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Kinetic Molecular Theory

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School TCNHS Grade Level 10

Teacher MARIELLE G. Learning Area SCIENCE
Time & Date Quarter 4

A. Content Standards How gases behave based on the motion and relative distances between
gas particles
B. Performance
C. Learning Investigate the relationship between:
Competencies/Object 1. Volume and pressure at constant temperature of a gas
ives (Write the code 2. Volume and temperature at constant pressure of a gas
for each LC) Explains these relationship using the kinetic molecular theory

D. Specific Describe the properties of gases and explain them in terms of kinetic
Objective/s molecular theory
E. Integration of
Content Within and
Across Curriculum
A. Subject Matter Kinetic Molecular Theory
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide 259-264
2. Learner’s 351-362
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional
from LR Portal
B. Other Learning
IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity/ies Learner’s Expected Response/s
A. Reviewing Elicit (2 minutes)
previous Review
lesson or All matter is made up of tiny and
presenting discrete particles which cannot be
the new lesson taken apart without changing the
chemical composition and identify
of the substance. What do we call We call those particles as
those particles? molecules.

What does kinetic mean? Kinetic means relating to or

resulting from motion.
How about if a person applied
kinetic in energy? It is an energy which a body
possesses by virtue of being in
(spraying a perfume) Yes Ma’am.
Can you smell the scent of this
perfume class even if we are
meters apart?

Why is that so? Yes Ma’am

How do the molecules spread?

Do you want to know?

B. Establishing a Engage
purpose I’ll be expecting you to describe the
for the lesson properties of gases and explain
them in terms of kinetic molecular

C. Presenting

the new lesson

D. Discussing new Explore

concepts and
practicing new iWanTv
skills #1 Mechanics:
1. Watch the video.
2. Answer the guide questions.
3. Summarize your answer through
E. Discussing new a song.
concepts and
practicing new The class will be grouped into 5.
skills #2 Each group will be assigned with
one postulate of Kinetic Molecular

Group 1

Guide questions: Answers:

1. What is your assigned 1. Particles of gas are in
postulate? constant motion and collide
2. How do these particles with both one another and
travel throughout their the container.
motion? 2. These particles travel in
3. What are those tiny straight lines throughout
particles that are subject to their motion.
laws of motion just like 3. Atoms
macroscopic objects?
Group 2
Guide questions: Answers:
1. What is your assigned 1. The gas is mostly empty
postulate? space.
2. What does this postulate 2. This means that the fraction
mean? State the name of of the total volume that is
the point also. occupied by the particles of
3. What happened to the gas themselves is so close
particles of solid? to zero that we simply ignore
it, regarding them as
essentially dimensionless
3. The particles are tightly
Group 3

Guide questions
1. What is your assigned Answers:
postulate? 1. Pressure is exerted when
2. What happens if there are a the particles hit the sides of
lot of particles moving very the container.
fast? 2. There are many collisions,
3. What happens if there are so the system has a lot of
very few particles moving pressure.
very slowly? 3. There are very few collisions
and thus the system has
Group 4 very low pressure.

Guide questions: Answers:

1. What is your assigned 1. We assume that the
postulate? particles do not interact with
2. How would you describe each other.
the slight interactions? 2. They are negligible.
3. What happens when 3. They will simply bounce off
collisions are elastic? of one another.
Group 5
Guide questions 1. Average kinetic energy is
1. What is your assigned proportional to the
postulate? temperature.
2. What happens if you 2. The kinetic energy
increase the temperature? increases.
3. What happens to the 3. The particles will be moving
particles if the temperature faster.

F. Developing Explain
mastery Now let’s go back with your
(questioning about the guide
questions from the activity and
asking their answers)
(the 5 videos of the postulates will
be played)
Let’s come to know the
characteristics of gases.
Those round shape things are
particles. What have you observe
about the particles in high density?

How about in the low density? The particles are packed.

The one that has low density there There are spaces.
is a gas. Based on the picture, why
do you think gas has low density?

It is because of the relatively large

distances between gas particles,
Have you tried using syringe most of the volume occupied by gas
without liquid or “lut-hang” without is empty space.
any paper put inside?

Do you give a lot of force in Yes.

pushing it? Why?

What if that air your think is a gas, No, because it is just like air inside.
do you still exert a lot of force?

Can you still compress it? No.

Therefore, gases are highly Yes.


Take a look at this picture class.

Inside that flask is a gas. Did it fill

the container?

How would describe gas based on Yes Ma’am.

Gases have neither a definite volume
Very good. Gas particles are far nor a definite shape.
enough apart that they do not
attract each other as much as
particles of solids and liquids do,
therefore they expand to fill any
container they are placed in.

Do you have any questions class?

Now let us compare gas from other
state of matter.
G. Finding practical Elaborate
applications of
concepts and
skills in
daily living
You have observed that the
particles in gases have spaces that
H. Making is why if we compress gas we will
generalizations not exert a lot of effort anymore. It
and is easy to push them away. But if
abstractions about the particles are not having a lot of
the spaces, the thing is strong or has
lesson extra weight. It can’t be pushed
away or put down immediately.

In life class if you and your

classmates here are creating
space in between, your relationship
will not be strong. You will not
show teamwork. You’ll work
independently. No man is an
island. You need one another. But
if you are like the particles of solid,
you will have a strong bond. You’ll
help each other to finish this grade
year level together in a good way.

I. Evaluating Evaluation
Learning Objective: explain the properties of
gases in terms of kinetic molecular
Materials: writing instruments
1. Summarize the general
properties of gases and
compare these with the
general properties of solids
and liquids. Use Table 1.1.
2. Read the different
assumptions of the kinetic
molecular theory.
3. Explain the different
properties of gases you
have identified in table 1.1.
using the kinetic molecular
theory. Use table 1.2.
J. Additional activities Extend
for application or What are the measurable
remediation properties of gases?
What are real gases and ideal

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials
I use/ discover which
wish to share with
other teachers?
Table 1.1.

Property solid liquid Gas

Spaces between

Shape and volume

Particle movement


Answers can be found through this picture:

Table 1.2
Property of Gases Explanation Using the Kinetic Molecular


Property of Gases Explanation Using the Kinetic Molecular


Gases expand to fill any container Gases have neither a definite volume
nor a definite shape.

Gases has low density No volume= lots of empty space

Gases are fluids No attractions.

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