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The Punjab Land Record Manual PDF

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[Replaces standing order no.23, original issue dated 19th October,1909, Ist
reprint, dated 2nd September, 1912, 2nd reprint, dated 21st September, 1916, 3rd reprint,
dated 3rd March, 1921, and 4th reprint, dated 1st June, 1972.]
Chapter XIV and appendices VII and VIII of the Settlement Manual and Chapter
X of Land Administration Manual should be read in connection with this chapter.


Paragraph 372 to 386 of Chapter X of the Land Administration Manual and

paragraph 279 to 282 of the Settlement Manual relate to the record of mutations.

7.1 The mutation register is prescribed in sections 33 (3) and 34 of the Land Revenue
Act for the entry of every acquisition of any right or interest in an estate as a landowner
or assignee, and under section 35 for disputed acquisition of other rights. The mutation
register is not a part of the record of rights and its entries do not share in the presumption
of truth attached to that record (1934 L.L.T.2). All mutations of rights of ownership
including voluntary partitions, shall be entered by the patwari in the register when they
are reported to him by the transferee as required by section 34 of the Land Revenue Act,
and if not so reported, then as soon as they appear to have been acted upon. When he
enters a mutation affecting the shajra nasb the patwari shall not in pencil the number of
the mutation against the entry affected. If and when the mutation is sanctioned he shall
amend the shajra nasb in red ink in accordance with the mutation order.

7.2 The patwari should, whenever a mutation case is entered in the register, not the
serial number and nature of the transfer in pencil in the column of remarks of the
jamabandi opposite the appropriate holding. If and when the mutation is sanctioned, he
should make the above note in red ink. Serial number of fard badar entries should also be
similarly noted and in order to distinguish them from the serial number of mutations the
word "badar" should be added. Fard badar entries will thus be referred to as I badar, 1
badar, etc. etc.

7.3 Table:

7.4 (i) The mutations register consists of a counterfoil and a foil. The former is the
patwari's copy of the register. The latter is removed after orders have been passed, and
sent to the tahsil to be filed with the jamabandi. The patwari should make his entries in
columns 1 to 13 of the counterfoil, but he should make no entry in column 15. Having
thus filled up columns 1 to 13 in the counterfoil, the patwari shall copy these entries in
the foil. He shall then write his report in column 15 of the foil, briefly state the facts
explaining the change, the names of the persons on whose information the entry is based,
and require the lambardar concerned to attest the entry by seal or signature. He is
however, strictly forbidden to take the thumb-mark of the signature of any of the parties
to the transaction anywhere on the mutation sheet.
(ii) The field kanungo must attest, by personal examination of the papers
concerned, every entry made by the patwari in the counterfoil and foil, noting briefly that
he has done so. He should mention the date below the report in the latter. He must sign
the entries in both counterfoil and foil.
(iii) The Revenue Officer should carefully compare entries in the counterfoil and
the foil, and must write his order on the latter. He should see that all entries in the
mutation sheets as well as his orders thereon whether the parties interested were all
present; or if any one was absent, the way in which his evidence was obtained, or if it was
not obtained, what opportunity was given to him to be present; also who identified the
parties present and the place at which, and date on which, it was written. Where the
transfer of land has taken place through a registered deed, the mutation should be
decided, even if the vender does not turn up after one notice has been issued to him.
There the deed is not a registered one, the parties concerned (and not the one side only)
must be duly notified by the revenue officer regarding the fact that the mutation case
would be considered by him on a certain date and at a certain place, the place, of course,
being within the estate as per existing instructions. When the parties concerned have been
duly notified and more than one opportunity has been given to them to come forward and
raise any plea, the revenue officer can then decide the case even though somebody id
absent. No detailed record of the statements of parties and witnesses need be made, but
the order must state briefly the person examined by the revenue officer, the facts to which
they deposed and the grounds of the order. Except in the case of killabandi mutations
(paragraph 15 of appendix XIV to Settlement Manual) no revenue officer any more than
the kanungo or patwari should take the signatures or thumb-marks of parties or witnesses
anywhere on the mutation proceedings. Except where the mutation order relates to an
entire holding and in cases of undisputed inheritance the revenue officer must enter with
his own hand the numbers of the fields affected and their total area, in the case of
mutations relating to registered companies or firms, the attesting officer shall not pass
final orders unless he has satisfied himself that the company or the firm has been duly
registered and the party concerned has produced a certificate of registration by the
Registrar of Companies Mention to his effect shall be made in the attestation order.
(iv) He must write with his own hand in the counterfoil a very brief abstract of
the operative part of his order giving the numbers of the fields affected and their total
area, thus, "dakhil kharij numberhai falan rakba falan manzur hai". No recital of the facts
on which the order is based should be entered in the counterfoil.
In the case of mutation of inheritance of a Hindu lying intestate, the Revenue
Officer after having satisfied himself about the following points should record in his
order the facts on which he bases his orders:-
(a) (a) that the deceased died intestate;
(b) (b) that none of the heirs in Class I survive to enable the mutation
being sanctioned in favour of the heir(s) in class II, category wise.
Further in the case of female Hindu dying intestate, the Revenue Officer in addition to the
points (a) above should satisfy himself and record his findings of the points mentioned at
(a) above; and
(c) that none of the sons/daughters or the issues of the pre-deceased
Sons/daughters services so that the mutation being sanctioned in favour of heirs in order
of preference given in section 15 of the Hindu succession Act, 1956.
(v) When mutation is refused the revenue officer must similarly pass his order to that
effect on the foil and note the fact in the counter-foil. He must sign the entries in the
counterfoil after comparing them with those on the soil.

(vi) For the action to be taken with reference to the share of the shamilat attached to
land transferred, see paragraph 7.19 infra.

(vii) An un-contested mutation shall be attested by the Revenue Officer with in a

period of three months from the date of occurrence of the event necessitating the
mutation. For the disposal of the contested mutation this period shall not exceed six
months from such date. The Patwari shall make the necessary entries in the mutation
register within one month of the event necessitating the mutation and the attestation work
shall be completed within the remaining period.

(viii) All mutations, not attested within a period of two years are shown in the quarterly
business returns of revenue work for each district by tehsils. A list will be prepared in
each tahsil and supplied to the tehsildar or naib-tehsildar concerned, so that special steps
may be taken to ensure that all such mutations will be attested at once, if possible. Any
mutations, remaining unattested by the end of the next quarter, will be entered in a
special list, with the reasons showing why each mutation could not be attested. These lists
will be forwarded to the Collector for information, and if any mutation in such a list
remains unattested by the end of the quarter then next ensuing, a full report with an
explanation will be submitted to the commissioner for any action that he may think fit to

(ix) A practice has been followed in some districts under which parties to a transaction
pertaining to land put in an application on a court fee stamp of Re.1 before a revenue
officer for recording their statements to the effect that their transaction has been
completed and that the mutation be sanctioned in their absence. In pursuance of this
request the revenue officer sanction the mutation. This practice is liable to gross abuse
and should, therefore, be stopped, Rule 34(ii) of the Land Revenue Rules cannot be
construed as doing away with the necessity of the mutation being decided in public.
Persons acquiring rights can certainly report under Section 34 of the Land Revenue Act,
in writing, but this does not justify a decision of the mutation being made outside the
estate in the manner explained above.

7.5 The entries in column 9 to 12 should correspond in every case to the order passed
upon the mutation in question. Where owing to a mistake or otherwise they do not do so
they should be altered so as to bring them into correspondence with that order. Any
alterations required for this purpose should be made as far as possible at the time of
passing the order but if not then made, they can be subsequently made at any time before
the mutations in which they are to be made are incorporated in the jamabandi. No
permission, nor proceedings in review under section 15 of the Punjab Land Revenue Act,
will be necessary for the purpose of making such alterations, and any revenue officer
before whom the mutations in which they are to be made are produced, will be at liberty
to make them. All alterations made in accordance with this direction will be made in red
ink and will be signed by the officer making them.

7.6 At any time before a mutation is incorporated in a jamabandi, any clerical or

arithmetical mistake inadvertently made in the order passed upon it can be corrected
without obtaining permission for reviewing that order. The correction of such mistakes
can be made by the revenue officer who attested the mutations in which the mistakes
have occurred or by his successor or by a superior officer. In making such corrections the
original order should not be altered, but a separate not should be recorded briefly
describing the corrections made. It will not be necessary to hear the parties concerned in
connection with such corrections. The fard badar procedure described in paragraph 7.29
intra may be used for the purpose of avoiding the entry of a further mutation of
inheritance in cases where in entering the original mutation some of the holdings of the
deceased were inadvertently omitted. In such cases the patwari will merely state in his
report in the fard badar that such and such holdings have been omitted from such and
such mutation and the revenue officer's order upon this report will merely state that the
order already passed upon the mutation in question should be considered applicable to
these holdings.

7.7 The numbering of the entries in the mutation register should be continuous for the
term of settlement. A new register should be opened only when the old register has been
used up. Both the counterfoil and foil sheets are numbered in the press. Only one sheet
will not necessarily be used for each case. If the transfer involves lengthy entries, e.g., in
the case of more than one holding being affected, one or more additional sheets may be
used, but the same number should be used for the counterfoil and foil. The foils should
not be detached from the register until orders are finally passed by the revenue officer,
who should take them off and make them over to the office kanungo, stitching the forms
together with stout thread.

7.8 If the part or a share of a field has been transferred and separate possession has
been taken, draw on the back of the mutation sheet and its counterfoil a map of the whole
field and show as a sub-number the part transferred. No partition proceedings are
necessary. The field kanungo must attest the correctness of the map after personal
examination of the field on the spot and satisfy himself as to the fact of possession. He
must also see that the field as drawn on the back of the mutation sheet is an exact copy of
the field as shown in the shajra kishtwar. Further details in regard to the preparation,
check and use of these maps on the mutation sheets are given in chapter 4 of the manual.
The attesting officer must defer the passing of an order sanctioning a mutation if he finds
that these instructions have not been carried out exactly.
In the case of a transaction based on a registered deed the revenue officer should
immediately on receipt of the registration memorandum from the Registration Office
(paragraph 7.23), direct the kanungo and the patwari to proceed to the spot and prepare a
tatimma shajra, if one is necessary, on the basses of the material given in the registration
memorandum and that alone. On the completion of the tatimma shajra, It shall be
submitted by the kanungo to the revenue officer.
7.9 Final orders in partition cases will be entered if partition is sanctioned and the
order has been carried into effect. Such entries will be attested in the same way as other

7.10 Lambardari cases will not be entered in the mutation register. Revenue
assignments are entered after final order have been passed, see paragraph 7.27 infra.

7.11 Mortgage of land hypothecated to Government for repayment of takavi or for

other purposes will be entered in the mutation register.

7.11-A (a) Land is sometimes verbally leased by land-owners to Government for

specific purposes e.g., construction of school, hospitals, seepage drains, etc. In order to
safeguard the interests of the lesser in the event of the relinquishment of the land by
Government, on the one hand, and to ensure the continued utility of the schemes, in
furtherance of which the leases are made, on the other, it has been decided that effect
should be given to them by the entry of a mutation in the form of a lease in each case. It
is of the utmost importance that the terms of the lease in each case be properly recorded
both in the patwari's report and the revenue officer's report in column 15 of the mutation
register should contain the terms of the lease and a full and correct description of the files
regarding negotiations with land-owners for the use of the land. These details should also
be given by the revenue officer in his order for the disposal of the mutation. Revenue
officers should be careful to base their orders on the statements of the parties or their
accredited agents only, so that there may be no possibility of the lease being repudiated
(b) The relinquishment of the land by Government should be given effect to
by entering a mutation in favour of the lesser or his representatives in interest.

7.12 In entering orders of court the patwari should note in red ink in column 15 of the
foil and counterfoil the following particulars:-
(1) Name of court;
(2) Names of parties;
(3) Abstract of decree;
7.13 When a sale, mortgage or lease embraces land in more than one estate and no
specific portion of the sale or mortgage money or rent is ascribed to the land entered in
the mutation, the portion of the consideration money to be entered in the mutation shall
be in proportion to the share of the total area transferred that is dealt with in the mutation.

7.14 The instructions laid down in paragraph 7.41 infra as to entries in the jamabandi
apply to the register of mutations subject to the following order:-
(1) Column 2 and 8 – In a case of transfer of ownership it will usually be enough to
enter the jamabandi number. In a case of a transfer of tenant's holdings, enter both the
jamabandi and the khatauni number thus:-
J. 10 / Kh. 23
(2) Reasonable abbreviations may be allowed in making entries in columns 4,5,9 and
10 in cases affecting a number of holdings more especially where there are a large
number of co-sharers and only one or two of them transfer. The names of the co-sharers
transferring and their shares should be entered in detail and the names of other may be
omitted with a note:- "Baki indraj jamabandi badastur". Similarly in case of transfer of
ownership where the tenancy of the holding is unaffected, the only entry that need be
made in columns 5 and 10 is badastur.
(3) Columns 6 and 11 – Except where to follow a different course may be
unavoidable, the field number and area will in both columns be those shown in the last
jamabandi. If the mutation relates to a whole holding this can be noted and the total area
given without any detail of field numbers.
(4) Column 8 – This column will be filled up when the new jamabandi has
been prepared.
(5) Column 9 and 10. – If a sharer in a joint holding sells or mortgage the
whole or a definite fraction of his share, the name of the transferee will be shown in
column 9; but if he sells or mortgages certain fields and gives possession to the
transferee, the latter's name must only be shown in column 10, a brief explanation of his
occupancy being noted in column 15.
(6) Column 14. – After a mutation has been disposed of the mutation fee due
should be entered in both foil and counterfoil by the revenue officer himself.
(7) Column 5 and 10. – These columns used to show the tenant, but as the
corresponding column of the jamabandi show the cultivator they have been altered to

7.15 The status of a land owner or tenant cannot be altered except:-

(a) by agreement of all the parties interested, or

(b) in consequence of a decree or order which is binding upon them, or
(c) in accordance with facts proved or admitted to have occurred. (Section 37
of the Land Revenue Act, 1887)
In cases of inheritance a summary inquiry into title is necessary on the lines
indicated in 5 P.R. of 1912. Where it is claimed that property devolves by reason of a will
this should be treated as a case of succession by inheritance and the inquiry will include
an inquiry into the validity of the will. (1934. L.L.T.1).

7.16 In the case of transfers by gift, sale or mortgage, the patwari should ascertain
whether a deed has been written. If so, he should inspect it, and take a note of its nature,
the names of the parties, the dates of execution and registration, if it has been registered
and any other necessary particulars, A brief not of these matters should be entered in
column 15 of the counterfoil of the register. The patwari must not retain the deed in his
possession, or take a copy of it. Attesting officers should satisfy themselves that the
particulars as to deeds of transfer given in the patwari's mutations reports are correct.

7.17 Except in cases of entries of collateral mortgages in column 12 of the jamabandi,

the patwari should also ascertain whether possession has passed and a mutation of
transfer by gift, sale or mortgage should not be attested unless (a) possession is proved to
have actually passed, or (b) the parties all agree before the attesting officer that
possession has passed, or (c) the parties have all agreed in a registered document that
possession has passed. A should not be refused merely because it is claimed that the alien
or has no right by custom or statute to make such an alienation. Such a transaction is a
"fact" until it is set aside in due course of law.
In the case of a mutation in which it is a condition of the transfer that possession
be given after certain alienee to receive possession on the prescribed date, attestation
should be postponed until such time, and mutation then allowed on evidence that
possession has been taken. (But, in the event of any dispute between the parties, the
attesting officer should refuse the mutation on the ground that no possession has been
given, leaving it to he patwari to make a fresh entry in the mutation register when the
khasra girdawari shows that the change has taken place, or on the report of one of the
parties to the effect.

7.18 (i) All mortgages and sub-mortgages, whether collateral or with possession,
whether contracted for long or short periods, and whether by deed or by oral agreement,
should be entered in the mutation register. Redemptions of such mortgages should also be
entered. Cases of mere increase of mortgage money on a previous mortgage which is
otherwise maintained unchanged should not be entered in the mutation register. In order
however, to ascertain the correct account of mortgage and redemption money for
purposes to statements 5 and 5-A of the village note book (paragraph 10.1), the patwari
shall enter such cases in the village diary (roznamcha), noting therein the name of the
village, parties and the amount of increase mortgage money. In cases of mutations of
redemption of mustajri mortgages the patwari should not in column 13 of this register the
amount of mortgage money discharged by referring to the original entry of the mutation
of mortgage. If the register containing the original entry is not in his possession, he
should get the necessary information from the office or the sadar kanungo. If for any
reason such information cannot be secured without under delay, the amount admitted by
the parties or proved should be accepted. Care cultivated, how the procedure or rent is
enjoyed, and by whom the revenue is paid. Other conditions of mortgages need not be
particularly acquired into, but the amount of the mortgage debt as admitted by the
mortgagor should be noted in column 13 of the mutation register. Collateral mortgage
though entered in the register are only noted in the remarks column of the jamabandi. Nor
is the amount of the mortgage debt shown in jamabandi. Land which is already subject to
mortgage is sometimes mortgaged by the mortgagor to a third person on the condition
that the previous mortgage will be redeemed by the latter. This second mortgage should
be treated as a collateral mortgage and subsequently a new mortgage with possession
should be sanctioned when the land is redeemed by the second mortgagee. A sub-
mortgage, accompanied by transfer of possession is treated as a mortgage with
(ii) Under paragraph 13 of standing order No.32 a mutation should be entered up
in respect of land hypothecated to Government by way of security for repayment of an
advance. If a second loan is taken on the same security it is not necessary to enter up a
new mutation.
(iii) Transaction relating to mortgage of right of cultivation by owners, involve
the acquisition of a right and as such mutation should be entered in such cases.

7.19 As regards transfers by sale, gift, mortgage or exchange, it is necessary to show

whether a share of the shamilat is transfer with the land and the following instructions
should therefore be observed in this subject:-
(1) In cases of sale, gift or mortgage the mutation order should always state
whether a share of the shamilat is included in the transfer. In cases of
exchange the shamilat is seldom excluded from the transfer and nothing
should therefore be said about it except where it is excluded when the fact
that it is excluded should be mentioned in the mutation order.
(2) If a deed of transfer by sale, gift, mortgage or exchange does not specially
mention that a share of shamilat is transferred with the land it should be
presumed that the shamilat is not transferred.
(3) Where a mutation of inheritance, sale, gift or mortgage covers a share of
the shamilat, the shamilat khata should be entered in the mutation so that
the mutation of the co-sharers in the shamilat may be correctly entered in
the jamabandi.
(4) When the mutation does not cover a share in the shamilat then in column 9
of the mutation sheet and in the ownership column of the jamabandi the
new alienee shall be shown as bila hissa shamilat or malik kabza so as to
secure that at partition he shall not simply by being a khewatdar receive a
share of the shamilat to which he has no title. The name of the person to
whom the shamilat appertaining to this new khata belongs shall also be
recorded in the column of ownership under that of the new owner with the
title hissadar shamilat, and the khata of the new holding shall always be
incorporated in the jamabandi immediately below the khata of the holding
from which it was taken.
In the case of owners (1) whose entire land in any estate has been acquired
by Government without a share of the shamilat, and (2) whose land has
been partially acquired, the Revenue officer shall give a direction in this
order to the effect that a note showing the name of the owner and the area
transferred together with the number of the relevant mutation, shall be
recorded in the remarks column of the jamabandi. In the case of (1) this
note will be recorded against the khewat of shamilat, and in the case of (2)
against the khewat from which the land has been acquired. It should also
be specifically stated in this note that the owner concerned will be entitled
to a due share of the shamilat at the time of partition. In estates where the
shamilat land has been vested in the Panchayat Deh, this rule does not
apply. There is no need to show malik kabza with the new alienee.
(5) When the mutation refers to a mortgage it is only necessary to show that
mortgage as murtahin mae hissa shamilat or murtahin bila hissa shamilat,
as the case may be. In estates, in which shamilat land has been vested in
the Panchayat Deh, there is no need to mention hissa shamilat.
(6) Appendix A is an example of the kind of entry which should made in the
mutation register when a share of the shamilat is transferred. It is not
intended that the whole of the shamilat khata. as it stands in the last
jamabandi, should be copied in the mutation register. The mutation of the
share of the shamilat should be dealt with as part of the same mutation
proceeding as the transfer of the original holding, but it is a part in which
any of the co-sharers of the shamilat have a right to be heard, and a
distinct order should be passed by the revenue officer whether the
mutation of the shamilat is sanctioned or not.
7.20 Deleted.

7.21 In respect of consolidation of holdings affected by Consolidation of Holdings two

mutations should be entered, namely, one (of ishtarak) showing the separate holdings
affected by the consolidation as the joint property of the proprietors of those holdings and
the other of partition showing the area allotted to each owner or group of owners. No fee
shall be charged on the first mutation (ishtirak) nor on the second mutation (taqsim)
relating to the entry of the transfer of holdings between owners etc. on the analogy of the
orders contained in paragraph 7 of Appendix XIV to the Settlement Manual.

7.22 to 7.24 Deleted.

7.25 (1) Rules regarding the omission from the jamabandi of the names of persons
entered as ghairhazir of ghair-kabiz are given in paragraph 281 of the Settlement Manual,
sub-clause (1) and (2), and should be carefully followed.
(2) When a right-holder entered in the record of rights or annual record as
ghair-hazir at ghair-kabiz has been heard of within seven years but has been so enter the
case in his register of mutations and shall report it to the revenue officer.
(2) When a right-holder, entered in the record of rights or annual record
whether he is or not described therein as an absentee (ghair-hazir) or as out of possession
(ghair-kabiz), has not been heard of for seven years by those who would naturally have
heard of him if he had been alive, the officer attesting a mutation may (un-less he sees
reason to the contrary) presume that he is dead and pass orders on the case accordingly;
but before ordering the omission of his name from the record of rights or annual record,
such officer should satisfy himself that all reasonable Endeavour has been made to
ascertain whether the absentee is alive and to give him an opportunity of appearing.
(3) No new entry of any one as ghair-hazir should be made. A right-holder
should not be entered as ghair-kabiz if he is himself in legal or constructive possession, as
when he has put some one else in possession on his behalf, or the land is lying waste, or
he is by reason of poverty unable to cultivate it. A familiar instance would be where a
sepoy has left his land liar instance would be where a sepoy has left his land in his
brother's possession while he is with his regiment. In such a case the sepoy should be
entered as in possession of the land through his brother. Any entry of ghair-kabiz should
not be made unless some other person than the right-holder is in adverse possession.
(4) No effect shall be given to any order (1) directing the omission of the
name of a right-holder who has been entered as ghair-hazir or ghair-kabiz or (2) directing
the entry of a right-holder as ghair-kabiz until such order has been confirmed by the
Collector or Assistant Collector 1st Grade.
(5) For reason explained in paragraph 7.41 (4) infra the entry against a tenant-
at-will of bila lagan ba waja tusuwwur milkiyat is misleading and no new entry of this
description should be made, but when this entry exists it should not be altered except by
mutation sanctioned by the Collector or Assistant Collector 1st Grade.

7.26 In mutation cases dealing with lands of deceased proprietors who have left no
apparent legal or customary heirs or successors, the mutation should be disposed of by
the Collector or by an Assistant Collector of the 1st Grade. Deputy Commissioners should
see that there is no indiscriminate or indiscreet pressing of Government's claim to escheat
and careful attention should be paid to the instructions contained in paragraph 838 of the
Land Administration Manual. The Revenue Officer should ascertain the date of mortgage
and mention it while passing final orders on the mutations of escheats of lands under
mortgage with possession. The village Patwari should also incorporate this date in his
report in column No.15 of the mutation sheet. This date of mortgage should also be
indicated in the remarks column of the subsequent jamabandi (s)/misl Haqiat(s) as well as
in the remarks column of the register of Government lands maintained in the
tehsil/district offices.

7.27 The proceedings preliminary to orders creating or resuming assignments of land

revenue, or continuing them to successors or transferees, are not entered in the mutation
registers, but are recorded in separate files to which the patwari has no access.
Nevertheless, the patwai's jamabandi must contain accurate entries relating to all
assignments, and the proper mutation fees must be levied. It is therefore, necessary to
instruct the patwaris as to the entries to be made in each case, and to provide for the levy
of the mutation fee due on the entry.
The following procedure should be adopted:-
When a final order is passed in any case of this class, it will be communicated by
parwana to the tehsildar. This parwana, after the usual recital of the substance of the
order will direct the tehsildar to correct the village papers accordingly. To this end, it will
state the entries to be removed and those to be substituted in the annexed form:-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
name and jamabandi Cultivated Uncultivated Total Revenue Amount if only cash Amount
description No. of assessed or revenue is of
of holding revenue assigned nazrana
assignee assigned without due
specification annually
of lands, from
state in this assignee
column the
amount of
so assigned
entry to be
Entry to
Date of
order and
by whom

The tehsildar will send the jarwana on receipt to the field kanungo of the circle in which
the case has occurred, directing him to transcribe the parwana in red ink in the
appropriate column of the mutation register of the village concerned, attest the entry as a
true copy, and return the parwana with report endorsed to the tehsildar. When the
kanungo has done this, the patwari will incorporate the new entry in the next jamabandi
and also include in his next list of mutation fees and fee due on the entry.

7.28 With the following exceptions, no mutation of rights can be incorporated in the
jamabandi until a revenue officer has sanctioned it by an order record in the mutation
register. The jamabandi entries concerning holdings in which mutations have occurred,
but on which no orders have been passed will remain unaltered, see also paragraph 7.41
(10) infra. The only entries in the jamabandi for the variation of which in subsequent
records no mutation need be entered in the registers, are the following:-
(i) The entries in columns 1-3 of the jamabandi as given in paragraph 7.40
(ii) In column 4 –
(a) the name or the father's name when it has been legally changed, but in
such case the former name shall continue to be shown also, preceded
by the word "alias" or "formerly" (ufr).
(b) the military rank or civil title,
(c) the place of residence,
(d) the omission of the word "minor" and of the name of the guardian
under paragraph 7.41 (4) infra of the jamabandi form,
(e) the recasting of the form of the details of internal shares without
changing the shares.
(iii) In column 5 –
(a) undisputed entries relating to cultivation by an owner shown in column
4, or by a non-occupancy tenant holding under a lease, whether oral or
written, for a period not exceeding one year, provided that even for
such a lease a mutation shall be entered if the owner of a joint holding
to whom the tenant pays rent has to be specified;
(b) entries relating to tenants described, otherwise than in these terms may
be varied without a mutation order only to the extent that entries
relating to owners may be varied under clause (ii) above.
(iv) The entries in column 6 – "Well or other means of irrigation".
(v) (a) entries in column 7 and 8 "field number" and "area" and "soil"
resulting from map correction (chapter 4) or from measurements in
connection with alluvion and diluvion or with fluctuating assessments,
(b) corrections in addition of the area, where the area of each field has
been correctly shown, but the total has been wrongly added up.
(vi) Undisputed entries in column 9, relating to rents of tenants-at-will and
entries made in pursuance of an order under section 27 of the Tenancy
(vii) Entries in column 11 "demand" provided that the variations are supported
by an order by the Collector, or higher authority.
(viii) Entries in column 12 "Remarks", relating to the matters specified in the
instructions relating to that column given in paragraph 7.41 (10) infra;
provided that new remarks shall be limited to such matters, and provided
further that entries relating to the rights of mortgagors or mortgagees or
assignees of land revenue or the user of trees or grass shall not be varied
without orders being obtained in the mutation register.
(ix) Entries, in column 19 "Remarks" of the form of jamabandi Abadi given in
paragraph 7.45 infra, of particulars relating to cases of allotment of
Government land required by the last sub-paragraph of paragraph 7.46(19)

7.29 Jamabandi entries not enumerated in the proceeding paragraph should be varied in
subsequent records without first obtaining orders for their variation on mutations entered
for this purpose except where the variation merely consists in the removal of a clerical
mistake, that is to say, of a mistake which has been made in coping the entries of one
jamabandi into another or in incorporating a mutation in a jamabandi and the correction
of which does not involve the alteration of any mutation order. Subject to the exception
noted below, orders for the correction of such mistakes in subsequent records should be
obtained on the fard badar, the form of which is given below:-

1 2 3 4 5 6
Sr. No. of holding in new No. of holding in Patwari's Field Kanungos Orders of the
No. Jamabandi last Jamabandi report report attesting officer
Whenever a clerical mistake is detected in the current jamabandi after it has been finally
attested and filed, whether that mistake was originally made in that or any previous
jamabandi, the patwari should make the necessary entries about it in the first four
columns of the fard badar. His report in the fourth column should be as brief as possible.
For instance if any field has been omitted, and if any proprietor's share has been entered
as one-half instead of one third, the report should merely state that the share should be
one-third and not one-half. The girdawar should, from time to time examine the fard
badar entries and enter his own report in column 5 of the fard badar. His report should
also be as brief as possible and where he finds that he has nothing to add to the patwari's
report, he should merely put his signature in this column. In passing orders upon any fard
badar entry the revenue officer should see whether it actually relates to a clerical mistake
which, under the present instructions, should be dealt with in the fard badar, and if he
finds that it related to such a mistake, he should record an order for the correction of the
mistake in question in column 6. Otherwise he should order that the fard badar entry in
question should be considered as cancelled. It will not be necessary to hear the parties
concerned in connection with the disposal of fard badar entries.
The only clerical mistake in jamabandi entries, orders for the correction of which
in a subsequent record should not be obtained on the fard badar, are those which cannot
be conveniently described in the fard badar. The difficulty of describing a clerical
mistake in the fard badar may, for instance, arise where the mistake relates to the share of
an owner whose name enters into several different combination in the jamabandi entry
relating to the same holding.
A few blank sheets of the jamabandi sizes will be stitched to the patwari's copy of
each jamabandi. When the next jamabandi is prepared a copy of the fard badar attested by
the girdwar will be attested to the Government copy of that jamabandi.
The collector and Assistant Collector 1st Grade should examine fard badars from
time to time in order to see that the procedure prescribed in connection therewith is
properly understood and followed by the subordinate revenue staff.

7.30 When an entry has been incorporated in the jamabandi a mutation should not be
entered up or sanctioned for the purpose of correcting it, except to correct a clerical error
(Where this cannot be done by a fard badar) or in consequence of a patent fact. The party
aggrieved by such an entry must seek his remedy by suit. L.L.T 1934, page 2.

7.31 If a patwari finds, when entering a case in the mutation register or otherwise, that
a person whose statement is essential for the disposal of the case, is residing outside the
limits of the tahsil, he should write up an interrogatory which may conveniently be in the
following form:
Interrogatory in the name of _______________son of ________son of ________, village
________ tahsil ________, Distt ___________ .

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Name of Village Mutation Brief account of Question with Answers with Order as to Reports and
with hadbast No. the transfer date and date and compliance orders, after
No. showing the name signature of signature of with the compliance
of transfers and patwari and persons interrogatory with the
Name of tahsil transferee, the field kanungo giving interrogatory
and District total area of the statement as
land transferred well as the
the nature and person
date of transfer, identifying
and consideration (lambardar
money, etc. etc. and that of
the official
recording the

The patwari will fill in column 1 to 4 of this statement and then dispatch it to his
field kanungo, noting the fact in column 15 of the mutation sheet. The field kanungo will
add his signature in column 4 of the form and send it on to the tehsildar. In column 6 the
tehsildar will address the tahsil or other officer in whose jurisdiction the person is
residing, or, if the interrogatory has to be sent through the Deputy Commissioner, will
write his report. The tehsildar addressed should himself, as far as possible, take the
statement of the person concerned, but may depute the naib-tahsildar or the field kanungo
of the circle to do so, to avoid delay. The date of receipt and dispatch of interrogatories
should be recorded in the dispatch book of every officer through whose hands they pass:
(a) Tahsildars and naib-tahsildars to examine all mutations -Tahsildars
and naib-tahsildars on visiting a village should examine all mutations in which
interrogatories have issued and either decide such as are ripe for decision and the parties
are present, or arrange for the decision of the mutation on the next suitable occasion.
(b) Period for replies to interrogatories - Replies to interrogatories should
generally be awaited three months if the enquiry is to be made within the Punjab and four
or five months in the case of persons residing elsewhere, but it is left to the discretion of
the attesting officers to wait longer in particular cases for special reasons.
An interrogatory may also be issued under the orders of the attesting officer for
the examination of person residing within the limits of the tahsil if the officer thinks that
such person cannot attend without an amount of expenditure and inconvenience which
would be unreasonable in the circumstances of the case. No interrogatory should,
however, be issued for the examination of a person residing within with limits of the
tahsil unless such person resides at a distance of more than 40 kilometers from the village
to which the mutation relates. An interrogatory issued under this clause should be entered
in the same form as that prescribed for other interrogatories and should be addressed to
the tehsildar who, after taking or having taken the statement of the person concerned, will
return it to the field kanungo, the dates of receipt in and dispatch from the tahsil being
entered in the dispatch book. In the absence of any special reasons replies to
interrogatories issued within the limits of the tahsil should not be waited for more than
three weeks.
In order to see that prompt action is taken on interrogatories, inspecting officers
should devote particular attention to ascertaining that prompt action is taken on
interrogatories, inspecting officers should devote particular attention to ascertaining that
interrogatories sent from other districts are promptly dealt with in the district concerned.
The tehsildar should at the close of each month send a list to the Deputy Commissioner
showing the interrogatories received in his tahsil which have not been returned to the
tahsil or district concerned as well as the dates of their receipt. The Deputy
Commissioner should scrutinize these lists and take disciplinary action in cases there he
finds that unnecessary delay has been allowed to occur in the disposal of these
interrogatories. A separate dispatch register should be opened in each tahsil officer for
entering interrogatories only. This register will be kept by the officer kanungo who will
enter in it all interrogatories issued to or received from other tahsils. He will divide this
register in two parts. In one part he will enter the interrogatories issued from his tahsil
and in the second part those received from other tahsils, in the second part those received
from other tahsils, in the last column of the register will be entered the date on which the
reply to the interrogatory has been received or the date on which a reply has been sent to
the tahsil from which the interrogatory was received.

7.32 Registers and sub-registrars send monthly to tahsildars particulars of all registered
deeds which purport to transfer agricultural land. The officer kanungo forwards these
slips to the field kanungo of the circle who distributes them to the patwaris concerned.
The form of the notice is as follows:-

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Sr. Name of Nature of alienation and the Amount of the Name and Name and Number and Remarks
No. the village area, field No. and consideration residence residence date of the
where the jamabandi holding Nol of money entered in of person of the registration of
land is the land alienated and in the the deed executing person to the deed
situated case of buildings situated the deed whom the
with the limits of a land is
municipal committee, small alienated
town committee or notified
area committee details of
property according to
Section 21(2) of the
Registration Act.

Where a deed is not to take effect immediately but after a specified period, this
fact should be noted in the column for remarks.

1 2 3 4 5
Sr.No No of Name of Dated of field kanungo's report returning the Remarks
deed village Registration memo to the tahsil office

(i) A file should be kept of all invoices received during the year and a fly
index will be attached to it in the form usually adopted for miscellaneous files.
(ii) The registration memoranda should then be sent to the filed kanungo, who
will distribute them to the various patwaris for entry in their mutation registers in the
usual way. The information in the memoranda is sufficient to enable to patwari to enter
up the transfer in this register of mutations as soon as he receives them without reference
to the transferee.
(iii) When the field kanungo hands over the memoranda to the patwari, the
latter should make a note of the fact in his diary recording the serial number of the sheet
received by him. The entry should be signed by the field kanungo. The patwari will then
enter up in his register the mutations detailed in the memoranda and endorse the fact of
entry on the memoranda giving the serial number of each mutation and the date of entry.
On his next inspection the field kanungo will see that this has been done and after
comparing the entries in the mutation registers with the memoranda contains land
situated in more than one patwari circle, the field kanungo will take similar action as
regards all the circles concerned before forwarding the memorandum to the officer
(iv) On receipt of the memoranda from the field kanungo the office kanungo
will place them on the file together with the invoice covering them. In the "remarks"
column of this he will note the date of receipt. Thus he will be able to detect any delay in
the return of the memoranda and bring it home to the responsible official.

7.33 (i) The scale of mutation fee fixed by the State Government under the
authority given by section 38 of the Land Revenue Act is stated in Appendix 'B'. The
mutation fee shall be recovered by the Revenue Officer at the time of attestation and
deposited into the Government treasury.
Mutation fee can be legally levied only from the person in whose favour the
mutation entry is made. In the case of a rejected mutation, the revenue officer may remit
the fee for any special reason to be specified mutation whose fee is not thus remitted, the
order should be recovered. This precaution is necessary in order to ensure that the fee is
not recovered from the person from whom it is not legally recoverable.
The portion of the order referring to the recovery of mutation fee may be
corrected by the revenue officer who passed the order, by his successor, or by a superior
officer, for reason to be recorded in writing.
(i) Rulings regarding fees, Punjab Government letter no 2180-
S.Rev.dated 22nd August,1908- The following are rulings of the Financial
Commissioners on the subject of the levy of mutation fees:-

(1) separate mutation fees are leviable in respect of each holding created by
partition proceedings (including the residuary holding if any part of the original joint
holdings is left undivided, and not one fee only for the whole. In the case, however, of the
annual recurring partition of shamilat land affected by river action among the several
shareholders, only one fee should be levied in respect of the entire holding; and when the
converse case occurs and diluviated land held in severally is on recovery treated as
shamilat, only one fee of course is leviable.
(2) No mutation fee can be levied from any department of Government for
land acquired in the interest of Government. As a corollary to this ruling no fee is
leviable on the resumption of revenue free assignments, the mutation in such cases being
in favour of Government. Fees should, however be levied on grants o, or successions to,
revenue assignments. Local bodies are not exempted from the payments of mutation fees,
even when the property is acquired under the Land Acquisition Act.
(3) In cases of exchange of land a fee should be taken from each of the two
(4) No fee should be levied on simple corrections or mistakes in a previous
record of rights as no right is acquired. Similarly, no fee should be levied for an entry of
change of names provided that it involves no acquisition of any definite right in the estate
(5) When land which has originally been mortgaged by a registered deed is
redeemed, mutation fee if 40 paisa should be charged except when the land revenue in
respect of this holding is Re. 5 or less the fee shall be 25 paisa only. No fee should be
charged in respect of redemption of land which is to be sold to the mortgagee soon after
the redemption.
(6) Paragraph 7.18 supra directs that a second mortgage should be regarded as
a collateral one and given effect to as such, and that subsequently a new mortgage with
possession should be sanctioned when the land is redeemed by the second mortgagee
from the first one. A mortgages his land in the first instance to 'B' in whose favour a
mutation of mortgage with possession is sanctioned. Then 'A' mortgages the same land to
'C' and a mutation of collateral mortgage in favour of C is the result in accordance with
the instructions laid down in paragraph 7.18 supra. Subsequently two mutations of
redemption in favour of A- one from B and the other from C- followed by a mutation of
mortgage with possession in favour of C are entered up, and sanctioned. At present there
is a diversity of practice in regard to the levy of mutation fees on such redemptions. In the
case of redemption from B in favour of A the mutation fee should be levied from A in
accordance with the provisions of section 38 (2) of the Land Revenue Act, while no such
fee should be levied in the case of redemption from C as such redemption is only a
'tartibi' one and analogous to the case mentioned in sub-paragraph (5).
(7) Where the number of jamabandi holdings has been artificially swollen
owing to the practice of giving each well and separate jamabandi number, only as many
fees should be levied on transfers other than by inheritance as there are genuine separate
proprietary holdings.
(8) If a holding is transferred in separate parts by different instruments even
though executed on the same day, the transactions should be separately recorded in the
mutation register, and a separate fee should be levied for each transaction.
(9) where a mutation fee is to be levied in respect of a holding of which the
revenue is fluctuating, the mutation fee should be calculated on the total of the kharif and
rabi assessments of the agricultural year during which the transfer took place. If this
however, is the current year and the rabi assessment has not been made at the time of
attestation, the fee should be calculated on the assessments of the preceding year.
(10) No mutation fee is leviable in the case of a mortgage of land to
Government or in the case of the redemption of such a mortgage.
(11) A separate mutation fee should be levied for the shamilat holding where a
transfer includes a share of the shamilat.
(12) No mutation fee is leviable on the entry of the name of a posthumous
7.33 Preparation of list of village wise mutation fee - Every year in the month of
September the patwari should prepare for each village in his circle, a list of the fees due
on mutations attested during the past year. After the field kanungo has completed the
check prescribed by paragraph 7.36 infra the patwari will, after revising the list, if
necessary, submit it to the Tahsil office through the field kanungo.

7.35 Deleted.

7.36 Entry of fees in lists - order to secure the correct entry and collection of
mutation fees, the patwari when preparing the list referred to in paragraph 7.38 (v) infra,
will enter in red ink over the serial number of each mutation (column 4 of the lists) the
amount of the fee according to the mutation sheets, and at the bottom of column 4 will
enter the total demand of the village. It is the duty of the field kanungo when checking
jamabandis in the tahsil (see paragraph 7.61 infra), carefully to check these entries with
the original sheets of accepted and rejected mutations, and to certify that they are correct.
Any mistake discovered by the field kanungo should be communicated by him at once to
the patwari who will then complete the lists referred to in paragraph 7.34 supra.

7.37 Officer kanungo's statement of mutation fees Financial Commissioner's

circular no.72 of 1886 – As soon as the field kanungo's check is completed the officer
kanungo will prepare a statement in duplicate in the form below:-

TAHSIL: _______________
Statement of account of mutation fees
for the year Kharif 19__ and rabi ______

Number of Mauza
Name of Mauza
Total mutations fees of each estate

Explanation: Give against each mauza only the total sum.

One copy of the statement should be sent by the tehsildar to the Collector as soon
after the end of September as possible for incorporation in the Running Register. [see
paragraph 29(12)(g) of standing order no.31]. The other copy should be over the tahsil
wasil baqi navis in whose custody it will remain. It will then be the duty of the tahsil
wasil baqi navis to see that the fee collected by the Revenue Officer and credited in the
tahsil account tallies with this statement.

7.38 Disposal forms containing mutation orders - The following instructions

prescribe the method of disposal of forms containing mutation orders:
(i) Each patwari will be provided with two counter-foil registers, the one for
accepted, the other for rejected, mutations. This register will be in the following form in
duplicate, except that the last column will only be in the foil:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Hadbast Sr. no of batch date Total no No. of Sr. No of Signature Signature Date of receipt
No. and for the current of of Mutation Mutation of of in tahsil with
name of year for the order mutations sheets Patwaris attesting signature of
village village shown officer office kanungo.
in column 1

(ii) On each occasion that he attests the mutations of a village, a revenue

officer should have the mutation sheets, on which orders have been passed, arranged in
serial order in two bundles, the one of accepted, the other the patwari to enter the
necessary particulars in the registers aforesaid. The foils should then be detached from
the counterfoils and affixed as indices to the two boundless, each of which should be
stitched together with stout thread.
(iii) The bundles of sheets should then be dispatched, or personally made over
by the attesting officer to the tahsil officer kanungo. Attesting officers are responsible for
the safe custody of the sheets until they are so made over and should be very careful to
prevent their loss.
(iv) On receiving the sheets the office kanungo will check them with the
indices, sign the latter and then place both sheets and indices in an almirah, where he will
arrange them in files by field kanungos' circles and between the boards tied round with
tape or string. Within these boards the sheets should be arranged by patwaris' circles
those of each village being placed together along with their incises in the order in which
they reach the office kanungo. The files of accepted and rejected mutations in each field
kanungo's circle should be kept distinct and on separate shelves.
(v) After June 15th the patwari should prepare two lists in the form below of
all mutations attested during the year for each village in his circle. One list will show
accepted, the other rejected mutations.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Hadbast No. and Total no. of Total No. No. of mutations Signature Signature of tahsil Remarks
name of village mutations of sheets in serial order of patwari office kanungo

(vi) On receipt of these lists the office kanungo should compare them with the
mutation sheets in his custody, arrange the latter in their serial order, remove and destroy
their indices, sign the lists in column 6 in token of their correctness and attach them to the
bundles of sheets to which they refer.
(vii) As soon as a jamabandi is filed, the office kanungo should make over the
accepted mutation sheets of the village in question to the field kanungo and take his
receipt in the last column of the list which is attached to those sheets and which he will
retain. The sheets will then be attached by the field kanungo to the jamabandi.
(viii) The list containing the receipts of the field kanungo should be made into
kuliat files, one for each field kanungo's circle. Each file should be indexed and the lists
which it contains should be arranged by the serial order of the hadbast numbers of the
villages to which they relate. The files should be destroyed after five years, that is, after
the next detailed jamabandi have been prepared.
(ix) The rejected mutations sheets of any village for which a jamabandi has
been prepared should be sent to the district record room along with the jamabandi and the
lists attached to them. These sheets should be kept in the Land Record Office for twelve
years and then destroyed.

7.39 Petitions and exhibits should be returned to the parties by the attesting officer. If
depositions are taken by commission the essential part of them should be very briefly
incorporated in the attesting order so that the mutation sheet be complete in itself. Any
papers which cannot be returned should remain attached to their proper mutations. When
the jamabandi of any village if filed the miscellaneous papers should be removed from
the sanctioned sheets of mutations and made into distinct files one for each kanungo's
circle. These should be kept with the files mentioned in paragraph 7.38 (viii) supra and
destroyed them after 5 years. Miscellaneous papers attached to sanctioned mutations
relating to the investigation of benami transactions, together with the benami files, should
however be preserved as permanent records and filed in the General Record Room.

7.40 Form of jamabandi with instructions, Land Revenue Rules 72 - The form of
the jamabandi is as follows:-

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
khewat khatauni Name of Patti or taraf; with name Owner, with Cultivator, with Well or Field
No. No. of jamabandi and revenue description description other numbers

8 9 10 11 12
Area and classification Rent paid by cultivator Share or measure of Demand with detail of Remarks
of land rate and amount right and rule of Bach revenue and cesses

Note: The form may be altered with the sanction of the Financial Commissioner to meet
the requirements of any particulars district or tract. For canal colonies in particular a
special form will generally be found necessary (see the form given in paragraph 7.45
infra), and in other districts it may prove advisable to effect minor alterations. A column
may, if necessary, be added for "date-trees liable to assessment". In tracts under
fluctuating assessment this form may be used or the alternative form given in paragraph
7.44 infra, as may appear more suitable. In the case of urban lands to which the Land
Revenue Act applies, the ordinary form should be adopted, but it should be divided into
two parts, namely, (a) for agricultural (zarai) and (b) for urban (sakni) lands.

Special Instructions Relating to The Jamabandi

7.41 (1) Column 1.- The khewat number is the number of the owners' holding. Except
as provided in paragraph 7.19(3) supra, arrange owners' holdings in the order in which
the names of owners are given in the village genealogical tree (shajra nasab). Muafi
holdings must not be collected at the end of the jamabandi. Each should be put up in the
place to which, with reference to the order of ownership, it belongs. A mortgagee in
actual possession, and paying the land revenue should have a khewat and not a khatauni
number, except as provided in clause (5) infra.
(2) Column 2.- The khatauni number is the number of the holding (khata) of the
person responsible for the cultivation. Enter in order all the holding belonging to each
khewat number showing firs the holding, if any, cultivated by the owner himself
(khudkasht), next the tenants-at-will. where there are several tenancy holdings under one
proprietor the tenants in their several classes should be entered, so far as possible, in
alphabetical order. The Collector may prescribe a different order of entry for the khatauni
holdings of Government lands in a colony area if he finds that the orders prescribed in
this instruction cannot be suitably followed as regards such holding.
(3) Column 3.- Enter the pattis or tarafs on the order in which they appear in the
shajra nasab. If there is any common land belonging to all the owners of the patti or taraf,
enter it as a separate khewat number after the khewat numbers of the individual owners.
Enter the total for each patti or taraf after the last of the khewat numbers contained in it.
(4) Column 4.- "Description" in this column includes father's name, grand father's
name and resident; and for officers of the Indian Army the title of their rank, as Subedar,
Resaldar, etc. If the owner is a firm, its manager should also be named and described. If
the firm is registered under the Indian Partnership Act, IX of 1932, the partners need not
be mention; but if the firm is not registered the partners should also be named and
described and the details of their shares recorded. The mortgagee with possession, i.e.
one who is responsible for the payment of land revenue for the mortgaged land, should
also be entered with a similar description in this column under the name of the owner,
thus, Allah Bakhsh rahin wa Sewa Ram wald Rura Ram wald Ram Lal sakin Ludhiana,
murtahin. The amount of the mortgage debt will not be entered anywhere in the
jamabandi, If any of the recorded owners in the joint holding is out of possession note the
fact and show who is out of possession of his share, thus: Allah Bakhsh ek tihai wa niz
kabiz hakkiyat Rahim Bakhsh, ghair-kabiz do tihai. If the person in possession, i.e. who
pays the revenue, is not owner, show this clearly thus: Allah Bakhsh ghair-kabiz.
Regarding the entry of a right-holder as ghair-kabiz see paragraph 7.25 supra. The
practice has in the past existed of making a note in the rent column (no.9), against the
entry of a tenant-at-will of bila lagan ba waja tusawwar miliyat. This entry, which tends
to operate as one of ghair-kabiz in respect of the owner should never be made, It is in the
fist place inconsistent because a person who is a tenant cannot be in adverse possession;
further the record is one of facts and not of claims. If the facts show adverse possession
the mutation of ghair-kabiz should be made, and disposed of as shown in paragraph
7.25(6) supra. (L.L.T, 1932, page 141).
(4) If a sharer in a joint holding sells or mortgages the whole rights is a minor,
a female or otherwise incapacitated from managing his own affairs, the name of his or her
sarbarah or guardian need not be shown. It is needless to specify whether a right-holder is
of age, or a minor. Where such entries have already been made the patwari may, when
the right-holder comes of age, omit the designation "minor" and the name of the sarbarah
without entering the case in the mutation register.
(5) Column 5.- "Description" in this column includes the father's name, grand
father's name, and residence; and for officers of the Indian Army the title of their rank as
Subedar, Resaldar, etc. If the tenor is a firm its manager should also be named and
described. If the firm is registered under thee Indian Partnership Act, IX of 1932, the
partners need not be mentioned, but if the firm is not registered the partners should also
be named and described and the details of their shares recorded which may be as
(a) Cultivating owner:- Khud-kasht; or if one of several share-holders is cultivating a
portion of the holding (hissadari kasht) khud kasht hissadar;
(b) Tanant holding for a fixed term under a contract (pattadar) or a decree of a Court
or an order of competent authority. It should be remembered that the status of a
leaseholder for a year differs from that of a tenant-at-will;
(c) All other tenants, i.e., tenant-at-will (ghair-maurusi or ghair dakhilkars). A person
who is in adverse possession should not be described as ghair dakhilkar or ghair
maurusi. These words imply the relationship of landlord and tenant which is
incompatible with adverse possession.
(d) Adhjogias, Siris, Lachhains, Halis, Adhalils and other partners in cultivation
should also be entered in this column, care being taken to distinguish them from
tenants within the meaning of section 4(5) of the Tenancy Act. They art not
"tenants" because they do not possess the right of excluding the landlord under
section 12(2) of the Act from interfering in the cultivation. The entry regarding
such partners in cultivation should be "khud kasht fulan ba sharakat fulan
adhjogia, Siri etc." Field workers, who get fixed wages in cash or in kind , should
not find a place in the Jamabandi.
Where the cultivation of the same field in the two harvests is done by different
cultivator, the name of the rabi cultivator should be entered in red ink under the kharif
tenant: he should not be given a separate khatauni number. In urbanized areas to which
the Land Revenue Act applied it is often not practicable to record the tenants of every
class of land. The collector is given discretion, therefore, to direct that no entries be made
in this column save in respect of land which is occupied or has been let for agricultural
purposes or for pasture in any such area.
If a sharer in a joint holding sells or mortgages certain fields, and the transferee
obtains possession, the name of the latter will be shown in this column not in column 4.
He will be given a khatauni and not a khewat number.
The tenant is the person responsible for paying the rent. If he sublets the
land the entry should be 'A' ghair maurusi awwal marfat 'B' ghair maurusi doyam.
(6) Column 7.- The field or khasra number is the number given to the field in the
village map (shajra kishtwar). The order of entry should usually be that of the khasra
girdawari. The soil description in the jamabandi is intended to show the permanent
method of husbandry applied to each field, and not the condition applicable to any
particular harvest or harvests see paragraph 260 of the Settlement Manual. The soil entry
must, therefore, be changed, when, but only when, a permanent change has occurred, as
e.g., by the cultivation of land which was previously banjar jadid or banjar kadim or by
the conversion of barani into chahi land owing to the sinking of a new well. Ordinarily,
changes in soil classification need only be made in the year in which quinquennial
attestation takes place. But in the case of changes from uncultivated land, the change of
classification must be made in the next jamabandi, whether it be one made after a
quinquennial attestation or not.
(7) Column 8.- Where the ghumao measure is in use, enter the area of holdings in
canals and marlas only reckoning out ghumaos only in the totals of pattis or tarafs and of
the estate. In the districts under settlement operations the total area only i.e. Mizan Haqiat
of each holding (Khewat) and the ground total of each estate should be given both in the
local measure in vogue as well as in metric system at the end of the entries pertaining to
each holding estate in the Misal-I-Haqiat and later on in the quinquennial jamabandis.
Prior to the agricultural year 1971-72, the land measure used in all revenue work
varied in different part of the State. From the agricultural year 1971-72 metric measure to
four places of decimal of a hectare shall be used gradually in a single rotation of five
years and all records prepared during the year 1971-72 to 1975-76 shall simultaneously
indicate the metric measure in red ink, in addition to the local measure. From the
agricultural year 1976-77, metric measure shall only be used and the local measure shall
be discontinued altogether. The classification of land, should be the same as indicated in
notes given below in form of khasra girdwari prescribed in paragraph 9.2 of this manual.
(8) Column 9.- Where rent is paid by a share of produce (batai) enter the share
only. If by a lump sum not the amount, otherwise note both rate and amount in the case of
cash rents. Where part of a holding pays at one rate, and part at another, see that areas,
etc., are given in sufficient detail; so also where cash rents are paid on particular crops
(zabit). Where no rent is paid by a person in possession other than the owner briefly
explain the reason for non-payment of rent if the fact is undisputed. As above explained,
the entry of no rent because of a claim to adverse possession should never be made. If the
fact is that the possession is adverse the entry should be of ghair-kabiz, if the fact is that
he is a tenant then if the rent cannot be ascertained it should be recorded as doubtful. For
the share of partners in cultivation see sub clause (10) (vii) below.
(9) Column 11.- If the revenue of a holding is assigned (muafi or jagir) enter the
amount in red ink. In the totals of pattis or tarafs and of a whole estate show the whole
revenue in black ink with a detail of khalsa in black and muafi or jagir in red ink.
(10) Column 12.- In the case of all new entries of names of owners, mortgagees
with possession and alterations in shares, etc., which are supported by any mutation or
fard badar entry refer in this column to the entry by which they are supported. References
to fard badar entries should be given in the manner described in paragraph 7.2 supra. If
mutation of rights has occurred and has been entered up before June 15th or the date
approved by the Director of Land Records but not attested, note briefly the facts which
are believed to above occurred giving the serial number of the entry in the register but
stating that the mutation has not been attested:
(i) If a new well has been made, or a deserted well has been brought into
use, or if a well has fallen in or been deserted, be very careful to note
the fact.
(ii) If a holding or part of a holding has been hypothecated to Government
as security for a takavi loan, make a note of the fact.
If a second loan is given on the same security a second mutation is not required –
see paragraph 7.18 (ii) supra – but whether a mutation has to be entered up or not, the
patwari should make a note of the loan in column 12 of the current jamabandi which
should be carried over to all succeeding jamabandis.
(iii) A brief description of the terms of collateral mortgages attested in the
mutation register will be entered in this column, but no entry relating
to such mortgages will be made in any other column.
(iv) If the revenue of an holding, patti or taraf or of a whole estate, is
assigned (muafi or jagir), note the fact and the names, description, and
shares of the assignees in red ink in this column.
(v) If mutation is refused in any case with reference to which notice of the
registration of a deed has been received, note the fact in this column,
specifying the nature of the deed (sale, mortgage, etc.) and its date.
(vi) If any land in a colony town has been sold by Government for a
specific purpose or subject to any particular conditions, then note here
the purpose or the conditions.
(vii) The amount of produce received by Adhjogias and other partners in
cultivation from the landlord as their share and the contribution
towards seeds, Government dues, etc., if any, made by them, should be
recorded in this column.
(viii) A note showing in names of owners whose land has been acquired by
the Government wholly or partially and without a share of the
shamilat, together with the area transferred and the number of the
relevant mutation, shall be entered in this column. It shall also be
stated in this note that the owner concerned will be entitled to a due
share of the shamilat area at the time of partition. The note in question
shall be copied from jamabandi to jamabandi till partition of the
shamilat takes place [see paragraph 7.19 (4 supra)].
(ix) A note showing the date of mortgage with possession, in respect of
escheat land shall be entered in this column.

7.42 Land owned by Government - All land owned by Government should be

entered in one place after the village common. All land permanently appropriated for
public purposes since the date of the last settlement should be entered thus -
(1) Where land belongs to the department of the State Government the words
"State Government" should be recorded in the column of ownership.
Where land belongs to a department of the Government of India, the
words "Central Government" should be entered in that column.
(2) In the occupier's column the name of the department which has charge of
the land e.g., Deputy Commissioner, Canal Department, Executive
Engineer, Northern Railway, Postal Department, Defense Department etc.
(3) In lieu of soil entries, state the purpose to which the land is applied, e.g.,
encamping-ground, sarai, canal, rajbaha, bungalow, etc.
(4) When nazul or other Government property is vested in a local body, or is
otherwise in its possession, such property should be described as "State
Government or Central Government as the case may be maqbuza Zila
Parishad or [Cantonment] Board" or as the case may be. But property
acquired by a local body. In order to guard the interests of Government, no
mutation of any new acquisition or mutation or any new acquisition or of
sale of property owned by a local body should be made without the order
of the Collector.
Concerning land occupied by Government at the date of last settlement which
Government still holds, the entries of the last settlement in the column of ownership will
be repeated unaltered. The columns of occupancy and description of land will be filled up
as above directed.
If the land is occupied only temporarily, as for instance, the approach to a ferry,
the names of the owner and hereditary tenants will usually be continued, and separate
numbers need not be made. Government possession can be described in the column of

7.42-A Land held by Government on lease for specific purposes- In connection

with the making of entries in the jamabandi on the basis of the mutations, referred to in
paragraph 7.11-A, the following instructions are issued:-
(i) The entries in column 4 (owner) of the jamabandi should remain
(ii) In column 5 (cultivator) the department of Government, for whose
operations the lease has been effected, should be shown as lessee and the
land-owner as lesser.
(iii) In column 9 (rent), the entry should be " rent at owner's rate on account of
the construction and maintenance of (.................... here specify the
purpose of the lease)."

7.43 A note should be added at the end of the jamabandi stating briefly what changes
have been made in the soil entries, and where the changes are important, explaining the
reason for making them. This note should be signed by the kanungo and by the naib-
tahsildar or tehsildar.

7.44 Alternative form of jamabandi for fluctuating assessment referred to in the note to
the form in paragraph 7.40 supra.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Khewat Khatauni Name of Well Owners, with Cultivation with Khasra Area of field Class of Name of canal and
No No. and patti description description number and total of land and area irrigated in each
holding rate field, with details of
flow and lift

10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Crops Rent Demand kharif 19 Rabi, 19 Remarks

Kharif Rabi cash Kind Revenue Cases

7.45 Alternative form of jamabandi for colony towns and chaks referred to in the note
to the paragraph 7.40
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Sr. Khewat Khatauni Name of lambardar with Name of Name of Name of Owner of Name of rent No
No No. No, revenue owner with tanat with building material payer with of
description description with description description block

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Field Area according to present Purpose for Purpose Rent Class Rate of Demand with Remarks
no. or the registered deed area which the for which annually of revenue details of revenue
site no. or according to the land was it is being paid by the ahata imposed and cesses
original contract originally used occupier

7.46 (1) Column 1.- Against each field numbers included in the khewat, the serial
number of the auction or allotment register or the register of sales by private treaties, in
which the land of each field no. is included, should be given in this column.
(2) Column2.- The khewat is the number of owner's holdings which should be arranged
in the order in which the names of owners are given in the village genealogical tree. In
the case of towns where the genealogical trees are not in existence, the order of khasra
numbers will be followed. No one should be given a separate khwat number, until he has
obtained full proprietary rights.
The old khewat number should be given in red ink under the new khewat number.
(3) Column 3.- The khatuni number of the holdings of persons responsible for the
payment of rent or are in possession of the site. Auction purchases, peasant grantees, or
persons holding sites under special conditions, will be given separate khatauni number
under the khewat of State or Central Government. In such cases the old number of
khatauni should be in red ink under the new khatauni number.
(4) Column 4.- The name of lambardars responsible for the realization of land
revenue assessed on sites should be entered. The total land revenue demand for which
each lambardar is responsible should be entered in this column.
(5) Column 5.- "Description" in this column includes father's name, grandfather's
name and residence, and in the case of officers of the Indian Army, the title of their ranks
such as Subedar, Risaldar, Jamadar, etc. The name of a mortgagee with possession must
be shown under the name of mortgagor. If a sharer in the joint holding sells or mortgages
the whole or a definite fraction of his share the name of the transferee will be shown in
this column. The name of sarbrah or guardian of minors or females need not be shown.
(6) Column 6.- In this column those persons will be entered who will ultimately
obtain proprietary rights but have not yet acquired their rights. Their holdings will be
entered in the following order:-
(1) Auction purchasers.
(2) Peasant grantees.
(3) Persons holding on half-resumable conditions.
(4) Persons holding land on the planting conditions.
(5) Lambardari grants.
(6) Lease-holders on horse-breeding conditions.
These persons will be shown within their separate groups in the order given in the
pedigree table.
After the holdings of the above named persons the holdings of the following
should be entered:-
(1) Non-occupancy tenants.
(2) Shopkeepers
(3) Kamins (menials) permanently settled.
(4) Additional kamins
(5) Ahatas allotted for masjids, dharamsalas etc.
(6) Takies.
(6) Deras.
These persons will be shown within the groups in alphabetical order.
"Description" in this column includes father's name, grandfather's name, residence
and status, e.g., rent-payer, abadkar, etc. In the case of an officer of the Indian Army, the
title of his rank should also be prefixed to his name. In case the site is in the possession of
malik, the words maqbuza malik should only be written.
(7) Column 7.- This column will be filled in the case where the owner of the site
has lent the area to another person and has at the same time allowed him to erect building
at the latter's own cost. "Description" in this column also includes father's name,
grandfather's name, residence. In case of an officer of the Indian Army, the title of his
rank should also be prefixed to his name.
(8) Column 8.- In this column those persons will be shown who pay rent to
persons shown in columns 5,6 and 7. They will be shown in alphabetical order. The
holdings of maliks will also be shown in this column. The "Description", in this column
includes father's name, grand- father's name, residence of the person occupying the
building erected by the person mentioned in column 7. In the case of officers of the
Indian Army the title of their rank should be prefixed to their names.
(9) Column 9.- Block number should be given against the site number or field
number in column 10.
(10) Column 10.- The field number or the site number means the number given to
it in the map. The order of entries should usually be that of khasra girdawari.
(11) Column 11.- This column will be left blank when area originally allotted has
been divided or amalgamated with other areas and given separate field numbers.
(12) Column 12.- The area arrived at the last girdwari of the field concerned or
shown in the mutation register will be given in this column and will be in canals, marlas
and sarsahis or metric units.
(13) Column 13.- This should be ascertained by reference to the order of
(14) Column 14.- This should be ascertained by reference to the khasra girdawari.
(15) Column 15.- The amount of rent paid annually by the occupier should be
entered here. This can be ascertained from the khasra girdawari.
(16) Column 16.- According to the condition of sale or allotment, as far as
payment of revenue is concerned, the ahatas are classified differently such as (1)
residential sites, (2) shop sites, (3) combined residential and shop sites, (4) menials sites
and (5) factories, etc. This column should show the class of ahatas.
(17) Column 17.- The rate of revenue sanctioned should be given.
(18) Column 18.- The total amount of the land revenue demand with details of
revenue and cesses should be specified in this column.
(19) Column 19.- In the case of all new entries of names of owners, mortgages
with possession, and alterations in shares, etc. which are supported by any mutation or
fard badar entry, the number of such mutation or fard badar should be given.
A brief description of the terms of collateral mortgages attested in the mutation
register will be entered in this column, but no entry relating to such mortgagee will be
made in any other column.
If mutation is refused in any case with reference to which notice of the
registration of a deed has been received, note the fact in this column specifying the nature
of the deed (sale, mortgage, etc) and its date.
In the case of allotment of Government land to local bodies or other private
persons on certain conditions the following particulars should be given in this column
against the khewat concerned:-
(a) Where there is a registered deed- Place of registration, number of deed,
date of registration, number of bahi and number of volume.
(b) Where the deed is unregistered – Number of file and the date of execution
of the deed. The number of goshwara should also be given.
(c) In other cases, e.g., agreements, etc. – Number of the file and the date of
agreement. The number of goshwara should be given.
(20) No mutation of rights can be incorporated in the jamabandi until a revenue
officer has sanctioned it by an order recorded in the mutation register. The jamabandi
entries concerning holdings in which mutations have occurred, but on which no orders
have been passed will remain unaltered.
7.47 & 7.48 Deleted.

7.48A (1) The provisions of Sections 54,59,107 and 123 of the Transfer of Property Act
being applicable to the State of Punjab, the deeds of sale, mortgage, gift and certain
leases relating to property should be properly executed and registered where mutations
regarding oral transfers have been entered they should be rejected since the transfer of
title in such cases is invalid.
(2) There may be cases in which although title has not been transferred by
mutation, the transferee is in fact in possession of the property. In such cases the name of
the transferor would appear in the column of ownership (column No.4 ) of the jamabandi
and the name of the transferee should appear as a tenant at will in the cultivation column
(column No 5). The rent column (column No.9) should be left blank.
(3) In some cases the transferor may remain in possession and make payment by
way of rent to the transferee. In such case no rent should be entered in column No.9 of
the jamabandi and the entry in column No.5 should be 'Maqbuza Malik'.
(4) The same instructions will apply in the case of colony towns where the
alternative form of jamabandi given in paragraph 7.45 supra is in use.

7.49 Soil entered in the jamabandi, Financial Commissioner's circular No.1258,

dated 8th February,1911 and 19 of 1889 - The classification of field in column 8 of the
jamabandi has its origin in each case in the entries made in the khataunis when a village
is remeasured. If note 14 of the instructions appended to the khatauni form (see appendix
VII, Settlement Manual), be read, it will be seen that the classification of soils may be
considered under three heads:-
(a) Land which is cultivated without the aid of irrigation,
(b) Land which is cultivated with the aid of irrigation,
(c) Land which is not cultivated.

In all returns in which soils or crops are classified as irrigated and unirrigated,
sailab soils and crops should be included in the latter class.
7.50 Unirrigated Land - Land which is cultivated without the aid of irrigation:- In the
village papers of many districts unirrigated land which are not affected by flooding or
percolation from rivers (sailab) are simply classified as barani. In those districts in which
the barani lands are classified according to the kind of soil (see paragraph 261-265 of the
Settlement Manual), no revision of this classification should ordinarily be attempted. If,
for special reasons, as for instance, the spread of sand or reh it may sometimes be
necessary to revise any entries relating to the classification of barani land, such revision
should always be limited strictly to those lands in which some real occasion for the
revision exists.

7.51 Classes of irrigated land - Land which is cultivated with the aid of irrigation :-
In note 14 appended to the khatauni form (appendix VII of the Settlement Manual), it is
directed that all land irrigated regularly from a sell should be classed as chahi, and that all
land irrigated regularly from a canal should be classed as nahri. And it is explained that
the actual area of crops irrigated in each case will not appear from the khatauni entries,
but from the crop returns. The distinction herein contemplated is further explained in
paragraph 260 of the Settlement Manual. The limits of the land permanently served by
each well or canal distributary having once been ascertained and indicated in the field
map, the same caution should be observed in changing these entries as is directed above
with respect to the alteration of classes of barani land. Ordinarily no such change need be
attempted except in the year of quinquennial attestation, and in carrying out these
changes care should be taken that lands once classed as irrigated be not classed as barani
nor barani as irrigated unless a permanent change of this nature has occurred.

7.52 Deleted.

7.53 Land which is not cultivated - This land is described in the village papers either
as uncultivable waste (ghair mumkin), or as old waste (banjar kadim), or as new waste
(banjar jadid). For the meaning of these terms, the instructions appended to the khasra
girdawari (chapter 9), and paragraph 267 of the Settlement Manual may be consulted.
When waste land of either of these three classes is cultivated, or when cultivated
land is so injured as to make it uncultivable (e.g. by the action of river or torrents), there
is no difficulty in showing the change at once in the annual jamabandi or diluvion paper.
The entries connected with the changing of cultivation into banjar jadid into
banjar jadid and of banjar jadid into banjar kadim are less easily carried out with
accuracy. Such changes, therefore, should not be shown in an annual jamabandi or in
diluvion or fluctuating assessment paper but in the next detailed jamabandi.

7.54 Jamabandis, how and when to be prepared - Paragraph 388 of the Land
Administration Manual shows why detailed jamabandis are, as a rule, only prepared
every fifth year. The should be written on paper of A quality. The are prepared for those
estates or parts of estates in each year in which the Collector directs that a detailed
jamabandi should be prepared, and they are ordinarily prepared annually in one-fifth of
the villages in a district. They should contain every field entry in full. For these villages
quinquennial returns (see chapter 10) should be compiled.
A table should be given to each field kanungo, showing the arrangements
approved for the preparation of a detailed jamabandis for each patwari's circle in his
charge, this table being so arranged that the work of each year shall cover about one-fifth
of the kanungo's whole circle.
As regards villages under fluctuating assessment, special permission has been
given in certain districts by which the preparation of annual jamabandis is dispensed with
unless it is required for purposes of the fluctuating assessment. The principle approved of
is that when special records have been prescribed which suffice for purposes of
fluctuating assessment, annual jamabandis are unnecessary.
In villages subject to diluvion, if the diluvion rules of the district prescribe the
preparation of a record which enables us to dispense with an annual jamabandi, it is
unnecessary to insist on its preparation in a year other than that of the quinquennial
attestation. If such rules, however, are not sufficient for this purpose, it would only be
necessary to prepare a detailed revised jamabandi for those holdings which are affected
by river action. In such cases the patwari will prepare two copies of the revised
jamabandi of the holdings affected, one copy to be retained by him, and the other sent to
the tehsil to be placed with the last detailed jamabandi filed in the district office.

7.55 Necessary of preventing errors, etc., in the khasra girdawari - Thus for a
large portion of the district no jamabandi will be prepared for one, two, three or four
years, and certain precautions are therefore necessary to avoid errors and preventing the
patwaris from tempering with the entries in the khasra girdwari or other papers. The
instructions issued for this purpose are contained in chapter 9.

7.56 Mutation occurring up to 15th June to be incorporated in the jamabandi,

Financial Commissioner's circular No.30, dated 4th December, 1909 - Tahsildars and
Nai-tahsildar must, without neglecting record work in other villages, pay special attention
to estates for which new detailed jamabandi are to be drawn up. All mutations upon
which final orders have been passed up to 15th June inclusive or any later date approved
by the Director of Land Records are incorporated in the jamabandi. Every effort should
be made to have all mutations which have occurred up to that date entered in the register
and attested by that date.
The Tehsildar or Naib-tahsildar in charge of the circle in which any estate for
which a jamabadi is to be drawn up is situated, must visit the estate in the cold weather
before the middle of January, and, as far as possible, attest all pending mutations. All
attestations of mutations during the nine months preceding the drawing up of a new
detailed jamabandi must be carried out in the village itself. At his first visit to the estate
in the cold weather the tehsildar or naib-tahsildar should see that the patwari and kanungo
have arranged their work so as to carry out the instructions in the next paragraph.

7.57 Preparation for the drawing up of new jamabandi, Financial Commissioner's

circular No.30, dated 4th December, 1909 - Preparations for the drawing up of a new
jamabandi should be started by the patwari and field kanungo in the cold weather, and if
possible, in all the estates concerned before the middle of January. The should together
visit each estate for which such a jamabandi is to be prepared and by enquiry from the
right-holders ascertain whether any changes have occurred which have not been brought
to record. The patwari should, in the presence of the kanungo (who should have the
patwri's copy of the genealogical tree open before him), read out to the people the entries
in the existing jamabandi, and note changes in pencil in the remarks column, and the
necessary entries in the mutation register. The kanungo should bring the genealogical tree
up to date and should check the entries in the mutation register with the jamabandi and
note that they agree. He should help the patwari to prepare a list of field which require
amendment. The patwari should later make tracings in pencil of such portion of the
village may as required to be amended.

7.58 Rabi Girdawari of estates of which jamabandis to be prepared. Financial

Commissioner's circular No.30, dated 4th December, 1909 - At the rabi girdawari the
patwari must take up first the estate or estates for which a detailed jamabandi is to be
drawn up, and be very careful to note all changes and fresh cases requiring mutation
orders. If the work described in the last paragraph has been properly done the new entries
in the mutation register should be few in number. They should be made before the harvest
inspection of the next village is started. As soon as the crop inspection of the estate for
which a new jamabandi is to be prepared is finished, the patwari should sent notice to the

7.59 Attestation of all mutations before the 15th June, Financial Commissioner's
circular No. 30, dated 4th December, 1909 - After receiving this notice the naib-
tahsildar or tehsildar concerned must visit the estate as soon as possible, but in any case
before the 15th of June, or the date approved by the Director of Land Records, and attest
all pending cases.

7.60 Preparation of the jamabandi - The jamabandi should be prepared in duplicate

and one of the copies should eventually filed in the district office and the other retained
by the patwari. In the months of June, July and August the field kanungo should pay
special attention to the detailed jamabandis which are being prepared by his patwaris. He
should attest all the entries holding by holding, in the presence of the zamindars
concerned and see that due effect has been given to the mutations on which final orders
have been passed by the 15th of June or the date approved by the Director of Land
Records. His attestation should be made on the copy which has eventually to be filed in
the district office. This copy should contain his report to the effect that he has duly
attested it, a list of errors discovered and alterations made being added in the kanungo's
handwriting. A copy of this report signed by the field kanungo should be attached to the
patwari's copy of the jamabandi. Any alterations that may be found to be necessary
should be made at once in red ink by the kanungo in both copies of the jamabandi and
signed by him. He is personally responsible that the patwari's copy tallies in all respects
with the other copy. Fairing of the jamabandi by the substitution of a new page for one on
which corrections have been made is absolutely forbidden.

7.60-A. Deleted.

7.61 Filing of jamabandi in the tahsil - The patwari should give the first copy of the
jamabandi to the office kanungo at the tahsil not later than September 7th, or any
subsequent date approved by the Director of Land Record due to special circumstances,
provided such date does not exceed 6 months from 7th September. During that month the
field kanungo, with a view especially to see that the changes based on mutations have
been properly incorporated and that the statistical statements filed with the jamabandi are
correct, should again check the latter at the tahsil, following the same procedure as
before, that is, he should himself make a copy of the list of the errors discovered and the
alterations made at this inspection and sign it. This copy should be handed to the patwari
who would stitch it into the duplicate jamabandi and make the necessary alterations in the
latter. The field kanungo at his next visit to the patwari's circle should see that the patwari
has done this and initial all the alterations made.

7.62 Check of detailed jamabandis by revenue officers - The tehsildar or Naib-

tahsildar in charge of the circle in which the village lies shall make his final attestation on
the spot and shall observe the following instructions:-
(1) At least 25 percent of the khatauni holdings should be read out on the spot
and in the presence of the assembled right-holders,
(2) At least 25 percent of the mutations attached to the jamabandis should be
compared with the khewats concerned,
(3) At least 25 percent of the khewat holdings should be compared with the
old jamabandis,
(4) At least 25 percent of the khewat entries in the original copy should be
compared with the corresponding entries in the patwari's copy of the
The number of the field of the fields, the tatima shairas of which have been
attested, must be specified as also that of the unattested mutations entered before the 16th
June or the date approved by the director of Land Records; of these there should be as
few as possible. This check must usually be carried out in the cold weather months
between the end of the kharif and the beginning of the rabi girdawari. For the purposes of
this check the revenue officer should take with him the copy of the jamabandi which has
been filed in the tahsil, and he should record on this the report of the attestation and a list
of mistakes discovered and alterations ordered. The report should specify what and how
many entries were attested by personal enquiry from the right-holders and when and
where the attestation was made. A copy of the report signed by the tehsildar or naib-
tahsildar as the case may be should be attached to the patwari' copy of the jamabandi.
Any alterations that may be found to be necessary should be made in both copies of the
jamabandi and initialed by the revenue officer under whose orders they are made. When
this has been done, the revenue officer should fill in two copies of the final attestation
slip in the form given below and attach one copy to each of the two copies of the

Final attestation of jamabandi for the year 19 __, village ________,

tahsil ___________ District _________________

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Date of Place of Khatas Verification Khatas khatas Khasra nos. of khasra nos. of Mutation Remarks
attestation attestation attested of mutation checked compared which tatimas which tatimas entered
orders with the with patwari were checked were checked but not
incorporated previous current copy on the spot with reference attested
in the jamabandi of jamabandi to their before
jamabandi incorporation in 15th June
part tahsil map

I certify that all necessary corrections have been made and that this jamabandi is
correct and complete in all respects, except as regards mutations shown in column 8 and
other transfers discovered to have taken place before 15th June last and referred to in the
memorandum attached to the jamabandi.
Dated :________________.
Assistant Collector.

If any part of the local attestation can be done adequately in the hot weather before the
jamabandis are filed in the tahsil, so much the better, but in that case a further check must
be made to see that the kanungo has carried out properly the instructions in paragraph
7.61 supra and the final certificate of correctness alluded to above must not be given until
the second check has been carried out. A revenue officer superior in rank to the tehsildar
or naib-tahsildar should note the result of his attestation on the spot, of a jamabandi on
the copy to be eventually filed in the district office and attach a copy of this note signed
by him to the patwari's copy of the jamabandi. He should initial all alterations made in
both copies of the jamabandi under his orders. The result of any examination of
jamabandis made by such officer in the tahsil office should be entered in the minute book
of the tahsil and not on the jamabandis examined by him. The district kanungo should
note the result of his attestation of a jamabandi in his diary and not on the jamabandi

7.63 Appellate orders - When an order is passed in appeal, on review or revision after
the 15 June, a note in red ink should be made on the original mutation sheet by the
district kanungo if the jamabandis are at sadr or by the office kanungo if the jamabandis
are in tahsil office. The field kanungo of the circle will make a similar note on the
patwari's copy of the mutation order. If the jamabandi entries are not in accordance with
the order finally passed on appeal, review or revision, the patwari should be instructed to
enter a mutation by way of correction of the jamabandi and this mutation will be given
effect in the jamabandi prepared at the subsequent quinquennial attestation. No fee will
be charged.

8.10 Thorough test of the work of the land records agency at tehsils - The work of
the land record agency should be thoroughly tested at the half-yearly inspection of the
tehsil offices prescribed in standing order No.14 and in paragraph 236 of the Land
Administration Manual. A statement of the chief points requiring Manual . A statement
of the chief points requiring attention at the inspection of the tehsil office kanuno's work
is given in annexure F to this chapter. The inspecting officer should thoroughly scrutinize
the mutation work of the tehsildar , naib-tehsildar and any extra naib-tehsildar who has
been employed in the tehsil.(Paragraph 381of Land Administration Manual).


8.11 Quarterly inspections of district revenue record room - In all districts a

separate record room called the Land Record Office has been provided for the revenue
records proper. This office is in charge of the district kanungo, the assistant district
kanungo performing the duties of record keeper. The exercise of constant supervision
over this office will be performed by the Officer Incharge of Revenue Branches. The
Officer-in-charge must inspect the revenue record room at least once a quarter and the
result of all inspections whether occasional ones or those made regularly should be sent
to the Deputy Commissioner for information . On return from the Deputy Commissioner
the inspection not should be kept by the record keeper.
In order to guide the inspecting officer in this inspection a questionnaire has been
drawn up and added as annexure G to this chapter . The inspecting officer is at liberty to
direct his attention to such questions only as he may desire or to go beyond the
questionnaire if he wishes .
8.12 Inspection of district kanungo's office - The district kanungo's office should be
inspected twice a year by the Deputy Commissioner or the Officer Incharge at least one
of the two inspections must be carried out by the Deputy Commissioner himself as
required by paragraph 1.1 of the District Office Manual. A note on this points to be
attended to by inspecting officers will be found in annexure H to this chapter. In the first
fortnight of April and October each Commissioner should report to the Financial
Commissioner's office giving a list of districts in which the required inspection has not
been carried out and stating reason.


8.13 Touring of district kanungo and inspection of patwaris' and field kanungos'
work by him - The district kanungo is responsible for the efficiency of both the office
and field kanungos and should be in camp inspecting their work for at least 15 days in
each month from 1st October to 30th April. His inspections of patwaris' papers while on
tour should mainly be directed to testing the work which the field kanungos have tested.
He should see that their check is systematic and comprehensive and that they understand
the procedure prescribed for patwaris and insist upon its observance by them. It is no part
of his work to attest jamabandis except in so far as this may be necessary to enable him to
check the work of field kanungos and in the course of his girdawari inspections he should
confine himself as far as possible to checking the entries which the field kanungos have
already checked so as to be able to judge how far this check is reliable. It should be
clearly understood that it is not intended that on his tours the district kanungo should do
the work of an extra field kanungo. His proper function on tour is the supervision and
instruction of field kanungos and the checking of their work with a view to correcting and
removing errors and defects of procedure etc,. So far as it may be necessary for him in
pursuance of the above objects personally to check the work of individual patwaris the
relevant instructions contained in annexure C and D to this chapter should be done in
mind. When inspecting a field kanungo's work, the district kanungo will pay attention to
the instructions contained in annexure A. His tours should be so arranged that he shall
test the work of each field kanungo's charge. It is the duty of field kanungo to accompany
the district kanungo to accompany the district kanungo during the inspection of a circle
except when harvest inspection work is in progress.

8.14 Result of inspection to be recorded in field kanungo's dairy and in his own
dairy - The result of each day's inspection shall be written by the district kanungo in red
ink in the diary of the field kanungo whose charge is under inspection and the entries
shall be copied by the field kanungo in the diary of the district kanungo. Such entries
shall always show the numbers of fields inspected, date of testing by field kanungo, the
number of those fields of which the entries were found right and the number of fields
which the entries were found right and the number of fields of which the entries were
found wrong and the general state of the work of the kanungo's charge in progress at the
time of his inspection in respect of its forwardness or backwardness. The district kanungo
should show in his inspection notes the date of the previous inspection of each field
kanungo's circle visited so that inspecting officers may be able to see at a glance whether
any circle is not being neglected.

8.15 Inspection of office kanungo's work - Results of the district kanungo's

inspection of the records of an office kanungo shall be reported to the Deputy
Commissioner not later than the day following the report being submitted through the
tehsildar, who will forward it to the Sub- Divisional Officer. Each tehsil office shall be
inspected by the district kanungo not less than once in the half year ending March . A
note on points specially to be attended to by the officers inspecting the tehsil will be
found in annexure F to this chapter. It does not, however, embrace all the points to be
notice by the district kanungo whose inspection should be still more searching. The
inspection note shall be recorded in the minute book separately maintained in each tehsil
for the inspection notes of the district kanungo.


8.16 Maintenance of inspection note-books - At each district office and each tehsil
there should be an inspection note-book in which inspecting officers should note the
results of their inspections. It will be the duty of controlling officers on every subsequent
inspection to see that defects previously noted have been corrected . The results of these
inspections should be borne in mind by the Deputy Commissioner and Commissioner
when they write their yearly note of officers. The minute book should contain butts and
be bound in boards or leather. A separate minute book shall be kept in each tehsil office
for the inspection notes of Director of Land Records. Copies of all minutes recorded by
district or tehsil office should be forwarded to the Financial Commissioners' office for
record .When a Commissioner inspects a district or tehsil office he should forward a copy
of his note in the minute book to the financial Commissioner for information and
similarly a Deputy Commissioner should send a copy of his inspection note to the
Commissioner of the division. For inspection notes recorded by Director of Land
Records, paragraph 1.4 may be consulted.
Inspecting Officers should have the required number of spare copies of inspection
notes prepared simultaneously with the fair copy prepared for signature. These notes
should be sent out without delay and in any case should reach the tehsil concerned within
a fortnight of the inspection.

8.17 Inspection notes to be properly attended to by the officers for whose benefit
they are recorded - It has been found that the inspection note recorded by inspecting
officers do not receive proper attention of the officers for whose benefit they are
recorded. In some cases they are not even pasted into the file book maintained for the
purpose . In others no action is taken to rectify the defects pointed out therein for month,
and thus they lose their value. Deputy Commissioner and their Assistants should see that
the defects brought out in the inspection notes are promptly set right and persons failing
in this duty should be severely dealt with.
Point requiring attention at the inspection of a field kanungo's work


(a) Does the field kanungo reside within his circle at the entries in the dairy of a patwari
and report to the tehsildar any matter which is important and requires his
orders?(Paragraph 2.46).
(b) Does the field kanungo reside within his circle at the headquarters nominated by the
Collector ; if not, has he got the written permission by the Collector to reside
elsewhere?(Paragraph 2.48)
(c) Has the field kanungo been visiting the patwari's circle at least once a month and
what work he inspected each time?(Paragraph 2.48)

2. Has he got a complete edition of the following (Paragraph 8.4):-

(1) Land Records Manual

(2) Financial Commissioners' standing order No. 32 (Taccavi loans),
(3) A copy of the rules contained in paragraphs 441 and 505 of the Settlement
(4) Menstruation Manual,
(5) Rules showing the duties of lambardars and chowkidars (Part II , Jantri
(6) A ready Reckoner regarding the calculation of areas.


3. Has he in his possession two steel rods adjusted to the length meter and kept in
hollow bamboos ?(Paragraph 2.33).

4. Does he periodically examine and test the patwari's adda?(Paragraph 3.70)

Register of Patwaris' work
5. Is the register kept in the prescribed form and up to date ? Field kanungo's
Statement of tour (Paragraph 2.51).

6. Ascertain that when girdawari, bachh and diluvion work are going on, his whole
time is given to supervising this work, and that at other times he inspects each patwari's
work at least once a month. (Paragraph 2.47)


7. Does the field kanungo check the Patwari's work systematically and carefully
field by field?

8. Does the field kanungo check the girdawari of all villages in the circle of each
patwari? (Paragraph 2.47)

9. Does he at each visit check the list of changes with details placed before him by
the patwari?(Paragraph 9.9)

10. Did the field kanungo promptly check the jinswar statement to see that crops have
been entered under their proper heads , that areas are correct and that they have been
correctly converted into hectares from the local standard? (Paragraph 9.11)

10-A. Did the field kanungo check the Halat Dehi Statements (Thur, Sem, Chos and
deposit of sand affected area) to find out the correct details thereof?

11. Does he check carefully and attest all alterations of entries once made in the
khasra?(Paragraph 9.9)

12. Did the field kanungo check the patwari's diary and satisfy himself that no
alterations have been made in the khasra girdawari after bachh papers have been drawn
out or corrected and in the case of alterations made , a note has been made in the diary?
(Paragraph 9.9(b)
13. Does he inspect and note the condition of every pakka survey mark and
trijunction pillar? (Paragraph 4.11)

14. In districts to which paragraphs 4.28 to 4.31 are applicable , does he at the kharif
girdawari draw up a list of all new fields which have come in to existence since the last
[quinquennial] jamabandi was drawn up owing to changes of the kind mentioned in
paragraph 4.21, and which ought to be incorporated in the map?


15. Have all entries in the mutation register been attested by the field kanungo after
examining the papers concerned?(Paragraph 7.4 (ii)

16. Does he attest carefully the entries made by the patwari in the foil and counterfoil
of the mutation register?(Paragraph 7.4(ii)

17. Where map of new field numbers is entered on the back of a mutation sheet, does
he (a) check the dimensions and areas on the spot, and sign his name with a note "attested
on the spot ,"(b) see that the measurement correspond with the area actually transferred
in the case of mutations due to sales, etc.?(Part D of Chapter 4 and paragraph 7.8)


18. Ascertain whether the field kanungo brings the genealogical tree up to date as
prescribed by paragraph 7.66.

19. Was the previous jamabandi of the village under quinquennial attestation read out
to the Zamindars in the cold weather by the field kanungo , the shajra nasab brought up to
date, mutations entered and a list prepared showing the fields requiring amendments?
(Paragraphs 7.57)
20. In June , July and August , while new jamabandis are under preparation , does the
field kanungo visit each patwari's circle at least once a month and supervise the timely
and accurate preparation of the jamabandis and statements which accompany them?
(Paragraph 2.48)

21. Was the jamabandi under preparation attested by the field kanungo on the spot
holding in the presence of the Zamindars during July or August , and were mistakes
detected , corrected by him in red ink?(Paragraph 7.60)

22. Does he see that all mutations attested by June 15th have been correctly
incorporated in the jamabandi? (Paragraph 7.56).

23. Ascertain that-

(a) he makes all alterations in red ink himself as far as possible and gives a copy of
the list of errors and alterations to the patwari to be switched into his copy of the
(b) he signs the alterations made by the patwari in his copy at his next inspection of
the village (Paragraph 7.61)
(c) after the revenue officer's attestation the alterations made by him are entered by
the patwari in his copy and signed by the field kanungo.

24. Were the statistical statements checked by the field kanungo in the tehsil during
the month of September? Were the mistakes corrected by the field kanungo himself and a
copy of the jamabandi?(Paragraph 7.61)

25. Has the field kanungo signed the alterations made by the patwari in his copy of
the jamabandi due to the mistakes detected at the checking done in the month of
September in the tehsil?(Paragraph 7.61)

26. Has the field kanungo checked on the spot the tatimma shajras prepared to show
the changes referred to in paragraph 4.23?
27. In districts to which paragraphs 4.28 to 4.31 are applicable , has he supervised the
transfer of the corrections shown in the tatimma shajra to the patwari's copy of the field
map, and to the fair copy kept in tehsil , and noted that he has done so in his note of the
result of checking the jamabandi?

28. Did the field kanungo compare the list of pensioners in the patwari's copy of
jamabandi with the extract supplied to him by the tehsildar and make the necessary
alterations in red ink?(Paragraph 63 III of standing order No. 7).


29. In villages for which a jamabandi is not being prepared does the field kanungo
compare the patwari's copy of the fard book with the last jamabandi and the mutation
register, and sign it after satisfying himself of its correctness.
29-A. Does the field Kanungo check the implementation of remission as a result of
Thur, Sim, Chos and deposit of sand affected area?


30. Is the field kanungo's supervision thorough and accurate?


31. Does the field kanungo carefully check and sign the map and khatauni, after
comparing them with each other and with the village map and last jamabandi, and after
satisfying himself that no numbers have been omitted or entered twice?(Paragraph

Inspection note on the work of ________________ field kanungo of ____________circle

of tehsil ____________district______________


I. Add as many blank sheets to the form as may be found to be necessary to add.

II. Total the statistics given in the statement at page infra for the kanungos' circle.

III. On the subsequent pages:-

A. – Discuss the kanungos' work in paragraphs numbered according to the questions

given in paragraphs 8.8 reproduced below:-

(1.) Is the kanungo's touring systematic and adapted to the work to be supervised at
different seasons?(Paragraphs 2.49).

(2.) Has he done his best to prevent delay by patwaris in entering up mutations and
has he reported any patwari who failed to carry out his instructions or to comply with the
order in paragraph 3.27 and 2.45.

(3.) Has he checked the girdawari of each patwari in his circle thoroughly and
systematically? 'This will be ascertained at the girdawari inspection and the result noted

(4.) Has he compiled with the instructions relating to the preparation or the check by
him , as the case may be, of-
(a) the genealogical tree (Paragraph 7.66)
(b) Jamabandi (Paragraph 7.60 and 7.61)
(c) the supplementary maps (Paragraph 7.3 and part D of chapter 4)
(d) the statements of the village note-book (Paragraph 10.1)

(5.) Has he carefully supervised the dilluvion work in his circle , if any?

(6.) Has he carefully supervised the girdawari work regarding Thur, Sem, Chos and
deposit of sand affected areas in his circle (if any)?

(7.) Has he checked both copies of the fard book carefully (Paragraph 3.21).

(8.) Has he a good knowledge of the agricultural and general conditions of his circle?

B.- State whether the kanungo attested mutation entries with sufficient care and without
unreasonable delay [Paragraph 7.4 (ii.)]

C.- Discuss any other points that have been examined.

D.- Give definite finding on all the questions that have been examined . Reasons for the
findings, if such reasons have been already given under A,B and C, need not be repeated .

E.- Give a general estimate of the value of the kanungo's work based on your findings.

F. Avoid discussing the work of individual patwaris. In their cases a note in the
patwari register or a separate proceeding is required.


1 2 3 4 5
Harvest inspection register

Name of Name of Total No. of No. retested No. tested

Patwari's village Field

6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Annual Record
Genealogical tree Jamabandi Supplementary maps

No. Tested
Total No. No. Tested Total No. No. Tested Total No. On the Other-
of owners of khataunis of new spot wise.

13 14 15 16 17 18

Diluvion Assessment Annual Bachh Papers Village Note Book

Total area Area Tested Total No. No. Tested Number of No. of Halat
affected with jama- statements Dehi state-
bandi and ments (thur),
mutations sem,chos &
sand affected
area) chkd.

19 20 21
Total number entered Number Tested Explanatory remarks , if
since last inspection. necessary.


The following memorandum shows the main points which call for the attention of
officers inspecting the work of patwaris. The memorandum is not intended to be
exhaustive. Some of the points that can be made use of at the time of inspection, have
been given in annexure D.

1. The inspecting officer shall take into camp with him a sketch map with the limits
of patwari circles, and assessment circle marked on it.

2. He should every evening spread out this map and settle with the field kanungo
what he will don the following day, asking him particulars concerning the villages and
patwaris which lie in his route, discussing the agricultural circumstances of their circles,
and then giving distinct orders as to the next day's work.

3. It should be the rule to give notice of a coming inspection, and to avoid taking
village officers, either lambardars or patwaris , by surprise, if it can be avoided .
Similarly, there should be fixed method of inspecting ; that method being shaped to the
matters which need most attention in each locality.

4. If crop girdawaris are going on, the inspecting officers should try to see two or
three patwaris each day, but they should be seen at their work , and not called away from
it. On approaching a patwari during crop inspection, he should be made to go on just as if
the inspecting officer were not there. After the patwari has done 20or 30 of those fields
and discuss the entries. If an entry appears to be wrong the patwari should be encouraged
to explain his entry , and if his explanations shows that he is overlooking any rule or
order , pains should be taken to refer him to the instruction which he has overlooked and
to explain it to him.

5. If crop girdawari is not going on , the inspecting officer should not try to see
more than one patwari in a day. Word should be sent on to the patwari the previous
evening that he is to get out all his papers, arranging those of each village in a separate
bundle; and the lambardars should also be made to attend, if possible.

6. The inspecting officer on arrival should first examine the patwari's work book and
(a) whether the entries in the work book are up to date (paragraph 3.85);
(b) whether the patwari's outrun of work is sufficient;
(c) whether all the points mentioned by previous inspecting officers have been
attended to ;
(d) whether the patwari having been summoned to produce documents, attended the
court in person (Rule 6; Order XVI; Civil Procedure Code);
Whether he was ever summoned during the currency of girdawari (paragraph 1.47 of
standing order no. 3 and paragraph 2 in Chapter XV of the Rules and Orders of the High
Court of the Punjab , Volume I);

(e) when the circle was last visited by the tehsildar or naib-tehsildar , what kind of
inspection was made by him and what instructions were made by him and what
instructions were given to the patwari.

7. He should also examine the village diary and see-

(a) that the leaves are numbered and stamped with the tehsil seal and that the office
kanungo has certified in his own handwriting and under his signature the total
number of leaves (Paragraph 3.80);
(b) that all fields in which changes in rent or cultivating occupancy were discovered
during girdawari by the patwari have been entered by him in his dairy and verified
and totaled by the kanungo , but not the field numbers in which the change is
such as to necessitate an entry in the register of mutations (Paragraph 9.9);
(c) that the patwari has promptly reported to the Veterinary Assistant Surgeon
concerned and the tehsildar any outbreak of cattle disease (Paragraph 3.15);
(d) that all important occurrence in the patwari's circle have been noted in the diary
on the day on which they came to the patwari's notice and that the general
condition of crops , cattle and husbandry is noted at the end of each month
(Paragraph 3.84);
(e) that the patwari has entered in his diary the deaths of pensioners residing in his
circle and the marriage or remarriage of females in receipt of family pensioners
(paragraph 62 (i) of standing order no.7);
(f) that the patwari has entered in his diary extracts from the annual list of changes by
lapses which have occurred during the year and from that of assignees of land
revenue who have neither attended nor furnished a life certificate (paragraph 59
(v) of standing order no.7).
(g) that the patwari has entered in his village diary (roznamcha) all cases in which
there has been an increase of the mortgage money on existing mortgages and has
included the increased amounts in statements nos. 5 and 5-A , of the village note
book (Paragraph 10.1)"

8. He should examine the patwarkhana and see that in case where there are no
patwarkhanas the patwari has made satisfactory arrangements for his office(paragraph
3.57 (2))-
(a) Has the patwari got a box or almirah for his papers?(Paragraph 3.62).
(b) Has he got a plotting scale, chain , cross staff and a sufficient number of flag
staves a wooden board or in hill districts a plane table and slighting rod in place of
the board ? (Paragraph 3.68)
(c) Is his adda correct ? (Paragraph 3.70).

9. The bundle of each village should then be looked through with the object of
ascertaining whether the patwari has all papers which the rules require and if he keeps
them in order. These papers should be-
(a) the patwari's copy of the current settlement record of rights and map (Paragraph
(b) the annual papers of the expired settlement so far as they are left with the patwari
(P3.101), as they are left with the patwari (paragraph 3.101);
(c) Khasra girdawari,
(d) Jamabandi with appendices (Paragraphs 4.27 to 4.32 and 7.67).
(e) Registers of mutations,
(f) Fields maps ,
(g) genealogical tree,
(h) Diary ,
(i) Village note books (paragraphs 10.1)
(j) Alluvion and dilluvion papers, if any ,
(k) Work book (paragraph 3.85),
(l) Register of survey equipment (paragraph 3.88)
(m) Fard Bachh (paragraph 3.21),
(n) Books of reference (paragraph 3.78) and file of instructions (paragraph 3.80).
10. Having thus gone through preliminaries the papers of any one village can be taken
up for detailed examination. There are two main points to consider-
(1) the accurate record of agricultural statistics;
(2) whether the mutations and partitions have been recorded and given effect to in the

11. As regards agricultural statistics statements I and IX of the village note-book

should be examined with special reference to the following points-


(1) Column 2 should equal columns 3 to 11.

(2) Column 13 should equal column 11 plus 12.
(3) Deleted .
(4) Column 14 should agree with corresponding columns in statements II and III.
(5) (a) Column 22 should equal columns 24 plus 25.
(b) Column 26 plus 30 of previous year should equal columns 28 plus 30 of the
current year.

(c) Column 27 plus 31 of previous year should equal column 29 plus 31 of the
current year.


(6) Is there a separate heading for each crop shown separately in statement No. IV-A
and B of the Season and Crop Report , and are the crops correctly grouped?
(7) Are rabi figures and extra rabi figures entered in the proper columns?


(8) See that the entries in columns 3-16 tally with the kisbandi, and if not, ascertain
the reasons.

(9) Shamilat land transferred should be included in this statement.

(10) Columns 14,19 and 24 should show details of land irrigated.
(11) Where ala malkiyat is transferred , columns 14,19 and 24 should show the
superior owner's due s and where occupancy rights are transferred, these columns should
be blank.


(12) In column 3 separate details should be given for "land-owners", "shamlat",

"abadi" and "sarkar".
(13) In village note-books columns 6 and 7 should agree with columns 2 and 8 of
statement No. I and column 8 with column 5 of statement No. IV.
(14) Columns 17 and 18 should agree with columns 7 and 8 groups A and B of the list
of assignments and columns 19 and 20 with columns 9 and 10 of group C. Column 2
should contain particulars of the assignees where the assignments are large.


(15) In the village note-books column 3 should agree with column 7 of statement No.
(16) Columns 6 to 8 should equal column 9.
(17) Column 18 should equal column 9.
(18) Column 19 should show any special rates of batai for special crops , and if the
tenant pays a share of the land revenue or cash in addition to kind rents ; this should be
tated . Where irrigation is done from a government canal, it should be noted how the
landlord and tenant share the liability for the canal charges in the case of (a) cash , (b)
kind rents.


(19) Column 7.- No entry should be made against total.

(20) Column 10 and 11 . – No entries should be made against separate classes of land ,
but only against total.
(21) Columns 5 and 9.- The entries against total should agree with column 7 of
statement No. VII.


(22) See that main tribes are entered in column 125.

(23) See that important differences are explained by the field kanungos.

12. The register of mutations should then be looked at. If the village under
consideration is a fairly large one and the register is nearly blank, it is an almost certain
indication that the mutations are not receiving proper attention . This point should be
talked out with the patwari and lambardar.I is a good plan to send for the chaukidar's
register of deaths and see if it contains the name of any holder of land whose holdings
have not been entered in the mutation register. The following points should also be borne
in mind:-
(a) Have all cases which were detected at the time of attestation of the jamabandi on
the spot by the field kanunugo and at harvest inspections, or about which entries
were made in the diary , been entered up in the mutation register? (Paragraphs
9.14 and 7.57).
(b) Were al cases of inheritance entered in the mutation register within three months
of the entry of the death of right-holders in the chaukidar's register ? (Paragraph
(c) Have mutation been promptly entered up from registration memoranda supplied
to the patwari by the field kanungo and those memos returned by the field
kanungo and those memos. returned by the field kanunugo ? (Paragraph 7.32 (iii).
(d) Are interrogatories issued in accordance with the instructions contained in
paragraph 7.31.
(e) Do entries in columns 9 to 12 of the register correspond in every case with the
order passed by the revenue officer? (Paragraph 7.5)
13. The genealogical tree should also be examined and the owners asked after name
by name, the replies being com[pared with the entries noted therein.

14. The jamabandi should be examined with a view to see –

(a) that owners' holdings are arranged in the order in which their names are given in
the shajra nasab (Paragraph 7.41 (1);
(b) that the khatauni holdings under one proprietary holding are arranged in the
following order :-
First, the holding cultivated by the owner himself , then those of tenants-at-will
(Paragraph 7.41 (2) );

(c) that in cases where there are several tenancy holdings under one proprietor, the
tenants are entered in a alphabetical order in their several classes (Paragraph 7.41
(d) that each patti or taraf is entered in the order in which it appears in the shajra
nasab (Paragraph 7.41(3);
(e) that the Gram Panchayat is entered after the holdings of the owners with a
separate khewat number (Paragraph 7.41(4).
(f) that the name , father's name, grand father's name and residence of owner is given
in column 4 and in the case of officers of the Indian Army their rank also
(Paragraph 7.41 (4);
(g) that the status of the tenants is given in column 5 (Paragraph 7.41(5);
(h) whether the following facts are noted in the column of remarks of the jamabandi:-
Sinking of a new well , bringing into use of a deserted well desertion of a well ,
hypothecation of land to Government as security for a takavi loan, terms of collateral
mortgage , the names , description and shares of assignees of land revenue (in a red ink) ,
and the nature of the registered deed and its date, if the mutatin relating to the deed and
its date , if the mutation relating to the deed was rejected ?(Paragraph 7.41 (10);

(i) if changes of ownership have not been made in the jamabandi unless supported by
a mutation order . For this purpose a few entries may be checked with khasra
girdawari , mutation register and the fard bachh;
(j) whether after comparing the list of revenue assignments with the muafi register
and the list pensioners with the annual list of pensioners received from the sadr
kanungo's office, the entries are up to date;
(k) whether the patwari report promptly to the kanungos the death of muafidars and
pensioners and the marriage or re-marriage of females in receipt of a family
pension? (Paragraph 63 (v) of standing order no.7).

15. The khasra girdawari should be examined and the following points should be
borne in mind :-
(a) Are the page totals given at the end of the day on which girdawari was done ?
(Paragraph 9.10)
(b) Was the rabi girdawari of the villages under quinquennial attestation commenced
first and were its mutations entered up before another village was taken up?
(Paragraph 7.58).
(c) Was the jinswar statement prepared at the completion of the field inspection of a
village and before commencing girdawari in a second village ?(Paragraph 9.11)
(d) Has the jinswar statement been copied in the village note-book immediately after
the field kanungo has checked it and before its submission to the tehsil office
kanungo?(Paragraph 9.11)
(e) Check a few entries made in the khasra girdawari in the presence of the owners
and tenants concerned to see that –
(a) the names of and the areas under crops have been correctly entered (Paragraph
9.3 (ix)& (x);

(b) kharaba has been correctly allowed. (Paragraph 9.3 (ix)& (x);

(c) in the case of mixed crops for which there is no separate column in the jinswar
statement the area of each crop is given separately.(Instruction (g) in paragraph
9.3 (x) ; and

(d) changes in cultivating occupancy , possession and rent have been correctly noted
(Paragraph 9.3 (xi).
(f) Has the Halat Dehi Statement been copied in the Halat Dehi Register after the
field kanungo has checked it and before its submission to the Tehsil Office
Kanungo ?

16. Ascertain from the patwari and the zamindars if there is any partition case
pending in the village and the cause of delay in its disposal . There is an old tradition
among revenue officials that no partition should be recognized unless a partition file has
been made for it in the tehsil. The consequence is that brothers and relation divide their
lands , and hold separately for years without the partition being shown in the village
papers. It is not always easy to trace out these cases , but usually the cultivating
arrangements are correctly recorded under the column for cultivation and a comparison of
the cultivating entry with the ownership entry will show how the facts stand.

17. If unrecorded mutations and partitions are discovered , it is a good plan for the
inspecting officer to have one or two cases written up before him and to attest them

18. The bachh papers should be examined with a view to see-

(a) that the fard bachh contains columns to provide for the entry of all demands to be
collected through lambardar (e.g. special surcharge, local rate etc.);
(b) that the fard bachh was promptly prepared after the completion of kharif
girdawari (Paragraph 9.14)
(c) that the patwari furnishes any information or explanation of accounts that may be
required to facilitate collection; but does not himself receive payment or take any
part in the collection of the revenue (Paragraph 3.20);
(d) if the lambardars understand bachh and if they themselves collect the revenue or
leave the patwari to do so; also whether the khewatdars have paid no more than
the accounts show.
19. Ascertain whether there are in the village any permanent survey marks erected by
the Survey Department (Chapter 4) and if so whether these are correctly entered in the
map and in the khasra girdawari and are actually in position and in good order . See by
the tehsildar and naib-tehsildar.

20. In villages where a fixed boundary has been la id by the Survey Department it is a
good thing to inspect some of the permanent base line marks and make sure that the
patwari can lay down the boundary from them.

21. A careful inspection often lasts three hours or more especially if the people have
much to say. Brief notes should be made steadily all through the inspection, and where
short-comings are found, an attempt should be made to teach from the manuals , and
blame should be reserved for only the more serious errors and shortcomings.

22. It should be ascertained whether the patwari or any of his relatives own land in
the circle or is he related to any money-lender ; how far is his home from his circle ; and
does he introduce any Zamindar to any legal practitioner or take an undue interest in any
civil or criminal case?(Paragraph 3.28).

23. The result f the inspection should be finally recorded in the patwari's work book
and in the field kanungo's register kept up under the instructions contained in paragraph
2.51 in the former in detail, in the latter very briefly.

Question to be used as a guide by revenue officers when inspecting patwaris' work.


1. What is the condition of the cloth field map?

2. Is it renewed at the time of filing of every jamabandi of the village ?(Paragraph
3. Have all the new fields shown in the tatima shajra transferred to the patwari's
copy of the map?(Paragraph 4.31)
4. Have the new fields which are very small been drawn on a larger scale in the
margin of the map? (Paragraph 4.31).
5. Have the new fields been numbered correctly? (Paragraph 4.26).
6. Does the map show the date on which it was renewed last? (Paragraph 4.30).


7. Does the work book begin from the beginning of September? (Paragraph 3.85).
8. Are the entries in the work book up to date?(Paragraph 3.85).


9. Is there a leather outer-cover for the diary?(Paragraph 3.89)

10. Has the patwari entered the condition of crops, etc, at the end of each Saka
month? (Paragraph 3.84)
11. Has the patwari affixed to every entry a separate serial number in large and clear
figures? Is each entry closed by an asterisk and is no blank line left between two
consecutive entries? Are orders and instruction relating to rules of practice entered in
red ink ? Are the dates entered according to both Saka and English calendars ?
(Paragraph 3.82)
12. Has the kanungo's signature been affixed to all orders and instructions given by
him and to all facts reported to him ? (Paragraph 3.83).
13. Has the manner in which important occurrences came to the patwari's knowledge
been stated and the signature or seal of one of the lambardars concerned added to the
entry? (Paragraph 3.81)
14. Has the fact of the receipt of registration memoranda been noted by the patwari in
the diary, recording the serial number of the sheet received by him ?(Paragraph 7.32 (iii)
15. Does the patwari enter in his diary a copy of entries in the first four columns of
the lists of accepted and rejected mutations?(Paragraph 7.38 (v).


16. Has a map been drawn on the back of the foil and the counterfoil when a part or a
share of a field has been transferred and separate possession has been taken? (Paragraph
17. In entering mutations by order of court, does the patwari note in red ink in column
15 of the counterfoil (a) the name of court ,(b) names of parties and (c) abstract of
decree ?(Paragraph 7.12).
18. Does the patwari's report in column 15 of the register bear the signature or thumb-
impression of the lambardar concerned?(Paragraph 7.4 (i))


19. Is the name of the taraf or patti entered across the page above the entry of the first
field included in that tarafor patti where there are tarafh , or patties and are all fields
included in each taraf or patti in one series?(Paragraph 9.3(ii))
20. Are the new numbers of sub-divided fields and not at the end of the khasra?
[Paragraph 9.3 ii)]
21. Is a circle in red ink drawn round the number of every field of which the revenue
is assigned? (Paragraph 9.3(vii)
22. Is a red ink entry without number made for every survey mark or trijudiction
pillar following the field in which the mark is placed and which is adjoins?(Paragraph
9.3 (vii)
23. Are the areas in column 4 and crop given in figures and not in rakams ?
(Paragraph 9.3 (ix)
24. In case of irrigated or sailab crops, is the class of irrigation or the word sailab
given along with the name of the crop in the column for crops.(Paragraph 9.3 (x) (a)
24-A. In the case of area affected by Thur, Sem , Chos and deposit of sand as the case
may be shown in column for crops?(Paragraph 9.3 (h) (x).

25. Are entries about khali, banjar jaded, banjar kadim and ghair mumkin areas
correct? (Paragraph 9.3 (x) (d) (e) (f))
26. Is the condition of wells noted at the time of harvest inspection correct
?(Paragraph 9.3 (X) (h))
27. Is a note given against a field in which a new has been sunk ? (Paragraph 9.3(x)
27- A. Is the depth of water table of selected wells recorded in Halat Dehi Statement as in
the remarks column of kharif jinswar in the village note book ?

28. Is the fact that no change in cultivating occupancy has occurred in the kharif
indicated by a stroke of pen in the column for changes of rights, possession and rent,
from the left hand top corner to the right hand top corner to the left hand bottom corner ,
if no change has occurred in rabi ?(Paragraph 9.3 (x)
29. Is a red cross given in the column for "changes or rights, possession and rent "
against field whose areas or boundaries have changed in such a manner as to necessitate a
correction of the field map?(Paragraph 9.3 (xi)
30. Is the date on which girdawari was done on every page?(Paragraph 9.10)

31. Is the name of the rabi cultivator given red ink under the kharif tenant without a
separate khatauni number in column 5 where a field is cultivated by different persons in
the kharif and rabi harvests?(Paragraph 7.41 (5)
32. Is the amount entered in red ink in the column for demand where the revenue of a
holding is assigned (Paragraph 7.41 (9)
33. Is a reason for non payment of rent given in the column for rent is paid by the
person in possession who is not the owner.(Paragraph 7.41 (8)
34. In the totals of revenue of patties or tarafs and of the whole village , is the whole
revenue given in black and muafi or jagir in red ink?(Paragraph 7.41(9)
35. Is the serial number and the nature of a mutation given in pencil in the column of
remarks as soon as a mutation is entered and is similar note given in red ink if and when
the mutation is sanctioned? Is the serial number of fard badar entries similarly noted with
the addition of word "badar"?(Paragraph 7.2)
36. Does the patwari note in pencil in the shajra nasab against the entry affected the
number of the mutation entered and affecting the shajra nasab ? Is it amended in red ink
in accordance with the mutation order?(Paragraph 7.1)
37. Is all land owned by government entered at one place after the village common
land , the word "Central or State Government "being entered in the column of ownership
the name of the department concerned in the column of cultivation and the purpose for
which the land is used in lieu of soil entries?(Paragraph 7.42)
38. Does the patwari's copy of the jamabandi contain a frad badar (Paragraph 7.29)
39. Does the patwari's copy of the jamabandi contain a list of revenue assignments
and pensions and was every entry in the list attested by the tehsildar or naib-
tehsildar?(Paragraph 7.64)


40. Has the kharif copy of the fard bachh been promptly given to the
lambardar?({Paragraph 3.21)
41. Has the kharif copy of the fard bachh been corrected after the rabi girdawari
?(Paragraph 9.14)
41 A. Has implementation of remission as a result of affect of Thur, Sem, Chos and
deposit of Sand been done?



42. Does the patwari maintain a register in form P. XII and has the amount of fee
realized from each applicant been duly noted therein ?(Paragraph 3.48 (iv)
43. Does the patwari enter in his diary (a) the field no and khatas to which an extract
applied for relates , (b) the fee charged for the extracts , and (c) the name of person from
whom charged ?(Paragraph 3.49 (i)
44. If possible, make enquiries form the parties concerned whether the amounts
entered in the diary and the register were actually paid . Check the entries in the diary
with the register ?(Paragraph 3.49(i)
45. Does the field kanungo check the register every month when he goes to the
patwari 's circle and does he sign when he has done so ? (Paragraph 3.48 (iv)
46. Has the register been duly checked by the tehsildar or naib-tehsildar? (Paragraph
3.48 (iv.)
47. Has the fee been duly paid into the treasury monthly ?(Paragraph 3.48 (iv)
48. Does the patwari prepare a statement showing the fees realized from 1st April to
30th September and another for the period 1st October to 31st March and does not he
submit it to the field kanungo by the 10th of October and 10th April , respectively and is
their dispatch noted in the register? (Paragraph 3.50 (a).)

Points for enquiry at the inspection of the land record work of tehsildar and naib –


1. Do the tehsildar and naib tehsildar maintain diaries in the form prescribed in
paragraph 8.12 ?
2. Ascertain from the diary that they –
(a) spend alternate fortnight in camp between the beginning of October and the end
of April; and
(b) arrange their tours systematically so as to make a thorough inspection of the work
of each patwari's circle and of as many estates as possible . (Land Administration
Manual , paragraphs 244 and 245)


3. Are patwaris and kanungos employed on duties other than those laid down in the
rules , or are they collected at the tehsil or other central place for the more convenient
preparation of jambandis and other returns (Paragraphs 3.17)
4. Are the patwaris detained at the tehsil in September when the jamabandis are
being checked ?(Paragraph 2.50)


5. General duties .- Do the tehsildar and naib tehsildar –

(a) so lay out their work that no part of their charge remains unvisited ;
(b) inspect a few villages thoroughly rather then a great number nominally;
(c) pay special attention to villages in which suspensions are likely to be
required? (Land Administration Manual , paragraph 363)
6. Do they test carefully the entries of kharaba ?(Land Administration Manual
paragraph 354).

6. – A. Do they test carefully the entries of Thur , Sem , Chos and deposit of sand
affected fields ?(Rule 6 of the Punjab Land Revenue (Thur , Sem, Chos and Sand
Remission and Suspension Rules , 1960)


7. (i) General –Do the tehsildar and naib-tehsildar

(a) see that the orders referred to in paragraphs 3.27 (3) and 2.45 are carried out by
patwaris and field kanungos respectively, and report offending patwaris and
kanungos to the collector;
(b) report for action by the Collector neglect by right-holders of section 39 of Land
Revenue Act;
(c) dispose of pending mutations promptly ;
(d) visit the estates for which jamabandis are to be prepared before the middle of
January and as for as possible attest all the then pending mutations by June 15th;
(e) dispose of mutations in estates referred to in (d) only on the spot and of other
mutations at some place in the patwari's circle or adjacent to it ? Paragraph 247 of
Land Administration Manual).
(f) dispose of mutations of consolidation of holdings promptly and on the spot.

(ii) (a) What was the total number of pending mutations in the patwari's circle at the
time of the last visit by the revenue officer concerned? Were all the mutations attested
each time by the revenue officer and how far from the patwari's circle (Paragraph 242
of Land Administration Manual).

(b) Has special attention been paid by the tehsil revenue officer to the disposal of the
mutations of estates under quuinquennial attestation before 15th June and have all
mutations of such villages been decided in the village themselves?(Paragraph 7.56)
8. Do they dispose promptly of all interrogatories sent to them under paragraph 7.31.

9. Mutation orders –
(a) Are the contents of Mutation orders in accordance with the instructions in
paragraph 383 of Land Administration Manual?
(b) Are they and the Mutation entries neatly legibly written. (Paragraph 7.4 (iii)
(c) Are the revenue officer's orders on the patwari's copy neatly and legibly written
and are they in his own handwriting ?(Paragraph 7.4(iv.)
(d) Does the order specify the numbers of the fields affected and their total area
except where an entire holding is affected and in cases of undisputed inheritance
(Paragraph 7.4(ii)
(e) In cases of transfer by sale , mortgage , lease or gift involving consideration value
of Rs. 100 and above, does the mutation order always show whether the
transaction is registered.
(f) In cases of transfer by sale , mortgage or gift does the mutation order always
show whether a share of the shamilat was included in the transfer or not?
(Paragraph 7.19)
(g) Are the instructions relating to absentees in paragraph 281 of the Settlement
Manual carefully compiled with?
(h) Before sanctioning a mutation due to partition, does the attesting officer satisfy
himself that possession has been obtained.

10. Mutation Fees – (a) Has the mutation fee been correctly levied and is it entered in
the handwriting of the attesting officer?(Paragraph 7.14 (6)
(b) In the case of rejected mutations does the attesting officer pass a definite
order as to whether a fee is chargeable or not, and if so, from whom?

(c) Are the fees correctly assessed?

(d) Is the amount due on account of fees collected and paid into the treasury
regularly? (Paragraph 7.34)

11. Jamabandis.- (a) See whether the tehsildar or naib teshildar has been paying
timely visits to those villages which are to be brought under quininquinneial attestation
(Paragraph 7.56)
(b) See whether the right-holders have not been collected at a central for the purpose of
attestation (Paragraph 392 of Land Administration Manual)
(c) See whether the tehsildar or naib tehsildar before signing certificate of attestation has
done the following: -
(i) Read out at least 25 percent of the khatauni holdings in the presence of the assembled
(ii) Compared 25 percent of the mutations with the khewats concerned .
(iii) Compared 25 percent of the khewat holdings with the old jamabandi.
(iv) Compared 25 percent of the khewat entries in the original copy with the
corresponding entries in the patwar's copy of the jamabandi.
(v) Specified the number of fields , the tatimma shajras of which have been attested , as
also that of the unattested mutations entered before the 16th June(Paragraph 7.62)
(d) Did the tehsildar or the naib tehsildar correct and initial the mistakes detected at the
time of his attestation both in the government and the patwari's copy of the
jamabandi(Paragraph 7.62)
(e) Does the patwaris copy of the jamabandi bear the tehsildar's or naib-tehsildars
certificate that it correct and up to date with the exception of unattested mutations relating
to facts which had occurred before the 16th June ?(Paragraph 7.62)
(f) Has the tehsilda's or naib tehsildar filled in two copies of the prescribed final
attestation slip and attached one to each of the two copies of the jamabandi?(Paragraph

12. Tatimma shajras .- In districts to which the rules in paragraphs 4.28 to 4.31 are
applicable, do the tehsildar and naib tehsildar when on tour check on the spot the tatimma
shajras and field book (Paragraph 4.28)

13. Do the tehsildar and naib-tehsildar of the circle check some of the entries and sign
the patwari's copy?(Paragraph 3.21)

14. Are Government dues collected and credited into the treasury promptly?



15. In statement No. 10of tehsil copy does the tehsildar in the year in which a new
jamabandi is drawn up, enter a brief history of the village since the last jamabandi was
prepared, or at other times whenever any event of serious importance occurs? Does he
always make such a note when suspensions, recoveries or remissions are ordered?
16. Does he record remarks when necessary in the circle and tehsil note-books ? Are
such remarks recorded annually for tracts where there are fluctuating assessments.?


17. Do the tehsildar and naib-tehsildar carefully supervise the work of the patwaris
and kanungos in alluvial record and assessment work (Land Administration Manual,
paragraph 444)

17-A. Do the tehsildar / Naib-tehsildar carefully supervise the work of the patwaris and
kanungos connected with Thue , Sem, Chos and deposit of Sand affected areas?


18. Does the tehsildar or naib-tehsildar hold the first hearing in or near the village?
Have the parties been properly summoned , and have all the objectors had a reasonable
opportunity of appearing?(Paragraph 9)

19. In his report does he state clearly what are the points remaining for decision, and
deal fully with them.
20. If the partition is to be made by the patwari does the points remaining for decision
and deal fully with them.

21. Does he attest the partition in or near the village ? After attestation does he correct
the khataunis, and communicate the corrections to the kanungo and patwari?(Paragraph

22. Does he dispose of partition work without unnecessary delay.


23. Does the tehsildar supply the patwaris with extracts from the lists of –
(a) changes by lapse which have occurred during the year; and
(b) assignee who have neither attended before him nor furnished a life certificate?
(Standing order No.7, paragraph 59 rule V)

24. Do the tehsildar and naib tehsildar satisfy themselves during their tours that
assignees and pensioners entered in the registers are living , and report their deaths
25. Do they inspect , all muafi institutions regularly , and see that the conditions of
the grants are fulfilled and the assignee are alive?


26. Do the tehsildar and naib tehsildar verify the condition of permanent survey
marks as required in chapter –4 ?

Points requiring at the inspection of the work of the tehsil office kanungo

Before making the inspection the office of the kanungo should be asked to
prepare the statements referred to in X, XI, XII, XVI, XXIX and XXXIV.


1. See that no assistant patwari is made to work with the office kanungo against
paragraph 3.13 (4).

2. See that the office kanungo is not made to keep any registers which are not
prescribed in paragraph 8 of standing order 55 and should be kept by other tehsil


3. Give dates of previous inspections and see that the work has been inspected twice
a year by the deputy Commissioner or his Assistant and twice a year by the district
kanungo (Paragraph 8.14 and paragraph 8.19)

4. Ascertain that the defects pointed out in previous inspections have been promptly

5. See that a separate minute book is maintained for the inspections of Director of
Land Records (Paragraph 8.20)


6. See that the accommodation is sufficient and suitable both for records and for the
office kanungo, if not, what action has been taken on these proposals.

7. Ascertain that the papers withdrawn from patwaris are kept in bastas with
goshwaras . (Paragraphs 19.40(ii)
8. Check a few bastas and see that their contents agree with the entries made in the
goshwaras, and the papers ripe for destruction have been destroyed as required by
paragraph 3.102.


9. See that the office kanungo has got one copy each of the Settlement Manual ,
Land Administration Manual , Land Code, Land Records Manual , Financial
Commissioner standing orders and Director of Land Records Circulars (Paragraph 2.57)
10. See that these books are complete with correction slips up to date and the latest
published indices are pasted in them.
11. See that there are separate files for Financial Commissioners and director of Land
Records' Circulars and that these are up to date.

12. See that a separate file is maintained for the instructions issued by local officers.

13. See that a check list of periodical reports and returns is maintained .

14. See that the office Kanungo has got a table of villages under quinquennial attestation
duly approved by the collector (Paragraph 7.54)



15. See that on 1st February each year the district kanungo sends to the tehsildar a copy
of the additions and corrections communicated to him by the Post-Master and the
Treasury Officer. Also see that the district kanungo compares his list with those of tehsils
at his periodical inspections.
16. See that extracts from this list are duly supplied to field kanungos who compare the
extracts with the lists of pensioners in the patwaris copies of jamabandis and make such
alterations in red ink in the lists are found to be necessary.

17. See that the deaths of pensioners are duly reported by patwaris and on the occasion,
of the death of a military pensioner the pension certificate is recovered by the patwari
from the person in whose custody it is and forwarded through the field kanungo to the
tehsildar for transmission to the Deputy Commissioner.


18. See that the office kanungo maintains a list of villages which contain base line marks
or trignometrical survey stations.
19. See that all sorts of survey marks are inspected by Tehsildars, Naib Tehsildars and
field kanungo when they visit a village containing such marks and note in their diaries the
date in which they find the marks .
20. Ascertain that on the completion of girdawari , patwaris send a note in the prescribed
form as regards the condition of survey pillars in their circles.


21. See that a list of patwarkhanas , in good condition , is maintained.

22. Ascertain that annual report on the conditions of patwarkhanas is sent by field
kanungos on 1st January each year (Paragraph 3.57(viii)(1)
23. Ascertain that the field kanungos' reports are punctually forwarded to the District
Office (Paragraph 3.57(viii).


24. Ascertain that a quinquennial list of patwari and kanungo forms is maintained
(Paragraph 3.94(1)
25. Ascertain that the forms indented for do not exceed the number given in the
quinquennial list and in the case of blank paper , the prescribed scale (paragraph 3.94)
26. See that the indents are dispatched from tehsils by 1st October (Paragraph 3.94(1)
27. See that the balances are correctly shown in the indent.
28. Ascertain that the forms and blank paper are received in Tehsil before the end of July
and distributed among patwaris in September (Paragraph 3.93)
29. Ascertain that the duplicate copies of invoices received from the press are returned
from tehsils within one week of the receipt of forms.


30. Deleted.

31. Deleted.

32. Ascertain from acquaintance rolls that the amount drawn each day is disbursed the
same day(Paragraph 3.34)
33. Ascertain that the purpose for which remittance is made is written by the office
kanungo on the acknowledgement portion of the money-order form (Paragraph 3.36)
34. Ascertain that the salary register is properly maintained , being signed by payees paid
personally and showing the numbers and dates of money orders issued(Paragraph 3.37
(3) and (4)

35. Deleted.

36. Ascertain whether rewards are given to patwaris for consolidation of holdings and
reporting cattle diseases and cases of plague , cholera and small-pox (Paragraph 3.53 and

37. Deleted.


38. Deleted .
39. Deleted.

40. Ascertain that all sums drawn are disbursed the same day.


41. Have the following statement prepared : -

Year Month Date of receipt Number
from Registration pending

42. Ascertain that registration memos , and promptly sent by registrars and sub-registrars
each month.
43. Ascertain that the registration memos ,are promptly sent to the field kanungos and
promptly distributed by them to the various patwaris.
44. Ascertain that mutations are entered by patwaris immediately on receipt of memos.
45. See that the files of registration memos are, are properly arranged by the office
kanungo and the date on which the last memorandum is received , is noted on the fly
46. Ascertain that files of registration memos, are destroyed a year after the date of the
receipt of the last memorandum.


47. See that mutation are arranged by field kanungos circles, patwaris' circles and by
villages (Paragraph 7.38(iv.)
48. See that mutations are arranged by field kanungo's circle are kept distinct and on
separate shelves (Paragraph 7.38(iv.)
49. See that miscellaneous papers detached from sanctioned mutations are kept in
bundles by field kanungo's circles and destroyed after five years (Paragraph 7.39)

50. See that the fee is entered in red ink on each mutation against its number in the
annual list and that the fee entries are checked at the Tehsil by the field Kanungo
(Paragraph 7.36)

51. Check the entries of a few villages with the sheets of accepted and rejected mutations
and see that the entries made in the annual list are correct.

52. Give the demand for the Tehsil for the latest complete year

53. See that the office kanungo prepares in duplicate, statement of fees, one copy for
the Tehsil and the other for the sadar wasil baqi nawis.

54. Deleted.


55. See that a separate dispatch book is maintained for showing the receipt and dispatch
of interrogatories (paragraph 7.31)
5.6. Ascertain that interrogatories are not issued for the examination of the persons
residing within the limits of the tehsil unless such persons reside at a distance of more
than 25 miles from the village to which the mutations relate (Paragraph 7.31)


57. TO 62. Deleted


63. See that the register id in the prescribed form (Paragraph 3.97)
64. See that receipts are entered promptly and a monthly balance is struck (Paragraph
65. Ascertain that the supplies in hand agree with the entry made in the register.
66. See that a memo, is kept with each kind of form and a balance struck and when
forms are received or issued (paragraph 3.97)
67. See that issues are made generally once a year in September when patwaris come to
Tehsil to file their jamabandis (paragraph 3.96)



68. Ascertain from the Tehsil wasil baqi nawis that the patwaris bring their registers
for his check during September. What action, if any, is taken against the defaulters?
(Paragraph 3.48 (ii).
69. Ascertain that the discrepancies noticed by the Tehsil wasil baqi nawis are
brought promptly to the notice of tehsildar.
70. Ascertain that half-yearly statements of demand are received form the field
kanungo on due dates and that the Tehsil wasil baqi nawis submits a consolidated
statement of the whole Tehsil to sadar on the prescribed dates. (Paragraph 3.50)
71. See that the fees shown in the demand are received are duly credited into the
treasury. Is any action taken against the patwaris who fail in this respect ?(Paragraph



72. See that there is space for the entries of several years.
73. See that column 1 shows the serial number of lambardaries.
74. See that in column 2 the names of villages are given in topographical order with
the toporagraphical number in red ink below the name of the village.
75. Check the register with a few jamabandis and the misalband register and see that
it is up to date.

76. See that the general register of muafis is maintained in three parts and separate
register are maintained for imams and roadside groves and wells.
77. Check this register with the misalband register and see that it is up to date.
78. Ascertain from columns 14 and 15 of the register that there is no delay in
reporting changes .
79. Ascertain that a list of changes by lapses and change of occupancy by inheritance
is sent by the end of April each year.
80. Ascertain that three inspection registers are prepared and the existence of assignee
and the proper maintenance of grants is attested on the spot by tehsildars in March and a
list of assignee who have neither who have neither attended nor furnished a life
certificate sent to sadr as well as a report on the condition of grants.


81. See that the applications for recoupment are made regularly and noted in the
margin of the register and dealt with promptly at sadr.
82. See that no irregular payments are made and that every entry in the register is
initialed by the tehsildar.
83. Check the balance in hand and voucher , if any.


84. See that the register is compared with the patwaris' register in the September and
the discrepancies detected are duly reported to the sadr.


85. See that a list is maintained .


86. See that the register begins with an alphabetical index which is followed by a
page for each field kanungo's circle.
87. Ascertain that the totals of the field kanungos' circles are amended
quinninquennially, and in the case of patwaris ' circles entries are made annually and
below the last village of the circle.
88. See that the old entries are scored out when new entries are made.
89. Check column 3 of the register with the misalband register of patwari cases, and
the patwaris cases, and the patwaris, pay-bills and columns 5 to 10 with the last
quinquennial jamabandi.


90. See that the register is in the prescribed form (paragraph 12.15)
91. See that rainfall is reported on each day on which the rainfalls (Paragraphs 12.15)
92. See that a slight fall is denoted by the letter R. (Paragraph 12.14).
93. Ascertain that the rain gauge is suitably placed and that the distance between the
gauge and the nearest object (Paragraph 12.4)
94. Ascertain that the rain gauge is firmly fixed in the ground , that the mouth of the
funnel is one foot above ordinary level of ground and is approximately level and the firm
of the funnel is circular (paragraph 12.5)
95. Ascertain that the language has been inspected twice in the year by an officer of
rank not below that of an Extra Assistant Commission (Paragraph 12.18)
96. Ascertain that the office kanungo has got a spare measuring glass (paragraph
97. Deleted.
98. See that the monthly rainfall reports are properly prepared.(Paragraph 12.16).


99. See that a record of prices is only kept. if really required.

100. See that the entries are made daily, weekly or fortnightly as circumstances
101. See that the items are as few as is consistent with the supply of the information
required and the prices of only those articles are given for which there is a proper market.
102. See that the entries are made in kilograms after proper enquiry and are checked
and signed by the tehsildar .
103. Compare the prices with harvest prices given in the circle note-books and see that
the prices given in the note-books are generally lower than those given in the register.



104. See that the quinquinneniial jamabandis and annual statements are filed by due
105. See that the crop abstracts of more than one village of a patwari or the kanungo is
to blame and whether suitable action has been taken against the defaulters.
106. See that suitable action has been taken against those patwaris who have failed to
file their returns by due date.


107. Do they contain blank pages at the end?

108. Are areas in whole hectares, gross amounts in whole rupees and rates in rupees
and paisa?
109. Are the quinquinnial statements sent in by the patwaris signed by the kanungo ?
110. Are the books kept in almirahs or boxes, and permanently preserved?
111. When there is fluctuating assessment , are the note-books suitably amplified?
112. Are Large variations explained?
113. Statement I-
Column 2 should equal columns 3 to 11.
Column 13 should equal column 11+12
Column 14 should agree with corresponding
Column in statement II and III.
Column 22 should equal column 24 plus 25.
Column 26 plus 30 of previous year should equal
column 28 plus 30 of the current year.
Column 27 plus 31 of previous year should equal
29 plus 31 of the current year.

114. Statement II and III.-

Is there a separate heading for each crop shown separately in statements Iv-A, B and C of
the Season and crop correctly grouped ?
Are rabi figures and extra rabi figures entered in the proper columns?
Is the rise or fall in water table noted in the Remarks column of kharif Jinswar?
Are harvest prices entered in the circle note-books after approval by the collector?
Has the office kanungo a list of centers , and do the field kanungos report prices

115. Statement IV.-

See that the entries in columns 3-16 tally with the kist-bandi , and if not ascertain the

116. Statement V.-

Shamilat land transferred should be included in this statement .
Columns 14,19,24 should show details of land irrigated .

117. Statement VI.-

In column 3separate details should be given for the land owner "Shamilat" "abadi "and
sarkar .
In village note-books column 6 should agree with column 2 of statement I and
column 8 with column 5 of statement IV.
Columns 17 and 18 should agree with columns 7 and 8 of groups A and B of the
list of assignments, and columns 19 and 20 with columns 9 and 10 of group C. Column 2
should contain particulars of the assignees where the assignments are large.
See that the totals in circle and Tehsil note-books are obtained by adding to the
previous totals the new totals of villages under quadrennial attestation and deducting the
old totals of these villages.

118. Statement VII.-

In the village note-books column 3 should agree with column 7 of statement VI.
Columns 6 to 8 should = column9
Column 8 should = column 17
Column 19 should show any special rates of batai for special crops , and if the tenant
pays a share of the land revenue or cash in addition to kind rents this should be stated .
Where there is irrigation from a State Canal , it should be noted how the landlord and
tenant share the liability for the canal charges in the case of (a) cash (b) kind rents.

119. Statement VIII.-

Column 7. No. entry should be made against total
Columns 10 and 11.- No entries should be made against separate classes of land , but
only against total.
Columns 5 and 9 .- The entries against total should agree with column 7 of statement VII.

120. Statement IX.-

See that main tribes are entered in column 125.
See that important differences are explained by the field kanungo.

121. Statement X.-

Is the danger rate noted in the remarks column of part II ?
Are remarks entered :-
(a) in the village note-book in the year of quinquennial attestation?
(b) in the village, circle or Tehsil note-books when any thing important has occurred?
(c) annually in the circle note-books of tracts under fluctuating assessment?
Are the remarks intelligent and useful or a mere repetition of statistics?

121-A. Register:-
Has the results of Thur, Sem, Chos and Sand Girdawari been incorporated in the Halat
Dehi Register by the Office Kanungo after every harvest on receipt from the patwaris?


122. Have the following statement prepared:-

Pending from New Total Deposals Pending Years of Pending

previous year institutions Cases
Year No. of
Pending Cases

123. Examine the mislband register and see if there have been delays in-
(a) referring (column 6);
(b) carrying out orders (column 8).

Examine some pending files to see, if –

(a) there have been undue delays or adjournments;
(b) the preliminary hearing has been held on the spot in important cases;
(c) the mode of partition has been clearly reported ;
(d) the partition has been properly carried out and without delay.

124. Compare the parties in the application with the parcha jamabandi , and see if all
necessary persons are parties, and that all have been duly notified .

125. See that the patwari is not allowed to point out the land to the share-holders
except in petty cases and these only under the order of the tehsildar or naib-tehsildar.

126. See that he enters up mutations as soon as the partitions is due to take effect.

127. Does the kanungo check and sign the map and khatauni (paragraph 18.14).
128. Does he personally point out the land to the parties and give them copies of the
khataunis, noting that he has done so in his report to the tehsildar?

129. Does he communicate all alterations to the parties and correct their khataunis and
order the patwari to correct his?


130. Are annual entries preferred by a settlement entry in red ink?

131. See that there is no one volume for each assessment circle , or for a suitable
number of villages where the circle is large .

132. Is an index of villages kept at the beginning of each volume ?

133. Is a map of the circle kept with the volume?

134. Are total figures for the whole circle entered at the end of volume or volumes of
that circle?

135. Are remarks recorded on blank pages by Deputy Commissioner or any of his

136. Compare the entries of a few villages in each assessment circle with the village
note-books and the totals of the assessment circle with the circle note-books, and the state
the result .

137. Are quinquennial totals made?

(PARAGRAPHS 4.29 AND 4.31)

138. Are the maps amended in September in the Tehsil office by patwaris under the
supervision of field kanungos, and do the latter make a note of this in the jamabandis?

139. Are amendments correctly and neatly made with proper red ink and a pen?

140. Compare the tatimma shajras of a few villages with the settlements maps, and
state the result.

141. Are the patwari's copies of the map also amended?


142. Ascertain that all jamabandis are sent to the record room in April (Paragraph

143. Examine some jamabandis and ascertain if-

(a) they contain an amended genealogical tree, and amended field map and
sanctioned mutations;
(b) the attestation notes of field kanungos and revenue officers are in accordance with
the instructions in paragraph 7.60 and 7.62; and
(c) a reference to a mutation order is given in the column of remarks in cases of
alteration of names (paragraph 7.41(10)

144. See that the patwari's copies of the fard bachh for the five proceeding years are
filed with the jamabandis.

145. See that they have been checked and signed by the field kanungos and by the
tehsildar or naib-tehsildar of the circles, and that the kharif copy has been corrected after
the rabi girdawari.
146. See that the form of the fard bachh provide for the entry of all Government
demands to be collected through the lambardars (e.g. surcharge local rate , etc.)

147. Check some of the entries with the jamabandi.


148. Ascertain with reference to the diaries of Tehsildars and naib Tehsildars that they
are in camp for at least 15 days a month during their cold weather touring they make a
thorough inspection of each patwari's work in their circles, that they check a sufficient
number of tatimma shajras, that they inspect survey marks and note the fact of their
having done so in their diaries, that they visit the villages in which jamabandi is to be
prepared before 15th January , and also at the time of harvest inspections or before 15th
June , and that they check a sufficient number of dhal bachhes.


149. Have the following statement prepared for the last four quarters and examine entries
and orders:-

Quarter Decided Pending


Points requiring attention at the quarterly inspection of District Land Record


1. See that a separate minute book is maintained (paragraph 8.15)

2. See that the record room is inspected once a quarter and he result of the inspection
once a quarter and the result of the inspection recorded in the minute book (paragraph

3. Ascertain that all the defects pointed out at previous inspections have been duly
attended to.


4. See that the accommodation is sufficient and suitable for records and the staff ; if
insufficient what proposals have been made by the Deputy Commissioner and what
action has been taken on those proposals.

5. What precautions have been taken against white ants, rats and damp.

6. What arrangements have been made to save the old settlement records from decay.

7. What precautions have been taken against fire. Is a Minimax Fire Extinguisher kept
and does the district kanungo and his assistants know how to use it.

8. See that instructions contained in junior Secretary to Financial commissioners' letter

No. 721-321-5, dated 29th October , 1917 are compiled with.


9. See that records of right are kept in shelves (paragraph 19.13)

10. See that goshwaras are divided into two sections (paragraph 19.6) and see that
records have been entered in the goshwara in order of their receipt.

11. Examine a few bastas and see that their contents agree with the entries made in the
goshwaras that all the necessary records have been filed and that destruction is up to date.

12. See that all the files and registers excluded from the record room are promptly
destroyed when the period for their preservation has elapsed (paragraph 19.12)

13. See that only those registers , books , files and records , etc., which have been shown
in chapter 19 have been kept in this record room.

14. See that the current registers and books have been kept separately from old ones
(paragraph 19.34)

15. Are all newly received files duly entered in the register and goshwaras and placed in
the village or other bundles to which they properly belong, and is the village goshwaras
number given on the index.

16. See that files are being kept in annual kuliat bundles and current files kept in separate
bastas (paragraphs 19.14 and 19.34)


17. See that application for inspection of records are properly stamped , and that time
taken up in inspecting records is noted on them (paragraph 19.25).

18. Are paragraphs 19.24, 25 and 26 regarding the inspection muharrir-

(a) In this connection examine a few files to see if fresh applications with anew stamp
are invariably put in when the records are not inspected on due date.
(b) Examine the accounts of the inspection muharrir and see if the inspection branch
of the record room is self-supporting : if not; suggest reduction.

19. Is the person desiring to inspect a certain record or case required to submit an
application in writing and to affix there to proper court-fee stamps to cover the search and
inspection fees prescribed in rules and orders. Volume IV , and rules contained in
paragraph 19.25 and 19.26?

20. (a) Are all the applications referred to in the preceding question, entered by the
inspection moharrirs immediately on receipt of application in the manner laid down in
section 30 of the Court-Fee Act?

(b) Is the time spent on the inspection of a record noted in the register maintained by
the inspection muharrir?

(c) Are the applications for inspection preserved till the audit inspection for the
period is over?

21. Are the receipts from the record credited without delay to proper heads (paragraphs


22. See that the issue registers are maintained in form R-9 separately for each court, for
copyists and for the special kanungo or patwari muharrir (paragraph 19.19).

23. See that on the second day of the first month of each quarter , list in form R-10 of all
the files which have not been returned is sent to all courts below that of the Financial
Commissioners and the High Court (paragraph 19.19(ii).
24. See that an official letter is sent to the offices of the Financial Commissioners and the
High Court when files sent to these offices are not returned within 6 months (paragraphs

25. See that requisitions for files are sent by courts in FormR-8 and in duplicate in
outlying courts (paragraphs 19.18)

26. See that requisitions are placed in bastas in place of the files taken out (paragraph

27. See that a "Number Book" in form R-II is maintained and shows the number of bastas
actually handed each day (paragraph 19.19)vi).

28. See that the recently returned records have been placed in the relevant bastas.


29. Ascertain from the summons issued by courts that the points on which information is
required to be supplied by the special kanungo or patwari muharrir are stated succinctly.

30. Ascertain that the special kanungo or patwari muharrir is not required to give
opinions , is not used as a local commissioner or asked to provide instances in support of
or to refute an alleged custom.

31. Ascertain that the special kanungo or patwari muharrir is not required to supply
copies of records which should be obtained through the copying Agency .


32. See that musavis are kept in a flat condition in iron or wooden almirahs.

33. Are they in good condition; if not, what measures, if any , are being adopted to set
them right?
34. Enquire as to whether any of the musavis were sent to other departments; if so ,
whether they were properly packed and dispatched under the custody of a responsible

35. Ascertain that musavis were not spoilt or destroyed by the departments to which
these were sent on loan.


36. See that all jamabandis were received in the record room by the date on which the
rabi girdawari ended(Paragraph 7.68).

37. See that these were checked by the district kanungo according to the instructions
contained in (paragraph 7.68)

38. See that the jamabandis which were found incomplete in any respect were returned to
tehsils for completion(paragraph 7.68).

39. See that jamabandis have been properly bound and entered in the respective village

40. See that rejected mutations with lists are entered in the village goshwaras and
destroyed after 12 years from the date of filing in the record room.


41. See that as far as possible separate copyists have been employed for making copies
of papers kept in the Land Records Office, so that there may be no occasion for removing
the papers elsewhere for copying purposes.

42. See that separate registers have been kept for copying transactions of the Land
Records Office.

Points requiring attention at the inspection of the work of the district kanungo .
Before making the inspection the district kanungo should be asked prepare the statements
referred to in sections V , VII, XV,XVI and XVII, XXII and XXIII.


1. See that there is a sanctioned distribution of work between the district kanungo and
his assistants and that it is hired to.

2. See that no assistant patwari is allowed to work with the district kanungo (paragraph

3. See that the district kanungo is not required to do work which should be done by the
main office.

4. See that the district kanungo is not used as reader by the Officer Incharge (paragraph


5. See that the district kanungo has got one copy each of the Settlement Manual , Land
Administration Manual, Land Code, Land Records Manual and Financial Commissioners
standing order(paragraph 2.57)

6. See that these books are complete with correction slips up to date and the latest
published indices are pasted in them.

7. See that there are separate files for Financial Commissioners and Director of Land
Records circulars and are up to date.

8. See that a check list of periodical reports and returns is kept.

9. See that the district kanungo has got a table of villages to be quinquennically attested ,
approved by the Collector .

10. See that the district kanungo has got a steel measuring tape (paragraph 2.33).


11. Ascertain firm the relevant files that on resignation or transfer, patwaris make over
their papers, records and equipment to their successors and in case of dismissal or
suspension to the field kanungos(paragraph 3.59).

12. Ascertain mention is made in the Patwari's charge reports of patwarkhanas (Director
of Land Records' circular letter no. 31(No. 2617-1.29, dated 29th October, 1924)

13. Ascertain that patwaris are not transferred merely as a punishment and that fines are
not excessive and are recovered by short drawls on pay bills (paragraph 3.59).

14. Ascertain that kanungo's charge reports are endorsed by tehsilars and those of the
District kanungo and his assistants by Officer-incharge (paragraph 2.36)


15. Ascertain that a list of patwarkhans in good condition is maintained.

16. Ascertain that annual reports on the condition of patwarkhanas are sent by field
kanungos by the 1st January every year (paragraph 3.57 (viii(I).

17. Ascertain that the field kanungos' reports are punctually forwarded by the Tehsildars
to the District Office and action taken promptly (paragraph 3.57 viii)

18. Have the following statement prepared:-


19. See that indents are dispatched from Tehsil offices so as to reach district kanungo's
on 1st October at latest and dispatched by Sadar kanungo's so as to reach office of
Director of Land Records on 2nd November and the Government Press on 1st December at
the Latest (paragraphs 3.94 (1) and 3.95).

20. Ascertain that a qinquenniel list of patwari and kanungo forms is maintained
(paragraph 3.94(1)

21. Ascertain that the forms indented for do not exceed the number given in the
quinqennial list and in the case of blank paper, the prescribed scale (paragraph 3.94)

22. Ascertain that Tehsil indents are carefully checked by the district kanungo and the
Officer Incharge (paragraph 3.95)

23. Ascertain that forms and blank papers are received promptly and the duplicate copy
of the invoice dispatched from the Tehsil within one week of the receipt of the supplies
(paragraph 3.96)


24-28. Deleted.


29-34. 29-34. Deleted.

35. Ascertain whether rewards are given to patwaris for consolidation of holdings,
reporting cattle diseases and cases or plague , cholera and small-pox (paragraphs 3.53 and


36.-38. Deleted.


39. Ascertain that the budget under head 9-D Land Revenue –D-Land Records is
prepared by the district Kanungo , checked by the Officer Incharge and dispatched in
time so as to reach Director of Land Records Office on 5th September, at the latest.

40. Ascertain that accurate budget provision has been made for all heads of expenditure.

41. Ascertain that allotments are not exceeded without sufficient reasons and that
applications for additional grants are made in good time.


42. Ascertain that patwaris character rolls are kept in order and are written up annually
during the first quarter of the year.

43. Ascertain that no order necessitating an entry in a character roll is filed until the
district kanungo has certified that he has made the necessary entry in the character roll.

44. Ascertain that entries made by inspecting officers in field kanungo's register of
patwari circles are copied in the patwari's character rolls.

45. Check the character roll with the misalband register of patwari and kanungo cases,
original files and the acquaintance rolls and see that they are up to date .

46. See that entries of service books are attested every year .

47. See that leave accounts are attached to service books and are up to date.

48. See that all the entries made in the service books and are attested by gazetted

49. Compare the service books with the misalband register of patwari and kanungo
cases, original files and the acquittance rolls and see that they are up to date.


50. Ascertain that character rolls are written p annually by the collector during the first
quarter of the year and that each kanungo is called on to state whether he has acquired
any new interest in land during the year (paragraph 3.9 of District Manual).


(Section XXIV of Chapter 3 and paragraph 2.52)

51. Have the following statement prepared from the diaries of the last six months-

Date of Date of Date of sadar Date on Date Date of

Dairy receipt kanungo's which orders of issue receipt
Report were passed of of
by Sub-div. orders Tehsildars
officer (Civil to reply.
or Deputy tehsildar.

52. Ascertain that diaries are sent by field kanungos immediately on the close of the
month to which they relate , and are promptly forwarded by the tehsildar to the district
53. Ascertain that the diaries are carefully scrutinized by the district kanungo and the
Sub-divisional Officer, Civil, and bad work detected and punished.

54. Ascertain that orders issued on the diaries are promptly attended to by Tehsildars.

55. Ascertain that diaries of patwaris and kanungos are closed with an abstract of the
work done.


56. Ascertain that tour statements are submitted by the 10th of the month succeeding the
conclusion of each quarter (paragraph 2.49).

57. Ascertain that the touring is systematic and that each patwari's circle is visited once
in the month (paragraph2.48)

58. Ascertain that the district kanungo attached a similar statement of his own touring to
the statements of the field kanungo(paragraph 2.49).

59. Ascertain that these statements are carefully checked by the district kanungo and the
Officer Incharge.


60. Have the following statement prepared :-

Month Field kanungo Field kanungo Field kanungo Tehsil
circle circle circle Office
Field kanungo Field kanungo Field kanungo Tehsil Misc. Total No. Remarks
circle circle circle Office of touring days

61. Ascertain that the district kanungo is in camp inspecting the work of office and field
kanungos at least 15 days each month from 1st October to 30th April (paragraph 8.17).

62. Ascertain that the work of every Tehsil office kanungo is inspected by the district
kanungo twice a year (paragraph 8.19).

63. Ascertain that the district kanungo at least once in the year and comes to a definite
finding on his work (paragraph 8.17)

64. Ascertain that on return from tour the district kanungo submits his diary to the
Officer Incharge or the Deputy Commissioner and the diary is carefully scrutinized by
them and orders passed on the points requiring attention (paragraph 2.61)

65.Check the sadr kanungo's basta of pending papers and ascertain that he has no old
papers on which no action has been taken.


66. Have the following statement prepared :-

Name of Patwaris Number of candidates Matriculation pass Below

and Assistant Patwaris Matriculation


Patwar pass Number of candidates Number of posts

since last inspection who filled in during the
have failed to pass the patwari year
examination within three years
of acceptance
67. Ascertain that the total number of patwari candidates does not exceed fifteen percent,
of the total number of patwaris and assistant patwaris. (paragraph 3.6)

68.-70. Deleted.

71. See that the register of patwari candidates is revised from time to time and kept up to

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