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Company Profile: An Introduction To The LEGO Group 2007

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Company Profile

An introduction to the LEGO Group


Campany Profile 2007 

It all began in 1932 ...
The founder, Ole Kirk Christiansen, Child’s play is an ever‑changing
hit upon the LEGO® name in 1934. world, and the company’s product
He took the first two letters of the development departments therefore
Danish words LEG GODT, meaning work systematically with the evo‑
“play well”, and put them together – lution of familiar play themes and
quite unaware that one meaning of product lines based on research
the word in Latin is ... “I put together”. among children and parents into
Today – many years later – LEGO is things like play habits, family pat‑
both the name and the idea behind terns and housing conditions. Added
the company. Play is a key element to this is the fact that a combination
in children’s growth and develop‑ of systematisation, logic and unlim‑
ment, and play ited creativity ac‑
stimulates the It is LEGO philosophy that “good tivates learning
imagination, the play” enriches a child’s life – and through play in a
emergence of its subsequent adulthood. With very special LEGO
ideas, and cre‑ this in mind, the LEGO Group has way which – in an
ative expression. developed and marketed a wide age of increasing
It is LEGO philos‑ range of products, all founded demands upon
ophy that “good on the same basic philosophy the child’s learn‑
play” enriches a of learning and developing ing and ability to
child’s life – and – through play. solve complex
its subsequent problems – ca‑
adulthood. With ters uniquely for
this in mind, the LEGO Group has tomorrow’s child. It is for this reason
developed and marketed a wide that the LEGO system is frequently
range of products, all founded on cited by many leading organisations
the same basic philosophy of learn‑ and individuals as a specially cre‑
ing and developing – through play. ative play material used in learning
contexts by institutions and schools
True to its motto – Only the best is throughout the world.
good enough – the LEGO Group
has emphasised the importance of The child of the future will have plen‑
high quality throughout its 75‑year ty of things to play with. Consumer
history, ensuring that consumers electronics is a tough competitor to
return to LEGO products again and traditional toys. But the LEGO Group
again. At the same time the LEGO is in no doubt that the LEGO brick
system means that many thousands will continue in future to be relevant
of building elements can be easily to children of all ages. A world of
combined in innumerable ways – imagination and total absorption.
and just as readily dismantled again. Putting two LEGO bricks together
The more LEGO bricks you have, the is intuitive and delivers the sponta‑
more fertile your creativity can be‑ neous joy of creation which can be
come, and there are hours of play supplemented – but never replaced
in the LEGO brick that you don’t find – by electronic experiences.
Campany Profile 2007 
The LEGO Group
The LEGO Group has a global work‑ duced in 2006 as part of the LEGO
force of approx. 4,500 people, all of Group’s strategy, Shared Vision. Cor‑
them employed in one of the four porate Management comprises the
business areas illustrated below. The Chief Executive Officer and four Ex‑
organisation chart also illustrates ecutive Vice Presidents, each with
the areas of responsibility of Group their own business area.
Management after changes intro‑

Chief Executive Officer

Markets & Products Community, Education Corporate Center Global Supply Chain
& Direct

Markets & Products (M&P) Community, Education & Corporate Centre (CC) Global Supply Chain
has global responsibility Direct (CED) is respon‑ covers the administrative (GSC) is the business
for product development, sible for direct contact service departments: Cor‑ area responsible for the
marketing, sales and with consumers via brand porate Finance, IT, Human Group’s supply chain
distribution to the retail retail stores, online sales, Resources, Corporate – from procurement and
trade. and mail order. In addi‑ Communications, Corpo‑ production to shipping to
tion this business area rate Governance and Cor‑ the distribution centres.
handles contacts with porate Legal Affairs.
fans and the develop‑
ment of new business
concepts aimed directly
at end‑users. And it is this
unit that is responsible
for the LEGO Group’s
development, marketing
and sale of educational

Campany Profile 2007 

Idea and production
Concept and product development LEGO bricks are manufactured at
takes place primarily at the com‑ the Group’s own factories in Den‑
pany’s Billund headquarters – but mark and by external suppliers
the LEGO Group also has listening abroad. Approx. 19 billion LEGO ele‑
posts in Munich, Barcelona, Los An‑ ments are made every year in Bil‑
geles and Tokyo in order to monitor lund – equivalent to approx. 2m ele‑
the latest trends. The creative core is ments an hour or 36,000 a minute.
made up of 120 designers represent‑
ing about 15 different nationalities. There are about 2,200 different ele‑
Most of the designers have trained ments in the LEGO range – plus 55
at design or art schools in various different LEGO colours. Each ele‑
parts of the world. The LEGO Group, ment may be sold in a wide variety
however, does not formally stipulate of different colours and decorations,
that its designers must have such bringing the total number of active
a training; selection is based on combinations to more than 6,000.
hands‑on work and face‑to‑face in‑

How LEGO bricks are made

During the moulding process, the plastic is heated to 232° C until its
consistency is about that of dough. It is then injected into the moulds
at a pressure of 25‑150 tons, depending on which element is being
produced. It takes seven seconds to cool and eject new elements.
The moulds used in production are accurate to within two‑thousandth
of a millimeter (0.002 mm), and the accuracy of the moulding process
means that only 18 elements in every million produced fail to meet the
company’s high quality standard.

All LEGO elements are fully compatible, irrespective when they were
made during the period from 1958 to the present or by which factory.

Campany Profile 2007 

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