Crim 01
Crim 01
Crim 01
Nature of Criminology
1. Applied Science – Crime is multidisciplinary / application of several sciences.
2. Social Science – Crime is essential of a healthy society, Crime exist in the society.
3. Dynamic – Crime is changeable, Crime depends upon the society and the
4. Nationalistic – Crime is based in the existing law a territory.
Object of Interest
1. Crimes
2. Criminal
3. Criminal Behavior
4. Study of the victims / Victimology
Types of Crimes
-Crime is any act or omission punishable by the Law.
Omission - Failure to perform a positive duty punishable by the law. (Bagay na
dapat mong gawin pero hindi mo ginawa)
- Crime as Social act against the norms of the society or act that is harmful to the
norms of the society. Crime is essential to a healthy society.
- Crime is any act cause by a person with abnormal behavior. (Maladaptive,
maladjusted, abnormal behavior)
Specific terms of Crimes
1. Offensive - Crime is any act punishable by special laws, Republic Acts, and
2. Felony - Crime is any act punishable by Revise Penal Code.
3. Misdemeanor – Crimes is ant act punishable by City or municipal Ordinances.
4. Delinquency - Crimes is any act committed by minor offenders. (CICL Child
Conflict with the Law) or delinquent
Criminological Classification of crimes
1. As a result of the crime.
Acquisitive Crime – when the offender acquires something as a consequences
of his criminal act. (Theft, robbery, estafa)
Extinctive Crime – when the result of the criminal is destructive or lost. (Homicide,
murder, infanticide, parricide, arson)
Homicide – it is unlawful killing of a person not constituting murder, parricide or
Art. 246. Parricide. — Any person who shall kill his father, mother, or child,
whether legitimate or illegitimate, or any of his ascendants, or descendants, or his
spouse, shall be guilty of parricide and shall be punished by the penalty of reclusion
Perpetua to death.
Infanticide – it is committed by any of any person who kills a child less than three
(3) years old. The deceased child was less than 72 hours old or 3 days old, the
offender is either the parents, ascendants or even a stranger.
2. As to the time or period committed
Seasonal Crime – those committed only during a certain period of the year
(violation of tax law, violations of the omnibus election code)
Situational Crime – Those committed only when given situation is conductive to
its commission or the opportunity to commit crime a rises. (Anytime of opportunity)
3. As a length of the time committed
Instant Crime – Those committed in the shortest possible time.
Episodic Crime – Those committed by a series of acts undertaken in a lengthy
space of time.
4. As the place of location of the commission
Static Crimes – Those committed in only one place
Continuing Crimes – those that can be committed in several places. (Piracy)
5. As to the use of mental faculties.
Rational Crimes – Those committed with intention and offender is in full
possession of his sanity.
Irrational Crimes – those committed by persons who do not know the nature and
quality of their acts on account of the disease of the mind.
6. As to the type of offenders
White collar crimes – those committed by persons of respectability and of upper
socio- economic class in the course of their occupational activities (Adulteration of
food by manufacturer, fraud) (Taong nabibilang sa mataas na uri ng lipunan na
gumawa ng crimen na kaugnay sa kanyang trabaho o propesyon)
Blue collar crimes – those committed by ordinary professional criminal to
maintain their livelihood (petty thievery) (taong nabibilang sa pangkaraniwang uri
ng lipunan na nakagawa ng crimen na kaugnay sa kanyang trabaho.)
Warrantless arrest
12 hours light felony- light penalty
18 hours less grade felony – correction penalty
36 hours grave – capital afflictive penalty
Note: holidays weekdays and night days only in working hours.
Delaying release an agent with authority that delayed the release of an offender.
Illegal Detention is committed by a private person while arbitrary detention is
committed by a public officer or employee.
Coup d’état – rebellion is a sudden or swift attack to public utility and offices to
paralyze the government, the principal offenders are the PNP and AFP.
5. Crimes Committed by a Public Officer (no man, even a public officer is above
the law) Example: Malfeasance , Nonfeasance, Misfeasance
Nonfeasance neglect of duty (omission)
Malfeasance malicious delay of duty, dishonest activity or misconduct, intentional
commission of prohibited acts. (Gratuity)
Misfeasance improper manner or action, irregularly of performance of duty
7. Crimes against Properties Example: Robbery and theft (any moveable objects
exempting )
Robbery – means taking personal property of another with intent to gain by
means of violence against persons or intimidation of person using force upon
anything. (For entrance, pumasok sa kahit anong parte ng bahay not intended
for entrace)
Two ways of committing Robbery
1. By means of violence against or intimidation of persons. Ex: robbery hold-
up, robbery snatching, robbery extortion, robbery with homicide, robbery with
rape, robbery with arson
2. By using force upon things
Theft -just like in the crime of robbery the subject, theft is also personal property
only. Under the law on property, personal properties are those movable
properties. Thus, if the object involved is immovable or real properties the
accused may have committed some other crime but not theft. Taking is done
with intent gain. Taking is without the consent of the owner. Taking is
accomplish without of violence against or intimidation of person or force upon
things. (For exit, not intended for exit)
8. Crimes against Personal Liberty and Security Example: Illegal Detention,
Kidnapping, trespass to dwelling, Threat and coercion
Illegal Detention is the unjustifiable imprisonment or the unlawful deprivation
of liberty of a person by way of arrest for a wrongful cause or suspicion and the
continued restriction of personal freedom by retaining such person in custody.
This is done by a private person.
Art. 267. Kidnapping and serious illegal detention. — Any private individual
who shall kidnap or detain another, or in any other manner deprive him of his
liberty, shall suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua to death:
1. If the kidnapping or detention shall have lasted more than five days
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2. If it shall have been committed simulating public authority chanrobles virtual
law library
3. If any serious physical injuries shall have been inflicted upon the person
kidnapped or detained; or if threats to kill him shall have been made
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4. If the person kidnapped or detained shall be a minor, female or a public
officer chanrobles virtual law library
If the offender shall voluntarily release the person so kidnapped or detained
within three days from the commencement of the detention, without having
attained the purpose intended, and before the institution of criminal proceedings
against him, the penalty shall be prison mayor in its minimum and medium
periods and a fine not exceeding seven hundred pesos
Trespass to dwelling any private person who shall enter the dwelling of
another against the latters will shall be punish , any person that will enter to the
property without the permission of the owner.
Threat statement that someone will hurt or harmed if the person does not do
something in particular
Coercion (pamimilit)
10. Crimes against Civil Status of Persons Example: Bigamy, and other Illegal
Criminal Behavior
– Is an intentional behavior that violates a criminal code
– May also refer to the study the human conduct focused on the mental processes
of the criminals: the way he behaves or acts including his activities and the causes
and influences if his criminal behavior.
– study of victims of crimes and contributory role, if any, in crime causation.
– It also the scientific process of gaining substantial amounts of knowledge on
offender characteristics by studying the nature of victims.
Approaches And Theories Of Crime
-it deals of idea and explanation particular individual commit a crime.
The Approaches In The Study Of Crime:
1. Subjective Approach
2. Objective Approach
3. Contemporary Approach
Rafalle Garofalo
-he rejected the doctrine of free will and supported the position that the only way to
understand crime was to study it by scientific methods
-roots of criminal behavior not to physical features but to their psychological equivalents,
which he called “moral anomalies” – according to this theory, natural crimes are found
in all human societies, regardless of the view of lawmakers and no civilized society can
afford to disregard them.
Types Of Criminal By Rafalle Garofalo
1. Murderers- those who are satisfied from vengeance/revenge.
2. Violent Criminals- are those who commit very serious crimes.
3. Deficient Criminals- those who commit crime against property
4. Lascivious Criminals- those who commit crime against chastity
Freud postulated the existence a three part personality consist of Id, Ego,
Superego which operated in instant conflict with one another producing the basic
problem of guilt which required the use of one or more defense mechanism.
Id- Pleasure Principle
Ego- Reality Principle
Superego- Voice of Conscience
Defense Mechanism
Sublimation- Negative feelings change into positive actions
Regression- When you’re hurt ,you’re going/saying to your mother
Denial/Intellectualization- Unacknowledged or treated unemotionally
Projection- You’re fault but your judging it for others
Fixation- Develop fear or phobias
Undoing- Makin an amends/apologies to lessen your guilt feelings
Reaction Formation- Id and superego are so strong that person does the
opposite of both
Displacement- When you’re guilty and your trying to beat or do something in
anything just to lessen your guilt
Classification of Behavior
Normal Behavior (adaptive or adjusted)
A normal person is characterized by:
1. Efficient perception of reality
2. Self knowledge
3. Ability to exercise voluntary control over his behavior
4. Self-esteem and acceptance
5. Productivity
6. Ability to form affectionate relationship with others
Abnormal Behavior (maladaptive or maladjusted)
Kinds of Behavior
Overt- manifested that are directly observable
Covert- hidden
Conscious- acts with level of awareness
Unconscious- acts that are embedded in one’s subconsciousness aware
Simple- less number of neurons
Complex- more number of neurons
Rational- full capabilities (with sanity)
Irrational- lunatic/children
Voluntary- an act done with full volition to decide/choose
Involuntary- bodily process
Aspect of Behaviors
Intellectual Aspect- pertains to our way of thinking ,reasoning information, and
copying with the environment.
Emotional Aspect- pertains to our feelings, moods, temper and strong emotions.
Social Aspect- pertains how to interact or relate with the other people.
Moral Aspect- refers to our conscience or concept what is good or bad.
Political Aspect- pertains to our ideology towards society governments.
Value/Attitude- pertains to our interest towards something, like or dislike.
Psychosexual- pertains to our being man or woman, the expression of love.
Criminal Formula (Abraham Sen)
Criminalistic tendency(T) (desire/intent)
Total situations(S) (opportunity)
Resistance of temptation(R) (control)
Crime/Criminal Behavior(C) (act)
Determinants of Behavior
Heredity(Biological Factors)
Refers to genetic influence
“Criminals are born”
Family Background
Cradel of human personality
Childhood Trauma
The experience that affect the feeling of security of a child undergoing
Pathogenic Family Structure
Those families associated with high frequencies of problems such as;
The inadequate family
The anti-social family
The discordant/disrupted family
The disrupted family
Ego Defense Mechanism
-Unconscious techniques used to prevent a person’s self image from being
Denial of Reality- Unpleasant reality
Fantasy- Desires in imaginary achievement
Projection- Placing blame for difficulties upon others
Rationalization- The use of excuses an individual to him or to others
Reaction Formation- Taking opposite strands
Displacement- Discharging pent emotions
Emotional Insulation- Withdrawal is passivity to protect self from hurt
Isolation/Intellectualization- Series to cut off the emotions
Regression- Revert from a past behavior to retreating to earlier development
Sublimation- Gratification of frustrated sexual desire
Identification- Increasing feelings of worth by identifying self with person or
Introjections- Contrary to one’s own assumption
Undoing- Apologizing for wrongs, repentance, doing penance and undergoing
punishment to negate a disapproval act
Sympathism- The person seeks to be praised by relating faults or problems
Acting Out- Reduction of anxiety aroused by forbidden desires by permitting
their expression
Frustrations, Conflict and Anxiety
Frustrations- Unpleasant feelings that result from the blocking of motive
Conflict- Simultaneous arousal of two or more incompatible motives resulting
to unpleasant emotions
Types of Conflict
Double Approach- two desirables activities that cannot be pursued
Double Avoidance- no choice, you have to choose even if your not like both
of them
Approach Avoidance- a situations having both a desirable and undesirable
Multiple Approach-Avoidance- the most difficult to resolve because the
features of each portion are often difficult to compare
Is an intangible that seems to evade any effort to resolve it
It is also called neurotic fear
Perspective on the causes of Criminal Behavior
The commission of crime may be the result of complicated factors and causes
Patterns of Criminal Behaviors
Neurotic/Psychoneurotic Behaviors
The individual does not lose contact with reality, and hospitalization is not
Kind of Neurotic Lifestyle
Neurotic Nucleus- he try to avoid the problem that what he have
Neurotic Paradox- the tendency to maintain the lifestyle despite its
maladaptive nature.
Anxiety Disorders
Commonly knows as “neurotic fear” occasional but intense
Panic- mild but continuous
Worry- physiological symptoms like muscular tension, insomnia etc.
Classification of Anxiety Disorders
Obssesive-Compulsive Disorders- uncontrollable impulse to do something
Asthenic Disorders (Neurasthenia)- characterized by chronic mental and
physical fatigue and various aches and pains
Phobic Disorders- persistent fear on some objects or situation that present
no actual danger to the person.
Examples of Phobia
Acrophobia- high places
Agoraphobia- open places
Astrophobia- storms/lightning
Hemstophobia- blood
Aquaphobia- water
Monophobia- being alone
Nyctophobia- darkness
Ocholophobia- crowds
Patholophobia- disease
Zoophobia- animals
Somatoform Disorders
Complaints of bodily symptoms that suggest the present of physical problem
but no organic basis can be found
Classifications of Somatoform Disorders
Hypochondriasis- tends to seek medical advices, but his fear is not lessen
Psychogenic Pain Disorders- characterized by the report of severe and
lasting pain.
Conversion Disorders- neurotic patterns in which symptoms of some
physical malfunction or loss
Sensory Symptoms of Hysteria
Anasthesia- loss of sensitivity
Hyperthensia- excessive sensitivity
Hypesthesia- partial loss of sensitivity to pain
Analgesia- loss of sensitivity to pain
Parasthesia- exceptional sensation
Motor Symptoms of Hysteria
Paralysis- selective loss of function
Astasia-abasia- inability to control leg when standing
Aphonia- parial inability to speak
Dissociative Disorders
-A response to obvious stress characterized by amnesia, multiple personality,
and depersonalization.
1. Amnesia- partial or total inability to recall or identify past experiences
2. Brain Pathology Amnesia- total loss of memory and it cant be retrieved ,it
needs long period of medication
3. Psychogenic Amnesia- failure to recall stored information(forgotten material)
Multiple Personality
-dual personality
-the loss of sense of self or the body so called out of body experience
-Somnambulism(sleepwalking) an example
Mood Disorders (Affective Disorder)
-one of mood which is internal state of persons, and not affect, the external
expression of emotional content.
Depressive Disorders
1. Major Depressive Disorders- patients w/ depressed mood have a loss of
energy and interest, feeling of guilt, loss of appetite; they are not affected with
manic episode
2. Dysthymic Disorders- a mild form of major depressive disorder
3. Bipolar Disorders- patients w/ both manic and depressive episode
4. Cyclothymic Disorders- less severe form of bipolar disorders
Psychopathic Behaviors
-resulting in persistent maladaptive ways of perceiving and thinking
-generally called “personality or character disorders”
Personality Disorders
-person here is characterized as a “problematic” without psychoses
Paranoid Personality Disorders- characterized by suspicious, rigidity, envy,
hypersensitivity, argumentativeness and tendency to blame others
Schizoid Personality Disorders-characterized by the inability to form social
relationship and lack of interest in doing so(loner)
Schizotypal Personality Disorder- characterized by seclusiveness, over
sensitivity, avoidance of communication and superstisious thinking is common
Histrionic Personality Disorders- characterized by immaturity, excitability,
emotional instability and self dramatization
Narcissistic Personality Disorders- exaggerated sense of self
Borderline Personality Disorders- instability reflected in drastic mood shifts
Avoidant Personality Disorders- hypersensitive to rejection and
apprehensive alertness to any sign of social derogation
Dependent Personality Disorders-lack of confidence and feels helpless
Passive-Aggressive Personality Disorders- being hostile expressed in
indirect and non violent ways, they are called “stubborn”
Compulsive Personality Disorders- excessive concern with rules, order and
Anti-Social Personality Disorders- characterized by continuing violation of
the rights of others through aggressive, anti-social behavior w/out remorse or
loyalty to anyone
Sexual Deviations/Disorders(affecting males)
1. Erectile Insuffiency(Impotency)- inability to achieve/maintain erection for
successful intercourse
2. Pre-mature Ejaculation- unsatisfactory brief period of sexual stimulation that
result to the failure of female partner to achieve satisfaction
3. Retarded Ejaculation- inability to ejaculate during intercourse
Those affecting females:
1. Arousal Insuffiency(frigidity)- failure to attain the lubrication or swelling
response of sexual excitement by the female partner
2. Orgasmic Dysfunction- difficulty in achieving orgasm
3. Vaginismus- involuntary spasm of the muscle at the entrance to the vaginan
that prevent penetration of the male sex organ
4. Dyspareunia-painful coitus/painful sexual acts in woman
Sexual Behaviors leading to sex crimes
Homosexuality- sexual behavior directed toward the same
Transvestism- sexual excitation by dressing as a member of the opposite sex
such as a man who wears female apparel
Fetishism- obtained by looking some body parts
As the choice of partner
Pedophilia- sexual intercourse with child of either sex
Bestiality- sexual intercourse with animal
Auto-sexual- self abuse, self gratification/masturbation
Gerontophilia- sexual desire with an older person
Necrophilia- erotic desire or actual intercourse with the corpse
Incest- sexual intercourse people who by reason of blood relationship, cannot
legally marry
As the number of participants in the sexual act
Troilism- three person participate in sex
Pluralism- sexual festival
Other Sexual Abnormalities
Exhibitionism- indecent exposure
Coprolalia- obscene language
Don Juansim- seducing women as a career w/out permanency of sexual
partner or companion
Criminal Detection and Investigation
Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation
Investigate --- it comes from the Latin word vestigare which means “to look into for
traces” and vestigium which means “footprint”.
Criminal Investigation
- an art which deals with the identity, location, and provide evidence of his guilt
through criminal proceedings.
3 folds aims of criminal investigation
To identify the guilty party
To locate the guilty party; and
To provide an evidence of his guilt.
3 I’s/ tools of Criminal Investigation
-the knowledge or data that the investigator acquired in person and record.
Three Kinds of Information
1. regular – it is acquired from open sources such as files
2. Cultivated- acquired from informant (voluntarily gives information) and informer
(gives information with payment
3. Grapevine- acquired from underworld characters such as prisoner and
General Sources of Information
1. Person- pertains to the victims, witness, informant, informer, etc.
2. Things- pertains to the physical evidence
3. Place- pertains to the crime scene
- it is the simple questioning
-it is to the person who has knowledge
Witness – a person who can perceive and can make known his perception to others.
- it is skillful questioning
- It is used to the person who is reluctant, hostile and unwilling to give information.
Format of Interview
Identity- the investigator should give his name, rank, and agency.
Rapport- building up a positive feeling between the investigator and the subject.
Opening statement- indicate the person why the subject is being contracted.
Narration- allows the subject to the story
-it utilizes an “open-ended question” question not answerable by yes or no
Inquiry- clarification of information
Conclusion- give an utmost courtesy.
Purpose of Interrogation
1. To obtain confession- direct acknowledgement of guilt
2. Induce him to make an admission- partial or indirect acknowledgement of guilt
3. To learn the facts of the crime
4. To know the identity of person liable for a crime.
5. To develop information or fruits of crime
6. To discover the details of other crime committed by the suspect.
R.A. 7438- it is the right of the accused--- he shoukd only give statements voluntarily
and not by means of threat, coercion, force and etc.
Techniques of Interrogation
1. Mutt and Jeff – mutt is sour; jeff is sweet
2. Pretense of physical evidence- the investigator may pretend that there were
already proofs to persuade the suspect to confess
3. Bluff on Split Pair- this method is applicable if there are number of suspect.
Instrumentation (forensic science or Criminalistics)
- it is the application of the instrument and methods of physical science to the
detection of crimes.
Procedure of Identification by Eye Witness
1. Physical Line-up – selecting a suspect from a group of innocent person
2. Physical Line-up – one person is being shown to the witness right after the crime
Definitions of Terms
1. Corpus Delicti-- body of the crime or fact of specific loss or injury sustained
-not limited to the body of the body of the victim or cadaver but it is also refers to
the facts of the crime.
2. Modus Operandi--method or mode of operation that enables the investigators
to recognize the pattern of criminal behavior to predict approximates the next target
of the suspects by means of recorded information concerning the characteristics
of criminal activities.
3. Crime scene---conduct of processes, more particularly the recognition,
handling, preservation and documentation of physical evidence to include the
identification and interview of witnesses and the arrest of the suspect in the crime
4. Crime Scene—include all areas with the criminal, any possible victim and any
eye witness move during the time the crime scene was committed.
5. Physical Evidence---articles and materials found in connection with the
investigation and aid in establishing the identity of the suspect.
6. Chain of Custody---the number of person who handle the evidence between
the time of commission of the offense and the ultimate disposition of the case and
should be kept in minimum.
- Heavy drinkers' takes money needed for food, clothes and furniture. This causes debts.
Husband and wife fight and accuse each other of being unlawful. There will be often
sexual problems. Children are badly treated and badly fed. And drinking makes people
lazy and they may not go to work. Women may have to steal food to feed their families.
Trouble among Friends
- The heavy drinker will often fight with his friend and may kill many people.
Trouble at Work
-The heavy drinker often does not go to work because he fells sick. He sometimes works
badly and hurts himself or others.
Trouble at play
- Heavy drinker’s has bad effect on sportsmen. Because alcohol affects the brain, the
drinker cannot control his arms and legs well. Sportsman who has been drinking
cannot play well as he should.
Trouble on roads
- The drivers has lost his judgement; he is careless and takes risks. Accidents result `
person who is drunk may walk onto the road and be killed by s motor vechicle.
Trouble with crime
- Exessive drimking is the biggest cause of crime. People become aggressive, fight,
break into the houses and steal.
Trouble with the economy
- The economy is badly affected when people do not go to work and production fails.
Heavy demands are made on wealth services, the police force and the correctional
institution. Hence, alcoholism is burden to the government.
- is usually defined as wagering or events which chance largely determines the
Lesson Six
Introduction to Criminalistics and Criminal investigation
Or forensic sciences, is the application of criminalistics sciences in the field of law
A subfield in criminology that deals with the study of "criminal things"
Criminal Things
Those that are left behind by the criminal perpetrator in the scene of the crime which
have significance in criminal investigation
Criminalistics and Criminology
Criminalistics is the study of physical evidence through a laboratory work!
Criminology-is the study of the causes of rhymes an /or criminal people
Division of Criminalistics
1. Scientific Divisions
a. Chemistry
b. Physics
C. biology
2.Divisions Technological -
a. Fingerprinting (Forensic Dactyloscopy)
b. Forensic Photography
C. Questioned Document Examination
d. Polygraphy (Lie Detection)
e. Forensic Medicine
f. Forensic Ballistic
FINGERPRINTING (Personal Identification)
is one of the universally accepted means of personal identification through the
study of fingerprints
It is a production pattern or designed formed by the ridges on the inside of the
joint of a finger
Is the scientific study of fingerprints as a means of identification
The practical identification of dactylography
The system is based on the undisputed fact after many studies and researches
Francis Galton
"Let no one despise the ridges on account of their smallness, for they are in
some respect, the most important of all Anthropological Data"
Fingerprint Ridges
Are definite contours and appear in several general pattern types, each with
general specific variations of the pattern, dependent on the shape and
relationship of the ridges.
2.Radial Loop
is a type of fingerprint pattern which possesses a delta, core, and one or more of
the rice within the pattern arc formed a sufficient re curved, part of which or
touches a straight line when drawn between the delta and core, then follow out or
to the same side of its point of origin. The slope or downward flow of the
innermost sufficient re-curved is towards the thumb or the radius bone of the
hand of origin.
3. Plain Arch
This is a pattern in which the ridges enter on one side of the pattern then flow
toward the other side, with a rise at the center, and without a della core or re-
curving ridge.
4. Tented Arch
-This type of pattern where the majority of the ridges forms as arch and one on
more ridges at the center shape a tent in outline giving an angle of 90 degrees or
less, or one with an upward thrust having an angle of 45 degrees or more, or
pattern similar to loop but lacking one or two of its essential elements.
5. Plain Whorl
This is a pattern consisting of two delta is and in which at least one ridge makes
a turn through one complete circuit. An imaginary line drawn between the two
deltas must touch me complete circuit. An imaginary line drawn between the two
deltas must touch or cross at least one of the re-curving ridges within the
pattern area. The pattern could be a spiral, oval, circular, or any variant of blind
Pattern consisting of two deltas, with one or more re-curving ridges with an
obstruction at right angles to the inner line of flow, between which an imaginary
line would touch or cross no re- curving ridge within the inner pattern area.
8. Accidental Whorl
A type of fingerprint pattern which is combination of two or more different types
with the exception of the plain arch, or a pattern which has some of the basic
element of two or more types or a pattern which does not conform to the other
seven other types.
Doctrine of Fingerprinting
1. Infallible - will not fail, never make a mistake
2. Perennial - conclusive and permanent
3. Immutable - unchangeable
-Police Photography is most obviously useful in police work when photographs
5servrves as evidence that can and often does prove facts. It is invaluable to
investigators, attorneys, judges, witnesses, juries and defendants.
-It is vital investigative lead that has helped in the reconstruction of crime and the
identity of suspects as well as victims.
It reveals what cannot ordinarily seen by the naked eye with the use of certain
equipment such as ultra-violent lamps and infrared film
Rogues Gallery/ Mug File
-identification of common criminals and offenders in the prepared album the
identification of common criminals are Philippines.
Significance of Photography in Police Work
It is a factual and accurate record of the crime because it captures time, space
and place in a single series of shots allows the investigators to understand the
elements of the certain crime,Charity and revealing what is not readily seen and
understood upon the discovery of the crime.
Use of Photography in Police Work
Identification Files
Photography is used to identify criminals, missing persons, lost property,
licenses, anonymous letters, bad checks, laundry marks, and civilian personal
fingerprint. In the case of atomic attack or a catastrophe such as an airplane crash, the
fingerprints from a civilian file are proving helpful in making positive identification.
Communication and Microfilm Files
Photography is also useful as investigate reports files, accident files, and
transitions of photos as supplement to reports. With modern day electro photography
machines accident reports can be made in seconds.
- Evidence
Crime scenes, traffic accidents, homicides and suicides, fires, object of evidence,
latent fingerprints traces, etc. can be presented in courts as evidences by means of
large photographic images or pictures, motion pictures and the like.
-Offender Detection
Photographic instruments can be used to detect offenders through surveillance
and other similar activities. One of the newest applications of the police photography is
to record n motion picture film arrest in which the suspect offender assistance. The
practice has been instituted by at least one metropolitan law enforcement agency to
counter charges of police brutality.
-Court Exhibits
Demonstration enlargements, individual photos, rejection slides, motion and
pictures are accepted as court exhibits.
Reproduction of Copying
Questionable checks and document, evidential papers, photographs, official
records and notices can be photographed to show alternations and/or changes useful
in questioned document examinations. Personal Training Photographs an films relating
police tactics, investigation techniques, mob control, and cat strophe situations are
useful in police training.
Crime and Fire Prevention
- Hazards lecture security clearance, detector lecture security clearance, detector
devices, photos of hazardous fire, condition made when fire prevention inspection are
»Public Relations
Films northern
Films pertaining to safety programs, juvenile delinquency, traffic public cooperation and
civil defense.
Four Primary Ways of Using Photography in Police Work
1. As means of identification.
2. As a method of discovering, recording and preserving evidence
3. As a way to present, in he courtroom, of the pertinent elements of crime
4. As a training and public relation medium for police programs.
Police Photography in the following:
In Accident Investigation Tint impression
• In most vehicular accidents, photographs of the tire impression will suffice and
casting will no longer required
Any skid marks should be photographed to show the direction the vehicle was
travelling; slides on to show their length
Photograph will not only show the speed of the vehicle but will also show when
the driver applied brakes as he perceived danger
Photographed from head to feet first, the finally, from the left side of the victim
Photographs an firms relating police tactics, investigation techniques, mob
control, and cat strophe situations are useful in police training.
»Public Relations
Films norte
Films pertaining to safety programs, juvenile delinquency, traffic public cooperation and
civil defense.
Four Primary Ways of Using Photography in Police Work
1. As means of identification.
2. As a method of discovering, recording and preserving evidence
3. As a way to present, in he courtroom, of the pertinent elements of crime
4. As a training and public relation medium for police programs.
Police Photography in the following:
In Accident Investigation
• In most vehicular accidents, photographs of the tire impression will suffice and
casting will no longer required. Any skid marks should be photographed to show the
direction the vehicle was travelling; slides on to show their length. Photograph will not
only show the speed of the vehicle but will also show whenthe driver applied brakes as
he perceived danger.
HANHUY and Run
In vehicular versus pedestrian case, a photograph of the trial of the pedestrian'son the
blood on the thread marks will not only establish the direction the hit in run vehicle is
travel ing but also makes the trend pattern more conspicuous and identifiable.
•On Crimes Against Persons
Charm Homicide
The body should not be moved nor touched as little as possible. Photographed
from head to feet first, the finally, from the left side of the victim. If the suicide is
by shooting
Photograph the entrance and exit of the wounds half and skin surrounding the
entrance of wound are burned to a reddish brown color as a result of the blasting and
flaming of the power
If the suicide is by hanging:
Judicial be photograph from the distance showing the full body close up should
show the knot, bruises and discoloration of the body a blue or purple color is noticeable
around his lips, fingernail and toenails.
If the suicide is by poisoning:
Photography of the body is similar to that homicide take photographs and samples of
remaining chemicals if any and the contact of the poison.If the suicide is by
stabbing:the photo investigator takes note of and takes a close up shot of the wound
and weapon position.
the victim is alive and usually willing to cooperate with the investigators
the police files of common criminal or the mug files can help the victim identity his
photograph clothes and trace evidence such as fibers, foreign hairs and seminal
trains using macro lens, then submit to the criminalistics laboratory
is one in which facts appearing are not true, and are contested either in whole or
in part with respect to its authenticity identity, or origin.
It may be added, contract, will elections ballots, marriage contract, Check, visas,
application form, check write and certificate, etc.
• Is every 0deed or instrument executed by a person by which some disposition
or agreement is proved, evidenced or set forth.
Kinds of Document
Public Document
Is any document memorized by the public or a competent public official with
solemnities require I by the law.
Example: Civil Service Examination papers and National Police Commission, Official
Receipt required by the government to be issued receipt of money for public purposes.
Official Document
Any instrument issued by the government or its agents or its officers having the
authority to do so and the offices which are in accordance with their creation,
they are authorized to issue.
Example: Register of the Attorneys officially kept by the Clerk of the Supreme
Court and by in which is inscribed the name of each attorney to the practice of the law.
Document required by the NBI of any bureau to be lined up by the officers for the
purpose of its record an information are also official document.
Private Document
a notary or any person legally authorized, which documents, or some disposition
or aggrements is proved, evidenced is set forth.
Example: document of private properties such as lots, houses and other private
Commercial Document
Any instrument executed in accordance with the Code of Commerce, containing
disposition of commercial rights or obligations,
Polygraph Instrument
is a scientific diagnostic instrument used to record physiological changes in the
blood pressure, pulse rate, respiration and skin resistance
2. Testimonial Evidence
A person maybe commanded to appear before the court to give his testimony.
His testimony mu be given orally and under oath or affirmation
b. Expert Witness
A physician on amount of his training and experience can set medical facts
3. Documentary Evidence
A document is an instrument on which is recorded by means of letter, figure or
5. Physical Evidence
These are articles and materials which are founded in connection of the
evidences and within aid in establishing the identity of the perpetrator or the
circumstances under which the crime with committed.
Physical Evidences include the following:
1. Corpus Delicti Evidence
Objects or substances which may be part of the body of the crime.
The body of the victim of murder, prohibited drugs recover by the person, dagger with
blood stain and fingerprint of the suspect.
2. Associative Evidence
These are the physical evidence which link a suspect to the crime.
The offender may leave clues at the scene such as weapons, tools, garment, and
fingerprint or foot impression.
3. Tracing Evidence
These are the physical evidences, which may assist the investigator in locating
the suspect.
Science and motion of projectiles ; and projectiles refer to metallic or non-metallic
objects propelled from a firearm
It also refers to the "science of firearm identification"
• It is derived from the Greek word "balloon baller" which means literally to throw It
was also been derived from the name of an early Roman war machine caller
a gigantic bow or catapult which was then used to throw missiles or large objects
at a distance like stones against enemy forces
deals with the study comparison and identification of weapons alleged to have
been used in the commission of crime
Branches of Ballistics
a. Interior internal Ballistics
Is the branch of this science, which has something to do with the properties and
attributes of the projectile(bullet) SIN
It involves Firing pin hitting the primer ignition of the priming mixture
Downward reaction of the bullet towards earth center due to its weight
Depth of entry on target
c. Terminal Ballistics
Is the branch of his science that deal with the effect of the impact of the projectile
on the target
Field Investigation
This the job dont by the first officers on the case in the field of offender
investigation involving firearms.It in Iives recognition infection, marking,
preservation and transmittal of ballistics exhibits
Introduction to Criminal Law
Criminal Law
- Is the branch or division of law, which defines crimes, treats of their nature and
provides for their punishment
Characteristics of Criminal Law
Criminal law has the three main characteristics mainly: (1) General
Application, (2) Territorial Application and (3) Prospective Application.
General Application
- It has general application because criminal law is binding in all persons who
reside or sojourn in Philippine territory.
- Art. 2 of the Revised Penal Code states that the provisions of this Code shall
be enforced within the Philippine Archipelago, including its atmosphere, interior
waters and maritime zone, without reference to the person or persons who
might violate any of its provisions.
- Art. 14 of the Civil Code provide that penal laws shall be obligatory upon who
live or sojourn in Philippine territory.
Exceptions to the General Application of Criminal Law
- There are cases where our Criminal Law does not apply even if the crime is
committed by a person residing or sojourning in the Philippines. They constitute
the exceptions.
1. The opening sentence of Art. 2 of the Revised Penal Code say that the
provisions of this Code shall be enforce within the Philippine Archipelago,
“except as provide in the treaties and laws of preferential application”
2. Art. 14 of the Revised Penal Code provides the penal laws and those of
public security and safety shall be obligatory upon all who live or sojourn in
Philippine territory, subject to the principles of public international laws and
to treaty stipulations.
3. Treaty or Treaty Stipulations
o An example of treaty or treaty stipulation, as an exception to the general
application of our Criminal Law in the Base Agreement entered into by
and between the Philippines and USA on March 14, 1947 stipulating that
“the Philippines consents that the US have the right to exercise jurisdiction
over some particular offences. However, the said Military Bases
Agreement already expired on September 16, 1991.
4. Law on Preferential Application
o Republic Act no. 75 maybe considered a law of preferential application in
favor of diplomatic representatives and their domestic servants.
o It is a law to penalize acts which would impair the proper observance by
the Republic and inhabitants of the Philippines of the immunities, rights,
and privileges of duly accredited foreign diplomatic representatives in the
5. Principles of Public International Law
o Persons exempt from the operations of our criminal laws by virtue of the
principles of Public International Law:
Sovereigns and other chief of state;
Ministers plenipotentiary;
Ministers resident and;
Charges d’ affaires.
o It is well established principle international law that diplomatic
representatives, such as ambassadors or public ministers and their
official retinue, possess immunity from the criminal jurisdiction of the
country of their sojourn and cannot be sued, arrested or punished by the
law of country.
Territorial Application
- It is territorial, in the criminal law undertakes to punish crimes committed within
the Philippine territory.
- Art. 2 of the Revised Penal Code states that the provisions of this Code shall
be enforced within the Philippine Archipelago, including its atmosphere, its
interior waters and marine zone, which constitute the Philippine territory.
Prospectivity of Criminal Laws
- It is prospective, in that penal code cannot make an act punishable when
- Crimes are punished under the laws in force at the time of their commission.
- Art. 21 of the Revised Penal Code provide that no felony shall be punishable by
any penalty not prescribed by law prior to its commission.
- Art. 366 of the Revised Penal Code provide that felonies are punishable under
the laws enforced at the time of their commission.
- Felonies are act and omissions punishable by law (Art.3, 1st par.,RPC)
Two Ways of Committing Felonies
By means of Dolo (Deceit)
By means of Culpa (Fault)
Dolo (Deceit)
- There is deceit when the act is performed with deliberate intent.
Requisites of an Intentional Felony
1. The offender must have FREEDOM;
2. The offender must have INTELLIGENCE; and
3. The offender must have INTENT while doing the act or omitting to do the crime.
Importance of Freedom
- When a person acts without freedom, he is no a longer human being but a tool.
- His liability is as much as that of the knife that wounds, or of the torch that sets
fire; or of the key that opens door, or of the ladder that is placed against the wall
of the house in committing robbery.
- The following have no freedom:
a. A person who acts under the compulsion of an irresistible force.
b. A person who acts under the impulses of an uncontrollable fear of an equal
or greater injury.
Importance of Intelligence
- Intelligence is necessary factor in determining the morality of a particular act.
- Without this power, no crime can exist.
- The following are exempt from criminal liability because of the absence of
a. An imbecile or an insane person, unless the latter has acted during a lucid
b. A person under nine years of age.
c. A person over nine years of age and under fifteen, unless he has acted with
Importance of Intent
- Intent to commit the act with malice, being purely a mental process, is presumed
and the presumption arises from the proof of the commission of an unlawful act.
Culp (Fault)
- There is fault when the wrongful act results from imprudence, negligence, lack
of foresight or lack of skill.
Requisites of Culpa
1. The offender must have FREEDOM while doing the act or omitting to do the
2. The offender must have INTELLIGENCE while doing the act or omitting to do
the act; and
3. The offender must have the IMPRUDENT, NEGLIGENT OR LACK OF
FORESIGHT OR SKILL while doing the act or omitting to do the act.
Classification of Felonies
Felonies are classified according to the means by which they committed into:
1. Intentional Felonies or felonies committed with malice or deliberate intent, and
2. Culpable Felonies or felonies committed as result of imprudence, negligence,
lack of foresight or lack of skill.
The three stages of a felony are attempted, frustrated and consummated.
Attempted Felony
o A felony is attempted when the offender commences the commission directly
by over acts and does not performed all the acts of execution produce the
felony by reason of some cause or accidental other than his or spontaneous
Frustrated Felony
o A felony is frustrated when the offender performs all the act of execution
which would produce the felony as a consequence but which, nevertheless,
do not produce it by reason of causes independent of the will of perpetrator.
Consummated Felony
o A felony is consummated when all the elements necessary for its execution
and accomplishment are present.
Criminal Liability
Criminal Liability shall be incurred:
1. By any person committing a felony (delito) although the wrongful act done be
different from that which he intended.
2. By any person performing an act which would an offense against persons or
property, were it not for the inherent impossibility of its accomplishment or on
account of the employment of inadequate or ineffectual means.