compliance. The system collects
These systems operate independently and are not linked. demographic and health data of injury patients consulting
Analyses of the data for deaths and police reports are not in surveillance hospitals. The latest form is available at the
publicized in academic journals. The ONEISS regularly Department of Health website. Data are collected at the
publishes quarterly reports describing the patterns of Emergency room and might be updated depending on the
injuries and provides useful information on injury patterns course of the patient and results of further testing. Data
in the country.3 However, the system used to describe the are collected via pen-and-paper forms and then encoded
injuries in terms of symptoms or manifestations is not ideal. separately. The encoded data are forwarded directly to the
The categorization uses broad criteria and does not provide national system where the Epidemiology Bureau can conduct
much anatomical detail. A better description of injuries will cleaning and analysis on a quarterly basis.
help guide hospitals in terms of resource management and
capacity building. Method
Describing the epidemiology of injuries is important Data on deaths from the Philippine Statistics Authority,
in the context of creating a safer environment. The lack and injuries from the Online National Electronic Injury
of high quality epidemiology data interferes with the surveillance system were requested. The PSA was able to
development of targeted injury prevention programs.4 For provide 2013 data for deaths classified as injuries using the
example, geographic data is useful for road injury prevention ICD codes V00 to Y99. The ONEISS was able to provide
as it would identify injury hot spots which could serve as data for injuries which occurred and were reported in 2014.
targets for stricter law enforcement or road engineering The databases were cleaned and re-coded in Excel. For
interventions. Identifying the ages affected by a specific ONEISS, injuries described were classified according to the
injury would help tailor the message to target audience Global Burden of Disease Injury criteria. If a person had
since education materials that may be effective among adults multiple injuries, the person was counted under the injury
might not be applicable for children. category that was deemed most severe. The severity is based
The study provides an analysis of available injury data on the disability weight assigned to that injury type. The
leading to an epidemiologic description of injuries in the disability weights used were requested from the Institute of
Philippines as to person, place, and time including anatomical Health Metrics of the University of Washington.
descriptions of injuries. We decided to limit the analysis of two Causes of injury can be classified into external and
datasets namely, PSA death registry and ONEISS, as these internal causes. External causes refer to the circumstances
contain enough information for classification into health. surrounding the death such as while driving a car or fall
The PNP data were limited only to crimes involving persons from a height. Internal causes are the physical manifestation
and were thus biased towards interpersonal causes of injury of the injury on the body. Both external and internal causes
(e.g. injury inflicted by another person) and self-harm (i.e. were derived from ONEISS; however, the number of
suicide). The database also did not contain enough descriptive deaths analyzed was much lower and covered only hospitals
information for classification into appropriate internal and participating in the surveillance. The internal causes were re-
external causes of injuries that would facilitate synthesis with classified to GBD internal categories. Two analysts reviewed
other injury databases. The results of this analysis will be the ONEISS diagnoses and physical examination columns
useful to guide prevention programs and resource allocation. for the classification. If multiple injuries were present, the
patient was classified under the injury with the highest GBD
Methods disability weight. Only external causes could be extracted
from the PSA data and were classified according to the GBD
Overview of the data sources external categories.
The Philippine Statistics Authority database contains The datasets were cleaned using Microsoft Excel and
individual records of registered deaths in the country. The Stata 12. Descriptive statistics such as mean and frequency
data are obtained from death certificates submitted by health distribution were generated for different indicators of person,
care providers to local civil registries. Local offices encode the place, and time. Death rates were also computed.
data; the national office then conducts validation and data
cleaning before releasing for public use. The database contains Ethical considerations
all the information recorded in the death certificate; however, The analysis was part of a bigger study to determine
for our purpose, only demographic and cause of death data the socioeconomic burden of injuries in the Philippines. The
were requested. There is a lag in validation, hence, only 2013 protocol for the analysis was approved by the UP Manila
data were available when we requested data in 2015. Research Ethics Board. In compliance with the Privacy Act,
Table 1. Top provinces in terms of absolute number of registered deaths and death rates for 2013
Overall injuries Road traffic Firearms, sharp objects and intentional causes Falls
A. Absolute number of registered deaths
Metro Manila Metro Manila Metro Manila Metro Manila
Leyte Pangasinan Cebu Cebu
Cebu Davao Del Sur* Cavite Negros Occidental
Cavite Isabela Negros Occidental Bohol
Iloilo Nueva Ecija Zamboanga del Sur Batangas
B. Death rates (Death per population)
Leyte Nueva Vizcaya Compostela Valley Batanes
Batanes Davao del Norte Bukidnon Mountain Province
Bohol Isabela Zamboanga del Sur^ Bohol
Misamis Occidental Cagayan Abra Cagayan
Eastern Samar La Union Misamis Occidental Misamis Occidental
* - including Davao City, ^ - including Zamboanga City
open wou
The highest
open wound(s),
fatality ra
superficiallevel, asp
(Table 3).
fatality rates; ho
level, asphyxiati
(Table 3). mainly co
males co
slightly o
injuries a
Our second
injury typ
Figure 3. Distribution of ONEISS registered injuries fractures
according to cause (n = 44,840). mainly come fro
with high
males compare
slightly on week
injuries and op
injury types we
Figure 3. Distribution of ONEISS registered injuries according to cause (n = 44,840).
Figure 3. Distribution of ONEISS registered injuries fractures of the
according to cause (n = 44,840). with high numbe
Epidemiology of Injuries
E. Internal causes of injury superficial injury of any part of the body. The highest case
The five most common recorded injury categories fatality rates; however, were for spinal cord lesion at neck
were open wound(s), superficial injury of any part of the level, asphyxiation and drowning, and severe chest injury.
body, fracture of the hand, minor traumatic brain injury, (Table 3).
and fracture of the patella, tibia or fibula, or ankle. If only
admitted cases were considered, the most common injury Discussion
categories were open wounds, minor traumatic brain injury,
moderate-severe brain injury, superficial injury of any part of Our secondary analysis showed that injured persons
the body, and fracture of the patella, tibia or fibula, or ankle. mainly come from the young age group. There were more
(Table 2). males compared to females. Reported injuries peaked slightly
The highest number of deaths were classified under on weekends and at night. Aside from superficial injuries
open wound(s), moderate-severe traumatic brain injury, and and open wounds in various parts, the common injury types
Table 3. Deaths and Case Fatality Rates of According to Internal Cause of Injury based on ONEISS 2014
GBD Category Death Total Cases CFR
Open wound(s) 79 28,107 0.281
Moderate-severe traumatic brain injury 56 693 8.081
Superficial injury of any part of the body 19 7,866 0.242
Asphyxiation and drowning 11 39 28.210
Minor traumatic brain injury 6 1,036 0.579
Fracture of patella, tibia or fibula, or ankle 5 767 0.652
Fracture of skull 4 81 4.938
Fracture of hip 3 66 4.545
Fracture of femur, other than femoral neck 3 260 1.154
Fracture of sternum and/or fracture of one or more ribs 2 95 2.105
Internal hemorrhage in abdomen and pelvis 2 187 1.070
Burn, no total body surface area reported 2 458 0.439
Fracture of hand (wrist & other distal part of hand) 2 1,786 0.112
Spinal cord lesion at neck level 1 2 50.000
Severe chest injury 1 12 8.333
Burns, >=20% total burned surface area 1 28 3.571
Spinal cord lesion below neck level 1 33 3.030
Crush injury 1 98 1.020
Fracture of face bones 1 204 0.490
Injury to eyes 1 365 0.274
Fracture of clavicle, scapula, or humerus 1 733 0.136
CFR – case fatality rate
were head trauma, fractures of the hand, and fractures of the be 77%.8 Data included in the death certificate were also
lower leg. Death data revealed provinces with high number of limited which prevented our use of the more specific GBD
deaths and death rates due to injuries. categories for external causes. For example, we used transport
The Global Burden of Disease group which tracks injuries only instead of further enumerating deaths of drivers
injury and disease burden also noted that injuries of four-wheel vehicles and passengers of two-wheel vehicles.
disproportionately affected the young adult and the male Secular events affected our death analysis with a high
population.5 Most of the findings were also consistent number of deaths due to forces of nature as a result of the
with published local literature granted that some of these supertyphoon affecting the Philippines that year. Death data
local studies were limited in scope to specific hospitals. A from other years could be analyzed to verify findings. Due to
retrospective analysis of Trauma Service patients in the the difference in the year of ONEISS and PSA data as well,
Philippine General Hospital from 2004 to 2007 also noted a reanalysis once updated death data are available could be
this trend.6 Similar to our findings, top causes included conducted to confirm similarities in patterns derived from
vehicular collisions, intentional causes such as stab wounds the two datasets.
and gunshot wounds, and falls. An older study on trauma Despite limitations, the findings in our analysis do
deaths conducted in Tarlac Provincial Hospital from 1995 have implications in the formulation of health policies and
to 1997 also described a similar age-sex pattern.7 They programs. Clearly, age affects risk of injury. Injury prevention
reported that vehicular collisions, burns, and falls as the top interventions such as education should be packaged
external causes of deaths. appropriately that will be relatable to the target age group.
To our knowledge, this is the first paper to analyze The high burden among the young also suggests that injury
available Philippine secondary data on injuries. A notable prevention will likely be cost-effective as life years gains are
difference in our analysis was the use of GBD categories higher due to the young age of potential injured persons.
as much as possible. An advantage of this system is that we The mapping showed provinces where injury death rates
can readily compare our data with other countries. More are high. These should be relayed to government officials
importantly, the system follows less anatomical categories in these areas to inform them of the situation. It is a given
compared to the system used in ONEISS. This system has that while all health facilities should be prepared to handle
some weaknesses though with some categories being overly trauma cases but improving health facilities in these areas
broad. Our analysis showed that there was a high number of should be prioritized due to the higher burden. High death
deaths arising from seemingly minor injuries such as open areas should also be considered as initial roll out sites for
wounds. Although, it could also be a problem in categorization injury prevention programs and emergency medical systems.
arising from limited data included in the ONEISS data. Injury patients were shown to be a heterogeneous
Our analysis only covered registered deaths, while death group but certain causes dominate. These dominant types
registration coverage for the Philippines was estimated to serve as low lying fruits for health programs. In this
Conclusion References
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assistants and data collectors of the study.