Performance Counters
Performance Counters
Performance Counters
Processor: % Processor Time Should average below 75% (and preferably below 50%).
System: Processor Queue Length Should average below 2 per processor.
For example, in a 2-processor machine, it should remain below 4.
Memory�Pages/sec Should average below 20 (and preferably below 15).
Memory�Available Bytes Should remain above 50 MB.
Memory � Free System Page Table Entries
Memory � Pages Input/Sec
Physical Disk�% Disk Time Should average below 50%.
Physical Disk�Avg. Disk Queue Length Should average below 2 per disk. For example,
for an array of 5 disks, this figure should average below 10.
Physical Disk�Avg. Disk Reads/sec Used to size the disk and CPU. Should be
below 85% of the capacity of the drive.
Physical Disk�Avg. Disk Writes/ sec Used to size the disk and CPU. Should be
below 85% of the capacity of the drive.
Network Interface�Bytes Total/sec Used to size the network bandwidth.
SQL Server: Buffer Manager� Buffer Cache Hit Ratio Should exceed 90% (and
ideally approach 99%).
SQL Server: Buffer Manager�Page Life Expectancy Used to size memory. Should
remain above 300 seconds.
SQL Server: Buffer Manager Lazy Writes/Sec
SQL Server: Buffer Manager Checkpoint Pages/Sec
SQL Server: Buffer Manager Page writes/sec
SQL Server: General Statistics� User Connections Used to size memory.
SQLServer:General Statistics � Logins/sec
SQLServer:General Statistics � Logouts/sec
SQL Server: Databases� Transactions/sec Used to size disks and CPU.
SQL Server: Databases�Data File(s) Size KB Used to size the disk subsystem.
SQL Server: Databases�Percent Log Used to size the disk subsystem.
SQLServer:SQL Statistics Batch Requests/Sec
SQL Server:Latches Average Latch Wait Time (ms)
SQL Server:Locks Number of Deadlocks/sec
SQL Server:Locks Lock Requests/sec
SQL Server:Locks Average Wait Time (ms)
Paging File %Usage
Do not use the default allocation unit when formatting the Disk drives for SQL
Server Log files & Data files:
Format drives with 64k Cluster Allocation Unit
Antivirus programs:
These programs can create issues with SQL Server functionality, and it is highly
important to exclude them from their scan scope, by adding them to the exclusions
File types to exclude:
*.mdf, *.ndf, *.ldf, *.bak
Always Toggle the maximum memory setting on the SQL Server Instance level
properties. Ensure at least 2GB � 4GB of RAM is available to the OS
Note: The maximum memory setting is only for the SQL Server buffer pool, and does
not include memory requirements for other SQL Server functions like replication
Services, Agent Job Service etc.